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Master's Saga #2

Masters for Life

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DISCLAIMER: This book is part of a series. Spoilers might be contained in the description. For new readers, start your journey with Devlin and Coralie in MASTERS FOR HIRE, now available everywhere!

They were two completely different people from two completely different worlds. Within two weeks they were married, for better or worse.

Their whirlwind romance did nothing to prepare Coralie Masters for what awaited the happy couple back home. Reality crushes the fairytale existence Devlin had created for her in Las Vegas. Ultimately his powerful seductive hold over her cannot protect her from new, powerful forces outside of their marriage that work nonstop to tear them asunder.

There is much more to fear than her family learning the truth of how and why they met, because there’s much more to Dev’s story that she could ever know. The mystery surrounding Devlin Masters quickly undermines their love story.

One thing becomes crystal clear. They may be married, but she doesn’t really know this sexy, alluring stranger at all.

They love each other. They want each other. They can’t stay away from each other.

But will it be enough?

The Groupie Saga titillated you. The Fullerton Family Saga broke your heart. We were only getting started. Book Two of the Masters Saga, MASTERS FOR LIFE, turns up all the Ginger Voight angst, drama and sex like never before.

**Author not responsible for broken Kindles.**

Intended for readers 18+ for graphic sexual content.


First published October 30, 2015

About the author

Ginger Voight

55 books703 followers
Ginger Voight is a screenwriter and bestselling author with over twenty published titles in fiction and nonfiction. She covers everything from travel to politics in nonfiction, as well as romance, paranormal, and dark, “ripped from the headlines” topics like Dirty Little Secrets.

Ginger discovered her love for writing in sixth grade, courtesy of a Halloween assignment. From then on, writing became a place of solace, reflection, and security. This was never more true than when she found herself homeless in L.A. at the age of nineteen. There, she wrote her first novel, longhand on notebook paper, while living out of her car.

In 1995, after she lost her nine-day-old son, she worked through her grief by writing the story that would eventually become The Fullerton Family Saga.

In 2011, she embarked on a new journey—to publish romance novels starring heroines who look more like the average American woman. These "Rubenesque" romances have developed a following thanks to her bestselling Groupie series. Other titles, such as the highly-rated New Adult series, Fierce, tap into the "reality-TV" preoccupation in American entertainment, which gives her contemporary stories a current, pop culture edge.

Known for writing gut-twisting angst, Ginger isn’t afraid to push the envelope with characters who are perfectly imperfect. Whether rich, poor, sweet, selfish, gay, straight, plus-size or svelte, her characters are beautifully flawed and three-dimensional. They populate her lavish fictional landscapes and teach us more about the real world in which we live simply through their interactions with each other. Ginger’s goal with every book is to give the reader a little bit more than they were expecting, told through stories they'll never forget.

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,448 reviews82 followers
November 1, 2015
What just happened? I'm in shock and don't know what to say. I really need part three, so I can have all my questions answered.

Devlin was a wee bit of an arse in this part. Yes, he's still sexy and amazingly romantic and really hot, but an arse none the less. How many times was he going to get mad and runaway instead of answering Coralie's questions.

Then there's Coralie. Yes, I know this is fiction, but no one goes from a size 14 to a size 8 in a month just by working out for 45 minutes on Wednesdays and eating a little healthier.
Profile Image for Brandee (un)Conventional Bookworms.
1,411 reviews152 followers
January 12, 2018
Oh the angst! Oh the drama! Coralie's life definitely took a turn towards the chaotic when she met Devlin Masters.

Masters for Life sees Coralie and Devlin trying to settle into their new life together while simultaneously making plans for the future. Coralie still has dreams for herself and her company. Devlin has plans as well but as he's not an open book by any stretch of the imagination, it's hard to know what his true plans are.

And, of course, there are obstacles. In fact, there are quite a few things standing in between them and their HEA. Their courtship was crazy fast and trust seems a sticking factor. And as things come to light and events occur, it seems Devlin may be the biggest obstacle. New players are introduced and the stakes are very high indeed.

I have to say that at times some of the angst and drama were a bit too much for me. There were so many times I wanted to shake both Coralie and Devlin. Or tell them to grow up. Their feelings for one another - their chemistry - is undeniable. But can they both move past the past and get over the hangups and insecurities to truly trust one another? That's the million dollar question.

Voight has spun a riveting story around Coralie and Devlin. I'm dying to know what happens next - especially after that ending. I'm fully invested in them and seeing their story to fruition despite the melodrama. One thing I've always appreciated about Voight's stories are the unconventional heroines. Coralie is one of those heroines, not fitting the standard of beauty which matters greatly since her family's business is in fashion. I relate to Coralie in certain ways and am enjoying seeing her blossom. Devlin is still such an enigma. He has quite a story that he seems unwilling, or at least very reluctant, to share. But I *need* to know. Some of the events though...I'm not sure he can talk his way out of. We'll see.

Voight also provides an interesting supporting cast, although we see less of Lucy and Gus, Gretchen, and Coralie's father, than in book one. I do like how Voight manages to weave in  cameos of characters from her other series as well. They all add a little something to the story as well as adding to the character development.

Even though some of the drama was a little much for me, I'm kinda tied up in knots over what comes next for Coralie and Devlin. It's a really good thing book #3, Masters Forever, is already available.
Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,100 reviews55 followers
October 26, 2015
Holy moly. I am speechless. Ginger Voight has taken me on one helluva wild ride. Masters For Hire blew me away. I was addicted from page one and I just could not put it down. Everything I thought I knew after book one was completely thrown out the window. And right along with Coralie, I am left here wondering: "Who in the heck is Devlin Masters?"

Picking up right where we left off in Masters for Hire, we watch anxiously as Coralie and Devlin start their married life together. Knowing both her father and her ex-boyfriend are going to be in total shock, so starts the merry-go-round Coralie is forced to ride while everyone else decides her life for her. She is at first still the timid, plump woman who hired Devlin to make her feel wanted. And now she's the wife who is forced to accept her new husband, no questions asked, all the while wondering just how much she actually knows about him and his past. Soon, new alliances are formed and Coralie's head, much like mine, was spinning. Talk about info overload! I was amazed the poor woman could keep up.

With her world completely upside-down and her heart feeling unsteady at times, this whirlwind adventure in just 4 months time was enough to make my stomach ache. I just knew that other shoe had to drop and so did she. With some unexpected help from a former associate of Devlin's, everything just starts to unravel. Coralie tries to fight back but she soon finds that perhaps the battle isn't worth it.

Oh wow. Devlin is as sexy as ever. He seems to want to give his wife the world, including a baby, but his darkness, his secrets, his explosive behavior are all just too unsettling. He truly is a predator or so we are left to think and I'm hopeful everything will be explained from his POV in the last book of this series.

The author has written a very powerful and angst-filled book that I honestly have never seen from her. This feels like new territory for her and I couldn't be happier. There are so many layers and so much at stake for our heroine, I'm beyond cautious as to how it will all conclude.

A read well worth your time but you must read book 1 first. You need to get the whole story, the beautiful love that I know can be resurrected but for now has been left to a small smolder. Let's hope the author can stoke the fire and the passion between Coralie and Devlin and give us our well-deserved happily ever after.

A huge 5+ stars.
Profile Image for Susan.
882 reviews10 followers
February 15, 2016
I have no idea how the author is going to explain away THAT betrayal...on to book 3.
Profile Image for ★ Belle The Bibliophile ★.
876 reviews268 followers
November 8, 2015
What The Fuck Just Happened?

I seriously regretted reading this a day before my History exam because it literally ruined my mood for for the whole day. That ending just about gutted me -- among others that really left a bad taste in my mouth.

Devlin Masters, is, without a doubt, the shittiest Hero I've ever read about. Trust me it's not even the that got me so angry -- it was just the chocolate icing on top (I hate chocolate) -- it's his assholeness towards Coralie throughout the whole book.

Trust is the word that is thrown so many times in the book, I lost count. Trust (noun): firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. In other word, it has to be earned.

In this book, Devlin told Coralie to blindly put a trust on him, while he did whatever suspicious shit he's up to. Whenever Coralie confronted him, he fucking ran off (every single time) and always made it out as if Coralie was 'overreacting'. When she wasn't! She's his wife! He didn't respect her at all. He baited her with sex every single time and turn a cold shoulder when it suited him.

And the ending. I kind of suspected it from the very beginning. Like I said, he had no respect at all for Coralie. I seriously hope she'll dump his ass forever. But based on the third book's blurb, I'm guessing she'll take his sorry ass back.
Profile Image for Lisa.
418 reviews11 followers
October 31, 2015
This is book two in the Masters for Hire Series and it's an amazing roller coaster ride of emotions. Love, sex, treachery and heartbreak. Characters from other Ginger Voight books are sprinkled in, an extra treat for those of us who are big fans. I love this series and can't wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Brittany.
23 reviews
November 4, 2023
Hooked from page 1!

May have spoilers-

Ok, so book one, we see the love story. However, in book two, it all seems to be a lie! My mind was blown with this. There are great 🌶️ moments in here, new characters that you either like or definitely hate and cheating. This book brought out the drama for sure and leaves you on basically a cliffhanger of sorts that makes you anxious to see what’s next. I highly recommend this book!
75 reviews3 followers
December 6, 2020

I love reading the cheating genre books. This one- this one gives us a woman who so far, it not a doormat. Thank you Ms. Voight.
Profile Image for Brandee (un)Conventional Bookworms.
1,411 reviews152 followers
January 10, 2016
Oh the angst! Oh the drama! Coralie's life definitely took a turn towards the chaotic when she met Devlin Masters.

Masters for Life sees Coralie and Devlin trying to settle into their new life together while simultaneously making plans for the future. Coralie still has dreams for herself and her company. Devlin has plans as well but as he's not an open book by any stretch of the imagination, it's hard to know what his true plans are.

And, of course, there are obstacles. In fact, there are quite a few things standing in between them and their HEA. Their courtship was crazy fast and trust seems a sticking factor. And as things come to light and events occur, it seems Devlin may be the biggest obstacle. New players are introduced and the stakes are very high indeed.

I have to say that at times some of the angst and drama were a bit too much for me. There were so many times I wanted to shake both Coralie and Devlin. Or tell them to grow up. Their feelings for one another - their chemistry - is undeniable. But can they both move past the past and get over the hangups and insecurities to truly trust one another? That's the million dollar question.

Voight has spun a riveting story around Coralie and Devlin. I'm dying to know what happens next - especially after that ending. I'm fully invested in them and seeing their story to fruition despite the melodrama. One thing I've always appreciated about Voight's stories are the unconventional heroines. Coralie is one of those heroines, not fitting the standard of beauty which matters greatly since her family's business is in fashion. I relate to Coralie in certain ways and am enjoying seeing her blossom. Devlin is still such an enigma. He has quite a story that he seems unwilling, or at least very reluctant, to share. But I *need* to know. Some of the events though...I'm not sure he can talk his way out of. We'll see.

Voight also provides an interesting supporting cast, although we see less of Lucy and Gus, Gretchen, and Coralie's father, than in book one. I do like how Voight manages to weave in  cameos of characters from her other series as well. They all add a little something to the story as well as adding to the character development.

Even though some of the drama was a little much for me, I'm kinda tied up in knots over what comes next for Coralie and Devlin. It's a really good thing book #3, Masters Forever, is already available.
Profile Image for Anino .
1,067 reviews72 followers
November 1, 2015
Simply put, it is now 1am, and I have been captivated by this book for the past 2 hours.

Even though the author is onto something good, I hate the fact that I, along with other readers, have to wait almost a friggin' month, before the ballad of Devlin & Coralie starts up, once more.

Other than that, while some may have an issue with the lag along with the sparsely intermittent 1-dimensional character development, in my opinion, this is a worthwhile series, that is definitely worth the time and the money. My only suggestion is for readers to wait until November 27th, to buy and read the entire series. If you don't take my advice, trust me, you will be frustrated by the cliffhanger. :/

Giving this 4 enthused yet frustrated stars.

Profile Image for Hilda.
460 reviews
December 6, 2015
I loved the writing couldn't put the book down, but one thing I don't like is cheating and that is the only reason I can't give this book 5 stars. But even Ms. Voight's writing during that part was phenomenal, I felt my heartbreak, tears slipping down my cheek. The passionate love story, the power struggles, the alpha males that fight for Coralie's attention. The unexpected allies and enemies. Now I have to wait for the final book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Annmarie.
1,245 reviews49 followers
December 17, 2015
I hated him in this book. Dev is a scumbag and a cheat. He literally fucks this cougar for months while they are married in the bed he shares with wife ! But, not to be left out, she gets to come home and see it for herself, complete with spankings and ropes and ties. Yup. If she stays with him she deserves it. He's weak and a loser.
Profile Image for Anthea.
133 reviews
November 1, 2015
I could not believe this. Masters for Hire was fantastic, but this... The twists, the treachery, .. Can't wait for November 27th for the next episode
33 reviews3 followers
November 4, 2015
Book 2 in the Master Saga left me speechless. The twists and turns that Coralie has gone thru with Devlin wow. I can't wait to see what Ginger has in store for book 3.
Profile Image for Carina.
218 reviews3 followers
January 5, 2016
the first book was ok and until the end i though i would' t read the trilogy. but this book was much better and i loved it. reading the 3rd right away.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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