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My American Dream just shattered and they think I did it on purpose. They have sentenced me to hell by sending me back to the last place I want to be. They have people watching me twenty-four-seven. They want the truth about how my band mates died, and they’re going to get it, no matter what.

No matter how hard I fight. No matter how many times I deny it. No matter what it takes, the truth is going to catch up with me.

I am Rowan Kyle Saber. I am RK. I am Rock. Ex-lead-singer for Son of a Jack. Ex-addict, ex-friend, ex-boyfriend, ex-brother… and presently in denial.

Welcome to Grand Lake, Colorado, where all my nightmares started. Welcome to the past. Welcome to the present. Welcome to RK’s fucked up life.

The only thing holding me together is her. But even that might be a lie.

278 pages

First published March 7, 2016

About the author

J.A. Huss

136 books8,913 followers
J.A. Huss never wanted to be a writer and she still dreams of that elusive career as an astronaut. She originally went to school to become an equine veterinarian but soon figured out they keep horrible hours and decided to go to grad school instead. That Ph.D wasn’t all it was cracked up to be (and she really sucked at the whole scientist thing), so she dropped out and got a M.S. in forensic toxicology just to get the whole thing over with as soon as possible.

After graduation she got a job with the state of Colorado as their one and only hog farm inspector and spent her days wandering the Eastern Plains shooting the shit with farmers. After a few years of that, she got bored. And since she was a homeschool mom and actually does love science, she decided to write science textbooks and make online classes for other homeschool moms. She wrote more than two hundred of those workbooks and was the number one publisher at the online homeschool store many times, but eventually she covered every science topic she could think of and ran out of shit to say.

So in 2012 she decided to write fiction instead. That year she released her first three books and started a career that would make her a New York Times bestseller and land her on the USA Today Bestseller’s List eighteen times in the next three years. Her books have sold millions of copies all over the world, the audio version of her semi-autobiographical book, Eighteen, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award and an Audie award in 2016 and 2017 respectively, her audiobook Mr. Perfect was nominated for a Voice Arts Award in 2017, and her book, Taking Turns, was nominated for an Audie Award in 2018. Johnathan McClain is her first (and only) writing partner and even though they are worlds apart in just about every way imaginable, it works.

She lives on a ranch in Central Colorado with her family.

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
July 9, 2020
3.5 stars

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It’s like my life is on song repeat when all I want is a shuffle.

When I started this book I thought- Rockstar story written by Julie with Robert on the cover. OMG, I can’t wait!!! This was like no other rockstar story I’ve ever read. Like a lot of Huss’s stories, there were twists, turns, and surprises. This one had me guessing all the way through. Some things I caught right away and others had my jaw dropping because I soooooo didn’t see them coming!

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Rowan Kyle Saber- RK- or Rock is home for the first time in a long time. He’s in a state of confusion right now. And you, as a reader will be too. Then things will start to come to light. You will be questioning what is true and what is a lie. What can you believe? Who can you trust? Can you even trust RK?

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There is a love interest in this story. It does have some romance. I just don’t want to talk about it. You don’t want to hear about it from me. You want to read about it for yourself!

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I know that this review has been a little short and extremely vague, but it has to be. Rock is one of those books that you need to read for yourself and try to figure out what is going on without even a hint of a spoiler! Prepared to question everything and everyone and be shocked.

If you’re looking for an epically written, suspenseful and twisty & turny rockstar romance unlike anything you’ve ever read before, pick this one up!

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Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 43 books1,221 followers
March 13, 2016
5 “long way around” STARS

As usual, with a Julie Huss book, where the hell do I start without giving anything away?

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I can always count on Julie to fuck with my mind! In true Huss fashion, she gives you one wild ride with all of it told in Rowan Kyle/RK/Rock's POV. He’s a famous rock star, lead singer of his band who’s brought back to his childhood home to recuperate from a life altering severe trauma.

Buckle up Buttercup!

I was literally on the edge of my seat throughout this whole thing. In addition to Rock, there’s also his brother - TJ, his band manager - Jayce, the Vetti twins - Melissa and Melanie (don’t get me started on these two), his band mate - Kenner and some others. I had no clue who the fuck to trust! Shit, there were times that I didn’t even trust Rock and I was rooting for him! I spent a lot of this read second guessing EVERYTHING!

If you’ve read Julie’s suspense books before, you know that this woman can give you twists and turns that’ll give you whiplash. I couldn't put this down. I was frantically trying to figure things out and of course, when I thought I knew the path we were headed down…nah huh! Then the rug would be pulled out from under me.

Kaleidoscope of emotions
I was all over the place with this thrilling read. This is a romantic suspense yet for me, it was more suspense than romance and that suited me just fine. Don’t get me wrong, there's a couple and hot sex scenes but I didn’t really care for the heroine of this story – didn’t trust that bitch (that’s just my paranoia and you’ll understand what I mean when you read it)– but the suspense held my rapt attention.

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If you love a great puzzle or like surprises, you have to read this!

**ARC generously provided by JA Huss in exchange for an honest review.**

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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
March 6, 2016

Buckle up. Hold on tight. And get ready for the mind-fuck of a lifetime.

Rock. RK. Rowan Kyle. Will the real Mr. Saber please stand up?

With devastation in the rearview mirror, RK returns home to Grand Lake, Colorado. Not really by choice, but he’s there nonetheless. It’s been five years since he left town. Five years since his world was shattered and just a few months since those shattered pieces were smashed into dust. Returning wasn’t in his plans. He left town with a broken heart, became a rock star and returns with even less than he had when he first fled town. But that was Rock’s story. This one. This book. This amazingly written story is RK’s story.

I can’t give you any more about this story, because everything is about the self-discovery of reading it. My trust issues developed quickly. Page one and this bitch was like, nope. Not going to believe a word you say. And I can say that was the one thing I loved the most about this book. I had no idea who I could trust. I had so many different scenarios playing out in my head, trying to figure it all out. I should have known how impossible that would be. But I paid attention. I watched for clues and little things that were mentioned once or twice, trying to retain those things, just knowing that they’d matter later. Maybe not to figure out the plot, but to explain it once you were finished. I loved that this book kept my mind working the entire time. I loved that I was so caught up in the story that I was feeling stressed, trying to understand what was going on. Not many authors can bring you to the edge of your seat, and even fewer have the talent to leave you there through the entire story.

Julie is the ultimate puppet master. You’ll feel the kick to your gut only when she’s ready to deliver it. You’ll taste the sweetness of the moment, but only after she took you to hell and back and made sure you fucking worked for that sweetness. It all comes together. But it doesn’t keep time with you. It’s on her schedule and you have to just hold on and have faith that she will get you to where you need to be.

For me, this book was all about the little things. The moments when you put it down and you try to figure out why that happened ‘that way’ or how did it even happen at all. I loved that I got to think about not only my feelings – but about the deeper meaning behind the moments. I loved experiencing the ‘between the lines’ moments and the ability to discover so many new moments, even days after finishing the story.

I was privileged enough to read this early and although I have crazy love for Julie, I can honestly say that when I start one of her books, I go in with big big big expectations. Huge expectations. That is a lot of pressure. That is a very long way to fall. But I have yet to fall, not even a slight stumble. Her writing just seems to get better and better with each book, and it was pretty fucking good when she released her first book.

Now Rock is a Rock Star Romance. It is a standalone. And it is a love story, an EPIC love story. But it is not like any rock star or romance book you’ve read before. There are no groupies, there are no tour busses... but there is RK and there is his music and his dreams. For fans of Julie, you’ll get this book. You’ll love the way it will bend your mind, make you think, make you paranoid. You’ll have that trust in her to get you to the end in one piece. For those that might be venturing to Hussville for the first time: Look around, get comfy... you’re gonna be here a while.

Of all of the books I’ve read from Julie so far, I think the writing in Rock is her best. There was something about it that stood out. Maybe it had to do with the lyrical nature of RK – that getting this entire book from his POV, that his musical nature just bled through the pages. Whatever it was, it was breathtaking. This is probably one of the most original plots I’ve read (since her last book LOL) and all I can say is that I hope she never stops.

I can’t give this book enough stars. It deserves all of them. Every single one of them.



A rockstar you say?

In typical JA Motherfucking Huss style. I'm expecting shit to get real fucking twisted.

And hot.
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
March 7, 2016
It’s like my life is a song on repeat when all I want is a shuffle.

I am truly not sure how to write this review without providing any spoilers, because this book had me going back and forth thorough out the whole story. This will probably surprise you, but right out the gate I figured out one twist. I was blown away, I never guess Julie’s twists. Little did I know this wasn’t a huge twist and as the story unfolds I was reminded again just how brilliant Julie is.

Rowan Kyle is the famous musician Rock and his life has just been completely upturned and he is back home to deal with the fallout. One minute he was the successful lead singer of Son of a Jack, the next his bandmates are dead and he is on 24 hour surveillance in his home town. A place that holds far too many memories and heartache.

The story is told from RK’s POV and through out the story I really felt for him. You could really see he was barely hanging on. Forget the present and what he survived, being back home is a whole new issue. I was completely wrapped up in learning the truth and seeing what would come for RK and I loved the conclusion. I didn’t 100% love the story, because I just wanted more peace for RK and M. However, I am also a serial romantic and this book is more than just romance, so I am pretty sure I will be alone in the opinion.

I started Rock pretty psyched just based on the cover alone, I mean Reider Robert is seriously something else. I don’t typically judge a book by the cover, but I’ll admit I was already excited. I expected a rockstar type story and I was completely wrong. I am not sure how to describe this one to be honest. It was suspenseful, psychologically thrilling and kept me a constant state of guessing. I definitely recommend if you are looking for something unique and entertaining!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Teasers created by me with stock images purchased from depositphotos.

Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews691 followers
March 7, 2016
★★★★ 4 Stars ★★★★

Wow, this book completely blew my mind and left me guessing! I literally didn't know what direction the story was going to go, and I had a lot of fun trying to work it all out.

RK, Rock, Rowan Kyle - he is the lead singer of rock band Son of Jack, and has suffered a great loss of many things, but specifically his memories of the past. After a terrible accident involving him and his bandmates, he is back in his hometown in the Colorado mountains and facing the wrath of his friends and family, all of whom he hasn't seen since he left five years ago to pursue his career.

"Am I living the dream?
Or is the dream living me?"

RK has to unravel the mysteries surrounding him and the reason for his memory loss in order to get his mind back to a better place, and with the help of a woman from his childhood he finds himself re-evaluating his future.

I would describe Rock as a phycological romantic suspense, nothing too taxing, but a fun and easy, exciting read.

Sorry for the short review, but this is a book to go in blind. Rest assured, if you are a fan of JA Huss' previous work, then you will enjoy this book. Fab characters, delicious steamy moments, and lots of twists and turns.

Rock is a standalone romantic suspense, told in the male POV.

ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Images featured in this review were created by me using stock images either purchased from deposit photo or from free stock sites.

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Profile Image for Linda (un)Conventional Bookworms.
2,760 reviews343 followers
March 7, 2016
This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
My mind is blown! Completely, utterly blown. Rock is even more twisted than Huss' other stories, and I was riveted to my kindle today, unable to stop reading until I got to the bottom of all the mysteries.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Huss definitely blew me away with this story! Until the very end, I had no idea what was going on, or what would happen next, and I was just as anxious as Rock was to figure things out. There was so much heartache and darkness, but at the same time, RK was so driven. He was filled with red-hot anger at the beginning, and he really didn't understand what was going on. And I didn't either. However, I was immediately drawn into the story, and I not only wanted, but needed to figure things out alongside RK. Even if I'm used to Huss' twists and crazy turns, I don't think I was fully prepared for the ones that happened here.

And I have to say that the summary for Rock is perfect! It sets the tone for the story, and it gives you just enough to know it's going to be extremely juicy, and that you have to read it. And that there is both past and present, and that RK has had more than a few pains and troubles in his life. I am not going to say much more, because I don't want to spoil a single little thing. I do have to tell you that you should pick this up, though, it's a fantastic story with a good pace, characters to love (and some to hate on!) and so many things going on at the same time you will be dizzy before you finish reading.

Written in first person point of view from RK's perspective, past tense to separate what happened in the past, and present tense to make sure we experience everything at the same time as he does, with the same hopes, dreams, nightmares, expectations and fears to share the present. There are some truly amazing dialogues as well, and Rock is exactly my kind of dark, mysterious romance.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I knew the way - hell, she knew the way too. And when the small waterfall came into view, the moon making the water in the pool shimmer silver, we both got sweaty hands and chills up our spines.

I just stare at her. Because I don't even know this girl. I have no clue who she is. The girl standing in front of me is not Missy's sister. She's Melanie, but she's some Mel I've never met before.
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,776 reviews2,826 followers
March 8, 2016
ACCKKKK...So I don't even know what to say about this book right now! For 90% of it I was ENTHRALLED, sucked in, turning pages like crazy. Then I got to the end, and I was SO disappointed...I sat there with my mouth hanging open and thinking "THAT'S IT??!!"



THAT was the big fucking mystery?? THAT is what I spent hours frantically reading to see where this was all going?? THAT!! But what about...? Why was he...? Why the fuck didn't someone just tell the dude what was going on??!!

Man, I SO want to throw my my iPad across the room right now!!

Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
March 18, 2016
There is no way for me try and review this without spoiling it somehow as I was completely in the dark until close to the 80% mark! Usually I find myself reading a JA Huss book and if I miraculously "get it" then YAY, I feel a bit smarter...so I'm still just average at this point because I was a bit LOST!

I really have no words other than to say this is what JA Huss does...writes creative, unique stories, a bit on the edge, with a darker tone that never let you down. Rock is no different! She also develops complex characters that either make your head spin...or totally horny! RK is one of those!

So, be brave and dive into this mindbender! You will not be disappointed with a second chance love story of sorts with lives lost, careers ended, and psychosis abound. This book is not lacking much other than sanity...and I for one really enjoyed the struggle!
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
March 9, 2016
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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Are you ready to get ROCKed? Well, I suggest you buckle up as JA Huss once again takes her readers on one sexy suspenseful ride full of twist and turns. Julie hits all the right notes as she douses you with a rock star romance like no other. I honestly went into reading this book with no clue what to expect. All I knew it was Julie’s book so of course I had to read it. Right off the opening pages, Julie does what she does best. SHE ROCKS YOUR WORLD AS YOU’RE COMPELLED TO FIND OUT WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. And let me just say, THIS BOOK was epic, page-turning, and of course had the JULIE stamp of TWIST. I can’t review this book without giving away spoilers and plot twists, but I will just say go read this book. Experience and savor all the surprising twist of events. And get ready for one unforgettable literary tale that only Julie can deliver. Be prepared to be held hostage and get ROCKED!!!



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Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,586 reviews111 followers
October 21, 2016
4 Rock Stars

First why did I wait so long to reading this book? Second I think I went through 5 stages of confusion...is that a thing? Well it is to me, so yeah, let’s go with it.

My 5 stages were as follows Shock! What?? Why?? Who?? And WoW!!
Yeah this book had it all I swear I spent half the time come up with theories in my head.

Right away I was like I want to know who Rock. RK. Rowan Kyle is, but it was more than that. It just seemed like something was missing…boy howdy…was there things missing. But your intrigued you want to know why…what…who…like I said before all the stages.

Then we have Missy, and Melanie…and you get a whole lot of confusion right there. I think I might still be in the…huh...category but that wasn’t one of my stages haha.
I love that she was part of his past and his present, that she was trying just as hard as he was to find out who they were individually as well as together, if there was going to be a “together.” How much they had to fight to get to the answers.

I know this isn’t making a whole lot of sense because I don’t want to give away spoilers but it was a well written book that had me from the beginning to the very end. Even with all my theories. :p

Narrator…. Umm Hello Sebastian York, one of my top 5 narrators of all time! He brings Rock to life. He gives him a voice you can’t get enough of. Smooth and Sexy, just how you would think a rock stars voice should sound.

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*
Profile Image for Bing.
346 reviews24 followers
March 5, 2016

At the risk of sounding redundant, I'll still go on record to say that no writer has ever given me whiplash nor twisted me up and made me act like an addict looking for her next fix than Julie Huss. You know when you are reading a story and certain parts just give you this warning bells in your head? The difference with her books was that I never knew how to interpret those warning bells!

What can I say about this book? What can I tell about the story that didn't go the way I was expecting it to? If you are a Julie Huss fan, then you'd know the only thing you can expect from her is the unexpected. She isn't the master of twist for nothing. She had control of the story and all you can do is enjoy the ride and trust that she will deliver. She always does.

A rock star romance. Yes. But was it anything like the other rockstar books I've read ( and I have read a lot!) so far? Definitely not. Did it fall in any particular genre? No. It was a collation of different elements that worked well together. So expect romance, mystery, drama.. but most of all, expect to be impressed and knocked off your feet!

In my opinion, Julie will never succumb to formula fiction where storylines and plots are reused and tweaked to give it a fresh feel. I have no issues with that because I loved a lot of books with a typical plot but greatly written. I just don't think this particular author have it in her to write something the readers are expecting. She goes for the whiplash.

And whiplash was exactly what I got with this book! Just when I was getting warmed up to the way the story was going, a twist was dropped like a bomb. Then some more.. and more.. and I loved every minute of it!

RK. Rowan Kyle. Rock. No matter what name you want to call him, there was only one thing that was constant and unchanging in his life. His love for one girl. His career soared, money overflowed, fame was at its peak. Still, he only ever loved one girl. Through the ups and downs, the doubts and secrets, pains and everything life threw at him, he was sure he will only ever love her. But will he? Did he really know the people around him? Can he trust them? Can he trust himself? Will the truth always stare you in the eyes, or could they hide underneath your memories?

So many questions, and no matter how hard I tried to answer them, I only find myself blindsided time and time again. We've read and more than likely wrote something about "better going in blind" when talking about books. But it's actually the only way to handle a J. A. Huss book. Why? Because it's useless to read the blurb or the reviews. The only way you can get the full impact is to read the book.

There are things though that you need to be prepared when reading this book (or any of her books).

~ Prepare for an all-nighter. You can't put it down!
~ Prepare for a roller-coaster ride: the dizzying highs, the thrill, the twists and turns whipping past you at top speed.
~ Prepare to be on the edge of your seat the whole time you're reading it.
~ Prepare to be torn between wanting to get to the end yet wanting to savor each moment reading it.

As expected, the author brought her A-game writing this one. Hats off to you, Julie!
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,309 followers
March 13, 2016


I'm such a HUGE #rockstarfangirl I just had to read this book!!
And I loved it!
It's full of mystery, suspense, sexiness, sadness, grief, confusion, love, hate, music, talent...
I don't even know what to say.
While reading I was a bit worried that

But I really enjoyed reading it - I couldn't stop!! I just had to know how RK will get his life back and if there would be a romantic happy end too!

ROCK was a very exciting and mysterious Rock-Star-Romance with lots of feels and frustration and grrrr - you have to read it to see if you'll like it! I LOVED RK AND HIS STORY!



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Profile Image for Di Covey/TwistedBookReviews.
1,083 reviews216 followers
March 8, 2016
JA Huss delivers another fast-paced, unpredictable story. You'll be flipping back the pages to see if you missed any clues to this madness.

A musician. A murky past. And murder all around.

Rock is so many things. I loved loved loved him. The first half of the book is purely mind twistery. We wade through the dark waters with Rock, looking, searching for the truth. I was entangled in a web of delusional thinking and mysterious beginnings. And even when I was faced with the truth, like Rock... I didn't believe it. I read the rest of the book waiting for that punch to the stomach. And it happened, but not how I expected it to. If you love mystery & suspense, you'll love this book.

OH, there's a bit of love mixed in there too. It's wouldn't be a JA Huss book without all the good stuff.
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews618 followers
March 26, 2016
****4.5 Together Stars****

Well, you can tell that I really enjoy a book when it only takes me a few hours to read a whole book.

Yes, there were a few things that I felt were a bit over the top but overall I really enjoyed the story and couldn't put it down.

What I thought was going to play out....didn't!! And that is what made me rate this book so high.
Profile Image for Grace.
2,183 reviews109 followers
March 6, 2016
I went into this book blind. Trusting Julie to give me something special.
Then I read the prologue.

"Wait a flipping minute! What the hell is this book about?"
*reads synopsis*

This book slowly unfolds as Rowan Kyle "RK", aka Rock, returns to his home town. It's what he faces there and how it is revealed, that had my mind reeling. I should have expected this author to bring in the mind fuckery, but I was simply not prepared.
*reads synopsis again*

What can I tell you about this book? Not much. And I don't mean that in a bad way. This is one of those books that you should go into blind. Spoilers will absolutely ruin the reading experience for this story. So not matter on whether you read the synopsis, or how many times you read it, you won't really know what you are getting into until you dig in. And that's what makes the story special. Just like I expected.

“If I close my eyes, “I say into her mouth, “I can pretend you’re her.”
“Close them,” she pants back, her breathing kicked up, her chest heaving. “I am her.”

What I can tell you, is that there are two mysteries early on in the story. At first, I was very leery of RK. Was he really responsible for everything that happened, not once, but twice? The first mystery is solved relatively early. It made me question the heroine and I didn't really connect with her through the story. Maybe because her explanation of the past didn't sit well with me. Maybe because her change of heart was odd. But lucky for her, RK is very forgiving.

The second mystery involved RK and his band. This one took more time to develop. While RK's condition wasn't fully revealed, we eventually get the missing pieces in what happened that fateful night that changed his life once again. Looking back, I wish RK's friends and family were more upfront with him and what they were doing. It didn't seem right to take such drastic chances when lives were at stack.

Other than the suspense of this story, which you should already know, is the author's forte, there were plenty of sizzling moments between RK and the heroine (yes, I'm purposely not mentioning her name). There a bit a of love/hate between them, making everything that much more intense.

This story isn't your typical rock band romance. The music is there to guide RK when needed, but this story is about recovery and moving forward, forgetting past mistakes and letting go. If you are looking for a uniquely unpredictable story, look no further.

*An ARC was received for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Tricia.
264 reviews
October 18, 2016
You know when you have so many books on your TBR list and you use a random number generator to pick which one you're going to read next? Well Rock was #74 on my list so here I go...


Profile Image for Andrea.
211 reviews44 followers
March 14, 2016
Not at all what I was expecting.
I struggled to finish it, even skimming through pages.
The story line was confusing….even when a twist was revealed, I couldn’t figure out what was going on.
Profile Image for Krista Hendrix.
41 reviews27 followers
March 25, 2016
A book about a hot rock star with lots of suspense, keeping me at the edge of my seat? Yes, please!
Profile Image for a_tiffyfit.
759 reviews107 followers
March 7, 2016
review to come. No spoilers.

So when writing reviews of books that rocked your world, the inevitable phrases come up: page-turner, un-put-downable, roller coaster of emotions, twists and turns, fast-paced, etc.

This review would sound no different. And as always, I try to keep my reviews spoiler free, so here goes to the best of my ability!

When I say I'm becoming accustomed to JA Huss's style, please don't ever take that to mean that I know what the heck is going on in that head of hers or can predict the outcome of her novels. Just know that I KNOW I am in for one hell of a ride and that I'm gonna spend most of my time reading and trying to figure out what the twist is going to be. Because there WILL be something. And ROCK was no different.

At first you think it's the same old trite romance with a rockstar as the lead, maybe his high school sweetheart pining for him at home, he had something to prove to his little podunk hometown, etc. Well, no, and yet kind of, and no definitely not all over again. JA Huss had me scratching my head, bruising my kindle, as I whipped through this book, thinking WTF. Wait I get it. No, I don't. So who is...? Wait, is he...? OH MY GOD.

Yep. That's a Huss book for you. Rock is a standalone. It's a romance. It's a mindscrew. And when you get to the EOBS? I bet you're gonna be searching itunes or youtube or amazon for those songs to see how you get inside the head of an author!
Profile Image for Elodie.
561 reviews59 followers
March 15, 2016
Wow, this was not what I expected. I went into this book thinking it was another story about a fucked-up rock star going back home after so many years away, and blah blah blah... Boy, was I wrong.

This book was AWESOME. There was suspense, romance, unexpected twists. And, of course, an intriguing and ultra original storyline that's worth going into the book blind - so that's where my review stops fellas! ^^

Profile Image for ❤️ Diana ❤️.
396 reviews3 followers
March 12, 2016
So I liked this story. It had twists and turns and it had me guessing and thinking. I like that in a book, but I really didn't like the ending....like not the ending but the ending.....I guess you'll understand when you read. I mean I don't like red herrings!! But overall s good read. Just I would totally change the ending and it would be a doozy!!

4 stars!!
Profile Image for Naomi.
1,407 reviews58 followers
March 7, 2016
Original Review @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

J.A. Huss is a master storywriter and she has delivered once again with Rock! Rock, or RK to his friends, had returned home to Grand Lake after an accident had shattered his world. However things weren’t what they seemed at home. He’s missing crucial information from his past and needed time to become whole once again.

I really loved RK; he was angry in the beginning but I can’t imagine a person who wouldn’t be if they were struggling like he was. His injury was hurting him, people were rude and dismissive of him, so it was no wonder he withdrew from everyone! He had to slowly piece his life back together and it was difficult when information was being withheld. But once I got past the fierce Rockstar, there was a kind, confused guy underneath that just wanted to know what the hell was going on and didn’t want to relapse into his dark past.

I really enjoyed the musical element to this story and how it was RK’s backbone. He had grown up with music in his life and his career was founded on his talent for writing and singing. He had formed strong friendships with his bandmates, and was happy to forget about the mess of his life that he left behind in Grand Lake. But the music helped in his recovery and I liked seeing him grow into a better person.

I want to dive in about relationships in this book but some may be too spoilery. I did like all the people that were able to get close to RK once again and I understood they loved him, tried to protect him and wanted to help without pushing him too far.

The way that J.A. Huss delivered this story was superb. I got pieces of information and tried to straighten it all out to understand where the book was going. I was thrown off in the beginning but things started to line up for me after a while. I love the way Huss writes and plants seeds in your head, only to do a complete 360 to throw you off track! Rock was another example of what a magnificent story teller she is and she continues to write brilliant stories that can blow your mind.

Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Brandee (un)Conventional Bookworms.
1,411 reviews152 followers
March 7, 2016
After having read every one of Huss' books, you'd think I'd have learned a thing or two. For example, I should ave learned not to even attempt to figure things out - to not create my own theories on the who did the want because in all this time, I've never been right. Rock continued this pattern.

Rock, aka Rowen Kyle Saber, aka RK, finds himself back home in Grand Lake, Colorado, where he grew up and where his nightmares first began. I was just as lost as RK - not knowing exactly how he ended up in his current predicament. And I, like RK, was equally as determined to figure it out - to find the answers he and everyone around him needed in order to move forward, to return to some semblance of a normal life.

In typical Huss form, she inhabited the story with a cast of characters that were fully realized but that made the big picture, if you will, fuzzy. They have you seeing how the impacted RK and who he is, but also make you question. Why did this character say that? Why did that character behave that way? And there's RK himself. I felt for him, I supported him. But why and how did these events happen? Huss tosses in twists, red herrings - she constantly threw me off track, make me question my connection to certain characters, made me second guess myself just as often as RK did. And when all was revealed I had an "Ohh" moment. All was illuminated for RK...and me.

The pace and flow in Rock was spot on. Huss continues to perfect her style and her voice. And Rock is certainly one of my favorites from her so far. I love her suspense and Rock had suspense in spades with all its twisty goodness.
*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Silvia.
1,197 reviews
March 9, 2016

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Rock is a JA Huss mind trip that showcases her talent at her absolute best and confirms her status, in my eyes, as one of the best authors out there. She can grab and hold your attention until the very last page including the EOB (End of Book) Shit, which is located, of course, at the end of the book and a JA Huss signature trademark. Even though I was gifted an arc, I purchased the ebook just so I could read the EOB Shit!

Rock aka Rowan Kyle/RK by his friends and family is forced to return to his small Colorado hometown after a tragedy occurs involving his rock band, Son of Jack. He is plagued by guilt and unanswered questions of what caused him to originally leave and then ultimately return to this small mountain town. The story starts out with a prologue that sets the pace and never lets up. My mind is still on overdrive and I'm just getting my land legs back after my wild trip into this Rocky Mountain twilight zone.

Prior to reading the book, I made the decision to take copious notes so I could come up with a clear and concise review that conveyed my honest thoughts and feelings. So I listed some of my detailed and painstaking thoughts:

Do ya think!!?
I knew it!
Trust no one!
Oh shit!!!

Ok, maybe my thoughts aren't detailed or wordy, lol, but I wanted to get across what was going through my mind as I was trying to guess and second guess every twist, turn and somersault that was tumbling through the pages. As I read the last page I came to this conclusion: WOW! Just WOW as all my brilliant deductions and "aha!" moments turned into WTFs!

So my recommendation to you is to buy Rock now. If you love to be mindfucked hard, I mean so hard you are screaming WTF, this is the book for you!

Thanks again to JA Huss for gifting an arc for an honest review and for a wild and crazy ride. I'm giving Rock 5+ stars!
Profile Image for Brandi.
1,158 reviews148 followers
March 3, 2016
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review

Holy motherfucking shit what did I just read?! Oh, right, I read a Huss novel. I knew she'd blow my mind, but damn. I didn't see it happening like this. Where is the 6-star option?!

I don't know how to do this book justice. What can I say? I love Rock. His story is both hot and heartbreaking. It's a complete mindfuck of a book.

Rock is forced to go back home after a tragic accident leaves him unable to speak and on a type of house arrest--the type that is county wide and not limited to his home. He doesn't want to be there. Too many painful memories of his childhood, his lost love, and the town that he ran from when things hit rock bottom. He had to leave and now he is back.

Melissa and Melanie Vetti are the girls next door. TJ is Rock's brother. The four are inseparable during their childhood. Prom night changes everything.

After prom, Rock's world is turned upside down. He leaves his home and heads for LA. There he becomes famous. Headlining a world tour, he and his bandmates are unstoppable. So, what stops them? How and why does Rock end up back in Grand County? And why can't he speak to his drummer, Kenner? What's happening?!

This is where I leave you, with a bit of the story, but nothing to really tell you anything. JA Huss is a genius. I'm not sure if I can ever say that enough, but this book had me on the edge of my seat from the very beginning. I became hooked and couldn't stop reading it. I had to know what happened. I had to know who I could trust. I had to know the twist because it's Julie and there is always a twist. Just when you think you have it figured out, you don't. Don't even think you know what's gonna hit next because it probably won't. Or it will and it'll be 1000 times more than you ever thought possible.

Julie has a way of showing us the darker side of the mind (remember Merc?). And it's a ride like no other.
Profile Image for Megan.
184 reviews102 followers
March 19, 2016
Posted on The Reading Room Book Blog


So, I started Rock today because I like the author's past work and because the cover is hot.

Ever read a book where it moves too fast and too slow all at the same time? That's how I felt reading this book. I can't say much because there is a lot going on and any spoilers would suck for this story.

I think the story had a good premise, but it needed to be fleshed out more. I couldn't connect with the characters. I couldn't connect with their emotions. I didn't get to know the characters growing up and their asshole dads. I didn't get to know the band and how they meshed together. I didn't get to become emotionally invested in the feelings so I struggled to remain in the story when all of it was unfolding.

There are some bizarre aspects to this book and it is a thriller with a bit of romance. I just kept waiting for the BIG SCENE and I was turning pages (and I skipped a sentence here or there) and then I got to the ending and I was..........
What was I?
Sounds about right. I was just thinking...

THAT'S IT? All of this for that? It almost made the other incidents seem irrelevant like the story could have survived without the Vetti sister incident. I truly expected some crazy mind-fuck and I didn't get that this time around.

I did like the very very end. Plus, the book is completely done from a male POV and it was a good voice. The holes in the plot just didn't work.

Of course I will read this author again in the future. I just was looking for more here and I didn't get it.
Profile Image for Kristi.
117 reviews10 followers
March 9, 2016
OMG, I loved. Not only was it suspenseful and a crazy ride, (as you read in other reviews), for me it was something more meaningful. The characters have experienced deep loss and broken hearts. They are searching for something meaningful in their relationships and in their lives. This book blew me away! As I was waiting to figure out the mystery, the suspense was building and then I would laugh and start crying. What a ride!

I highly recommend. This book really has it all. Romance, suspense, mystery, sex and rock and roll, baby!!

*ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for BexLOVESBooks.
202 reviews48 followers
March 12, 2016
JA Huss never disappoints. The blurb of this book sounded so interesting and Holy Shit that cover! Anyhow, put those three things together and I didn't think twice about one-clicking this gem.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 431 reviews

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