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Where There's a Will

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Would you take the chance that could change everything?

After leaving university at the age of twenty-five with no idea what to do with her life, Hannah is stunned when she is left a mystery bequest by her rich, estranged great-uncle Donald.

But there's a before she can find out what she's inherited, she must undertake a series of unknown tasks alongside Alec, Donald's reluctant (but rather gorgeous) PA.

As the tasks progress and she and Alec grow closer, Hannah begins to think that Donald's real gift might have more to do with love than money . . .

This funny, romantic and uplifting novel is perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella, Cathy Hopkins and Anna Bell.

336 pages, ebook

First published May 30, 2019

About the author

Beth Corby

2 books33 followers
Beth Corby began life in a small Welsh mining village, and pursued her interest in music through to a PhD. Finding academic writing constricting, she tried creative writing and fell for comedic storytelling at the first pen stroke. Beth relishes time writing, daydreaming, plotting and capturing those moments when her characters misbehave. Where There's a Will... is her debut novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 158 reviews
Profile Image for Paromjit.
3,060 reviews25.6k followers
May 14, 2019
This a lovely piece of escapist contemporary fiction from Beth Corby, it is a light hearted and entertaining read for those times you need a uplifting book. It opens with 25 year old Hannah's interview to become a teacher, and it is an abysmal disaster. In truth, Hannah has no inner drive to become a teacher, so perhaps it is no surprise that her interview is such a flop, the only problem is that she has no idea what else she wants to do. She did a degree in Art History and is now on the cusp of completing her second degree in English. She is belittled and ridiculed by her family, and seen as a failure, compared unfavourably with her go-getting ambitious sister, Laurel, who is a high flying head hunting recruiter in that profession's dog eat dog world. Her family, parents and Laurel, Grandma Betty, Grandpa Albert, Uncle Nigel, Aunty Pam, their obnoxious son, Nicholas, have all been invited to tea, a first meeting with the estranged Great Uncle Donald at his fabulous home, The Laurels.

While a number in the family look around in wonder at the wealth that Uncle Donald appears to possess, there are those who look to establish a relationship with him that they hope will lead to them inheriting his fortune, particularly Nicholas and Laurel. However, it is Hannah that Donald takes an interest in, and when he dies shortly after, he sets her a series of tasks with an unspecified reward at the end. She is helped in the tasks by Donald's PA, Alec, he is suspicious of Hannah, suffering from grief, just like the housekeeper, Mrs Crumpton, who continues to communicate with the dead Donald, berating him on a constant basis. The tasks are geared towards getting Hannah to engage in life, accumulate a diversity of life experiences, become more confident in her aspirations to become a writer, learn to stand on her own two feet, handle her troublesome family, particularly her sister, Laurel, so that she can be who she is. The letters that Alec give her from Donald at the end of each task has her getting to know Donald, warts and all, his life, and the significant people and events in his life, and what a life it is!

Corby does a lovely job in portraying dysfunctional family members, and the priceless gift that Donald offers Hannah, to not mirror the rifts and estrangement from family that regretfully was his lot in life. From beyond the grave, he provides Hannah with the close friendships of those that mattered to him, like Jane Forester and Mrs Crumpton. The romance between Alec and Hannah is very much a background affair in comparison to the larger picture of Hannah's character development as she becomes more comfortable in her own skin and begins to learn to really live life. Nothing gelled the main characters together more than facing a villainous adversary, the despicable Mrs Jennings, and the scheming Laurel. This is a wonderfully engaging read! Many thanks to Hodder and Stoughton for an ARC.
Profile Image for adina ⭒.
51 reviews20 followers
March 21, 2019
I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for a honest review


Hannah doesn’t know what she’s doing with her life, doesn’t have a job, doesn’t really get along with her family and has a non-existent love life. Lose to giving up, she’s given a set of tasks given to her by Donald, her great uncle, who she’s only just met! With the help of Donald’s PA, Alec, she makes her way through the different tasks, learning more about her great uncle in the promise of a grand reward if she completes them all.
I really enjoyed this cute and funny read! The reason it’s only a 3 star for me is because most of the book I couldn’t stand Alec which I know we were made to dislike him but I couldn’t love him after all the stress he put me through. The romance didn’t really connect with me but I know this could easily make it to a 5 stars for a younger reader, I’m just quite picky with my love stories.
I love and adore Donald and his story so for me his letters were the very best part. He’s so full of life and brings a lot of shocks and surprises so you really do get caught up in his life and all the twists and turns. This would be the perfect quick summer read and I would definitely read more from this author in the future!
Profile Image for Seema Rao.
Author 2 books60 followers
March 14, 2019
Enjoyable ~ Humorous ~ Relatable

tl;dr: Who says those Art History research skills aren't worth something in the real world.

Hannah is sent on a chase after the death of her uncle. She gets a series of letters that keep her moving on her path. As she deals with his requests, she finds her own way. Along that path, she meets a gargantuan, hot, reserved man, her uncle's assistant.

This book was a real charmer. The main character narrates the story, and her voice is the great jewel of the story. She is equal parts snark, action, and realness. Haven't seen this pop up in many feeds yet, but I hope people put it on their preorder list for the fall. Would be a great read at the holidays when you have a couple of hours and want a solid, well-written love story/ coming of age book.

Thanks to NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jolis.
365 reviews29 followers
November 15, 2020

Hanna pēc sava onkuļa Donalda nāves saņem vēstījumu, ka viņu gaida mantojums, ja viņa izpildīs vairākus uzdevumus. Hanna pakļaujas šai avantūrai un caur onkuļa vēstulēm pēc katra izpildīta uzdevuma uzzina daudz jauna par savu ģimeni. Bet viņas alkatīgā ģimene un vairāki Donalda noslēpumi stipri sarežģī procesu.

Man bija interesanti lasīt abas sižeta līnijas, grāmata nebūt negarlaikoja un spēja noturēt manu uzmanību no sākuma līdz galam.

Nepatika tas, ka labie tēli izveidoti pārāk labi, un sliktie neticami slikti. Man visu lasīšanas laiku gribējas iedunkāt galvenās varones māsu un sapurināt Hannu, lai tak saņemas beidzot un parāda nedaudz pašcieņas.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,264 reviews710 followers
July 26, 2019

Profile Image for Leonie Hinch.
1,029 reviews43 followers
May 20, 2019
Thank you to Netgalley, Beth Corby and Hodder & Stoughton for my ARC of Where There’s a Will in exchange for an honest review.

I’m super excited to be taking part in the blog tour for this book. Thank you again to Hodder & Stoughton for asking me!

Where There’s a Will is published as an ebook on the 30th May and you can grab a hard copy from the 19th September!

My rating: 5*

Synopsis: Hannah is 25 and just finishing her second university degree while trying to get onto a teacher training programme without much success. So when her sister calls to tell her the whole family are invited to a party at their Great Uncle Donald’s house (a man none of them have ever met), she really doesn’t want to go. So there’s nobody as surprised as Hannah when Donald bequeaths her a mystery gift in his will, all she has to do is complete a series of unknown tasks along with Donald’s PA Alec, and then the prize is hers. But as the tasks get well and truly underway Hannah begins to realise that Donald’s gift to her is more than just money.

This was a wonderfully enchanting story with a real feel good factor. Hannah is a great character who has been undervalued and mistreated by her family all her life but Uncle Donald sees her, and the rest of them for that matter as who they are.

The story is uplifting throughout despite its bare to the bone exposure of the dysfunctional family members and the way people treat others. I really bonded with Hannah and was rooting for her all the way through. I loved some of the side characters too like the housekeeper Mrs Crumpton and Donald’s friend Lady Jane. Definitely a book for when you need cheering up and to read something happy and feel good!

Profile Image for Carmen.
627 reviews21 followers
March 25, 2019
I received a copy from Hodder & Stoughton through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Resigned to be the family loser, Hannah is preparing to move back in with her parents after failing to land a post-college job as she reaches her graduation. Hannah is 25-years-old and has no idea what she’s going to do with her life. Everything changes after attending a family reunion of sorts called by her estranged great-uncle Donald because he liked her enough to leave her a mysterious inheritance. The catch? She must complete a series of tasks in order to find out what she’s inherited. Confused and sad about the loss of the man she never knew, she agrees to take on his mysterious request and see what happens.

I absolutely love this book. It has such a vibrant cast of characters and a storyline, while requiring readers to suspend a smidge of belief, is heartwarming and relatable. In a family of success stories, Hannah’s the loser who changed her college major a couple times and has no clue what she’s doing with her life. She feels the suffocating pressure of life as she lives in the long shadow that her mean older sister, Laura, casts. I really felt for her throughout the novel as well as related to her in some ways, especially regarding her sister. Laura perfectly embodies the essence of every mean person I’ve ever encountered in my life and I totally understand the dynamics of their relationship. I have my own Laura in my life, although not a sister, so I totally understand how Hannah feels throughout the story.

I love the way that Hannah got to know Donald. He’s such an interesting character that I wish she got to know better during his lifetime rather than through a series of letters he left her. He’s such a fascinating guy that I miss him even though he’s a fictional character that we only meet once. How well loved he is makes complete sense and I really feel for the characters who mourn him.

Beth does such a wonderful job at portraying how different each character is as well as bringing Hannah’s family to life. Each character is so realistic that they don’t even feel like fictional characters. I also love the way that she brings Donald’s tasks to life. Hannah gains new experiences that she’ll never forget while also getting to know the late Donald better than just through his letters. There’s also a little bit of a mystery that was fun to watch develop. It was just one more piece of the puzzle that was Donald’s life. This was a wonderful read and I look forward to checking out more of Beth’s work in the future.
Profile Image for Jypsy .
1,524 reviews58 followers
April 5, 2019
Where There's a Will is reminiscent of P.S. I Love You and 13 Little Blue Envelopes. Hannah is out of college, and her life basically stinks. Nothing is going her way. A few twists later, and a long lost relation leaves her an inheritance. First, she must complete a few tasks. These tasks aid in the development of Hannah's character. She gains some confidence and self respect. She grows up a bit into adult life and begins to understand who she is. In addition, we learn some things about the man who left the inheritance. It's an uplifting and inspiring story of learning to trust the universe and yourself. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sarah.
589 reviews12 followers
March 15, 2019
Based on the blurb of this I had certain preconceptions of how the story would go, I was pretty much wrong with all of them. This is a hugely enjoyable, fresh, definately original story with many unexpected elements. The main characters are very likely and whilst some elements of the story are unusual it certainly didn’t push the boundaries of belief. I enjoyed every page of this and don’t hesitate to recommend it.
Profile Image for Elaine.
1,823 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2019
Thanks to NetGalley for a Kindle ARC of Where There's a Will.

** Minor spoilers ahead **

Hannah is a quiet, reserved young woman looking for her path in life.

Bouncing from job to job, she is constantly overlooked and dismissed by her own family, especially her successful headhunter of an elder sister.

When the entire family is brought to meet a great-uncle Donald, the black sheep of the family, Hannah and Donald discover a mutual respect and rapport and hit it off.

When he dies unexpectedly, Hannah learns, with great shock, that he has organized a set of tasks for her to accomplish with the end goal being that she rediscover her passion and true calling in life.

It took me some time to get into this book. It was rife with typical cliches and chick lit stereotypes:

1. Hannah is the typical browbeaten, often forgotten member of the family. She is meek and mild and is constantly patronized by her relatives.

2. Her sister is beautiful, aggressive and seductive. Naturally, she tries to insinuate herself when Hannah and Donald's PA begin to develop a sort of friendship.

3. Great Uncle Donald's personal assistant is, naturally, a looker. Because handsome men are a dime a dozen in books!

4. Hannah's family are made up of rude, insensitive cads (actually, this applies to real life since I can relate)

5. How convenient Donald is wealthy, especially since Hannah's career path will rely on being independently wealthy.

Yet, as I read on, I liked Donald more and more as readers (and Hannah) get to know him through his letters. He is honest and transparent about his mistakes, what he did and why he did what he did.

In his revelations, he also sheds light on how he met the most important people in his life and how their paths cross and continue to inspire love and loyalty among all of them.

When a villain from Donald's past threatens to destroy his good name and reputation, Hannah must work with Donald's loyal friends to concoct a plan to protect her uncle and everyone he loved.

Throughout the novel, Hannah, as a character, evolved and matured as she began to know her uncle and his faults. She learned to find her voice by reading her uncle's letters told through his voice.

Donald reveals pieces of his past, his secrets, his joys, many heartbreaks, and the lessons he learned on his own, which he imparts to Hannah in the end.

The tasks are not difficult but learning experiences, fun and meditative, seeking the little pleasures in life we all take for granted amid the bustle of our daily lives.

As a result, with the help of Donald and the PA, Hannah grows a backbone and faces her parents and conniving sister and relatives, and realize that the first person you should love is yourself, with all your faults and foibles.

The writing is good, and though the pacing is kind of slow, Donald's voice shines through in his letters, his sincerity and forthrightness in not taking shit from anyone is something we can all relate to and learn from.
Profile Image for Lisa (Two Bookish Brits).
811 reviews165 followers
October 28, 2021
This book is so random and out there that I just couldn’t help but love it.

When I found this in a local book store and read the description I just knew I had to get it and read it.

An estranged great-uncle leaving her a strange request in his will, having her go about and complete tasks? Yeah, that sold me real quick on this book, it sounded intriguing and I just love that about a book so I got it and I read it and oh my gosh, I couldn’t put the book down. It was so good.

Hannah feels like the odd one out in her family, she has two degrees but hasn’t settled on a job she knows she wants and will love and her family makes sure to bring it up any time they can. When an invitation is sent out by an estranged great-uncle to the family she comes face to face with a man that sees her for who she is, he sees what nobody else does.

When the news of her great-uncles passing comes around and they’re all there for the Will Hannah has no idea what’s in store for her, in his Will are multiple letters that detail his life and end with a task that she must complete in order for her to get her inheritance with the help of his assistant Alec.

Alec is wary of Donald’s family and so doesn’t trust any of them but as Donald set the task he’s been roped into helping Hannah do her tasks and earn her letters but what he doesn’t expect is the fun they have doing so and how closer they grow to each other.

Being able to see these two figure out the tasks and play them out has been so much fun. The talks are fun and thrilling and so random that it makes you laugh. Watching them grow and become close due to this reason is adorable. I just loved how easily they all became friends and how easy it was for Hannah to interact with these people Donald held close to him.

Throughout the books and letters we get to see Donald’s life unravel and although it’s out there and unexpected it fits that man perfectly, it’s been great to read and discover everything about that man. He’s interesting that’s for sure.

All in all it’s been an absolute joy reading this book and I sure hope there’s more books from this author, I’ll have to look it up as soon as I’m done writing this Haha. Kudos to the author for having me completely addicted to this book and not being able to put it down.
Profile Image for Clare .
851 reviews48 followers
May 8, 2019

With thanks to Netgalley and Hodder and Staughton for this ARC in exchange for an open and honest review.

Twenty five year old Hannah had spent her adult life as a university student. First she gained a degree in art history and then decided to study for an English degree. At home Hannah was treated as the runt of the litter, and constantly put down by her successful older sister Lauren.

One day Hannah`s family received an invitation to visit Donald who had been estranged from the family for years. During the meeting Hannah and Donald spoke and she revealed she wanted to write a book.

Three months later Donald passed away, at the will reading Hannah was told she would receive an undisclosed award if she performed a series of tasks. The instructions for The tasks would be held by Alec, Donald`s PA.

I think the plot line to Where there`s a will was truly unique. The characters were wonderfully drawn although there were a couple I didn't like.

I absolutely loved Uncle Donald, he was definitely a roue in his time!! I enjoyed the challenges because they were innocent such as star gazing, building a go kart and going to the theatre in London. But each task told the reader a little bit about Donald`s life. I liked how Donald kept some of his old friendships and were still part of his life.

I liked Hannah and her willingness to perform tasks for a family member she barely knew. I also liked the housekeeper Mrs Crumpton who would still argue with Donald out loud.

I didn't like Lauren and was annoyed every time she put Hannah down. Where There`s a Will was a heart warming read, I look forward to the authors next book.
Profile Image for Martina.
338 reviews40 followers
June 17, 2019
The ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Be brave now, do what you want to do now, and never allow anyone to make you feel insignificant

Hannah's 25 years old and doesn't know what to do with her life. But then everything changes when she met Donald, her great uncle. They will meet only one time, but that will be crucial.
When he dies he leaves her some tasks to accomplished with the help of his PA Alec and the promise of a grand reward if she completes them all.
This is a light hearted and entertaining read, I really enjoy it. Donals was really a great character and I've grown to adore him. The love story was cute, but what I really loved were the tasks, all the suggestions and great life lessons.
I'll definitely read more from this author in the future!
Profile Image for Amy Hutchinson.
480 reviews3 followers
July 29, 2020
I loved this book such a good premise yo set tasks in the will to get to know a person better. There was no need for the romance though
Profile Image for Charanya.
215 reviews32 followers
May 27, 2020
3 stars!

Am not sure why I am giving this only three stars, I really did like this book but every time I was reeled into it I was again pulled back out when some parts didn't work for me. I was having a push and pull with this book, the good parts were really good and the not so good parts were making me conflicted and I could not get fully invested. The letters and the tasks were obviously the best parts although some back stories of Donald were bizarre for my liking, still it was interesting enough to keep reading them.

The entire book based on the bequeath of Donald to his once met relative was slightly unbelievable. But Hannah's family seemed so horrendous that this kind gesture from a long lost relative was just what our heroine needed. The book characters were vivid and the ending satisfying. Hannah and Alec's chemistry ran hot and cold just like the book itself
Profile Image for Gaele.
4,073 reviews82 followers
July 5, 2019
Opening with a disastrous interview for a teaching position, Hannah is tired of the ‘what next’ attitude from her family, the increasing debt of her seemingly endless forays into university and the studying. Always having felt like the ‘afterthought’, particularly where her not very nice and always in the spotlight sister is concerned, she just wanted to have a bit of time to herself, with the interview behind her, to regroup. But, in an unwise moment she shared with her sister, and thus her failure (or unsuitability – as she really had no interest in actually teaching, but more seeking a job to start paying off debt) to make a start on ‘adulting’. All of this is coming on the heels of a family gathering at the house of one Uncle Donald – their grandmother Betty’s brother, black sheep of the family, and a total mystery. The entire family has been requested to attend, and the conversations, expectations and moods are high.

Donald lives in a grand-ish house named the Laurels, and for the most part, Hannah’s relatives are behaving exactly as she expected: assessing the space, man and their prospects with manners both cloying and false. But after the singular meeting, a few short asides from Hannah to Donald, and they are off back to their lives, until news of Donald’s death reaches them. From the reading of the will to threats of contest, angry words and plenty of self-serving planning, only Hannah was asked to hang back, for she was bequeathed something very different. A series of tasks to be completed one after the other to receive her inheritance. Hannah agrees and we are off……

This was the second or third title with a similar “beyond the grave’ aspect that sought to direct actions or provide enlightenment through a combination of physical acts and letters of explanation, all with the purpose of obtaining the bequest. What sets Hannah’s story apart is her reactions to, and interactions with the three people who are keys to the whole thing. Alex, Donald’s PA is there to monitor her progress and assist her, Donald, the deceased who feels so present and palpable through his letters and the one who threatens to bring everything down – Mrs. Jennings. Throughout the tasks, some that push Hannah to her limits and test her already shaky self-confidence, she’s gaining insight, learning to rely on her own instincts and enjoying the ride – even when she’s wondering just how worth it this might be. But never in a mercenary way: she’s only curious about furthering the feelings and intrigue that Donald engendered on their one meeting, and getting to know the man better. This is a fun escape story with plenty of moments to make you think and smile.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at I am, Indeed
Profile Image for Simone.
147 reviews4 followers
May 7, 2020
So I got this picture as part of a subscription box (How Novel) so I didn't know what I'd get until it was here. Since I am not the biggest fan of Rom Coms, I was a bit suspicious from the start but I was soon completely sucked in and this book came to me at a time where all I wanted and needed was a book which would worm its way into my heart. And this is it.

It's about twenty-five year old Hannah who is a bit directionless. She wants to become an English teacher - out of convenience. She actually wants to become a writer but her self-esteem in that (and other departments) have recieved such a blow that she settles on teaching until she goes to an interview and is told that she is completely unfit for the job. With no plan B or other prospects on the horizon, She fears the reaction of her family and her successful sister.

Even worse, she will have to face her extended relatives as well because her grandmother's estranged brother, whom Hannah has never met, invites them all onto his grand estate. Hannah actually finds that she gets on well with Donald. Sadly, his absolutely gorgeous but rude PA seems to be more of a challenge. Soon after, Donald dies and at the reading of the will, he has a special challenge for Hannah: if she completes tasks he has set for her in the company of his PA Alec, there will be an undisclosed reward after.

Soon, Hannah finds herself doing things she never thought possible and enjoying herself, as well as getting to know Donald piece by piece through the letters he's left her. And then there's Alec, who seems to warm up to her the more time they spend together...

This book was absolutely wholesome. And weird. GOSH there were things in there that were so weird I laughed out loud. And there's pining. And so much space for Hannah to find herself and to develop the person she wants to be. There is space for her to write and experience and feel without any outside pressure and it is exactly what everyone needs in my opinion. The romance was absolutely lovely and I couldn't have wished for a better romantic development. Sometimes, the romance plot overshadows everything else but this was not the case here. There were so many things that were important and rightfully so. Hannah met new friends, defied her family, stood up for herself and it was an absolute joy to be able to go on this journey with Hannah.

I will treasure this book forever and if you don't know what to read one day? There is no way you can go wrong with this.
Profile Image for Rikke Nielsen.
160 reviews5 followers
November 22, 2020
Hannah og hele hendes familie bliver hidkaldt til sin ukendte grandonkel. Han vil gerne møde familien inden sin død. Efter grandonklen er død bliver familien igen hidkaldt og alle bliver testamenteret en del undtagen Hannah. Hun får til gengæld et tilbud om at løse en række opgaver der til sidst vil udforme en belønning.

Hannahs familie, især hendes bedstemor og egen søster, er virkelig ondskabsfulde over for Hannah. Og trods denne modgang klare Hannah alle sine opgaver og hidkalder nu selv hele familien for at fortælle om resten af testamentet.

Under hele dette har Hannah en hjælper, det er grandonklens personlige assistent, Alec. Hans opgaver er at hjælpe og støtte Hannah gennem de opgaver grandonklen har sat op til Hannah. Sød musik opstår, men desværre dukker Hannahs søster op og ødelægger det hele.

En rigtig sød. sjov og hjertevarm historie om familie, fortid, u- og venskaber og selvfølgelig kærlighed. Jeg sender mine varmeste anbefalinger af sted samme med fem ud af fem ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Jeg blev hurtigt fanget i denne roman og var virkelig nysgerrig over at se hvordan historien ville folde sig ud og jeg blev bestemt ikke skuffet.
Profile Image for Julia | NightswithFiction.
145 reviews8 followers
March 25, 2019
I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

4.5 stars - Where There's a Will is a surprisingly sweet, uplifting and heart-warming tale of overcoming fears, crossing uncharted territories and unlocking the best within you. It's a feel-good love story that embraces and preaches self-love with the added goodness of a romantic interest.

We meet our narrator and heroine, Hannah, who is absolutely delightful but lacks the confidence she needs to get through her complicated and unfulfilled life post-college, filled with unhappy parents, a brash older sister, and cousin, and a judgemental aunt, uncle, and grandmother. We're thrown into her world and quickly learn to dislike her family. Unexpectedly, her grandmother's estranged (and wealthy) brother aka great-uncle Donald, invites his distant family over for tea, and unbeknownst to them, is secretly searching for an heir to his fortune. Our sweet Hannah catches his interest and shortly after, Donald passes, leaving Hannah mysterious tasks to complete in order for her to discover what she's inherited from him.

We follow along, experiencing it all and learning as Hannah does as she completes each task, one by one. Slowly, we begin to realize that not only are these tasks where we learn more about Donald's (somewhat scandalous but totally intriguing) life but tasks that make Hannah a stronger, more confident person. The character growth she shows from beginning to end is surprising, especially when you juxtapose the very first few chapters with the very last. And along the way, Alec becomes the perfect helping hand in completing the tasks and allowing Hannah to relish in her journey of self-love and self-discovery.

I really enjoyed reading this book and I really adored Hannah, oddly feeling protective of her at times when she'd come across a difficult obstacle, be that a task or person. This was a really sweet tale that reveals how just one person believing in you and pushing you in the right direction can change your life for the better.

Check out my full review and others on The Reading Conspiracy: www.thereadingconspiracy.com

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2,354 reviews14 followers
April 15, 2019
I enjoyed the story and liked getting to know who Donald was as we continued to read and find more about him. I also liked Hannah and how she grew thru-out the story however I wasn't really sold on Alec, I didn't really feel a connection or believe they they fell for each other..So while it was a cute story, didn;t believe in the love interest.

Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author..(netgalley) voluntarily reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Ketie.
271 reviews66 followers
January 5, 2020
It was a fine read, a little disappointed that the tasks weren’t a little more fun or elaborate. Also one of the first times I genuinely did not like the love interest. Every time he appeared I was annoyed.

It had more potential than what I got which always makes me a little sad.
Profile Image for keira.
434 reviews218 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 14, 2021
Profile Image for Jacm.
261 reviews
December 21, 2020
A fun, light hearted read following mis-fit Hannah as she completed odd tasks and slowly learns the life story of her long-lost Great Uncle Donald in order to discover the final details of his will.
Profile Image for Michele Benchouk.
346 reviews12 followers
March 18, 2019
This book was wonderful. The premise revolves around a series of tasks our main character must accomplish before gaining an unrevealed inheritance from a little known but larger-than-life uncle. Through the whole book, we wonder if the true inheritance is her growth and the opportunity for love. Although it is a standard trope, I really did wonder if there was anything waiting fer her at the end and truly believe that the answer didn't matter.

One of the most interesting things in this book were the letters from Uncle Donald which accompanied each task. I kept thinking how real he seemed just through those letters and how he was such a critical character in the book, even though he passed fairly early on the story. It seemed so unusual that the author could draw us so close to a character just through their letters, but then I realized that Ms. Corby had drawn us so close to all of the characters with just words. These characters just seemed incredibly real (other than Lauren who was just over the top mean and conniving.)

This story was enchanting and made me smile, laugh, wonder, and want to experience more of life for myself. Stargazing anyone? That feeling like you might just fall off the Earth into the vastness of space is so accurate!

Thank you Ms. Corby. And thank you to NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton for a free copy of this book to read and review. All opinions above are my own.
Profile Image for sophia ⚹.
380 reviews27 followers
December 5, 2019
honestly, i just love all forms of epistolary writing so much. there’s just something so intimate about a letter ...

this book was really fun and enjoyable to read, i'm really glad i picked it up. going through the tasks with hannah and learning more about her uncle donald through each letter at the end of each task was my absolute favorite part, i never wanted it to end.

i did have a couple hangups, and while i really loved the ending, there were a few parts before that that i really wish had been done differently, so the rating ended up being a little lower. also i had a few other nitpicks with the writing that weren't huge issues but did grate on me after some time (one being the use of exclamation points in internal monologue lol).

the sister character really bothered me.

my other gripe is with the love interest.

that all being said, the message of not allowing people’s unkindness to be swept under the rug but to call it out and expose them and stand up for yourself is. very lovely!!!! be brave!!!! don't let people tell you shit!!!!! GO OFF LADIES
Profile Image for Benedicte Eriksen .
343 reviews9 followers
December 20, 2020
Så er min anmeldelse af denne utroligt morsomme og fantastiske bog oppe på bloggen!
Følg linket her for at finde den. ❤️👉🏼 https://benedictesbogblog.blogspot.co...

“Da jeg begyndte på denne bog, vidste jeg ikke helt hvad jeg skulle forvente, udover at den lød sjov. Og jeg kan sige at allerede små 10 sider inde var jeg ved at gå til af grin, og jeg kunne slet ikke slippe bogen igen før jeg var færdig, for jeg måtte bare vide hvordan det hele ville ende for Hanna. “

“Donald var helt klart en af mine ynglings personer, for trods vi kun møder ham i live en gang, følte jeg virkelig jeg kom til at lærer ham godt af kende gennem de her breve og udfordringer han giver Hanna, og jeg tror ikke bogen ville være blevet det samme uden ham. “
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