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In the Light of Day #1

In The Light of Day

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There's darkness in all of us.

I'm a nobody. An outcast. A shadow. I never aligned with the jocks and their fake barbie girlfriends, not that I wanted to. Being invisible worked for me until he showed up.

He showed me a path I never intended to walk, and I slid into his life easily. Too easily. Now that the devil has embraced me, I crave the heat of his flames.

She doesn't think I see her. She's wrong. She's all I see. My dark angel. We're more alike than she could ever imagine. Soon I will make her mine.

I was always good at playing the part of the jock that everyone worships. In reality, I'm the devil with no remorse. It's time to free my soul and rid myself of the rodents.

About the author

K.A. Graham

21 books118 followers
KA Graham grew up in a small town in Oregon. Through the years, her love for writing and poetry, turned into something she had only dreamt of. Writing her own book. She's faced many obstacles in her life, but the love and devotion of her parents, have always kept her grounded.

She is an avid reader, blogger and does PA work for a few authors, which keeps her quite busy. Hard rock music lover and horror movie buff, with a love and appreciation for tattoos. Her addictions include copious amounts of caffeine, Chinese food and Haribos candy.

#EmbraceTheLove #ForgetTheHate

~ Connect with KA here ~
Email: Annluv79@gmail.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/AuthorKAGraham
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Instagram: http://instagram.com/AnnLuv79
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/K.A.-Graham/e/...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews
Profile Image for Wonder Tre Reads -Tre Harris.
1,254 reviews29 followers
December 6, 2019
Mind blown! I couldn’t put this book down. As we are told a story from the POV of both main characters Micah and Quinn, the blend of dark romance and a far too known subject flow seamlessly throughout this book. Just when you think you know which way the storyline is heading there a sharp right turn and you’re holding your breath for what’s going to happen next. I’m hoping there will be more for these secondary characters in he future, we get to indulge in them a bit deeper towards the end but I would love to hear their full story as well. This story will come at you hard and fast, the ride is one you’ll be glad you took. Make sure to add to the top of your TBR list.
Profile Image for Lee-anna Dunk.
1,270 reviews54 followers
October 18, 2019
Ok so I've never read a book like this before . It was a dark read very much psychological and talk about mind games.! There was alot of subject matter on bullying in regards to peers as well as parents. And coming from those who are spose to love you unconditionally i could totally relate on both sides. This book has a lot of triggers so be warned going in. However also at the same time the author touches on subjects that are rife in today's day and age and if you have ever experienced first hand bullying of any kind and self harm please be aware that there are triggers through out this book. The characters are ones that you see when one has been pushed to their very limits and are the results of the environment around them. They've learned to adapt and the Author has shown this and gives you an insight into the mind of those who may make poor choices and who use violence to express their emotions because at the end of the day they are also looking for love an acceptance but are just as beaten and bloody as their victims. It's a viscous circle. But through hate comes acceptence and then love but on a different level compared to most . What might be "normal" to most is certainly not "normal to some " and while passions and obsessions are all consuming who are we to judge on what's right or wrong when it comes to love ?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gemma Crouch.
370 reviews4 followers
January 1, 2020
This is a dark twisted romance that contains violence, bullying and twisted love. However it was a good story with characters you couldn't help but feel real emotion for. It is not an easy read but feel the author has written it very well that captured my interest and kept me turning the pages.

I received an ARC with no requirement for review however I wanted to provide my own non biased feedback for this gripping story.
Profile Image for Cranky - The Book Curmudgeon.
2,091 reviews153 followers
October 23, 2019
4.5 Cranky Stars

Quinn and Micha are a combo of Natural Born Killers if Mick kidnapped Mallory and a love like the Joker and Harley Quinn. Totally dysfunctional and gritty and bloody. Who knew these two broken, jagged, scared souls needed each other to feel whole? Who would have thought that the guy who simply played the role of a jock and the town freak would fall in love? Surely you want to dive into this book for this twisted love story. It’s not for the faint of heart but it wouldn’t be a K.A. Graham book without some of those dirty moments and I love her for them. Sometimes you need less sappy and more of the naughty.

Micha is the town pariah. She is belittled and abused by the bullies of her school. She is an introvert with serious social anxiety and her only friends are her parents. She knows it’s pathetic because the rodents drove her to be that way. You can only get beat down so much before you just stay down. She had only spoken to Quinn one time so seeing him in the flesh two years later looking so much different is a shock. When he snatches her out of the parking lot her life changes. She discovers who she really is and comes to accept that maybe she’s just as messed up as Quinn. Quinn has always had darkness in his heart except when it came to Micha. He’d just watch her at school and study her while trying to pretend with his girlfriend Stacey. His life has been marred in tragedy thanks to his useless mother. He’s been studying Micha and when his chance comes, he takes it. He knows she might end up hating him, but you must try right? What he doesn’t expect is that this beautiful broken girl has some dark in her as well. A thirst for revenge that mirrors his own. Micha becomes his light in his dark world and together they create a life of everlasting love among the gritty backstory of their life.

Holy heck! I’m serious this isn’t for the faint of heart. Micha and Quinn aren’t your typical flowers and hearts kind of lovers. There is kinky and then there is Micha and Quinn kinky. Their love made sense though. It was their reality. Stacey well I wish she would have got more but I guess her baptism by fire made her change. Quinn’s mom is the absolute worst god don’t rest her soul. I wish her parents would have tried to understand and accept that the daughter they thought would never leave him finally did. Ok it was done under shady circumstances but still. So yes, go go go. Grab the story of Micha and Quinn.

435 reviews6 followers
October 20, 2019
This is a good story for any dark read fan. It's twisted with hints of blood and revenge.

Having anxiety sucks and being the focus of the town princess is even worse. All Micah wants to do is hide away. There is one boy who talks to her though, Quinn Andrews. He is the school jock, and this must be some kind of joke on her part that. Why would he speak to her? Princess Stacey though isn't happy that Quinn speaks to the town freak.

If only Micah knew what Quinn really felt, who he really is, would she run for the hills? Two years later Micah will see the true Quinn and what he really is capable of.

I really enjoyed how dark this story became. When I first started reading I thought it was going to be your traditional high school romance novel. How wrong was I. It has some great subject matters in the story from bullying, peer pressure, family pressures etc. They made you think and I will leave it up to you to decide if this made the charchters who they were by the end of the book.

Thank you KA Graham for allowing me to read the story of Micah and Quinn.
Profile Image for Kelly.
121 reviews9 followers
October 22, 2019
Micha is an outcast, a nobody who suffers from severe social anxiety. While the mean girls torment and hurt her she retreats further into herself. Nothing prepared her for Quinn.
Quinn, once the popular jock, has fixated on Micha but she has no clue. She thought she was invisible but he has always seen her. Now he has to have her, and have her he will.

This book ran me on an emotional roller coaster. From one minute of cussing out Quinn to the next cheering him on. I am amazed at the strength that Micha shows even though she doesn't realize it. These characters and story will stay with me forever.
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,929 reviews414 followers
November 8, 2019
What a story. I read this pretty quickly because once I started I didn’t want to put it down until I’d finished it.. it was so so good.

I thought it was great that the author wrote this story through two points of view. I felt it needed to be told that way.

Micah and Quinn. Crikey these two messed with my head. I’m not gonna go into the storyline. You need to read this for yourself.

A well written story that may not be for everyone as it’s got triggers so be warned.
Profile Image for  ✰  Charlie  ✰ Chisholm.
1,983 reviews22 followers
October 14, 2019
This book has some hard topics.

The story is told duel POV by Micah and Quinn, I really enjoyed this as you got to see what the other was thinking they are great characters and I really felt for them both, as they didn't have easy childhoods. I am not going to go into details of the story as I think you should read yourself but be warned it isn't a light read it had dark themes. It is fast paced and will have you turning the pages to find out what will happen.
Profile Image for Jami Jones.
291 reviews10 followers
November 9, 2019
Deliciously Dark!!

Wow!! This really is a deliciously dark book and I loved it. Who doesn't love a sexy kidnapper and a victim who falls for him. My first book by this author and it won't be my last..
326 reviews1 follower
November 9, 2019
This book would have been a 5 star read all the way if not for that turn in the story and that shoddy ending. I loved this book right up until they both turned so called good, I was expecting a murdering rampage so it is rather unfair of me to give it 4 stars instead of 5 but that's as it it. Sorry its my blood thirsty mind at work.
There's darkness in all of us.
I'm a nobody. An outcast. A shadow. I never aligned with the jocks and their fake barbie girlfriends, not that I wanted to. Being invisible worked for me until he showed up.He showed me a path I never intended to walk, and I slid into his life easily. Too easily. Now that the devil has embraced me, I crave the heat of his flames.
She doesn't think I see her. She's wrong. She's all I see. My dark angel. We're more alike than she could ever imagine. Soon I will make her mine.I was always good at playing the part of the jock that everyone worships. In reality, I'm the devil with no remorse. It's time to free my soul and rid myself of the rodents.
BOOK In the LIGHT of the day
GENRE YA/ Dark themed/College Fiction
My run down of the book and ratings
The Plot ::: 4/5
The Main Characters ::: 4/5
The Supporting cast :::: 3/5
The Feels :::: 5/5
The Angst :::: 5/5
How hot it is :::: 2/5
Writing Style :::: 4/5
World Building :::: 3/5
Originality :::: 3/5
Ending :::: 2/5
Book Cover :::: OK
Format :::: Kindle eBook
Would I read more from the author? :::: Yes
Would I recommend this book? :::: Yes

The tale is told in dual POV. Micah and Quinn are very twisted enthralling characters that made the story interesting reading. A dark romance full of angst, grit your teeth moments. Just when I thought here we go, shits gonna hit the fan the author twists it. There are triggers for some I suppose but I've very few hard limits and liked almost everything about it.
We have the story of Micah a seriously unhappy young lady bullied to the point of despair, suicidal thoughts a misfit, completely alone with no one to help,bullies you just want to rip their head off too. Introduce to this mixture we have Quinn who is the hottie and king of the school but who also is at the mercy of his diabolical mother, abused ridiculed but puts on a front to everyone else that he is the king of the heap, while inside he is the DEVIL himself, so full of hatred. Such a sad and angry young man.
Two broken souls, meet with a deep hatred for the a world that is surely full of cruel people, Bullies become the bullied history on repeat.
This book is a dark tale in places, so much sadness and just downtrodden in life kids, it's also for me a warning of what goes around comes around KARMA, How you treat people is how it is returned and in some cases with malice. Parents who hold their children to such high standards while been utter bastards, or completely out of the loop, not sure which are worse the ones who bully or the ones who bury their heads in the sand. Your child should be your most prized
possession not an accessory, not a punch bag verbal or otherwise, but an extension of all you are.
"if I tell you about my past, It's not because I want you to feel sorry for me, but so you understand why I am who I am "
This aptly describes both Quinn and Micah, two perfectly imperfect specimens of youth and hatred and lust for revenge, TWO PERFECTLY IMPERFECT SOULS.
Quinn is Micah's dark Fairy tale and she his twisted fantasy and together they think they make magic.
Red and black a red heart beating for your black heart becoming one, Quinn turned the frighten sheep into a ferocious lion, He shows the devil living inside two loves destined to be, Their love forever will be.
This is a tale of betrayal of standing up to your nemesis facing your fears, but ultimately BE YOU there is only one you and that's all there will ever be.
Our vows were simple and to the point. Also a bit disturbing but symbolic all the same.
My gun is cocked and loaded, Aimed straight at your heart. My life means nothing without you, No motherfucker will ever tear us apart. You are the Sheri Moon to my Rob Zombie, I'm the Jekyll to your Hyde. Stick with me, my dark angel, Your devil will never leave your side. I'll love beyond forever, my angel.
When the zombie apocalypse hits, and you've turned into a walker, I promise to let you bite me. I'm eternally yours, my devil.

Profile Image for JoJo.
148 reviews3 followers
November 8, 2019
In The Light of Day by K.A. Graham.

I received an ARC in exchange of an honest review. This is my first book by K.A. Graham. I liked that it was told in dual point of view. It helped me understand better what each character was thinking.

"We may both be filled with darkness, but that's what makes us perfectly imperfect."

Micah is the total introvert that is maxed out; seeing as the only two people she is remotely close to are her parents and sometimes the girl at the grocery store. She has extreme social anxiety which makes it worse as she was bullied by mean people at her school. After school was over, Micah was still living in a hermit lifestyle; still isolated.

"I'm forever yours, my devil."

Quinn Andrews was the epitome of popular jock. He was friends with everyone and he was friendly, but deep down he is harboring a lot of darkness within him. From school to now, Quinn has secretly harbored a huge crush on Micah and he finally decided to do something about it.

"And I'm forever yours, my angel."

This was definitely more on the dark and twisted side of romance with a little bit of kinky-ness to it. This story is not for the faint and the weak. It is very dark and it will have you thinking like what is going on right now. As a graduate with a degree in Psychology, I absolutely loved every bit of the dark and twisted situations that happened here. The mental health issues were nailed down to the T. The mind games were absolutely cool.

"You know it'll incite pain but with the pain comes questionable pleasure."

Graham absolutely talks about the gritty subjects that most people avoid. And please be aware that certain situations may trigger unpleasant situations. Despite that this was a 3 starts for me because I feel like somethings were rushed and the character development was lacking. At some point, it was a little confusing to me. I feel like the story was there but was just not described well enough. For now, I will be looking forward to what is next from K.A. Graham.

"Staring into her eyes, I can see my soul."
Profile Image for Gwen Shafer.
2,053 reviews35 followers
November 10, 2019
This is the first book that I have read from this writer and holy wow what a storyline. I was not expecting this at all. I was not expecting to be hooked from the beginning and pulled into a story that would take the twists and turns that this one took. Hold on because when you read this you are going on quite the ride with these two characters.
Micah is extremely close to her family. She is a girl that keeps to herself and does get picked on at school. One day a new guy gets her attention at school by helping her. Quinn is what you would call the jock. The person everyone loves. But he holds dark secrets. The day that he helps Micah changes him. Two years later after forming a plan he puts that plan into action. Which completely changes his life and Micah's. Once Quinn puts his plan into action this story goes into intense cant put down mode. So many twists and turns. So many things playing out that I didn't see coming from a mile away. The writer did an amazing job writing this storyline. It was not only intense but unique and off the charts gripping. You can easily relate to how Micah is feeling if you were ever picked on when in school. This book is not all about the revenge that you would think it is about. It is about coming to terms with your past and moving on from what people did to you. I absolutely loved this book. I am so glad that I take a chance on it. Highly recommend.
Quinn and Micah have off the charts chemistry once she realizes what he is actually doing for her. I loved these two together. But he is literally the devil and she is literally the angel in this storyline. You could not have written it any better than what this author did.
Profile Image for KFForever.
1,053 reviews32 followers
November 11, 2019

Reviewed by Emma-Louise on behalf of KindleFriendsForever

Holy bouncing balls! What in the world kind of crazy did I just read? For the sheer genius of creativity, I can't not reward this one five stars.

Any of us have known or been the odd one out. The one person that is victimised for being different. Micah is that person. She stands out and rises above the queen bees of the town. This, of course, painted a large target on her butt. Micah deals with real-world issues. Her coping mechanisms are ones that anyone with these afflictions would understand.

Quinn is an oddball, a true wolf in sheep's clothing. Some of his actions are ones that I cannot condone and often felt like I could condemn him for them; however, I will state this. Those of us who live by normal laws wouldn’t do it but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t want to in the deepest recesses of our mind.

Together Micah and Quinn make sense; they balance each other out. Strange as it may seem they often complement one another.

Through some of the weirdest events I’ve ever read, we go through a journey almost reminiscent of a Quentin Tarantino movie, and this isn’t a bad thing, not at all. It left me scratching my head and laughing maniacally. Curious? I double dare you to give this one a shot. Tag, you’re it!!!
Profile Image for Sydney.
420 reviews30 followers
January 8, 2021
"The devil has found his own kind of Heaven. My very own dark angel."

In the Light of Day is a dark psychological romance. I went into this book, from a new-to-me author, without any other information than the blurb and a short sample. It was not what I had expected! Right off the bat, Micah and Quinn and their nonconformity and dark pull to one another intrigued me.

"It's an evil kind of sweetness if such a thing exists."

Although the story itself had a lot of promise, I felt there wasn't a lot of detail in it and some things were just glossed over. Unfortunately, this kept me from really connecting with it. However, I liked that Quinn and Micah embraced their weirdness and wickedness and became stronger versions of themselves with each other's love and encouragement. They had a dark, unconventional love and I think their story emphasized the importance of accepting themselves and showed that love may not look the same for everyone.

There are most definitely some triggers readers might be uncomfortable with.
Profile Image for Ashley Cestra.
1,168 reviews28 followers
November 6, 2019
3.5 stars!

What an intro to this story! Gosh I loved the idea behind the main plot! I thought the opening chapters and the setup was really intriguing and captivating. I have never read this author before but wow what a vision! While I enjoyed the general theme of this book, I do have a couple critiques that have both hindered my star rating and reading experience.

My biggest issue was the main female character, Micah. There needed to be more on her development as the story progressed. I felt the author would have her say and do something then not back up the point later on in the story. (I’m mainly talking about the medications she relied “so heavily” on. It was sorta explained but more as an after thought).
The ending- oh the ending. She was going there. She set everything up to go there then it felt like she chickened out making a secondary character a focal point all of a sudden. She should have just gone there, it would have gained the author more props in my eyes!
In the Light of Day, seemed to cover too much story in too little time... it could have been longer, she had the story, just needed the words. It was confusing at times as to who the story was about. That author seemed to changed her mind as to what the main point/ character of the was.

Overall, I was quite pleased the story as a whole, and with a little more time, K.A. Graham could really be a one click buy! In the meantime, I will be grazing at what’s next from her!

Profile Image for Susan Freestone.
128 reviews29 followers
October 26, 2019
OMG!! I didn't want to put this book down.. Absolutely brillant! It's a definite Page turner, and it will pull you in right from the start!

I was so looking forward to reading this book, and I absolutely loved it!
It was dark and twisted, and extremely well written, and I thought the author dealt with the issues this book raised very well.

I liked the way we got the POV between both of the main characters, it helped me enjoy and see the story from both sides, plus it flowed seamlessly.

If you love dark reads this is definitely a MUST READ. I can highly recommend this book and this author, be sure to look up her other books they are fantastic! and definitely worth a read.

I can't wait to read more from this author!
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,210 reviews189 followers
November 4, 2019
I Give this Book a 2.5/5 Star Rating, Listing as 2.
I Received this ARC from BookSprout for Honest Review.

HEA(?): Yup, but you me it’s more Stamped-HEA
Heat: 2-2.5ish/5
Romance: 2.5/5, I found it super lacking and not truly convincing. I Honestly found Micah to be a pathetic and very weak female, and I just don’t understand Quinn’s infatuation with her.
Drama: 3/5
Suspense: 3.5/5
Dark: 0/5, Honestly, to me this wasn’t Dark. You could see that it was supposed to be but that aspect fell short pretty much immediately.

The intro got my attention, and then at mid beginning (after the needle/injection scene) of the book it just lost my attention, I mean immediately it slowed to a crawl and it felt the the same scene was repeating in different ways. Then it suddenly picked up and then (for me) the rest of the story pretty much flatlined.
The book to me was a jumble of plots that’s were not well thought out and were tossed around then were just callously sewed together.
Then the ‘supposed’ dark book suddenly turned...weirdly... ‘heartwarmingly wholesome’.

November 6, 2019
Oh wow was this book soo good and hard to put down. Absolutely 5 plus star's just wow. This story is abut Micah and Quinn one is a social pirarrah and the other the jock everybody loved and how these 2 come to be together and all it took was to be taken in the light of day. Micah has been picked on all her life while in high school and especially by this one girl who has made Micah's life a living hell.
Quinn who has secretly been watching and waiting has always had a crush on her he wants to help her to get even with the one girl who's caused her so much pain and maybe she can learn to love him. This was that kind of bully book that'll take you back to high school and those bad memories.
This was such a good book. It's one that I'd have to say is a must read. It's not all dark there are some light shining moments lol.
Profile Image for Hopelessly Addicted To Books .
3,528 reviews148 followers
November 4, 2019
The story is told in dual POV. Micah and Quinn are very twisted enthralling characters that made the story addictive reading. A dark romance full of surprises. Just when I thought I had it figured out the author turned everything on it's head. There are triggers but I've no hard limits and loved everything about it.
Profile Image for Susan  (Sandra Loves Books) .
39 reviews21 followers
October 26, 2019
OMG!! I didn't want to put this book down.. Absolutely brillant! It's a definite Page turner, and it will pull you in right from the start!

I liked the way we got the POV between both of the main characters, it helped me enjoy and see the story from both sides, plus it flowed seamlessly.

If you love dark reads this is definitely a MUST READ. I can highly recommend this book and this author, be sure to look up her other books they are fantastic! and definitely worth a read.
Profile Image for Lynn Stifle.
3,575 reviews66 followers
November 6, 2019
This book was brilliant! I was grabbed from the very beginning and couldn't put it down until I had read every word. It was dark, twisted, intense and loved every second of it! I loved the characters Micah and Quinn and the dynamic between them. This story is well written, with great characters, an interesting storyline, and a definitely recommend it.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. 
Profile Image for Chris.
18 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2019
This is a great read! The authors has a distinct way of painting a picture that keeps you wanting to read more. Can't wait for the next book she writes.
Profile Image for Krissy.
537 reviews
March 19, 2021
It's gonna be a big NO from me. This book was trying way too hard to be "badass" and "disturbing." All it did was give me secondhand embarrassment and a thousand eye rolls. Nope.
Profile Image for Hannah Wooly.
146 reviews3 followers
November 7, 2019
A delishisly dark and dreamy love story

Michah and Quinn will forever have a special place in my heart 🖤 I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen to Michah and Quinn, gasping in shock, ugly crying and getting all worked up 😝🔥 This story was an exciting rollercoaster, the characters evoked so many mixed emotions, one minute we dislike a character the next minute we're routing for their happiness. A story full of intrigue, smoking hot scenes, delightfully dark moments and a fresh take on love, life and friendship. I adore K A Graham and her stories, I can't wait to see what this amazingly talented woman does next 😊❤️
Profile Image for Jennifer Shepard.
844 reviews112 followers
January 2, 2021
I purchased this book because of the amazing reviews on Amazon and oh boy, they were all right. This book is fantastic, the story is so beautiful and full of emotions, I couldn't put this down until I ended. The characters are so real and so well written that you can easily find yourself or a friend reflected on them, you start to love and care for them. Amazing book!!! can´t wait to read more from K.A Graham

A fantastic book that has it all! I happily endorse this story to any and all who are looking for an awesome read and a completely different experience than anyone could imagine on their own. Great book!
Profile Image for Angie Bowman.
343 reviews1 follower
February 11, 2021
Kind of middle of the road story

The blurb totally sold this book for me but I have to admit it didn't live up to my expectations. The story was enjoyable but basically way too far fetched.


Quinn is just out of high school but is an expert in BDSM with his own private dungeon in the basement. Micah has severe social anxiety and can barely leave the house but all that stops after she gets abducted by Quinn.
The writing is fast paced but to the detriment of the story, there just wasn't enough depth to it and it left me unable to make a connection with the characters.
Profile Image for Gina Burkart.
3,077 reviews52 followers
December 21, 2019
OMG this is a must read book as I couldn’t put this book down it is a fast pace of a dark read that will grab your heart and twist it all up. This book was brilliant and a roller coaster ride of intense emotional anger and lows and highs throughout this book. This book will blow you away.
2,617 reviews24 followers
August 12, 2021
first book of yours i read and i loved it! she is a outcast at school. than he sees her and knows she will be his. only he goes beyond the normal . now he has her and wants revenge on those who have done her wrong. you must read to find out what happens.
January 25, 2020
This book was so deliciously dark! Once I started it I couldn’t put it down!! Thank K.A. Graham for writing a story I could delve into and actually get caught up in the emotions with the characters!
Profile Image for S.J..
Author 8 books100 followers
April 7, 2021
3.5 stars
Nowhere near as dark as I thought it would be but it’s a good story that was a quick read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews

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