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Dr. Bloom #2

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По време на бал на Кралските военноморски сили е извършен бомбен атентат, при който има загинали, ранени и... един изчезнал. Няколко дни по-късно капитан Хари Питърсън е намерен в кома в провинциална болница, без никой да е наясно как е попаднал там. А когато идва в съзнание, се оказва, че не си спомня последните четири години от живота си.

Приятелката на капитан Питърсън, Карийн Харпър, е убедена, че в цялата работа има нещо гнило. Тя се обръща за помощ към детективите Огъста Блум и Маркъс Джеймисън. Тримата трябва да открият връзката между случилото се с Хари Питърсън, загадъчните анонимни имейли, които Карийн получава, и трагичната смърт на англичанин във Франция. Една от малкото улики, с които разполагат, е картичка, на която се виждат четиридесетина мигранти, натъпкани в малка рибарска лодка.

Лиона Дийкин, самата тя бивш полицейски психолог, ни вкарва в поредния лабиринт от загадки и неочаквани обрати. Докато ни превежда през него, психоложката д-р Огъста Блум от „Игри на ума“, ще трябва да си отговори на въпроса: възможно ли е да забравиш някого, за да го спасиш?

320 pages, Paperback

First published August 6, 2020

About the author

Leona Deakin

7 books56 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 144 reviews
Profile Image for Paromjit.
3,058 reviews25.6k followers
June 15, 2020
This is the sequel to Leona Deakin's Gone, featuring the gifted psychologist, Dr Augusta Bloom, and the former MI6 spook, Marcus Jameson. I had some issues with the first in the series, but enjoyed it sufficiently to read this, which worked out much better for me, although it requires significant suspension of disbelief. It is best to just let yourself go with the flow in this thrilling, action packed story that begins with a bomb explosion at a military ball at Devonport Naval Base in Plymouth. One of the injured is the highly decorated and respected Royal Navy Captain Harry Peterson, closely observed at the scene by his girlfriend, psychologist Karene, thankful he seemed to have got off relatively lightly. What seems to be ostensibly a straightforward terrorist attack turns out to be something significantly more worrying and intriguing when a distraught Karene fails to locate Harry in any hospital after he is driven away in an ambulance.

Karene seeks help from Bloom whose relationship with Marcus appears to be irretrievably fractured after their last case. They need Marcus's specific set of expertise, contacts and skills to gain entry into a military world that is notoriously difficult to penetrate, eventually managing to draw in a reluctant Marcus. However, Harry turns up 3 days later, dumped in a Exeter hospital A&E, but shockingly with more severe injuries and evidence of what appears to be torture. Emerging from a coma, it soon becomes clear that Harry has lost his episodic memories of the last 4 years, and there is every possibility that he will never regain them. This means he still believes he is happily married to ex-wife Caroline, with whom he has 2 children and has no recollection of his love and relationship with Karene. In a narrative that shifts back and forth in time to the start of Harry and Karene's first meeting, and the present where Karene starts receiving odd emails, there is more murder, and the return of the psychopathic Killer Queen, Seraphine. Bloom and Marcus are going to need to be at the top of their game to uncover the startling and twisted truths that lie behind what happened to Harry.

There are strong elements of black humour, fun and suspenseful entertainment in Deakin's series which made this an enjoyable read. It was interesting watching Bloom and Marcus iron out the serious kinks in their relationship, necessary if the two are to continuing working together in the future. Then there is the nature of their relationship with Seraphine, playing behind the scenes power games and a key to the mystery of Harry. Bloom is significantly more comfortable with Seraphine, whilst Marcus has no intention of letting her anywhere near him again, Seraphine herself is going to continue keeping a close eye on both of them, clearly a triangle that is going to run on in coming additions to the series. Reading this made me feel a little like I dropped into a rabbit hole where the fantastical is the norm, but I cannot deny that it was a thrilling, fast paced, intense and addictive experience. Many thanks to Random House Transworld for an ARC.
Profile Image for Alan Cotterell.
546 reviews188 followers
April 21, 2021
A massive thank you to Transworld Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this book, and to NetGalley for providing me with an e-arc, in exchange for an honest review.

Lost by Leona Deakin is the second book in the Dr Bloom series. I really enjoyed the first “Gone” so I was looking forward to reading this.

I was not disappointed, this is another gripping and entertaining read, with another unique storyline, that was well developed with great characters, twists and turns.

I read this on a beach and almost got caught out by the incoming tide, I was so engrossed in this fast-paced book. Which for a change I had no idea who or what was going on until all was revealed.

I loved Gone, but I think Lost is even better, really getting to know and love the main characters in this series lets hope there is a third book.
Profile Image for Alan Cotterell.
546 reviews188 followers
May 21, 2021
A massive thank you to Transworld Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this book, and to NetGalley for providing me with an e-arc, in exchange for an honest review.

Lost by Leona Deakin is the second book in the Dr Bloom series. I really enjoyed the first “Gone” so I was looking forward to reading this.

Another gripping and entertaining read, with another unique storyline, that was well developed with great characters, twists and turns.

I read this on a beach and almost got caught out by the incoming tide, I was so engrossed in this fast-paced book. Which for a change I had no idea who or what was going on until all was revealed.
I loved Gone, but I think Lost is even better, really getting to know and love the main characters in this series lets hope there is a third book.
1,383 reviews97 followers
November 4, 2020
This was a great book to read, very twisty and it made me want to keep reading when I should have been doing other things. I really wanted to finish it to find out what was going to happen. Although this was a second in the series it did read as a “stand alone” book which was great as I hadn’t read the first one. From the first page it had me hooked and I will be happy to read more by this author. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Portia.
135 reviews2 followers
September 16, 2020
A convoluted tale of revenge, murder and return of arch enemies!

'Lost' is the second book or more of a sequel to Gone (of Dr Augusta Bloom series).

Lost brings back Dr Augusta Bloom along with ex- MI6 Marcus Jameson. Captain Harry Peterson was at the Royal Navy ball and was waiting for his partner, Karene. Just then, an explosion rocks the building.
Karene looks for Harry but unable to find him and presumed missing she calls her friend Dr Augusta Bloom.
This case needs specialized skills of Marcus, but he is agitated by Bloom’s behaviour. And is unwilling to work with her. Dr Bloom convinces Marcus to help them. But when they find Capt. Peterson, he is in a hospital with extensive bruises and injuries to his head. They rush to him to get answers. But Capt. Peterson has lost his memories. The last four years of his life are wiped out from his memory.

What started as a simple case of a missing person soon turns out to be a convoluted tale of revenge, murder and return of arch enemies!

The readers know a little about the background of Dr Bloom. In this book, you see a friend from her past asks for her help. The work ties between Bloom and Marcus have broken since the first book. This case needed Marcus’s specialization and background of MI6.
Deakin has weaved an intricate story of mystery and thrill. The book is fast-paced and well-researched, especially the medical aspect.

The story and the suspense keep mounting and, the ending of the book leaves you yearning for more of Bloom and Marcus.

My rating for the book is 4 stars.

Lost will continue to blow your mind!

Thank you, NetGalley and Random House UK for this brilliant copy of the book in exchange for my honest reviews.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,511 reviews144 followers
June 19, 2020
Lost by Leona Deakin is the second book in the Dr Bloom series. I read the first Gone. that I really enjoyed so I was looking forward to reading this.
The story starts when Captain Harry Peterson attends a Military Ball. He is there on his own, but he is waiting for his girlfriend Karene to arrive. He sees her across the room and then the next minute an explosion erupts through the ball by a suicide bomber. Karene unscathed she finds Harry alive with minor scratches on his head. She wants to stay with him but is called to help the wounded. The ambulance arrives, she goes to find Harry, but he has disappeared. She thinks that he has been taken to the nearest hospital but when she enquires where he is, but he is nowhere to be found. Karene contacts old friend Dr Augusta Bloom and her partner Marcus who has links to the MI6 ti see if they can find Harry.
Three days later Harry is found in a hospital in Exeter. He has now more injuries than he had after the explosion. Part of his brain is damaged so much that he has lost the last 4 years of his memory. Bloom and Marcus wonder who would do this? What link does it have to the explosion and why? What did they want with Harry?
This is another gripping entertaining read from Leona Deakin. It had another unique storyline with a good plot and great characters and twists and turns. If you like books like the Bourne story you will like this. I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,592 reviews1,058 followers
July 8, 2020
Lost is an intriguing follow up to Gone, a fast paced read that saw off a rainy afternoon for me.

I like the character dynamic, Leona Deakin keeps them interesting, offering up enough division to make them realistic and the taie itself is twisty and fun.

To keep up you should read Gone first. Admittedly I much preferred that to this. Lost whilst being wildly entertaining bordered also on ridiculous luckily never quite tipping over that edge.

It is really the Augusta Bloom character that makes these so eminently readable but on a personal subjective note I've already had enough of the villain from Gone who also makes an appearance here.

Overall a good read, a decent follow up and I will be sticking with this series.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
1,148 reviews45 followers
December 1, 2020

I was grateful to receive an advanced copy of Deakin’s Gone in 2019 and I gave that book 3.5 stars on Goodreads. Since Deakin’s writing was enjoyable, I figured I should continue with the series. Unfortunately, I was left severely underwhelmed by Lost.

I’m not sure that it was one singular thing that made this a less than pleasant reading experience for me. Most of the time I found that I was bored and uninterested. I did appreciate the dynamic between Augusta and Jameson, although that’s definitely a situation which requires you to have read Gone. I don’t think the books in this series can be read as standalone books.

Overall, the story felt really far-fetched. There were so many different elements to it: kidnap, memory loss, terrorism. There were a lot of different people in a lot of different places which often made it hard to keep up. There were times where characters just fell off the radar only to come back later in convenient places with new knowledge that they simply could not have acquired. I was lost - no pun intended - when it came to the whole storyline with Alina Maree.

A character from the first book re-appears in this book and it simply makes no sense as to why she’s there. There’s no way to understand how she gained information; Deakin simply says that she’s a psychopath so she’s capable of gaining the knowledge. Generally, this book was weak for me and I don’t know if I can be convinced to read any more books about Augusta Bloom.

Thank you to Netgalley, Leona Deakin and Transworld for providing me with an e-copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Feed The Crime .
238 reviews13 followers
July 31, 2020

I couldn’t wait to get started on this book after enjoying Gone so much last year, I didn’t even read the synopsis I just knew that I wanted to read it and I jumped in blind. I don’t like to reveal too much about thrillers as I want you to be able experience everything yourself.

Could you imagine waking up and not remembering the last 4 years of your life? Having to be told that your children are 4 years older than you last remember seeing them, your wife left you for another man and the woman you have spent the last 18 months of your life with you just mistook for working at the hospital.
Read the rest of my review here: https://feedthecrime.wordpress.com/20...
Profile Image for Shalini (shaliniandbooks).
2,602 reviews220 followers
October 18, 2020
Book 2 of the series, I had slight problems in connecting with the main characters. A military ball and Harry was called away into a building. A bomb explosion and Harry found himself in the hospital after 3 days with no memory of the past 4 years. His partner approached Dr. Augusta bloom and her partner Marcus. Together, they fell into the investigation.
This was a fast-paced action thriller where the danger of the terrorist attack kept the tension going strong. Both the characters had great development on the way. The author brought out the twists along the way. Overall, it was one heck of a book that kept moving at superspeed from beginning to end.
Profile Image for maskedbookblogger.
443 reviews18 followers
February 13, 2022
Dass dies der zweite Band um die Profilerin August Bloom ist, wusste ich nicht. Als das Buch aber ankam, war ich sehr überrascht. Den ersten Band um Bloom mit dem Titel „Mind Games“ fand ich verwirrend, sodass ich jetzt gespannt war, was mich hier erwarten wird.

Im zweiten Band begeben wir uns als Leser*in auf eine Gala nahe Plymouth. Wie aus dem Nichts kommt es zu einer schweren Bombenexplosion. Die Verletzten werden in die nächstliegende Klinik gebracht. Doch einer der Verletzten namens Harry, ehemaliger Captain, ist unauffindbar. Harrys Freundin Karene ist fassungslos und sucht sich Dr. Augusta Bloom zur Hilfe. Dann wird Harry gefunden, jedoch kann er sich nicht an die Ereignisse aus den letzten vier Jahren erinnert. Es erscheint, als ob jemand sein Gedächtnis gelöscht hat. Doch warum? Was wusste Harry, was nicht an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen sollte?

Guten Gewissens kann ich behaupten, dass mir der zweite Band um Bloom viel besser als der erste Band gefallen hat. Die Handlung ist klar strukturiert und es kommt an keiner Stelle zu verwirrenden Momenten. Die Plotidee ist der Autorin auf jeden Fall gelungen. Es hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht, das Mysterium um Harrys Gedächtnis sowie die Entlüftung der einzelnen Geheimnisse zu lösen. So wird die Geschichte durch die Autorin mit viel Spannung erzählt. Durch recht kurze Kapitel kam ich sehr gut durch das Buch durch, sodass ich das Buch insgesamt problemlos und in einem guten Tempo lesen konnte.

Mit der Figurengestaltung tat ich mich in diesem Buch schwer. Schon im ersten Band fand ich, dass ich zu Bloom sowie zu ihrem Partner keine Bindung aufbauen konnte. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass sie recht distanziert zum Leser war. Darüber hinaus habe ich auch über sie als Figur sowie ihre Vergangenheit wenig erfahren, sodass mir die Bindung an sie schwergefallen ist. Diese Kritik muss ich leider auch an diesem Band äußern, da ich Bloom als Protagonistin noch nicht ganz durchblickt habe – jedoch besser als auf Basis des ersten Bandes. Diesbezüglich bin ich gespannt, ob in einem dritten Band, man Bloom und Co. noch näher kennenlernen darf.

Wie vorher erwähnt, entwickelt sich die Handlung mit viel Spannung. Im Mittelteil hatte ich das Gefühl, dass die Spannungskurve abgeflacht ist, sich jedoch zum Ende hin, gefangen hat. Zudem zeigt sich dieses Buch auch von einer guten tiefgründigen psychologischen Seite.

Fazit: Mit „Lost“ konzipiert die Autorin einen viel besser strukturierten sowie spannenden Thriller als im Vergleich zum ersten Band. Auch wenn ich mich zu 100% mit der Figurengestaltung zufriedengebe, blicke ich dennoch guten Gewissens auf dieses Buch zurück. Ich bewerte das Buch mit starken 3,5 Sternen mit einer Tendenz nach oben.
Profile Image for Steph Warren.
1,539 reviews30 followers
January 29, 2021
*I received a free ARC of this book, with thanks to the author, Transworld Books – Random House UK and NetGalley. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

I really enjoyed Leona Deakin’s first Dr Bloom book, Gone, so jumped on the chance to read this next book in the series.

It was great to see the main characters all return – Augusta, Jameson and Seraphine – and new faces Karene and Harry were an excellent addition to the personality mix. Questions of psychopathy and sociopathy are still relevant here, as they were in book one, but the focus is more on memory this time. What happens when someone loses years of their life to amnesia? Worse… what if they were the victim of a baffling crime and their memories hold the explanation for what happened and where the danger lies?

Unfortunately, I found Augusta Bloom’s behaviour and motivations a lot harder to understand and sympathise with than in the last book. I couldn’t fathom why she would behave the way she does with Jameson and Seraphine respectively, knowing what she already does of each of them.

I had a similar problem with suspending my disbelief when it came to the main plot this time. The big reveal just seemed too far-fetched – I couldn’t imagine why anyone would think this was a reasonable solution to their initial problem. I could, however, think of a number of other more sensible and practical courses of action that could have been taken instead. I was unable to imagine a single circumstance under which any official body or authority would go along with the events described in the book!

My disbelief at such important aspects of plot and characterisation hampered my enjoyment of what was otherwise a well-written and gripping thriller. I still really enjoyed the mixture of psychological investigation and action thriller, and still want to know how the long-game between Augusta and Seraphine will play out. I just hope that the next book in the series returns to the dark psychological mysteries of book 1.

'‘What’s so important?’ asked Harry. He checked the man’s rank and frowned. The epaulettes decorating his shoulders were upside down. That was a rookie mistake. Or perhaps he’d dressed in a hurry.
‘This will only take a minute, Sir.’
Harry peered through the window and back out to the lawn. He could see Karene on the concourse looking for him in the crowd. A man on stilts stomped past the window. Karene glanced up and her eyes met Harry’s. He raised his hand to wave and she smiled.
And then the room exploded.'

– Leona Deakin, Lost

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog
Profile Image for Lu Etchells.
Author 6 books56 followers
July 9, 2020
This story is true to the blurb – captain Harry Peterson is injured in an explosion. His girlfriend, Karene, knows he was not badly injured, so when he is taken off in an ambulance, only to disappear, she knows something is wrong. After three days, he appears, but he is no recollection of what happened. Even worse, he seems to have lost all memories of the last four years.

Enter our crime-fighting duo, Dr Augusta Bloom and her sidekick Marcus Jameson. Now, I have to confess, when I started reading this I didn’t know that it was part of a series. However, it quickly became clear there was more to the relationship between Bloom and Jameson by the near constant reference to “that thing that happened,” and the issue and the anger and the lack of trust and … OK, get it. There’s a backstory. There’s #1 in the series. Something happened.

But, the constant reference did nothing to help me as a new reader, and I can’t help feel old readers would feel really patronized by it all. Equally, I’m not entirely sure that the backstory was remotely relevant (even though there was the re-emergence of a previous character). The only thing it did explain was why there was zero character development.

As a result, this is a hard book to review for me. I don’t know if I just didn’t connect with the characters because I’d missed the first part (though, I’ve done the same with other reads/series and not had an issue), and therefore knew very little about them, but for me, this felt really flat.

The story itself is really far-fetched, and impossible to believe/relate to. I know we’re talking about fiction, and the wonderful world of psychopaths, but it just felt far too insane James Bond villain for me. I almost gave up on three separate occasions because I just couldn’t bring myself to care about the ending.
Profile Image for Elli (Kindig Blog).
585 reviews7 followers
September 22, 2020
I absolutely loved Leona Deakin’s ‘Gone’ and so I was very excited to receive the ARC for the follow-up story ‘Lost’. It was perhaps my high expectations of this book which contributed to its downfall but I was really disappointed.

The whole story felt so far-fetched - I had my qualms with the first book that psychologist Bloom and ex-secret service agent Marcus seemed to be able to gain access to things that didn’t seem possible. This book takes this to the extreme and the part where the police and government were shocked at the pair finding out that Harry was missing from the hospital and not seeming that bothered about investigating this further just seemed so unrealistic. I didn’t really understand why people would have told them certain things either.

I liked the beginning of the plot; the idea of a man disappearing from a bombing and then turning up at a different hospital days later with new wounds was intriguing and got my attention. The plot after this point got extremely confusing and I struggled to follow what was going on in places – I hadn’t even caught that a character had been taken abroad at one point. Seraphine is back but her character wasn’t as interesting as she had been in the first book – it felt like her personality had taken a transplant.

Overall having enjoyed ‘Gone’ so much, ‘Lost’ was a massive disappointment with unrealistic and confusing plot. Thank you to NetGalley, Random House UK & Transworld Publishers – Black Swan for the chance to read the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

For more of my reviews check out www.kindig.co.uk
May 14, 2021
When I first read “Gone” I was hooked; the storyline was brilliant and fascinating all at the same time. I had heard back then that this was to be a series but after the ending in “Gone”, I had no idea where it was going to go and if all the main characters would return!

But oh boy, what a change “Lost” was as the second book in the series. There were some confusing moments at the beginning that became clearer as the story went on thankfully, as I was wondering whether I had missed something important, despite having read “Gone”. That being said, I really loved the character development for Dr Augusta Bloom and Ex-MI6 agent Marcus Jameson and honestly cannot wait to read more.

Another cracking read which I whistled through in no time. I hope this series continues for as long as possible!

If you’re looking for a quick easy read that still has twists and surprises, then this series is the series for you.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #TransworldPublishers, #RandomHouseUK, and #LeonaDeakin for an ARC of #Lost in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Katrina Evans.
755 reviews4 followers
August 1, 2020
I was really surprised by this book, and not in a good way.

The plot is a convoluted, unbelievable, hot mess and even after I read the explanation chapter twice I still didn't fully understand what happened.

I'm struggling to match the characters in this book with the ones we saw in book 1, to me they bear little resemblance.

This book is supposed to take place three months after book 1 so either Seraphina has accomplished an awful lot in that time or she had access to these resources during book 1 and if that was the case book 1 should have been a very different story.

Given how much I loved book 1, if there is a book 3 I will probably read it but for me it needs to return to the realms of possibility book 1 lived in.
Profile Image for Shannon.
393 reviews22 followers
June 16, 2020
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK, Transworld Publishers for the arc of Lost by Leona Deakin.

This is the second book in the Dr Bloom series following on from gone.

This follows Captain Harry Peterson and he is attending a military ball when a bomb explodes.... his partner had just arrived at walked in the direction towards him and the bomb went off... she runs to be with him he is unconscious but lucky to only have minor scratching. She is also distracted as she is also helping the other whom are wounded. Then she tries to find out where Harry her partner had been taken but there is no traces of him....? With fear and panic she contacts Dr Bloom- Dr Augusta Bloom her psychologist, she knows that she needs help from her partner Marcus, considering he has experience with Mi6 but still is not talking to her due to the last case.

3 days later Harry ends up showing up but at a Hospital in Exeter but strangely he has more injuries than the night of the bombing, he is in a coma... when he comes around from his coma he has lost the last 4 years in his memory and he doesn't know who is girlfriend is and the last recollection of a relationship was his ex wife... Its down to his girlfriend, Dr bloom and Marcus to find out what really happened to Harry...

This was a well written, well thought out and well plotted book, i love how the mysteries just suck you into the book and you don't want to stop reading it engulfed me so much I read this within a few hours!

Definitely recommend
4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Lel Budge.
1,362 reviews28 followers
July 19, 2020
Lost begins with Captain Harry Peterson attending a military ball with his partner, Karene. But he is called away urgently into the building and then a bomb explodes.

Karene rushes to find Harry, she finds him unconscious but breathing so he is taken away by ambulance.

He doesn’t arrive at a hospital for three days but he has no memory of any events for the past 4 years, including his relationship with Karene.

She asks her friend, Dr Augusta Bloom, for help. Dr Bloom enlists the very reluctant help of her business partner, Marcus. He’s still wary about her motives after the events in the previous book, Gone.

They soon find much more than a terrorist attack, something that puts them all in danger.

Lost is full of tension, with a few shocks and surprises on the way. A fast paced, utterly compelling thriller, with great characters, that will have you hooked from the very start.

Thank you to Anne Cater and Random Things Tours for the opportunity to participate in this blog tour, for the promotional materials and an eARC of the book. This is my honest, unbiased review.
Profile Image for LianaReads blog.
2,522 reviews226 followers
May 19, 2020
4.5 stars
I’ve enjoyed Gone a few months ago and needed to read this book as well.
Same fast-paced, well written and a suspenseful story full of interesting characters and twists and turns that made me doubt my theories do many times with each new chapter.
Some people are willing to go to an unimaginably extent for power and money.
After an explosion at the military gala, Captain Harry is missing for 3 days and ends up with amnesia in another hospital. His girlfriend tries to find out what’s happening but someone is trying to keep them away from the truth. Now starts a hide and seek game where many secrets are unveiled but also many questions remain unanswered.
I’m really looking forward to the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,066 reviews18 followers
June 24, 2020
Augusta and Marcus are recovering from a broken bond from their last case. Marcus can’t forgive her and move forward. When Augusta’s friend, Karene, needs her help, Marcus begrudgingly helps. Karene’s boyfriend, an esteemed Naval Officer, has gone missing after a bomb explosion and when he turns up he can’t remember anything. Something is not right. Can Augusta and Marcus work out what’s happened?
I love the premise of this series and I really enjoyed the dynamics of the main characters. I can see this series continuing and doing very well. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Sabrina Bilek.
140 reviews
May 13, 2024
Ist mir etwas zu verworren,eventuell weil ich das erste Buch nicht kenne,was da alles mit Seraphina vorgefallen ist. Aber man blickt nicht durch,wie sie da ihre Finger im Spiel hat . Und diese Suche nach dem Mädchen mit allen Mitteln klingt für mich mehr als unglaubwürdig . Was er da alles veranstaltet um den Aufenthaltsort zu erfahren, was hätte er dann gemacht? Wahrscheinlich eh ermordet. Na ja, war ganz gut zu lesen,aber das Ende hat mich absolut nicht vom Hocker gehauen.
Wer gibt denn sein eigenes Leben, seine Familie,seine Beziehung auf,nur um ein eigentlich fremdes Mädchen zu schützen?
In der Realität hätte man wohl eher wirklich seine Schwester besucht.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Babs.
615 reviews5 followers
September 17, 2022
"Lost - Du darfst dich nicht erinnern" von Leona Deakin hat mein Interesse zunächst aufgrund des geheimnisvollen Covers geweckt. Als ich dann den Klappentext las, wollte ich den Roman unbedingt lesen. Verspricht dieser doch einen sehr spannenden Thriller. Und dieses Versprechen kann die Autorin auch über weite Strecken halten.

Im Mittelpunkt der Handlung steht zum Einen Harry Peterson, Captain bei der britischen Navy, der bei einer schweren Bombenexplosion schwer verletzt wird. Allerdings kommt sein Krankenwagen im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Krankenwagen nicht an. Verzweifelt wendet sich dessen Lebensgefährtin Karene an ihre alte Freundin, die Psychologin und Profilerin Augusta Bloom.
Tage später wird Harry in einem weiter entfernten Krankenhaus gefunden, in dem er unter mysteriösen Umständen auf einer Trage in der Notaufnahme auftauchte. Als er wieder zu Bewusstsein kommt, kann Harry sich plötzlich nicht an die letzten vier Jahre erinnern. Weder hat er Erinnerungen an die Explosion, noch an Karene, die er vor vier Jahren noch nicht kannte. Viel mehr glaubt er immer noch mit seiner Ex-Frau verheiratet zu sein. Augusta Bloom versucht herauszufinden, was mit Harry in den Tagen seines Verschwindens geschehen ist, zumal es so scheint, als habe man Harrys Erinnerung mit Gewalt geraubt.

Leona Deakins Schreibstil in diesem Roman ist locker leicht, mit der richtigen Tiefe. Sie reißt ihre Leser mit einer leicht verständliche Sprache mit. Durch den Wechsel zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart schafft sie es, dass man sich als Leser sehr gut mitgenommen fühlt. Seite für Seite taucht mehr in die dunklen Geheimnisse, nicht nur von Harry, sondern auch der anderen Charaktere ein.
Spannung in diesem Roman wird neben einer wirklich geheimnisvollen Stimmung auch durch die Spannungen zwischen Augusta und ihrem Partner erzeugt.
Allerdings muss ich gestehen, dass mir persönlich in der zweiten Hälfte die Handlung etwas zu verworren wurde, so dass man nicht immer den vollen Durchblick hat. Ereignisse überschlagen sich und Harrys Vergangenheit wird immer mysteriöser.

Bei diesem Roman handelt es sich im Grunde um den zweiten Band rund um Augusta Bloom. Und auch wenn die Romane für sich stehen, empfiehlt es sich den ersten Roman "Mind Games" zu lesen, da so ansonsten insbesondere die Spannungen zwischen Augusta und ihrem Partner nicht glaubhaft rüberkommen können.

Mit "Lost - Du darfst dich nicht erinnern" ist Leona Deakin eine gelungene Fortsetzung rund um die Profilerin Augusta Bloom gelungen. Allerdings überzeugt hier vor allem die erste Hälfte. In der zweiten Hälfte wird der Roman etwas zu verworren, so dass man immer mal den Faden zu verlieren droht.
Aus meiner Sicht ist der Roman sehr lesenswert!

Note: 2- (💗💗💗💗)
Profile Image for Danni (_forbookssake).
235 reviews24 followers
May 28, 2020
I read Gone by Leona Deakin at the beginning of the year and thoroughly enjoyed it, so when I received an email from the publishers, offering me a copy of Lost, the 2nd book in the Dr Bloom Thriller series, I couldn’t wait to see how the story continued.

The book begins with a very explosive start (quite literally). It jumps straight in to the action, and has you instantly asking questions, desperate to find out more. The excitement doesn’t end there, and this story is gripping from beginning to end.

Lost has such an interesting storyline. The Captain goes missing after an explosion, and doesn’t turn up until 3 days later in a hospital miles away from the incident, with injuries seriously worse that he had at the scene, and his memory of the last 4 years completely erased. Doesn’t that instant intrigue you? How did he end up there? How did he get those injuries? and what happened to his memory? The journey through the book will uncover the answers to every single one of the questions you will have asked in your head, and I can guarantee that you will not be expecting the roller-coaster you are taken on.

I felt so sorry for Karene (the Captain’s girlfriend). I can’t imagine how painful it must be for the person you love to no longer have a clue who you are. To be completely wiped from their memory. Her character is so strong. Considering they had only been a couple for 18 months, Karene stuck by Harry’s side through it all, despite him having no idea who she was, not many people would do that.

The investigation into what happened to Harry is so intense, that you just can’t stop reading, and Bloom and Jameson’s theories are sure to have you hooked. Usually, I have my suspicions and ideas on who it was, or what is going on, but I can honestly say that with this one, I had no idea. There is no chance of cracking this case before the story reveals all.

I particularly enjoyed the resurfacing and involvement of a particular character from Gone (book 1), this character makes everything so much more interesting, and also a lot harder for Bloom and Jameson! I’m not going to name them, as I don’t want to spoil it for you.

I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this book. I actually preferred Lost to Gone, and I am really hoping that there are more books to come in the Dr Bloom series, because I can’t wait to read more.

A huge thank you to Transworld Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this book, and to NetGalley for providing me with an e-arc.

I give Lost a 5/5 rating!
Profile Image for Jacqueline sharp.
940 reviews24 followers
June 15, 2020
Another 5⭐️ Read from Leona Deakin with book 2 in the Augusta Bloom series. A gripping, entertaining read from start to finish.

This time Captain Harry Peterson is attending a military ball when a bomb explodes, his girlfriend had just arrived and was walking in his direction when the bomb went off, she runs to his side and is relieved to find he is still alive and only has a couple of very minor scratches, although he is unconscious. She is distracted in helping other people who are wounded. But when she tries to find where Harry has been taken there is no trace of him. Frantic she contacts her old friend Psychologist Augusta Bloom. Bloom knows she needs the help of her partner Marcus Peterson on this with his experience from MI6 but he is still not talking to her after their last case, still angry and blaming Bloom for using him. He reluctantly agrees to help her just this once, but the atmosphere between the two is very tense.

Harry turns up three days after the bombing in a hospital in Exeter, with more injuries than he had at the bombing, and he I initially in a coma, when he does come round he has lost 4 years of his memory, he doesn’t know who Karene is, he remembers being married to his ex wife Caroline.

It’s down to Bloom, Jameson and Karene to find out what happened to Harry. Where had he been for those three days? Why does he have more injuries? The investigation leads to France and Africa for some part.

This is a well plotted, well written and thought out storyline, with its fast pace keeping your attention throughout. Great characters who are believable, with twists and turns that make it a great thriller. Everything coming together to give a good ending. I look forwards to the next adventure with Bloom.

Thank you to #netgalley and #RandomHouse for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest, fair and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Ellen (the_plentiful_library).
181 reviews7 followers
May 4, 2020
Last year I read Leona Deakin’s first book in the Dr Bloom series ‘Gone’ and loved it so I was so excited to be able to read her second book and it certainly didn’t disappoint. Thanks to Transworld Publishers and NetGalley for the advanced copy.

The thing that I love about Deakin’s style of writing is that it’s fast paced, she just dives straight in and the action begins from the very first chapter. The blurb is what first hooked me in but after Deakin set the story in the first few chapters I was even more intrigued to find out what was going to happen and I sped through the rest of the book which continued it’s fast pace the entire way through.

Captain Harry Peterson is attending military ball when a bomb goes of killing 8 people and injuring many more including Captain Peterson. Peterson was picked up by paramedics and taken away in an ambulance, except he didn’t turn up at the hospital until three days later and with seemingly no memory of the last five years.
Harry’s girlfriend Karen calls on her old friend Augusta Bloom and Bloom’s business partner Marcus Jameson to investigate the bomb and what happened to Captain Peterson during his three day disappearance.

I enjoyed the military setting in this story and the return of familiar characters; Dr Bloom, Marcus Jameson and Seraphine. As this is the second book in a series I would strongly suggest you read Deakin’s first book to give the characters some context.

Looking forward to the next instalment in the Dr Bloom series.
Profile Image for Nat Eveleigh.
266 reviews17 followers
June 29, 2020
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

This book is the second instalment of the Augusta Bloom series. I read the first one, which was excellent, and I wasn’t sure if the next one would be as good. Well, I was wrong, and this one was just as brilliant as the first, if not better.

The story centres around a Captain from the Navy who is a victim of a terrorist attack, but he survives, just without his memory from the last 4 years. It also transpires that he has a missing gap from the terrorist attack to actually arriving at the hospital. The Captain’s girlfriend is a long time friend of Augusta Blooms so enlists her help, along with her investigative partner, ex MI6 agent Marcus Jameson.
The story was unique, and really well thought out. There wasn’t any lulls in the story, and it was very fast paced, there was always something happening.
Bloom and Jameson knows the Captain is hiding something, and use the clues given to get to the bottom of what’s happening.

I love Augusta Bloom, she’s a wonderful character. Jameson is also very likeable, and very down to Earth. I enjoyed the Cpatain’s character, and all the flaws that come with a military background.

I have nothing bad to say about this book. It was brilliantly thought out, unique, page turning, fast paced, and twisty. Everything a good book is.
409 reviews4 followers
March 18, 2022
🌟Ein hervorragender Psychothriller mit durchgehender Spannung!🌟

Während einer Gala auf einer Militärbasis nahe Plymouth ereignet sich eine schwere Bombenexplosion. Die Verletzten werden in die nächstgelegene Klinik gebracht – doch der Krankenwagen mit Captain Harry Peterson kommt nie dort an. Verzweifelt wendet sich seine Lebensgefährtin Karene an ihre alte Freundin, die Profilerin Dr. Augusta Bloom. Als Harry in einem weit entfernten Krankenhaus auftaucht, muss Augusta Karene eine schreckliche Nachricht überbringen: Harry kann sich an die letzten vier Jahre nicht erinnern. Karene ist eine Fremde für ihn. Und Augusta wird den Verdacht nicht los, dass man Harry sein Gedächtnis mit Gewalt genommen hat …

,,Lost – Du darfst Dich nicht erinnern" ist ein Psychothriller von Leona Deakin, der am 14. Februar 2022 im Goldmann-Verlag erschienen ist. In dieser atmosphärisch dichten Handlung haben mich viele unerwarteten Wendungen und überraschende Geheimnisse erwartet, sodass der Autorin der Spannungsaufbau sehr gut gelungen ist. Mir hat die Geschichte über Captain Harry Peterson und seinem mysteriösen Gedächtnisverlust sehr gut gefallen, vor allem aber konnte mich die Privatermittlerin Augusta Bloom überzeugen. Dies ist zwar schon der zweite Band der Augusta Bloom-Reihe, jedoch konnte ich das hier geschilderte Geschehen auch ohne Vorkenntnisse des Vorgängerbands super verstehen. Eine gemeingefährliche Psychopathin, die das Verhältnis zwischen Bloom und ihrem Kollegen Marcus Jameson sehr gestört hat, lässt es sich auch hier nicht nehmen, weitere Unruhe zu stiften. Obwohl die Beziehung zwischen den beiden Ermittlern sehr angespannt ist und Jameson eigentlich nicht mehr mit Bloom zusammenarbeiten wollte, ändert er seine Meinung, nachdem eine Bombe auf einem Militärball gezündet wurde. Ich konnte seinen Ärger über die Vergangenheit und Blooms’ damaliges Verhalten sehr gut spüren und irgendwann auch nachvollziehen. Sein professionelles Verhalten hat mir sehr gut gefallen, denn als ehemaliger MI 6-Spion verfügt er über ein umfangreiches und sehr interessantes Fachwissen, welches von Leona Deakin super in die Handlung mit eingearbeitet wird. Rückblenden früherer Ereignisse gestalten den Thriller abwechslungsreich und spannend, ich wurde oft unerwartet von unvorhersehbaren Wendungen überrascht.

Captain Harry Peterson ist ein kompetenter und hoch angesehener Protagonist, der nach dem Anschlag nur leicht verletzt wurde und anschließend verschwindet. Als er plötzlich doch in einem Krankenhaus aufwacht, leidet er unter Gedächtnisverlust. Vier Jahre sind vor dem Attentat komplett verschwunden und besonders seine Lebensgefährtin Karene macht sich große Sorgen. Denn sie merkt als erste, dass das rätselhafte Verschwinden von Peterson größere Dimensionen annehmen wird, womit sie schließlich auch Recht behält. Er hütet ein Geheimnis, dessen Ausmaß ihm nach und nach erst richtig bewusst wird. Auf der Suche nach Erinnerungen überschlagen sich die Ereignisse und immer mehr Menschen geraten deshalb in Gefahr. Während Bloom und Jameson sich mit den Umständen auseinandersetzen, tauchen immer neue Geheimnisse auf. Was hinter dem plötzlichen Erinnerungsverlust wirklich steckt, hat mich bis zum Schluss miträtseln lassen. Auf die Auflösung am Ende bin ich von alleine nicht drauf gekommen.

Ein Mann ohne Gedächtnis. Welche Geheimnisse musste er vergessen? Mit dieser Frage habe ich mich beschäftigt, während Dr. Augusta Bloom und ihr Partner und ehemaliger Geheimagent Marcus Jameson ermitteln und sich selbst in Gefahr begeben. Das Duo, welches aus einem Ex-Spion und einer Kriminalpsychologin besteht, kam sehr lebendig und authentisch rüber. Aber auch Karene hat eine gute Rolle übernommen, indem sie die ganze Zeit an Petersons’ Seite war, obwohl er sich an sie überhaupt nicht mehr erinnern konnte. Ihren Schmerz deswegen konnte ich deutlich spüren und ihr angespanntes Verhalten über diese verzwickte Situation wurde verständlich rübergebracht. Peterson war mir oftmals ein großes Rätsel, den ich bis zum Schluss nicht richtig einordnen konnte. Er wirkte trotz seines Gedächtnisverlustes sehr geheimnisvoll und manchmal sogar etwas kühl. Wie es oftmals in einem Thriller üblich ist, werden einige Handlungen abseits der Realität beschrieben, was ich jedoch überhaupt nicht schlimm fand. Alle Protagonisten werden tiefgründig dargestellt und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Bloom und Jameson hat mich, trotz dessen angespannten Verständnis, super unterhalten.

Bloom ist eine intelligente und introvertierte Ermittlerin, dessen Charakter besonders gut hervorgehoben wird. Der Schreibstil ist durchgehend flüssig und bildlich, der Perspektiven- und Zeitenwechsel sorgt für ein rasantes Geschehen, und zwar bis zur allerletzten Seite. Die Atmosphäre ist außerdem fast pausenlos angespannt und geheimnisvoll. Es gibt wenige brutale Ereignisse, mich hat der Psychothriller durch seine psychologischen Aspekte überzeugt. Das Thema des Gedächtnisverlusts wurde tatsachengetreu beschrieben und insgesamt sehr gut in die Geschichte mit eingearbeitet. Zudem erhielt ich dank Peterson einige Einblicke aus der Arbeit der britischen Streitkräfte. Insgesamt gefällt mir der Thriller sehr gut und mich hat das Buch die ganze Lesezeit über gefesselt, da ein eindringlicher Plot für viele spannende Momente gesorgt hat.
Profile Image for Kath.
2,762 reviews
September 10, 2020
This is the second in series to Gone, featuring the strange psychologist Dr Augusta Bloom and on-off sidekick former MI6 agent Marcus Jameson. As per usual, and I think more importantly with this series, I really do recommend you read the opener before this one. You will get so much more from it if you do.
We start at a military ball where there is an explosion. Captain Harry Peterson is caught up in the blast but only superficially so, his girlfriend Karene having checked on him before attending to the worse off. Eventually, when the dust is settling, eight ambulances leave the scene but, when Karene tries to find Harry, she finds him missing, and discovers that only seven ambulances made it to the hospital.
Worried, Karene takes this tale to Bloom who, in turn, reaches out to Marcus to assist. Not an easy task given how things ended in their previous outing. But, reluctantly they team up, and agree to help. And then Harry turns up, three days later, with injuries that were not there when Karene checked on him after the blast. He also has no memory of the last 4 years and, among other things, no idea who Karene is... and so begins a rather weird and wonderful, interesting and intriguing tale that had me, and the cast running around, chasing our tails until, finally... well.. you'll have to read on to find that out for yourself.
I did have a few niggles with the first book. Not enough to put me off reading this book and I am happy to see that most of them have been ironed out in this follow up. I've mentioned book one and how you might want to read that first, well, there's a character from that book also in this and, I think it would serve you better if you know all the background around her rather than just rely on the catch up found herein.
The story is a bit "suspend belief all ye who enter" but served with enough credibility around and about to keep it balanced overall. Pacing is better than the first book, more consistent and matches the narrative along the way. The relationship between Bloom and Marcus is integral to both the series as a whole and this episode in particular and does make for some interesting parts along the way. On the whole, it's gripping and intriguing and made me want to read on. There are some quite dark elements involved but this is balanced out by some lighter moments - some quite funny, some cracking dark humour too.
With twists and turns aplenty, and some secrets, lies and duplicitous behaviour thrown in for good measure, the story ramps up towards the end. And the ending when it came, was wholly satisfying, leaving me wondering what is next for Bloom and Marcus in book three.
My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 144 reviews

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