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The Fish Tales #3

Here to Stay

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“You can’t sort of do this, Fish. Draw a line and get on one side or the other...”

Love is never so sweet as when it receives a second chance. In the sequel to her award-winning novel The Man I Love, Suanne Laqueur continues the story of Erik Fiskare’s romance with Daisy Bianco. Though separated for twelve years, the extraordinary bond forged in their youth has endured. But when your soulmate has caused you indescribable pain, how easy is it to forgive? How much trust is needed to place your heart back into the hands that once broke it? How much faith does it take to ask the question, "Do you still want me?" and believe in the reply: “I still want us.”

Erik and Daisy commit to creating a new life together. They are separated by geography, loyal to career commitments and burdened with lingering pain from a decade spent apart. Yet despite the challenges, Erik knows Daisy is the best thing to happen to him twice.

Slowly Erik earns back Daisy’s love as well as the trust of his incomparable friend, Will Kaeger. Both relationships grow deeper and more complex, as do Erik’s ties to the past. Unexpected contact with distant cousins offers new insight to the cruel childhood desertion that shaped so much of Erik’s adult life. With Daisy at his side, he travels back to his hometown to meet his people, explore his family’s history and learn about the men who wore his heirloom necklace before him.

The cathedral once burned down is rebuilt. But a love affair is never a finished thing. Life is never without its tragedies. Daisy and Erik soon face a threat more harrowing than gunfire, more sorrowful than the lost years. With Will at his back and family close by, Erik must fight for the things he once walked away from and prove his love is here to stay.

“Because of Laqueur's ability to smash you inside the heads of her characters, you feel and experience everything right along with Erik and Daisy. Here to Stay is honest and authentic. Never fake, forced, contrived, or overwrought. It’s a perfect conclusion: a love story fully told, nothing left unsaid or undone.”
—Emma Scott, author of RUSH

“Suanne Laqueur's writing is deeper than real, more than just truth. Her words are a ribbon winding themselves around you, over and under until you're tied up tight in the story. Not sure where it leaves off and you begin. Words in the hands of such a skilled writer are a powerful thing, and Laqueur proves time and time again she's worthy of our trust.”
—Terri Lee, author of The Bootlegger’s Wife

348 pages

First published January 12, 2016

About the author

Suanne Laqueur

24 books1,544 followers
A former professional dancer and teacher, Suanne Laqueur went from choreographing music to choreographing words, writing stories that appeal to the passions of all readers, crossing gender, age and genre. As a devoted mental health advocate, her novels focus on both romantic and familial relationships, as well as psychology, PTSD and generational trauma.

Laqueur’s novel An Exaltation of Larks was the grand prize winner in the 2017 Writer’s Digest Book Awards and took first place in the 2019 North Street Book Prize. Her debut novel The Man I Love won a gold medal in the 2015 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards and was named Best Debut in the Feathered Quill Book Awards. Her follow-up novel, Give Me Your Answer True, was also a gold medal winner at the 2016 RFBA.

Laqueur graduated from Alfred University with a double major in dance and theater. She taught at the Carol Bierman School of Ballet Arts in Croton-on-Hudson for ten years. An avid reader, cook and gardener, she started her blog EatsReadsThinks in 2010.

Suanne lives in Westchester County, New York with her husband and two children.

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Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,730 followers
April 12, 2017

The third book in 'The Fish Tales' series, 'Here to Stay' chronicles Erik and Daisy's new beginning. After everything that they've been through and all the pain that they've inflicted on themselves and each other, they are finally trying to work things out. However, a past like theirs is not easily forgotten. It will take a lot of understanding and forgiveness to move past the hurt that they've hung onto for so long.

As happy as I was to see one of my new favorite couples find their way back to one another, they still had a lot of healing ahead of them. There was no way that they could ever pick up where they left off. Too much had happened. I've never seen a couple that caused each other so much pain, even as they loved each other so much.

Aside from repairing his relationship with Daisy, Erik also has to make amends with Will. For me, the disintegration of their friendship was just as heartbreaking. I was so glad to see them reunited and to have Erik acknowledge his mistreatment of Will.

While Erik and Daisy are navigating the new terms of their long-distance relationship, there are some expected insecurities on both of their parts. Understandably, Daisy fears abandonment. Erik has his own worries about his fertility and what that will mean for their future.

Along the way, Erik finally faces his past. He has allowed the actions of his father to model his future for too long. When a long lost relative reaches out to Erik, he and Daisy go on a journey of self-discovery. He uncovers family secrets that shed light on his father's sudden disappearance. While he doesn't get all of the answers that he was looking for, he gains a better understanding of the demons that haunted his father.

Of course, nothing comes easy for Daisy and Erik. Just when you think that they're going to ride off into the sunset and live their happily ever after, tragedy strikes. I swear, they just can't catch a break.

Old habits die hard and the couple must overcome the desire to slip back into old coping strategies. This time around, they are more mature and better able to help each other heal. I was very glad to see that they were able to work through this upset together and come out stronger as a couple because of it.

'Here to Stay' was a wonderful finale to Erik and Daisy's story. I have loved every minute of this series and the vibrant characters that Ms. Laqueur has brought to life. I highly recommend this series. I listened to the Audible version and the narration was fabulous as well.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
March 9, 2024
5 stars

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“You’re the best thing to ever happen to me twice.”

Here to Stay is the conclusion of The Fish Tales series and one of the most beautiful and epic second-chance romances of two soul mates finding their way back to one another.

Daisy and Erik’s story is not always an easy one to read. It’s full of painful moments, soul-shattering things happen, but when two people are truly meant to be together, nothing can truly keep them apart.
“You broke and left, but then you came back. Because you were meant to be mine.”

If you’re like me you went into this one thinking, we’ve already gone through so much, surely this book will be an easy read. It will be a lovely HEA and all that. Well, it was the loveliest of HEA’s but it was not an easy read. For me personally, it was the hardest to read of the three books. I cried more in this one than I did reading the first two combined. 

BUT my goodness it really showed how much growth Daisy and Erik had and the way they leaned on each other, loved each other, and showed each other their good, bad, and ugly through this tragedy was inspiring. They showed up for each other and nothing could diminish their love. Not even the worst thing imaginable. I also really loved watching Erik and Will heal their relationship.
"I love nobody and nothing. The way I love you.”
“You’re still the one I can tell anything. You’re still the one, when my sentences run out of words, you finish them by looking at me. But at the same time, you’re surprising me. I still get to discover you. I love who you’ve become. And I love that who I’ve become still works with you.”

This will forever be one of my favorite series of all time. These books are so special to me. It’s a story of love, forgiveness, healing, family, friendship, and survival. Daisy and Erik are true soul mates and this book was a masterpiece! If you’re looking for a series that’s real, raw, spectacularly written, and unputdownable, pick up The Fish Tales. You won’t regret it!!

“I love you so much,” he said. But his voice was hoarse and the first two words got lost. You so much. It settled into his heart like a creed. He said it again. “You so much.” She turned her head up to him. “So much you,” she said.”
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews64 followers
December 14, 2017
I have a confession. So, please allow me to go on a tangent.

Here it is. I'm in love with the idea of Will and Erik because while you all were reading the epic love between Erik and Daisy, I saw only Erik and Will. AM I ALONE OUT HERE?!!
“You keep staring at me like that and we’ll have to take it inside,” Will said.
Erik’s face was warm around his smile. “What happened in Germany?”
Will blew his breath out, looking up at the skies. “Long version or short version?”
“Short version. I lost my shit and went into therapy. And in therapy, I finally admitted I’d been in love with you in college. James was simply a means to…divert it elsewhere.”
“What’s the long version,” he finally said.
Will was staring off again at nothing, but a corner of his mouth went up. “I missed you,” he said. “And this time I diverted it with a guy who looked like you.”

OMG. I swooned. I cried. I fucking bawled. That, right there, got me in the feels like nothing else in this brilliant awe-inspiring book. I fell in love again with Will. Gaaahhhh....

But as with everything Suanne Laqueur- or as I call her, Her Royal Sneakiness -, she went and made me fall in love with Erik and Daisy all over. Those 2 hold my heart and forever they shall have it.

For those of you still reading this review, let me tell you about this book. First off, the writing and prose were impeccable. shout out to SL. Thanks so much for gifting us with such lyrical prose. I gorged on the metaphors; the allegories, the imagery. All brilliant and superb. You, Laqueur, are a word seductress.

On to the story. Here To Stay picks up right where The Man I Love left off, with Erik having finally reconnected with Daisy after 12 long years. NOW, that is how you do a second-chance reunion folks. That is how it's meant to be done! Allow me to take you back to that EPIC reunion (in TMIL):<<
“Trembling all over, he looked at her.
Trembling just as much, she smiled. “Welcome to Canada.”
He swallowed. “My new favorite place on earth.”
Carefully they moved into each other’s arms. Erik held her, paralyzed with feeling. He wanted to crush her to his chest, seize her tight and never let go. He mustn’t. Not yet. He held.”
Well, damn. I wanted to smash them together, put them in my purse and hide them in an attic. Forever. These two were born to be in love with each other.

And then it just gets better. They reconnect and heaven and earth are moved to ensure these two stay connected. Erik moves to Canada to be with Daisy and we get to see him become the Erik we love. Their connection was palpable, almost electrifying, definitely breathtaking. I loved how he loved Daisy. Unconditionally and with no reservations. Gosh, we all should be loved liked that. Best book boyfriend! And get this, they get M.A.R.R.I.E.D! Yessssssss!

Interspersed within their renewed love story was the backstory of Erik's family tree and you know, for the love of me, it worked. Don't ask me why knowing who was who on the Fiskare family tree was important. It just worked. Laqueur takes us back in time and we learn so much more about Erik's history. Why his father left. His cousins, aunts etc. All brilliantly interwoven.

I suppose Laqueur wanted to lay that bird to rest before bringing on a new generation of Fiskares, because, smack in the middle of all these Erik and Daisy finally get pregnant. And this is where Laqueur broke me and I feared I would forever remain broken. But oh no, she blew gently on my tears, brushed me up and gave me not one, but two reasons to smile again.

Erik and Daisy's love story is epic and even as the book concludes, there is still so much left on the horizon for these two. I giggled and quietly powered down my e-reader, taking the time to savor the joy inside of me. Really, I wanted to hug SL and pat her on the back with the words: "you're all right kid, you are all right".

p.s. Now, I need to find me an epic M/M love story, to replace the one SL denied me with Erik and Will. But, I forgive you Suanne!

p.p.s Shout out to my friend, Robin Hill, for recommending this series. Thanks, babe.
Profile Image for Suanne Laqueur.
Author 24 books1,544 followers
April 6, 2020
In the wee hours of the night, Erik’s cell phone rang. Adrenaline sliced through his chest as he fumbled for it on the bedside table, thinking, Mom. He squinted into the stabbing light from the display. It was Daisy.

“Hey,” he said, falling back into the pillows.

“Hi,” she said. A single wretched syllable and her voice disintegrating into four kinds of despair.

“What’s wrong?” he said, alert but still slurred with sleep. “What is it?”

She was crying. Hard. Words slipped through the weeping but he couldn’t grasp them.

“Honey, what’s the matter,” he said. “Tell me.”

“I can’t,” Daisy said. “I can’t do this anymore.”

He sat up. “Do what anymore,” he said, as his heart kicked up another few beats.

“I miss you,” she cried. “You weren’t even gone an hour and I fell apart. I miss you so bad.”

“I miss you too, and I—”

“I want you,” she said. “I want you here all the time.” Her voice splintered apart as she laid herself bare to him. “I want you here all the time, Erik. I want you here with me. I can’t keep saying hello and goodbye to you. I can’t be away from you anymore. I can’t. It’s breaking my heart. Erik, I can’t…”

“I know, honey,” he whispered. “I know. It’s hard for me too.”

“I love my necklace, but it’s not helping me get through. I love texting all day and talking on the phone all night but it’s not helping me. I love that I always know where you are, but it doesn’t help because you’re not here. And I just want you here. I don’t want to wait another bunch of years to be sure of what I already know. I’m sorry, Erik, I just…”

“Don’t be sorry,” he said. “I need to know you want me there. I didn't know how bad I needed to know until I heard you say it.”

She was weeping again. “I want you here all the time.”

“Dais,” he said. “I’ll come.”

Her sobs hitched to a stop. Her breath was still choppy over the line but she was quieting down. “I don’t mean drop everything tomorrow and move,” she said. “I just need to know you—”

“I’ll come, Dais,” he said. “I’m done with this too. It’s pointless. It’s making nobody happy. Nothing is keeping me here. My life is with you. I belong with you and I don’t have any more time to throw away either. All right? This is it. No more long-distance crap. I’m coming to live with you in Canada and we’re going forward.”

She sniffed hard, let her breath out. “All right.”

“I love you,” he said. “No more sleeping alone, no more crying in the night. I’m coming home.”

“I love you," she whispered. "Come back to me.”

March 16, 2018
*****4.75 STARS*****

Let me tell ya...this was the perfect conclusion for Daisy and Erik.

This isn't going to be a "normal" review, it's going to be me sharing some of my favorite moments from the book. I hope you enjoy... Oh, and you can find even more on my blog https://prettymessreading.wordpress.c...

She was a hundred times more beautiful. A thousand times more thrilling. – Erik?

After so many years apart Erik still found Daisy to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Every scar, every wound and every curve was beautiful. Don’t we all want to be seen that way?

I didn’t know how to get past it. I didn’t want to get past it. I was too tired. I had no fight in me left anymore. David took the last of it. He took you and he took my will to keep going. I felt used and useless. I told Will I couldn’t pretend it never happened. I couldn’t get back with you and act like we weren’t changed. No matter what I did or said or forgave or forgot, from that day on you and I were different. And I hated it. I didn’t want us to be different. If it couldn’t be us, it was no use to me. So I left.” – Erik

Men are different that women, they need to possess and need to know their possessions are not being tainted. Erik was Daisy’s first and he was to be her only. There was no way they could go back to normal and Erik didn’t know at the time how to be anything else. You can’t not see what you saw and to a man, that is everything.

“My ex-wife is black.”

“Shut up.”

“Hand to God.”

“You really went to the opposite pole.”

“It was funny when it happened though. I went so long thinking my heart was shut down for good, but I came across her in the theater on day. This little voice inside started tugging at my sleeve. Hey. Girl. Look. See? Girl. Pretty girl. Fetch.”

“I hear you, I couldn’t believe when I felt attracted to another woman after Lucky. Anyway, back to her being black… What was that like?”

Well, I think I can answer that one better than Erik… It’s fucking amazing! I fuck like a porn star. You know what they say – A lady in the street but a freak in the bed.” I can rock almost any hairstyle, any day. My skin is soft as hell and tastes like chocolate. I’m a firm believer in eating pineapples everyday. I’m an amazing mother, awesome nurse and pretty as hell. So, yes, it fucking amazing being with a black chick. LOL!!!!!

I’m so not kidding either

I also feel a little bit more in love with Erik knowing that I’m his type too!

Erik shrugged. “You still want to?”

You mean am I still attracted to men? Sure. But I’m married now. I don’t fuck around with either gender.”

“I just wondered if the itch was there. I wasn’t implying you scratched it.”

“Well then, yes,” Will said. “I do still think about it. I’m still attracted to it and, on occasion, I outright want it. Wanting isn’t having.”

Everybody has that one thing they couldn’t get past in a relationship and for me that is my man being with another man. I don’t give a shit whether someone is gay or not, it makes me no difference. My reason is based solely on selflessness and fear.

I would be scared to lose my man to another man. I can compete with another woman all day any day but I could never win against a man. Then, on top of that, I would feel guilty. I would feel like I’m taking an important part of my man away, like I was forcing him to choose. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

Will must have really loved Lucky to put that part of himself away in order to love only her, as a woman. Lucky was an understanding woman because she knew Will loved Erik but it never changed her love for Will.

In the end Erik and Daisy get everything they want, each other, family, friends, kids and career. I loved everything about this series and I’m telling you, you will too. As long as cheating isn’t a deal breaker for you.

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Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,343 followers
January 14, 2016

~Now Available~

~5 Take My Breathe Away Stars~

"Don't leave me."
"I can't, I'll never breathe again."

Here to Stay is the third book in The Fish Tales Series. In order to fully appreciate the masterpiece of Here to Stay, you must read the first book in the series The Man I Love. In The Man I Love, my emotions were pressed, pulled, twisted, turned, and stretched to the limits. Here to Stay offered an unforgettable journey of healing.


In The Man I Love, Daisy and Erik fell in love and when they experienced a horrific life event they were both sent into a tailspin. The after shocks of the event ripped them apart. Years passed and they both moved on. They met other people, worked, lived, dreamed and yet, both were empty without the other by their side. At the conclusion of The Man I Love, Erik and Daisy come back together again. Here to Stay is a beautiful story of what happens when two people return home.
"A strange thing to find a lost lover in your hands again. Like finding your childhood baseball glove in an attic box of memories. You're sure it won't fit. But the heat of your palm, a flex and a bend and it knows you. It remembers you."
"I missed all this. She had a life all these years I know nothing about."-Erik
In Here to Stay, Erik experiences an extreme amount of regret. Time has passed and Daisy has had lovers, friends, inside jokes, heartbreak, and experienced all of the mundane aspects of life without HIM! Erik faces an internal battle of loving Daisy and being swallowed by the demons of his past.
"It was done then. It was on him then. The dam of his heart broke. Then it was done. Then it began."
Daisy, an ethereal spark of life, is so happy to have Erik back by her side. Although she still harbors regret for the choices she made in the past, she clings to him and lavishes in every moment.
"They wanted everything at once, their kiss fitting around words and words smashing between their lips and tongues."
Together, Erik and Daisy find their way back into each other's arms. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes the past love, that had faded, is reborn into a new refined love that is mature and runs deep. The characters experience growth through their journey to forgiveness. In true Laquer fashion, every emotion is felt to the core. Every detail of every single moment is masterfully displayed. Additionally, the secondary characters continue to play a critical role in the plot development. Erik is reunited with his best friend Will and must seek healing after years of being apart. Although the journey is sweet, there is still room for heartbreak. As in life, every beautiful moment can only be savored when we have experienced loss and pain.
"I didn't come back to fight you. I came back to fight for you."
"I just want us. I want her to myself. I want to be the center of her universe and not share her with anyone. Ever."
Told in Erik's POV, Here to Stay is a beautifully crafted story. The steady pacing coupled with the complex characters kept me fully engaged the entire read. There is a good balance between exploring the "present" relationships of the characters and finding closure from the "past" events that took place in The Man I Love. The dialogue is rich and flows smoothly from page to page. Anyone who invests in this series will be forever changed.
"You don't have to do it good. You just have to do it."
"I love nobody and nothing. The way I love you."


Overall, I highly recommend Here to Stay to anyone who enjoys a love story that is based on real life. When you come across a piece of work that breaks you in half and then puts you back together again, it is a journey you will never forget. I am a huge fan of Ms. Laquer's work and I cannot wait to read more.

***The Fish Tales Series***
The Man I Love (The Fish Tales, #1) by Suanne Laqueur Give Me Your Answer True (The Fish Tales, #2) by Suanne Laqueur Here to Stay (The Fish Tales, #3) by Suanne Laqueur



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Profile Image for TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover.
362 reviews914 followers
October 19, 2022

Confession: I don’t ever put off reading books in a series. If all the books have been released, I read them all back to back.

But I put off reading this book. Why? Because I didn’t want to cry. And I KNEW when I read it I would cry. All Suanne does is make me fucking cry.


I realize I’m cursing like a sailor here. But I don’t like to cry and I rarely cry so when I do cry it’s because I’ve reached a breaking point and the dam has burst and my emotions are overflowing and I feel chaotic and I don’t like to feel chaotic and this is what Suanne’s fucking writing does to me.

But I swear all this cursing and crying is a good thing. A really good thing. Because Suanne is a fucking Jedi Master when it comes to words and she is poetic and her prose is magic and lyrical and GOD I LOVE AND HATE HER ALL AT ONCE FOR MAKING ME SO EMOTIONAL.

Hands down one of the greatest series of all time. I can’t praise Suanne and her fucking brilliant writing enough.

Fucking read this series. The end. http://amzn.to/2idhb0N

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Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,023 reviews1,253 followers
October 11, 2017
“You’re still the one I can tell anything. You’re still the one, when my sentences run out of words, you finish them by looking at me. But at the same time you’re surprising me. I still get to discover you. I love who you’ve become. And I love that who I’ve become still works with you.”

This book! OMG it's one of the best freaking thing I've ever read.... I LOVED it so much. <3 This series are must read!!! I highly recommend them. ;)

And this is my 3rd attempt to write a proper review for this phenomenal book but whenever I look at the blank sheet, my face goes just like this....

Uhh because I have so many emotions whenever I think Erik & Daisy and my goodness, this book made me cry like a river... Ahh okay, I don't want to cry all over again, so I'm gonna keep this review short and sweet because I'm agree with Erik. Only he can summarize my feelings about this book... <3

“I don't have one word for what I feel. It's a thousand things at the same time."

And I'm saying this with my whole heart... I do hope you give a chance this amazing books. Trust me, you won't be regret for reading them... <3

Ps. I'm gonna hold this story very close to my heart. Erik & Daisy (and even Will & Lucky) will be with me until the day I die... ❤

You can read my 1st and 2nd book reviews from this links... ;)



“You’re the best thing to ever happen to me twice.”

“I didn’t come back to fight you. I came back to fight for you.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you.
“You’ll never have to know.”

“Don't leave me."
"I can't, I'll never breathe again.”

“You can bury your pain or avoid it. You can tattoo over it. But you won’t be free of it until you feel it.”

“You’re still the one I can tell anything. You’re still the one, when my sentences run out of words, you finish them by looking at me. But at the same time you’re surprising me. I still get to discover you. I love who you���ve become. And I love that who I’ve become still works with you.”

“Love can bring out the best and worst in us. We've all been a jackass for love. But love makes us do amazing things. And if love drives us away, love is what brings us back. Love makes us pick up the phone. Love makes us listen. Love makes us say I'm sorry. Love makes us forgive. Love makes us better. Love makes us our best. And love makes more love...”

“I really believe this. Souls have a purpose and their energy belongs with a certain other energy. They go where they belong. It’s not random…”

“I love you so much,” he said. But his voice was hoarse and the first two words got lost. You so much. It settled into his heart like a creed. He said it again. “You so much.” She turned her head up to him. “So much you,” she said.”

Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,983 followers
June 15, 2019
4 1/2 Stars

Unlike the first book, The Man I Love, this one is the type of romance story I enjoy reading! I’m so glad I decided to give Erik and Daisy’s follow up book a try. It was such a great read and something I desperately needed after finishing their first book.

Here to Stay is emotional and, at times, hard to read. But what I loved about this book was Erik and Daisy love and commitment to each other and their relationship. Most of the book was focused on their marriage and how they weathered life storms and the repercussions of past mistakes together. They were a solid and believable team and I loved that. There was also a side story about Erik’s family that I really enjoyed as well.

As for the ending...it was pure perfection. If you struggled with The Man I Love like I did, you might want to giving this book a try. It made me a believer of Erik and Daisy’s love story.
Profile Image for ~IreneOust~.
509 reviews776 followers
January 10, 2017

If you are familiar with Suanne Laqueur's work, you'll probably recognize the reaction you are left with after 'The End' ...

"A real thousand-yard stare." (and I am not even sorry for stealing this quote from the author herself!)

I finished this book earlier today and I really don't have much to say other than 'READ THIS AUTHOR'! Read EVERYTHING she's ever written! IMMEDIATELY! Her books are art in a book form. They are perfect because the characters in them are not. Just like life, her stories show you that without rain, there are no flowers.

I can't say it enough but the originality Suanne Laqueur brings into this book world is absolutely incredible! And the way she tells the story is just brilliant! If you are someone who craves reading experience vs just going through the motions of flipping pages, READ. THIS. AUTHOR! Her writing is nothing short of life-changing.

Apologies for saying nothing about this book specifically but recapping the plot is not really my style and, when it comes to this series especially, the less you know before you read it, the better off you are! Trust me.

I was fortunate enough to BR this incredible tales with a dear friend and a fellow Suanne-lover ♥ Jx PinkLady Reviews ♥. If you want to read a review worthy of this book, I would check her review space for one of those because she is much better at it than I am.


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Profile Image for Dee Montoya.
942 reviews596 followers
September 4, 2018
5++++ STARS*****

Beautiful and triumphant! This book was everything I wanted and more. I fell utterly in love with all these characters from the moment I started reading the first book . Their struggles, their pain, their victories filled my heart with so many wonderful emotions. This was one of those stories that you learn from, feel from and experience it as if it was your own. Unforgettable!!!!

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I was so in love with the idea that Fish and Daisy were getting a second chance. Even though they had both hurt each other so much in the past, and they tried to forget the love they shared, they simply couldn't. Their love was just too intense, engraved inside their souls forever, and impossible to forget.

They now faced with the new challenges of starting over. Trying to find closure in the past to be able to move on into the future, is their main goal.

Fish not only has to repair his relationship with Daisy, but also with Will and Lucky. These four people were the best of friends until tragedy broke them apart, but they are ready to fight for the fierce love that still links them.

" Love can bring out the best and worst in us. We've all been a jackass for love. But love makes us do amazing things. And if love drives us away, love is what brings us back. Love makes us pick up the phone. Love makes us listen. Love makes us say I'm sorry. Love makes us forgive. Love makes us better. Love makes us our best. And love makes more love..."

Even though this was the third and last book of the series, it wasn't all hearts and flowers, it was perhaps the toughest to read out of all. Because forgiveness doesn't come cheap, and the truth is not always pretty. With that said, Here To Stay was also my most favorite book to read in this series. The honesty and beauty in which it was written simply blew me away.

I feel so lucky to have found these books, reading them felt like getting a giant, loving hug to my soul. Definitely this entire series will be one of my most favorites ever, and I really hope everyone in this world reads it.

 photo 17631979_zpsogt4rrvf.png
Profile Image for Malene.
1,275 reviews723 followers
August 31, 2016
After reading Here To Stay I can finally say that I and the characters have come full circle. This third and final book in The Fish Tale trilogy was nothing more than a masterpiece. The writing was intelligent and there was a purpose for everything that happened in Here To Stay. I have to admit that I was pretty damn angry with the author. It was only after I finished Here To Stay that I can loudly say, that what she accomplished not only with this book but with the entire Fish Tales series was genius. 

Here To Stay was for me about the characters and how they grew, had changed throughout the twenty years I followed them. It was all about Erik, Daisy, Will and Lucky. I loved and cherished every moment of being in their company. Not only has this series been about the relationship between Erik and Daisy but also the friendship between Erik and Will.

Erik and Will certainly had a bromance going on with their funny jokes but it was more than that. It was unconditional love. They relied on one another and they stepped up whenever one of them was needed. No question asked. I often got emotional when Erik and Will were around each other and had their talks. They'd been through so much together and when they were apart but still their friendship and love were stronger than ever. They truly brought out the best in one another. 

I loved how Erik and Daisy approached their relationship this time around after they'd been apart for twelve years. They showed growth, openness and they communicated. A very traumatizing experience with a certain loss proved how much they truly had grown. I feared they'd both revert back to old patterns but their trust in each other along with their powerful and undying love prevailed. It was an emotional roller coaster ride. I was bawling my eyes out only because I care so damn much about these amazing people. 

The writing was excellent. Phenomenal is more like it. Every word mattered and took on an entire new meaning. I'm so in love with this series and can't praise Suanne Laqueur enough. This has been unlike any other reading experience I've ever had. In some way my life feels richer because of The Fish Tales. I've followed these characters for twenty years and feel like I gained a new set of friends. This is exactly why I read. Not just this book but the entire Fish Tales series is a masterpiece. I bow down to you, Suanne Laqueur. You got a fan for life.

6 BadAssDirtyThisIsMyForeverStars
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,345 reviews488 followers
June 18, 2019
This series is a must read!

This book is simply beautiful. You know how much I love epilogues? This book is one huge epilogue. It’s Daisy and Erik at their best. Is Daisy and Erik finally living their forever. It’s also Daisy and Erik going through hell and back and coming out on top and stronger than ever. And that ending, that ending was perfection!

And Erik and Will, le sigh. A friendship like no other, a love like no other. So many incredible moments. So many highlights!

We also get to meet some of Erik’s Fiskare relatives and some questions about his past get answered. Loved this arc.

Gosh, I loved this entire book and this entire series. The beautiful, flawless writing. The completely mesmerizing storytelling. I can’t even describe how much I’ve felt for this story in the past days. I’m so in love. I will remember this story and these characters forever. And I’m a forever fan of Suanne Laqueur books now, can’t even believe it took me this long!
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,070 followers
January 10, 2017
This series is epic beyond all my expectations. I feel like I have just watched the most glorious miniseries. So vivid. A story that always shows and always made me feel so much.

All three books, in my personal opinion, are essential to experience the full, rich and deeply layered tapestry of the story. A story that spans decades, developed beyond all my expectations and will stay with me forever. It's one of THOSE stories. I loved it and ALL the characters so much. The protagonists and supporting cast, each and every person important to the dynamic of the piece with Eric, Daisy, Will and Lucky at the heart.

Profile Image for Emma Scott.
Author 36 books8,211 followers
January 14, 2016
After reading (and being emotionally pummeled) by both The Man I Love and Give Me Your Answer True, I was honestly a bit wary about wading back into the lives of Daisy and Erik, since doing so always feels like a head-hop. We've been able to see how the couple navigated their beautiful, soul-deep love affair, and the horrible tragedy that split them apart, THEN the amazing journey toward recovery...separately. So with Here to Stay, I was looking forward to seeing how--finally--these two were going to build a life together post-trauma.

To be honest, at first,I missed Daisy. Having recently finished her story in her POV, with her voice, going back to Erik was almost a miss for me. I ADORED TMIL and Erik, so it wasn't a failing on the part of the author, but a personal thing for me. I didn't like Daisy at the end of TMIL because of what she did to Erik. By the end of her story, I was in love with her and on her side. To leave that voice (or head, really, since the writing is so intimate) was kind of a shock. But there was nothing lacking in Here to Stay once I got over it. Daisy was there again, in Erik's eyes, and when a few scenes were deepened (I was given the privilege of reading an early draft) then I was on board 100%.

So what happens in Here to Stay? It's not really possible to even allude without giving away massive spoilers, I'll just say Erik and Daisy's commitment to each other is tested on multiple levels. This story is not one extended HEA for our heroes, but a look at what comes after the "first love" of youth has been tested, burnt, and resurrected. These characters are older now, and navigating adult life together. The blissful youthfulness is gone, (and would be long over, even if it weren't tested by the school shooting tragedy of TMIL) Now, they must face the dramatic and dangerous demons that split them apart, and then the very real--VERY real--pitfalls and dramas of everyday life. The peril here isn't something as (sort of) rare as a shooting, but the all too common heartaches and tragedies of this real life. And again, because of Laqueur's ability to smash you inside the heads of her characters, you feel and experience everything right along with Erik and Daisy. And it's not always easy, not by any stretch, but it's never fake, forced, contrived, or overwrought. It's honest and authentic, and hey, that might not be everyone's bag. Escapism is real. Here, it's not so much escape, as a strange sort of voyeurism. You want to look away (and at one point, I really felt like I SHOULD) but you can't.

I will say that I found Daisy to be a little too accommodating at times, and Erik's search for some history and connection within his broken family nearly threatened to overtake the relationship I cared about most: his and Daisy's, but both "issues" were mild; Daisy was authentic to her character, not to what I wanted her to be, and Erik's search was integral to his growth. Both felt like fully-fleshed human beings.

I'm still Will's #1 fan, and he was as fantastic as ever, while Erik's mother, of all people, shone as a standout to me when she hadn't registered too high before.

In conclusion, I feel this book is a perfect conclusion; the story fully told, nothing left unsaid or undone, and so I look forward to delving into a new set of characters from Laqueur's next endeavor, whatever that might be. Soon. Soon-ish, Very quickly. Yesterday, even.

Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
618 reviews1,911 followers
June 12, 2019
4.5 stars

“You’re the best thing to ever happen to me twice.”

This is the perfect conclusion for Daisy and Erik’s story. Actually it’s the perfect conclusion for everyone. This was such a heartwarming second-chance book, that was so emotional and real.

Uh, those characters has been through a lot. I lost years of my youth while reading this series. But I regret nothing. It’s so good. Things hasn’t been easier for Erik and Daisy now that they’re together, but I loved to see how they grow. How they started to heal. How they tried to stay strong for each other. I loved that Erik fixed things with Will. There relationship is the best!! Will is just so perfect. This was such a perfect book about family, love, friendship, forgiving, and healing.

And the best thing about this book, that made it more perfect...The writing!!! The writing is so phenomenal. It made this book even more beautiful. I’ll never forget these character or this series.

”You’re still the one I can tell anything. You’re still the one, when my sentences run out of words, you finish them by looking at me. But at the same time you’re surprising me. I still get to discover you. I love who you’ve become. And I love that who I’ve become still works with you.”
Profile Image for KAS.
317 reviews3,124 followers
August 19, 2016
"To the union of fishes and daisies" ........ How utterly fitting!

I began on this exhilarating journey nearly a week ago with these beautiful and flawed individuals and immediately started the process of slicing and dicing up my heart into small pieces and handing them over to each and everyone of them. If you do not know who "them" is, please stop! Go back to the beginning of this amazing "experience!" Start with "The Man I Love", proceed to "Give Me Your Answer" and then come back to this spectacular, incredibly sweet, fulfilling reunion.

Once again the emotional roller coaster ride of laughing out loud one moment and tears trickling down my cheeks the next were on full display. I craved for everyone's HEA. This profoundly written book brought everything full circle. A stunning culmination woven perfectly through Erik's gold chain! Just incredible!

I think I can finally get a good night's sleep again ;)
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,048 reviews940 followers
September 28, 2016

‘Loving her felt like creating something. A cathedral. Spires and stained glass and bells. But she broke one window and I indiscriminately tore the whole thing down…’

With tears streaming down our cheeks, we want to give Suanne Laqueur a standing ovation and a big thank you for the privilege of experiencing this achingly compelling, stunningly written, powerful and incredibly moving series of which we’ll never forget. The dramatic threads of this story were so intrinsically and superbly woven by an author who gave us her all through heartbreaking, beautiful and inspiring words. Not just an epic love story, this was an epically remarkable story of life, love, loss, friendship, family and second chances.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you.
“You’ll never have to know.”

We found it hard to function whenever real life forced us to put this book down, anxious to continue Daisy and Erik’s story, caring for them so deeply it became that we were unable to focus on anything other than their journey. To say it consumed us would be an understatement…we desperately wanted to pause life to sit, devour and savour every breathtakingly incredible word.

‘You can bury your pain or avoid it. You can tattoo over it. But you won’t be free of it until you feel it.’

There are books you read and enjoy; then there are the precious few, like The Fish Tales series which leave an indelible imprint on your heart, marking you as though you’ve actually lived and breathed the story along with the characters – such stories need to be treasured. Honest, raw, intelligent and passionate, this series was so rich in detail, with such realistic dialogue we couldn’t help but become swept up in a story that was epic in every sense of the word and we will be treasuring this series.

‘She was a beautiful china cup on a table, quietly asking to be filled. And little by little, Erik was tipping over and pouring out.’

Suanne Laqueur laid the foundations of her story so meticulously and with such a wonderful simmering burn, taking her time to introduce her characters and in doing so ensured we came to know Erik, Daisy and their tight knit group of friends intimately. Knowing them on such a level meant we experienced every moment of their lives, the good, the bad and all the associated emotions as they unfolded. Honestly, when Erik and Daisy met for the first time, we were so invested in them as people we could feel the excited butterflies flutter in our stomachs as though we were right there witnessing the first gaze, feeling the first zap of chemistry between them. Although they would certainly test us and put our hearts through the wringer, our immense affection for these characters never wavered.

“What’s happening to us? We’re better than this.”
“We used to be.”

This is not a light read. It’s an intense, evocative, heartbreaking, frustrating, infuriating, joyful, romantic, passionate, tragic and deeply emotional story chronicling the lives, loves and destruction of characters who became our friends. There were times their story crushed our hearts, times we were incensed, times we smiled, times we swooned, times we cried, but every single emotion was precious to us because to feel a story so implicitly is what reading is all about. It’s what keeps the passion burning.

‘Where once he’d been surprised to discover the depths of his passion, he was now equally astonished at how well he could shut down.’

We are introduced to Daisy and Erik as they meet at College in 1989. Erik was 19, Daisy 17, following them through to their 30’s bearing witness to the many tumultuous, happy, tragic, meaningful and life changing events throughout their lives. Daisy and Erik shared a soul deep love that was etched in their hearts from the time they met, an unrestrained and obvious bond between; a true meeting of soulmates, a love that was as spiritual as it was physical and emotional.

‘Time was plentiful, a spilling basket of golden minutes and hours. Time was a gift from this girl who had waited for him to find her.’

The background setting of the theatre was so artfully and vividly brought to life, the dance aspect and how the interpretation of Daisy’s dancing techniques revealed to Erik so much of Daisy’s character was conveyed magnificently and breathtakingly so. We witnessed Daisy through Erik’s eyes and she was exquisite. The buzz of the theatre, the love of the dance, the heart rending love story, the true and deep friendships…it was all there for the taking and thanks to the brilliance of this author, we were held captive whilst embracing and feeling every moment.

“I know how to dance,” she said. “And I know how to love you.”

Erik and Daisy were in complete happiness, drinking in each other, their love, their friends, their families, their surroundings. Everything was falling into place until a life changing and traumatising event would rock their world, the aftermath causing a divide between them that would prove devastating to not only them, but their close knit friends, having a profound effect on them all. Finding their way, healing and accepting would prove difficult and through the years observing them crumble under the weight of their pain, watching them spiral out of control – making decisions that would affect the rest of their lives.

‘Nothing man-made was perfect. Not even massive churches. A partnership wasn’t about being beautiful and adored in the spotlight, it was about incorporating the mistakes into the architecture and continuing to build something beautiful. Together.’

When we came to the end of The Man I Love we were wrung out, our emotions raw and exposed feeling as though we needed some sort of closure immediately. It was for this reason we made the decision to head straight into Here To Stay leaving Give Me Your Answer True until our emotions were back in check.

“Leaving isn’t always the end of loving.”

Here to Stay wrecked us and put us back together. It was a perfect and fitting conclusion to Erik and Daisy’s journey but it wasn’t only that aspect that drew us in. The theme of friendship throughout this series was as every bit as meaningful and stirring as the gripping and potent love story between Erik and Daisy, with the relationship between Will and Erik being particularly fascinating and beautiful. Their story was a revelation and had us both agreeing it was one of the most heart-warming, heartbreakingly honest and beautiful relationships we’ve ever experienced.

We spent a weekend lost in Suanne Laqueur’s world, her intoxicating and arousing words eliciting such heartfelt emotion, with a finesse as enthralling as Daisy’s dance and as vividly stunning as any treasured painting. This isn’t merely a love story, it’s a sweeping saga of love, life, pain and healing. We want to grab every reader and implore them to pick up this series! Brace your heart and lose yourself to love in all its many forms and we promise you will experience an unforgettable reading experience.

“Love can bring out the best and worst in us. We’ve all been a jackass for love. But love makes us do amazing things. And if love drives us away, love is what brings us back. Love makes up pick up the phone. Love makes us listen. Love makes us say I’m sorry. Love makes us forgive. Love makes us better. Love makes us our best. “


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Profile Image for Terri Lee.
Author 4 books51 followers
November 23, 2015
What happens after the happily ever after? How many times have we been left wondering what happened to a couple we've fallen in love with.? What a thrill to realize there were more chapters waiting for me, after I closed the book on 'The Man I Love.'
I received an ARC of 'Here to Stay', and practically set my Kindle on fire zipping through the pages. I devoured it. In two sittings. No matter how much I told myself to take my time. Even knowing there's a brain freeze waiting for me on the other side.
There, in the pages were all the people I knew so well. Erik, Daisy, Will, Lucky, Francine, Joe, Christine and a whole host of new people to fall in love with. New layers to add at Erik and Daisy's feet as they continue to grow into their adult lives.
So. I hear you asking. Was it? Happy? Ever After? Of course not. Or it wouldn't be real. And if there's one thing we know about Suanne Laqueur's writing— is that it's real.
But I'll use another word. Raw. Raw is deeper than real, more than just truth. When the page is stripped of all pretensions and you are left with meat on bare bones, you are looking at a master at work.
Achieving this level of rawness without tipping over into titillation, or sheer shock value is where the mastery comes into play. Suanne balances on the tight-wire like one of the Flying Wallenda's. Never tipping left or right.
When the tears come, and they will come, it's because it's the only natural response to what you've just been through. Yes, YOU'VE been through. Not a character in a book. But you. As with all wonderful story tellers, Laqueur's words are a ribbon that wind themselves around you, over and under until you're tied up tight in the story. Not sure where it leaves off and you begin.
Then Erik's fears are your fears. Daisy's tears are your tears. Their joy is your joy. And you never feel as if Laqueur has misplaced your trust in her and manipulated your emotions for her gain.
Without giving anything away, ( because I HATE spoilers) her handling of one subject is so pure and true and delicate that you will find yourself sighing through your tears. A fresh revelation on your tongue. Thank you for that.
I'm sure I can say without reservation that this is the first book that made me cry while reading the acknowledgements.
Words in the hands of a skilled writer are a powerful thing. Laqueur proves time and time again, that she's worthy of our trust. This, the third and final entry of The Fish Tales is every bit as emotional as her award winning debut novel. Perhaps a quieter tale, as our fishes have grown and matured into adulthood. But having met Erik and Daisy...I know I'll never be the same.

Profile Image for *The Angry Reader*.
1,429 reviews335 followers
August 30, 2018
Perfection. In TMIL I fell in love with a boy. Sweet. Compassionate. Imperfect. Endlessly lovable. And loving him took me on a big ride. Made me cry. A lot. Made me really angry. Filled me with some righteous indignation. That book was one of my favorites of all time. Flawless.
GMYAT gave me something I didn't know I needed. Forgiveness. Another side of the story. A view of my sweet sweet boy as an asshole. A dick. Selfish. Taking and hurting. And it let me fall a little in love with the girl who loved my boy. I saw him through her eyes - and that filled my heart. I felt her pain, and i was proud when she got better. Got stronger. And maybe my wonderful boy wasn't the darling id once thought. Maybe he made some mistakes. GMYAT filled in blanks that I didn't know existed. Gave more depth to my boy's story.
And then Here To Stay....where I fell in love with a man. A man with my boy's sweetness and light but a new strength. He stayed. And he stayed. And he stayed. All of that good that drew me to him was magnified in this creature honed in fire. Tested and proven. HTS is a book of adults. Family. Tribe. Needing and giving. Erik as a man is spectacular. Beyond any dreams I had for that boy. A creature open and hurting and growing and giving. Someone who made this enchanting world for himself and Daisy. I cried. A lot. Through most of the book. And I loved it. It was the best crying. The writing was heaven - strong and sure and so generous to its reader. An author who respects her audience - never writing down to us. This book was above and beyond anything I expected. I am so grateful for the journey these books took me on - and for the ending that everyone deserved.

Profile Image for Robin Hill.
Author 3 books295 followers
December 26, 2018
5 stars.

Ugh. Big freaking book hangover. This was such a nice way to end the series. Not overly angsty or heartbreaking, just sweet perfection--exactly what I needed after the first two. I'm so sad it's over and so glad there's more by way of The Ones That Got Away. But for now, seriously depressed.
Profile Image for Amber’s reading.
538 reviews113 followers
November 2, 2018
5 stars!!!

This series will always hold a special place in my heart. Such a breathtakingly beautiful story about love, friendship, family, trauma, loss, healing and forgiveness.

The Fish Tales is more than a series of books, it’s a journey, an experience. Very few books have made me feel part of the characters lives. I feel like I lived those 14+ years with Erik, Daisy, Will and Lucky. I so admire their love, strength and loyalty to one another. They are the people I want to call if I need to bury a body.

To Suanne Laqueur, I’m a fan for life. Your writing is exquisite! I look forward to reading all of your other books. Keep it up!
Profile Image for Linda.
870 reviews
January 30, 2019
This. Series.
Read it.

This is a series that you don't only read, you LIVE it. The characters come alive and feel like friends. The writing is phenomenal. The story is hard. The LOVE is so very true. One of the best love stories I have ever read.

If you missed my first two reviews for this series, you must start with The Man I Love. Prepare yourself. It is an amazing love story. Amazing. But so very tragic.

I will never forget these characters or this story. Their story completely gutted me. I feel spent after these 3 books. But, it was so worth it!
Profile Image for ✦ Ellen’s Reviews ✦.
1,657 reviews342 followers
September 24, 2016
"You're the only one I let know me. I never fell out of love, Dais. I just fell out of touch. I'm here now. I'm back and I'm here to stay."

I can honestly say that these books are among my all-time favorites. Dare I say they are life-changing? These are the kind of books that stay with you long after you finish the final chapter. And hello, I don't think I have ever SOBBED while reading Acknowledgements, but once again, the author got me with that one.

All of the beloved characters in The Fish Tales series really come full circle in 'Here to Stay'. This is an epic story and I absolutely adored how the author wrote these characters with such passion, heartbreak and LIFE. I devoured every page of this book and once again, it was pure perfection.

'Here to Stay' delves into the relationship not only between Daisy and Erik, but also between Erik and Will. I swear I could read an entire series just based on Will and Lucky!! That's how much I LOVE these characters. This book is all about Erik repairing his broken relationships and regaining everyone's trust again. Every word, every scene is precious and beautiful. Real life happens to these characters in "Here to Stay'. Some of it is grand, some of it is funny, some of it is absolutely heart-wrenching and all of it is messy. Just like real life.

He reached to touch the hollow of her throat where the gold fish and the pearl nestled.
“You’re the best thing to ever happen to me twice.”

Suanne Laqueur needs to be on everyone's TBR list. These books are simply magnificent and I have no doubt that the upcoming 'An Exaltation of Larks' will be just as mesmerizing. I truly feel that I have lived along with these fictional characters over the course of this series. Every fan of second-chance romance needs to read The Fish Tales ASAP. They will change your life!

“You so much”
“So much you”

Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,883 reviews2,067 followers
September 29, 2016

Dual Spoiler Free review : The Man I Love and Here To Stay

‘Loving her felt like creating something. A cathedral. Spires and stained glass and bells. But she broke one window and I indiscriminately tore the whole thing down…’

With tears streaming down our cheeks, we want to give Suanne Laqueur a standing ovation and a big thank you for the privilege of experiencing this achingly compelling, stunningly written, powerful and incredibly moving series of which we’ll never forget. The dramatic threads of this story were so intrinsically and superbly woven by an author who gave us her all through heartbreaking, beautiful and inspiring words. Not just an epic love story, this was an epically remarkable story of life, love, loss, friendship, family and second chances.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you.
“You’ll never have to know.”

We found it hard to function whenever real life forced us to put this book down, anxious to continue Daisy and Erik’s story, caring for them so deeply it became that we were unable to focus on anything other than their journey. To say it consumed us would be an understatement…we desperately wanted to pause life to sit, devour and savour every breathtakingly incredible word.

‘You can bury your pain or avoid it. You can tattoo over it. But you won’t be free of it until you feel it.’

There are books you read and enjoy; then there are the precious few, like The Fish Tales series which leave an indelible imprint on your heart, marking you as though you’ve actually lived and breathed the story along with the characters – such stories need to be treasured. Honest, raw, intelligent and passionate, this series was so rich in detail, with such realistic dialogue we couldn’t help but become swept up in a story that was epic in every sense of the word and we will be treasuring this series.

‘She was a beautiful china cup on a table, quietly asking to be filled. And little by little, Erik was tipping over and pouring out.’

Suanne Laqueur laid the foundations of her story so meticulously and with such a wonderful simmering burn, taking her time to introduce her characters and in doing so ensured we came to know Erik, Daisy and their tight knit group of friends intimately. Knowing them on such a level meant we experienced every moment of their lives, the good, the bad and all the associated emotions as they unfolded. Honestly, when Erik and Daisy met for the first time, we were so invested in them as people we could feel the excited butterflies flutter in our stomachs as though we were right there witnessing the first gaze, feeling the first zap of chemistry between them. Although they would certainly test us and put our hearts through the wringer, our immense affection for these characters never wavered.

“What’s happening to us? We’re better than this.”
“We used to be.”

This is not a light read. It’s an intense, evocative, heartbreaking, frustrating, infuriating, joyful, romantic, passionate, tragic and deeply emotional story chronicling the lives, loves and destruction of characters who became our friends. There were times their story crushed our hearts, times we were incensed, times we smiled, times we swooned, times we cried, but every single emotion was precious to us because to feel a story so implicitly is what reading is all about. It’s what keeps the passion burning.

‘Where once he’d been surprised to discover the depths of his passion, he was now equally astonished at how well he could shut down.’

We are introduced to Daisy and Erik as they meet at College in 1989. Erik was 19, Daisy 17, following them through to their 30’s bearing witness to the many tumultuous, happy, tragic, meaningful and life changing events throughout their lives. Daisy and Erik shared a soul deep love that was etched in their hearts from the time they met, an unrestrained and obvious bond between; a true meeting of soulmates, a love that was as spiritual as it was physical and emotional.

‘Time was plentiful, a spilling basket of golden minutes and hours. Time was a gift from this girl who had waited for him to find her.’

The background setting of the theatre was so artfully and vividly brought to life, the dance aspect and how the interpretation of Daisy’s dancing techniques revealed to Erik so much of Daisy’s character was conveyed magnificently and breathtakingly so. We witnessed Daisy through Erik’s eyes and she was exquisite. The buzz of the theatre, the love of the dance, the heart rending love story, the true and deep friendships…it was all there for the taking and thanks to the brilliance of this author, we were held captive whilst embracing and feeling every moment.

“I know how to dance,” she said. “And I know how to love you.”

Erik and Daisy were in complete happiness, drinking in each other, their love, their friends, their families, their surroundings. Everything was falling into place until a life changing and traumatising event would rock their world, the aftermath causing a divide between them that would prove devastating to not only them, but their close knit friends, having a profound effect on them all. Finding their way, healing and accepting would prove difficult and through the years observing them crumble under the weight of their pain, watching them spiral out of control – making decisions that would affect the rest of their lives.

‘Nothing man-made was perfect. Not even massive churches. A partnership wasn’t about being beautiful and adored in the spotlight, it was about incorporating the mistakes into the architecture and continuing to build something beautiful. Together.’

When we came to the end of The Man I Love we were wrung out, our emotions raw and exposed feeling as though we needed some sort of closure immediately. It was for this reason we made the decision to head straight into Here To Stay leaving Give Me Your Answer True until our emotions were back in check.

“Leaving isn’t always the end of loving.”

Here to Stay wrecked us and put us back together. It was a perfect and fitting conclusion to Erik and Daisy’s journey but it wasn’t only that aspect that drew us in. The theme of friendship throughout this series was as every bit as meaningful and stirring as the gripping and potent love story between Erik and Daisy, with the relationship between Will and Erik being particularly fascinating and beautiful. Their story was a revelation and had us both agreeing it was one of the most heart-warming, heartbreakingly honest and beautiful relationships we’ve ever experienced.

We spent a weekend lost in Suanne Laqueur’s world, her intoxicating and arousing words eliciting such heartfelt emotion, with a finesse as enthralling as Daisy’s dance and as vividly stunning as any treasured painting. This isn’t merely a love story, it’s a sweeping saga of love, life, pain and healing. We want to grab every reader and implore them to pick up this series! Brace your heart and lose yourself to love in all its many forms and we promise you will experience an unforgettable reading experience.

“Love can bring out the best and worst in us. We’ve all been a jackass for love. But love makes us do amazing things. And if love drives us away, love is what brings us back. Love makes up pick up the phone. Love makes us listen. Love makes us say I’m sorry. Love makes us forgive. Love makes us better. Love makes us our best. “

Available to Purchase Here
The Man I Love Amazon US
The Man I Love Amazon UK
Here To Stay Amazon US
Here To Stay Amazon UK

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Profile Image for ♥︎♥︎Sofia♥︎♥︎.
924 reviews3 followers
February 11, 2022
Umpteeth read - Nothing to add to the below apart from these Fishes never get old. I love them as much now as I ever did...

*AMAZING* - Gobbled it up as if it were an ice-cream that might melt; so review to come, after second read.....where savouring will allow proper thoughts to form.

After Second Reading
Her (Laqueur) goal is to create a new kind of emotionally-intelligent romance that appeals to the emotions of all readers, crossing gender, age and genre.

This is taken from the About The Author page at the back of Suanne Laqueur's new novel Here to Stay (HTS), the third and (I refuse to believe) final instalment of The Fish Tales. And so successfully has Laqueur succeeded in her aim that I had not a single reservation in giving her a resounding 5 stars for her efforts.

Firstly let me admit; I've been lucky, I only discovered these wonderful Fish Tales recently. Shit! Really?! Has it only been two weeks? and between then and now I have been privy to outtakes, alternative POVs and a bit of Fan-Fiction which made me long to read, for the first time in my reading history, an MM romance. This bounty of words and work kept me sane while I was awaiting the release of Here To Stay (expected release 14th January 2016). Imagine my joy (I moonwalked around my house) when Ms Laqueur offered to send me an ARC? Though mainly, I believe she did it to stop me mimicking a small child on a long car journey. "Is it ready yet? Is it, ready yet?...Now? Now, is it ready?! Now?!" But, on the back of my joy came a very real, honest to God, fear; not about whether HTS would live up to my expectations, I had/have no doubt about the longitude of Ms Laqueur's talent, but apprehension of 'what will I replace this series with, once it's over?' And so began (and God I feel like I should publicly apologise) the slowest read in history, ever.

Here To Stay picks-up where The Man I Love and Give Me Your Answer True leaves us, with our lovers reconciled, and immediately you are back on that Fish hook. Expressive, honest, tender, Erik and Daisy have to temper the joy of reconnecting with practicalities. They are not college kids anymore, but adults with adult lives and responsibilities, Erik lives in the US, Daisy in Canada, and when your soulmate has already caused you indescribable pain, how easy is it to forgive and move on....placing trust/heart/soul back into the hands that rended it almost beyond repair. "Do you love me?" Asking that question after 12 years of evidence to the contrary and believing the reply. Believing. That takes a special kind of talent.
“Do I feel the same?” Daisy asked, her voice a silken caress.
After twelve years, Erik thought, of course not. He had loved a girl. It was a woman’s body up against him now, with the heft of wisdom and the weight of experience. He ran his fingers up her backbone and felt all the bits of new fused steel, overlaid with the strong assurance in her muscles and the soft aplomb of her skin. She was a hundred times more beautiful. A thousand times more thrilling.
And as her blue-green eyes stared into his, he was keenly aware of her vulnerability.
“You feel more,” he said, his hands moving along her body, trying to remember how she felt when he last touched her.

There are parts of this story that are so achingly touching that your heart clenches around phrases and refuses to let go; some of the best of them not centred around the central love story at all
“I still trust you,” he said.
Will rolled his lips in, nodding. “I tell you anything. It’s so easy. In my weird head, out my big mouth. And rarely do I worry you’ll misunderstand me. I could always be myself with you. It’s not a thing to be dismissed.” He glanced up. “You know?”
“I know,” Erik said. And they looked at each other.
As an acceptable amount of eye contact came and went, Erik felt the air shimmer and tighten. Just as it did when he stared at Daisy.
The night pulled away.
He felt his chest turn out.
Everything in creation seemed to look back over its shoulder at them.
“What?” Will’s mouth formed the word with barely a sound.
Erik shook his head a little. “Nothing,” he said, equally noiseless.
Creation took a step in. Interested.
“I haven’t been in the game a while,” Will said slowly. “But I think we may be having a moment.” The words were joking, but his voice was laced with a vulnerable heaviness. And his eyes didn’t move from Erik’s.
They stared. The weighted history of their years sat on its heels, motionless.
It would have been an easy thing for Laqueur to tread the path of Easy Acceptance Happy Ever After, to lead our lovers down the road of least resistance, but then she wouldn't be the author I've come to admire greatly over the last few weeks. Laqueur works hard to write from a base-plate of truth and though her words may have a fanciful, mystical resonance, her stories are nevertheless built using solid blocks of concrete plot
Lost fish.
We’re here. We feel terrible. These things happen and they are terrible things to bear. We bore them. We know. We’re here.
You’re not alone. You found your tribe. You will survive this.
“I can’t,” he whispered, knowing he could, but wishing with every fiber of his being he didn’t have to.
“You can,” Will said. “You don’t have to do it well. You just have to do it.”
“All right,” Erik said, standing up. He held out his hands to Will. “Give it back.”
Will stood up and made a pouring gesture into Erik’s palms. Then he hugged tight and kissed Erik’s head. “I love you,” he said. “I’ll be here the whole time.”
This is a book I will be re-reading time and time again; it's just one of those, ya know? There is always something to rediscover, as I did this second time, a turn of phrase not picked up before that give new meaning to a passage.

Looking back over my review I'm perturbed over the amount of quotes I used, I always try to express my opinion using just my words but sometimes it's impossible to express how wonderful a story is without the help of a talented wordsmith; I don't have the skill. So I'll reach for Laqueur's assistance just once more.
He reached to touch the hollow of her throat where the gold fish and the pearl nestled. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me twice.”
I couldn't have put it any better..

You so much....

11th Feb 2022

Re-read this again (by way of The Man I Love and Give Me Your Answer True because I can never do the author by half)) after reading A Small Hotel (ASH) as I wanted to find the small flashes of earlier Fishare mentioned in HTS.
Profile Image for Butthisbook.
501 reviews18 followers
October 11, 2017

As of this moment The Fish Tales Series has taken the #1 spot in my heart. No one dare move it!!
It's mine and it's here to stay! 😭🙌🏻😩
Profile Image for Billie Lawson.
563 reviews22 followers
January 31, 2016
I don't know if I can adequately review this book. As I sit here now (close to 12 hours after I finished) I'm writing this with tears in my eyes. I have so many emotions warring inside of me and I feel emotionally gutted. It's as if every emotion inside of me was taken out, arranged on a table, and precariously returned to my body. I'm spent. In the absolute best way possible. The writing in this book surpasses almost anything out there today. The authors use of metaphor and her lyrical style kept me rapt from page one. I found myself highlighting entire pages to the point where I was almost copying and pasting the entire book into My Clippings. And the characters. Gawd the characters. These people will live in my heart forever. I will be sitting in my rocking chair when I'm 80 and something will remind me of Erik, or Daisy, or Will. I could go on forever, but suffice to say, I don't have it in me at the moment. This book so much. So much this book. ❤️
Profile Image for Emmy.
78 reviews
December 24, 2017
1st read, May 2016
2nd read, July/August 2017
3rd read, December 2017

"You so much."

After almost 30 years of doing this thing called life, I'd like to think I'm getting smarter (or at least less stupid) with each year that passes. Which is why I won't waste time explaining how much of a masterpiece this book is. If you know what I'm talking about – *blows you kisses*
And if you don't get it, then that's your loss.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 259 reviews

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