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Always Raining Here #2

Always Raining Here 02

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Adrian is heartsick, Carter is horny. This is a story about their misadventures as awkward teenagers as they fumble through unrequited romances.

138 pages, ebook

Published February 8, 2013

About the author

Hazel + Bell

5 books65 followers
Author and Artist comic team.
Hazel is the artist, Bell is the writer.

Always Raining Here Volume 1 (2012)
Always Raining Here Volume 2 (2016)
Electric Bones (2022)

Light Novels:
Prison Tower (2015)
Decoy & Retrofit (2018)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews
Profile Image for Gee.
395 reviews44 followers
July 11, 2021
Okay, wow! What a refreshing second volume this was, and how sweet! Main characters Adrian and Carter undergo a significant development, and the issues I had with the first volume are resolved here. The artwork evolved a lot, too, and the last pages were so enjoyable! I also really liked how avoidant behaviours disguised as other things were explored. I would've liked to see more of the different issues Adrian had in his personal life, and it felt like we were left hanging with those: his parents, the play... Still, this was a really cute one <3
Profile Image for Mir.
4,914 reviews5,232 followers
July 17, 2019
AWWW! Cute. Sorry it's over. I was kind of expecting Adrian's family to feature again, what with him bombing the French final.
Profile Image for Mari.
399 reviews40 followers
June 2, 2019
Okayyyy... so, that was better. The art was really good, I like the illustrator's style a lot, it's cute. Especially if you compare it to the early pages, they weren't absolutely horrid, but they weren't great.

I would have liked this a lot more if the first volume would have started with them knowing each other at the party, without all the story-line that centered around creepy stalking, because that sucked ass. And I would have known to know more about the characters in general, I felt like they had a pretty good ending, but as a good chunk of the first volume is just Carter hunting Adrian with barely any character and relationship development, I barely cared going into this volume.

All the character and relationship development happened here, but it felt half cooked and not enough. And also, I got to kind of like Carter, who I disliked because of the creepy stalking shit, but i didn't see where all of his growth happened. Suddenly he was nice, and like.... okay? But why? And also, who the fuck is he? I barely got to know him at all.

I guess this web comic is cute (in the end, I can't get over the stalking), and it's fine if you want a fun quick read. But I personally think that if you want a cute, light gay romance comic, the superior option is either Check, Please!: #Hockey, Vol. 1 or Heartstopper: Volume One.
Profile Image for Fenriz Angelo.
444 reviews38 followers
September 12, 2022
The second and last volume of Always Raining Here presents the swift progression of Carter and Andrian's friendship then Andrian's conflict and its subsequent resolution culminating in a sweet HFN ending albeit a bit abrupt.

Hazel's art style is very cute and easy on the eyes, i really like the atmosphere she adds to the scenes and overall how cute these two guys look :).

This duo is good. I'll follow their current projects.
Profile Image for Stef.
601 reviews194 followers
January 3, 2021
Gosh the last ending just my favorite part. Really love this two dorks so funny and cute at same time ><
Profile Image for A ☾.
707 reviews228 followers
June 27, 2018
2.4 I'm very unsure how to rate this. I'm still very ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about this.

Okay, so the art was SO MUCH better. Like, it was unbelievable how much it improved since it began. Also, no more creepy stuff so that was great.

However, I was still indifferent over the whole thing and there was still no much in-depth about the characters. Also, they introduce Adrian's family problems just to ignore them later on and let all that part unfinished.

The romance was also ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I didn't not ship them but I also wasn't crazy about them. I think the volume was just pointless drama of them not getting together. Drama that made zero sense! The whole thing with Adrian also made no sense. I still don't understand what did he do that was so bad? They made it feel as if he kill someone. He was just snappy and Carter had more blame than Adrian in the whole issue.

So even though the story got better, my indifference makes me put it 2.4 stars because it was okay and that's it.
Profile Image for Caroline.
221 reviews65 followers
July 28, 2019
The style, plot and relationships between the characters have really matured. A huge step up from volume one. Compliments to the chef :D
Profile Image for Xandra (StarrySkyBooks).
134 reviews181 followers
September 9, 2020
3.5, same rating as I gave the first volume. I read the whole webcomic by itself, and I'm not sure where the first one ends and this one begins!
Profile Image for The Head Shaker.
30 reviews9 followers
February 29, 2020
Non ho ancora capito come fare a sopravvivere, ora che ho finito di leggere...
Mi è piaciuto moltissimo!
È leggero, ma mi piace come tratti in sottofondo anche alcuni temi un po' più particolari!
Profile Image for serena.
276 reviews16 followers
April 18, 2021
art style improves and the story slaps

also shout out to the low quality panels: top tier comedy
Profile Image for Mari.
24 reviews
July 1, 2019
Acabo de terminarlo y ¡Oh por Dios! Hace muchísimo tiempo no leía algo tan tierno como lo fue ésta novela gráfica. Primero que nada tengo que destacar el diseño de los personajes; se nota la evolución del dibujo entre el volumen 1 y el volumen 2, con una clara mejoría en varios aspectos. Hablando de los personajes, sencillamente los amo mucho, y no puedo no decir que son lo más precioso, Adrian es lo más cute que mis ojos han visto, el diseño de su personaje es simplemente perfecto. Respecto a la relación entre Adrian y Carter, sin comentarios. Me encantan y punto. No podía evitar fangirlear en todo momento, lo he mencionado muchas veces, pero no me cansaré de repetir que son los más tierno que hay. Definitivamente esto se queda en una de mis lecturas favoritas del año.
Profile Image for tomás..
302 reviews25 followers
August 8, 2020
maybe 2.5? there’s not much to say about it.
• I liked the artwork a lot better than in the previous one, and the story was a bit better , but I felt bored sometimes, which is not ideal, this being like 130 pages.
• There’s the whole problem with Adrian’s family, which is only shown like once and then never addressed again. Same with the theatre thing.
• I felt bad for Carter for a minute there, but at least they resolved that situation and by the end they were a cute couple.
• But obviously, they had to say that theatre was so gay which left me like ???? okay, I guess
Profile Image for Carla.
287 reviews
April 22, 2018
"I guess you make me happy after all."
"...I think I'm gonna pass out."

THIS was a change. No problematic opinions nor situations, the art improved so much and the story was just cuter and cuter, I'd have given it 5 stars if it wasn't for some things I feel were left unsaid.
Profile Image for aída heane.
294 reviews16 followers
March 10, 2022
Always raining here es un cómic web de romance mlm (men loving men) que encontré por aquí pura casualidad, y que decidí leer al ver que tan solo había dos volúmenes. Como creo que no tengo muchas cosas que decir, en general, de los dos cómics, voy a hacer la reseña de los dos aquí mismo.

La verdad es que el primer volumen me dejó bastante indiferente. La verdad es que creo que toda esta historia empieza de una forma rarísima, que no me ha gustado nada. Es decir, tenemos a Carter, que está horny perdido, y que para saciar sus ganas se dirige a otro de los chicos gays de la clase, Adrian, que no quiere saber nada de él. A pesar de que Adrian le rechaza una y otra vez, Carter no deja de insistir e incluso le observa por los pasillos. Vamos, que es un stalker en toda regla.

En el primer volumen te encuentras con esta parte de la historia, la parte en la que Carter no deja de seguir a Adrian para insistirle y que este acabe aceptando su propuesta. Dios, yo aquí no me podía creer qué estaba leyendo. De verdad que ante algunas reacciones y actitudes de Carter, que son súper tóxicas, no podía dejar de preguntarme: "¿qué coj**** estoy leyendo?"

Tras una fiesta en la que se lían un poco las cosas, parece que la confianza entre los dos protagonistas va aumentando, así como los sentimientos que hay entre ambos personajes. Carter deja de lado esa parte creepy suya y Adrian y él van teniendo conversaciones cada vez más normales y profundas. Ambos se van conociendo más hasta que ya, por fin, pasa lo que todos (sobre todo Carter) estábamos esperando. A partir del segundo volumen, que ya es cuando va pasando todo esto, la historia se vuelve mucho más tierna, bonita y sincera. Vaya, que da un giro de 180 grados que para mí era NECESARIO, y de ahí va hacia arriba. Así, en general, estas serían mis puntuaciones:

-primer cómic: 2 estrellas
-segundo cómic: 4 estrellas
-total: 3 estrellas

No ha sido uno de los mejores cómics que he leído y la historia ha tardado un poco en gustarme, pero aun así ha estado distraída y se lee de forma muy rápida. Ya os digo, por si a alguien le pica la curiosidad, que tenéis este romance gratis en la página oficial del cómic. Seguramente no sea un cómic que vuelva a leer pronto, pero en general podría decir que ha estado bien.

Al final, a pesar de todo, se le coge cariño a los personajes.
Profile Image for Rach' B.
352 reviews
February 3, 2022
Carter se encuentra en busca de algún chico gay con quien pueda tener relaciones sexuales sin ningún tipo de compromiso, un día se encuentra con Adrian quien llama su atención, pero este lo rechaza, Carter sin quedarse con los brazos cruzados, sigue proponiéndole de diferentes maneras, como llevar su casillero con confeti y cartas escritas a mano. Conforme la historia transcurre podemos observar el porqué del rechazo por parte de Adrian, esto debido a un mal amor del pasado y que esto vuelva a suceder, sin contar la presión que ejerce sobre sí mismo debido a los estándares de sus padres.
Lo que comenzó como simplemente buscar con quien tener sexo se volvió una manera de estar cerca de Adrian para tratar de conocerlo mejor y apoyarlo en sus momentos de presión, sin contar los sentimientos románticos floreciendo en ambos chicos.
Opinión personal:
Lo único que lamento es que sea demasiado corto, podría leerlos el tiempo que sea porqué estoy segura que no me aburriría.
Leerlos fue algo muy reconfortante, es una increíble historia la cual revive muchos sentimientos, y en tan pocos capítulos puedes sentir conexión- o sentirte identificado- con los personajes.
Me hubiera gustado que nos introdujeran un poco más de su historia como una pareja formal, más sobre los padres de Adrian - y su relación con ellos-
Es una historia la cual le tomas aprecio conforme pasan las páginas, deseas más y más.
Profile Image for Lauren.
280 reviews5 followers
October 20, 2019
4.5 stars
The beginning of the comic is told from Carters POV, then we switch to Adrain for most of comic.
I really loved the growth that I saw in Adrian. I wish that we would have gotten to see some sort of resolution with his parents, however I haven’t read any of the extra short stories or content that has been made after the comic finished, so perhaps it is included in there, I’m not sure. However the story being told from his perspective limited the ability to see as much growth in Carter as well, even though it was definitely present, if not fully explored.

There were some parts of this comic that I didn’t fully understand and had to go back to read more closely, but that might have been due to the fact that I flew through this comic in a few hours, when it took YEARS for it to be made and posted. I really enjoyed the story and the relationship is so cute! And wholesome! And I could tell that they really are good for each other. I am looking forward to getting the physical copies of these comics and adding them to my collection, along with reading any bonus content I can get my hands on!
Profile Image for Gee.
725 reviews33 followers
June 5, 2017
I also loved this volume as much as the first. We see things develop through Carter and Adrian's relationship, they seem to make things for complicated than it needs to be. Bouts of miscommunication and avoiding each other. Adrian has a few family issues but Carter is there supporting him. Adrian seems to use Carter for when he is lonely and unsure what to do or how to progress in his life.
There is a lovely scene at the tree house where they are free, having a laugh and actually communicating. Carter falls in the water and tells Adrian he thinks he loves him. Adrian kisses him and confesses the same.
It ends beautifully with them both and their friends heading off on a road trip. I think what was nice about his series was seeing how they both have problems and understanding that by being together yeah it won't make the problems go away but they can support each other through it.
It was also nice seeing both of these characters develop, accept how they feel and be open about that with each other and their friends.
Shame I didn't read this when it was coming out.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews

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