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192 pages, Paperback

First published June 3, 2016

About the author

Matsuri Hino

97 books1,683 followers
Name in Japanese: 樋野 まつり

Matsuri Hino was born on January 24 in Hokkaido. She was a bookshop keeper who one day decided to become a manga artist, and all of nine months later, in 1995, she published her first manga title, Kono Yume ga Sametara (When This Dream Is Over), in Japan's LaLa DX magazine.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 115 reviews
Profile Image for Aliix.
167 reviews84 followers
September 30, 2019
Es jodidamente perfecto <3
Son diferentes one-shots donde nos explica que paso después de la guerra y la partida de Kaname, nos habla de como los personajes se relacionan y nos revelan varios misterios que quedaron pendientes
Me muero de ganas de saber que será del tomo 2
Profile Image for Victoria ✮⋆˙.
1,065 reviews104 followers
September 27, 2018
I read this like a year ago and I just re read it in prep to read volume 2 and I forgot how much I adore this series and its characters!

I’m so glad the author got chance to create this spin off series because honestly idk where I’d be without more vampire knight in my life! I love the art so much and Yuki has a special place in my heart. I’m so excited for more of this to release so I can die over itttttt.

Ugh I love the main series and this so much, it was literally the first manga I ever read and the first anime I ever saw back when I was around 13...I love how 6 years later I’m still wrapped up in this world.
Profile Image for Melliane.
2,065 reviews347 followers
January 25, 2018
Mon avis en Français

My English review

When I was younger, I had a big manga / animation period and Vampire Knight was one of the series that I followed with attention. Then the series ended and I never went back into the universe. However, the release of Vampire Knight Memories excited me again and I wanted to find this universe that I had enjoyed it a few years ago.

We find here different stories that are not necessarily linked or in chronological order but they allow us to learn a little more about the characters. It was really nice to find all tof them again, to have a little glimpse of their stories and I hope we will have others like that afterwards.

In any case, I had a good time, reminding me how much I enjoyed this series.
Profile Image for NyxShadow.
2,260 reviews72 followers
August 28, 2017
Les dessins sont plaisants et ok, j'étais assez contente de revoir les personnages. Mais en fait c'est un recueil de petites histoires parues dans différents magazines et qui sont regroupées.
L'ensemble manque un peu de cohérence et est brouillon. Quand à savoir qui parle, c'est un défi régulier !
Bref, un peu déçue !
Profile Image for IzamaRi H. Fabela.
749 reviews88 followers
December 27, 2019

RESEÑA EN EL BLOG ➜ http://bit.ly/366FaWs

Han pasado 1000 años desde que Kaname Kuran fue apresado en su ataúd de hielo y ahora que ha despertado es incapaz de recordar nada de su vida pasada. Para ello cuenta con la ayuda de Ai y Ren, los hijos de dos personas que fueron importantes en su pasado para él, quienes le contarán que durante su sueño la lucha entre vampiros y humanos no ha terminado del todo.
Quiero darte a ti, que te amo… el mundo que vi cuando humana.
Voy a comenzar contales que Vampire Knight Memories es la recopilación de una serie de capítulos especiales que Matsuri Hino creó después de finalizar su obra Vampire Knight. Así que sip, por si aún queda algún despistado, este manga es básicamente una secuela.

Hace ya algunos ayeres Panini Manga nos deleitó con la publicación de Vampire Knight (de hecho fue uno de los primeros títulos que publicaron) y obvio me leí todos los tomos pero aunque la historia me gusta y mucho, desconocía por completo la existencia de este nuevo manga y a la vez sentía un poco de temor de regresar a la historia, pues para mí el final de la historia principal fue perfecto. Aún con ese temor me ganó la nostalgia, la idea de volver a ver a esos personajes que tanto me habían gustado así que, básicamente eso fue lo que más me gustó de este primer tomo pues la autora nos hace pequeños resúmenes para que conozcamos que fue de los personajes que ya conocíamos, pues si bien la historia se centra en Kaname y los hijos de Yuki y Zero, también tendremos one shots que nos a completa la historia del arco principal de algunos personajes.
En especial hay algunos capítulos centrados en Yuki y Zero que fueron demasiado agridulces para mí pues soy totalmente team Zero y sufro cada que Yuki lo hace sufrir a él (o sea, durante todo el manga, pues 😆).

Acerca del arte de la autora es exactamente el mismo que en Vampire Knight, es decir que tenemos el estilo clásico del shojo con ilustraciones finas y perfiladas que resaltan los rasgos de los personajes más que el entorno.

Lo único malo que veo con este manga, es que es necesario haber leído el primer arco de la historia para poder entender, de lo contrario la historia carecerá de sentido para los nuevos lectores pues aunque el tomo inicia con un pequeño resumen, en realidad no es precisamente ilustrativo.
Profile Image for Sarah.
759 reviews16 followers
February 2, 2019
There are spoilers. Please do not read this unless you are familiar with or have read the original series.

Vampire Knight was one of my first manga, so it will always have a special place in my heart, regardless of the fact that most people (myself included) consider the series to of taken a nose dive around volume six. I owned volumes one through five myself but stopped collecting around the sixth for that particular reason. Anyway . . .

It's been years since I read Vampire Knight, so I forgot who this character was for a minute.

I enjoyed this story and was surprised to see that I didn't feel any disconnect when it came to seeing a character's children. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that these children are a product of characters I already got invested in from the previous series, but as I said, that wasn't the case here.

Overall, this was a nice continuation from the original series. I liked seeing the side characters reappear again and have more backstory/some more depth and character development added. I should go re-read Vampire Knight eventually. . .
Profile Image for Dylan.
963 reviews3 followers
July 13, 2022
This one gave me everything the original series left me wanting. My ship has sailed and I'm so happy! Collects a variety of side stories that tells what happens when Kaname is frozen. Zero finally lets his feelings known.
I really enjoyed this and I'm so excited to continue this series.
Profile Image for Miss Susan.
2,638 reviews59 followers
August 28, 2021
when i tell y'all i did not have the FAINTEST idea what was going on here

2 stars for the art and nostalgia value tho
Profile Image for Shirley.
931 reviews230 followers
November 25, 2018
Vampire Knight: Memories 1 is the first manga I’ve ever read, and I really liked it. It’s only my fault that I didn’t really get the story that much because I haven’t read the original Vampire Knight series. I didn’t check if there was another series so I didn’t know I was reading in the wrong order. I did, however, really like the story and I cannot wait to start the Vampire Knight series!
Profile Image for Francesca.
2,251 reviews147 followers
October 2, 2017
Ca fait du bien de revoir les personnages de VK. Certaines romances sont mignonnes mais mériteraient d'être davantage développées.
Profile Image for Luka.
324 reviews48 followers
January 29, 2022

Me ha encantado 🖤

Quien me siga sabrá que tengo este tomo pendiente de lectura desde su publicación (hace ya unos años…) pero me daba mucho respeto. Respeto porque la obra original me gustó muchísimo, y no sabía qué esperarme en esta “secuela”. Pero me ha conquistado, de verdad.

No se trata de una continuación como tal de la obra principal si no, relatos e historias, mediante las cuales vamos conociendo qué ocurrió durante ese milenio en el que Kaname estuvo ausente.

Me ha gustado mucho conocer ciertas relaciones entre personajes y descubrir cómo tuvieron lugar hechos que se nos quedaron pendientes en la historia principal.

Estoy deseando leer los siguientes tomos y conocer muchos más secretos.
Profile Image for meli.
132 reviews2 followers
July 24, 2022
Diciendo q yo no había leído nada de esto y que nisiquiera es una introducción a la historia, si no toma lugar 1000 años después de que se terminó a historia central, me dejó intrigada.
Leeré los primeros tomos de la historia.
Profile Image for I'.
531 reviews296 followers
September 10, 2018
I've read the original series nearly 10 years ago, so being able to meet again with the characters is amazing for me. Also, it is so emotional for me that the rating is going to be based mostly on FANGIRLING.
Profile Image for Senii AuSTen.
63 reviews2 followers
December 8, 2018
Sei langem wieder mal ein Manga. Vampire Knight habe ich zuletzt vor ein paar Jahren gelesen und ich muss sagen, es hat seinen Glanz für mich nicht verloren. 😊
Profile Image for Sakuranko.
484 reviews61 followers
October 1, 2019
Me gustó bastante aunque considero que este primer volumen sobre todo el capítulo 1 y el capitulo 2 estuvieron algo desordenados. Solo lo puedo recomendar para aquellos fans del manga original.

4 Estrellas
Profile Image for Titan Yax.
76 reviews14 followers
January 30, 2024
It's been a long time since I finished Vampire Knight. This was nice. Like seeing an old friend.
Profile Image for Kirsty.
151 reviews8 followers
September 2, 2017
So Vampire Knight Memories is a series of one shots that happen after the original Vampire Knight series ends.
Well the 1000 years that passed at the end of the series suddenly and small bits of what is happen after Kaname wakes up.

I think most people that read this will have read Vampire Knight itself and its insane ending. It seriously put a soap opera to shame and was so rushed at the end you were left wondering... What the heck did I miss?

Well some of these one shots answer that lol I was pleasurably surprised with how I enjoy these one shots. Maybe because it did fill in holes and confusion and showed that time did pass between certain things happening... having babies for example...

I like that the one shots did actually have stories on the other characters besides Yuki and Zero. It was one of the things that annoyed me about the original series, you had so many interesting side characters and not really any time at all on them. This actually had some time to them (admittedly in one shots) and showed how they have grown as characters as well.

Its said they are only one shots... But then considering how the main story ended maybe its a blessing we are just getting short stories instead. lol

I could not believe who Yuki's daughter Ai had a crush on though... I mean... Enough with all the love issues please! We had another in the main story! X_X Though it was there and gone so makes me wonder why it was added?

All in all good for a manga full of one shots. lol Looking forward to the next volume... Just hope it all won't end up as mad at the original.
Profile Image for Christie.
449 reviews38 followers
May 24, 2017
While this volume was worth reading for the insights it gave into the incidents that happened during the 1000 year vigil and after, its organization seemed poor and the overall content piecemeal. I enjoyed the memories that reading it brought back; memories of the time when I first discovered the anime and then the manga, when my tall, beautiful girl was a baby and then a toddler. I also got a kick out of the way that Yuuki and Zero became middle-aged in mind if not in body.
Though it's not perfect by any means, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who really wants to know more about what happened to everyone in Vampire Knight while they were off-screen, so to speak. However, prepare for some disappointment and plenty of unanswered questions.
I guess that is why there are more of these books? I will have to find one and see. I do hope we get most of our answers eventually!
August 19, 2020
Amazingly good as allways from Ms. Hino! I'm glad the author continued this series! It's still one of the best Shojo Beat manga ever in my opinion. I hope it gets serialized in LALA magazine for a while longer. I want to read more about Yuki and Zero's relationship( it's a more interesting and healthy couple than Yuki and Kaname's relationship... Through I like Kaname as a character regardless.... Zero Kiryu is still a more interesting character...) and learn about what happened in that time skip in volume 19. Poor Zero...he continues to suffer.......At least we get to his daughter with Yuki.....I want to know more about Yuki's time as Queen and Zero in his position as well. The artwork quality was a perfectly done and the writer was good at keeping me interested in these beloved characters...a utter masterpiece as usual from Matsuri Hino.
Profile Image for Florence.
910 reviews10 followers
September 12, 2017
Ce tome, composé de 4 histoires indépendantes, se situe après la fin de la saga de base. On y retrouve Yûki, Zéro, Kaname et les autres dans des intermèdes qui expliquent la fin du tome 19. Sympathique.
January 10, 2024
One of the few manga I religiously follow and buy upon release of each volume. And when I mean buy upon release I meant I get it off amazon japan in kindle form on release day. Also I read this in it's original form in Japanese so I don't know how the official English translations hold up.

First off to note, this series will be confusing to anyone who doesn't know what happened in Vampire Knight as it is a direct sequel and covers the 1000 year gap between the ending and epilogue and the life of their children during and after the epilogue.

POV switches back and forth constantly from the 1000 gap to post-1000 year epilogue. Jumping from POV to POV, Yuuki, Zero, Ai and Ren in no particular order. And sometimes certain side characters that take a major role in that specific arc.

Oh and yes, Ren is a girl, I know they made her gender ambiguous for about 4 volumes.

Content warning:
>This story does explicitly involve sister/sister
(Ai/Ren) incest, they don't kiss or have sex... at least not onscreen, but For vampires the act of drinking each other's blood mutually in this universe is the strongest act of love that precedes even sex. Sex is literally an act only for procreation for Vampires.

>Huge time skips, like in the unit of decades and centuries. Vampires are long lived, purebloods are immortal. Non purebloods live long lives as well while not being immortal entirely, but the closer their relation to a pureblood the longer their life span. So the concept of time get muddy throughout the series.

>Blood, and gore. OBVIOUSLY. This is a story about Vampires. If you've read the original series then you already know what to expect.

>Many MANY POV changes.

All in all I love it, the Ai/Ren romance is just there. You don't even have to look for it. They are in love with each other with the type of love that they would die for each other. It's obvious and sometimes in your face, they act like an old married couple, (the probably are seeing they've been in a relationship for over 900 years...) if you're jarred by the incest, oh well... I can't even tell you to ignore it cuz Ren call's Ai oneesama everytime despite being romantically involved lol

If you want you can pretend this is just a fanfiction by the author of random one shots with a common pivot cuz the flashbacks aren't even in chronological order most of the time.

Just understand that to Japanese people, fictional incest is just that, fictional. I personally have quite a number of sister/sister ships in various other fandoms, and some of them are twincest as well. But it's not for everyone I get it.
Profile Image for GG.
49 reviews
February 11, 2024
It’s the way the plot actual can get even crazier

*Spoilers from other volumes too*

Note to future self, read around lots of the volumes seems like Yuki ended up with Zero but foreshadowing for them to wake Kaname up from his 1000 yr ice slumber where he took Yuki’s heart so he wouldn’t die die but not her with him if I remember correctly super wack Yuki has two kids the first with Kaname the second with Zero and the first kid with Kaname had a huge crush on Zero who rejected her cause he loves her mom ✋💀 then she married this friend whom she did love then he died and she realized her true love is her sister REN (I think that’s the name) so it’s super messy rn that was partway through vol 10 oh also there is medicine now to revert from vampire back to human and there is a character who keeps showing up who I think is lowkey Kaname but not him cause he doesn’t have his memories I don’t remember what was up with that but he’s the dude who owns or works at the bar the government also is back in order but Yuki is standing up for Kaname’s beliefs that the pure blood vampires shouldn’t be the only voice which is raising some issues but they haven’t been dealt with yet my guess is that the author will continue this for as long as possible but it does seem like it might be coming to a good ending place? I do see this series at least having as many volumes as the original though as it is still so popular so it will probably be years until it is finished and at least 5 more volumes to wake up Kaname and sort out whatever goes on there

Update literally five minutes later seems that the plot goes between the future and the present where, in the future, Kaname comes back to life as a human, because Yuki sacrificed herself to bring back his spirit into the human form and when he was in trapped in the eyes, it was because he decided to become the weapon that could kill vampires so by becoming that himself, and then, being trapped in the eyes, no one could kill the vampires, I believe this is literally the craziest storyline I’ve ever heard in forever The vampire diaries has nothing on this.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Loveliest Evaris.
398 reviews75 followers
March 23, 2019
A sequel to Vampire Knight, set 1000 years in the future with Kaname resurrected as a human, Yuuki and Zero nowhere to be found, and two vampire children that are there to greet him as "father".

The manga is basically a blend of the past as Yuuki goes on to live without Kaname with Zero by her side. I have to admit that it took awhile for me to read between the lines, because Matsuri Hino's dialogue is often a bunch of poetic almost-nonsense that leaves a lot unsaid and A LOT intuited. I ain't good at intuiting what is left unsaid. That's what inner monologues are for (-_-)

But anyway, the overall tone of this spin-off is one of wistfulness, acceptance of the past, and quiet hope for the happiness that can potentially be found in the new day.

Of course, the art is gorgeous as always, and Zero and Yuuki's relationship has thankfully progressed beyond Tsundere + Comedic Relief, though admittedly it had been heading into that direction near the end of the original Vampire Knight. Still, for those who shipped Zero x Yuuki in the original manga, they will find a bit of slice of life between them, though not full-on living together. Yuuki still harbors love for Zero, but the whole "I can't decide" thing that really bogged down the original manga has been sort of packed away because Zero is there right now and he does love her. Thankfully, the only problem that Yuuki seems to have is not the idea of entering a relationship with Zero, but how to start it.

My one big caveat is the fact that it is supposedly set 1000 years in the future...and yet literally nothing about the world has changed except the fact that people know that vampires exist and there is a bit of discrimination against them. Really? No robots? No dramatic changes to the cities? Really unrealistic.

Still, I would give this a look if you want to return to the characters of Vampire Knight. This spin-off gives you quite a bit more backstory and interaction with previously sidelined characters such as Sayori, Seiren, and the rest of the Night Class gang.
Profile Image for Ruthsic.
1,765 reviews30 followers
September 22, 2018
Warnings: implied child abuse, bloodletting

It seems like this series is going to be collection of stories set during the 1000-year-long-sleep Kaname had. Told to him via Ren and Ai, Yuuki's children, each of the chapters is a mostly self-contained story that gives a glimpse into the other characters and their lives during this time. From Yuuki's standpoint, it feels like the story doesn't do much other than having her let go of Kaname and find a life with Zen (which takes 5o years to even start as a consideration). There's Ai's childhood shown, and Yuuki's position as the head of the Kaname family but it is mostly glossed over. What's interesting is the story by other characters regarding Kaname, as well as the present time in which Kaname is reborn as a human into a post-war-like place.

There is a story from Yuuki's friend's POV, and her growing relationship with Aido, who is seeking a way to turn vampires human (I must confess I don't remember either Kaname's or Aido's motive for doing so) and is going through Kaname's research. Then there is Seiren, Kaname's servant or something, who knew him since childhood, and the story of how he turns her into a vampire. That story had some distasteful elements of the vampire society being displayed, which I can't exactly figure out how to put in the warnings. Meanwhile, Ai's story itself is a standard kid-of-the-protagonist one, the one who grew up in a time of peace and is a little spoiled. Ai has an inappropriate crush, though, which to be honest, falls in line with the weird family dynamics in this series.

Ultimately, though, it feels like this series is to rekindle the Yuuki-Zero romance, whereas I would like to know how exactly the vampire society changed after all that.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review from Viz Media, via Edelweiss.
Profile Image for Rebekah Smith.
43 reviews
July 9, 2020
!!!Recommend Reading Vampire Knight Series first!!!

Yuki's thirst grows ever so much bigger and it turns out she is pregnant with the former vampire King (Before he quite literally pulled out his heart and threw it in the fire.) Yuki now has the thirst of two vampires thanks to her pregnancy with Ai. Yuki's pregnancy last from 2 to 5 years. Ai is born beautifully. Yuki and Zero officially start their relationship and Yuki has another child, Ren.

Yuki has to deal with a lot of things going on within these 1,000 years. Yuki lives the life of a vampire and shines brightly s one of the last pureblood vampires. Yuki and Zero live together for many many years before Zero perishes and Yuki gives her life for Kaname to become a human. Yuki now sleeps within Kaname so Kaname can remain a human.

Ai and Ren are the only one's still alive to prove that Yuki and Zero did exist. Ai and Ren live with Kaname and explain life as it goes down the line. Ren is very much like Zero and Ai is very much like Yuki. Together they resemble the relationship between these three.

Kaname, the vampire king.
Zero, the vampire hunter association leader.
Yuki, the center of both of their worlds as well as a very special and powerful pureblood princess.

Ai, Yuki and Kaname's child.
Ren, Yuki and Zero's child.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 115 reviews

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