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The Getaway List

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When Riley graduates high school with a rearview of shenanigans but an empty road for a future, she does what they all say to do—pack her bags and head for New York. Her plan is a little loose, but her main goal is to find Tom—her childhood best friend and co-creator of The Getaway List. Years ago, they made a list of all the adventures they wanted to do together, but Tom has been increasingly distant ever since he moved to New York with his famous scriptwriter mom four years ago.

When Riley arrives in New York, her reconnection with Tom is as effortless as it was when they were young—except with one, unexpected complication that will pull Riley’s feelings in a direction she didn’t know they could take. As she, Tom, and their newfound friends work their way through the items on The Getaway List, Riley learns that sometimes the biggest adventure is not one you take, but one you feel in your heart.

Inescapably romantic and brimming with Emma Lord’s signature cheer, The Getaway List is an uplifting and romantic read that will settle into your heart and never leave.


First published January 23, 2024

About the author

Emma Lord

10 books3,996 followers
Emma Lord is the NYT bestselling author of YOU HAVE A MATCH and TWEET CUTE, a BuzzFeed market editor, and dessert gremlin living in New York City, where she spends whatever time she isn’t writing either running or belting show tunes in community theater. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a major in psychology and a minor in how to tilt your computer screen so nobody will notice you updating your fan fiction from the back row. She was raised on glitter, a whole lot of love, and copious amounts of grilled cheese.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,651 reviews
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,681 reviews53.9k followers
April 21, 2024
If, like me, you devour each of Emma Lord's resonating, exquisitely sweet, and perfectly developed YA books, and if you're also one of the most ardent fans of the Big Apple (again, just like me), then this book is calling your name. You simply must secure your own copy, dive in without knowing too much, and prepare to be swept away by the exhilarating and heartwarming adventures of Tomley (Riley & Tom: undeniably the sweetest couple the author has crafted).

The narrative unfolds with the backdrop of Riley's graduation ceremony, a bittersweet occasion for her. As she watches most of her friends depart their town for college, armed with the prospect of reinventing themselves, Riley can't shake off her melancholy. Compounding her woes, a slew of college rejections leaves her disheartened. To add to her emotional turmoil, her best friend Tom, who means the world to her, has recently relocated to Manhattan due to her mother's professional commitments. (Kudos to the author for avoiding the cliché route of the mother moving to LaLa Land, allowing for a more engaging plot that flourishes in the bustling streets of New York.)

Tom reveals an unexpected twist: instead of following her initial plan to enroll at Columbia, she's opting for a gap year. Seeing an opportunity to extend her own timeline, Riley decides to embark on their special "Getaway List" that she and Tom had meticulously crafted. She's determined to rediscover her inner adventurer, although she wrestles with uncertainties about Tom's level of enthusiasm. Yet, her journey isn't solely about bringing Tom on board to complete the list; it also entails forging bonds with Tom's new circle of friends who rally around her, offering unwavering support every step of the way.

Amidst her quest for new experiences, Riley finds her feelings for Tom evolving in unexpected ways, threatening the equilibrium of their longstanding friendship. Is she prepared to take the plunge and risk her heart by falling for her best friend? Through her personal growth, Riley recognizes that happiness demands risk-taking, a realization that propels her toward embracing new opportunities rather than dwelling in the shadow of regret.

This illuminating and heartwarming coming-of-age narrative is a celebration of self-discovery, the pursuit of new horizons, and the transformative journey from friends to lovers. The supporting characters, particularly Mariella and Luca, shine brilliantly as scene-stealers. Emma Lord once again showcases her prowess in crafting inspiring, joyful, and promising YA romance novels, populated by endearing characters who resonate with readers on a profound level.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for graciously sharing a digital review copy of this enchanting book with me, in exchange for my candid thoughts.

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Profile Image for mimi (i’m back!).
460 reviews444 followers
January 29, 2024
Happy publication day to Emma Lord’s The Getaway List!!

Screaming, crying, throwing up at the ridiculous amount of cuteness and heartwarming feelings I'm currently experiencing because what the hell, Emma, there was no need to make this whole thing so deep.

Emma Lord has a reputation that precedes her, as in “one of the best YA’s voices of the past years”, and for a good reason.
Her books are funny, sweet, and full of chaotic and instantly lovable characters, but the story is always well set in a topic. Sure, romance is the thing that makes you wanna read her book at first, but underneath it, there are serious topics, like a bad or non-existent relationship with a parent (or both) and the trauma of that reality, in this case.

Still, I'm not holding back and screaming at the top of my lungs that this one right here is her best work so far.
And I can't wait to see how her next book will be, then: The Break-Up Pact is out August 13th!

4 stars

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley, who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,894 reviews12.6k followers
August 11, 2024
The Getaway List by Emma Lord released in January of 2024. I've been putting it off because after completing this, I have no more Emma Lord's to read until 2025.

A sad day, indeed...

But that day has come. I started the audiobook this morning, because I just couldn't resist anymore and sure enough, I binged it all in one day.

This story is unsurprisingly sweet and cute, full of heart-warming character moments and a #goals Found Family that I wanted to be a part of. I really enjoyed it!

In this story, we meet our MC, Riley, on the day she graduates from high school. She realizes that she's been working so hard the past 4-years, trying to do everything her Mom wants, that she hasn't had any time for herself.

She's at a point when her classmates are moving on to their next steps, and she doesn't even know what she wants her next steps to be. It hits her like a truck.

Riley also realizes she misses her best friend, Tom, who moved away years ago to New York City with his Mom, and she needs a chance to reconnect with him.

Being with Tom, before he moved, those are the last times she really remembers being able to be herself. She misses him and their easy connection.

Needing the freedom to explore options for what the future may have in store for her, Riley plans an impromptu trip to NYC. Sadly, her Mom doesn't support her decision and the two get in a row. Her Mom tells her she can't go.

But Riley's 18-years old, it's time she start making decisions for herself. Even though she's not leaving under the best of circumstances, her mind is made up and off she goes.

The reunion between the two friends is a little uncertain at first. They haven't seen one another in corporeal form in years. Nevertheless, before long, like true friends, it feels like they've never been apart.

After a few days, Riley is feeling more like herself than she has in a long, long time. She decides it would be best if she stay for the Summer. She and Tom have begun to check off items from their Getaway List, and it just feels fated.

There's also something else brewing in Riley's mind. What are these butterflies she's getting in her stomach whenever she's with Tom? This is a whole new feeling, one she just may now be ready to explore.

One of the things I love most about Emma Lord's books is the journeys that the characters go on. Her books are very much Contemporary, with Romance being more of a subplot, which works for me.

I'm not a heavy Romance Reader and the books I enjoy the most with Romance in them, tend to focus a lot on other things going on in the protagonist's lives other than Romance; such as family or career issues.

This book is truly about self-discovery for Riley. She's lost herself in trying to make her Mom happy, and doing what she needs to do to be the good girl. She's been doing what her Mom wants, but finally comes to a point where she recognizes she needs to start making decisions for herself.

She's at that fantastic crossroads in life, just after high school, where all obligations of childhood are completed, and it's time to start take the first steps into adulthood. The world is literally her oyster.

I liked her desire to reconnect with Tom, and I definitely understood her motivations for tracking him down. It was fun watching them reconnect and being along for the ride as their feelings for one another evolved.

My favorite part, however, was the Found Family that Lord created around Riley and Tom. They were both having difficulties with their Moms, and the added support they received from their friends was so needed.

There was a line in the book, I didn't flag it, so don't quote me, but it was something along the lines of, family isn't who you share blood with, it's who you'll spill blood for. That hit in a special way with this book.

If those are the kind of vibes you enjoy in your Contemporary stories, you need to check this one out. It delivered all of that and more. The mix of funny, heart-warming moments, with more serious, quieter moments, was beautifully-executed, IMO.

Overall, I thought this was such a gratifying story. Lord wrapped everything up in a lovely little bow, and I walk away with a big smile on my face.

I'm so happy that I finally made time for this; that I finally caved and read the last Emma Lord book that I have left to read. Emma, I will see you in 2025!!!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Wednesday Books and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review. Clearly, Emma Lord is one of my go-to authors and I cannot wait to pick up more from her.

Her brand of sweet will never get old to me. I eat it up like ice cream with every available topping on it!!

Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
January 2, 2024
4.25 stars

Emma Lord writes some of the most endearing YA novels. The characters in this book felt like they were truly my friends by the end of it. This friend group was so special and it made the story for me!

Riley and Tom have been best friends for a long time, but things changed when Tom moved from Virginia to NYC with his mom. It's been years since they've seen each other, but they've done a decent job of staying in touch. The day Riley graduates she decides enough is enough and makes her way to NYC to see Tom.

Riley thought she was going to see Tom and would be home after the weekend, but she ended up finding herself in the process. I loved the character growth of both Riley and Tom. I wanted to give Tom the biggest hug ever. The two of them were the most adorable together.

The Getaway List itself was such a fun addition to the story. I liked that it wasn't just Tom and Riley participating, it was Jesse, Luca, and Mariella as well. This book was charming, sweet, had a fun adventure and was one of the best YA friends to lovers I've read in a while!

Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,098 reviews1,823 followers
January 16, 2024
Review withheld in support of the SMP marketing boycott 🍉

I received an ALC from the publisher.
Profile Image for Cara.
438 reviews823 followers
Want to read
April 25, 2023
JANUARY 23RD, 2024?!?! I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG😭💔!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Lisa.
898 reviews
April 2, 2024
This was a fun light read about two BFF making a getaway list that both never did but they decide to take off to New York to full fill their dreams.
Profile Image for Louise.
866 reviews156 followers
February 2, 2024
I’m far from the typical reader of books aimed at young adults, but I enjoyed The Getaway List anyway, at least to a certain extent. The best parts for me were the beautiful friendships portrayed and the fact that the whole book is basically a love letter to New York City, in all its glory and grit.

Other than that, this book fell kind of flat for me. Riley is a new high school graduate and has no idea what she wants to do with her life. She applied to a lot of colleges but wasn’t accepted at any of them. (Really? None? How high did she aim??) Tom had been her best friend but moved away to NYC a few years ago and they haven’t been in touch much recently. Both of them have strained relationships with their mothers (both single mothers, by the way), but at least Riley realizes her mother loves her, even though she was a bit controlling. Tom’s mother is too hands-off for comfort.

There is a lot of repetition so I think an editor could have cut some of the material in the middle of the book to make this a better reading experience. The slow burn of Riley and Tom figuring out they had more than a friends-feeling for each other now, was nice but predictable. I didn’t really “get” Tom’s behavior; Riley was much more fleshed out as a character (which makes sense since Riley is the narrator of the story). Miscommunication (or non-communication) is one of my least favorite tropes in romance stories, so that was a disappointing aspect of this book (and yes, I realize the protagonists were quite young).

Riley did a lot of maturing over the course of this NYC summer, so if you’re looking for a light coming-of-age tale, you might like this one better than I did.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the opportunity to read an advance readers copy of this book, although I was a bit late to it. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for ;3.
518 reviews1,227 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
December 22, 2023
after the third or so “swiftie” and “ao3” namedrop i kinda had to call it quits idk
Profile Image for jocelyn!.
221 reviews63 followers
March 3, 2024
this was cute but nothing special...it felt very repetitive. i really liked all the characters and the found family, and tom and riley were precious. but it just felt kind of anticlimactic? i was kind of hoping for more honestly

Profile Image for Fizah(Books tales by me).
664 reviews66 followers
December 25, 2023
I am feeling generous today that's why two stars


Tweet Cute by Emma lord was my favorite book of 2020. I didn't get to read her other work so I was excited to read this one. My favorite thing about her writing was the cute story and the chemistry between MCs. The family also had a significant role in Tweet Cute, It took me a few weeks to get over that cute world. 

The Getaway list turned out to be the opposite. When I started it, I liked the idea and setting but there wasn't that instant connection as it was with the first book. Anyway, It's been years, and obviously, my reading preferences have changed. Riley and Tom are childhood best friends. Tom had to move to NY a few years ago but this change wasn't able to break the bond they shared. The story is all about how some decisions made by parents can affect the lives of children and how they tackle those changes. I liked the concept and I was still there when Riley decided to visit Tom after so many years. I lost it when other characters started to jump into the story and suddenly entire book became so bland.  I struggled to connect with any characters, their actions, and their decisions. The world setting didn't help the case either, people from NY might feel connected to it but for me, it became so specific and made me disinterested in anything. So many things were happening but it seemed like everything was going in circles and doesn't make any sense to me.

I know a lot of people will enjoy it but it wasn't something for me. 
Profile Image for ♡• Ellie •♡.
110 reviews102 followers
July 17, 2024
Oh my (Emma) Lord.

This was exactly what I needed to read right now 🥹🤧 The romance, the characters, the setting, the whole story in general...!! (If you can't tell, I like sweet cozy stories 😉)

I feel like the whole "coming of age" storyline was done well, very believable, and relatable :)
The plot itself was there, but a lot of it was just vibes. But they were my sort of vibes 😌


Chapter 20 can be summed up like so:

It has been an age since a book has done the slow burn so well that I had to LITERALLY SLAM the book shut to grin the biggest, sappiest grin you've ever seen and just sit in anticipation for what I KNOW was coming, and swoon even though it was just a kiss 🫣

Cemented as a new go-to comfort, feel good book 😌

(Definitely more of a ya book for sure, so just be aware that it's not much more than a sweet romance and a mellow plot, but hey, I'm a "ya" too, so I like it!)

Possibly more in depth review coming soon! 🙃
Profile Image for celine.
224 reviews67 followers
Want to read
April 22, 2023
‘welcome to new york’ meets the summer i turned pretty meets people we meet on vacation?????? 😭😭😭😭😭
Profile Image for Maren’s Reads.
822 reviews1,299 followers
February 9, 2024
In the search to reconnect with herself and her dreams, Riley decides visit her best friend Tom in NYC for the summer following her high school graduation.

While the two have grown apart in recent years, they are connected by their childhood invention - the Getaway List - a list of all the adventures they have wanted to do together since Tom’s mom uprooted him. As the two use their Summer together to tackle their list, Riley begins to question newfound feelings for Tom, and whether or not that is an adventure she’d ever be willing to take.

Emma Lord has such a knack for capturing the essence of what it means to be a young adult finding your way in the world, and the emotions that accompany that period in time. I love that her books do have a strong romance element, but that the romance is just one piece of the puzzle. In The Getaway List, Lord explorers the complexities of the mother/child relationship, and how that relationship impacts each of our MC’s upbringings and future decisions.

Over the course of the story, we witness Riley come into her own and conversely, we also witness Tom do the same. And as always, the found family theme is strong, as both of our MC’s rely on their close circle of friends as they navigate through the beginning of the rest of their lives.

I listened to this book on audio, and have to give a shoutout to Norma Butikofer for narrating this story so beautifully. I love when a narrator adds and extra layer of emotional depth to a story and she definitely did that in spades.

Read if you like:
•coming of age
•stories about starting over
•found family
•friends to lovers
•NYC setting

Thank you Wednesday Books and Macmillan Audio for my gifted copies.
Profile Image for Caitlyn DeRouin.
475 reviews57 followers
September 14, 2023
you can read my full review and others at https://teatimelit.com/

Truth be told, before I even finished this book I knew it would end up being 5 stars — that’s why we have 5 star predictions, is it not? After the release of her debut novel, Tweet Cute in 2020, Emma Lord quickly became one of my autobuy and auto-five stars authors. The reason for this being that it is impossible for me to not be happy while reading an Emma Lord novel, and The Getaway List further proves this.

When reading one of Lord’s books I’ve come to expect witty remarks, solid banter, lovable friend groups, and some A+ Taylor Swift references. The Getaway List delivers on all accounts. If I had to assign Taylor Swift songs to this book (which, of course I do), the book as a whole would be Welcome to New York (duh), Riley and Tom would be Timeless, Riley would be A Place in This World and Tom would be mirrorball.

Emma Lord books feel like a warm hug. Her books have a way of making me feel comforted like few others do, and once I start one I have a hard time putting it down. Lord writes atmosphere so well — her books set in New York especially make me feel like I’m there right alongside her characters. I loved reading about Riley, Tom and their friends (Mariella, Jesse, and Luca) and their adventures around the City.

Lord once again delivered a wonderfully funny and heartfelt coming of age story that’ll make readers grin from ear to ear. If you’ve enjoyed Lord’s previous works I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one as well!


in emma lord i trust. review to come!
Profile Image for Riannon.
16 reviews1 follower
September 8, 2023
I was so excited to read this book but it just didn’t do it for me.

The story took so many turns with such quick resolutions. It also just seemed to ramble on and on. By the end, I didn’t feel attached to any of the characters and I just stopped caring what happened to them.

I appreciate the read from Net Galley.
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,206 reviews177 followers
January 17, 2024
I really love Emma Lord.

Her books are so effusive and original. THE GETAWAY LIST is an enjoyable ode to New York City, growing up, and finding yourself. When Riley graduates from high school, she thought she'd have a plan, but she has none. Her mom expects her to stay home over the summer, work at her coffee shop, and go to community college, but when Riley has the chance to visit New York City for the weekend, her visit suddenly turns into... staying. New York City feels like home, like herself, like Riley can finally breathe again. Lord makes us feel like a part of NYC with Riley, bringing the city to life as Riley slowly discovers pieces of herself that she lost while molding herself into the version of Riley that pleased her overbearing mom.

New York also has Tom, Riley's childhood best friend, who moved to the city four years ago. The two expected to see each other often, but when that didn't happen, they developed "The Getaway List," a bucket list of sorts, filled with ideas to keep them connected. Once together, they start knocking items off the list--take a class together, do a run together for the delivery service where Tom works, etc. Riley loves everything about New York, including the fun new group of friends she meets, but she is a bit confused by the new feelings she has for Tom. Falling in love with NYC is one thing; falling in love with Tom is certainly another.

While this is certainly a YA book filled with teen angst and drama, Riley and Tom are mature, and this is such an effervescent and intriguing story. Riley and Tom bonded as children over a time traveling book series, which is woven throughout the book; it's so nerdy and cute, just like them. Like many of Lord's books, this is a romantic story, but also a tale of friendship at its core. She writes about friendship so beautifully, and it's wonderful reading about Riley and Tom's journey.

THE GETAWAY LIST has a bouncy set of ancillary characters who boost the story, from Tom and Riley's other childhood friend, Jesse, who is trying to make it with his band; to Mariella, Tom's cheerful, brilliant tech genius /artistic friend; and Luca, whom Tom and Riley meet at a writing class. This group's new friendship is sweet and touching too. As for Tom and Riley, they do not have overwhelming chemistry, but a deep, calm relationship. Their friendship is the basis for anything more and watching them grow is special in its own way. They are also funny, nerdy, and growing up.

As with any book by Lord, this story is unique, humorous, and entertaining. LIST delves into mother/child relationships, friendships, coming-of-age, and romance with its own special insight. 4+ stars.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in return for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for kelseyandherbooks .
440 reviews433 followers
August 4, 2023
First of all, thank you so much to Wednesday Books for sending me an advanced e-copy of The Getaway List. I gasped when it popped into my email earlier this week and started it almost immediately!

Second of all, very excited for you all to meet my new favourite Emma Lord YA romance. I absolutely ADORED this book. It's a love letter to New York City, a beautiful coming-of-age and growing up and learning how to make decisions for yourself. Some of the choices Riley made near the beginning of the book may feel questionable, but honestly, I hope that when my kids are old enough, they'll feel confident making hard choices for themselves with the knowledge that I will always love and support them (even if I would do something different or don't really understand) - like Riley and her mom.

I loved Tom and Riley's relationship. A best friendship that fell into love both gradually and all at once. And the group of friends!! Their adventures through NYC were such a highlight. It made me want to travel to New York and retrace their footsteps, just like they did with their favourite fantasy series.

This book was such a highlight and I am so sad I have to wait until January to have a physical copy in my hands!
Profile Image for Kruthika Prakash.
58 reviews76 followers
February 18, 2024
TomRiley, RileyTom—"Two parts built to make one whole", writes Emma. Tom and Riley are best friends. To describe them, they are what best friends are--inseparable and deeply entangled :)
Riley's narration is fun, honest and unputdownable. The book begins with her trip to New York to kickstart a journey ticking off 'The Getaway List". I can assure you that you will love Tom and Riley's time together in New York. The warmth that they share blossoms a yearning amongst us--the ladies--to have someone like Tom in our life. Emma’s story is woven with wonderful range of characters leading interesting lives. She elegantly portrays life in New York. Her writing especially the metaphors are impressive. But, the plot is predictable. Overall, it’s a book to escape to New York to meet interesting people. So, I’d give it 3.5 ⭐️/5. More in my blog: https://booksfoodmylife.blogspot.com/...
Profile Image for Stephanie.
514 reviews57 followers
December 30, 2023
ARC audiobook provided in exchange for an honest review.

The female narrator did a wonderful job with this story! She seamlessly transitions between both male and female characters without skipping a beat! The story itself was very sweet for a young adult audience. I have an almost 17 year old daughter who I will definitely be gifting this when it comes out because her dream is to go to college in New York. I would definitely recommend to anyone who likes sweet, young adult romantic comedies that have very little spice!
Profile Image for dee (hiatus).
161 reviews45 followers
December 6, 2023
5 ★ stars.

Thanks to Macmillan Audio for giving me a chance to access this book in advance.

Leaving this here so I can come back later when it's available in every other format, it definitely deserves another reread and a few. I fell in love with Emma Lord's work after her 2020 release, 'Tweet Cute', which turned out to be an all-time favorite of mine.

I predicted 5 stars for 'The Getaway List' even before I got into it and I couldn't be more glad to have my expectations met. A bingeworthy, unlifting rom-com that ventures into friendships, relationships, losing and finding oneself with top-tier humor, easy banters and lovable characters. The childhood friends to lovers trope and the Taylor Swift references were just another tick in it's favor. Riley and Tom had that one-of-a kind love that you can't help melting over. It started with innocent platonic love and evolved into something all-consuming with Emma Lord's signature charm to the mix.

This book is for everyone who wants to get lost in an adventure to tick off an epic bucket list for one afternoon, along with characters who'd borrow into your heart faster than you can turn the page. Honestly, this book didn't have a bad inch; I loved everything from the writing style to the theme, setting and atmosphere. This book had my heart on a grip from start to finish, it felt like being wrapped in a warm hug. So, what are you waiting for? Hop on this beautiful ride that is 'The Getaway List' and I'm positive you will have an amazing journey.
Profile Image for Hannah.
331 reviews12 followers
March 7, 2024
i loved this one!!
i loved the friend group and ofc the new york setting.

this is a perfect coming of age, finding yourself type story.

just a feel good type book!!
Profile Image for Dawn (noladawnreads).
246 reviews32 followers
January 24, 2024
I’ve been in a huge book funk. Nothing was working, I’d read a half hour or so and completely lose interest. This was so distressing because I have SO many books to read.
So I scrolled through my NetGalley and saw that I had The Getaway List still in my queue. I’ve never read anything by Emma Lord but I heard so many great things about Tweet Cute so figured, can’t hurt. Well… that was the best decision I made. I zipped right through the first 85% and probably could’ve kept going if I wasn’t exhausted. But I woke up and finished it pronto!

Riley and Tom were best friends and got into LOTS of mischief when they were growing up. But since Tom moved away they haven’t been as close and they haven’t been able to complete their Getaway List, a list of adventures they want to do together. So what should Riley do when she graduates and has no plans?? Well, head to New York to see Tom of course!

I loved that they had this amazing friendship (but of course there was a mutual attraction happening😻). They have this incredible found family with other friends and explore New York City together. Both Riley and Tom were raised by their single moms (who were friends) but are currently having mom issues and rely on each other to work through them. I REALLY liked how Riley worked so hard to be a good person for her mom and the relationship they had. Her thoughts were spot on as a daughter and young adult making changes in life.

Norma Butikofer was a great narrator. She personified Riley’s emotions to a tee. I’ll be looking for more from her and I will for sure be reading the rest of Emma Lord’s work. This was such a treat!

Thank you Macmillan Audio, Macmillan Young Listeners, and NetGalley for my early review copy.
These thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for tia ❀.
165 reviews729 followers
September 10, 2023
Emma Lord is one of those authors that I always look forward to reading!!! She writes achingly tender coming of age stories, and The Getaway List is another great one of hers.

I know from her previous books that Lord like to jam pack her stories with multiple elements: getting to know oneself better (the obvious coming of age bit), familial relationships, budding new friendships, romance between the main characters, some flirty vibes between some side characters, nerdy or goofy concepts close to our main character’s heart to tie the life metaphors together.

She never fails to add in moments that make me laugh out loud. I love how easy going the character dynamic plays out with this new friendship group, it’s a joy!! Riley is eighteen in the Big Apple and so wide eyed about what’s to come for her that you can’t help but root for her. I think all the characters were well written and easily likable, and the pacing felt really natural.

The Getaway List was such an enjoyable read for me, big thanks to NetGalley and St Martins Press for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!!
Profile Image for Kiret.
767 reviews
February 21, 2024
This story fell flat for me. There was a lot of repetition that could have been edited out and the slow burn between Tom and Riley didn’t justify Tom’s behaviour. I thought that was really weird and not necessary. Other than that, I did enjoy the story and found it to be relatable.
Profile Image for TJ.
3,029 reviews207 followers
December 1, 2023
What a lovely, sweet, and poignant coming of age novel! It keeps the light and breezy touch that Ms. Lord is known for but burrows in with a depth and tenderness that resonates with anyone, young or old, who has felt lost on their journey to find themselves.

Riley's character is especially touching and relatable. She is so full of life and fire but yet still so young and unsure of herself and her place in the world. She has courage and the determination to overcome and grow, and that is such an impressive lesson for readers to experience as they follow her through that growth. The secondary characters are also enjoyable and easy to like, each with their specific quirks and gifts. Ms. Lord did a fabulous job of painting a picture of modern day teens in a positive way, while still uncovering their youthful inexperience realistically. I do think there are times the character's insights came across as much older than their 18 years and, given the world we live in, the ability to do many of the things they did may not seem completely viable.

Still, the messages, the struggles, and the hope shine so brightly that one can't help but adore both the characters and the story. It is truly a delight and one that leaves a sweet smile as the last page turns.
Profile Image for Rebekah.
445 reviews32 followers
October 8, 2023
“The unknown becoming known. A strange place becoming home.”

1 Sentence Summary: It’s Riley’s high school graduation and she has no idea who she is or what she’s going to do now—she was rejected from every college she applied to and has spent the last four years only doing what her mom wants—until she makes an impulsive decision to move to NYC for the summer and visit her childhood friend Tom to complete The Getaway List, a list of everything they’ve wanted to do together since he moved away.

My Thoughts: This was so cute!!! Emma Lord never disappoints. It was very well written and the perfect mix of fluffy cuteness and heavier emotions.

I loved all of the characters and the relationships—the romance and the chemistry and the FRIENDSHIPS omg why do I not have a friend group like this? Riley and Tom were so cute together. Childhood best friends to lovers?? Come on, so freaking adorable.

Also, the communication in this book??? Next level. Riley’s whole friend group was so good at talking to each other and having healthy communication. (And for someone whose least favorite trope is miscommunication, this was greatly appreciated.)

Okay, and tell my why all of Emma Lord’s books make me want to one, move to New York, and two, eat dessert?

(Oh, also, I love when books have other books in them that don’t exist in real life. Like, I want to read the Tides of Time series now—a series Riley and Tom are obsessed with—even though it’s not real!)

Recommend to: Fans of adorable YA contemporary novels featuring NYC shenanigans, amazing friendships, and friends to lovers romance.

(Warnings: swearing; parental neglect)

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing me an eARC in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Lauren.
304 reviews168 followers
October 12, 2023
I am trying very hard to not scream about this but I’m so sorry I cannot contain it. I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF THIS BOOK!!!!!! I’ve loved everything Emma has ever written and I will follow her to the ends of the earth but this was my favorite book she’s written.

I very rarely highlight the books I read and I found myself highlighting so many lines because they felt like they came deep from within my soul. The best way I can describe this book is that it made me feel seen while also hugging me.

Thank you, thank you NetGalley for the ARC. I absolutely cannot wait to buy a copy when it releases!
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