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August Mulvaney has always been exceptional. As the genius son of an eccentric billionaire, his off-putting behavior is often blamed on his high IQ. They say there’s a thin line between genius and madness. August is both—a brilliant professor loved by his students and a ruthless, obsessive killer tasked with righting the wrongs of a failing justice system. And he’s just found his latest obsession: Lucas Blackwell.

Lucas Blackwell was once the golden child of the FBI, using his secret talent as a clairvoyant to help put away society’s worst. Until, with a touch, he discovers his co-worker is a killer and his life falls apart. Now, the world thinks he’s crazy and that co-worker wants him dead. He seeks refuge at a small college, hoping to rebuild his life and his reputation. But then he runs into August Mulvaney. Literally.

August is immediately intrigued with Lucas and his backstory. He doesn’t believe in psychics, but there’s no missing the terror in his eyes when they collide in the hallway. Now, August has a problem. Lucas knows his secret, and August knows he wants Lucas. And August always gets what he wants.

Can he convince Lucas that not all killers are created equal and that having a psychopath in his corner—and in his life—might be just what he needs?

Psycho is a fast-paced, thrill ride of a romance with an HEA and no cliffhangers. It features a psychopath hell-bent on romance and a disgraced FBI agent attempting to redeem himself. As always, there’s gratuitous violence, very dark humor, and scenes so hot it will melt your kindle. This is book 2 in the Necessary Evils series. Each book follows a different couple.

284 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 31, 2021

About the author

Onley James

35 books3,129 followers
Onley James lives in North Carolina with her daughter, her daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and a menagerie of animals, both good and evil. James splits her time between writing m/m romance and mainlining dangerous levels of caffeine and attempting to maintain her ever-slipping sanity.

When not at her desk you can find her whining about how much writing she has to do while avoiding said writing by binge-watching unhealthy amounts of television and doom scrolling on social media. She loves true crime documentaries, anti-heroes, and writing kinky, snarky books about morally gray men who fall in love with other men.

Stay up to date: www.onleyjames.com/newsletter

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Profile Image for Florence ..
894 reviews272 followers
September 3, 2021
5 “I don’t care that we barely know each other. It’s just you. You’re the one for me, and if I can’t have you, I’d rather not exist anymore” stars

“What you are is mine. It’s my job to make you happy. I lack the capacity to do so on my own. I can’t love. I can’t feel guilt or empathy or remorse, any of the things that might help me understand what you need. All I have is research and context clues, which I’m not very good at interpreting. But I can give you what you need. I’ll do whatever it takes. But I can’t do it without help. Testing my theories is all I know.”

Look at this point i’m pretty sure that the day I give a new Onley James book less than 4 stars will be the day you can start worrying about my health. Everything about these books work for me. I love the set up. I love the characters. And I love the plot points. This book was almost guaranteed to work for me. Yet, I loved this book so much that I was shocked by how much I loved it. There wasn’t a second I spent reading this book where I wasn’t enjoying the reading experience.

I have said it before and I will say it again, the psychiarist who trained seven psychopath children into killers to bring justice to society is just such a clever idea and I love how each and every character is different and acts in different ways, even if they are all psychopaths, they are all different.

First things first, August is described as looking like Daniel Radcliffe. Which gave me a very hot visual of August while I was reading the book and I was very happy about it.

Brief Summary
August is a tenure professor at an university (and a psychopath). There is a new professor at the school, Lucas, who used to work for the FBI but lost his job. Lucas has psychometry (he touches things and he gets visions). August and Lucas bump into each other and when they touch Lucas gets visions of August being a killer. Lucas wants nothing to do with August because he knows that August is a murderer. August becomes obsessed with Lucas and decides that he needs to have him. They fall in obsession.

First, I just adored August, so much. He’s a psychopath and he’s on the autism spectrum. He doesn’t enjoy human interactions, he always lives in his head and doesn’t like to learn too many things because it overwhelms him. He remembers everything anyone ever said to him so he chooses to be absent minded so he isn’t overwhelmed by all the reminders. The only time he feels at peace is when he listens to music. He’s also very possesive. And he actually enjoys the act of killing people. And he has no filter, he says anything that’s on his mind even if he went through years of training to appear like everyone else and not like a psychopath, he just doesn’t seem to be able to follow the training. He’s the member of the family who seems the least like everyone else, he doesn’t know how to blend in with everyone else. And he has a killing people playlist full of Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Celine Dion. I loved his caracterization, so much. It really was lovely to read about him and I loved how he was complex and had many different layers.

Second, I also really loved Lucas as a character. Lucas was living in misery at the start of the book, he had lost his career and had nightmares filled of visions of someone murdering other people and nothing he did kept them away. I liked how despite all that he was so strong and kept fighting, he was just a lovely character.

Third, I absolutely adored how obsessed and possesive August was. He saw Lucas and that was it, he knew he wanted to spend his life with him and didn’t stop at anything to get his wish. Normally pushy characters annoy me, but thats part of August because he is a psychopath and they tend to focus on one thing and become very obsessed with that thing, so I loved it here because it fit so well with August’ character. As an example, August has know Lucas for a day and he needs to see him and he doesn’t have Lucas’ number so he breaks into Lucas’ house and watches Lucas sleep.

Fourth, I loved these two together. I loved how August was being himself and doing a lot of things that would be red flags to most people (for example he stalked Lucas and broke into his house to learn more about him) but Lucas took it all in strides and was alone for the ride no matter what August did. Lucas was really gentle and understanding with August and I loved that so much. Also I loved how Lucas was scared of being with August at first because August likes to murder people and Lucas was trained to stop murders, but it seemed to matter less and less to Lucas the more he interacted with August, it was a very nice touch and made sense with who the characters are. Look, these two won’t win a price for the healthiest relationship any time soon, but it worked for them and thats all that matters to me.

Side note I love how August has no clue how to have a relationship but he wanted one with Lucas so he asked his family for dating advices. And I love how he read books on relationships too. I loved how he was ready to do everything in his power to be with Lucas, even if it took work and he was very hopeless at it.

Fifth, there is a side plot in this and I quite enjoyed it. Lucas get visions of one of his ex-coworker, Kohn, who is a serial killer who brutalizes, rapes and kills women. Kohn is after Lucas because Lucas tried to tell the world what Kohn does. I really enjoyed reading the side plot, it never overshadowed the romance and it never dragged. I like how the side plot was linked to the main characters and their lives, it made the side plot feel important.

Sixth, my one complain about the first book in this series was how there wasn’t enough violence for my taste. So I really enjoyed how August actually was into killing people. I loved how August had graphic murder fantasies about anyone who dared hurt Lucas. I loved how there was long and graphic scenes showing the main characters torture and kill people. The amount of violence in this book was so much more my taste and I loved it, very much.

Seventh, the sex scenes were scorching hot, which I have come to expect with any Onley James book. But I really loved them in this book, they complimented the characters perfectly and they felt really animalistic and it was lovely to read about. Also I loved how their power exchange changed depending on the context, both of them were in control at different moments. Also I adore when characters are switches so I was very happy that both of these guys were switches. Also the one knife play scene was really fucking hot and I want way more of that in further books, please and thank you.

Eight, I love dark and snarky humour and god did I love it in this book. The humour was very self depricated and I really loved that, I felt like it fit the tone and the vibe of of the book perfectly.

Ninth, I do have one thing to say. I didn’t enjoy how the book refered to Lucas as crazy because it always seem to be linked to his mental health (Lucas always called himself crazy because he had a mental breakdown before). I just don’t like the use of the word crazy to describe someone’s mental health, but thats probably just a me thing.

I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am for the next book in this series (Atticus’ book), it’s two killers getting together and I need it so badly. Plus I love what we’ve seen of Atticus so far, he’s such a lovely and complex character to read about.

I had such a good time reading this book and it was everything I wanted it to be and way more.

I received an ARC of this book, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,527 followers
September 22, 2021
“i don’t know what love feels like, but i imagine it’s like the feeling i’m having right now.”

2.5 stars? 3 stars? not sure.

honestly, i expected to enjoy this more than i did. i did like parts of this, but i also sadly found myself getting bored multiple times and had to force myself to pick this book back up. i even skimmed a couple of times...🙈 i think it was just a little too similar to book 1 for me.

first of all, i hate anything resembling insta-love, but that wasn’t a problem for me here. i seem to be able to tolerate it in this series, since one of the mcs is always a psychopath and technically can’t even love. i can buy the instant obsession/lust or whatever. so i was fine with that part of the book, although i would definitely prefer it if the romances in this series developed slower than they do.

“the psycho and the psychic. we’re truly not fit for anybody but each other. we’re stuck together.”

August might be a psychopath, but there’s something very adorable and endearing about him. he was so needy & clingy. very possessive and obsessive over Lucas. i liked how he read multiple books on love languages and always tried to make Lucas happy to be with him. very cute.

however, for an ex fbi agent, who’s supposed to be a little crazy, clairvoyant/psychometric/whatever, i’m sad to announce that Lucas somehow managed to be very tasteless and bland to me.🤣

also, i liked the knife play and blood play, but i wanted MORE of it. more kinkiness in general. if you’re gonna tease me with all that, you better deliver. they barely scratched the surface. disappointing to say the least.🙄

another thing that i enjoyed was the interactions between the Mulvaney siblings. their dynamics are very interesting, since they’re all so unique.

anyway i hope i like the other books in this series more. i’m definitely gonna read them regardless of me not enjoying this book that much. i am really curious about the other characters.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,435 followers
March 27, 2022
5 stars

Lucas crossed the room and pulled something from his pocket. August's air pods. "I saw them in the center console and figured you could use them. I know the screaming bothers you."
August wrapped his arms around Lucas, dragging him in for a deep kiss, swallowing his cry of surprise. Kohn grunted in disgust.
"It's just headphones," Lucas said.
August shook his head. "It's not just headphones. I don't know what love feels like, but I imagine it's like feeling I'm having right now."
Lucas's face went soft, his smile radiant. "That's the sweetest thing anybody's ever said to me after cutting off another man's nipple."

the romance:
I MEAN- if the scene above doesn't convince you, idk what will. 😳 ok but tbh, although my preference is slow burn over insta love/lust, Onley James somehow makes it work (at least for this series) bc, here i am, rooting for these couples who are obsessed with each other within a week or less sjsghf. the relationship between these two was a combination of cute and hot, i love them sm. 😭😭

"Who the fuck are you people?" Kohn muttered. "I thought you were a fucking college professor."
"I am," August said, bored. He pointed to Avi. "And he's a fashion designer." Then Asa. "And he's an architect."
"But together, we fight crime," Asa said in a mockingly cheerful tone.

the found family:
the Mulvaney family is honestly one of my fav families i've ever read about. i think the fact that they're a bunch of psychopaths and have their own level of crazy and intense but, when they're all in one room, you could still sense a strong bond between them and they have such hilarious interactions is what makes them so likable to me.

August brushed his hair aside, removing the tiny earbuds from his ears. "They're not on. I don't wear them around you."
"Why not?"
August frowned in confusion. "Because I want to remember every word you say to me."

AUGUST. THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW. but seriously, this man was a mix of adorable yet intense, idk how it was possible but it fits him so well.

"Oh, yeah. Fuck, keep doing that," Noah whispered.
August frowned. "Doing what? I'm not doing anything."
"Not you," Noah said.
August rolled his eyes. "We're supposed to have dinner and talk about his killer ex-coworker."

the humor:
the humor in this series is my kind of humor. i've never laughed this much in one book (well i probably have but i can't think when im too focused on a specific book in that moment), but each interaction between the characters have their own unique style and i loved it.

"You're not going to hurt the dogs, right?" Noah asked. "Right?" he reiterated at their silence. He turned to level a glare at his fiancé. "Adam Mulvaney, if you hurt a dog, don't bother coming home."
Lucas felt some level of amusement at the way Adam's jaw dropped. "I—Wha—We don't even know there are dogs!"

Adam/Noah crumbs:
these two were so adorable omgg, im craving for more Adam/Noah scenes pls. i loved seeing Noah try and become close to Lucas, i thought it was cute how he kept giving him advice on what to expect when it comes to this family lol

possible pairing:
so i kinda had this feeling that maybe
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
July 14, 2022
4.5 stars

Ummmmm I finally read this. And can we talk about how adorable the books in this series are!? I mean, sure they follow a family of psychopath serial killers, but they're so sweet and fall so hard in love! August is a professor and a psychopath. When he meets Lucas at work, he knows Lucas immediately knows what he does after touching him. Lucas used to work for the FBI and is able to see visions of what people do when he touches them. When he touches August, he's terrified. He was forced out of the FBI because no one believed him when he claimed another FBI agent was horrifically killing women. Lucas wants to keep a low profile, but once August meets him, August wants him. August was ADORABLE and I loved how he just decided he wanted to be with Lucas. He was persistent without being creepy and I loved it. Someone from Lucas's past is threatening him, and August is SO PROTECTIVE and it was so cute. And their interactions with August's family were so fun. I loved how we had Noah and Adam from book one in here so much. Yes, August is still killing people for his family, but the romance was just so sweet! I can't get enough of these book and I am so excited to read the next brother's story!
Profile Image for Llakshmi.
508 reviews446 followers
September 7, 2021
4 “I licked it so it’s mine” stars ✨

We are getting hints of Thomas and Aiden and I’m here for that shittttt. How long do I have to wait for them!?!?😭😭😭

“I can relate to that,” August said. “Imagine being the weirdest psychopath in a house full of psychopaths.”

This book was exactly what I expected. It was grim and gruesome with just the perfect added blend of romance and psycho obsessions. August Mulvaney has official carved his name on my heart, August >>> Adam right now.

“Is it true you remember every word ever said to you?” 
“Did Noah tell you that?” August asked,
“He said you always wear headphones to drown out the noise. I’ve never seen you wear them.” 
August brushed his hair aside, removing the tiny earbuds from his ears. “They’re not on. I don’t wear them around you.”
“Why not?” 
August frowned in confusion. “Because I want to remember every word you say to me.”

Both August and Lucas are professors. Lucas has a reputation of being a clairvoyant and after running away from August after touching him, August is intrigued by Lucas and begins to chase him.

I loved this relationship. It was a very quick- no nonsense- no bullshiting- relationship. August was very clear from the start that Lucas was all he wants and will do everything to keep him.
August gets all the 4 stars. It’s just him.

“If it comes down to random strangers or you, I’ll choose you every time. I’ll literally burn this world to ash before I let somebody hurt you. I don’t care who suffers because of it. I know that’s intense and weird but I need you to know I mean it. You’re not going to die, and I’m not letting you go. If you’re going to leave me, you’re going to have to kill me first. Please, kill me first.”

This book was GRAPHIC. very grim and the crimes that happened genuinely made me uncomfortable so please for godsake check the trigger warnings before going into this book.

“It’s just headphones,” Lucas said. 
August shook his head. “It’s not just headphones. I don’t know what love feels like, but I imagine it’s like the feeling I’m having right now.” 
Lucas’s face went soft, his smile radiant. “That’s the sweetest thing anybody’s ever said to me after cutting off another man’s nipple.”

I loved Lucas’ ability to have visions when he touches an object. It made my reading way more fun, especially when we learn about how Kohn manipulâtes that ability and traumatised Lucas, it was very thrilling. This authors writing works well for me, it’s engaging and with everything that happens in this book - I appreciate it not being an information dump.

“Say it again.” 
“Shower. Sex. Cheesecake?” Lucas asked. 
“No, home,” August prompted. 
Lucas smiled softly. “You are the world’s most sentimental psychopath. Now, take me home.”

But I have to say that I really don’t like this cover. I went on her Instagram page and the inspiration she used for both August and Lucas look nothing like this cover🤔

Overall, this was another great instalment in this series. Much better than the first book but it took a little longer for me to get into it.

“You’re so hung up on time. It took me seven seconds to figure out you’re it for me. If the passage of time is so important to you, I’ll wait. Even if it takes you seven weeks or seven months or seven years, but don’t let time be the only reason to keep us from doing what we both want. We don’t have to explain ourselves to anybody.”

I CANNOT WAIT FOR ATTICUS AND JERICHOO!! The chapter I saw was so interesting and Jericho sounds like the perfect match for Atticus. UGHHJ THIS AUTHOR IS GOING TO MAKE ME LOSE SLEEP.

“I’m a psychopath,” Atticus blurted. 
The stranger leaned forward, his whisper conspiratorial. “I’m a Scorpio. I still like banging dudes.”
Profile Image for Jayden H &#x1f349;.
222 reviews68 followers
April 22, 2024
3.5 Stars

This book was good but I didn't like it as much as the first one. August and Lucas were great but I sometimes got bored reading it. just like the first book this is also insta love so if you don't like reading insta love then this isn't for you. I was looking for something fast paced and this delivered

I don't know how Lucas got his powers but I am here for it. One of the problems I had with this was the whole blood thing I don't know what the kink is called but it's not my cup of tea. it just made me so uncomfortable.

August was just so funny sometimes especially the part where he tells his brothers about Lucas,

“I think somebody knows about me.” [...] “we still need to take it seriously. What are you going to do?” [...] “I don’t want to hurt him… Not much, anyway. Just a little. I want to see what I can do…what he’ll let me get away with before he pushes back.” Atticus’s eyes bulged. “What are you talking about?” 😭😭

“I want to know about you.” [...] “You do?” Lucas asked. August frowned. “Of course. If I’m going to marry you someday, I should probably know what I’m getting into.”

He was also so freaking sweat for somebody who doesn't have any emotions,

“Is it true you remember every word ever said to you?” 
“Did Noah tell you that?”
“He said you always wear headphones to drown out the noise. I’ve never seen you wear them.” 
"I don’t wear them around you.”
“Why not?” 
August frowned in confusion. “Because I want to remember every word you say to me.”

“Well, why did you answer the phone in the first place?” 
“Because it was you,” August said, as if the answer was obvious. “When your significant other calls, you answer.”

“I licked it so it’s mine isn’t a thing in dating.” 
August’s hands came around to grip Lucas’s ass, his gaze heated as he said, “I did, though. I want to do it again. Right now.”

These psychopaths just make me swoon all the freaking time.

“You want me to teach you how to torture somebody?” He did. He really did. “Yes, please.”

Welcome to gang.

“Lucas crossed the room and pulled something from his pocket. August’s air pods. “I saw them in the center console and figured you could use them. I know the screaming bothers you.” 🫠

“You’re so hung up on time. It took me seven seconds to figure out you’re it for me. If the passage of time is so important to you, I’ll wait. Even if it takes you seven weeks or seven months or seven years”

'Umnishka' That's all I have to say

1. Unhinged - 4.5 Stars
2. Psycho - 3.5 Stars
3. Moonstruck - 4.5 Stars
3.5 Damaged - 2.5 Stars
4. Headcase - TBR
5. Mad Man - TBR
6. Lunatic - TBR
7. Maniac - TBR

Pre Read:

I got distracted by other books so I put this series on hold but now that am in the mood for some fast paced romance it is time to find my favourite murder husband. I don't know how anyone will beat Adam but we'll see.
Profile Image for Riley.
447 reviews23.6k followers
September 11, 2022
loved this romance with a serial killer and an ex-FBI agent who has clairvoyant abilities
it was oddly very sweet
September 2, 2021
Possible triggers:

A psycho and a psychic ... an unlikely combination, but there is nothing likely about August and Lucas.

August is the smartest of all the brothers with an eidetic memory and a penchant for setting torture to music. He wears earbuds all the time because he doesn't want to hear people. Except Lucas. He always wants to hear Lucas.

Lucas just got out of a mental institution because he's convinced a field FBI agent is a serial killer. Lucas is psychometric; he can read the history/sensations of a person or object by touching it, which is exhausting.

August imprints on Lucas the first time he sees him, and the two are so damn sexy together (August is wild when he lets go!).

This is very much a lust-at-first-sight, jump in with both feet in the span of 24 hours, kind of romance. That's just how the Mulvaney boys work.

Lucas tries to slow down the relationship, but it's like slowing a freight train. August can't let Lucas go.

The thriller/mystery subplot regarding the serial killer is gruesome and horrifying, although, just like with the first book, I wanted to know more about the aftermath. Was Kohn revealed for the fuck scumbag he was? Was anyone arrested? Was the operation taken down? Justice is more than vigilante killing.

Even so, I loved August and Lucas. The story ended far too quickly.

Atticus is my least favorite brother (so uptight, that one), so I'm interested in his story coming next.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
593 reviews554 followers
April 17, 2022
***I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.***

A psycho and a psychic... what a pair they make. I had so much fun while reading this story!!! Both August and Lucas were a blast and seeing their relationship develop was an enjoyable reading experience.

Psycho focuses on the unlikely love story between August, a psychopathic professor who murders criminals in his spare time, and Lucas, an ex-FBI profiler now a fellow professor who is clairvoyant.

Psycho has a fascinating premise where August struggles with relating socially to others and lacks any meaningful and true personal connections with others. Meanwhile, Lucas also struggles to connect with others because of his visions and impressions of others through a simple touch.

Lucas and August literally run into one another leaving Lucas horrified at the truth beneath August's professor exterior. August on the other hand is instantly smitten, which leads to an obsession and fascination with his shocked co-worker.

Psycho is a fast-paced romantic thriller that is filled with sweet moments of devotion between both MCs that depicts mixed within a mystery of epic proportions. I love learning about this crazy family of psychopaths and seeing each family member get their HEA. This was another winning installment in the Necessary Evils series and I cannot wait for the next one.

Profile Image for ☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆.
641 reviews256 followers
September 2, 2021
"I feel like you're making fun of me," August said. "But I'm not sure."
Lucas leaned forward and smacked a quick kiss on August's lips. "Just a little."
August found that he didn't mind Lucas teasing him if it made him smile. He liked his smile. His whole face transformed.

i highly enjoyed this from start to finish. are we even surprised? the instant attraction between the mcs in every OJ book is a staple already. so i tried to find fault in it but i realized i read almost all of this author's works and thats how she just rolls. with psycho, OJ gave us almost the same food all over again but this time with different toppings in it. the story was fast-paced and very gripping. as for the characters, lucas was okay for me. i wish we could've seen more of his psychic abilities. for august, i really loved him! i swooned so hard for him especially when he said he wants to go all cave-man to lucas and drag him to his cave. also, wanna bet that aiden is boning thomas mulvaney? i mean all these tension between them is something. it is fishy, for me. all i want for this coming christmas is either any of the remaining mulvaney boys or their hot dad of a doctor. OJ definitely owned this protector-protectee/bodyguard trope! ugh her mind. this review is short because i feel with every OJ book i'm just copy pasting my review. i just know i'm singing the same tune for moonstruck and yet i'm excited.
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews429 followers
February 7, 2024
Reread January 2024

Still one of my favorites.

Reread December 2021

Still all the stars. I think I love August the most so far. Rereading this just solidified it.

**All the stars⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟**

YES! YES! YES! This series just keeps getting better and better. I loved Unhinged, reread it shortly after reading it the first time, in fact. And Psycho is right up there with it. I can see myself rereading this multiple times. I love fucked up characters who know what they want and go get it with no remorse. If they lick it, it's theirs. (Those who read this will know what I mean 😉

August was romantic in his own way.

August would happily rip this Kohn guy’s tongue out if it made Lucas happy.[...]Was murder an act of service?

“I want to know about you.”
“You do?” Lucas asked. August frowned. “Of course. If I’m going to marry you someday, I should probably know what I’m getting into.”

"...If it comes down to random strangers or you, I’ll choose you every time. I’ll literally burn this world to ash before I let somebody hurt you. I don’t care who suffers because of it."

"...You’re not going to die, and I’m not letting you go. If you’re going to leave me, you’re going to have to kill me first. Please, kill me first.”

And Lucas was the perfect mate for August. Takes one fucked up character to love another 😍

Ugh! I'm half tempted to go back and reread it now 😂but the little snippet in the back for Atticus has me jonesing for more. Write fast Onley!

Profile Image for Chelsea.
286 reviews142 followers
April 3, 2024
AIIIIGHT, don't get me wrong, August and Lucas are still cute/cool as hell, I still love the inability to feel, the murder, the fact August is a genius, the "I maybe love you" energy, I'm still WEAK for it.
I love the element of clairvoyance or whatever you would like to call Lucas's ability in this book also. Is it far fetched? Sure, but hell, I came for escapism.

Every time Adam/Noah appear in this one, I fell in love with them even more.
Adam/Noah forever fr. 😏

BUT pyscho was teetering on the 3 star/4 star border for me. Because I an extremely sensitive little baby sometimes, and I get my feelings hurt when things don't play out how I want them to in my head ahhahahah 😇😇😇

But like... can Authors not blue ball me please? please for the love of all that is unholy. It's so irritating.
There is a special place in hell for authors who give you a little snippet of EXACTLY what you want... and then SERVE UP... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING 💅 (or the bare minimum)

Again, I still loved this. I will leave it at 4⭐ because I still loved them, and the actual story ahahha.

I just feel edged by this book.
Profile Image for Preeti.
724 reviews
November 14, 2021
4"weirdest psychopath in a family of psychopaths.” 💫

"I’ll burn this world to ash before I let somebody hurt you. I don’t care who suffers because of it. I know that’s intense and weird but I need you to know I mean it. I’m not letting you go. If you’re going to leave me, you’re going to have to kill me first. Please, kill me first".

1. First thing first, I hate this cover….
Reason- Well!!! Moustache...why else?😒😒

2. As far as this series goes, my review is not reliable because something is seriously wrong with me when it comes to this series-
•Normally, I love rational heroes.
Here, my ear perked up when I read Attachment disorder, Panic disorder, many psychopathic tendencies, lies easily, extremely possessive.

•Normally, I hate to read about insta attraction

"Have you ever just looked at someone or something and thought, I want to keep it? Like, I want to protect him from the outside world but, at the same time, his helplessness and fear are so…intoxicating? I want him to be soft just for me.” - I swoon...😺😺

Okay, so, those who have read the first book will know that August is the second son of Thomas Mulvaney. He is described as 

•A cleaner, the enforcer, the stone-cold killer with an iron stomach.-By his family 

•Brilliant quirky weirdo  professor or the deviant homicidal psychopath with an IQ of 155 and a penchant for quantum physics and blood - By himself

•Serial predators hiding in plain sight who look like Harry Potter…if he was moonlighted as a stripper.- Lucas

And, then one day he literally collided with Lucas Blackwellon the University campus and became cow-eyed and dopey and said, "I want to keep him".🤭🤭 But Lucas, who is a disgraced former FBI profiler, is a clairvoyant/ with the ability of psychometry and could see August's entire criminal history with a single touch. 😂😂 Really, I had to google it and I laughed for 5 minutes at the bizarre and OTT plot in Onley James's book. But, then stopped when I saw how this weird psychic power increased the hotness level of their intimacy.

Things I loved about the book

1. August, I mean how can you not like a psychopath who-
•Kill his victims slowly, precisely but still answer his bf phone while doing so because,  
"When your significant other calls, you answer.”

• Read 'Five love languages' and several other books just to learn 'how to have a successful relationship'.
• Breaks into the potential boyfriend's house, just to know if he likes coffee. 

•Always writes cheesy quotes like "Even if there was no gravity, I’d still fall for you", on their coffee mugs.😂😂
You got the point??? Adorable, genius psychopath alert ⚠️ ⚠️ 

2. The appearances of other Mulvaney brothers, mostly Adam and Noah(aka love guru). The banter between them was entertaining and We get a lot of insight into the lives of these brothers and now I have a theory about Thomas and Aiden that I may or may not like.

3. The relationship development(yes!! this time there is RD)  is sweet and toe-curling but the smut is smoking hottttt, I mean who doesn't like blood play???

4. All the details of graphic violence and torture that I missed in the last book were present here. The 'Chase' was well crafted and so was the end game. In the last book, it felt too rushed.

Things I don't like much

Onley James books are slowly becoming my guilty pleasure, the same as books by AH. So, I don't try to find reason or logic. Still, I felt some parts of the conversation between the Mulvaney boys were repetitive, especially 'partners meeting the psychopath brother'.

But, overall, I liked both August and Lucas. And, August is replacing Adam as my fav MC by OJ. Because he is an adorable, genius psychopath and not to forget the professor.

Definitely looking forward to the next release in this series that is going to be about Atticus, who seems to carry bad luck wherever he goes.😂😂

"It’s just you. You’re the one for me, and if I can’t have you, I’d rather not exist anymore”
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
725 reviews1,137 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
June 23, 2024
DNF @38%

I simply don’t think this series is for me, even though I do like the idea behind it.

I mean, aside from everything else, the timeline of this relationship is already truly so bad:
August and Lucas meet and are insanely attracted to each other by chapter one, want to sniff each other’s neck and hump each other’s leg by chapter two, are entirely obsessed by chapter three, and are basically in love by chapter four.
Mind you, we’re working with moderately short chapters here.

Meanwhile, one of them is supposedly a psychopathic killer and the other is aware of that from the very beginning, but apparently this doesn’t seem to play a factor in their relationship. It’s pretty much insane and definitely ridiculous.

There is absolutely zero build-up here and everything happens way too fast for it to not feel inauthentic.

The things that happen are all pretty bizarre and outlandish. I feel like I have to suspend all my rational thinking skills, and I’m just not in the mood for that right now.

Nonetheless, I do have to say that I found August oddly.. endearing.

I also found this book quite funny. The way August’s brothers and Noah made fun of him was humorous, fun and even a little heart-warming. I definitely like the found family thing they’ve got going on.

Also just FYI, it is incredibly clear that these people are not actually psychopaths, and I cannot for the life of me understand why the author keeps insisting that they are. They’re just not.
It’s honestly just annoying when these supposed ‘psychopaths’ obviously experience a certain type of emotion, but then the author has them thinking something akin to “but obviously I can’t feel that emotion” and goes on to explain how it’s actually a different type of feeling they are experiencing, which, in truth, is basically the exact same thing as the first emotion. Like, huhhh???!?!
I was so confused every time she did that, and I was honestly contemplating whether she just thought we as readers were indifferent enough for her to get away with it not making any sense or if maybe she doesn’t understand it herself… Either way, I didn’t like it.

All in all, I just found this to be kinda unrealistic, stupid, boring, unfeeling and stand-offish.

Not even a possessive and obsessed “so-called psycho” can save this one for me. Sorry.

PS. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Noah and Adam’s cameos. I remember not liking their book all that much either (for basically the same reasons why I didn’t like this one), but they were very cute as a couple here.

'Necessary Evils' series:
1. Unhinged - 2.5 stars
2. Psycho - dnf
5. Mad Man - 3.5 stars
7. Maniac - 2.0 stars

3.5. Damaged - 2.5 stars
Profile Image for hope.
390 reviews223 followers
May 6, 2023
“I don’t care that we barely know each other. It’s just you. You’re the one for me, and if I can’t have you, I’d rather not exist anymore.”

Me giving another insta love story a 5-star rating? Who even am I? The Mulvaney’s basically own me at this point. There was nothing I would change about book one and I was like, there is no way book two could get any better than that right? WRONG. Book one was perfect in my eyes, but here I am, loving this one ever more somehow. August has moved to my number one Mulvaney so far. August is smart a hell with an IQ of 155, he was talking fluently before he was even walking. Yet, he is literally the most clueless, adorable, and endearing psychopath ever. He had me awing, giggling, and kicking my feet and also sweating..because damn he was sexy as hell. And Lucas, such a hot, soft, perfect, precious human being, I understand August’s insane possessiveness towards Lucas because I want to protect him with my whole being as well.

Here are some examples of how fucking cute August was 🥺

August examined his face. “You’re really very pretty.”

He didn’t just say you’re pretty, he said you’re really very pretty 😭 Why are those simple details so damn endearing and cute?! It makes me want to cry.

“Help me,” August begged. “What does somebody do or say or wear on a first date?”

August pleading to get his family to help him with how he's supposed to act like on a first date 😭

“You’re really into him, huh?” Noah asked, dragging August from his thoughts. “He’s…perfect,” August said.

“I can’t feel guilt or remorse, but the thought of not seeing your face or touching you, kissing you, makes me feel…like there’s a hole in my chest. Does that make sense?”

Thomas Mulvaney may have raised a bunch of psychopaths, but damn did he ever teach them how to treat a person right. August doesn’t have any experience with relationships, and he has no idea how to treat a significant other, and because of that he goes and reads countless books about relationships to help him 😭 The insta love worked amazingly, I felt their connection the instance they met. Just the passion and trust they had for each other was so perfect, absolutely swoonworthy. You could easily tell how much they loved each other. Words can’t express how I feel about their relationship.

“Did you know he has an eidetic memory? He can recall every word he’s ever heard or seen without even trying. But he hates it. He said it makes his head too noisy. He plays music almost all the time so he doesn’t carry around stranger’s voices in his head for the rest of his life.”
Lucas shrugged. “He never wears them around me.”
Noah once more studied Lucas before saying, “Then he must really like you. Because August values silence over almost anything.”

“He said you always wear headphones to drown out the noise. I’ve never seen you wear them.”
August brushed his hair aside, removing the tiny earbuds from his ears. “They’re not on. I don’t wear them around you.”
“Why not?” August frowned in confusion. “Because I want to remember every word you say to me.”

They really need to stop because they have me in an absolute chokehold. I don’t think I’ve swooned this hard in a book ever. What made it a completely different level of swoon was because August did it without trying. He was so clueless and just did what came to his mind. It was innocent and romantic, and he was so genuine without even trying 😭

The banter between the brothers had me absolutely dying of laughter. My excitement just keeps increasing as I get more insight into each of the brothers. I’m truly excited for all of their stories and can’t wait to start the next book. Seeing Adam and Noah again was a delight. Adam is still whipped AF 😍

Necessary Evils Series
Book #1 - Unhinged - 5 stars ❤️
Book #2 - Psycho - 5 stars ❤️
Book #3 - Moonstruck - 4.5 stars
Book #4 - Headcase - 3 stars
Book #5 - Mad Man - 3 stars
Book #6 - Lunatic - 3.5 stars
Book #7 - Maniac - 2 stars
Profile Image for Marci.
478 reviews293 followers
September 4, 2021
“They’re fucking monsters,” Lucas whispered, almost to himself. “Yeah, but you’ve got me and I’m the monster other monsters fear.”

Serious Criminal Minds vibes here, y’all!!! From Lucas being reminiscent of Spencer Reid and Calliope reminding me of the QUEEN that is Penelope Garcia plus the plot and a whole slew of other reasons that I am going to keep my trap shut on so I don’t spoil the book!!!!! I mean Lucas with the blonde hair and the smarts plus he worked at the FBI and was a profiler? My Reid loving heart was singing. I sure did laugh and say “aww” a whole lot for a book that might seemingly be only dark and dreary from the premise. Like the first book in this series, this was just super cute. Not the plot of course -- but the featured relationship was downright adorable. August was so endearing. He didn’t know what to do to get Lucas to like him or give him a chance but he tried in his own unique way. Whether that be asking Adam’s boyfriend -- Noah or the girl at the coffee store, he put in the effort!!!! I swear, nobody puts in the effort for their love interest like the Mulvaney’s (if Adam and August are anything to go by) plus they would do anything to protect them. Like what’s not to love!!!!! 🥰 Like with Adam and Noah in book one, we got to witness August tell Lucas multiple times that he physically cannot leave him alone. I’m obsessed with reading (reading and only reading not in real life) about people that are obsessed with their love interests, so I was fed well once again!!!!!!! When August brought flowers for their first date and Lucas smiled and the next sentence was August preened. I PREENED TOO. I WAS SO GIDDY. IT WAS SO CUTE. August would literally find a way to stop time if it made Lucas happy.

”The rabbit in you attracts the wolf in me.”

I normally don’t really enjoy insta love but in this series it works really well because it’s like the Mulvaney brother sees the guy and based on very little chooses him as his own and becomes completely enamored and obsessed and it just works! It works so well!!! I like that there isn’t really any logic to it, it’s more primal like in that way. They’re like wolves. They mate for life and nothing or no one will separate the brother from his mate. Fuck that! Another plus for me with this installment was that I thought the sex scenes were a lot hotter than in book one, I just wish we got more of certain aspects. Ahem. 🔪👀

“Any man who touches you will find himself becoming acquainted with my father’s woodchipper. Is that clear?”

So why this rating?
I’m not super bothered by how this felt like much of the same and while there was plenty I enjoyed a lot I found myself to be super bored at times and struggling to make it through a chapter. I had way less of a problem with that when it came to the first book in the series. I also liked the couple from book one far more. As I said above -- Lucas reminded me of Spencer Reid in a lot of ways but he also was starkly different from Reid because he seemed to be missing a personality. He was so bland! Certainly none of my beloved Reid’s This is calm and it’s doctor energy!!! My favorite parts of the book were the family interactions, the Adam and Noah moments and the sex scenes. I struggled even more with getting through the book if it was a Lucas POV. Adam and Noah remain my favorite couple from this series and I’m not sure if anyone is going to be able to take their spot! I thought that the action scenes were a little more show than tell than they were in the first book but not by much. I blinked and it was over! I couldn’t even believe it. It’s disappointing to get all this lead up to this big moment and then be let down in the same way I was let down in the first book.

I know me and the rest of the Thomas + Aidan shippers are living for all the little breadcrumbs that Onley left that they are going to be together. Fingers crossed, folks!!! 🤞🤭 I didn’t read the sneak peak of the next book but eek!!! I’m excited for Atticus’ story even if I keep getting overexcited and being let down -- I refuse to change!!!!!

A song that suits this book - If You Ever Leave, I’m Coming With You by The Wombats
Profile Image for ~✿ Tala✿~ .
164 reviews41 followers
September 14, 2021
Onley James knows how to do insta-love and OTT storylines so well *chef kiss*

I think I liked Book 1 a bit better but this one was still very enjoyable. Love the Mulvaney brothers and their obsessive version of love.

Soooo excited for the rest of the series!!
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews438 followers
September 9, 2021
I really liked this!

Did I miss some depth? Sometimes.
Was it like the first book? Almost exactly.
Do psychopaths really act as sweet as Adam or August? Most definitely not.

Did I care? Nope! These books are awesome!

I know a sociopath in RL and while he is a good person, he cannot help but be selfish. He is actually pretty unliked by almost everyone, because he doesn’t get social clues. And while that may sound endearing, it’s actually pretty annoying when someone just starts talking about himself (again) no matter the situation or whoever he is talking to. He has been trying to condition himself his whole life to act like other people do, and to respond correctly, but he just doesn’t quite get it right.

Now in Adam and August that sounded endearing and sweet actually. But in RL I highly doubt they can really form deep bonds with people like they end up doing in these books.

So everyone should definitely leave reality at the door and just enjoy these psychopaths finding love.
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
773 reviews218 followers
September 1, 2021
"I want you to keep pursuing me, but I need to feel like it's not a done deal. I'm an adult and I have bodily autonomy. 'I licked it so it's mine' isn't a thing in dating."

Oh yep, Onley James has done it again, with book 2 in her #NecessaryEvils series, Psycho.

As you may recall from book 1, Unhinged, this series is about the 7 Mulvaney 'brothers', all psychopaths, raised by their billionaire foster father to right the wrongs that the system doesn't, or can't remedy. Killers for a good cause as it were, but without conscience or guilt or remorse.

This is August Mulvaney's story.

August is a genius, who totally struggles with the 'noise' of life. He's a tenured Professor by day and a lethal assassin by night. When he meets disagraced former FBI criminal profiler Lucas Blackwell, he wants him. Permanently.

Lucas and August's story is full of all the good stuff we've now come to expect from Ms James in this series - a cracker of a story, insta-love (because we're dealing with psychopaths here), huge amounts of steam 🔥🔥🔥 (because duh, it's Onley James), dark humour, gratuitous violence, the good guys winning out over evil and a HEA 💚.

Needless to say, this comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and was a steamy 5 ✨✨✨✨✨ read for me.

Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,996 reviews6,251 followers
March 23, 2023
Someone please save me from myself with this series.

I'm going to be honest, I find the whole concept to be disturbing and unappealing. Yet I keep trying them...

I just don't like murder, nor do I find psychopaths (if they even are that...) appealing. Men who probably won't ever love you and claim you like property and don't have a moral compass. Yeah, I'm passing.

I keep reading these hoping I'll like them more, and I just don't. I don't get the concept, and I didn't get the reality-stretching paranormal twist to this one. Just throw it on top of all the other unbelievable $hit in this series.

Yes, I see why others like these books but I... just don't. I already started the audio for the 3rd, so here is to one last try.


Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books560 followers
January 19, 2022

August reminds me of Edmund Kemper, super intelligent, mommy issues, obviously a psychopath but with humor. Except August understood his mother while Kemper cut off her head and did bad things … worse things … mostly disturbing things.

Omg is he a power bottom? That’s so hot! (You know his reasoning is sound.)

It’s either clever or insane to wear a mask while you kill and then invite the clairvoyant FBI agent on the case. But I suppose the point was a nice little game of cat and mouse. Except when you’re Jerry and learn to fight fire with fire. In this case the fire is in the form of August.

I kinda adore Cricket. I hope nothing bad happens to her. 🥺 Omg, I’m not too into FF books but if it’s between Calliope and Cricket, I’m down.

Honestly, while I am enjoying this. It doesn’t give me the same spark or feels as Unhinged. At times it feels redundant, especially when it comes to the subject of August’s personality traits, Lucas’ psychometry or FBI agent Kohn. And I love profiling and serial killers and all that, but it needed more oomph.

I do love that the more Lucas touches August, the better he can read his thoughts. It provides much needed intimacy between them. I’m not gonna say they lack intimacy but after getting inundated with all the feels with Adam and Noah, I guess I was expecting more.

The story picked up around the 70% mark and it was highly entertaining at that point. I liked the introduction of a more multifaceted sex life for the boys in the form of knife play and role playing.

That epilogue was perfection. The character growth of Lucas before and after was well thought out. I hope I get to catch more glimpses of their flourishing relationship, plus Cricket in future books.

Also I’ll be in my corner impatiently waiting for Thomas and Aiden. Yup caught onto that little tidbit near the beginning, during the boys lunch.
Profile Image for Tarynrose.
189 reviews84 followers
January 9, 2022
5 stars

Did I just read this in one sitting?
Yes. Yes I did and I have no shame

I love this so much!

August and Lucas have my hart♥️

August examined his face "you're really very pretty"

"Say it again"
"Shower. sex. cheesecake?"lucas asked
"No home" August prompted
Lucas smiled softly "You are the world's most sentimental phsycopath. Now take me home"

This is definitely becoming my favourite series! If you haven't already please read💞
Profile Image for BookSafety Reviews.
454 reviews441 followers
August 30, 2023
Book safety, content warnings, and tropes & tags down below.

I feel like I keep repeating myself when it comes to Onley’s books, but they’re all just super entertaining. I didn’t really have any expectations when it came to the second book as I haven’t seen a lot about it, but I really loved August’s character in particular. I am also a massive fan of characters with psychic abilities, so I knew I would enjoy the clairvoyance bit. I would’ve loved even more of it, but it added something fun and different no matter what.

“I want to keep him.” “Bruh. Those are thinking thoughts not speaking thoughts,” Noah coached. “You can’t just go around telling strangers you’ve imprinted on them like some werewolf in a Twilight movie. They won’t get it.”

My favorite part about a series like this is how you slowly get to know the rest of the characters as well, either before they get their own books, or you get/learn more about characters you already know and love. I especially love how we get more of Noah, as he’s my favorite so far. I immediately started Moonstruck when I finished Psycho, so it’s all blending together a little bit, but that’s honestly a lot of the fun. You could read it is a standalone if you’re not too bothered by a huge cast that features in every book, but I’m definitely enjoying it more by listening in order.

Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️
Former (disgraced) FBI agent
Clairvoyant MC
Genius (no, seriously. Crazy smart)
Eidetic memory (photographic)
Found family
Murder boys

⚠️⚠️ Content warning ⚠️⚠️
Explicit sexual content
Mentions of forced institutionalization
Graphic violence
Mentions of torture porn
Panic attacks

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Book safety ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Cheating: No
OM drama: No
Third-act breakup: No
POV: 3rd person, dual POV
Strict roles or versatile: Versatile
Profile Image for L Ann.
629 reviews137 followers
May 22, 2023
Original Review April 2022
Who would've thought I'd associate the term “psychopathic killer" with terms such as “adorable” or "endearing."" August Mulvaney was an absolute sweetheart when it came to Lucas, and I had a lot of fun reading it.

Reread May 2023
I didn't enjoy this as much the second time around, but it was still nice seeing August and Lucas again. I loved how much effort August put into trying to make Lucas comfortable with him. The psycho and the psychic were indeed perfect for each other. 4 stars
Profile Image for Novica.
55 reviews50 followers
September 10, 2021
I'M TRULY INLOVE WITH THIS SERIES AND WITH THE COUPLES. The chemistry is just undeniable, who says what they have isn't love? I love getting little Adam and Noah here and Adam being an cute obedient fiance to Noah and him bringing a DOG to Noah, a new addition to the family! I love dogs so.. Anyway, love how August is from the start. HE IS SO ADORABLE? Lucas and August is just 🙄 The bonus epilogue is probably my favorite lol, even though I love Lucas' last name. Lucas and I have the same addiction to cheesecake. 😩
Profile Image for Enay QueerBooklover.
434 reviews201 followers
August 26, 2022
4.5 stars - this series just keeps getting better! The premise behind the storyline, a family of psychopaths who rid the world of evil people, is so original, and the relationships the family forms are so interesting. And hot! Really HOT. As with all of Onley’s books, the heat is off the Richter, and the kinks are… phew. August & Lucas’ connection is instantaneous, and Lucas’ clairvoyant abilities put an interesting spin on the steamy scenes. And while the evils the perpetrators do are deeply disturbing, it’s kinda satisfying to see them suffer for them. Did I really just say that?…. 😳 Can’t wait to read the stories for the rest of the family.
Profile Image for Valerie ❈M/M Romance Junkie❈.
1,700 reviews428 followers
June 15, 2024
All I can say is wow. I loved this so much. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I love August more than Shep (MC from Captivating).

I will try to come up with a possibly coherent review later. I’m still processing.

9/11/2021 I’ve read this three times now. Yes, I liked it that much. No, I STILL can’t give this the review that it deserves. I suck (and not in the good way) at writing reviews on a good day. Trying to write one for a book i loved? Too much pressure.

I loved August from the beginning. The way August basically imprinted on Lucas like a shifter finding his destined mate was so awesome. His complete lack of boundaries nor knowing how to navigate the social norms even after his upbringing really made me love him more.

“Do you often speak to strangers like this?” Lucas asked, hating how raw his voice was.

“No. But most people haven’t been inside my head. I figured we’d moved past politeness.”

“I can’t tell if you’re trying to threaten me or flirt with me,” Lucas admitted, willing his pulse to stop hammering in his throat.

“You could call this flirting. I don’t really make threats. Threats imply that the threatened has a chance to escape punishment. That’s never the case with me. The guilty are always punished.”

I wasn’t sure how Lucas’ psychometry was going to be handled when dealing with a psychopathic murderer. His sheer terror after touching August for the first time didn’t bode well. I’m glad his mental illness wasn’t downplayed nor was it “cured” by August’s magic d*ck. It was funny watching Lucas just kind of rolling with August’s declarations. He belonged to August. Period. End of story. The faster he chose to get with the program, the faster they could get on with the rest of their lives (as planned by August).

“Have you ever just looked at someone or something and thought, I want to keep it? Like, I want to protect him from the outside world but, at the same time, his helplessness and fear are so…intoxicating? I want him to be soft just for me.”

As time went on, it seemed that August became an anchor for Lucas. He helped tether Lucas to reality. The scientific way August viewed Lucas’ psychometry made this seem more like a romance based in reality than any type of paranormal romance.

August was romantic and sentimental for a psychopath. He just seemed to do the little things that made Lucas feel important without thought. After a tough upbringing and then his slide into mental illness in adulthood, I think August’s obsession with Lucas and his wellbeing made Lucas feel cherished instead of terrorized.

I KNOW I’m not explaining this well. I don’t want to go into details about everything that happens. I think this book is better experienced than being told by me. Besides, I hate spoilers in reviews (except when I ask for them nicely).

Just… Just… read it. Seriously. If you liked Captivating, I think you’ll like this book as well. Maybe. Hopefully. Don’t tell me if you read it because of me and hated it.

reread 3/11/2022 I still love this book, but something came to me during this reread. . I also wonder why that never dawned on me in my previous reads.😳

Reread 8/8/2022 I needed some August and Lucas today.

Reread 2/23/23 I have nothing new to say. I love the deadly, genius that is August.
Reread 6/15/2024 August… that’s all
Profile Image for Kate V.
1,557 reviews236 followers
September 9, 2021
4.5 stars!

This is the second book in the Necessary Evils series and features August who is a genius, a psychopath and a professor. Like the rest of his brothers, he too appears to be mostly normal on the surface but underneath he is a killer. August has a tendency to have strong attachments to certain objects and when he sees the new professor on campus, Lucas Blackwell...well he becomes his new obsession.

Lucas' life has been flipped upside down. He used to be a profiler for the FBI but when he tries to convince them that one of their own is a serial killer because of his clairvoyant gift, they call him crazy and disgrace him. Lucas tries to rebuild his life but the co-worker he tried to take down is still on the loose and now after him. When Lucas meets August he knows he is a killer but August takes the opportunity to show Lucas that not all is what it seems.

Lucas and August start to get to know each other and it isn't long before they don't think they will ever be able to part. Each have imprinted on each other's souls. Can Lucas accept who he is and accept August too? Can August help Lucas catch the bad guy?

Like the first book in this series, this one had a great plot, some delicious steam and a heartbreaking story. I loved both characters. I wish their sexual kinks had been explored a little more but overall this series is really hitting the spot for me!

Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,412 reviews

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