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What’s in a name? Everything.

When I left Sanctuary in a cloud of glitter, I thought I knew exactly who I was. But in the Celestial Realm, it’s clear I had it wrong. And so did everyone else.

According to the shiniest of all the Celestials, I’m something new and unexpected. To my surprise, I also have a family. But their warm, naked welcome won't matter, because I may have left a part of my soul back in Sanctuary, and I’m fading fast.

All alone, armed only with an unusual gift from the Goddess of Glitter, I must sing myself across the void to rescue my nemesis/secret crush, the lost angel I’ve loved forever, my best birch’s mate-to-be, and the million-thread-count sheets I desperately miss. But to win against the Abyss, permanent, painful choices will need to be made.

And this time, I’m not the sacrifice.

Rising Feather is a humorous, steamy romance that ends with a… Happy Ever After! You do need to read Lost Feather and Fallen Feather first. (Seriously, birch. Don’t skip that step.)

By the end, the main character will end up happily soulmated, and be reunited with her long-lost, million-thread-count sheets. This book is intended for adult readers and contains real and made-up profanity, a significant amount of violence, and some explicit scenes with more than enough heavenly hotties to go around. Take care of yourself when choosing to read, and please, do not use kazoos for anything other than kazooing.

452 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 29, 2022

About the author

Merri Bright

23 books546 followers
Once upon a time, Merri Bright tucked romance novels behind all her textbooks and read love stories instead of the lessons. Now she writes the same kind of books she’s always loved, dreaming up stories about naughty angels, misunderstood demons, sexy shifters, growly Alpha males, and all sorts of dragons.

She drinks cinnamon tea while she writes, and believes in the power of naps, kitten cuddles, and long walks with her dog.
Come watch Merri be socially awkward at Merri’s FB page or Instagram @merribright, or email her at merri@merribright.com.

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65 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 296 reviews
Profile Image for Caroline | BooktokEnthusiast.
399 reviews162 followers
January 8, 2024
This has a satisfying ending, but the story completely lost me. I had literally no idea what was going on with the music, abyss, celestial powers, wings, etc. I was so confused. I also did not enjoy the fact that this book is one long battle. Seriously, they are in one long battle to save the Sanctuary starting at probably around the ~25% or 30% mark and continuing through like the 90% mark. I was so bored of battle and action. The strongest part of this series is and has been Feather (the FMC), the characters in general, and the romance. This book was really lacking in romance, and we only got glimpses into a few characters and only really as they were talking about battles/planning. I needed more. Feather still made me lol at times though.

I wasn't ultimately a fan of the Precious storyline. It feels like the author is setting up for another series with Precious and a harem maybe including Revel, Imriel, Valor, and ...maybe Perception? But I couldn't really tell. I doubt I will read it. It did not feel like Feather was Precious's mother at all - they barely interacted lol. Even in the end, Precious was calling Sunny her "real mom."

Overall, it's worth reading if you like paranormal romance and reverse harem books. It's solid and well-written. The characters are fantastically done, even if the plot kind of fell apart at the end. This was the weakest book, but I still enjoyed the series. Feather really reminded me of Keyla/Paca in the Dark Side series by Kristy Cunning (one of my favorites).
Profile Image for Merri Bright.
Author 23 books546 followers
November 12, 2022
Thank you so much for reading Feather’s trilogy. I hope the ending left you satisfied in all the best ways. I loved writing her story, and I am more than slightly heartbroken at the thought of being done. But if you’ve finished the book, you know I have more plans for this world! Want to hear more? Sign up for my newsletter at www.merribright.com for the latest updates, excerpts, and random giveaways. (Already signed up? I hope you liked the super spicy epilogue short, A Feather Kink, that I wrote for subscribers only. If you were hoping for some “sword crossing,” you’re welcome. Who knew macramé could be so sexy?)

I’m already hard at work on more of my Lost Lines stories - Ratter, Wren, and Cilla are making appearances in novels and novellas coming up in the next few months. Join my Facebook group to get the latest news on that series. I also had a lot of fun recently writing my first m/f omegaverse rom com for an anthology. It’s super romantic and steamy- and only out for a few months! books2read.com/knotty-or-nice )

I love to hear from readers, and I take kindly worded criticism/advice into account when plotting and planning my next books. Reach out to Merri@merribright.com, or join Merri’s Mischief Makers to find me! www.facebook.com/groups/merribrightau...

Happy reading,
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,073 reviews111 followers
December 8, 2022
So bad

Couldn't finish. I absolutely loved book one & two!! This one, not so much. At 36% I was just over w.e this was. Cheesy, goofy, and honestly just bad. What freaking happened? I hate to see such a promising series get flushed down the toilet. But that's pretty much exactly what happened. Really let down by this one. And if I could have been able to stand just a little bit more of this read, id have liked to have known about her other mates. Truly sad and disappointed
Profile Image for Charlotte.
281 reviews
December 6, 2022
I was honestly floored at how disappointing this book was compared to the first two. It just didn't feel like there were any stakes in this book. I'm not sure how many times Feather has died/sacrificed herself by now, but it's happened enough that it happening another few times in this book simply didn't matter. You knew she, and by extension her mates, would be just fine.

The plot itself was meandering and didn't really seem to matter. So what if Sanctuary falls? We're led to believe this is somehow catastrophic, hence holding it for so many years, but then it falls and... everything is fine? It's supposed to matter, that Revel is a gate and barring the way, but they just leave him behind; nothing bad seems to happen because of this, rendering his sacrifice for all of these centuries utterly meaningless. If anything was too difficult or the situation seemed grim, just singing at it seemed to be enough.

Also, the author was really beating a dead horse with the humor in this one. The constant efforts at sex jokes were just lame and cringe-y because they happened every other page. The most random things that did not in any way need to be turned into sex jokes were turned into nonsensical sex jokes.

Lastly, I was extremely mad and disappointed that Feather just forgave Gavriel. He was so awful to her, so abusive, and she's just like, Well, I don't like being mad at people. He didn't even apologize before she was already hell-bent on forgiving him. Realizing she was his mate all along should have made her MORE angry, not less! That isn't strength, it's being a pushover, and honestly felt really gross.
Profile Image for Laura (lady_h_reads).
618 reviews235 followers
November 24, 2022
This book was phenomenal. I was not ready for this series to end. I had fallen in love with my Best Birch for Life Feather and company from the first page of book one, and saying goodbye on the last page of this book was heart-rending. Sure, it was a HEA, but this book utterly wrecked me.
Merri Bright knows how to pull you in with a mixture of hilarious characters, heartbreaking sacrifices, ceaseless love, and delicious smut. Rising Feather will make you vacillate between laughing hysterically, sobbing, and reaching for your BOB. So, grab some tissues and charge those batteries (or have a spare set on standby). You’ve been warned.
This book will give you the “taco tingles”. We get to see many of Feather’s s3xual fantasies met by her mates – those fantastic fantasies she’s hinted at in the first few books through fever dreams or in jest. Honestly, that birch has it so good with the merging and mates who want to give her everything she desires; we should all be jealous.
So much glitter! Finally, glitter is appreciated to the level it deserves in this book!
It takes a lot of sacrifice to get to the HEA. Feather is as selfless as ever, and she has inspired others to give their all. Sometimes the cost seems too much to bear. But it all works out in the end. I promise.
I loved this book. I loved this series. It remains my top read of the year, and I will never stop recommending it.
Profile Image for Amy.
257 reviews
May 7, 2023
1.75 stars. Fair warning, brutal review ahead.

This was a sadly underwhelming finish to what started as a promising series, in my opinion.

The whole book just felt really drawn out. It was basically "here is some challenge that we can't overcome", "oh nevermind here's some work around thanks to a character singing/sacrificing" over and over again, mixed with some repetitive fight scenes and boring spice.

Seriously, for how much Feather goes on about kinky sex you think the actual sex scenes would be a bit more interesting. I don't even care to read her weird kinks, just don't make her super sex focused and then have all of the spicy scenes really similar and bland, it made no sense.

It always takes me a while to get into these books because Feather's inner voice is just so ridiculous and I have to adjust to the tone, but this book it grated on me the whole way through. It felt like the author was trying too hard to make Feather this "lol so quirky, glitter and dildos will save the world xD" character. Most of the characters were one dimensional and the humour was super overdone by the end.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Disturbingly Bookish.
12 reviews3 followers
December 4, 2022
Honestly, this one was a letdown compared to the first two.
Let me start my addressing the one thing that annoyed the hell out of me - the kink talk. I feel like the author found a kink book and just used any and all kinks/sex-related terms she found in it and threw it in the book. It was annoying AF, got old quick, and felt forced and rammed down our throats (and not the good ramming).

Another aspect I felt hindered the writing, so true and plot lines were the inconsistencies in emotional states in the characters, especially the fmc. One second she was distraught and drowning in grief and the next she was dropping the annoying kink talk and planning orgies. Made no sense to me. This made all the previously heavy and important plot lines feel dumb and superficial.

Overall, this final book felt rushed with minor attention to potentially good aspects of the story. Included an unnecessary amount of kink talk that wasn’t used as much in the first two books which in this one felt rushed and tbh gross (and I LOVE MY SMUT). I was close to DNFing in the first few chapters but I forced my way through all the cringey-ness and finished it. I’m sure there will be a sequel on Precious’ story which I’m sure will have a romance with her, Revel and possible Valor (which idk how if he sacrificed himself but jury Is out on this). If there is, I’m 95% sure I won’t even try reading it. I loved the first 2 but this one was a true disappointment.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Danielle (Danniegurl).
1,905 reviews101 followers
January 20, 2023
3 Stars (spoilers)

This one took me forever to finish. It started off strong and had a lot of moving parts, a possible impending war thing but then the story kind of fizzled out for me. Especially when they got to the heaven like realm. It was boring, and then glossed over and worded in a telling kind of way. In addition “Rumple” wasn’t there. And I was kinda miffed we got barely any pages of them moving their relationship forward. It wasn’t until the very end that that happens.

I didn’t like how long things took I also didn’t understand why leaving the heaven realm once would prevent you from ever coming back. They talked like they were a great sacrifice. We didn’t see Precious in the many years later epilogue, we were left with Revel being lost or in the pocket nursery. There were so many things left unfinished. However even if Precious were to get her own book I’m not certain I would read it. I felt sort of let down with this one.
Profile Image for Readingwiththeroberts.
547 reviews22 followers
April 4, 2024
Once again I am so shocked that this series isn't talked about more. I highly believe that if you like Signs of Cupidity then you will like this series as well. I loved the humor and the stupid comedic relief throughout the books. I personally just loved the books, but I also don't think that this series is for everyone.

What to expect:
~ RH romance
~ Soulmates
~ Comedic relief
~ A lot of smut talk

Rating: 4.5/5
February 7, 2023
This series radiated pure magic from the start with a whole lot of crazy hilarious antics from the heroine with a setting/plot that builds an original and very detailed world. Feather is the best thing about the series and she deserves so much more than the three but I’ll take what I can get. This book picked up right where the cliffhanger left us with Rumple tearing a hole in the realm of Sanctuary allowing tons of Shadows a way in. He arrives with good intentions (and it’s even a miracle he made it out alive) but his breach only threatens the true end of the Guardians home. Everyone is separated and Feathers harem does not take being apart well at all making every moment count. It’s like death is waiting on the heels of them all here and surviving comes at a huge cost. This series has been so funny, emotional at times and I’ve really loved it.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,031 reviews66 followers
June 26, 2024
To my smutty RH loving ride or die birches, this one's for you.

One of the best PNR RH series I've read in a long time.

Series review.

A bad-ash tale, perfectly balanced between the sweet and the profane that will alternately have you laugh out loud, fan yourselves, sigh and tear up, while frantically turning pages into the wee hours of the night.
This series is sweetness and music, love, smut, and magic, covered in bright shiny glitter. The kind you are advised not to read in public places since bursting out into laughter out of the blue might make you look a bit 'unhinged'. (*cough* Been there. Done that. Do not recommend it, but totally worth it. :D )

Feather is one of the most endearing FMCs ever written.
A little great soul made of mischief and kindness, generosity and humor, with a deliciously smutty mind and a stubborn belief in goodness, even in the face of horrifying evil.
She will add a shiny layer of glitter even to the darkest blues of any reader out there.

Her ride or die birch Sunny is the best BFF ever! The kind who 'doesn't ask why, when the poop starts to pile up. She just asks what kind of shovel, how deep a hole and who's buying drinks after.'

And don't even get me started on Feather's guys!!! They are both a wet dream, and a soul's deepest desire.

But the best part of it all is the love. True love that doesn't require reciprocation and expects nothing in return, except for the chance to shine down on a lifted face. The kind of unconditional, compassionate love, that falls on sinner and saint alike and is bound to touch the heart of any reader out there. Because it reminds us HOW to love.
'With bravery and confidence. Sheer determination and will and no regrets.'
Even if we fail at it. Because what truly matters is TRYING.

I grabbed the first book on a whim, after a long hard day and ended up finishing it that night. I dove straight into the sequel the next day and then kept going until the very end of book 3. And now I'm hunting for paperbacks for my shelf of favourites.

If you're like me, and love a good tale that's sweeter than chocolate, full of love, fun and naughty smut, (and glitter of course) pick this one up birches! It's the chef's kiss kind of bad-ash!
You can thank me later. 😉😎

Hugs and light Bookdragons,
And remember
"The right thing is almost always the scary thing."
Profile Image for Murphy.
725 reviews
December 1, 2022
What a freakin' series!!!!

"Glitter is the secret, and someday, glitter will save all the realms."

Merri Bright has done it again and I am not ready for this series to come to an end. Feather is an amazing character, not to mention every single other character that is in this series!! Also, I am totally ready for grown-up Precious and Revel's story... *wink wink* I loved the world this author created and am sad to see Feathers story come to an end.

This story takes off right were book two ended. Feather, Mikhail and Righteous make their way to the Celestial realm. Only on her way in, Feather is brought with a soul crushing revelation that she is leaving a mate behind. When everything isn't all what they thought it would be, being away from a mate has ultimate consequences. Feather is determined to make things right, and heads back to Sanctuary to save her lost loved one.

From there, it's a crazy ride of soul redemptions, sacrifices, unspoken truths and forgiveness. On more than one occasion, a great sacrifice is made, and unexpected twists and turns arise! It's a phenomenal ride of heart ache and happiness and I loved it all!

"It always a kiss in the fairy tales. It's a kiss that ends the nightmare."

Together, Feather, Mikhail, Righteous, Gavriel and Seraphiel/Rumple/Rafe are the ultimate dream team. I wanted more of all of them together. The ended seemed to come up way to fast and I was not ready. I really enjoyed this story! I loved in the end how all of the people that originally did Feather dirty, were willing to sacrifice for her in the end. It was beautiful.

It was funny, sad, overwhelming, heartbreaking, loving and wonderful ALL at the same time!!! Thank you for such an amazing story!

"The two of them were having some sort of competition at this point, but they were both on Team Make Feather Explode With Energy And Orgasms, so I didn't interrupt."

*Overall 4/5
*Heat? 3/5
*Fast Burn
*Ends in HEA
Profile Image for Maria.
4 reviews
December 2, 2022
Rising Feather is a beautiful conclusion to The Forgotten Angel series which kept me on the edge of my seat from the first page to the last. You know it will have a HEA, but it is so well written you experience every emotion and situation, and at several points I thought the characters wouldn't make it.

Everything about the story of The Forgotten Angel is amazing, from the plotline to the smut, the heartache to the redemption, it has been a true treat to follow the journey of the characters in this beautifully written world, it is so hard to believe it is over. All of Feathers mates are the epitome of males, and Merri has graced us with what should be every book boyfriend's goals, but even more, Feather is such a beautiful soul that stays true to herself and her beliefs until the very end. Her perpetual optimism, inner strength and capacity for forgiveness is inspiring, it made me wish more than once that I could be like her.

For anyone who has read the first two books, they will already know that it is way more than just sexy angels and hot demons, reverse harem smutty goodness and hilarious one-liners. It is a tale of complex broken characters that are stripped down to their core, ripped apart and remade to a whole again. A lesson in faith and hope beyond hope, and love that transcends time and space.

I have decided against spoilers in this review as it would really ruin the experience. Just trust in the process, which I don't say lightly as a reader myself who seldom does. All I will say is there is action and battles, death and loss, villains redeeming themselves, unexpected appearances, and great possibility of spinoffs for some of our favourite old and new characters.

I received and ARC and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Alli.
339 reviews15 followers
December 2, 2022
3 stars
This one made me so sad because I have been waiting months for it. I just felt like the story was very quickly wrapped up and it was kinda confusing. Also I’m not a huge fan of the dying and coming back to life like 5 times thing
Profile Image for Alicia.
2,007 reviews74 followers
March 18, 2024
I feel like this one gets itself stuck in a plot hole. Feather is sick in the celestial realm without one of her mates, so she goes back for him. Without two of her mates…. Yeah, you know this won’t end well.
It’s a lot of ferrying to get places and beating impossible odds. It did get a bit repetitive with the you can’t do that / it doesn’t work that way aspects. Because these are supposed to be all powerful beings and they can’t open a gate. They can create all these things, and it just seemed superfluously difficult without a valid reason. This book was the heaviest with the lore/mythology aspects, and definitely the most ‘religious’ of the trilogy.
But we finally see Feather’s harem built (it does take a realllllly long time) and it’s definitely set up for a spinoff.
Profile Image for Ga Books LoverX.
2,389 reviews26 followers
February 3, 2023
awesome series!

So sad to see the ending, but what an amazing story! Loved the book, even though it was a little bit slow sometimes, so happy with this ending!
Profile Image for M❀m⚙︎.
82 reviews6 followers
January 13, 2024
Now, I really need to know what was happening with Precious. I feel a bit unsatisfied bcs of it. I’m horribly curious, please!!!
Profile Image for rach_wanderer.
154 reviews41 followers
November 30, 2022
ARC Read: 11/18/22
ARC Finished: 11/20/22

5/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
5/5 🔥🌶️🔥🌶️🔥

I am so happy I was able to be a part of the process on this book & y’all are not ready for that ending.

Like I am still crying as I typed this 😭💗
But be prepared for laughed, pain, angst, tears and you might need to tissues just in case. That entire rollercoaster was worth it 😭🥺🫶🏼
Profile Image for Lisa.
42 reviews7 followers
November 23, 2022
This series! I need to say that Merri Bright wrote the best chaotic golden retriever energy FMC I have ever read. I loved these books. The humour and spice is *chef’s kiss* and the plot ugh my heart stopped a few times in this one in particular.

This book was a wild ride. It had all the spice and humour from the other instalments plus some epic edge of your seat tension to find out the fate of our group of angels.

If you are like me and the tension drives you nuts there will be parts of this book where you will want to throw it at the wall……don’t I promise the ending is so worth it.

Thank you Merri for giving us these characters and for the growth they all get in this series. I loved every second of it.

*I received this ARC for an honest review *

Profile Image for LeiT.
379 reviews5 followers
December 6, 2022
oh well

Umm so the first book I loved, the second I liked and now with this one idk. There were a lot aspects of the story that left me confused and I had to go back and reread. It was a interesting world but at times it was overwhelming keeping up with all the terms. Then we had a back and forth with the relationships. To add to that I don’t know if it was just me but some characters seemed completely different in this book to how they were in the previous ones. Especially Righteous and Sunny. Also I think this book should be considered mildly m/m with all the references plus with the ending it seems to lead that way. Which again kinda made no sense to me how characters would change completely out of the blue. As in we are brothers but then gave other hints .. idk

I was really excited and wanted to like it so bad but it wasn’t for me.
Profile Image for eltiti.
57 reviews3 followers
January 6, 2023
2.5 stars. I really enjoyed the first two books but the last one felt rushed. Too many sex scenes(skipped most of them), kink talk and dildos. She forgave Gav too easily after everything he put her through. He needed to grovel more. Sunnys character was different. I wanted more of Righteous pov especially when they all merged. Also why did Feather dump Precious on Sunny and Hope like that? Yeah its cool she has 3 mothers but still. I am looking forward to reading Precious story. I felt so bad for Revel so I can't wait for the next series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Danielle.
187 reviews10 followers
November 27, 2022
I'm honestly torn, I really enjoyed this series. But I think that this book is my least favorite of them all. I'm sad that we never learn what happens with Valor and Revel. This story seemed to drag a bit, and I felt that Precious should have had more on page time. It felt like the author was trying to wrap up the story. And the ending just doesn't really feel like that should be it. But all that being said, I still encourage everyone to read this series because it's a good read.
Profile Image for Melissa G.
337 reviews4 followers
March 19, 2023
DNF At 14%
I’m just so bored with this last book.
It’s been a cool concept so far but now I don’t really care what happens in the end. The reading has become tedious and that tells me that I’m wasting my time
Profile Image for liz.
228 reviews7 followers
March 22, 2023
dnf at 81%, i just got bored with the story and didn’t really care for any of the characters tbh
427 reviews2 followers
October 21, 2023
3.25 ⭐
Book #3
(Final book, there is also an additional short story about their lives a few years later)

⚠️ Potential spoilers, especially for previous book

☑️ Angels (High Angeli, Protectors, Novices, Makers, ...)
🆗 Places: Celestial Realm (aka Heaven), Void (in between), the Abyss, the Sanctuary (between Earth and the Celestial Realm)
🆗 Unbalance of Good vs Evil
🆗 Sins = Smut (a gooey, oily, difficult to take off substance known)
🆗 Purification of one's soul
☑️ Creating & naming things
☑️ Funny interactions & inner voice
☑️ FMC: strong, funny, great personality, resilient, kind, self-sacrificing (Top!)
☑️🆗 Flawed, powerful, conceited alpha males
☑️ RH: slow
☑️🆗 Grumpy-sunshine (kinda)
⬇️❌ Confusing
⬇️❌ Special cookie
⬇️❌ Unnecessary and even unfounded plot developments/twists just to dramatize the story
⬇️❌ Everything resolves itself by last minute miracles, solutions that end up being possible after all, just to save the day.

☑️ Sexual innuendo: FMC has a lot of fantasies

‼️Trigger warning ⚠️
These are mentioned as something that happened, but very matter of fact and not too descriptive
❗Sins: inc. killing, death, incarceration, punishment, envy, self-interest
❗Self hurt and mutilation, Self sacrifice




🔸Great FMC = Feather

Still a lovable, kinky, short, crazy birch who loves her mates, chocolate, her sheets and can appreciate the lines of a robust gate.

🔸The guys & RH: a bit of a let down

Not many interactions due to the plot, they were basically rushing from one place to the other all the time.

There were some crazy, funny conversations, as it is Feather's way.

A lot of sexy times at probably not the best times.

I was a bit disappointed about the gate. I had hopes...

🔸 Precious

It was quite endearing and funny when she appeared and they had to deal with her but as the story went on, it seems she was put a bit aside.

Having Sunny taking responsibility for her like she is, it is almost like making her Precious' mother instead and taking her out of the picture to give room for Feather's adventure. And that was not my favourite storyline.

I had hoped to see more of Feather and her mates living with Precious, having to raise a baby and all that comes with it plus their everyday life and struggle, even during the times of stress (as someone has to take care of the baby even then, right? Not just push that responsibility on to others) and not just after everything is settled.

🔸Plot: confusing and too many sacrifices

- It all became a bit over dramatic with all the self-sacrificing talk during almost every step of the way, from one character or the other.
It was too much, they cannot make a move without someone having to sacrifice something.

- Going back and forth to the same places, with everything always so rushed

- Over dramatic, inconsistent, impossible scenes: like single handedly fighting an entire realm full of enemies that previously were winning, forcing the character to desperately call for help and when the help is injured, that person can fight their enemies all alone after all, without a boost nor any additional weapon.

- There are all the rules that are in place, the way things are, but then what was supposed to be impossible is possible at the last minute just to save the day.
This also includes instinctively discovering solutions no one even knew existed or were possible in the nick of time to save them.

- It seemed there were quite a few storylines that were shut down but could have developed into some interesting plot developments/twists, like:
• All the Celestial Realm thing (being there, the knowledge they could have gathered, the powers they could have gained from ascending and being pure, the gifts,...), instead it was basically a Sanctuary 2.0;
• The powers gained from the Abyss and the interactions with the shadows
• The void, is it sentient? How can it give power?

Nice, but the way the first book started this series...I was expecting to be sweped off my feet with laughter, adventure and all that talk about learning, missions, sacrifice, purification and sins meaning character growth. But it came a bit far off the mark.


As always my complete respect to the author and their work.
No hate nor hurt intended with this review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Adriana.
64 reviews
November 26, 2022
This is my honest review of the ARC received over a week ago of this wonderful ball on angst that popped off Merri Bright’s twisted mind.
First of all I want to talk about how it took me over a week to fully recover from this masterpiece. I had NEVER been so attacked emotionally by a book until this one. So yeah please be aware that your emotions will be put trough all the Holly Inquisition by the end of this book. But if you are as masochist as me you will love every second of it, and re read it just to experience the pain, sorrow and hope knowing that by the end you will fill wholesome.

I cannot go into much detail since I don’t want to give spoilers, but let me tell you once I finished the previous book, I was left content that our quirky protagonist finally got to get to the “Good Place” yet there was this small detail where she had to leave someones behind but she got her mates and BFF, and a ball of glitter, well in true Merri fashion, once we thing we get to a content spot she throws you a twist that you never saw coming and almost breaks your neck, and this is not one of those where yeah something bad happens and then something good comes to play and it evens up the sting… nope, this heartless woman decided to not just make it hurt, but ALL trough the book she keeps squeezing your heart never letting go….and you will love it, I was not able to function, there was no way I could see this ending well, I started to make peace with the loss but OMG Feather, my sweet Feather she does not let you go, once you fully give up as the rest of the characters she comes and blows a bunch of glitter in your face giving you hope to continue, knowing fully well that this birch will make it happen, and oh boy does she make it happen.
Now into the highlights:
Rumple and Gavriel, yes I did feel bad for Mr Anaconda and Daddy Mik, but you have no idea how much this two will pull at your heart strings while trying to save their Little Sacrifice.
Sunny, I cannot tell you how much this girl loves her best birch, and how serious she takes her guardianship, I strive to be like her when I grow up.
The Celestial Gate….ok so Merri fully make me have a gate/door kink now, I went to vacations to Mexico this past week which if you don’t know its full of cathedrals and you know what happened? I kept staring at their doors, at their columns and taking pictures, my husband was completely frustrated with me and I didn’t care one bit. So be prepared to start seeing sacred doors with a bit of horniness.
Also that ending, before the epilogue? It not only make me cry, but it also make me think about a glitterball saving a kinky door and falling in love….maybe? I don’t know if I would be able to go through the amount of angst it is already hinting!!!
I cannot recommend you this series enough, not only is good, It makes you cry and laugh and giggle and sob and crave some good chocolate AND it is finished, you can read the whole thing, so go ahead and start reading please!!!
9 reviews1 follower
September 27, 2023

I love this book even more than the others in the series. It spoke to me in so many ways and deeper than you’d think a smutty book could ;) I feel as avid readers we become jaded sometimes and this book is just different. Not necessarily all in ways you’d identify at first, but the depth is there. The storyline is fascinating. The characterization is impressive. Not only do the characters have dynamics, the quirks and humor is refreshing and something I’ve not seen in other novels. You can tell this is a reflection of the unique soul that is the author, and I am here for it. The concepts are fascinating and the imagery is really refreshing. I love the storyline, and find it artful in how the author creates harmony so beautiful from concepts of spirituality and themes/topic/and humor that you’d think were so…contradictory. Somehow the novel is even more endearing and has such a beautiful spiritual air. Even the sex scenes seemed so beautiful. Needless to say, I was impressed. I’m very much into spirituality and the divine feminine and this series called to me in a deeply satisfying, and feminine way. There’s a grasp on energy, manifesting, and the realm of understanding reality that is surprising. The author knows her stuff. There were, some areas, such as the beginning and end, where I felt the book unfolded unnaturally fast, or didn’t get as deep, but the overall richness of the story was exceptional. These “issues” were part of the beautiful harmony of the book anyways. Because, if there is one thing this author drove home, it was the universal symphony that “good” and “bad”, light and dark, and imperfect and perfect make when experienced as a whole. Thank you Merri. This was a very enjoyable read. Can’t wait to see what else you got as you grow and weave your craft.
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1,043 reviews29 followers
November 23, 2022
Boy oh boy... How to write a review to a book that's just impossible to describe? The feelings you get while reading this book and series are so diverse, and I honestly believe what you get from this story all depends on how deep you're willing to delve into the deepers layers. On the surface this book is crazy hilarious, with all the puns and innuendos, and the tons of glitter involved. A little deeper you see the past hurt, all the suffering Feather had to endure, but also how the mens' pasts influenced the men they became. And the deeper you go, the more you see: religious references, social criticism, redemption, ... This is one of those series you can read a hundred times, and still discover something new every time you read it.

There were times while reading I was convinced the author was showing us all the ways she likes to torture readers, and I even started to doubt if there would ever be a HEA for these characters. She might have realized she had a riot on her hands if she didn't ultimately give us one, but it was a tough road to get there... And still this book never felt too heavy, because there was also laughter and spice along the way, tons of action and groveling, ...

I'm sad to say goodbye to Feather and her men, but I'm looking forward to the next series within this world; there are plenty of hints regarding to who will be involved in that, and I can't wait to find out what will happen to them!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 296 reviews

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