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Size Always Matters: Don’t be part of a statistic, start losing weight today

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At age 41 in 1994 and weighing 330 lbs, Sally Cronin had two choices when she was told that she was unlikely to live to 45. Carry on eating or get her act together. She chose to study nutrition and change the way she approached the food she ate and her other lifestyle choices.

Her first book, Size Matters, told the story of her weight loss of 154 lbs and shared the programme she designed to both lose the weight and regain her health. Now, thirty years on from the start of that journey, having worked as a nutritional therapist with hundreds of clients as well as acting as a health consultant on radio for several years and on her blog, she shares an updated version of the programme.

Weight loss is not just about calories in and calories out. It is about identifying the physical, emotional and mental attachments we have to food and developing a deeper respect for the fuel we require to be healthy. As well as exploring the many elements involved in healthy weight loss, she also shares the nutritional balance we need to achieve to prevent many of the lifestyle issues that accompany obesity. This includes some easy to prepare recipes which provide nutrient dense dishes for the whole family.

In 2022, 2.5 billion adults aged 18 years and older were overweight, including over 890 million adults who were living with obesity. 37 million children under the age of 5 were overweight. Over 390 million children and adolescents aged 5–19 years were overweight, including 160 million who were living with obesity.

If you need to lose 10 lbs or 100 lbs you can adapt this programme to lose the weight healthily and to enjoy a better quality of life. Don’t be included in the statistics and start losing weight today.

326 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 31, 2024

About the author

Sally Cronin

23 books176 followers
Sally Cronin is the author of eighteen books including her memoir Size Matters: Especially when you weigh 330lb first published in 2001 which followed her weight loss of 150lbs and the programme she designed to achieve a healthy weight and regain her health. A programme she shared with her clients over her 26 year career as a nutritional therapist and on her blog. This has been followed by another seventeen books both fiction and non-fiction including multi-genre collections of short stories and poetry.

Her latest book Size Always Matters is an extended and updated version of her original book Size Matters and now includes the nutritional element to weight loss and some recipes with ingredients that provide the nutrients necessary for healthy weight loss and continued good health.

As an author she understands how important it is to have support in marketing books and offers a number of FREE promotional opportunities in the Café and Bookstore on her blog and across her social media.

After leading a nomadic existence exploring the world, she now lives with her husband on the coast of Southern Ireland enjoying the seasonal fluctuations in the temperature of the rain.

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Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews
Profile Image for Stevie Turner.
Author 44 books181 followers
August 28, 2024
This book has no end of information for somebody desperate to lose weight. Sally has incorporated the reasons why we put on weight in the first place; for example, comfort eating to relieve stress, or maybe childhood eating patterns where you were expected to clear your plate no matter how full up you felt. There are also tips on exercise, how to keep the weight off once your target weight is reached, and which foods are best for a good nutritious diet (recipes included). She has also mentioned the science and physiology behind dieting in an easy-to-read way; how the body responds to overeating, and how the hormone leptin has a role to play in the burning of fat.

Sally dismisses crash dieting as unhelpful, and advocates a slow-but-steady 2lb per week weight loss so that the body doesn’t go into starvation mode from too much weight loss too soon and therefore begins to store fat instead. She has added a way to work out how much weight you need to use by the simple method of measuring your wrist size and height.

A recommended read, giving valuable and honest (sometimes candid) information from first hand experience. I give this book 5 stars.
Profile Image for Lisette Brodey.
Author 17 books254 followers
August 12, 2024
Wow. This book is incredible. Sally Cronin, who once found herself, at age 41, weighing 330 lbs., took control of her life and not only lost the weight, but also became a nutritional consultant and has been helping others for decades. In these pages, she shares the wealth of her knowledge with readers. I found this book to be a powerful resource, educational tool, and motivator.

The author’s knowledge runs deep, and very clearly, she lays out many important factors the average person may never have considered – factors that may or may not apply to one’s situation. There is so much information, presented in a non-overwhelming way, that I believe can be of immense value to so many who struggle with weight-related issues.

Cronin offers many ways to identify the issues unique to each person, isolating the excuses we make, the patterns we persist in, and so much more. Her solid advice is invaluable to help those who need to break their addictions or negative patterns/thoughts and to gain the willpower to finally achieve a difference. She teaches the reader to develop their own list of incentives to lose and maintain weight.

Personally, as someone keenly aware of my weight and food choices, I identified so much with what the author talked about, especially about enablers (saboteurs as I’ve seen them), and the surprising reactions to one losing weight. Hint: it’s not always positive. In my own experiences, I could write a lot about the psychology of people when a friend or loved one achieves a goal that may be threatening or uncomfortable to another person. I was so glad these issues were discussed, as I find them a vital part of the weight-loss journey.

This book covers many elements of healthy living: proper sleep, dietary source of supplements, alternate ways to shop and much more. Making this information easier to consume (no pun or calories intended), there is a “Things to consider” page at the end of the chapters. And lastly, Sally Cronin shares some of her favorite and most healthful recipes toward the end.

I spent an entire day reading this, and the information, organization, and effort that went into this exceptional book was crystal clear to me. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Carol Ann.
Author 1 book7 followers
September 23, 2024
Although I have maintained a healthy weight for over 2 years now this book is not just about losing weight and keeping it off. It’s about how specific nutrients impact our health and wellbeing after all you can be a “healthy” weight and be unhealthy.
Faddy diets seldom work long term and as I stated above you can be a healthy weight and be unhealthy. This is also not what I call a diet, but a lifestyle change as to remain healthy we should not be starving ourselves and eating food that we don’t like its not sustainable…
Food is to be enjoyed and at the same time be good for our health and wellbeing…often on diets and I have followed many over the years they are all about what we can’t eat and Sally Cronin outlines all we can eat including chocolate although Cronin stresses that it’s a treat and doesn’t advocate a bar or three a day…
The book also stresses that if we cook from scratch rather than relying on ultra processed foods plus I believe we should be counting chemicals not just calories as Cronin tells us it’s a lifestyle change we need to make for our health.
Cronin encourages the reader to take control for the health of our body however Cronin knows the pitfalls and she speaks from personal experience and acknowledges that its not a quick fix it takes determination and if we have a bad day…forget it and start again we are human after all.
She helps us by giving us the tools to make our journey easier the calories the nutrients which nutrients we need if we do have a health problem Cronin has taken the hard work away by doing this it is a complete book where the author shares her journey to a healthy body she gives us an endless list of healthy choices so we can go shopping knowing what to buy for our journey…my book is already marked for the foods I need to maintain a healthy body…
While I was reading this book I drew comparisons with myself particularly as I have always been a tad secretive about what I eat even to this day when I know I can have that slice of cake I go into the kitchen when no one is around…Probably that won’t change although I am trying …the title of this book is apt “Size Always Matters"…If you want to improve your health and lose weight, I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Jacqui.
Author 62 books212 followers
August 10, 2024
I have never been overweight, but always kept an eye on the scale. When Sally Cronin, author of several other self-help and nutrition books (and a few about dogs) published Size Always Matters: Don't be part of a statistic, start losing weight today (Moyhill Publishing 2024), I was intrigued. I'd read several of her books, always came away better for it, so wanted to see how she added a fresh cast to an over-discussed topic. She didn't disappoint.  Understand, I have spent enough time thinking and researching weight maintenance, I thought I knew it all, but she proved me wrong. As I read the book, I found myself talking to her, saying things like “in my case...” and “how did you...” like she was a friend. And thanks to Sally’s blog, Smorgasbord Blog Magazine, I do feel that she is a friend who I can ask questions of. This is a wholly unique experience to any other weight control book I've ever purchased and a welcome difference. Throughout this book, Sally was like a detective tracking down clues and symptoms to weight control, weight gain, weight loss, the causes and results, and everything related. She is relentless in this effort and readers benefit from her tenacity and intelligence. Each chapter starts with a topical overview, includes a discussion, and ends with things to consider. This organized approach lets readers dig into the area that really troubles them while gaining an overview of the rest.

Overall, this book became a checklist for me to verify what I knew, what I might have forgotten, and remind me of what was important in the control of weight. I highly recommend it to those who are just beginning the battle as well as those who just need support. You won't be sorry.
Profile Image for Jan Sikes.
Author 31 books246 followers
September 25, 2024
This is beyond any doubt, the most comprehensive book I've ever read about nutrition, weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.
Ms. Cronin hits all the major components to living a long happy and healthy life, including the psychological aspects associated with food. As she points out, this can go all the way back to our childhood. There are times when we all reach for comfort food and she explains how it all works together with the mind, body and spirit.
She provides detailed information about how to get the proper nutrition our bodies need on a daily basis and the way she breaks it all down makes it simple. I closed the book knowing I could do it. I will continue to refer back to this book for guidance and confirmation I'm doing the right thing.
I've considered myself a healthy eater for many years, but I still learned some new things from this book. If you have a strong desire to be in good health for a long life, this book is your guide. She not only breaks down all the nutrition information in an understandable way, but also provides an extensive food guide, making it all that much easier to follow. I was pleasantly surprised to find that a lot of the foods the author recommends is already in my refrigerator. The one thing she emphasizes over and over is to avoid processed foods as they are all full of preservatives and often sugar and unhealthy fats. A great comprehensive guide to healthy living! I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for D.L. Finn.
Author 23 books295 followers
August 16, 2024
“Size Always Matters” is a book that reveals how and why to lose weight. Ms. Cronin, in her forties, realized she needed to lose 150 pounds to improve her health and live longer. She not only researched a healthy diet and applied it to her daily routine, but also helped others. I’ve constantly battled with the diet yo-yo, losing weight only to gain it back. I would think, I’ll get to it later, but my body is letting me know that now is that later. The book refreshed my knowledge, especially regarding Candida, but it also provided new insights. I love how Ms. Cronin covered the whole person, including our psychological reasons for overeating and our physical ones, too. This book isn’t only for weight loss, but also for overall health. I have used food and my diet to control health issues, and Ms. Cronin expertly explains the fundamentals of proper nutrition and necessary vitamins. Not only is there great information, but a way to find your ideal weight and delicious-sounding recipes. This book inspired me to cut out the food that has crept into my diet that doesn’t belong there and get rid of the extra pounds I’m carrying around. An excellent resource for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. I highly recommend this!
Profile Image for Sandra Cox.
Author 60 books117 followers
August 16, 2024
This was a fascinating read. It’s a wonderful mesh of autobiography and self-help nonfiction. I’m more of a genre reader, but I loved this book. It’s geared for folks who are trying to lose weight but it’s about so much more than weight loss alone and beneficial to anyone that wants to live a healthy lifestyle. It touches on calorie intake, exercise, what foods are good for you and which ones aren’t. If you are trying to lose a large amount of weight, how to do it and keep your muscle mass, avoiding the ‘extra-skin overhang’. It breaks down what foods provide what vitamins and minerals. Touches on the Candida fungus. And includes recipes.
I recommend it to anyone on a weight loss journey or interested in improving and or maintaining their health as they age.
Kudos to the author.

Profile Image for Terri Schrandt.
Author 1 book31 followers
September 28, 2024
Life-changing and Honest information

After reading Sally's story on her weight loss journey, not only was I impressed with her honesty, I also took an honest look at myself in my mid-60s as I struggle with my weight loss.
This book is packed with incredible information about food, its nutrients, and ways to understand how to get these nutrients. Sally's provides recipes near the end of the book. There is excellent information on how nutrients work in our bodies and why they are essential. I've personally learned new information and have already lost 6 pounds in a few weeks.
Profile Image for Judith Barrow.
Author 8 books67 followers
August 27, 2024
This book is an inspiration. Having spent most of my youth as a ‘Yo-yo’ dieter, and in middle age becoming resigned to the fact that I would always be on the large side, I was pleased when I discovered Sally Cronin’s blogs on health issues, food and diet recommendations and advice. So useful. Now, following on from her first book on this subject, Size Matters, all her expertise and up-to-date research has been gathered into Size Always Matters. And I’ve been fascinated by the depth of knowledge the book contains.

Sally wastes no time in telling the reader how her journey began: in her forties she weighed over twenty-three stone and was warned that she would have a limited life span if she continues with her lifestyle. She started to research for a plan on healthier eating, became a nutritionist, and an expert on motivation to lose weight… and, I think, an expert on common sense. That she reached her goal in losing weight and has maintained it over the years will add so much credence to her words in this book.

At the end of chapter one, having recounted a stark picture of her own confrontation with her weight Sally has a list of things to consider which resonated and have stayed in my mind. In short: weight gain doesn’t happen by accident, any starvation diet is doomed to fail, we can be conditioned from childhood to eat to make ourselves feel better and use food as a “pick me up”. And finally, a word of encouragement – the programme set out in Size Always Matters shows the reader what is needed to lose weight. After that, it’s up to us…

And this format, the listing of certain “Things to consider”, is invaluable. It focusses the mind after reading each chapter on certain aspects that help or hinder weight loss. The author writes with empathy and understanding. She doesn’t shy away from writing about her own battles – physically, emotionally or a mentally – but also reveals how she has managed to overcome those struggles in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The nutritional advice on food, fatty and amino acids and vitamin values is juxtaposed by advice on exercise, the power of sleep, meal planning and food shopping (the latter especially useful!). This is an exceptionally detailed book, covering so many aspects. I must admit I needed to read and re-read some sections. Which is probably what the author intended – after all, aiming for a healthy lifestyle is a long-term plan that requires much thought.

I loved the photographs of the author. At one point she suggests various ways that might encourage anyone striving to lose weight. Buying clothes a size too small to aim to get into was one suggestion. Seeing the photographs of the clothes she has worn during her own journey I can see the value of this. Her image is, as I said about the book at the beginning of this review – inspirational.

And I shall certainly be using the recipes that Sally has added at the end of Size Always Matters. A book I highly recommend.
Profile Image for D.G. Kaye.
Author 10 books139 followers
August 18, 2024
Sally Cronin’s nutritional therapist background and a story of her own, make this book fit a few genres – health and wellness, self-help, and memoir. This is Sally’s story and journey of battling the bulge of 330 pounds, and how her weight issues had her diving into health and nutrtion, and in this book she shares her very personal struggles with her weight, and her courage and her own taking the bull by the horns with a healthy attitude and healing herself. In this book we’ll learn the root cause of obesity while Cronin educates us about how several conditions, along with over-use of antibiotics can play a part in stubborn weight gain.

We will learn about the various ailments and the nutrients needed to keep our inner engines running smooth, and about the various things going on in our bodies that can hamper weightloss. A few to mention: stress, antibiotics, Candidas Alibans, and more!

Sally will guide us through this book of her detailed weightloss program she designed – not a fad diet, but one that becomes a life eating plan. And most importantly, Sally will share why diets get sabotaged, especially when it comes to maintaining lost weight.

Cronin’s eating plan will keep us motivated as she discusses the pitfalls we can fall into while trying to lose weight. We’ll learn how we can be overweight, yet still be mal-nutritioned. She will share tricks for us to be able to enjoy eating out by designing our own eating plan. Weightloss plateaus are skillfully explained. And we’ll also learn the importance of getting enough sleep and how it corresponds with weightloss.

Near the end of the book Sally gives a rundown of the importance of vitamins and minerals and fats in our diets and lists them all. Followed by a fascinating description of how our food is processed in our bodies in her Chicken Sandwich journey through the digestive system, followed by some great healthy recipes.

Sally’s new book is a fourth edition of her original – Size Matters. As Sally felt it was important to make some updates from the last twenty years as the world progressed since she published the original version, and still maintains her healthy eating journey after thirty years ago when her quest to become healthy and fit began. Sally is not a diet expert, but more, a food, nutrient, and healthy diet expert. As she shares, her healthy eating plan that has been successful with over 1,000 people using her eating program, Sally shares her own story of her success, and her stories will help guide us on our own healthy living journeys.

We will learn how to take back our power of eating in this book and as she said, “This program works – even for the ‘hopeless’ cases who have decided that enough is enough.” And that’s good enough for me! Sally Cronin is an inspiration for us all who strive to be in the best health we can be.
Profile Image for Terry Tyler.
Author 32 books584 followers
September 7, 2024
This has to be the best book of its type that I've ever read. Whether you want to lose a lot of weight, the odd stone, or simply to have a better understanding of nutrition and how your body works, I can't recommend this too highly. Sally Cronin is a qualified, experienced nutritional therapist.

I consider myself to be an 'old hand' when it comes to nutrition, but the book taught me a whole lot more, and reminded me about (a few too many) aspects that I'd let slip. I've just eaten a (lightly fried in olive oil) egg, smoked salmon and raw mushrooms for lunch - if I hadn't just read this book, the mushrooms might have been fried too, and I'd have included a slice of toast, albeit sourdough! Also, for a long time now, when I've bought vegetables to last a few days, I've prepared them and put them in plastic zip-lock bags in the fridge, for easy use later in the day. No longer - I've just discovered that this practice destroys half their nutritional value. Who knew?

Sally's book reminded me, over and over again, that most of what we eat needs to be in its natural state, cooked from scratch; if we eat too much industrially produced, ultra-processed food we can suffer from malnutrition while still being overweight. She includes shopping lists of all we need to obtain every vitamin and mineral, and how to facilitate the production of vital amino acids. Throughout, she does not just give instruction, but tells you why.

As well as nutritional advice, the book contains detailed chapters about exercise, along with details of how many calories are burned by everyday activities, about the emotional reasons for overeating, advice on how to plan your weight loss programme, and there's an excellent recipe section at the back. Sally also talks (in a refreshingly honest way) about her own experience - the long road that took her from morbidly obese to slim, healthy and positive.

Take it from one who knows. This book is an absolute 'must have' for anyone who wants to lose weight and/or take care of their own health.

Profile Image for D. Peach.
Author 23 books152 followers
August 24, 2024
If a reader wants to lose weight and keep it off by adopting a healthy lifestyle, this book can get you there. It’s not a fad diet or a quick-loss plan since those methods for losing weight are usually unhealthy and therefore unsustainable. It also doesn’t require getting a personal trainer, running marathons, or giving up the foods we love. Conscious care for the body’s nutritional needs, gentle adjustments to our eating choices, gentle increases in activity—with a goal of losing 1 pound a week—leads to a lot of sustainable weight loss over time.

And Cronin knows what she’s talking about as someone who’s worked with hundreds of clients as a nutritionist and undertaken the weight-loss journey herself. Her personal stories about her struggle with weight and diets will probably sound familiar to many. And her determination to understand the contributors to weight gain, both psychological and physical, is not only enlightening but empowering.

To me, this wasn’t a diet book as much as a “take care of your body book” which leads to weight loss and weight maintenance. I knew about the value of fresh food over processed food, and the nutritional advantages of eating a balanced diet with lots of vegetables. And the detrimental abundance of sugar in the modern diet isn’t anything new. But I learned a lot about how the body metabolizes food, its nutritional requirements, and what happens when those requirements aren’t met.

The book includes a comprehensive explanation of our amazing and complex biology related to food, as well as a great deal of nutritional science. I didn’t retain all the information on the first read, but the book is a great resource for future reference. Cronin’s strategy for weight loss makes sense and even better, it sounds doable! As a bonus, she includes a few recipes that are staples in her home. Highly recommended to readers who want to live a lighter, healthier life.
Profile Image for Joy York.
Author 7 books51 followers
September 14, 2024
Sally Cronin is truly an inspiration to me, and I am sure she is to many others as well. Her dedication to wellness through a healthy diet and sharing her knowledge and personal weight loss journey to help others is admirable. She was so committed that she studied and became a nutritional therapist, helping hundreds to achieve a healthier lifestyle. It is pure bravery to expose your own personal struggles to encourage and be relatable for others.

I love Cronin’s whole approach to weight loss. It is not just about cutting calories to lose weight. It is about adopting a plan for a healthier lifestyle that you can live with. Getting away from yoyo diets that have no long-term weight loss results or health benefits. You must identify the physical, emotional, and mental attachments you have to food and make a plan to break those negative habits. In a very detailed breakdown, we learn about the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods, and how they affect our bodies in the long and short term. How to design our own weight loss project. The pitfalls. The celebrations. The naysayers. The emotional highs and lows. How to stay on track. There are even shopping lists. Recipes. Rewards. The benefits of exercise and sleep. Setting realistic expectations and sticking to them.

This is the perfect book for me. I will be keeping it as a reference. My journey with food has been challenging. Growing up in the south with the unhealthiest diet of fried foods, gravies, desserts, and bacon seasoning in almost everything, I loved it all. With a high metabolism, I struggled to gain weight in my younger years no matter how much I tried. My unhealthy cooking style finally caught up to me after I had my son in my late 30’s, forcing me to find healthier choices. Cornin’s style is easy to understand, relatable, comprehensive, and encouraging. I highly recommend for it for those who want to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, or to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Profile Image for Alex Craigie.
Author 6 books140 followers
August 12, 2024
Like many others, I’ve tried different diets, been delighted with the results, only to pile on the weight again afterwards. This book is written by a self-professed ‘fat expert’. The author’s credentials are impressive. Weighing 330 lbs and told she had less than five years to live like that, she did her research and in two years, by 1998, she had lost 154 lbs. For me, one of the selling points is that she’s maintained this weight and there’s a photo of her today, in her early 70s, to prove it.
Size Always Matters delves into the emotional as well as the physical issues behind weight gain. Her own story is a painfully honest account of her struggles and is moving, relatable and touched with a wry humour.
The author’s extensive research is condensed into a readable and accessible format and is up-to-date with the latest science. The book covers nutrition from every aspect of its impact on the body, including the damage done by some constituents and the crucial need of others in order to function as it should. From such things as vitamins, trace elements, essential fatty acids and hormones, we learn how much we need, why and where to access them. There are lists of food items that contain them and there’s plenty of choice even for a picky vegetarian like me.
This is a book packed with practical advice and encouragement. There’s an explanation about the consequences of eating too few nutrients (what is often called the ‘starvation response’) which range from fat being stored rather than shed to protect the system, to the excess loose skin from a too rapid weight loss. As Sally Cronin points out, 2 lbs a week, steadily over a year, equals 104 lbs or 7.4 stone. It’s counterproductive to drastically cut the calories, starve yourself and almost certainly yo-yo back soon after.
The nutritional information contains an abundance of advice about ailments that can be resolved or eased by what we eat. It’s a book for anyone who want to be healthier whether they need to lose weight or not. It’s inspirational and fascinating and I recommend it wholeheartedly.
Profile Image for Pete Springer.
213 reviews7 followers
September 19, 2024
One of the first things I look for in any nonfiction book is the author's credentials. In other words, what is their level of expertise? Sally Cronin shares her story as someone who once weighed 330 pounds at the age of 41 with dim prospects of living a long life. Not only did she make substantial changes in her life in terms of diet, exercise, and sleep, she became a certified nuitritionist and assisted many others in making necessary changes to become healthier people.

Thirty years later, she's been able to maintain her substantial weight loss. Her story is inspirational and educational. She pulls no punches and writes with the kind of refreshing honesty that earns a reader's trust. While deservedly proud of her accomplishments, Cronin doesn't come across as a know-it-all or someone who advocates crazy starvation diets. While she doesn't go into her personal trauma, she makes it clear how self-esteem is a big component in many cases of obesity.

Cronin shares her story both from the personal and nutritional aspects of making long-range changes. The second half of the book is a bit more technical, delving into a lot of the science and nutrition of eating properly. She includes several recipes near the end of the book that she uses still today. As someone who has had to battle his weight most of his life, I found much of the information helpful.
Profile Image for Balroop Singh.
Author 12 books75 followers
September 12, 2024
‘Size Always Matters’ is an informative and enlightening book that would inspire you to eat nutritious and healthy food. If you do so, there would be no need to starve yourself to reduce weight. It is very much a choice, as you can design your healthy eating program according to your likes and dislikes. All you need is determination, willpower and patience. If it sounds so simple, then why are so many people overweight? Cronin discusses all the causes and mentions examples from her personal life of how various factors influence your eating habits.

Cronin’s arguments sound appealing as they are based on her personal experiences. Starting a food diary, eating a smaller portion, restricting sugary foods and keeping an eye on stress elements that trigger binge eating or drinking are some of the suggestions, which could be helpful. She even shares a shopping list of food groups to help you focus on healthy eating. She carves an organized path that would surely lead you to a successful weight loss journey.

This book is for your personal library, as one reading may not be sufficient. Also the recipes it shares are for keeping. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Colleen Chesebro.
Author 13 books81 followers
September 9, 2024
I've struggled with my weight throughout my life. I've tried every diet out there. Weight loss is more than just calories in and calories out, especially for women! It's a delicate balance of eating the right amount of food—healthy fruits, vegetables, and lean meat topped off with the right amount of exercise and sleep.

"Size Always Matters" helped me understand some of the emotional and mental attachments I had towards food. Once I tackled some of those issues, I lost weight! Reducing sugar is the key.

I found chapter 33, Some Alternative Ways to Look at Your Shopping Lists, to be one of the most healthful in identifying the vitamins we need. The list identifies the foods and the vitamins contained in each food! Look for the recipes at the end of the book. The author breaks down the ingredients and details the vitamins from each ingredient.

If you're ready to begin your weight loss journey, this is the book for you.
Profile Image for Jaye Marie.
Author 15 books56 followers
September 14, 2024
Honestly, I have never been very successful in keeping myself in good health. I try hard, but I always seem to miss the mark.
I am six feet tall and will never be Twiggy, but losing 30 lbs would make all the difference between merely coping or doing well.
In my old age, I am adopting new ways of eating (and exercising), and Sally has been a great help with other health matters. Visit her website for some of the best advice ever!
First, I had to learn to chew my food properly and slowly. I have always been busy and eat on the go. Now, I keep a food diary and am careful with portion sizes.
The hardest thing was learning not to call it a diet, as it is a way of life.

Size Always Matters is a very interesting and helpful update on Sally’s original book, including tips on staying healthy. The hardest thing for me was eating food slowly.

We should all take better care of ourselves, and Sally can get you there.

Take it from someone who used to be bigger…
Profile Image for Jacquie.
Author 83 books889 followers
August 23, 2024
Size Always Matters provides a comprehensive exploration into the complex intersection of food psychology and the challenges of weight loss. Drawing from a rich tapestry of personal anecdotes and extensive research spanning numerous years, Cronin takes readers on a deeply empathetic journey, illuminating the nuanced experiences of individuals dealing with these issues. Her unwavering perseverance and genuine compassion struck a resonant chord within me. This thought-provoking and meticulously crafted book not only offers an engaging read but also serves as an invaluable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of these complex topics. Prepare to be enthralled and informed in equal measure."
Profile Image for Joy Kidney.
Author 6 books47 followers
August 27, 2024
Sally weighed 330 pounds at age 41 and having health problems. At age 71, she's a normal weight and health. She shares what she's learned about the physical, emotional, and mental attachments to food and what you need to regain a healthy weight. Processed foods, artificial ingredients, and refined sugars have wrecked havoc with our bodies, compounded by use of antibiotics, chronic stress, and not enough exercise and sleep. Sally explains how fresh and natural foods provide the nutrients we need to stay healthy, with a few of her favorite recipes at the end.
Profile Image for Gwendolyn Plano.
Author 3 books56 followers
August 21, 2024
Sally Cronin’s “Size Always Matters” is a deep dive into the psychology of food and, separately, weight loss. It is both a personal story and a compilation of years of research. Cronin’s journey becomes the reader’s journey through stories and profound empathy. Her tenacity and her tenderness moved me deeply. This is an excellent read and a great reference book. You won’t be disappointed.
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews

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