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This playboy has finally met his match...

Charlie’s sick of Genies. Too beautiful, too sure of themselves, too "celebrity". And way too eager to grant wishes in the worldwide Lottery that entices mortals into buying tickets in the hope of winning their desires. Charlie would rather walk naked through Times Square than buy a ticket. Unfortunately, her friend springs for one in Charlie’s name – and it gets picked. She refuses to get sucked in and has no qualms about saying so to the famously arrogant, devilishly handsome Genie at her door. Sexy Blue Eyes will just have to take no for an answer.

Jax Michaels would love to take no for an answer. As the most famous Genie on the East Coast, known for his sex appeal, his cheeky interviews, and his roguish style of granting wishes, he only has to turn to the next in line to find a willing partner. After all, every woman wants him – except, apparently, Charlie Donahue, who throws back his charming words, sneers at his calculated grins, and refuses to even consider wishing. Jax isn't a fool. He’s prepared to wash his hands of this infuriating, appealing female…until his Handler informs him that quitting is not an option. And if he can’t talk her into wishing, Jax will have to try playing a little dirty.

300 pages, ebook

First published May 2, 2017

About the author

Sophie H. Morgan

7 books220 followers
Sophie H. Morgan is a romance author, repped by Cole Lanahan. She lives in crazy worlds, some concocted by her, some ruled by her spaniel.

You can usually find her on Instagram (SophiehMorgan), on Twitter (@SophieHMorgan) or through her website.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 35 reviews
Profile Image for Nicola.
1,390 reviews277 followers
April 25, 2017
Well there's a first, I've never fallen in love with a genie before. Nor have I previously read Sophie H. Morgan and I can categorically say, both genie and author were a resounding success.

“You said something about romance.”
“As you wish.”

What you quickly realise is that male genies are ladies men. Gorgeous, smooth talking, arrogant and charming with a presence that captivates the masses. Except Charlie Donahue. She's not overly impressed by them, nor does she believe any good can come from a granted wish.


(Picture for illustration purposes only because in modern day New York, genies don't pop out of lamps)

Oh how I loved her. Her sarcasm and frankness was a thing of beauty and from the very start her hackles are raised where Jax Michaels is concerned--the irritatingly delicious genie hell-bent on convincing her to accept the wish she's won on the lottery thanks to her loveable, interfering BFF. And he'll happily play a little dirty using the oodles of charm, persuasion and cheeky wit he possesses.

"I see you butting in with unwanted opinions."
"And I see you being as prickly as a hedgehog that’s being poked."
"So, stop poking."
"Gorgeous, you'll know when I’m poking you."

I could go on, but I'm not going to; simply put, I loved Her Wish. I adored Jax and Charlie, their story grabbed from the very start and held on tight throughout, their chemistry was perfection and I found myself swooning, laughing my socks off and brushing away a couple of little tears along the way. Sophie H. Morgan has brought her reader a quirky, fun and sexy romance full of feeling, fabulous characters and plenty of scope for future stories. I can't wait for more.

Copy received courtesy of St. Martin's Press via NetGalley for an honest and unbiased opinion.
Profile Image for Cece ❀Rants, Raves &Reviews❀.
275 reviews1,192 followers
January 23, 2023
This was my first genie book and i was really really excited, like arabic mythology it sounded great. But then it tried to explain the entire existence of genies through...a business plan?

A corporation choses handsome sexy men and bestows power on them to help the image of the company.

Im sorry but that just ruins the magic for me. And the entire time i tried to just block out the business wish and enjoy the book...but even the characters weren't that dynamic and most of it was vanilla AF.

Sorry guys, but if you have any other genie books i'd love to try them
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews729 followers
May 3, 2017
5 - "Are you ready for your dreams to come true?" Stars!

This year has so far introduced me to a few new authors and a large number of them have been ones I can see myself having a long and enjoyable reading relationship with going forwards, Her Wish, is the first book I have read by Sophie H. Morgan, and she definitely fits into the aforementioned category with this book.

I absolutely loved this unique take on love and relationships, built around a Genie trying to grant a wish to a woman who has absolutely no interest in collecting. The snark and sass from Charlie, matched with the suave and smooth of Jax, just kept the smile on my face pretty much from the beginning of the book right up to the end.

"I care about the ordinary girl…"

There was a little of the Cinderella about this tale for me, because Charlie came across as quite the Plain-Jane at the beginning of the story, although not what I would class as an introvert, Charlie definitely preferred her own company and thoughts to spending time in the think of it.

She was much happier with her book boyfriends…

Jax is the polar opposite in every way, very much the center of attention, with hordes of adoring fans. Their differences on this and disagreements along the way about pretty much everything they were passionate about went from hostile initially to downright flirty. Both have more about them than initial impressions and you learn that they are not so different where it matters as the story progresses.

"Sometimes we need to blame others for things that are too hard to accept."

Great story, great set up for the Playboy Genie series, as well as being excellently written, and I cannot wait for the next book; , His Command to materialize in the summer, I hope that this is Charlie’s BF Kate’s story, she certainly deserve to have her own happily ever after.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, and it was a pleasure to provide the above honest review.
Profile Image for Julie.
583 reviews67 followers
June 14, 2017


I really don't read that many paranormal romance novels and the few that I have read, haven't had a genie in them, so I really didn't know what to expect. Now pair that with an author that I'm not familiar with and reading this book was like stepping into the unknown.

Let's get the stuff I didn't like out of the way ... there wasn't much. It really came down to the pace of the story. To me, it just lagged a bit and I wish it was sped up just a notch or two. I think that if I didn't feel like I was wearing heavy boots through some of it, I would have read this one in just one sitting. The pace is really the only reason I gave it four stars instead of five. There's another thing but this didn't play into my rating ... but I feel the need to bring it up because well ... my husband says I like complaining. Too true, dude. So ... the word "lover" is thrown around on these pages multiple times and I can't freaking stand that word. It's almost as bad as the word "panties". Don't know why. It is like nails on a chalkboard to me. My bestie calls her husband "love" and I want to punch her in the boob each time.

Anyway ... now that we've gotten that nasty business out of the way ... I REALLY liked our main characters, Charlie and Jax. Charlie is this tough as nails chick that really sticks to her guns - even sometimes against her better judgement. I just really liked everything about her. She doesn't take b.s. from anyone. Cool chick. And Jax ... he's obnoxiously and irritatingly adorable. You want to just roll your eyes at this ladies man but then he does something sweet and you forget about how irritating and cocky he is and your head falls to the side as you say "awww". You won't realize it happened until you are a couple pages away and then it smacks you in the face that he's pulled the wool over your eyes. Both of these characters, and the secondaries, were really well written.

As I was nearing the end of the book, I just kept thinking to myself that this author was NEVER going to wrap everything up in time for the last page. There was absolutely no way that all of my questions would be answered by the time I got to the last period. Well, this has only happened two other times in my life, but I was wrong. I'll admit it. Everything was buttoned up nicely at the end of the book and it was a pretty good read. I really liked how the plot played out and things happened that really kept me interested in what was going on.

I definitely enjoyed this different spin on a romance novel and I'm pretty interested in seeing how the rest of this series goes. One to watch out for, that's for sure.

* I received this novel in exchange for an honest review *

Check out more of my reviews at Little Miss Bookmark!
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,223 reviews822 followers
May 3, 2017
Wishes really do come true, even if you’re determined you will not make one.


Charlie has never trusted genies. Sure, they may be handsome as sin, charm a girl into believing that special smile is only for them, and grant elaborate wishes but she knows that there is always a price to be paid. When her best friend enters Charlie’s name into the local lottery and she wins, happy isn’t the word to describe how she feels. She refuses to claim the wish and therefore sets off a chain reaction that no one could see coming.

Jax is confident in his looks, his dealings with women and his job. If a wish needs to be granted, he’s just the genie to do it. He’s positive he can get Charlie to change her mind. What he’s not sure about is how this one woman can enrage him with her stubbornness and yet ensnare him with it at the same time. This isn’t how this genie business is supposed to work.


I expected this to be pretty predictable but that’s okay. I can do predictable. It was not. Yes they meet. Yes, they have a little enemies to lovers thing going on. Yes, it ends with a HEA. But what I didn’t expect was everything in between all of that. Their banter was perfect, the evolution of the relationship was natural, the resolution of their crisis not far-fetched…if you believe in genies anyway. And I do. Absolutely I believe and I’m going to be watching this author for more of the genie goodness to come.


Dual POV
No abuse/triggers

ARC provided for an honest review and honestly, we all need a little Jax in our life.
Profile Image for ★ Belle The Bibliophile ★.
876 reviews268 followers
May 3, 2017
I am not gonna lie. I initially thought this book would be stupid because a genie Hero? That's a new one, at least for me. But no, this book was so much fun to read! I was so engrossed with it that as the story progressed, the whole genie thrope didn't sound weird at all.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
2,252 reviews89 followers
July 27, 2017
4.5 stars - My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin: http://witandsin.blogspot.com/2017/07...

Forget Powerball – I totally want a ticket to win a wish from one of Sophie H. Morgan’s Genies! Her Wish is a fresh and fun paranormal romance. I loved Ms. Morgan’s whole concept of celebrity Genies, the corporation that employs them, and wishes being granted to weekly lottery winners.

Charlie believes in hard work, not wishes. And when her best friend buys her a lottery ticket and Charlie wins, Charlie would rather chew glass than make a wish. Unfortunately for her, Jax Michaels – the Genie who is supposed to grant Charlie her wish – can’t let her just skip out on her wish. On the surface, the stunningly gorgeous, oh-so-charming Jax who has women throwing themselves at his feet is everything Charlie despises. But when he keeps popping in, the two actually start to get to know one another and the real fun begins. I loved that Charlie threw Jax for a loop by being unimpressed with his looks, charm, magic, and celebrity.

Charlie has her reasons for not wanting a wish, and though it took a while to learn her reasons, I understood why it was too personal for her to immediately open up and share with Jax. As for Jax, I – like Charlie – wasn’t immediately bowled over by him because he was arrogant as could be. This actually worked really well for the story, because it gave me a chance to start liking Jax alongside Charlie. There’s more to Jax than most people see. Most people don’t look past his looks or charm, just like most people don’t look past Charlie’s “plain Jane” looks and acerbic wit. Both of them are smart, flawed people who come into their own over the course of the story and their personal journeys had me as engaged as their romance. Charlie and Jax make an excellent couple and I found it difficult to put Her Wish down because the chemistry they had was so appealing. Even when they’re fighting, sparks fly and they’re equally matched. Jax and Charlie simply work on every level. They don’t instantly fall in love. Heck, they don’t even instantly fall in lust. Their love story is a natural progression as they come to know each other and I just loved that. It’s not smooth sailing for these two. Their strong personalities, differing views, and Charlie’s old wounds and insecurities mean that it’s a bumpy road to happily ever after, but it’s a road well worth travelling.

Her Wish is the first book in Ms. Morgan’s Playboy Genie series and I’m can’t wait to delve further into the world of the Genies. I was fascinated by the bits and pieces of WFY that we got to see and the Genies who worked there. I’m definitely hoping future books show us more of how WFY works. There are also a couple of supporting characters, both magical and mortal, who I’m really hoping get books of their own one day. Jax’s Handler, Luka, Jax’s assistant, Josh, and Charlie’s roommate, Kate, added extra humor and heart to the story and helped make the world come alive.

Her Wish is unique, fun, and as charming as Jax himself. I adored Jax and Charlie’s romance and I can’t wait to read the next Playboy Genie story, His Command.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Profile Image for Llaph .
1,054 reviews28 followers
August 27, 2017
This was a really cute story with an interesting twist on using the genie. I thought the whole idea of a lottery to win a wish was a pretty nifty idea and the whole process of actually making it so that a person could become a genie, before I always read you were born that way and that was it, was cool.
It had the familiar set up with the irresistible man running into a brick wall in the form of the woman who doesn’t fall at his feet right away that he actually has to work to seduce her and essentially finds himself falling for her even though she is the exact opposite, and terribly plain, of the women he usually sleeps with. Charlie straddled the line between too stubborn and just stubborn enough for me not to find her an annoying character. I rather liked how it was pointed out how Jax posed his face, muscles, smiles, and things like that in order to exercise his charm and how that stuff didn’t work on Charlie. Another thing I liked was how he used it to cover up how thoughtful and kind he really was and Charlie’s obstinacy helped all of that come out to show that he really wasn’t that horrible of a man-whore … well for the most part anyway.
I'm not really wild about the whole playboy, sleep with a ton of women, sort of persona heroes in some books have. I, personally, don't find that attractive much at all. Happily for me other parts of the story made it up for me and that whole spiel didn’t last long under the attraction that grew between Jax and Charlie. I also admired the unique voice the author had for some of the descriptions she used throughout the book. One of those descriptions describes a frown, eyebrows slanting into a strict hyphen and another describing the pursing of the character’s mouth to be like closing a change purse.
I’m not sure if I will read the next one, the blurb looks interesting, since like I said I’m not too wild about the reformed man-whore sort of set up, but I liked the author’s way of writing so I might give it a shot if I run across it when it comes out. I do want to read about Josh and Charlie’s roommate for one thing and even though they aren’t mentioned in the synopsis for the next book I’m thinking there will be something about them, at least I hope, in the next book.
Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews618 followers
August 16, 2017
Review Courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy:

I picked up HER WISH because it sounded kinda corny; it had a little-used premise (genies!) and a chesty cover. I was not expecting to be blown away by a well constructed magical world and a touching, realistic romance that bloomed as the book progressed. I was pleasantly surprised by just how much this book made me smile and frown and laugh.

The lottery that Charlie wins, thanks to her friend buying her a ticket, is a weekly chance for someone to get their wish. There are a few limits to these wishes, which I really appreciated. If it had truly been “anything goes”, it would have made the world too unpredictable. Genies can get you a cool new house, but at the end of the month, you’ll have to pay the rent and the municipal taxes. They don’t have power over life and can’t bring back the dead. These very clear limitations pop up a few times during the book, grounding the magic in the real world.

My favourite part of the book might have been when Charlie gets cornered by a man who feels that Charlie has wasted her opportunity to wish. He would have used his wish to try to save his dying sister. Charlie has her reasons for not trusting genies, but when faced with this violent, grieving man, it really brings home the fact that refusing to wish is never, ever done.

With a well thought-out plot and memorable main and side characters, HER WISH was a pleasure to read. It’s one of those books I finished hoping it was the start of a series. The second book isn’t obviously railroaded into the plot, but there are enough fun characters that I would love to return to the world of the Playboy Genies (even if the series title is dorky).
Profile Image for Deborah.
969 reviews4 followers
May 7, 2017
Wow! Just Wow!  Her Wish is the first book I have read with a Genie and I loved it!  Sophie H. Morgan has an interesting concept with this book!  I wasn't sure what to expect going in, but I have to say Genie's are cool!  Yes, they are gorgeous. Yes, they are arrogant. Yes, they are celebrity's in their own right.  Who wouldn't love a Genie's when their mission in life is to grant people wishes???

There is a worldwide lottery that mortals buy tickets for in hopes of being picked to receive a wish of their choice. Jax Michaels is the face of Wish For You's, the drop dead gorgeous Genie tasked with granting Charlie Donahue's wish when her name is pulled from the bucket of tickets.  Only she didn't buy a ticket. She doesn't trust Genies. Her best friend Kate bought the ticket and put her name on it.  When Charlie's distrust of Genies comes out and doesn't want her wish, Jax pulls out all the stops to get her to wish.  All the women love him, so why doesn't she?? In fact, she's down-right snarky! Jax isn't stupid. He doesn't need this crap, until his Handler says he must get her to wish and he can't quit until he does. Charlie intrigues him a bit, so Jax decides he has to up his game!

I totally fell for Jax! He was all that and then some! But he also has a sweet and very caring side.  As much as Charlie believes Genies can't be trusted, he believes they have only done good deeds.  He sets to show her she's misguided and I love his tactful assault on her! He was so likeable I was surprised Charlie held out as long as she did! Charlie is a smart cookie and due to her childhood, she lives by her own rules, not taking anything for granted.  She's worked hard for what she has and isn't going to wish for something and be saddled with an unfortunate fall out. People are understandably flabbergasted when she refuses to wish-both good and bad. I understand where she was coming from, but I also felt she should've wished for something she could've gave someone else if she didn't want to use it for herself-like a dog shelter or homeless shelter. But that would've been too easy and Charlie hasn't had anything easy in her life. 

Chemistry. We need to talk about the sizzling chemistry between these two! Yikes! It was literally scorching my fingers from my kindle!!  All the innuendos and witty banter turned up the heat! Once Charlie gave into to Jax's seduction, she was a vixen let loose! Whew! Get me some water!!

I loved Her Wish! It's very unique and has a great, thought out storyline! I think it's one that you'll want to get your greedy little paws on yourself!  The Playboy Genie series is off to a great start!  I can't wait to read the next in the series! If it's anything like this one, it's going to be a great read!!

5 Stars/4 Flames

This book was gifted to me for an honest review. The review and ratings are solely my opinions
Profile Image for Ann Lorz.
1,678 reviews22 followers
May 8, 2017
Reviewed for Romancing the Readers Blog:

I can't tell you how long I've been seeing this cover and wondering if I should break down and read Her Wish.

I broke down!

I couldn't help myself. The cover just called to me. I kept seeing it and knew, just knew, that I needed to read it.

So I read it for review. I'm so glad that I choice to review it. I'll be honest with you, it wasn't just the cover that drew me, I also loved the fact that the one of the main characters is a genie. They whole series revolves around genies.

How fun!

I haven't read a genie or close to them since I feel in love with Kathleen Nance's Djinn series. (a series you really should read) So how could I pass us Her Wish? I couldn't!

Right away you kind of get the idea of where this story is going. You understand how some of the people around Charlie feel about her. Just not why? In the beginning when she wins the lottery and a wish you don't understand why she won't wish. Who wouldn't want to wish for something that could make their lives better?

As the story progress it all be come clearer. I don't want to ruin anything for you that's why I'm being careful to not give anything away.

I will mention that I did love Jax. He turned out to be so...sweet, loving, caring & HOT! The whole package. Of course it took a while to realize he was. Maybe it just took the right woman.

As a whole the story is quick moving and a very emotionally enjoyable story. You'll really enjoy it. I did have one issue with it though. I wish Charlies issue with making a wish didn't consume the whole story. I enjoyed more of the romance parts.

I really think you'll enjoy this story. I know I did. I can't wait for the next book in the series. His Command which is out on July 25th.

Follow me on:

ARC received for a honest review
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,002 reviews16 followers
July 16, 2017
2.5 stars. This was… okay. The premise sounded pretty interesting (pretty sure it's the first romance I've read featuring genies in any way, and the worldbuilding sounded intriguing), and there were so many really positive reviews which made me feel compelled to check this out, but it just wasn't my thing. For one thing, I'm not really into cocky, playboy heroes (the writing has to be REALLY good to get me on board with them, typically), so that definitely didn't help me get invested in the romance. I also didn't care for the heroine much. Her reason for not wanting to make the wish seemed kind of dumb to me (), and I was also annoyed with her for not realizing that Jax was continuing to hang around to get her to make the wish and not purely because he had feelings for her (although of course he did also have feelings for her). I'm also never a fan of ilys coming after only like 2 weeks. And the drama at the end was stupid. Anyways, there were some entertaining moments, but overall this was very disappointing.
2,126 reviews43 followers
May 16, 2017
Charlie believes that Genies are uncaring and selfish. She'll never buy a ticket to win a wish in their lottery, but fate is funny. She's a winner. Thanks to her friend. What's she going to do? Refuse her wish, of course. Charlie is immovable. Her stubbornness drives her Genie, Jax Michaels, crazy. I loved their love-hate relationship. They make sparks fly when they're together. Jax finds himself falling for this feisty woman. She makes him feel emotions that he hasn't felt in a long time. Charlie finds herself intrigued by this sexy Genie. He is caring and tender. It was such fun watching them fall for for each other. The dialogue is smart and sassy. The story is an intriguing combination of romance and emotional pain. The characters are charismatic and I was drawn into their story. Sophie H. Morgan has an easy to read writing style that pulled me in. I enjoyed this paranormal romance with a different twist.
I received a copy of this book which I voluntarily read. My comments are my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Bernadette Long.
675 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2017
I wasn't too sure about the "genie" and wish granting before I read this story, but I was soon sold by the story and I discovered that the genie fantasy worked out very well.

Charlotte (Charlie) Donahue was not a believer in genies or granted wishes and she protested very strongly against the whole business, even after her name was drawn in a lottery. Jax Michaels is the genie tasked with granting her a wish and he has to be very creative in keeping her attention so that he can do his job. So Jax begins spending time with Charlie and realizes that he wants to keep doing so whether she asks for a wish or not. Both lives begin to change and the ending is unpredictable, but satisfying.

Thanks to Netgalley and to the publisher for an ARC; all opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Midwest Romantic.
466 reviews11 followers
September 1, 2017
Originally posted on my blog Live Laugh & Love Books

I don’t normally enjoy “genie” romances because they can be a bit cliche, so I wasn’t too sure about this one. Thankfully I gave it a shot and actually enjoyed the story and the characters. The ending is unpredictable but I found it to be a good one.

* I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Netgalley. I was not compensated for my review, and I was not required to write a positive review. The opinion expressed here is my own.*
May 10, 2017
What an exhilarating read from Sophie H. Morgan. The plot is fast paced with a number of cliffhangers, especially at the end. I found that it is addictive reading and I finished it very quickly. The characters are so well delineated that one really comes to care for them. I was very reluctant to leave their world, and look forward to rejoining it when His Command is published in July.
Sophie H. Morgan writes in an engaging and highly literate manner with apposite metaphors and a charming wit. I recommend this book to any reader.
Profile Image for Krys.
1,123 reviews4 followers
August 10, 2018
It was so good! At times I thought it may have been a little long, but when the craziness hit at the end I really appreciated all the character/relationship development Morgan had done up ‘till that point because I found I had a vested interest in the well-being of the characters. I genuinely liked the main characters, and other than a few instances of bull-headedness, which I know I suffer from too, I can’t find true fault with them. They were real fake people, and their flaws made them believable without making them obnoxious.
2 reviews
August 15, 2017
I have read a few Sophie morgans and this lastest edition didn't disappoint. I loved the original genie concept and the humour that runs throughout . I thoroughly enjoyed following the relationship between the two main characters Charlie and jax, Charlie is independent and strong while jax at first arrogant will soon find a place in your heart. Very well written, it will make you both laugh and cry with characters you will feel a real warmth for. Highly recommend, a fabulous read.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,914 reviews27 followers
May 14, 2024
I had heard about, but not experienced, the genie romance genre. This was my first experience.
It's cute! I like the world. I like the lovers. I just found some of the minor characters more interesting.
Profile Image for Sue.
50 reviews
July 25, 2024
This book had great banter whether it was sarcastic, witty, or whimsical between the main characters which kept it entertaining at least for me.

Quotes I got from this book were:
"There's the door. Feel free to use it if you can fit your ginormous ego through it"
Profile Image for The Romance Book Disciple (Samantha).
2,015 reviews347 followers
May 12, 2017

Her Wish is such a unique story! Charlie's roommate and best friend buys her a ticket for the genie lotto. Charlie HATES genies (her reason isn't revealed until about half way through the story), so when she wins, she is pissed. She also refuses to wish no matter how hot and charming genie Jax Michaels is.

Jax and Charlie have a lot of banter and angry quips for about the first 1/2 of the story. Jax refuses to lose and he has to get her to wish. Charlie refuses to be one of those girls that falls at his feet and knows that wishes can ruin lives. Frankly, I didn't really like either of these characters early on and was ready to DNF the story. Charlie is so stubborn that it was infuriating. She lets Kate's boyfriend talk to her like she is trash, she is rude and prickly to everyone, and while I understand her reticence against wishing, she could have made an altruistic wish like "I wish for a cure for cancer to be found tomorrow" or "I wish that everyone with cancer was cured today". Jax is probably the most narcissistic character I have ever read. He is good looking and charming and thinks that the world should fall at his feet because he is a genie. He is cruel at times and says some hurtful things to Charlie. The turning point is about the 1/2 way mark. You find out why Charlie hates wishes and genies, you see Jax start to drop the machismo and charm, and these two people actual find some common ground. But, can Charlie ever trust that Jax actually likes her and isn't just trying to get her to wish?

If you are looking for a unique romance, Her Wish should be on your wish list! Jax just might charm your pants off!


POV: 3rd
Tears: no
Trope: enemies to lovers
Triggers: none
Series/Standalone: stand alone

You know what, I am honestly not sure what other books to compare this to; a little bit supernatural with the whole magic genie thing, but overall, a pretty contemporary story....so I guess if you are looking for something different, you will probably like Her Wish (or at least appreciate the uniqueness)!

Her Wish
ibooks-icon amazon-icon-star


See full review on The Book Disciple
Profile Image for Amy.
1,736 reviews
May 8, 2017
I received this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

Cute story. Good buildup to why the heroine hated genies. I hope there will be more stories in this series.
Profile Image for Ren (The Ghost Reader).
200 reviews12 followers
November 16, 2020
Very cute book. It had a completed plot and well rounded characters. Definitely predictable but still adorable and addictive. 4/5 stars
Profile Image for Carrie.
2,403 reviews18 followers
January 2, 2018
After having read the second book in the series, I wanted to go back and see where this world began. This book, while not as light and silly as I might have expected, was still a nice read.

Charlie is a jaded and sarcastic woman who has never been made to feel pretty. It could be her upbringing, which was less than ideal, or it could just be her friends (or lack thereof). Either way, she’s trying her hardest to get her book store off the ground and make a life for herself when everything changes. Her overly helpful roommate bought her a lottery ticket for a genie wish and she ends up winning. While most people might have been happy, this is essentially Charlie’s nightmare. She wants nothing to do with wishes.

Jax is an overly confident playboy genie who gets paid to grant wishes and seduce women (essentially). Things rapidly go downhill when he is tasked with getting Charlie to wish. He tries all the usual things – charm, seduction, endless pestering – but Charlie appears immune. It’s only when he finds himself falling for her than things change for the better (or worse, depending on which side you’re on). This love story was definitely unconventional, but super sweet (and hot). As a genie book, this is definitely one unique world and I’d be interested in seeing more from this author.
Profile Image for Books In Brogan.
653 reviews11 followers
April 16, 2017
This one will tug your heart and leave you breathless!  I really enjoyed the relationships between the characters, especially the friendships. The chemistry between the heroine and the love interest is so well done and is set in a great new world to explore.  All in all it is an amazing book and I can't wait for the next one. This review was originally posted on Books In Brogan
Profile Image for Amy Softa.
683 reviews49 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 20, 2017
Gave it my standard 50 page shot and I just couldn't make it work. The two main characters just didn't click for me and the plot itself wasn't enough to make up for their rubbing me the wrong way. I tried, sorry. DNF. Received a copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review.
Profile Image for Care.
84 reviews7 followers
April 29, 2017
Her Wish is a lighthearted and cozy romance with a touch of magic that is a quick, well-written read.

Charlie doesn't trust genies, not after her own life has been torn apart by a wish granted by a genie. However, when her roommate and friend Kate signs her up for a lottery ticket for a genie wish without Charlie realizing it, she is more than a little displeased to find out she won a wish from The Jax Michaels. What originally starts off as him following her around to convince her to cash in on her wish will soon turn more romantic and much steamier.

This is a very adorable, easy romance read. Perfect for anyone who loves their romance with a sprinkle of drama but prefers an overall lighthearted story. The premise is interesting and unique, and the magic is an interesting add. I don't think the full extent of the genie plot line has been completely thought out, but this works as a first in a series and is a fast, happy read for any romance lover looking for a quick mental getaway.

Thanks to the publisher for an ARC in exchange for a fair review!
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