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Playboy Genie #2

His Command

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He's a genie. She's a mortal.
He's a flirt. She's definitely-certainly-absolutely done with charming men.
What happens when this playboy runs across the one woman who doesn't fall under his spell?
Magic of course.

Hailey has been given the chance of her career. All she has to do is plan and execute the perfect society wedding and she'll get the promotion she's been working towards. Too bad the groom is her ex-boyfriend. Ryder hates seeing a damsel in distress and with a little genie magic is determined to make the sexy Miss Hailey have a little bit of fun. All she has to do is follow his lead and she'll get everything she's ever wished for.

300 pages, ebook

First published July 25, 2017

About the author

Sophie H. Morgan

7 books220 followers
Sophie H. Morgan is a romance author, repped by Cole Lanahan. She lives in crazy worlds, some concocted by her, some ruled by her spaniel.

You can usually find her on Instagram (SophiehMorgan), on Twitter (@SophieHMorgan) or through her website.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for Nicola.
1,390 reviews277 followers
July 17, 2017
2017 has seen me gain a whole new appreciation for the genie and, having loved His Wish , the first in the Playboy Genie series, I couldn't wait to get my mitts on His Command and become acquainted with Ryder Wood.


I love the sexy, smooth talking, flirty and witty persona of these men and Ryder has it perfected. He also has a weakness in that he hates seeing people unhappy and when Hailey Lawson crashes into his life, his hero complex kicks in as he sees a woman who needs some cheering up.

“Because he’s a Genie, he thinks he gets to call the shots?”

Focussed on her career as a wedding planner, Hailey is sassy and independent but since the demise of her long-term relationship she does have her insecurities and has chosen the quiet life outside work. And to add insult to injury, she's been lumped with planning her ex's wedding. However not letting it get her down is that little bit easier with a hot genie at her disposal.

“I got jumped by a horny Genie.”

Hailey and Ryder were wonderful together, bringing plenty of witty banter, sweet moments and magic between the sheets. And I can't not mention Ryder's Handler, Luka, who had me howling with his observations on love and verbal sparring with WFY's Director, Clare. I have to admit it didn't quite reach the heights of His Wish—I think that was always going to be a big ask as Jax and Charlie were perfection—but it was still a great addition to the series. And with Sophie H. Morgan ramping up the entire story up by injecting an emotional angle, it also opened things up for a whole raft of possibility involving Ryder's twin, Leo: I can't wait to get my hands on him.

Copy received courtesy of St. Martin's Press via NetGalley for an honest and unbiased opinion.

Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews729 followers
July 25, 2017
3 - "Bring it, Genie." Stars.

The second book in the Playboy Genie series; His Command brings us Ryder Wood and Hailey Lawson’s story.

This is one of those books that fell in to the ‘didn’t love – didn’t hate’ category. The first book grabbed me from the get-go, but for me the story this time seemed to take an awfully long time to move along, and by the 50% mark I was struggling somewhat to stay interested.

"I’ve been thinking…"

"Never a good idea for a woman."

The author still managed to pull some really humorous snark between Hailey and Ryder, as well as his handler Luka and their boss Clare. And the sexy-times between them (when they started) were hot and heavy, but the pacing for everything just felt a little off for me this time around.

"You think you want a man who lets you be in control. But that’s not what you need. You need a man who puts you first. Pushes you to try new things, to lose that control… A man who knows what you want before you think it, who can make your breath catch, your knees weak, your heart race. A man who can make you burn…"

That-said it was great to see Kate again, and I really hope she gets a Genie of her own in a future book, I also liked the insight into Ryder’s twin brother Leo, his book is up next, and I am interested to see what direction the author takes his story.

"You say whatever’s on your mind, don’t you..?"

"Pretty much. Why hide what you’re thinking."

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.
Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,758 reviews212 followers
July 25, 2017
Well I'm a little late discovering this series but as I'm a huge paranormal romance fan it's definitely on my book radar now. I loved the idea of genies and even though these are made not born it still worked to give an interesting background. What was even more intriguing was the fact that there are different levels of genies with accordingly ascending powers. Wishes for You is the global organisation that pulls all the strings and although not all wishes can be granted it is possible to win or earn a wish from one of the gorgeous, magical genies and that's where the fun begins!
Hailey has spent the last six months shutting herself away trying to get over the way she feels at being dumped by Ethan who said he wasn't ready for marriage and certainly not to Hailey. So imagine her shock when her boss says their agency is planning a big society wedding and can you guess who the groom is? You guessed it Ethan! Hailey is panicking, despondent and then has a crazy idea to attend a charity auction never guessing that she's about to win the star prize!
Ryder has a smile and a quip for everyone. Never giving his heart but nevertheless enjoying the opportunities that frequently come his way! So when the long legged Hailey quite literally falls into his arms but doesn't seem to want to act on their instant chemistry he's somewhat nonplussed. Hailey looks so sad and all of Ryder's knight in shining armour instincts flare to life. What harm can it do if he lets her win his wish as after all it will mean they meet again but Hailey isn't ready for what Ryder offers but perhaps they can come to an arrangement?
Snappy dialogue always gets my vote and the quick witted banter and repartee between these characters was fun to read. In many ways they are complete opposites as Ryder is full of fun and mischief whereas Hailey is a much more repressed personality. Seeing them bond and just generally have a good time ( because with a genie there's little you cannot do ) really helped to expand Haileys horizons. Yet the author made this a well rounded tale with emotional content as we learned much more about Ryder and his life so far. I loved the pace of the romance as thankfully it wasn't rushed. Plus we meet other Genies which include Ryder's brother Leo and his boss Luka so I'm really looking forward to more from this author
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,223 reviews822 followers
July 23, 2017
It’s official! I’m absolutely in love with Sophie H. Morgan and her genies.

When Ryder rescues Hailey from a bad tumble at an auction, he is instantly aware of a deep sadness within her eyes. All of his life, mortal and immortal, sadness has been his weakness. He sets out to vanquish whatever it is that is making her feel this way and in the process finds himself falling for a woman who must have absolute control.

Hailey has just recently been dumped by the man she proposed to. The fact that she is now forced into planning a genie’s party as well as her ex’s wedding, throws her into a tailspin. It doesn’t help that she finds Ryder deliciously sinful and shouldn’t, or that what she feels goes beyond the rules of the game. This is more than she bargained for and it’s all completely out of her control.

I really enjoyed Hailey and Ryder. She’s struggling to make a success of not only her job but of her life, and to be honest, making a mess of it. He’s a rescuer, a savior, doing what he must to help those around him but now, most importantly, Hailey. Together they are a fun, sexy couple that I felt worked through their relationship in a believable manner.

This is a fast paced read with characters that you would want to wish into your own life. The humor is a bit too much in places but soon evens out and you find yourself wrapped in a story filled with magic, romance and love.

Obviously magic is real because His Command and this series is simply magical.

ARC provided by NetGalley

Dual POV
No other woman/other man drama
No apparent triggers
Profile Image for Ann Lorz.
1,678 reviews22 followers
July 19, 2017
Reviewed for Romancing the Readers Blog:

I am so glad that I found someone who writes about Genie's that I could love. I've really been enjoying the Playboy Genie series by Sophie H. Morgan. It seems like forever since I read a book with one in them, and now we have this enjoyable series.

His Command is book two of the Playboy Genie series and I can almost say that I liked it even better then the first book, Her Wish, which I really enjoyed too.

Ryder is truly a wonderful person/genie. He worries about how people feel and hates to see them sad. This story in is some ways really pulls at your heartstrings. Once you see all the sad past that Ryder, and his brother Leo (twin brothers, did I mention that?) had to deal with you won't be able to not feel for them.

Ryder's not the only one with a past. I don't find Hailey's to be as sad though. Maybe that's because I think her ex is a jackass! I should say lazy jackass! It hard to feel bad for someone who is better off.

One of the best parts of this story was learning the different layers of the hero & heroine. They both had depth to them. More then once I found myself think...that makes sense. Besides all the serious stuff going on in the book you will also find a ton of humor. More then once both Ryder and Hailey caused me to laugh. Their one lines are on point!

Now all I want is to know who's story is next and when is it coming out? I couldn't find anything on the next book but that sometimes happens with ebooks. I hope soon we'll know. But until then you have enough time to be able to read book one and two and be caught up for when book three comes out!

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ARC received for a honest review

Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews618 followers
August 23, 2017
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

In an attempt to diversify my paranormal romance reading materials I picked up HIS COMMAND because I hadn't read anything about genies recently and I was drawn to the absurdly purple-pink cover. Was it going to be wondrously cheesy? Was I going to be annoyed by the characters and especially the overly macho genie? Well, no. What I found was a really good, heartwarming story about being true to yourself with a sizzling romance added to the mix. I liked the way this world worked and the use of genies as celebrities using their wish granting abilities as a charitable venture like the real Make A Wish Foundation is a clever plot mechanism.

I have probably become jaded in what to expect in romances after reading so many. This story defied my expectations of the genre at almost every turn. Ryder, gets Hailey to win a lottery where she wins a wish from him. They way this situation happens almost makes you think, "Ah Ryder is going for the controlling, manipulative alpha male move". But no, Ryder is the ultimate amazing supportive man who loves Hailey just as she is and only want to show her how to be her best self.

Hailey has some resistance to Ryder's charms due to some issues that stem from a formally manipulative relationship. Ryder is right there by her side offering unwavering support, not acting like an overly protective, or aggressive man. Their relationship has it's stumbling blocks and issues but they work them out very realistically or as realistically as you can when your boyfriend can whisk you off to Rome randomly. The big conflict comes from Hailey's insecurities and other relationship hang-ups which were again incredibly realistic. I loved seeing a story that had a decently working relationship with the added mix of fantastical sexy times and magic.

HIS COMMAND's charming, complex, and realistic characters combined with a well thought out plot made for a really pleasurable read. I'm interested in checking out the next book in the series. Since this book pretty much tells you who it is I am pretty intrigued as it involves a secondary character I really want to know more about.
Profile Image for Deborah.
969 reviews4 followers
July 31, 2017
After loving His Wish, book one in the Playboy Genie series, I knew I had to get my hands on book two, His Command!  I was not disappointed!  The genie subject is new to me and the spin Sophie H. Morgan gives us, gosh, they sound so out of this world! I so want to meet a genie!!

Ryder is a genie-hunky, and oozing charisma. He can have as many woman as he wants. He also has a super sweet side that makes his heart twinge whenever he sees something or someone sad.  He rescued puppies and other animals in his youth.  He wants to do good by making people happy.  He meets Hailey when she literally falls into his arms at an auction event.  One look at her sad eyes and he's hooked!  He wants to make her happy.  He "helps" her along in winning an auction bid for a genie wish. Unfortunately she doesn't quite have all the money needed for it.  Ryder comes up with a solution that Hailey agrees too.
Hailey is a wedding planner for the elite and she wants to make partner. She's paid her dues and believes she's ready for the next step.  When her boss gives her the opportunity to become partner as long as this next high society wedding she plans, goes off without a hitch.  Hailey is all for it until she opens the folder and finds out it's the wedding of her ex!  She becomes flustered but doesn't let her boss know there is a connection.  She does not want to give up on her dreams of being partner.  Secretly, she thinks this may be the death of her yet!

I really liked Ryder and Hailey together!  She's smart, snarky at times, and vulnerable.  Ryder got under her skin pretty fast but she was determined to not fall for a man anytime soon-genie or not! I felt really bad for the was she was treated by her ex. She was told she needed to be more spontaneous, among other things, and Ryder gave her the ability to not plan everything.  He saw a way around her need to plan, her insecurities, and found a way to make her happy.  I was so intrigued with the story I finished it all in one day!

I loved the way Sophie H. Morgan writes and the way she crafts a story! I especially loved the interaction between Ryder's handler, Luca, and icy Clare! Oh boy! I see a hilarious book in the future between those two!  I also see so much that could be told about Ryder's twin brother, and fellow genie, Leo!  Bring em on!! I can't wait for the next book!

5 Stars/4 Flames 

This book was gifted to me in exchange for my honest review. The review and ratings are solely my opinions.
Profile Image for Cassandra.
1,186 reviews108 followers
July 28, 2017
My Thoughts - 5 out of 5 Unicorns - I loved it!!!
***I choose what I read and review based on what intrigues me!! Yes, I got a review copy of this book, but no one tells me what to think, feel, or write about any book!

The cover is definitely eye catching and what drew me in!

This is the 2nd book in the series, but it is the first book I’ve read by this author. It is for adults only due to the steamy content. Obviously, you can read them out of order because I did!

I did not know how much I would love this book when I started reading it! Hailey is an awesome character especially when Ryder gets her back to herself. I love her sarcasm and snark! Ryder is something else! I love how he gravitates to make people happy! I wish there was more people like this in the world! These two together sizzle! Of course, Hailey’s ex is an idiot! Hailey is a saint for all she must endure at work! Ryder, I really want to hug him for everything in his past, his love, and his kindness!

Sophie did a fantastic job in her writing because she pulled me in, and it didn’t let up! I love the humor she put into her book, and the emotional rollercoaster she took me on because yes I cried at sweet moments and heart wrenching ones. I can’t wait to check out more of her work especially the first book in this series when I can get it!

I highly recommend to all paranormal fans who love magically romance that ends in a HEA!!! I can’t wait to read more of this series!
Profile Image for The Romance Book Disciple (Samantha).
2,015 reviews347 followers
April 9, 2023
I really enjoyed book 1 in the series, but this one was harder to get into. Ryder wants to help Hailey but I just didn't really buy their love. It just felt long and I had a difficult time staying interested. There is good banter and I enjoyed that!
Profile Image for Arys.
651 reviews35 followers
August 1, 2017
His Command by Sophie H. Morgan is book two in her Playboy Genie series and Ms. Morgan continues her fun-filled fantasy series with main characters, wedding planner, Hailey Lawson, and one of tempting Genie twin, Ryder Wood.

Hailey Lawson, has been working hard for years in the hopes of being promoted at job as a wedding planner for a tyrant of a boss. But when the chance finally arrives to prove herself, it comes in the form of planning her ex-boyfriend's wedding, six months after he broke up with her. Talk about harsh! Luckily for Hailey, she finds help, but most of all a friend (and later love), who changes her life for the better.

Ryder Wood, has a weakness for sad eyes. He is a Genie who can never stand to see someone sad and always wants to help. So when he bumps into Hailey and sees how sad she is during a charity auction, he knows he has to help make her happy and let her win a wish…even if he has to break a few rules.

Soon these two are spending time together and Ryder is helping Hailey have fun, but most of all smile. It's magical, but when reality slips into the cracks and the reminder of their two different words hits, can these two keep their newfound love going strong?

In His Command, Ms. Morgan creates another romantic story with endearing characters that I enjoyed. Hailey is witty, caring and with a strength of character as seen by her determination of wanting to succeed on her own merit. Ryder and her and perfect for each other. I enjoyed how Ryder brought her out of her shell and let her have some fun. To try new things. He was also very romantic! I liked how Ms. Morgan brought back Jax and Charlie from her previous book, as well, so we can see how they are doing. The supporting characters in the story are great too, like Kate, Luka, and Ryder's brother, Leo. I hope we get Leo or Luka's book next.

What I also enjoyed was how Ms. Morgan's novel, for me, reminded me of a quote from Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam A. H. H.: 27, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." That seems to be an on-going theme within the novel and something the main characters and even sub-characters deal with. Is love worth the risk, the pain, and sadness? Why love when it can be cut short? Ms. Morgan answers these questions through her various characters, but especially through her main character Ryder who has a big heart.

Overall, His Command by Sophie H. Morgan was an enjoyable read that was well-paced and perfect for a break from a long day. I happily recommend.

(I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book I received for free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my open and honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.)

Profile Image for Book Gannet.
1,572 reviews17 followers
July 25, 2017
3.5 stars.

The second Playboy Genie book is much like the first (Her Wish), in that it’s a fun contemporary romance that happens to have a hero who’s magical in many, many ways. Hailey is a stubborn, independent woman who is still recovering from a bad break up, Ryder is a gorgeous genie with commitment issues and a hidden heart of gold, and thanks to some high heels, sad eyes and a not-quite-accidental-bid, their paths not only cross but collide and get entangled in the best romantic way.

It’s cute. Hailey is a determined career woman who loves planning weddings for people. She is very detail focused and likes to be in control of every last thing, while Ryder is much more of an impulsive, live-for-the-moment kind of guy. Yet they get on really well. He’s straightforward and perhaps a little too blunt at times, but Hailey appreciates that, just as Ryder likes her sarcasm and sass. They see the person behind the front and like each other for who they really are, faults and all.

For the most part this is very much a normal contemporary romance, it’s just that the hero can flash them over to Rome for breakfast, or across the country to go horse riding, should he so choose. Which he does, but not too often. I actually liked how relatively normal Ryder is – perhaps because he’s only been a genie for ten years. He’s far more respectful with his powers than Jax was in the first book. Well, apart from the whole auction thing. He also has his twin, Leo, to help keep him grounded.

The romance itself takes a while to get going. Mostly because Hailey is very stubborn and still hurt by her awful ex (and the fact she now has to plan his wedding). There’s a bit of fake dating involved, then the no-strings deal, but it’s never in doubt where this is heading. The only question is how they will get there and what roadblocks will be thrown up along the way. I have to admit some of those roadblocks felt a little over the top, while another I expected to crop up sooner, but it does provide conflict and drama to keep things ticking along.

Overall, I liked this. I think Hailey and Ryder are a more believable couple than in the first book, but at the same time, it did occasionally feel a little too long and drawn out and I wasn’t as engaged with both characters as I’d have liked to be. Ryder is also just a bit too perfect, all things considered, almost too good to be true with all his amazing good points and relative lack of faults. However, it’s still a fun and easy read, and I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for the next one. I’m hoping for more of twin Leo – and that mysterious woman he was searching for at the party…

(ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley.)
Profile Image for Gigi staub.
942 reviews18 followers
July 31, 2017
He's a genie. She's a mortal.
He's a flirt. She's definitely-certainly-absolutely done with charming men.
What happens when this playboy runs across the one woman who doesn't fall under his spell?
Magic of course.

Hailey has been given the chance of her career. All she has to do is plan and execute the perfect society wedding and she'll get the promotion she's been working towards. Too bad the groom is her ex-boyfriend. Ryder hates seeing a damsel in distress and with a little genie magic is determined to make the sexy Miss Hailey have a little bit of fun. All she has to do is follow his lead and she'll get everything she's ever wished for.


Not having read the first book in the story, I was not sure what to expect.

What I read was a fun story with characters that I came to care for. I loved the idea of Genie Playboys and how they function in society. What I also read was a great romance with lots of heart and upstanding lead couple. One of the things I liked best about the story was the fun, flirty, and witty dialogue. I liked how Ryder has a hero complex and tires to help others, including Hailey through most of the book. I liked that Hailey gives in and lets loose with Ryder trying new things and exploring their chemistry. Not having read the first book is there something going on between Clare and Luka? Just wondering as there seems to be a lot of tension there.

Great, sexy, fun romance.

*i voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book provided by the publisher.*

725 reviews9 followers
July 25, 2017
This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

I had not read the first book in this series so it took me a couple of chapters to realize that the Genies were actually men who were genies with magic not a sports team! I don’t think I remember any previous books about a genie being the hot hero of the story so this is a very unique concept.

I loved waiting Hailey as she progressed from emotionally damaged to actually seeing that Ethan did her a favor when he left her. I was also impressed by her growth throughout the book and her decision at the end of the book with her job. It was great that she was no longer willing to let people walk all over her!

Wow, Ryder was so intriguing and loved that he was not the one to walk away from their relationship! I loved that he was willing to work hard to try and keep Hailey even after she dumped him. The ending with all the decisions he made in his life was sworn worthy – where can I get my own genie??!

When Hailey finally made her wish, I was not surprised at her concern for others and loved her choice in wishes! All the characters in this book are so interesting and they make me want to go back and read book one and see what happened with Jax and Charlie, and hope that there are more books after this one! Will Luka and Leo find love, also?
Profile Image for Mistral Dawn.
Author 9 books91 followers
July 15, 2017
Hailey is a woman who knows what she wants out of life...and what she wants isn't a serious romantic relationship. On the rebound from being dumped by her long-time boyfriend, Haily is focused on her career. She has worked hard for years, and she's going to be a full-fledged wedding planner, come hell or high water. The only thing standing in her way is having to plan the perfect wedding...for her ex and his intended. So maybe the gorgeous genie with a reputation for loving and leaving is just what she needs to help her relax? With so many things to juggle, never mind the emotional landmines in the way, will Hailey find out what's really important to her and figure out how to get it?

This was the second book in this series and it was just as fun as the first. I really enjoyed the story as the characters grew and discovered who they really were. Again, there was no "insta-love," so the reader gets to follow the characters on their journey, which is nice. Overall, five stars and I'd definitely read another in the series.

*I received a free advance copy in exchange for an honest review
4,645 reviews16 followers
July 28, 2017
Hailey would have had a really bad fall if Ryder had not caught her. Ryder notices a has been his deep sadness in Hailey’s eyes. Ryder is Immortal and all his life sadness in someone has been his weakness as Ryder cares about how people feel. Ryder is a genie and starts to care for Hailey but she needs complete control. Hailey had been dumped by Ethan the man she had proposed to and now she has to plan a genie party and her Ethan’s wedding to another woman. Then Hailey feels more than she should for Ryder. Ryder and his twin had a very sad past. Hailey has worked hard to be a wedding planner so she must do a good job with Ethan’s wedding.
I enjoyed this book a lot. But it did drag at times for me but not enough to stop reading. I felt Ethan was a butt and Hailey was lucky to be rid of him. I did chuckle at times while reading this. You did get to see Hailey grow throughout this book and I enjoyed that. I loved how Ryder still worked hard to be with Hailey even after she broke up with him. I felt this romance was realistic. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this story and I recommend this.
2,126 reviews43 followers
August 2, 2017
Hailey has had it with men. Her longtime boyfriend left her and destroyed her self confidence with his brutal comments. She won't be charmed by a man's sweet talk ever again. Things go from bad to worse when her ex and his new fiancée come to Erica Pearce Weddings where she works and she's assigned to be their wedding planner. Thank goodness her life takes a turn for the better when she meets Ryder, a very seductive Genie. Let the romance begin! Hailey is beautiful, charming and obsessed with her job. I felt sorry that she's been treated so badly. I wanted her to put what happened behind her. Ryder may be a sexy flirt but more important he has a good heart. I liked the way he gets Hailey to be spontaneous and enjoy life. I love their chemistry. Their interaction is sweet and sassy. I had to laugh. I was happy to catch up with familiar characters from the first book. They add humor and excitement to the story. Sophie H. Morgan does a great job writing this paranormal romance. She kept me entertained. I can't wait for Leo's story.
I received a copy of this book which I voluntarily read and reviewed. My comments are my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Carrie.
2,403 reviews18 followers
August 25, 2017
Holy moly – this book was amazing! It had everything I wanted and more! It throws you into a world where genies are real and the sizzle is off-the-charts! I immediately went back and added book 1 to my wish list, sad to have missed it the first time around. Give me more from this world and I’ll be a happy girl!

Hailey is an uptight workaholic who recently got dumped. In an effort to ignore her loneliness, she dives even further into her work. That seems like a solid plan until she gets tasked with planning her ex’s wedding as a way to get a promotion. Along the way, however, she finds herself being rescued by a genie. Through some awkward work meetings, he somehow ends up posing as her boyfriend and that’s just the beginning.

These two are absolutely perfect. There’s not a single thing I would change about their awkward and unique romance. I found it incredibly difficult to put this book down from start to finish and found myself staying up well past bedtime to finish. I would love more from this world and will definitely swing back around to start at book 1!
Profile Image for Laura.
1,914 reviews27 followers
May 14, 2024
I liked this book better than Her Wish. I was afraid, though, that this was going to be some dominant/bdsm stuff just because of the title. Nope!
I think part of the reason I enjoyed it is because there seemed to be a bit more of his side of the story. I liked his twin. I liked the brief glimpse into the after story of Her Wish. I liked that both characters grew.
I'm looking forward to a Playboy Genie #3.
Profile Image for Sue.
50 reviews
July 26, 2024
This was a cute story- whimsical, witty, sarcastic (at times), romantic, and steamy (at times)- with great characters and a happily-ever-after.

The quotes I got from this book were:
-> His friend had described Hailey as a "goddess of beauty and the fountain of bravery."
-> "Don't count your wishes before they are won."
-> "To wish or not to wish..."
-> "Ah, if wishes were horses..."
-> "Wishes create opportunities for people"
-> "There is a shitstorm blowing our way"
-> "Love! It's not so bad it makes the world go around"

Also, I learned how there were gladiator women and discovered they were often the most skilled fighters.
Profile Image for Books In Brogan.
653 reviews11 followers
July 10, 2017
I am really loving this series it has the best of chic lit and paranormal mixed in with a ton of humor. I really appreciate the relationships between the characters, especially the friendships. The chemistry between the heroine and the love interest is wonderful… all in all it is a great book.  This review was originally posted on Books In Brogan
Profile Image for Angie.
158 reviews3 followers
July 7, 2017
*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

I really enjoyed this. The romance was cute and realistic. The problems between the couple were relatable. It was paced appropriately. I thought it was better than the last book in this series because the hero and heroine seemed more well suited and there was no doubt that they have complementary personalities.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes hot, reformed-playboy genies and sassy heroines!!
Profile Image for Krys.
1,123 reviews4 followers
December 28, 2020
Not feelin’ it. I absolutely loved the first one, but this book is just...bizarre. The thoughts of the fem protag and the way the book is written in general reads like GoPro footage from a camera strapped to the back of a coffee-injected squirrel. It is all over the place and so awkward it’s cringy. I can’t do it.
Profile Image for Bernadette Long.
676 reviews3 followers
August 1, 2017
The Playboy Genie series is magical and fun! I loved reading Hailey and Ryder's romance as another unlikely but perfect Genie couple.

Thanks to the publisher and to NetGalley for an ARC; all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Barbara.
18k reviews8 followers
July 25, 2017
This is the second book in this series by an Author I have not read before. I enjoyed this book enough that I now have the first one in my wish list.I found myself laughing and wanting to know what he would do next. Ryder is a genie of only ten years is a caring being and when he sees how unhappy Hailey is he can not help but step in. What happens? I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to review it.
Profile Image for Lisa Downey.
59 reviews
August 29, 2017

Another book I lost precious sleep reading and I wouldn't change a thing. Please write another quick! I want to read about Leo!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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