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Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
November 3, 2018
I believe this is one of the best stories that take place in Krinar World (more than 20 stories have been written so far by various authors).
It has accurate details and it is true to the original story of Mia and Korum.

Zafir is a Krinar Guardian and Liv is a human girl who works for the human resistance against the alien Krinars.
In order to save her brothers, she will not hesitate to expose resistance's secrets to Zafir, her alien conduct. The resistance will be stopped before they cause any damage, but then Liv will be treated as a traitor by her ex comrades and as a potential future traitor by the Krinars.

Zafir will be enthralled by this fragile human girl and her inner strength. The only way to save her is to make her his charl - no matter how strongly Liv denies him.
The situation between these two will change from hate to lust to love.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,627 reviews477 followers
October 14, 2018

Back in 2013 I starting reading The Krinar Chronicles. I loved the books despite the fact that Mia annoyed me. So when The Krinar Captive was released in 2016 I was all over it. Unfortunately my enthusiasm was short lived and the book was quickly added to my DNF pile.

I decided then that I’d keep my fond memories of Krinar but not read anymore. And I’ve not been remotely tempted until now.

Charmaine Pauls has quickly become one of my favourite authors. And honestly I was curious where she’d go with this.

Liv and her brothers are part of the resistance. But she meets Zavir prepared to betray the resistance in order to ensure the safety of her brothers.

“This is a war they can’t win,” she continued. “Besides, the information they’re being fed is nothing but propaganda. I don’t believe you’re here to wipe us out.”

Liv was caught in an impossible situation. But she did what she felt was right and you can’t argue with that.

Zavir for the most part was a jerk. The kind of alpha male we love to hate. He wasn’t easy or soft and I spent a lot of the book annoyed with him. He won me over in the end but it was touch and go for a long while.

Within a couple of pages I was hooked and while I don’t think I could ever re-read the original books (I just don’t have the patience for Mia anymore) it’s left me open to the possibility future Krinar reads.

I voluntarily read a review copy kindly provided by the author. This review is my honest opinion of the book.
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
November 14, 2018

I really enjoyed The Krinar's Informant this is a world that I was ever so glad to head back into.
After previously reading Mia and Korum story which I devoured even though Mia herself got right on my wick: I was very interested to see how this author would compare to my previous exposure within this world.
No worries at all: this was a fantastic read hooking me right from the onset.
The Krinar's Informant had just the right amount of action versus romance to keep me satisfied and also invested in the story.
So this is set in Costa Rica and here we get to meet Zafir a Guardian and Liv a human girl whose brothers have dragged her into joining a resistance cell.
To save her family Liv turns traitor promising information to the enemy for her family's safe passage.
So after quashing the rebels Zafir, as he intended all along, takes Liv for his own.
Only knowing he wants to keep her and very inept at showing his softer side he treats Liv almost as a cherished pet which she doesn't take to very kindly.
The power play that follows was equal parts hot as well as infuriating.
Zafir is a typical controlling make no apologies Alpha-Alien and Liv a stubborn as hell independent woman: watching the sparks fly and these two circle each over was ever so satisfying indeed.
On the action and intrigue front, this also delivers along with some unexpected twists thrown in
bringing events to a satisfying conclusion for all.
This is one story I am happy to recommend an easy read that I read in one sitting.
I voluntary reviewed an Arc of The Krinar's Informant (A Krinar World Novel)
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.


Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,223 reviews823 followers
October 14, 2018
Oh wow! I’m not sure I’ve ever read a hero as protective and possessive as this hero is over this heroine.

Liv meets Zavir to pass on information regarding the resistance in an effort to protect her family. What she doesn’t realize is that Zavir has tweaked the plan just a tad and the fallout is his possession of her until the Krinar traitor is caught. However, there’s just a little something else she isn’t immediately aware of…Zavir doesn’t plan to ever let her go.

I absolutely loved Zavir and his harsh, uncompromising claiming of Liv. In real life, no, no way. But here in the safety of this wonderful book, I was gobbling this hero up as quickly as I could. His methods were not the sweetly gentle wooing of his lady fair, it was full on take charge domination. There were also incidents of putting the little lady in her place. Women’s lib at this point of the book doesn’t even exist. I should probably hate that, right? Nope…I was completely consumed by his actions.

Liv was freaking amazing. I felt her disconsolation during her “imprisonment” and my heart hurt for her, but as the reader, I was aware of Zavir’ thoughts and I knew once they actually communicated they could work through their issues. But we’re talking about a guardian Krinar and Zavir, as the strongest of them all, isn’t really known as a communicator but more of a take action guy. Fortunately, Liv is more than capable of handling a crisis and when the opportunity to do so arises, she shines. Gah! I loved her just as hard as I did Zavir.

This book checked every one of my boxes for the things I love most in a hero. Filled with plenty of action, mystery and steam it also has so much intensity between the hero and heroine that I could barely stand it, it was so good. I hated to see this end.

Definitely a high recommendation if you like your heroes fierce and protective!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Dual POV
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
October 14, 2018
Liv and her twin brothers are part of the resistance. Liv realizes that what the resistance wants to do will cause many deaths, including their own. When she befriended a Krinar's charl, she realized the Krinar want a peaceful integration with humans. The only way to save her brothers was to become an informant.

Zavir has been tasked with meeting the resistance informant. He wasn't expecting the pull he would feel to Liv from the first time he lays eyes on her. He's one of those heroes who deal with their feelings in almost a military way. It's all he's known and that ultimately makes things harder for him and Liv. It's quite the battle to witness.

I love his need to protect her and care for her. He just really sucked at communicating his reasons for that care. Liv, who has had heavy responsibility from the start doesn't know how to just be cared for. She doesn't see it for what it is. On top of such a tumultuous relationship, they have the resistance to still deal with and a possible traitor in the Krinar.

I've enjoy the Krinar world ever since I read Korum and Mia's story by Anna Zaires. I love that the author opened this world up to other authors. Charmaine Pauls does an excellent job of bringing something new while keeping the same formula to the original. I would love to see her do more with the Krinar's.
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,456 reviews114 followers
March 11, 2020
Recensione in anteprima

Zavir è un guardiano dei Krinar, ha il compito di prevenire le azioni dei ribelli appartenenti alla Resistenza degli attivi sulla Terra. È un gigante muscoloso, col viso scolpito da tratti spigolosi, la mascella  squadrata, il naso dritto e la pelle color bronzo.

L' informatrice con cui aveva appuntamento in un bar in Costa Rica era un' umana, aveva saputo da fonti certe che la ragazza voleva proporgli un patto, fornendo in cambio preziose informazioni.

Quando entra nel bar, Liv lo riconosce subito: la barba tagliata in modo accurato attirava l’attenzione su quei lineamenti ammalianti, la sua perfezione fisica e la stazza inusuale non davano adito ad alcun dubbio. Era un Krinar, il più potente e temibile fra di essi.

L' amica di Liv, Anita, le aveva detto che l'alieno l’avrebbe aiutata  perché era un ottimo soldato e un guardiano rispettato. Ma non poteva trattarsi del soggetto arrogante che le sedeva di fronte.
C'era diffidenza tra loro, si avvertiva dalle battute al vetriolo che si scambiavano. Liv però, con la sua intraprendenza, aveva piacevolmente sorpreso l'alieno, perché nel locale dove si erano incontrati, si era saputa difendendere da un agguato in modo preciso e senza aver bisogno di aiuto. Aveva più fegato di tutti gli avventori del bar messi insieme, anche se non aveva niente a che vedere con quel branco di lupi mannari, e quello era uno dei motivi per cui Zavir, ammaliato dalla sua bellezza, aveva deciso d baciarla.
Non era riuscito a resisterle.

La ragazza, in poco tempo, aveva scolpito il cuore di granito dell'alieno, e la cosa non gli piaceva. Era una debolezza e ciò avrebbe potuto costargli la vita. Qualcuno poteva definirlo diffidente, ma lui preferiva chiamarlo buonsenso.
Nessun informatore era leale al cento per cento, ecco perché aveva sparso la voce che sarebbe stata offerta una ricompensa in cambio di qualsiasi informazione relativa alla cellula di Resistenza in Costa Rica. La ricompensa era stata abbastanza corposa da convincere chiunque a svelare i propri segreti.

Ma Liv non stava affatto tradendo la sua gente, il suo intento era quello di salvarla, soprattutto non voleva che i suoi amati fratelli prendessero parte a una missione suicida.

Zavir era una macchina da guerra. Era il leone e Liv la sua preda, ma non l’avrebbe fatta a pezzi, non  prima di aver ottenuto le informazioni che stava cercando. Anche perché lui era un demonio, e sapeva perfettamente fin dal primo momento che l'aveva vista, che l'avrebbe tenuta con sé. Voleva che diventasse la sua "charl".
Dunque l’informazione che lei gli aveva promesso, non era l’unico premio che stava cercando.

Una novella rovente nell'universo dei Krinar,  alieni belli ma pericolosi, intenzionati a colonizzare il mondo grazie ad un evidente vantaggio tecnologico, la cui mira è semplicemente quella di vivere in pace con gli umani.

Zavir è un anti-eroe, una perfetta combinazione di arroganza e seduzione, e la dolce Liv non sarà immune al suo fascino né riuscirà a combattere la potente attrazione  provata per l affascinante alieno . 
Profile Image for ★ Belle The Bibliophile ★.
876 reviews268 followers
October 21, 2018
I don’t know how I felt about this book. The whole time I was genuinely sad for the heroine because I felt like she had been through so much, and the Hero was cold-hearted and undeserving of her. He kept her as a captive under the guise of “protectivess” to the point that she was so depressed. She couldn’t find it in her to eat and she even lost a lot of weight. But I guess it’s okay for y’all right? ;)
He’s doing it for her own good after all! Pfft!! What a sexy alpha man!

Their first sexual encounter, was also rapey. No. Scratch that, it was rape. End of.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,858 reviews1,488 followers
October 14, 2018
Gah! Charmaine Pauls delivered another fabulous Krinar story once again with The Krinar's Informant. This story was so sexy and addicting and I was glued to every word. I loved Liv and Zavir and loved how consumed they were with one another.

In hopes to save her twin brothers, Liv decides to go against the Resistance movement and confide their plans and strategies with a Krinar Guardian, Zavir, but with an almost animalistic attraction between them, Zavir has his own plans to take the brave human girl as his own while annihilating the resistance movement to protect the Krinar people.

Gah! I loved this story. I love that Pauls made Zavir so raw and savage. He was ruthless and dominating but he has a growing soft spot for Liv. It was great to see his emotional depth as the story progressed. Liv became the chink in his armor that grew with his feelings for her. All in all, this was a great story and I look forward to more from this author. 4.5 stars! ~Ratula
Profile Image for MsMoxy.
430 reviews14 followers
October 14, 2018
4.5 Stars for The Krinar’s Informant

Liv is a soldier in the resistance movement against the Krinar. She’s also the informant that’s going to sell out her group to protect her two brothers from the wrath of the Krinar.

Zavir is the Krinar that Liv trusts with the sensitive information about the resistance movement. She bargains with him the info he needs to take down this group before an uprising occurs to protect all those within the resistance who are too idiotic to see that their plan will fail.

But the real focus of this story is Liv and Zavir, and their physical attraction to one another. Add a little (or a lot of) Alpha Male Hotness and Krinar who can’t wait to take a little taste from the curvy and feisty little human, and BANG! - You’ve got yourself a hawt alien-human captivity story!

I love Charmaine Pauls’ The Krinar Informant! Zavir is unapologetic in his assertive asshole way in protecting his “little kitten”. And as for Liv, she is relentless in finding all the angles to play Zavir. Unfortunately for Liv (but yeah for the readers who enjoy a good power exchange between the love interests) Zavir is such a detached asshole that none of Liv’s attempts to goad Zavir actually work.

I love the Krinar Series and The Krinar‘s Informant is Charmaine Pauls’ second book in Krinar World. This story is vague enough to keep it fairly flexible within the other series’ timeline but also gives enough detail to indicate the first Resistance movement has already occurred but that Mia and Korum are still in Lenkarda. I love that Mia and Korum were featured in this book as they are two of my fav charl-cheren couples!

Zavir and Liv’s story is hawt. ❤️ There are certainly some difficult parts between their power exchange (which is something I love about The author’s writing!!!!😍) but the sweet moments were also present and a bit of a relief as the read certainly feels what poor Liv emotionally endured due to Zavir and his very frustrating-stubborn-Alpha-hotheaded ways!

The Krinar’s Informant is a must read!

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

Merged review:

4.5 Stars for The Krinar’s Informant

Liv is a soldier in the resistance movement against the Krinar. She’s also the informant that’s going to sell out her group to protect her two brothers from the wrath of the Krinar.

Zavir is the Krinar that Liv trusts with the sensitive information about the resistance movement. She bargains with him the info he needs to take down this group before an uprising occurs to protect all those within the resistance who are too idiotic to see that their plan will fail.

But the real focus of this story is Liv and Zavir, and their physical attraction to one another. Add a little (or a lot of) Alpha Male Hotness and Krinar who can’t wait to take a little taste from the curvy and feisty little human, and BANG! - You’ve got yourself a hawt alien-human captivity story!

I love Charmaine Pauls’ The Krinar Informant! Zavir is unapologetic in his assertive asshole way in protecting his “little kitten”. And as for Liv, she is relentless in finding all the angles to play Zavir. Unfortunately for Liv (but yeah for the readers who enjoy a good power exchange between the love interests) Zavir is such a detached asshole that none of Liv’s attempts to goad Zavir actually work.

I love the Krinar Series and The Krinar‘s Informant is Charmaine Pauls’ second book in Krinar World. This story is vague enough to keep it fairly flexible within the other series’ timeline but also gives enough detail to indicate the first Resistance movement has already occurred but that Mia and Korum are still in Lenkarda. I love that Mia and Korum were featured in this book as they are two of my fav charl-cheren couples!

Zavir and Liv’s story is hawt. ❤️ There are certainly some difficult parts between their power exchange (which is something I love about The author’s writing!!!!😍) but the sweet moments were also present and a bit of a relief as the read certainly feels what poor Liv emotionally endured due to Zavir and his very frustrating-stubborn-Alpha-hotheaded ways!

The Krinar’s Informant is a must read!

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Hettie Ivers.
Author 14 books794 followers
October 20, 2018
Zut alors! Grab a cold drink and a fabricator (for new panties) and one-click this alien hotness!!

I'm a huge fan of Anna Zaires' Krinar world, so I was especially impressed with how well Pauls crafted a storyline and characters that seemed to effortlessly fit into Zaires' world and connect with the original storyline of the Krinar Chronicles. Pauls' writing-style is also beautiful, which made this an absolute joy to read.

I especially loved Liv, the heroine of this tale!! She was smart, strong, determined, and loyal. And while at times she came across as naive (not in a bad way—but in keeping with her youth and life experience), she also managed to come across as a bit of a jaded old soul—which for me really helped in making her pairing with Zavir, an ancient alien, work.

Zavir, the Krinar guardian who is Liv's love interest as well as captor, was kind of a hot mess to me—in that he's hot, but also a total trainwreck when it comes to understanding and treating women. I really wanted to club him over the head (maybe take a flogger to him) a few times, and tell him to get his shit together already. And yet, I admit that his character was in keeping with his Krinar alien society station and life experience, so it fit. And ultimately, the dynamic between Zavir and Liv just sizzled!

If you've never read a single book in Anna Zaires' Krinar world, you can definitely start with this one as it may be read and enjoyed as a standalone. I also highly recommend Charmaine Pauls' The Krinar Experiment.

Pure otherworldly pleasure!
Profile Image for Najat.
356 reviews17 followers
March 14, 2020
L'informatrice dei Krinar è stand alone, appartiene alla saga dei Krinar iniziata dalla Zaires, questo capitolo è scritto dalla bravissima Charmaine Pauls, di cui avevo gia letto la bellissima dilogia Lo strozzino.
Di questa saga invece avevo letto solo La prigioniera dei Krinar della Zaires, che mi piacque tantissimo. Sinceramente un pò di più di questa storia.
Ci troviamo in Costa Rica, la resistenza locale contro gli alieni Krinar sta pianificando un attentato per liberarsi di questi ospiti indesiderati, che hanno invaso la terra per condividere il pianeta con gli umani.
Liv la protagonista, è la sorella di due giovani coinvolti nel complotto, decide di sancire un patto con il guardiano Zavir.
Un patto che rischia di metterla in pericolo assieme ai suoi fratelli.
Un’attrazione fortissima colpisce i due protagonisti dal primo istante, Liv non ha scampo non riesce a resistere al fascino e l'irruenza dell'alieno Zavir, ma allo stesso tempo si sente prigioniera e soffocata dalla sua possessività e troppa protezione.
Devo dire che per la prima metà del libro, mi hanno rallentato la lettura e un pò annoiato le troppe scene di sesso, per quanto sono descritte bene e molto hot. Ma mi è mancata la tensione sessuale dato che hanno ceduto da subito ai loro istinti.
Ma dalla seconda metà la situazione si è fatta più intrigante, tanti gli avvenimenti, i tradimenti e colpi di scena davvero da mozzafiato, e inaspettati.
Consigliato a chi ama il genere fantascientifico o chi è affascinato dal mondo super tecnologico dei Krinar.
Profile Image for Buffyanna.
920 reviews37 followers
October 21, 2018
Liv Madsen is about to do something difficult and dangerous, and it might completely backfire on her. She and her twin brothers are part of the worldwide Resistance, fighting against Earth’s new alien Krinar regime. Liv knows the Resistance is out-gunned and is searching for a way to protect her brothers.

But saving her brothers will mean betraying the Resistance and placing her trust in the Krinar. Liv tries to strike a bargain with the Krinar’s top Guardian, and Resistance hunter, Zavik. But, you guessed it, something unexpected sparks between them and the legendary chemistry between a Krinar and his one true mate leads Zavik to stake his claim on Liv.

This is not just another hot and sexy Krinar love story, although it is indeed both hot and sexy. Charmaine Pauls gives her protagonists some real world relationship challenges: ever wondered if being devastatingly handsome, having a sculpted muscular physique, and being able to deliver mind-blowing orgasms would be enough to guarantee a long-term relationship? Well, unfortunately for Zavik, despite having all of these highly desirable qualities he is just another dense male, a perfect soldier but clueless boyfriend. Zavik is completely undone by his beautiful Liv and would die to protect her and keep her happy. He is just baffled about why she keeps fighting him. For Liv, being claimed by Zavik and taken to the Krinar settlement feels a lot like being trapped, objectified, and oppressed. This story finally delivers a “trouble in paradise” perspective of what until now has been been a utopian view of Lenkarda.

After making almost every relationship-killing move that a male can make (but delivering said orgasms nightly) will Zavik and Liv be able to make it work? No spoilers, but I just want to say that I love the way Charmaine writes and tests her readers. I ALWAYS get emotional when I read her stories and she does it for me again!
Profile Image for Tra Le Braccia Di Un Libro.
969 reviews40 followers
March 14, 2020

Cari amici lettori, oggi ho il piacere di parlarvi di un nuovo capitolo autoconclusivo della saga dei Krinar, questa volta presentato e firmato dalla penna della mia amatissima Charmaine Pauls; alcuni di voi la ricorderanno grazie alla splendida dilogia de “Lo strozzino” e, per quanto mi riguarda, si è definitivamente guadagnata un posto nel firmamento dei miei autori preferiti, grazie al capolavoro “Beauty in the broken”, che ho letto in lingua, ma che presto sarà disponibile anche in italiano.
Premetto con grande sincerità che questo libro è, per me, il primo di questa serie che mi ritrovo a leggere, ma è concepito in maniera tale da non rendere assolutamente necessario aver letto i precedenti; allo stesso tempo, però, ora ho una gran voglia di recuperare!
Ci troviamo in Costa Rica in un clima teso: la resistenza locale contro gli alieni Krinar sta escogitando un piano per liberarsi di questi ospiti indesiderati, che però a loro volta vogliono vivere tra gli umani in pace e, sempre in pace, condividere il pianeta.
Il piano escogitato è ricco di pericoli e mette in conto moltissime perdite da entrambe le parti; infatti i Krinar, anche se dal punto di vista fisico e tecnologico sono superiori ai terrestri sotto tantissimi punti di vista, non sono certamente immortali.
Liv, la protagonista indiscussa di questa storia, è la sorella di due giovani coinvolti in prima linea nel suddetto complotto, ma vede nella strategia troppi pericoli e l’idea di perdere l’unica famiglia che le è rimasta è per lei insopportabile. Decide dunque, benché a malincuore, di “tradirli” e tradire la “causa”, fornendo informazioni fondamentali ai Krinar stessi, a patto però che nulla accada ai suoi cari. Di fondamentale importanza sarà l’aiuto della fidata Aida, lei stessa compagna e amante di un Krinar, che darà alla nostra Liv un contatto alieno degno di rispetto, in quanto facente parte dei più alti ranghi della società aliena, il guardiano Zavir.
Come per tutti i Krinar, Zavir è di una bellezza indiscussa e il suo fascino da predatore, unito alla sua sicurezza e maestosa potenza, mettono subito in soggezione Liv, che, nonostante il suo intuito da combattente che condivide con i fratelli guerrieri, si lascerà facilmente incantare da questa creatura, allo stesso tempo paurosa e incredibilmente ammaliante.
Un’attrazione fulminante e inspiegabile colpisce i due fin da subito: la lingua biforcuta e la temerarietà di Liv faranno divertire Zavir, oltre che incuriosirlo nei confronti di questo piccolo e fragile essere umano, dalle fattezze allettanti ed eccitanti.
Scendere a patti con Zavir non sarà per niente facile, come non sarà facile per lui convincere i suoi superiori a risparmiare la famiglia di Liv, ma Korum (presente nella trilogia principale della saga) è saggio e comprende benissimo cosa significa la giovane umana per Zavir, il quale per conto suo l’ha già scelta come inconsapevole compagna della sua vita. Come reagirà Liv di fronte a questa situazione? Sarà disposta a rinunciare alla sua libertà in nome di un patto?
Ebbene sì, Liv si troverà costretta a vivere in una gabbia dorata, ricca e dotata di tutti gli agi, ma pur sempre una gabbia opprimente, che la farà cadere nella più profonda delle depressioni, cosa inspiegabile per Zavir, convinto sempre più di essere l’unico capace di proteggerla, nel momento in cui il tradimento verso la sua specie la rende inaffidabile e pericolosa per entrambe le fazioni. Solo il nostro protagonista riesce a vedere e a fidarsi della sincera e innocente buona fede della ragazza.
Il periodo di prigionia in balia dell’aitante alieno rende Liv insofferente, ma allo stesso tempo dipendente da questa creatura Alpha tra le cui braccia è impossibile restare indifferenti.
Le scene hot tra i due rendono incredibilmente l’idea di cosa significhi essere persi in un rapporto con un essere superiore sia fisicamente che tecnologicamente; la Pauls ci regalerà momenti sia di intensa passione che di geniale e intelligente stesura a riguardo, vi assicuro che resterete a bocca aperta e a tratti senza fiato.

Altro aspetto che contraddistingue l’autrice e che ritroviamo anche in questo libro è la sua capacità di ribaltare alcuni avvenimenti, regalando colpi di scena davvero adrenalinici e mozzafiato, nonché inaspettati; poco dopo la prima metà del libro stravolgerà tutto in maniera così repentina e acuta che vi terrà attaccati alle pagine in maniera viscerale.
Complotti, tradimenti, romanticismo alieno e un eros intensissimo la faranno da padroni; una trama accattivante e originale sono il connubio perfetto per rendere questa storia, dal finale inaspettato, veramente vincente.
Come avrete notato non sono presenti estratti del libro, ora vi chiederete se sia voluto... ehm... veramente no! Chiedo venia, ammetto di aver letto il tutto in un giorno, trasportata e affascinata, nonché immersa appieno nel mondo dei Krinar, e di aver totalmente dimenticato di segnarli... ops... scusatemi, mi farò perdonare la prossima volta (LOL).
Qualche dettaglio tecnico: la storia è raccontata sì in terza persona, ma i POV saranno analizzati in alternanza per entrambi i protagonisti, regalandoci un ampio spettro di osservazione sui loro sentimenti e le loro azioni. Come ho già accennato, le scene hot sono descritte in maniera sublime e non mancherà l’inconfondibile nota “dark” affine sia alla Pauls che alla Zaires.
Vi state chiedendo se la sindrome di Stoccolma la farà nuovamente da padrona? Vi rispondo che ci sarà, ma tutto sarà tranne che la protagonista; insomma, la Zaires ne ha fatto un suo piccolo marchio di riconoscimento, a volte criticato e da tanti allo stesso tempo oltremodo apprezzato; la Pauls, che secondo me ha preso egregiamente le redini in questa esperienza letteraria, ha semplicemente seguito il suo istinto senza intaccare le basi della storia preesistente.
Che dire ancora? Se come me non avete mai letto nulla sugli alieni Krinar, ma vi piace questo genere, vi assicuro che non resterete delusi. Per chi invece ha già letto la saga, beh... la Pauls non vi deluderà.
Se lo consiglio? Assolutamente sì!

Profile Image for Janee.
2,626 reviews11 followers
October 13, 2018
This is interesting world! Liv is trying to save her only family she has left. She knows the fraction they follow isn't the good guys. So she plans to save them by going to their enemy. Liv didn't think it would turn out to fall in love with Zivar.

The book it self was entertaining and so fascinating to read.

Received as an ARC for my honest review.
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,273 reviews215 followers
June 19, 2020
Ally - per RFS
Amate alieni e mondi extraterrestri? Se la risposta è sì, questo libro fa per voi ragazze!

Gli ingredienti principali sono: una ribelle della resistenza, un alieno strafigo, mosse di karate e via libera all’immaginazione.

Liv è una ragazza cresciuta in un mondo di uomini, a cui ha dovuto adattarsi dopo la morte dei genitori e per mantenere la promessa fatta loro di badare ai suoi fratelli. Ed è proprio per salvargli la vita che contatta l’alieno Krinar Zavir, il più pericoloso ed efficiente soldato del corpo dei protettori. Fra loro scatta subito la scintilla, che li travolge senza che abbiano la possibilità di opporsi perché, nonostante appartengano letteralmente a due mondi diversi, quello che li attira l’un l’altra è molto più forte. Zavir è un soldato senza debolezze, nato da una delle famiglie più importanti di Krinar e si è sempre distinto come il migliore dei militari anti ribellione. Quando un’umana lo contatta con l’allettante promessa di informazioni sulla cellula di ribellione più grande al mondo, lui dovrebbe solo recuperare più dati possibili ma sorprendentemente riesce solo a pensare a quanto desidera la ragazza seduta di fronte a lui.

Personaggi davvero ben costruiti e strutturati sono la chiave di questo bellissimo libro, tutte le scene sono descritte talmente bene che, in alcuni momenti, mi sono immaginata lì insieme a Liv nella casa di Zavir a Lenkarda, città inespugnabile dei Krinar con base sulla terra. La forza e il coraggio che l’autrice conferisce alla protagonista femminile sono incredibili, una vera donna tutta d’un pezzo che combatte per ciò che crede, famiglia e libertà, una donna che affronta tutto, perfino la tortura, pur di non tradire chi conta su di lei. Eccoci alla parte interessante… Zavir… che dire ragazze se non WOW: lui è bello, tenebroso, un amante premuroso e, a modo suo, incredibilmente dolce. Il primo impatto con il nostro fustacchione trasmette un senso di freddezza che però si scioglie quando inizia a provare veri sentimenti per Liv, con cui lo scopriremo dolce e premuroso, sempre a modo suo, da alieno Alfa.

La storia scorre liscia e, se non avete letto altri romanzi della serie Krinar World, ciò non vi penalizza molto. Per me, era la prima volta in questo mondo e all’inizio ammetto di essermi sentita un po’ persa in alcuni passaggi, ma già dopo una ventina di pagine ero al passo. Il mondo di questi alieni mi ha intrigato molto, la nostra Charmine sa scrivere benissimo e per quelle di noi che amano le scene hot in questo libro troveranno molti dettagli che fanno aumentare la temperatura, non vi svelo altro perché sono decisamente da leggere. La narrazione è esterna e avviene in terza persona, ci fa sentire come in un film, con tanto di sentimenti bomba che si trasmettono al lettore senza difficoltà.

Il mondo che ci viene presentato in questo libro è molto diverso da quello che conosciamo. Dopo un’invasione aliena, l’umanità si è divisa in due: chi ha accettato questa nuova convivenza e chi la combatte creando cellule ribelli segrete. Un post- apocalittico in cui i cattivi non sono così cattivi e gli alieni hanno visi da angeli e addominali da paura.

Questo racconto mi è piaciuto molto, una storia romantica sopra le righe, una sorta di amore-guerra che mi ha conquistato il cuore e mi ha tenuta col fiato sospeso, tifando sempre per Liv. Le fughe, i combattimenti e i toni militari rendono questa storia d’amore diversa dalle altre dandole molta originalità. Sono un’amante dei libri con alto tasso di colpi di karate e maschi Alfa e ne L’informatrice dei Krinar ho trovato tutto questo e molto di più. Ho adorato seguire la crescita del loro amore, dei sacrifici che ogni innamorato fa per la felicità dell’altro, nonostante quello di Liv & Zavir non segua il classico modus operandi c’è intrinseca una dolcezza che vi farà sospirare e spalancare gli occhi dicendo “non lo sta facendo, vero?”

Che altro dire se non che vi consiglio vivamente questo libro, la storia vi accompagna accendendo la curiosità e la fantasia e, in fondo, che cosa cerca un lettore da un romanzo se non viaggiare con la mente dove con il corpo non si arriva?

Buona lettura!
Profile Image for Follow the Reader.
1,280 reviews13 followers
August 10, 2019
Chronique de Diana :


Parfois on a besoin d’une lecture où le cerveau ce met en off, n’y voyez pas là une quelconque insulte ou un commentaire méprisant car ce n’est absolument pas ça.

Le monde de Krinar fait pourtant partie de ces dernières, ici je n’ai pas besoin de réfléchir ou même de m’interroger sur l’évolution du récit. C’est prévisible, pas vraiment cohérent mais c’est simple, rapide, efficace et ça m’a permis de repartir sur des lectures plus dans mes envies.

Pour la faire courte, Liv est dans la résistance, elle veut aider ses frères à ne pas se sacrifier pour une cause dont elle doute. Pour ça, elle va rentrer en contact avec un Krinar, Zavir et passer un marché en échange d’infos, elle veut la liberté pour sa famille. Ce à quoi elle ne s’attendait pas c’est à être manipulée et flouée par ce dernier qui va demander une compensation beaucoup plus personnelle.

Le déroulement de cette histoire est hyper prévisible à la différence que l’auteure Charmaine Pauls insiste plus sur le consentement chose que n’a pas fait Anna Zaires dans les autres récit avec Mia et Korum. J’apprécie d’ailleurs beaucoup plus la plume de Charmaine (ce qui est complètement subjectif et que je n’explique pas) que celle de sa prédécesseure.

Au final c’est une romance hyper rapide et très facile à lire. Il y a de l’action et beaucoup (parfois trop) de romance. C’est agréable sans être mémorable mais c’est parfait pour se détendre et recharger ses batteries.
Profile Image for Vicki.
1,651 reviews49 followers
October 16, 2018
I love the Krinar world (originally created by Anna Zaires) and gladly take every opportunity to visit it again. In this Krinar world story, Liv meets Zavir as the recommended contact to make a deal - her information on the Resistance group she has been a member of in exchange for her and her brothers' lives. As is the way with K's, there is instant possessiveness/attraction, and circumstances contrive to have Liv basically held against her will by Zavir, similar to some other Krinar stories. I'm a fan of this kind of thing, and the biggest pluses in this story for me were the sex scenes and Zavir's obstinate, stubborn behavior toward Liv. As usual, he doesn't explain his reasons for his choices, and she thinks he feels nothing for her, and the battle between an Earth-raised female and a controlling Krinar male persists. They didn't do much together besides have sex, and I was ok with that, but that might be part of why I never felt a strong emotional connection between the two, though I did feel some. There were times where I thought a sentence should be written a little differently, or a word choice was not what sounded best to me, but taken as a whole it was written well. I also read a proof copy of the book, so final editing may have changed some of those things. This book is not at the top of my personal scale for the Krinar World stories, but it places higher than most of them.
159 reviews1 follower
October 16, 2018
I have been a fan of Charmaine Pauls’ dark and erotic romances ever since reading her Loan Sharks series. While this novel may be a little different than that, it definitely embodies Charmaine’s signature blend of dark, intense, raw and passionate romance.

So what happens when a Krinar guardian fighter and a member of one of the largest Resistance Cells falls in love? Of course it isn’t as easy and straight forward as it sounds. Zavir is one of the best guardians that Krinar has and he has been assigned to find an informant that is willing to give information about one of the largest resistance cells. Zavir is going to make a deal with the beautiful human, but there is one problem. Zavir doesn’t make deals. He gets the job done. That is until he meets the stunning Liv Madson and all bets are off. She must be his.

Liv Madson wants to protect her two older brothers and in exchange for her family’s safety she is planning on giving information to the Krinar. The last thing she expected was to lust after the sexy alien. But things take an unexpected turn when a traitor in their midst threatens their very existence and safety.

Sexy beyond words, Zavir is the kind of alien you won’t mind being abducted by ;) A captivating story, can’t wait to read more about these sexy aliens!!!

Thanks to Charmaine Pauls for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dirty Dayna.
1,857 reviews108 followers
November 6, 2018
5 beam me up Zavir Stars

real talk.. never even heard of Krinar or this world. Now I did just fininishg my very first Anna Zaires book.. and went wow the plots are crazy related …. And now I have to buy the Anna Zaires Krinar world! Dang it… ooo it is Christmas …
so story time.
This story is about Liv who is desperate to save her brothers from going to war with the Krinar. She decides to seek out Zavir in order to give him information to gently take down her brothers and guarantee their safety. Along the way Zavir decides he needs Liv and treats her like a cherished pet. A once starving poor girl is suddenly lavished with comforts and doesn’t know how to reacxt to the feeling of a caged pet. They fight, they fuck and they fall in love… wow all three of those are well lived. I believe Liv’s story need more to end it as there are a few little snippets that never got resolved I don’t know if I want more from this series or this author!!
Profile Image for DebbieReadsBooks.
2,584 reviews44 followers
October 18, 2018
I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author, that I write a review was my choice.

This is Ms Pauls second step into the Krinar world and I loved it!

Liv wants to make sure her brothers survive, makes a deal with Zavir to ensure they will not be harmed when he smashes the resistance ring they are part of. But little Liv makes Zavir want to keep her, and the only way to do that, is to betray her trust.

OoOOOEEEEE!!! I loved these two!!

Powerful, instant attraction. Powerful hatred of the other. enemies to lovers. Betrayal from some many around them. So much right up my street, I read the whole book in one sitting, and did not move til I finished!

It's sexy, it's dark, it's full of hope, and despair, the whole bloody gamut of human, and indeed, Krinar emotions all wrapped up in some 200 pages that is just bloody brilliant!!

Because it's a world written by different authors, you don't need to read them all in any order of order, I don't think. But what I'm left with now, is the overwhelming NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED for every single book in this world, and there are a fair few!!

I loved this book, did I say that yet??

so, it can only get...

5 stars
Profile Image for JUSTFORFUN.
40 reviews1 follower
October 16, 2018
Charmaine never seems to run out of ways to describe a deliciously hot and dark alpha male, and her character, Zavir is no different.

Zavir is a guardian in charge of wiping out the resistance and Liv is a member of the resistance who desires to keep her brothers alive. She strikes up a deal with Zavir in order to accomplish that, and Zavir is not above tweaking the plan if it means he gets to keep Liv.

Keep in mind, Zavir will annoy you at times. While I love me some hot alpha male, all the ways he goes about screwing up his relationship with Liv, makes me wonder if he's ever been in a relationship before. Outside of the confines of these pages, I definitely would not be down to tango with a guy like Zavir, but reading his steamy possessive traits inside this book, could almost make girl want to experience such possession. Almost.

I recommend clearing your schedule for this one. While the book itself is a page turner, Zavir is the type of character you love to hate, and yet can't get enough of. I definitely recommend reading this one.
Profile Image for Reader.
1,195 reviews89 followers
November 6, 2018
Well this was a surprise, I’ve read some really bad books lately. Then I picked up this, having loved the original trilogy about Koram and Mia. This story about Zavir and Liv was just as good IMO.

I’ve not read anything by this author before and I really enjoyed her writing style I was completely hooked in the first few pages. I loved the two main characters, Zavir was alpha and then some. While Liv was determined not to be intimidated by him. He first meets her as she’s informing on the resistance that her brothers are part of as well as her. She obviously has more sense than them and knows they’ll all end up dead. So that’s how she’s put in touch with Zavir. From their first meeting their relationship is tense but there’s attraction and lots of chemistry. The story moves along there’s plenty happening, not a dull moment. I was sorry when it ended and I’ve not been able to say that for a very long time. I’m definitely going to check out other books by this author.
357 reviews
October 15, 2018
Zavir is a Krinar on a mission. His job is to eliminate any resistance against the Krinar. Liv is determined to save her brothers who are members of a resistance group, so she becomes an informant. She wants to make a deal with Zavir, she'll give him crucial information and he'll protect her brothers. But Zavir has plans of his own and Liv finds out that he will stop at nothing to make her his! An emotional love story of passion and irresistible attraction! There's adventure, suspense and undeniable chemistry! Zavir is a proud man, he wants to protect Liv at all costs. Liv is attracted to him from the beginning but feels responsible for her brothers and Zavir's possessive attitude makes her mad! While they try to come to terms with their feelings, there's an enemy moving in the shadows, determined to destroy everything they hold dear. I love Charmaine Pauls and can't wait for her next books!
Profile Image for Sheena.
978 reviews26 followers
October 16, 2018
Exciting, intriguing and steamy...

The Krinar world is a fabulous and detailed construct and each new story adds another layer to this totally fantastical and utterly believable alternative world... the author of this Krinar treat has provided a thrilling, fast paced plot with Liv, a strong heroine who has to make difficult choices to protect those she loves, and Zavir, a guardian Krinar who is, of course, an over the top alpha alien: possessive, protective and ultimately perfect...these Krinar guys are just so beguiling, they are super smart, super strong, super hot, in fact their super everything...

Exciting, intriguing and steamy; I was completely hooked on this story and this couple... I received an advanced copy of this book from the author.
Profile Image for Cécile Smits .
1,260 reviews231 followers
September 21, 2019
Knowing Anna Zaires’ Krinar World,i found this little gem on iTunes a while back.
And you know what?
Charmaine loves that world as much as i do!
Because Zavir and Liv’s story fits there perfectly!

She is dragged into the Resistance by her brothers,but wants them out. And safe.
So,she asks her friend who could make that happen,and Zavir is the one that can help.
But he has his own agenda,and Liv is on it,permanently.....
Forcing her to do what he wants makes her one very unhappy little woman,though.
And when a traitor makes things worse,what chance do they have at any future together?

A quick,and very enjoyable story in a world that i still want to hear more of....
Profile Image for Judy Munoz.
320 reviews2 followers
December 11, 2018
I received a review copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
All I can say is WOW! This is a fantastic book! If I could give it more than 5 stars, I would. The author has created a spellbinding story. The characters were engaging and likeable - I especially loved Liv and Zavir and the way their relationship developed. The story itself had thrilling action, plenty of suspenseful twists and lots and lots of steamy, hot romance. I read the entire book in one sitting and by the end of it I was grinning from ear to ear. I love it when a book leaves me feeling happy and satisfied with the story! I can’t think of anything negative to say - this book is that good! I will definitely be reading more books from this author.
2,956 reviews26 followers
October 16, 2018
This was my first and I couldn't get enough, Alien and Human and I absolutely loved what made this fierce warrior tick and just everything about Zavir he was big time hard core and what he wanted he wanted and his learning process with his captive Liv and their battle against each other was off the charts hot with the chemistry that was brewing. The writing and these characters were amazingly done and very intense in places but I couldn't put it down for anything, I loved it. My Favorite was the ending and the phrase TELL ME SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL my heart just melted right there.
Profile Image for Deb Kirkland.
10 reviews
October 12, 2018
Received ARC from Charmaine Pauls for review. “The Krinar’s Informant”

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The author stayed true to the “Krinar’s World” characters, theme, plots, and sizzling sexual chemistry between the alpha male and the strong independent female. The book was well written, and the story captured and held my attention from the very beginning to the end of the story. Couldn’t put the book down and read in one setting. I’m definitely looking forward to reading more from this author in the future.
Profile Image for K.  Ramjohn.
2,282 reviews
October 14, 2018
Another fabulous installment to the Krinar World, The Krinar's Informant was angsty and steamy with twists and turns you would not expect. Charmaine Pauls had me on the edge of my seat and I read it all out in one sitting. Zavik and Liv had sizzling chemistry and their back and forth banter had me amused in the beginning the moment they met. However this Alpha K would soon learn that he could get so much more by asking instead of taking. I enjoyed this novel. Charmaine stayed true to the Krinar world and gave us a thrilling story to enjoy.
Profile Image for Kelly_Reads_Books.
2,040 reviews159 followers
October 14, 2018
I love Charmaine's books and the Krinar Informant was fabulous.
Liv and Zavir were a most unlikely couple, alien and human, but they came together under the guise of lust. Through many hills and valleys they endured and changed and made their differences work and coexist within the drama and chaos of this life.
I cannot wait to hear more about the Krinar and their relationships with humans.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 101 reviews

