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The Royals #2

Prekliaty princ

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Reed Royal má všetko, na čo si spomenie – atraktívny vzhľad, spoločenské postavenie, peniaze. Dievčatá stoja v radoch, aby si s ním vyšli na rande, chalani mu závidia. Ale Reedovi nikdy nezáležalo na ničom okrem rodiny, kým sa v jeho živote neobjavila Ella Harperová. To, čo sa pôvodne začalo ako prejav čírej nenávisti k otcovej zverenkyni a plán, ako jej urobiť zo života peklo, sa postupne zmenilo na túžbu mať Ellu po svojom boku a chrániť ju. Stačila však jedna zbytočná chyba a Ella ušla z Reedovho náručia. U Royalovcov nastal zmätok. Reedov svet sa rozpadá, Ella ho odmieta a tvrdí, že sa navzájom ničia. A MOŽNO MÁ PRAVDU. Tajomstvá. Zrada. Nepriatelia. S ničím podobným sa Reed doposiaľ nestretol. Ale ak chce získať svoju princeznú späť, musí dokázať, že on za jej lásku stojí. Prekliaty princ je druhý diel knižnej série o bohatej rodine Royalovcov.

296 pages, Paperback

First published July 25, 2016

About the author

Erin Watt

26 books11.6k followers

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Profile Image for • Jodi Bibliophile •.
311 reviews1,158 followers
March 5, 2021
2nd Re-read Feb 2021

(Please note that this review contains curse words. If you don't like the F word then please don't read on).


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I can’t fucking even!!!


I mean if I could calm myself fucking down and take a few deep breaths I could probably get my emotions in check and actually make fucking sense of my fuckin self but NOOOOOOO!

Elle & Jen!!! Are you trying to fucking kill me?

This is how I’m going to fucking die isn’t it??

I thought I would go in a freak accident or at least with a cock down my throat but now you decide to kill me off this way!!

Oh but what a way to go!!

No word of a lie my hands won’t stop shaking!

The adrenaline pumping through my veins is probably going to give me a bloody heart attack!

REED!!! Oh my Reed! I never thought I could love any more than I did in Paper Princess but FUCK MY FACE you fucking OWN ME!!!

Oh fucking hell I’m still in shock!

Like FUCK!!!!

How these authors do it is fucking beyond me! Motherfucking geniuses the pair of them!


My heart is beating out of my fucking chest and I just want to whip my boobs out and SCREAM!

Don’t fucking leave me hanging like this!

My anxiety is all over the place and I’m so happy I could fucking DIE!!

READERS!! Get off your motherfucking arses and READ PAPER PRINCESS!!

DO IT!!!

It will fucking ruin you and make you stabby but the adventure will be one heck of a ride! Read it and then read BROKEN PRINCE!!

One of the BEST SERIES I’ve EVER READ!!!


I need to calm down!!

Fuck you all! I'm out!!
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
July 3, 2016

My instincts had screamed at me that she was trouble. My instincts were wrong. She wasn't trouble. I was. Still Am.
Reed, the destroyer.

Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Oh mylanta!
I swear to all that is holy, that cliffhanger gave me heartburn, anxiety, and a massive case of the eye ticks. How the hell am I supposed to keep sane until OCTOBER? HOW I ASK YOU?!!!!! *babbles incoherently*
He told me to stay away. He told me I didn't belong. If only I'd listened to him.

This trilogy is the worst sort of book crack and I hope it never ends. And this is coming from a self professed trilogy avoider....because attention span of a rodent! But I am beyond hooked and can't wait for more! Since this review will be entirely spoiler free, allow me to sum it up in the only way I can...an imaginary conversation I had with Erin Watt in my head as I was reading this. That's the best I got and I'm not sorry. You're lucky my brain is working enough for even this....

Me: So Erin, you left readers on quite the cliffy last time. Are you even a little sorry for making us all suffer the way that you have?


Me: Right then. Moving on. So Broken Prince picks up immediately where Paper Princess ended. Ella is on the run and Reed is dealing with the fallout. Speaking of Reed and what took place at the end of Paper Princes...


Me: Ah. Ok. *backs away slowly* We won't talk about that then...

Let's talk about the Royals. There's quite a few revelations that happen with this family in the book and my mind is still reeling from it. Who knew there were that many skeletons hidden in their closets. The Royal men are all kinds of screwed up and I love it!


Me: True. True. Though not for lack of trying, eh? Especially Easton...

Erin: Whatever girl takes on Easton is going to have to hold a whip in one hand and a pistol in the other.

Me: Well look at you, quoting from your own book. Yeah, Easton really did go off the rails in this one, didn't he? *pervy sigh* But I digress. Can I at least tell readers if Reed grovels for everything that happened?


Me: OK! OK! No spoilers! Sheesh! No need to get violent! And will you put that shot gun away already? I swear I won't say anything.

But admit it. You're actually a closet sadist and get off on making your readers suffer in such a way?


Me: I'll take that as a yes then. Now Broken Prince is told in dual POVs from Ella and Reed, any hints what Twisted Palace will bring?


Me: And the long answer?


Me: I really should have seen that coming.
Anyway, let's talk about Brooke because that woman is one twisted little b...


Me: Sure. Right. I supposed anything goes in her world and trying to get what she wants.

Now onto the important business, if I offer up both my ovaries and my first born, any chance I can get my hands on Twisted Palace now?


Me: Well, can't blame a girl for trying.
There's one crazy as heck cliffy here that I never saw coming in a million years. I'm talking soap opera proportion sort of cliffy. Holy hell it was utterly delicious! Will you take mercy and give us just one teenie tiny clue about what it is?


Me: That's rough. You really are a sadist.
Well, thanks for chatting with me while I rock myself in a dark corner at the institution that I was quickly rolled away to after finishing reading. I should have seen the fallout coming considering the state of drooling anticipation you left me with the first book, but alas it is what it is. I'm gonna go babble incoherently some more.

And there you have it, folks. Broken Prince in a nutshell.
But if you are curious about spoilers and what happened with Reed, I'll take pity on you...

Broken Prince is everything I had hoped it would be and so much more! I love the way the authors develop each and every character throughout these books. Ella is coming into her own more and more. I absolutely love the backbone on the girl. And who thought it was possible for me to fall even harder for Reed? Because holy hell did! SO. FREAKING. HARD. This is one twisted tale filled with secrets, betrayals and redemption and I'm loving every single addicting page of it! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to rock myself back in my corner until Twisted Palace releases.

ARC courtesy of authors in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Nastassja.
424 reviews1,219 followers
May 3, 2021

Actual rating: 1.5

Buddy read with Sarah. We were planning to have a massive buddy read with humor and all, but ended up angry and tired of this book.


But we’re we’re not. We’re nothing. We’re smoke—insubstantial and meaningless.We aren’t even a tragedy. We’re less than nothing.”

Let me present to you: Orphan Stripper, Douche and Creepy Dad, Volume two. Ta-dam. This book will blow your mind with its genius ways and make you reevaluate your whole life, because you'll understand you weren't living till the moment you took this precious book in your hands, and a miracle happened... Oh crap, let's cut this shit. I was trying to be witty above, but I don't think this book deserves witty. It was boring as fuck and it was dumb as fuck. What kind of review can you write on such books?

So, in a nutshell that is what happened in there:

Ella the Stripper runs away. She is quickly handed back to Royal Douches. One of the Douches (either the second son or the creepy dad) impregnates the Creepy Girlfriend. Creepy Girlfriend wants a ring on her finger or she'll tell the world she was screwing both Royal Douches.


This is such a strong motive for blackmailing. Of course, you must comply or your life will be over (that was actually sarcasm here).

But look, Douche decides to follow up with the demand even though he knows for sure the baby isn't his. They don't demand Creepy Girlfriend make a DNA test and verifies the baby is actually Douche's.

There's a hint for you, Douches: Creepy Girlfriend could've slept with any man in town and presented his baby as yours. That idea ever crossed your mind? Nope?

Orphan Stripper finds out about the baby. She breaks up (for the thousandth time) with Douche (but she still can't forget his abs). Douche can't stop thinking about his girl (says "my girl" all the time). Every girl is a slut compared to her - literary a slut - because there's no girl in this school or this town who hadn't had sex or talked about sex or constantly obsessed with sex. Even the Orphan Stripper's best friend after breaking up with her boyfriend can't stop thinking about who she wants to bang next, now that she is a free woman.

Hm, have you ever thought that a girl could be single and feel like a whole person? No again? This book is practically glowing with the warning "slut-shaming everywhere!" But Orphan Stripper is special and a virgin.

*Is this some kind of a horror movie where virgins survive the ending and the rest of the girls die? Ella, The Final Girl, huh? What? I can't hear what you are saying? Nope? it's not a horror movie? Are you sure? Because the setting's just right... Oh, ok, let's move on.*

After the major slut-shaming part with Orphan Stripper's v-card still intact (I swear, v-card was mentioned like a million times here), we are nearing the culmination part. Ella the Stripper decides to get Douche back, because, let's be honest, who wouldn't want a boy with a living breathing dick, which can sit, stand and bark no worse than any cute puppy... Oh, don't forget about Douche's magical fingers: he can stick them inside Orphan Stripper all night long and never tire of that; and I am saying nothing about his tongue, which is another epic story. After sticking fingers for a while (and probably breaching Orphan Stripper's brain with them), suddenly Ella the Stripper has a brilliant idea to give her inheritance to Creepy Girlfriend so she could get out of their lives for good (I still can't understand why to give her money?).

Douche decided to come clean to his Creepy Dad about his fucking sessions with Creepy Girlfriend, but turns out Creepy Dad knew all along about them and that his Douche son sticks fingers down Orphan Stripper's... you know, magical place (Creepy Dad did you just become creepier?). And oh, the baby is not his for sure, because he was sterile for a while now and can't have kids (thank God!).

The Rapist appears in the next scene and cuts Douche with a knife. No one dies (unfortunately).

Some time passes, some boring shit happens. Then someone rings on the door. It's the police. What happened? Someone killed Creepy Girlfriend (yay, finally someone died!). Ella the Stripper suspects Douche (I guess his magical fingers weren't as magical after all, huh). Police take the Douche away.


Someone rings on the door again (Royal Douches are popular today). Who may it be... Oh look, it's Orphan Stripper's dead father (zombie movie, huh?).

I guess I shouldn't call her Orphan any longer?

"Steve", they say and the screen goes blank.

That was the major cliffhanger if you hadn't guessed yet.

Here, I have some bonus scenes for you:

The older Royal Douche brother was banging Ella the Stripper's Creepy Stepmother. She blackmailed him into sex by threatening to publicly expose his and his girlfriend's sexting (obviously she hacked his phone and found those. Genius Hacker Creepy Stepmother!).

In this country (wherever the characters live) they burn people on stakes for sexting because I don't see other valid reasons for dropping your girlfriend, because of that blackmailing and continuing banging the Creepy Stepmother for a year or so.

Meanwhile, younger Royal Douche brothers continue banging their shared girlfriend.

The middle Royal Douche brother continues banging his brothers' exes.

*End of the bonus part*

I've probably missed some other "important" events from this book, but, you know, all I left to say about the Royal Douches is this:

“You should be strung up by your nuts and hung out to dry.”

Don't read this book crap

Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
July 10, 2020
4.5 stars

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These Royals will ruin you…

The saying is TRUE! These Royals will ruin you and I have been Royally Ruined, my friends. I’ve been trying to write this review for about 2-3 weeks now and every time I start it I can’t get past being ruined. After I finished Paper Princess earlier this year, I had the biggest book hangover ever. That cliffhanger about killed me and I was dying to see what happened. When Broken Prince showed up on my kindle, I couldn’t wait to read it. I had to know what happened. I thought I was ruined after the first books cliffhanger, but let me tell you… this books cliffhanger. OMG. I can’t even think about this craziness. I don’t know how I’ll survive the 3 months till we get the next book in this series!

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Reed, the destroyer. It would be a cool nickname if it wasn’t my life and hers that I’m taking down.

After book one, it was pretty obvious that Reed screwed up everything. Things between Reed and Ella are pretty messed up. At the end of Paper Princess we are left with Reed making an colossal error in judgment and Ella skipping town. Things in the Royal house aren’t good. With Ella gone, tension is at an all time high between the Royal brood.

I’m really hesitant to talk much about this story. I want readers to go in and be shocked by all the revelations and storylines just like I did, so I’ll leave out anymore about the plot of the book. Just know it takes a few wild and crazy turns and many things I didn’t expect to see happening did.

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It was so great to see the Royal family again. I love all these brothers. Even the ones I wasn’t so sure of have grown on me. My favorite by far is still Easton. There is something about him I just adore. I love his relationship with Ella and how he cares for her so much, in a brotherly sort of way. Then there is Reed. Reed Royal. Oh, Reed. The first book, I didn’t know what to think about Reed. I loved Reed. Some of the time, I hated Reed. Going into Broken Prince I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about him. After finishing, there is only one way to feel. You will love Reed Royal. I can’t see anyone not loving him. Ella is one tough cookie. I loved how she handled all the situations she was put in. Her life is so different now than it used to be, and she really is a great heroine. She handles everything with grace and keeps things together.

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What else can I say about these books? They are by far the most addictive books I have read in a long time. When you pick them up, you will get sucked into this Royal world and not know what hit you. I love the writing, the characters, the story line, the shocks, and surprises. Once you pick up this book, be prepared to stay up all hours of the night finishing it. You won’t want to put it down!

This book will jack you up in the best way possible. My heart was beating fast, my palms were sweating and I was on pins and needles while reading. This is by far one of the best series I’ve read this year. If you’re looking for an all consuming read, pick this series up!

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
December 9, 2016
All I can say is....



Oh le giggle.

This book continues the soap opera that is this series, although with a little less...magnetism than book one possessed.

Everything about this book is geared to make us lose our soap operatic shit and do the old:


Followed by the classic:


With a side of this:


Now, while a part of me finds all this fabricated drama silly.

And fucking hilarious, quite frankly.

I am at heart but a small child...

...and thus endlessly fascinated by shiny objects.


And train wrecks.


Can't forget the train wrecks....

So, of COURSE I will will checking out the catastrophe that I'm sure book three with prove to be.


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Profile Image for Katerina.
423 reviews17.3k followers
August 4, 2016
“My instincts had screamed at me that she was trouble. My instincts were wrong. She wasn't trouble. I was. Still am.
Reed the destroyer.”

These Royals have ruined me.

“I thought, I'll just keep after him. Eventually I'll wear him down, convince him we're a beautiful fairy tale. But we're not. We’re nothing. We're smoke - insubstantial and meaningless … We aren’t even a tragedy. We’re less than nothing.”

Broken Prince is a sick fairytale. It's the story of a broken boy who met a broken girl, fell in love with her and then crashed her. The Royals are the most fucked-up, twisted family and yet instead of disgust all I felt towards them was sympathy, devotion and love .

Broken Prince was so much better than Paper Princess. It was a tad dark, and the dirty secrets of the royally messed-up family that were revealed shocked and hurt me, but they made me understand better why these boys were so lost and dealt with their pain and abandonment issues using sex, alcohol and drugs. I can't help but blame their parents for that. I am not angry at Gideon, Easton and the twins for the slighlty disturbing things they did. I just feel sorry for them.
And then there is Reed.

Ok, that's a big fat lie. But luckily my faith in him was restored, and I witnessed with eagerness and hope his attempts to win Ella back. In fact I enjoyed his perspective more than hers, because it shed light to his guilt, his self-loathing and the ugly things he did but later regretted. I believe that deep down he is a good guy, it's just the battle against his demons that wears him down.
“She’s mine and always has been. From before we even met, she was mine and I was hers. I fought it too long, but I’m giving in now. I’m all in now.

Tension, steam, greed and malice are Erin Watt's ingredients of writing a gripping story you can't help but read in one sitting. Yes I did find some incidents extravagant and questioned my sanity for loving characters whose issues would make any therapist rich beyond imagination, but the thing is, I became attached to them. I want them to be happy because that will make me happy. In the end, I felt exhausted after this emotional roller-coaster and the cliffhanger from Hell, and I wondered how on God's green earth I will survive until October.

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,730 followers
November 1, 2016
After finishing 'Paper Princess', I dived right into 'Broken Prince'. I had to know what would become of Ella and all of the Royals after that ending. Talk about a cliffhanger!

I was pulling my hair out with the way the first book ended. Luckily, I didn't start this series until all three books were out, so I didn't have to wait for long. I feel for my friends that had to live with that anxious anticipation for long.

Picking up where 'Paper Princess' left off, Ella is on the run. This time around, the entire Royal household is furious with Reed. They'd grown to love Ella as much as they had originally despised her and nobody is happy to have her gone. No one feels her absence more than Reed, who knows that he is to blame for her disappearance. As angry as everyone is with him, it could never compare to the anger he feels toward himself.

In comparison to the first book, 'Broken Prince' is told primarily from Reed's POV. It was nice to get his viewpoint and fitting for the situation. After everything he did in the first book, I needed validation of his feelings.

While 'Paper Princess' highlighted the unity of the Royal brothers, 'Broken Prince' spotlights their decline. Easton is falling deeper into his dangerous addictions. The twins have kind of broken away from their other brothers. Reed has stopped caring about school or anything other than finding Ella.

Meanwhile, the school has turned into a war zone. Without the Royal brothers to keep things in check, Jordan and the other bullies have unleashed a reign of terror on anyone they consider beneath them. In her absence, the rumors about Ella have been vicious and plentiful, ensuring that she'll have her work cut out for her upon her return.

Eventually, Callum is able to locate Ella and bring her home. Although she's not happy about it, she has to admit that she had begun to think of the Royals as her family and their home as hers. While she is not looking forward to facing Reed after his betrayal, she realizes that her actions have affected others as well.

Ella has to make amends for the pain that she caused when she left abruptly. Aside from Easton, Val was also hurt by her lack of communication. Not to mention that she up and left her bakery job without any notice.

Just as Ella has some pologizing to do, Reed is doing his best to work his way back into Ella's good graces. As determined as he is to win her over again, she seems equally determined not to be fooled by him again. His betrayal is not something that she's willing to easily forgive or forget.

Like the first book, 'Broken Prince' ends with another huge cliffhanger. This book has several twists and turns that keep this story interesting. I never knew what would happen next, but I couldn't wait to see.

Finishing this book, I immediately started 'Twisted Palace'. This series has consumed me. I cannot get enough of the Royals and the dysfunction that surrounds them. They're my latest guilty pleasure!
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,023 reviews2,447 followers
July 25, 2016
NOW LIVE!!! http://amzn.to/2a9eqtR

***There will be minor spoilers for those of you who HAVE NOT read the first book Paper Princess. If you HAVE read PP, then this review should be spoiler free of Broken Prince spoilers. You were warned.***

5 stars

“He told me to stay away. He told me I didn’t belong. If only I’d listened to him.”

OMG. Erin Watt you lovely ladies!! You outdid yourselves.

This was an amazing follow up to Paper Princess and I loved it!! I couldn’t ask for a better sequel to book one.

Basically I have so many feelings about this book I need to express them in gifs. So this is gonna be a giftastic review. Here we go!

When the arc hit my kindle:

Me after reading this book:

Let’s start from the beginning, or I should say the end of book one. Ella has left the Royal household heartbroken and alone. The Royal family desperately wants to find her as she is the missing piece of the puzzle that held their dysfunctional family together. Reed has a past he needs to explain to Ella and he needs to make amends for wrongdoings.

That’s all I will say about the plot, really. What I can say is, I LOVED THIS BOOK! Paper Princess is already one of my favorite books of 2016 and I am so happy that Broken Prince was just as amazing, it lived up to all of my expectations and more.

“My instincts had screamed at me that she was trouble. My instincts were wrong. She wasn’t trouble. I was. Still am. Reed, the destroyer.”

These characters, they are what make the book so special. Flawed, raw, and maladjusted they may be, but they stick to your heart with an iron grip and do not let go. My favorite character? Easton! Is that really a surprise? This bad boy steals the show in any scene he is present in and I love how the authors continue to peel back the layers and show who he is beneath his tough exterior.

“Whatever girl takes on Easton is going to have to hold a whip in one hand and a pistol in the other.”

I also adore Ella as a heroine. She's such a good person through and through. She defends the weak and stands by her friends when they need her. With all the craziness going on with some of the side characters, I can honestly say I personally would have tried to blend into the shadows. Instead Ella faced those who bullied and fought them head on. She's an admirable girl, and an amazing heroine for us to read about.

"Ella Harper doesn't forget. Ever."

Delicious angst is present in this book as well, intricately woven into the story without being overwhelming. And this book was FUNNY. There were several moments where I laughed out loud and then was so glad I wasn’t reading in public and no one could see. There were also so many plot twists and turns, this book will keep you guessing! Never a dull moment in the life of a Royal.

There are some characters in this book, I really hope they get what’s coming to them in Twisted Palace.

That ending???

There were some plot points I had guess at timidly, but I didn’t see that ending coming at all. When is Twisted Palace coming out?????? I cannot wait!!!!!

Overall I think fans of the first book will love this second installment. It’s a book I was unable to put down and I never wanted to leave the Royal world. And if you haven’t read Paper Princess yet, what are you waiting for????? Get it and start reading now!!!

“She’s the best thing to happen to the Royals I a long time.”

ARC kindly provided by authors in exchange for an honest review

Before receiving the book:
You have no idea how much I am dying to read this book.

July 26, 2016

On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy and shocked am I?
I think an even 20 would aptly explain my current emotional status. I inhaled this book!
If you thought Paper Princess was amazing, you're going to be blown away by Broken Prince! I can't even begin to explain all the awesome in this book.

First of all welcome back to Astor, land of the Rich and elite members of society. I'm sure you remember the Royals? They hold the most important role in Astor. But I digress, because the most important and my favourite Royal...ahem by that I mean Reed Royal, is going to steal your heart and blow your mind. Prepare to be ruined.

I keep trying to compare this series to other books I've read before, but honestly there is no comparison. This is on another level of book crack, addictive, emotional roller coaster level of goodness.

Broken Prince, surpassed Paper Princess. You'll have all those questions you had answered but it'll give you new ones too! It's a perfect blend of push and pull, love and hate, bittersweet and everything in between. This writing duo, has a knack for writing excruciating cliffhangers and I'm starting to think these authors take a perverse pleasure in making me insane. I do love that insane feeling though.

The Reed boys once again stole my heart, I obviously have a soft spot for Reed and... Easton and they both didn't disappoint. Ella proved what an absolute badass heroine she is. None of that whining and self hate we normally get from teenage heroines you'd expect. This book and series is


My instincts had screamed at me that she was trouble. My instincts were wrong. She wasn't trouble. I was. Still am.
Reed, the destroyer.
It'd be a cool nickname if it wasn't my life and hers that I'm taking down.

ARC kindly provided by authors in return for an honest review
Profile Image for Helen 2.0.
470 reviews1,356 followers
September 2, 2016
The ending got me like

Seriously. Imagine yourself reading the last bit of a book, right before the ending. Out of nowhere, someone comes up to you and SMACKS YOU ACROSS THE FACE.

Pow. Right in the kisser.
Then that person says, "Oh. I'm sorry. Did that hurt?", reaches in as if comfort you, then SMACKS YOU ACROSS THE OTHER SIDE OF YOUR FACE.

That is approximately how it feels to read through the end of Broken Prince.

I'll say this in favor of the authors though - they sure know how to make a reader reach for the next volume.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,106 followers
July 25, 2016
LIVE LIVE LIVE AMAZON http://amzn.to/2acK0Is



Omg what I just read??? There are no words to express how much I loved it!! SERIOUSLY I haven't read a book before like this!The story is original and many things happening in this one!!!I have to calm down first and then write a little bit more about the story.But I don't want to give anything!!Love these boys they have stole my heart!!And Ella one of the best heroine I have ever read about!!All of them make the story unique!And the ending...wow omg I want the next book now!!
I'm super excited for the next book!!!


*An advance reading copy was generously provided to me in exchange for an honest review.*

Profile Image for ambsreads.
746 reviews1,593 followers
July 27, 2016
WARNING: if you like this book/series my review probably isn't for you.

Broken Prince was a book I fit into the minority with, same with Paper Princess. Everyone seems to love these books, characters and plot line but I find it all laughable. Which is sad considering one of my favourite authors co-wrote this.

The book was full of slut shaming, bullying and all over ridiculous characters who seemed to think in ridiculous ways. I laughed for 80% of the book and the other 20% was weird sex stuff about side characters. I mean

So much went on during this book that I was speechless at how completely ridiculous the characters were. From Callum to Ella I was ready to slam my head against a wall at full speed with not a single regret. Everyone in this book can buy their way out of things, or thinks it's okay to be an absolutely awful person to someone.

The book picks up where book one finished though. The cliffhanger being picked up from Reed's point of view as he tries to work out where she is. Honestly, that's not important because Callum uses his PI to find her so all is fine and dandy because he tracked the serial number on a 100 dollar note. The rest of the book is boring. Ella and Reed are trying to ignore each other and it's not going well because they usually end making out. Then Brooke announces she's pregnant and oh no what if it's Reed's?! There you go. There's basically the entire plot of this book. Oh, and the twins sex lives and the fact East is a hoe and Gideon is being blackmailed. It's all ridiculous and I sincerely couldn't relate to anyone.


Ella was as dumb as she was in book one. You see, we're supposed to like Ella for three reasons. 1. She's poor. 2. She's a virgin and ultimately not a slut. 3. She's "standing up for herself". All these are ridiculous reasons. The girl has no personality. She is self absorbed and crazily obsessed with Reed to the point it's ridiculous. I hate girls like this and I personally would have stabbed her myself,

Her reaction to situations was always the extreme. Nothing simple was enough for Ella in this soap opera book, she had to pull a girl by her out of the school and she had to do her best to like ignore Reed (as if she even tried).

Ella was absolutely ridiculous in every way. I have no words told describe her though I may come back to insert more anger in this review.

Reed was a straight up asshole. There's nothing more to it. He was weird, arrogant, slightly creepy in the way he pursued Ella in order to get her to forgive him (I honestly don't know why Ella forgave her).

I don't even know what to say apart from I wouldn't trust Reed Royal as far as I could throw him.


The writing was atrocious. There was no substance or actual feeling. These characters were one dimensional and felt 12 half the time. There was no reason for the characters to be so obsessed with each other's lives to the point it literally became the focus of the school.

I hated the fact that the authors decided to make the school a kingdom basically. It was ridiculous and tacky.


Overall, this book is straight up tacky. There is nothing that makes me want to continue the series apart from the fact I want a good laugh. I would never, ever recommend this series to someone personally. Which sucks, because I know this is a book an author worked hard on - but I just don't like it. This book was also worst than the first one in my opinion I was laughing and gagging at the sheer idiocy.
Profile Image for Pearl Angeli.
651 reviews1,015 followers
July 28, 2016

"He told me to stay away.

He told me I didn't belong.

If only I'd listened to him."

5 Stars!

I've been warned, but I didn't listen and now I'm royally ruined and in dire need of the third book. Hats off to these amazing authors Elle Kennedy and Jen Frederick A.K.A. Erin Watt for this brilliant sequel!

I cannot properly formulate a thought, but this sequel was done in a very classy fashion and I absolutely loved it!


Broken Prince begins when Reed Royal searched for Ella Harper after she left the Royal mansion. It took the Royal family two weeks to get her back. When their girl was finally home thanks to Callum Royal's endless connections, things started to become more interesting, or rather, more twisted, in the Royal house. This time, Brooke (the witch in Paper Princess), is the one in control because she has the upper hand. She manipulated Reed through her stupid blackmail scheme. Meanwhile, Ella's love-hate feelings toward Reed and her growing affection to the Royal family also confused her. Secrets and revelations soon came out bit by bit which made Ella's stay in the mansion all the more dramatic.

"She wants me to know it's over, but we both know it's not."

I just loved how intoxicating this sequel was for me. There was absolutely nothing that I disliked. The plot was very impressive and the pacing was fast it kept me gripped from start to finish. It was also enriched with character development. In Paper Princess, Reed was so hesitant to fight for Ella and show her how he felt, but in this book, he gave it all. I loved how he fight those bullies at Astor Park just to prove a point to never mess with 'his girl'. HIS GIRL.

"From before we even met, she was mine and I was hers. I fought it too long, but I'm giving in now. I'm all in now."

And as usual, Ella was badass. This girl doesn't stop impressing me with her ability to dodge those stupid remarks from Jordan and the rest of the people in bully town. Favorite scene: Ella vs. Jordan match.


And those TWISTS. Omg there were twists and juicy parts thrown in this book! How could these authors do such surprises like the ones they cooked here?

"My instincts had screamed at me that she was trouble. My instincts were wrong. She wasn't trouble. I was. Still am."

The romance, on the other hand, was very enticing. Reed and Ella continue to swoon me with their chemistry and cheesy dialogues. There was certainly a romantic development here which really pleases me. And my, don't even get me started on those kissing and make-out scenes.

All in all, Broken Prince was the best sequel. So well-written. I loved the way those twists surprised me and the overall goodness of the book. Now if you haven't read this sequel yet, take this warning. Prepare for a cliffhanger that will ruin you!

"Nothing's really changed between us. We're still sparring, still circling each other like well-matched opponents, but we're there, in the ring, together. And that's all that matters."

Pearl's Book Journey (1)

Profile Image for  A. .
1,163 reviews4,936 followers
August 3, 2020

This is NOT a review. This is me blowing off some steam, that is all.

WHAT HAVE I DONE? Nobody forced me to do it. This is on me. I could have waited for the next installment. I wanted to wait. I said I would wait. I SWORE I would wait. And I still did it. Why? WHY didn’t I wait?

I know why. Because I’m too weak. So I’m just gonna wait over here. No problem.

Three months. Easy. The time will fly by. Right?


Enjoyment:: 3.5/5
Writing style: 4/5
Storyline: 4/5
Hero: 4/5
Heroine: 4/5
Secondary characters: 4/5
Hotness/chemistry: 3/5
Romance: 3.5/5
Angst: 3/5
Darkness level: 2/5
Humor: 3.5/5
Depth of the book: 3.5/5
POV: dual, 1st person

Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,023 reviews1,253 followers
September 5, 2016

Okay first of all! Elle Kennedy & Jen Frederick (Erin Watt is their pen name) you girls are an evil! That end! I’m gonna lose my mind… GOD DAMMIT! Another cliffhanger.. How? How is that be possible? Ugh I swear a God, this series will give me a heart attack!!!Everything is so messed up! :-/ But damn, it was so freaking good.I loved it so much. :D Oh also I should say this, this ladies became one of my favorite authors now. 'Cause Elle & Jen are an amazing story teller and I’m amazed by their humor too. They're really great together. :)

So people, please stop losing time and read this series asap! But I guess I should’ve warn you ‘cause maybe it’s safe to wait all the 3 books come out. But if you don’t wanna wait the last book and decide to read 1st & 2nd book, I’ll tell you this! You’ll get hurt as much as I did because I’M DYING IN HERE!!!! I WANT LAST BOOK RIGHT NOW! I NEED IT!!!

[image error]

Profile Image for destini.
239 reviews495 followers
July 30, 2016
me: reads the last line


This books is literally the epitome of a problematic fave. It's clichéd and unoriginal, the plot seems pointless at times, there's little to no character growth.. and yet.

And yet.

It's so... fucking... GOOD.

It's partly because the drama is 10/10 would drama again grade A+++. And it's partly because, SOMEHOW, I care about the characters. Just a little bit.

the drama is so ridiculous and so freaking out of this realm that I almost can't deal sometimes. I'm that asshole that loves to play those games that are like, what would you do if... and makes up some !fucked up! scenario and honestly, I have to give it up to Erin Watt. She just laughed into my face and decided to write every bombshell situation into Broken Prince.

I mean, hot damn a girl can only take so much angst lolol not true what am I saying.

the characters are not easy ones to like. If anybody came up to me and asked me how I felt about them, my answer would probably be along the lines of "I could not give three garbanzos whether these characters were ejected from this literary earth". But a small, small part of me still wants them to come out of everything alive and well. And until I can get my feelings surgically removed, it'll probably stay that way.

Everything else was meh, though. Nothing happened for most of the book, it was COMPLETELY unrealistic, almost pointless at times.

But still, what the shit was with that ending? I thought Erin Watt had put me through it all.

Paper Princess (book 1)
Profile Image for Always Pouting.
576 reviews931 followers
February 27, 2020
I'm not going to summarize the book really because it just picks up where the first one left off, and also there's no way to summarize it without just flat out saying everything that happens. So yeah spoilers ahead. It just picks up from Reed's POV after Ella walks in on him and Brooke. Ella decides to run away and the good portion of the book revolves around finding Ella and Reed falling out with his brothers. Then Ella comes back, apparently after being "blackmailed" by Callum, and we get to spend the rest of the book with Reed trying to win Ella back. Meanwhile on the side Brooke is pregnant and insisting it's either Reed's or Callum's. Easton continues to indulge in addiction and avoidance. The twins are still sharing their girlfriend.

So anyone who has picked up the first one or even this one knows that it's slightly ridiculous, in a gossip girl in it's later seasons sort of way, and so I was prepared to give some leeway in terms of the dramatic or unbelievable. But I think this one just pushed too much for me. Like the whole Royals enforcing order in school thing and hitting people was just something I couldn't buy. They're rich and attractive and influential and in the first book it felt like that's why they got so much respect and consideration and then this time it was like no they're basically policing people's behavior. There's no way I'm going to be able to suspend my disbelief enough to think that they can go around doing that.

Also same thing with giving them too much freedom in a way that felt jarring and out of the realm of reality with regards to Callum sending off Daniel to military school, you can't do that to someone else's kid, give me a break. Also the whole Dinah and Gideon story line why does that even exist, it felt so pointless, is something going to happen in the future with that. Dinah and Gideon is general just felt like disposable characters. They don't really help the story along, just add another layer of ridiculous problems. And then we have that ending, it just felt even more outrageous. Brooke is dead and Steve is alive.

I actually really liked the first one, but this one was more of a miss for me. I don't mind a book lacking nuance and being dramatized. There's just a fine line there that I guess gets hard to navigate. It really does remind me of one of those TV shows aimed at teenagers in it's later seasons when they run out of plot lines and just keep on trying to come up with new even more ridiculous twists. Like come on. I would've liked it a lot more if Ella had walked in on them and then instead of running away had stayed and ignored Reed. She only hurts herself by leaving, like she could have finished out high school and gone to college. Why would she just go back to living on the streets basically. Then they could've always worked it out that way and then we wouldn't have had that stupid subplot about the school being out of order.

So this wasn't the worst thing I've ever read but I'm not excited to read the third one either. Someone let me know if that one's better, if it's just going to be more of the same in terms of dramatic twists and giving the Royals ridiculous repercussionsless lives than nah I'll pass.
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,300 followers
June 22, 2016

Title: Broken Prince
Series: The Royals #2
Author: Erin Watt
Release date: July 25, 2016
Cliffhanger: Sweet baby Jesus...Yes

**References to events in Paper Princess are mentioned, so if you haven't read book one, you shouldn't read my review yet.**

Enslaved. That's what this series has done to me. I'm one of the poor fangirls who naively started Paper Princess with the hope for simply a YA that could grab my attention. Consider me grabbed, handcuffed, and stuffed in a box of endless, torturous waiting just for a few more words to end my suspense. I finally got my twitching, frantic hands on this book and I was like a fiend looking for her next high. I wanted answers, damn it! And for all you out there still waiting, let me put your fears to rest. Many of the questions you have rolling around in your mind are finally going to be answered. The only problem is...you're going to have layers upon layers more to the story to keep you up at night. There's no other word but staggering for this shocker of an ending.

In an attempt to keep this as spoiler free as possible, I'm going to have to write this as more of a report of vagueness to maintain the value of the story. (#SorryNotSorry) You want to be ruined like all the rest of us, don't you?

After the horrible, climactic ending in Paper Princess, we were all left in a state of shock. Would Reed really betray Ella in that way? What would become of her after she storms out of his life and disappears? Would he find her and mend what had been broken?

The book starts you out with some immediate relief with some desperately needed information. We get Reed's POV, and let me tell you, it was just what I needed to get inside of that cryptic mind of his. We really saw a more vulnerable side emerge in this book that softened my heart towards him so much. Ella on the other hand, is one tough nut to crack. Her trust has been broken and once that's gone, she's not easily convinced that she should put herself in a weak position again. Ella is a survivor at heart, and she listens to her instincts. Her instincts are telling her that she never should have laid her heart on the line for the Royal boys. Reed in particular.

The tug-of-war between Reed and Ella
comes back once again in Broken Prince, only in a different form. It's no longer a fight for dominance in the lion's den. It's a battle to prove their true character once and for all. To make the right choices and learn from their mistakes. These boys may be filthy rich and living in the lap of luxury, but in no way does that make their lives comfortable. We learn more about their family history and the depths that the depraved people around them will sink. In their world, it's kill or be killed and these boys became ruthless for a reason. With the poor examples of both their parents, it's not hard to see why they struggled to make the right choices. But you can't help but fall in love with each of them despite their faults and weaknesses.

Ella is no stranger to adversity herself, just on the other end of the social spectrum. Reed had more financial advantages than her, but they similar in so many ways that she couldn't help but see him and connect to him at his core like nobody else could. She came into their world and shook up their lonely and bitter lives. Nothing would ever be the same again.

She brought steel and fire. She made us laugh again. She gave us purpose-at first, it was us uniting against her. Then it turned into us standing beside her. Protecting her. Loving her.

Adrenaline fueled, and set at a frenetic pace, Broken Prince is sure to keep your pulse sky rocketing from beginning to end. All you can do is hold on tight and hope that you survive the inevitable crash and burn from the ending. There's no turning back now, I'm hooked and waiting for my next piece of the story to tide me over. I can't stress enough how much I adore this series. These two authors have created characters that jump right off the pages and come to vivid life in front of my eyes. Not only the main characters, but the supporting characters as well. The storyline is so well-developed and riveting that there isn't a moment of boredom. If you haven't made your mind up to read these, take the leap and get ruined. You are not going to want to pass up this experience.


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Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
July 27, 2016
Paper Princess was so phenomenally great in that addictive, can't-put-this-book-down way that I was afraid that Broken Prince wouldn't be able to live up to the hype and greatness of its predecessor.

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So wrong.

In many ways, Broken Prince was better than Paper Princess. For one, it was told in dual POV.
Yes! We get Reed's POV in this latest installment, and oh boy, getting inside that boy's head was deliciously insightful. I'm so happy Erin Watt gave us Reed in all his broken glory. I mean, this was titled Broken Prince after all, right?

Reed's POV gave us a much needed explanation of the event that happened in book one. Most of all, Reed's POV yielded so many scandalous secrets that the Royals were hiding. Which brings me to my next point.

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Holy freaking plot twist, Batman! This book had a lot of big twists which got me like…

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I know, I know. This review is very unhelpful but trust me, Erin Watt delivered big time. They managed to surprise the heck out of me. Again. And if you loved the craziness, the addictive quality that was ever present in the Paper Princess, you will love this book.

Aside from the Royal boys and the rest of the gang. we get to know a few key characters in this book who flat out, stole the show. You will also love him. You will.

But the biggest reason why I think you should read this book, is it answers some of the questions you and I have been asking after reading Paper Princess. Like, did he cheat or did he not cheat? What the eff is wrong with Gabe? Why do I love Easton? And many more.

It also withheld some answers. And I mean that in a good way because while those questions weren't answered yet, we get clues!! CLUES, people!

But the biggest twist for me was probably the cliffhanger ending.

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Twisted Palace can't come soon enough.

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I ain't gonna lie. I screamed like a girl on her first rollercoaster ride when the ARC hit my Kindle.

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ARC provided by Erin Watt in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
August 23, 2020
The Royal's are stronger together...but will the latest shock crumble their palace?

***Probably best to hold off reading this review if you haven't read Paper Princess as there may be minor spoilers. I've (hopefully) perfected the art of extreme vagueness, so it shouldn't be spoilerish***

Oh my lordy…my heart is thumping. To think, I nearly didn't start my journey with the Royals because I don't read YA. It certainly didn't take long before I re-assessed and changed it from YA to YBAM - Young Body Adult Mind. Young kids these days...they grow up way too fast...and wild...and naughty...

In Broken Prince we really see these kids grow up. Ella is strong. We know this already, but in this instalment, it's not just her inner strength we see. She's using her strength to protect the underdog too. Reed has felt the pain of loss and is determined to be a better person. Gideon, my heart breaks for him. I want the cloud hanging over his head removed. Easton, poor lovable Easton. At times, I wanted to kick him in the ding ding then with a turn of the page I wanted to hug him so tight that he's all better. Now those twins...I'm feeling a bit naughty wanting to know what goes on behind closed doors for Sawyer and Sebastian (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). Callum ended up surprising me, at first I was grumble, grumble, then I was YIPEE...welcome to parenthood!

The Royal family does not believe in smooth and easy, so, of course, we see plenty of bumps and mountains for them to conquer.

I was watching my percentage read, go up with each turn of the page…dreading…hoping…that everything would be alright. I knew Erin Watt would want my heart pumping and my nerves to be shattered, but I honestly did not see that ending coming. This story gets better and better and while I was desperate to see the story play out, I was already dreading The Broken Prince’s journey coming to an end. The ride was exciting, gritty and sexy. I loved seeing below the surface of the Royals and a few more truths come out that had my eyes popping.

I can’t wait for Twisted Palace.

Stacey is Sassy, received an advanced copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.
Profile Image for L A i N E Y (will be back).
397 reviews814 followers
June 18, 2017
In my mind, there are different kinds of 'whipped'.

There's the adorable, squeal-inducing kind then there's mushy, annoying, eyeroll-deserving kind. Sadly or more like predictably, Reed Royal in Broken Prince was the latter kind of 'whipped'.

If you thought Paper Princess was over-the-top, you haven't seen nothing yet...

/// I still cannot believe this series was being marketed as YA. What is the point of having 'demographic level/rating'? If you're not going to use it?? Yeah YA my ass. ///

'Uninteresting'  is a more generous description for this book but 'a waste of time' is a more accurate one.

Profile Image for TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover.
362 reviews914 followers
October 8, 2016

As you all probably already know, those of us who were lucky to get advanced copies of Broken Prince have been sworn to secrecy and asked not to reveal a single thing that happens. So this review will mainly consist of cursing, non-spoilery rants, reactions, and will depict my urge to simultaneously strangle and hug the authors for DOING THIS TO ME AGAIN.

We’ll start with my reactions while reading Broken Prince:



57% Awwww, Reed. UGH NO WAIT WHY ARE YOU SUCH AN ASS I still want to slap you stop being sweet I'm supposed to hate you.


99% I. Fucking. Knew. It. Why didn’t I bet money on this ending???? WHY?

I feel like Erin Watt has turned me into an FBI agent. Everything said is suspicious, every character introduced is shady, and I TRUST NO ONE.

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Do we get answers? OH YES. Do we get even more freaking questions? YES! And I’m sure you’ve guessed it. We get another cliffhanger straight from the fiery pits of HELL. Pretty sure the citizens of China heard me screeching and screaming “I CALLED IT!!” when I hit the last page. I really wish I can say more but I don’t want to give anything away. What I can say is that you can expect to read from two POVs and expect even MORE secrets about the Royals. I feel like I'll never get enough of this crazy family and those delectable Royal boys. And my mind is now reeling with crazy conspiracy theories (AGAIN).


Erin Watt has delivered another deliciously entertaining story, and a great follow up to Paper Princess. I am once again anxiously counting down the days for the next release, Twisted Palace.

Broken Prince is out July 25th! | http://amzn.to/28NLPGB



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Profile Image for Megan✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
293 reviews487 followers
August 4, 2016

*****5 Stars*****

“These Royals will ruin you….”


Wow! Stunning, intense, angst-filled and thrilling. Erin Watt has done it again with their second instalment of “The Royals” series “Broken Prince.” After reading “Paper Princess” I wasn’t sure how I was going to survive having to wait after that massive cliffy for the second one. It felt like years. My advice to anyone who has not delved into this series as of yet, is to perhaps wait until October when they’re all released and then binge read them.

“Broken Prince” starts off where “Paper Princess” finished and thankfully it is written in Reed’s point of view also, so we were given an opportunity to go inside his head and know what makes him tick. Reed has a lot of making up to do with both Ella and his brothers, especially Easton. I am not going to go into too much detail about the story as I want readers to be as thrilled and shocked by all the twists and turns as I was.

“I’m done playing games, Ella. No other girls exist in the world for me. If you see me talking to one, know that I’m talking about you. If you see me walking next to someone, I’m wishing it was you … You’re the only one for me.”


I have developed a massive girl crush on Ella. She is such an inspirational heroine. She’s headstrong, self-sufficient and feisty, but also loyal, compassionate and will do anything for those she cares for. I loved how she didn’t automatically forgive Reed even though her feelings for him were so intense. It kept me glued to each and every page with anticipation on what would become of these two characters.

“He told me to stay away. He told me I didn’t belong. If only I’d listened to him”

I have to say this series has by far, produced the most addictive books I have read to date this year. They contain everything I look for in a great story; intrigue, intensity, angst, humour and stellar writing with amazing characters. I thought the cliff-hanger in the first book was intense, the ending to “Broken Prince” was even worse…….. if that’s even possible. I would most definitely recommend this story to anyone who loves a thrilling ride on the emotional roller coaster. As I said before, you may want to wait until they are all released as the cliffys are a killer! I’m counting down the days until “Twisted Palace” is released in October. 77 days to go……. ;-)
Profile Image for Flo.
285 reviews589 followers
July 24, 2016
5 **heart palpitations** STARS

“She’s mine and always has been. From before we even met, she was mine and I was hers. I fought it too long, but I’m giving in now. I’m all in now.”

Holy f*cking shit. This series and that book in particular is crazy. I simultaneously love and hate everything and everyone. I have no idea what to believe and who to trust. My blood pressure was at an all time high the whole way through and I'm still not over the shock of the ending.

That is pretty much all I can tell you. Everything else would be a spoiler. It's crazy good, mysterious and so damn addictive. Bravo to the authors, you have built a brilliant series here and I'm in awe.

And yes, that's all I have. Read the damn book and see for yourself!!!!!!

**ARC very kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review.


Trying very hard to keep calm.

Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
July 27, 2016
Paper Princess was so phenomenally great in that addictive, can't-put-this-book-down way that I was afraid that Broken Prince wouldn't be able to live up to the hype and greatness of its predecessor.

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So wrong.

In many ways, Broken Prince was better than Paper Princess. For one, it was told in dual POV.
Yes! We get Reed's POV in this latest installment, and oh boy, getting inside that boy's head was deliciously insightful. I'm so happy Erin Watt gave us Reed in all his broken glory. I mean, this was titled Broken Prince after all, right?

Reed's POV gave us a much needed explanation of the event that happened in book one. Most of all, Reed's POV yielded so many scandalous secrets that the Royals were hiding. Which brings me to my next point.

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Holy freaking plot twist, Batman! This book had a lot of big twists which got me like…

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I know, I know. This review is very unhelpful but trust me, Erin Watt delivered big time. They managed to surprise the heck out of me. Again. And if you loved the craziness, the addictive quality that was ever present in the Paper Princess, you will love this book.

Aside from the Royal boys and the rest of the gang. we get to know a few key characters in this book who flat out, stole the show. You will also love him. You will.

But the biggest reason why I think you should read this book, is it answers some of the questions you and I have been asking after reading Paper Princess. Like, did he cheat or did he not cheat? What the eff is wrong with Gabe? Why do I love Easton? And many more.

It also withheld some answers. And I mean that in a good way because while those questions weren't answered yet, we get clues!! CLUES, people!

But the biggest twist for me was probably the cliffhanger ending.

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Twisted Palace can't come soon enough.

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An ARC was provided by Erin Watt in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
August 13, 2016

"She was mine and I was hers. I fought it too long, but I’m giving in now. I’m all in now."


This author collaboration is successfully sweeping across the path of most of my fellow romance readers and there's not many that haven't loved what these authors have produced so far. 'Paper Princess' was a debut diamond that I was super eager to get my greedy reading hands on and as soon as I got my first 'Royal' fix I was ready for more. So it comes as no surprise that my expectations for book two were through the roof and although I wasn't completely blown away there was still plenty to enjoy about this second book in the series. Bravo, 'Team Royal' you've done it again.

What's it all about?
Broken Prince is book two in the increasingly popular 'The Royals' series. This is the follow on book to 'Paper Princess' and the second book in what's looking to be an explosive trilogy that's hard to forget. Follow the lives of the Royal brothers and all the drama, love and heartache that follows this family around.


What did I love?
Anything that is over the top, anxiety driven and emotional gets my vote and with the Royal family you can always expect for things to get a little crazy. And even though I lost a little love for the characters this time around I still found plenty enough to keep me interested in their story. The ending was explosive, the characters were true to their crazy antics and the secondary characters still managed to hold their own amongst all the wickedly, salacious story telling. All in all this was a solid young adult book party that packed more than a little punch it just wasn't winning all over for my tastes.

Why not five?
There is no doubt in my mind that this author duo has plenty of talent and if you don't believe me, then you can go and be convinced by the gazillions of five star reviews that this book is garnering. I'm very much a lone wolf with with my less than five star feelings, but as they say no two readers, read the same book. I had huge expectations going into this story, book one ('The Paper Princess') had it all; angst, romance and plenty of over the top 'Royal' style drama, so to say I was excited to jump into book two would be a little bit of an understatement. So where did it all go wrong you may ask? To wrap up my feelings in one single sentence: I found myself somewhat bored. Shocking I know, but I needed that something more to have this book slap me round my romance addict face and make me sit up and take notice. Alas, it wasn't meant to be and by the time the shock events showed up towards the end of the book it was all a little too late. Don't be misunderstood this was a likeable, well written foray just not that five star, wow addition that I was hoping for.


Final thoughts ...
If you like your books with plenty of theatricals and dramatic twists and turns then this series will definitely be pressing your buttons. This author duo are obviously creating original entertainment in a book world that can all to often feel over done and I'm excited to see what else they will create together but for now i'll leave you to dive into the crazy world of the Royals. Enjoy ... Kisses.

Profile Image for FMABookReviews.
637 reviews402 followers
June 22, 2016

omg OMG! I thought the ending of the first book was a killer. But ‘Paper Princess’ has nothing on ‘Broken Prince’! This ending sets book three, ‘Twisted Palace’, up to be the most exciting so far in the series!

I ended ‘Paper Princess’ with questions, oh, so many questions and when I finished ‘Broken Prince’ my head exploded. I screamed. I stared at my Kindle. I immediately took to FB messenger and began furiously messaging my friends who had finished before me asking if I had indeed read what I thought I had? I never knew I was a conspiracy theorist, but I blame Erin Watt. Because the theories I have developed over the last several days are extensive and to be quite honest, a little scary.

The brothers are mad at Reed, Ella is mad at Reed — I was mad at Reed. I mean, WTF, man?

❝ You’re the bad apple. You’re the one who ruins chicks.❞ He comes even closer, until our faces are inches apart, and then dips his mouth toward my ear and hisses, ❝You ruined Ella.❞

Easton’s beyond control, he’s my lovable little clusterf*ck. The boy gone bad to hide his hurt. He rarely shows his vulnerable side, and yet when he does… *swoon*. He needs a woman who is not afraid to whip him into shape, and I mean that literally, maybe add some chains and handcuffs in the mix.

❝ Whatever girl takes on Easton is going to have to hold a whip in one hand and a pistol in the other.❞

The Mean Girls - Dinah and Brooke, made me experience cat scratch fever, wishing I had actual claws and they were actual people and not just characters in one of my favorite series.

And ladies and gents (hey, there might be some reading this series too!) the wonderful and talented Erin Watt have given us a bad boy who rivals Easton - WADE. Let me assure you, you will love him. All the women do, and he loves all the women, the more the merrier.

This series is one addictive, head trip. It’s the good kind of high, one that won’t destroy you. Oh, who am I kidding? Obsessed? Yep. I am. Completely, and wholly addicted to this series. I admit it. I don't want a cure, I don't want to be saved. I want to be #‎royallyruined‬ #brokenbeforedawn

***ARC graciously provided in exchange for review***
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206 reviews268 followers
October 26, 2019
❥ 3.5 / 5 stars

Well, well, well. Seriously? I absolutely have no idea what I got myself into. This series is like a real epitome of soap opera in version of books. Lots of drama. Lots of mess. Lots of trashy stuff. Lots of silly things. Lots of blah blah blah that I bet you don’t even think it could happen all in one story.

So....... Is it fun?

Is it addicting?

Did I enjoy reading it?
Yes yes yes!

And is it considered a good book?
Hell. The answer is BLOODY NOOOOO. I don’t know if this series even has a plot. Why? Because from a typical teenage romance and family problems to the m-word thing? (I won’t spoil to those who haven’t read this book yet.) Errr..... Could you believe that? Isn’t it too unbelievable?


In conclusion, if you want to read this series, all you need to do is put all of its absurdities behind and enjoy reading it without thinking too much because if you want some sense from it, this series surely couldn’t give it to you. Period.

P.S. And since this series is a trash and I’m willing to be trashed for it, without doubt, I’m gonna read the third book. Yay!

Paper Princess (The Royals #1) : review
Broken Prince (The Royals #2) : review
Twisted Palace (The Royals #3) : review
Displaying 1 - 30 of 8,368 reviews

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