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All Men Are Brothers: Autobiographical Reflections

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All Men Are Brothers is a compelling and unique collection of Gandhi's most trenchant writings on nonviolence, especially in the context of a post-nuclear world. This compendium, which reads like a traditional book, is drawn from a wide range of his reflections on world peace.

"It is not that I am incapable of anger, but I succeed on almost all occasions to keep my feelings under control. Such a struggle leaves one stronger for it. The more I work at this, the more I feel delight in my life, the delight in the scheme of the universe. It gives me a peace and a meaning of the mysteries of nature that I have no power to describe." - Mahatma Gandhi.

210 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1958

About the author

Mahatma Gandhi

965 books6,403 followers
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi, was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India. Employing non-violent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for non-violence, civil rights and freedom across the world.

The son of a senior government official, Gandhi was born and raised in a Hindu Bania community in coastal Gujarat, and trained in law in London. Gandhi became famous by fighting for the civil rights of Muslim and Hindu Indians in South Africa, using new techniques of non-violent civil disobedience that he developed. Returning to India in 1915, he set about organizing peasants to protest excessive land-taxes. A lifelong opponent of "communalism" (i.e. basing politics on religion) he reached out widely to all religious groups. He became a leader of Muslims protesting the declining status of the Caliphate. Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921, Gandhi led nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, expanding women's rights, building religious and ethnic amity, ending untouchability, increasing economic self-reliance, and above all for achieving Swaraj—the independence of India from British domination. His spiritual teacher was the Jain philosopher/poet Shrimad Rajchandra.

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Profile Image for Naele.
168 reviews64 followers
June 20, 2016
‏تنها کسی می تواند زندگی را نجات دهد که از زندگی خویش بگذرد. ⁧‫
Profile Image for Amir .
588 reviews38 followers
January 25, 2010
برای من مهاتما گاندی بین رهبران نهضت ها یه جای ویژه داشته، همیشه سلوک اخلاقی و رفتاری ش برام محترم بوده. همیشه دوستش خواهم داشت. خودش میگه : «خشم، اسیدی است که به ظرف خود بیشتر از چیزی که به‌آن پاشیده می‌شود، آسیب می‌رساند.»

و «شاخ پربار سر بر زمین می‌نهد و عظمت آن هم‌چنان در فروتنی او جلوه‌گر است.
و درباره ش انیشتین میگه: «نسل آینده به سختی باور خواهد کرد که چگونه انسانی مرکب از پوست و استخوان، جهان را تغییر داد.

Profile Image for Rinda Rinda.
67 reviews4 followers
August 13, 2010
This is a collection of excerpts spoken or written by Gandhi, split into chapters, divided by individual topics such as nonviolence, religion, brotherhood, women in society, etc.

Some parts are a bit repetitive and I did not really like how the excerpts were not sequential. They'd quote a passage from a speech Gandhi gave from the late '50s then the next one would be from the early '40s. The underlining message may be similar, but Gandhi was as human as the next and his views, ideals and even his psyche shifted and evolved as he aged. If you want to get a sense of the evolution of Gandhi and his teachings, this is not the book for you. If you want a collection of some well put together passages, this does the trick
Profile Image for Brandon Fryman.
Author 1 book5 followers
May 4, 2013
Everyone should read this book and practice the things this great man experienced. I like that he was so humble and told us readers who he studied. I felt, when reading this, that the many things he talked about I do or felt. He put it into words for me and gave me something to strive towards.
Profile Image for ZaRi.
2,320 reviews828 followers
June 6, 2016
بعضی گمان می کنند که وقتی می بینیم چه چیز درست است آن را انجام می دهیم در حالی که چنین نیست. اغلب حتی هنگامی که می دانیم چه چیز درست است خود به خود راه راست را انتخاب نمی کنیم، بلکه "در برابر فشار تمایلات نیرومند خود مغلوب می شویم" و به کار نادرست می پردازیم و به نوری که در درونمان می تابد خیانت می ورزیم.
بنا بر نظریه های هندو "در حالت کنونی خویش، ما فقط نیمه انسان هستیم. پستی های ما هنوز حیوانی هستند."
تنها با پیروزی محبت بر غرایز پست ماست که بخش حیوانی وجودمان کشته می شود. با جریانی مداوم از تلاشها و خطاها و با تسلط با گامهای دردناک و دشوار در راه تکامل پیش می رود.
Profile Image for Gina.
155 reviews17 followers
April 28, 2021
A little bit of this, a little bit of that and there we have it, the Gandhi “soup”. Too much repetition and the fact that the excerpts from Gandhi’s several books did not have cohesion even made me skim on the last half of the book.

What I did like was that Gandhi speaks his mind out and he does so in a very simple and clear manner. It is really easy to understand his message. Definitely will get myself his own books.
Profile Image for Frightful_elk.
218 reviews
January 10, 2009
This is a collection of quotes and extracts from the main writings of Gandhi. As such it serves as an excellent introduction to his ideas and practices, there are many beautiful and inspiring quotes, some that hint at a closed mind and a more human and flawed character than the one held by popular imagination. Overall I would recommend it, it is organised into the main themes of his teaching, so you can build up an idea of his opinions in each chapter, unfortunately, due to the many sources this can lead to a fair bit of repetition in the quotes.
Profile Image for Ehsan.
133 reviews26 followers
August 24, 2012
ابیاتی از کتاب همه مردم برابرند اثر مهاتما گاندی

من به کسانی که از مذهب خود با دیگران سخن می گویند و تبلیغ میکنند، مخصوصاً وقتی منظورشان این است که آنها را به دین خود در آورند، هیچ اعتقادی ندارم. دین و مذهب در گفتار نیست بلکه با کردار است و دراین صورت عمل هرکس خود عامل تبلیغ خواهد بود.

در حقیقت تنها خداوند از قلب اشخاص خبر دارد و به این جهت مطمئن ترین راه آنست که هیچ شخصی، چه زنده و چه مرده مورد ستایش قرار نگیرد و  فقط کمال الهی که همان حقیقت است مورد ستایش واقع شود.

Profile Image for Rosa Ramôa.
1,570 reviews78 followers
January 14, 2016
"A não violência é a maior força que a humanidade tem à sua disposição.É mais poderosa do que a arma mais destrutiva que o Homem alguma vez inventou.A resistência passiva é uma espada com múltiplas virtudes.Sem fazer correr uma gota de sangue,obtém resultados extraordinários (...).A nossa não cooperação não se dirige nem aos ingleses nem ao Ocidente,mas ao sistema que os ingleses nos impuseram e à civilização materialista que encoraja a cobiça e a exploração dos mais fracos".
Profile Image for Christina.
212 reviews
March 24, 2010
Interesting book. Gandhi's a lot less absolute about certain things like brahmacharya (celibacy) than I thought he would be. Although he would prefer a totally non-violent, pure, moral society, he comments that absolute abstinence from the world's temptations isn't easy for everyone. Gandhi unpacks a very compelling argument for non-violent non-cooperation.Very intriguing read.
Profile Image for Andrea Bovino.
87 reviews4 followers
March 11, 2014
"Se amiamo coloro che ci amano, questa non è non violenza. Non violenza è amare coloro che ci odiano".
Pensieri sparsi della Grande Anima che aprono il cuore e fanno riflettere su come sarebbe semplice vivere in questo mondo. Un altro di quei libri che sono tanto semplici quanto illuminanti.
Profile Image for Gilang Permana.
101 reviews21 followers
December 6, 2012
Sebuah pemikiran yang menarik dari Gandhi terutama tentang menjadi sosok manusia yang seutuhnya dengan menganut paham Ahimsa
Profile Image for Maurizio Manco.
Author 7 books119 followers
September 30, 2017
"Un errore non diventa verità perché se ne moltiplica la diffusione, né la verità diventa errore perché nessuno la vede."
Profile Image for jeeayore.
49 reviews13 followers
September 5, 2024
Jujur ngebosenin. Aku ga pernah skim bacaan krn suka menelaah setiap kata, ini adalah buku pertama yg aku skim dan sebanyak itu WKWKWK.

Membosankan krn terjemahannya tidak menarik, kalimat repetitif, banyak sekali pengulangan cerita. Ya mungkin krn Gandhi mau mempertegas bahwa beliau penganut ahimsa, pantang kekerasan, dan hidup utk mencari kebenaran, bahwa kebenaran adalah tuhan.

Bagi Gandhi, wanita itu harusnya di rumah ngurusin anak tp tidak untuk dikasari dan dianggap lemah. Bagi Gandhi pendidikan itu seharusnya mengenai keterampilan yang bisa dipergunakan, sex education, sains, dan matematika. Sebaliknya pendidikan kesusatraan, baca tulis, aksara, bahasa asing, itu tidak penting dan tidak diperlukan. Hanya membuang waktu dan menggerus nasionalisme dan cinta tanah air. Tentu aku tidak sepakat.

Terlepas banyaknya hal yg aku ga setuju di
bukunya Gandhi ini. Ya mungkin krn udah ga relevan di zaman sekarang, toh buah pemikiran dari perang dunia I. Atau karena aku bkn org India jadi ga tau bagaimana realita lapangan dan kebutuhan mereka apa. Atau emang otak dan bathinku ga nyampe aja.
Paragraf mengenai bagaimana demokrasi seharusnya bukan mewakili suara mayoritas namun utk menjamin kemaslahatan perorangan cukup menarik utk membuat aku berpikir dan mencari tau lebih jauh cara pandang berdemokrasi. Kebiasaan di Indo itu kita memutuskan sesuatu berdasarkan suara terbanyak (mayoritas). Keliatan sih hasilnya pas pemilu atau bbrp kebijakan yg 'nyeleneh'.
Aku juga menikmati bab Agama dan Kebenaran!
Benar benar membuka perspektif baru ttg Hindu dan bikin aku tertarik utk baca Bhagavad Gita.
Profile Image for Laçin.
203 reviews13 followers
May 13, 2023
Gandi'nin özyaşamöyküsü kısmı bir harika olmakla birlikte geri kalanı tekrarlar, lafı uzatmalar ve döneminin önyargılarını da taşıyor. Biraz bunalttığını düşündüm, çünkü bu ahlaki değerlendirme tekrarları bugünlerde beni zaten yoruyordu; özellikle ahimsa/ şiddetsizlik /nonviolence kısmını anlatırken düşüncesinin yeni geliştiği dönemden bir yazı olduğunu düşündüm. Halbuki ne temel bir şey. Çeviride tarihler verilebilirdi, bir de daha dikkatli davranılabilirdi. Öztürkçe kelimeler kullanayım derken cümlenin ucu uçmuş gitmiş, yazım hataları atlanmış.

Çok etkileyici dönemeçlerin arasına yorucu tekrarlar konulmuş gibi. Bir hukukçu gibi değil, bir din bilgininin karman çorman sohbetini andıran tarafları var. Ama Gandi'nin siyaset felsefesini anlamak için iyi bir adım yine de. Bazı ilkeleri hatırda tutmaya yarıyor, mesela Göze göz dişe diş politikası hiçbir zaman başarılı olmadı' veya 'Terimin gerçek anlamında uygarlık, istekleri çoğaltmaya değil onları düşüne taşına, gönüllüce azaltmaya bağlı...' Bunları okurken bir duraksama geliyor, 2000'leri Gandi üzerinden düşünme şansı...
140 reviews4 followers
October 29, 2017
Početni deo knjige je biografski. Drugi deo je o njegovom učenju. I na kraju knjige je nekoliko njegova pisama. Najzanimljivije mi je što šalje pismo i Hitleru da prekine rat. Najveći deo knjige je o njegovim učenjima i pogledima na svet. Gandi piše dosta filozofski, da tako kažem. Puno se ponavlja i pomalo je nejasan i teže se prati. Bar je meni tako. Knjiga je ustvari sastavljena iz drugih njegovih spisa i knjiga pa možda i to malo narušava kontinuitet. Sa pola njegovih shvatanja se ne bih složio. U principu zanimljivo je da se pročita, da se malo bolje upozna Gandi, njegova razmišljanja i život.
Profile Image for Ryan Alam.
37 reviews15 followers
October 1, 2017
if you ask me what the book was like ?
well, it's like you're swimming to someone mind, beautifull mind, Gandhi's mind that always fight for grater goods, with ni intention to harm anyone but only his own mind.
somehow, I envy for those who lived and have a one or two talks with Gandhi or seeing him on the face.
Yes, just like Obama, i would like to hava an afternoon tea or Morning coffe chat with Gandhi
Profile Image for Mahesh K Adewar.
79 reviews1 follower
January 9, 2020
Whenever I read something by him, My respect and admiration simply increase even more than before.

His ideas seems many times impractical but that the beauty of ideas. And he practiced many of the things that he believed in.
Profile Image for Fouad Talih.
32 reviews
September 27, 2023
One of the components of Non-Violence philosophy is to accept death peacefully, which stands face to face with the most basic endowment human process which is the survival instinct. It takes transcending the human nature as Neitzche says in order to be the person you are meant to be
Profile Image for Hakkı Sayın.
131 reviews6 followers
June 12, 2019
Yarıda bıraktım. Gandhi'nin kişisel fikirlerine saygım azaldı ya.. keşke okumasaydım.
Profile Image for Robert Lei.
29 reviews
August 28, 2019
A collection of quotes from Gandhi's writings over his lifetime organized into sections provides great insight into the life, strife and aspirations of a great human.
Profile Image for DKay.
63 reviews1 follower
May 20, 2022
just found some repetition from another Gandhi's book
Profile Image for Sylvester Francis Alonz.
54 reviews2 followers
February 28, 2022
Gandhi's reflections provide more insight into the lessons of the human condition that fascinated him and I recommend any person interested in intersecting spiritualities to delve into it. I recognize that Gandhi, like many of us, possessed flaws that were a consequence of the world he entered, yet he made the best of it. Of his most profound ideas, Gandhi recognized that faiths were different vines of a common tree, to which I expand it to mean different trees in an unknown forest Gandhi's reflections demonstrated a constantly evolving thinking that intersects modern and ancient philosophies to address modern, yet continuous struggles for maintaining social order.
Profile Image for Ahmad Vaziri.
12 reviews
December 22, 2014
تنها چیزی که مارو متصل میکنه به حیوان,بعد از این همه تلاش برای ترفیع دادن خودمون نسبت به حیوانات همین غریزه جنگجو بودن و.خشونت _هیسما_مونه!انسان برای زنده بودن به محبت _اهیسما_بیشتر نیاز داره,نه خشونت.
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