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Lost Boys #1

The Skeptic

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From USA Today Bestselling Author Kelly Fox comes a new series set in one of Central Texas's fastest-growing river towns.

You've heard of those romances where the priest is seduced by the worldly outsider? Yeah, this isn't that.

I'm a gay preacher with more tattoos than sense and more notches on my bedpost than years in the ministry. I'm also not totally settled on the existence of God. Call me a skeptic, but when you work with abandoned and abused teenagers, you tend to have a few questions for anyone calling themselves divine .

Having lived in Seguin most of my life, I've always been the troublemaker. Most of my queer friends fled this place just after high school, but we all know that the only reason any of us made it out alive was our shop teacher, Mr. Paige. He lovingly called us his Lost Boys. Now that his health is failing, the Lost Boys are coming together to support him and his family.

To be honest, I may have been more supportive of Mr. Paige's son than was totally appropriate for a guy in a collar. Turns out, just like the Lost Boys, Holden had good reason to leave Seguin all those years ago.

Despite his history, I'm hoping he's willing to find a reason to stay.

316 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 15, 2023

About the author

Kelly Fox

52 books677 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
July 27, 2024
4.25**** stars

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.”

This was… just plain wonderful. I loved how freaking wholesome this first installment was. Ofc hot, also super heartfelt, with a lot of Kelly’s trademark humor and an absolute great introduction into her new series and the Lost Boys with all the found-family love you can ever want.

As for Beckett, the hot and heavily tattooed (kinda) priest and the shop-class teacher’s son, Holden… their romance was sweet, caring and so supporting.

“So you want to sin and yet receive praise?” I asked, squeezing his junk until he whined. “Yes, Father.”

After carefully, deliberately removing every stitch of clothing, he stood in front of me. His demand was silent, but so fucking loud.

All the Lost Boys gathering together in their hometown Seguin, Texas to honor a man who gave them strength and a safe space. I can’t wait to meet all of them in person in their own book and I already have an inkling as to which lost souls will be the epic finally of the series. Again, I can’t wait.

Declan Winters is a great choice as a new go-to narrator and I’m looking forward to all the audios to come for this series.

side note: I’m pretty curious to learn what Kelly has planned for this Chase guy. If she just painted a homophobic, abusive and terrorizing villain for the series or if she intends on giving us a redemption story similar (although he’s worse) to the one we got for Justin in Sworn Enemy.

Lost Boys Series

Prequel - The Thief - 3.5 stars
Book 1 - The Sceptic - 4.25 stars
Book 2 - The Crush - 4.25 stars
Book 3 - The Punk - 3.5 stars
Book 4 - The Steady - 4.5 stars
February 8, 2024
Wholesome romance with a dash of priest-kink.

Before we start - what the heck is this cover? I almost didn’t pick it up because of it. What convinced me were Kati’s review and the fact that Declan Winters is narrating.

And because you kind of know what you get when you read a book by Kelly Fox: usually there’s some kind of a queer group, usually with one older couple (where one of them might or might not die at some point), a mostly queer friendly small town, low drama and a lot of wholesomeness despite a loosely interwoven crime/human trafficking plot and the occasional homophobic prick.

I’m happy to report that we got all of that - even the darker themes are treated in a way that don’t drag you down as a reader, even if I bawled my eyes out when that one older character died.

As for the romance: it was… ok. “Priest-kink” isn’t really “my” jam, usually everything religion-related leaves me uneasy because of the underlying bigotry that (usually) goes along with it. At least Beckett (the “Skeptic”) didn’t continue on his Catholic path that had been pre-picked for him, and I loved the kind of community he created for himself, and the way he talked to his congregation. But that priest-kink stuff where he left his collar on and had his partners call him “Father”- uh. No. Leaves me with an uneasy feeling.

In the other corner we have Holden, who left his hometown before college after a homophobic attack that almost killed him. He returns to the side of his dying father, and he looks for… idk… a break? repentance?… in Beckets arms right after Beckett picks him up at the airport. For a while, he keeps showing up at Becket’s doorstep claiming that he “needs to be put back together”.

I kind of loved it, and kind of didn’t. Tbh I’ve been more invested in the side characters that are being set up for upcoming books than in the main couple. Declan Winters still made it worth my while, but the romance itself fell a bit short for me.

Still: good start in a new series, I’ll definitely continue listening to the audio books!
Profile Image for Tare.
239 reviews19 followers
February 2, 2024
3.5 stars rounded up

This was cute. The sex was 👌👌 Priest kink ftw. As for the rest, I am intrigued to see all the "Lost Boys" find their HEA.
Profile Image for Heather MMRomanceReviewed.
1,447 reviews60 followers
November 15, 2023
Once again, Kelly Fox made me cry... big fat tears... not because Holden has a priest kink and Beckett is a non-denominational minister, but because she tore me up and put me back together more than once in this story.

Not only do we get steamy scenes, great world building and a sweet HEA, we get cameos from so many of the characters from previous worlds AND a little foreshadowing of what's to come with future "Lost Boys". If you are a fan of Kelly's previous worlds, you'll find great rep in the pop up side characters visiting Texas... make sure you have tissues handy and get ready for a roller coaster of emotions as you start this next chapter with The Skeptic!
Profile Image for Amanda.
2,255 reviews93 followers
December 19, 2023
4.5 rounded to 5

After enjoying the introduction novella to this new Kelly Fox series I was excited to get to know the Lost Boys more and I was not disappointed. An abundance of found family , queer support & love, hurt /comfort , high steam , priest / sinner role play , loss of a parent, ALL the feels ( y'all I shed more than a few years ) , a sprinkle of cameos from past Kelly Fox series ( but not enough for someone to feel left out , just a treat for fans) , a happy ending to put a smile on your face . I honestly don't know which Lost Boys
I'm most excited to get a HEA because I'm so excited for them all .

Favorite Quotes :
Profile Image for Ana.
514 reviews
September 9, 2024
From the foreword:
"A Catholic seminary dropout who's questioning the divine and willing to leave the collar on if a lover asks nicely"
That's my kind of book 😂
I loved the found family and lost boys theme. Being accepted and loved no matter what, finding your person and falling for them. Giving back.
I was a little confused by all those side characters, and the villain seemed to pop up at the most convenient times, but I'm excited to read the next book.
Profile Image for Sara.
2,088 reviews38 followers
December 11, 2023
All the feels

4.5 stars! I read only one book by Kelly Fox before and it wasn’t my favorite so I put her in the ‘probably won’t read again’ category in my mind. But give me a priest on the cover and I might just show up. And I’m glad I did because I really enjoyed The Skeptic! Very interesting discussions about religion and sexuality. The light priest k!nk and praise k!nk was sexy and well done. It also made me tear up, so it’s got all the feels. :) Will be checking out more in this series.
Profile Image for Katey Guillot.
806 reviews16 followers
December 18, 2023
Absolutely fantastic!

There was never any question as to if the books in this universe were good because the stories have never disappointed. The issues always came down to poor editing. The books were inconsistent, lacked continuity, and were a grammatical mess. It made me sad and angry and annoyed to sit there and give them such low ratings, and I’m beyond excited to say that I don’t have to do that this time. It’s not even a thing on my radar.

The editing was solid, even if a few issues cropped up in the last ~20%. I still want clarification on the whole Leo and Lyle thing, but I’m honestly willing to let it go and overlook it. One or two things here and there are such a massive step up from before and I can definitely give credit where it’s due.

The main characters, this new town and bubble of space in this universe, the new cast of satellite characters, the story…all of it was amazing. I love Beckett and Holden so much. I want to be their friend so bad. The spice was E X T R E M E L Y nice, and I will not feel sorry for thinking the opening lines of the book were perfection.

We’re also not talking about the ugly crying and hysterical laughter I had going on throughout because we’re nice and respectful like that.

And the quotes…😗🤌🏽

I cannot tell you how much I love this new series. I can’t wait for the next book. My patience is thin because I’m overeager to hear all of the Lost Boys tell their stories. The game has changed and even though I will still never forgive The Wimberly Chronicles for existing, I’m happy that I stuck it out and made it this far. This is The Best of the Best.

4.5/5. I’m gonna need to readjust my views on religion (not really) because I’m pretty sure Beckett created one that actually works. And seeing Jules again gives me hope that another book as good as Scout’s is coming🥺🙏🏽
Profile Image for Aimee .
994 reviews12 followers
November 15, 2023
Father Beckett!

I adore Kelly Fox and have absolutely loved everything she’s written and haven’t been disappointed yet. The Skeptic has a different feel too it from her other series. This story has a softer feel to it and I absolutely adored that. Beckett’s view on being a preacher and whether or not God exists was actually very enlightening and I completely understood where he was coming from. Holden came into the story needing something soft and loving and his and Beckett’s spicy scenes were just that, granted, they were also HOT with Holden calling Beckett “Father” and wanting him to leave his collar on!

The main story revolves around Beckett and Holden but there is a second important arc that just broke me! Mr. Paige’s health and eventually decline was devastating. I cried so hard at the initial scene and several times throughout the rest of the story, though those later tears were mixes of sad and happy tears. Thru the tears though, there was laughter and joy and growth. I adored meeting this crew of Lost Boys and seeing how Mr. Paige brought them into his fold and they all came together no matter what for one another.

Needless to say, I truly loved this story and the softer feel of it. I loved seeing all the connections to Wild Heart Ranch and seeing Jules again ( I really hope we get a story from her. She seems truly amazing!!)

One thing I do NOT want to see in future Lost Boys books is a redemptive arc for Chase Dewitt. Not everyone needs to be redeemed. Chase needs to go crawl into a hole and disappear from Seguin from now into eternity.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
401 reviews5 followers
November 13, 2023
Anything Kelly Fox writes is an auto-read for me. I just love how interwoven all her stories are. It’s filled with love, sadness, pain, hope, basically all the feelings. As one would come to expect from a KF book. Holden and Beckett are very sweet together and come into each other’s lives at the right time. I’m not sure anything I say can do it justice - be prepared to laugh and cry out loud. I am so excited to read more in this new series!
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,199 reviews4 followers
December 20, 2023
This is a wonderful start to a new series! In this story, Beckett is a tattooed, skeptical non-denominational minister who wonders about the existence of God while he's also very committed to serving his community, especially at-risk LGBT+ youth. He exists on occasional hook-ups, only connecting with men fairly far from his own home in Seguin, Texas. He's one of the Lost Boys, a group of queer friends who became close in high school while mentored and protected by gay shop teacher, Mr. Paige. They are now coming back to Seguin to help support Mr. Paige and his husband while Mr. Paige deals with two severe, damaging bouts of pneumonia.

Holden is Mr. Paige's adopted son, who has stayed away from Seguin for years, although his fathers came to visit him periodically. Holden was badly beaten in a homophobic attack while in high school and returning to the place where his attacker still live has been too triggering. Now, however, with his father seriously ill, Holden braves his fears to return while also breaking up with his cheating boyfriend.

Holden and Beckett meet and spend time together. Holden needs some comforting in these difficult times and turns to Beckett for affection and passion. It doesn't hurt that he has a priest kink that Beckett fills perfectly. What begins as a one-time hook-up becomes more. Can these two men overcome the obstacles, danger, and grief they must encounter?

The book lightly introduces members of the Lost Boys who will likely star in upcoming books in the series. There is also a nice tie-in to a few characters from the Wild Heart Ranch and Rebel Sky Ranch series, as they are located in the same general vicinity. The writing has just the right blend of kink, kindness, friendship, passion, danger, and delight. I look forward to reading every book in this series.
Profile Image for Bess.
246 reviews6 followers
January 22, 2024
I was not a fan of the first book in this series, but I was so intrigued by the concept of this book that I couldn't resist giving it a try. Unfortunately, this was an immediate dnf.

No rating, because this is my own fault for not thinking through the trigger warnings. Please absolutely definitely heed the content warnings, as the story begins with a sexual encounter between a priest and a seminary student (which is presented as consensual, but there is a power dynamic there that some would take issue with and it is presented as the student 'seducing' the priest).
Profile Image for Lindsey.
332 reviews18 followers
January 29, 2024
Way too many characters

So, I went into this book thinking it was a standalone (in this series) and nope. Peoples names kept being dropped left and right and I was so completely confused on who the heck everyone was.

Apparently this author likes to have characters from other series make lots of guest appearances in all the other ones she writes too. Mentioning that the reader should perhaps read the other series (and list which ones to read), would have been better.

There’s also so many Lost Boys, random side characters, and teens in this book that I still have no idea who is who. I get having to know about a group of people for a new series, but this was like an absolute info dump of random people and how they fit in with who, what and where.
Profile Image for Gigi Romano.
364 reviews20 followers
April 12, 2024
Smut was fun and sweet but basically everything else? Somehow both overwhelming and kinda boring. There were a million side characters and subplots and not nearly enough about the actual *romance*. Some good messaging and the writing itself was good, but the story as a whole was not executed well imo. And the pacing was truly wild tbh. Overall meh, but I’ll probably give this author another try in the future.
Profile Image for Emily.
706 reviews
January 3, 2024
I used to really love Kelly Fox’s books, but it seems that lately her stories just aren’t grabbing me.

I didn’t feel much chemistry between Holden and Beckett. They jumped into bed together too quickly for any chemistry/tension to build, so for me the story was quite boring. I like the idea of this story but it’s just lacking something for me.
Profile Image for J.L..
Author 13 books61 followers
November 14, 2023
This book easily works as a stand-alone, but I’ve now seen Beckett in two previous works by Fox (the finale of her Wild Heart Ranch series and the prequel to this series) and already knew I was intrigued by this character. I’m generally not keen on religious characters, but Fox has turned into an author I trust to handle all issues with care, so I was willing to make the leap here. It turns out that Beckett is the literal opposite of everything generally hate about religious characters, and therefore I absolutely adore him. He is truly the skeptic the title indicates, and that makes his care and dedication to his friends and community all the more genuine and valuable.

Holden is a bit more “stereotypical” as a character (which actually makes him an anomaly in Fox’s books), but sometimes that’s exactly what the story calls for. We didn’t meet him in the prequel, for good reason, and his return to his hometown may be unplanned but comes at the right time nonetheless. I knew immediately that he would be quietly badass in his own way, and that was with only hints of his backstory and before he turned up the heat with his seduction game.

At first, I thought Fox had just figured out a fun way to give us some early spice before the traditional romance arc unfolded between these characters. Instead, she upends everything I expected about this book, making me cry harder than I did in any of her series that involved heavier issues like human trafficking. Though she may have broken my heart for real this time, it’s clear that Fox doesn’t hurt her readers lightly. The pain in this book is necessary for the main characters to bloom, and it may be the first in the series, but the theme of legacy is sure to reverberate through each of the books that come after.

Thus, we don’t necessarily get a traditional romance arc for what develops between Beckett and Holden, but it’s still an important and lovely story that highlights the difficulty of loving someone during and through a time of personal and emotional upheaval. Along the way, Becket and Holden also undergo excellent individual character development. Both may have fraught moments that involve confronting their pasts, but the results secure a better future for everyone.

I have the feeling that Beckett and Holden have been passed the mantle of caretaker for this lovely community of Lost Boys, and I look forward to seeing them in truly supportive roles through the rest of this series.

Disclaimer: I received a digital review copy of this book from the author.
Profile Image for Ash.
265 reviews14 followers
February 5, 2024
This book is LONG. Probably far longer than it needed to be. There was a ton of fluff and unnecessary environment plotting, BUUUUUUT, it was still good. This book follows rouge priest/minister Beckett and the son of Mr. Paige (founder of the Lost Boys), Holden. Holden is finally informed that his father was in the hospital and flees a failed relationship and a draining job to be closer to his father. Beckett is sent to pick him up when he arrives and the chemistry is off the charts. They stick together through some really tough things and live their life with their friends and family once the dust settles.

I am going to find a nice soapbox now:
Like I mentioned earlier, this book is long. So long. It is a very easy read and the pacing is great, but I found myself wondering why certain information was included. Maybe it's just me because I am from Texas and near the area that this book takes place in, but I cannot see a single reason why every highway/toll road in the area needs to be named. Or the specific art installations at the airport. I know the author is from Texas and visited Seguin but this, at times, felt like more of a brochure of Seguin/Austin/SA, than a romance telling.

As someone that lives near the town and has a husband that lived in Seguin, I am aware that the times are changing. However, this is still Texas and while there was some conflict, it did not seem at all realistic to the actual environment. Even in Austin, arguably one of the most (if not THE most) liberal/accepting cities in Texas, it is still not as openly inviting as the author portrays it to be. Again, this is still Texas.

Anywho, I did enjoy the book for the most part. It just required me to live in a state of semi-suspended reality while I read it. There is conflict in the story, but it just seemed... unrealistic? Off? I don't know. I just can NOT envision a man being able to wear the cloth/collar while not being actually ordained and no one batting an eye.

This review probably makes the book sound less than great, but it really is good for those looking for a low angst, cozy read. It just apparently summoned both my opinions on small town Texas and the Church in one fell swoop. 🤣
Profile Image for Colleen (boo_boos_books) Hewitt.
281 reviews7 followers
November 15, 2023
Review - The skeptic by Kelly Fox

5 🌈

Kelly is a one click author for me, half the time i don't read the blurb fully i’ll just jump right in. The Skeptic reminded me of why this is. This gave me the feels similar to when I read Kelly’s Wrecked and rebel sky series. There’s something about grief, comedy and spice in a book that only Kelly can seem to master (for me anyway). I knew the hurt and tears would be kissed better along the way. Having seen a little of Beckett in previous books I was really looking forward to getting to know him better. Beckett isn't like any man of the cloth that i've met and i'm totally here for it.
Holden and Beckett meet again when Beckett picks him up from the airport as a favour for Mr paige. They instantly have chemistry that is on fire. And this leads to the first of many spicey encounters. Seeing these two fall for each other around their grief and events that could test a couple really felt like something special. Mr paige (pops) really made something amazing when he found his lost boy’s. They are more than just a group of friends, they are a found family. There for each other and the Paiges no matter what.
I can't wait to learn more about all Mr Paiges lost boys, I can already tell that Kelly has started another series that will be special to me in its own little way. I loved the little cameo’s throughout this book and it wouldn't be a book by Mrs Fox if Anders wasn't mentioned. I may have had a happy dance when Jules popped up. I'm now left wondering how much English breakfast tea I need to ship to Kelly to get Jules and Ginger's story 😂 .

I received a copy in return for my honest review
Profile Image for caffeinated.crystal .
317 reviews7 followers
February 22, 2024
Here I am, just trying to live, and Kelly Fox delivers a book that gave me EVERY FEELING simultaneously with what may amount to a bucket of tears.

I LOVED this book.
Every single star.

The Skeptic is set in Seguin, a small town in Texas with a budding queer community. The series is set around the "Lost Boys," a group of queer adults who were mentored as teens by their beloved shop teacher, Mr. PAIGE. The adults either stayed or are in the process of moving back to reclaim their town and be a part of the growing changes.

The Skeptic is Beckett and Holden's story. Beckett, the tattooed preacher who questions the existence of God and believes in ministering and helping his community. Holden, Mr. Paige's son, who [redacted] but moves back to Seguin to be with his parents.

I can't recommend this book enough. It's set in Kelly's Texas universe. So you see familiar faces, but this new group really captures the heart.

💚 Beckett's care and kindness
🩵 sweet Holden with his religion k!nk
💜 Ren! And Pops. But REN, and their love 😭😭
💚 the found family vibes are immaculate
💜 the Chase story is hard to read, but important
🩵 the way the community shows up
💚 Carl!
🩵 the epilouge, oh my god

To say I loved this book is an understatement. This was the hug I needed with the community vibes that make me excited to read the next book. Which I will start immediately when I'm home.

Kelly is a real artist.
I loved Beckett and Holden.
I can't wait to see them in the next book.

" I imagined scooping out handfuls of that black tar from my insides and letting the wind take it. By the time we hit the Idaho border, I felt free."
Profile Image for Inkspired.
48 reviews
August 13, 2024
This is my first time reading for Kelly Fox. I like the style and I like that the work is based around a premise and a community. I really enjoyed the book and the diverse characters I met and the tribute to the person that makes a difference in the lives of so many. We all have one of those people in our lives.

I wouldn’t categorize this book as an MM Romance, but rather an LGBTQIA+ friendly book. It is true that the book is written from a dual point of view of two love interests, but little of it focuses on the romance itself, and more of it focuses on the intricacies of navigating life as a homosexual and delving into issues of familial relationships, adoption, marriage, violence, bullying, and acceptance.

I approached the read expecting smut under the guise of a ‘preacher’ trope and ended up pleasantly surprised with all the heavy issues that were discussed in a smooth and easy way. Even belief or lack of belief in God and organized religion was discussed so elegantly.

Well done!

📌 Here are a couple of lines I liked.

“He looked like a troublemaker but sounded like autumn leaves. Er, maybe soothing rain on a tin roof.”

“My guiding stars are kindness and honesty. I don’t have much patience with dogma.”

“I’d always thought of love as a cliff to be jumped off. I hadn’t realized it could creep up so quietly that by the time you noticed it was there, it simply felt like the natural order of things. Like the way the misty weather left perfect, shimmering beads of water on my philodendrons or the way enjoying the sun’s warmth from the protection of the shade made a nap feel like home.”

Profile Image for Elle Kay.
318 reviews
November 15, 2023
Oh Beckett. You’ve had me from your first appearance back on Wild heart ranch. A gay, tattooed, un-believing minister? Sign me up! The only question was going to be, who had the charisma it took to keep up with him? Enter Holden. On the tail end of a bad breakup, returning to a town full of bad memories, dealing with a sick father….and wildly, fiercely brave in spite of it all.

Fox once again crafts a world that is so easy to escape into. The real-life town of Seguin, Texas is the back-drop, but the businesses and characters are all of the author’s imagination. The found family of the Lost Boys is spectacular, which is not surprising as it is a pillar of Fox’s storytelling.

This book should come with a Kleenex warning though because - Gack - did I cry! Despite that, this is a hopeful and uplifting novel that will have you believing in love, friendship, legacy and redemption.

With lots of cameos by previous Fox works, this one is a treat for long-time readers, but could equally be enjoyed by someone new to the author.

I just have to mention the cover because the artist, Duy Phan, did an exceptional job of bringing Beckett to life. I don’t even know how you draw someone so mischief is radiating from their eyes. The artist nailed the image of Beckett I had in my head.

5 stars and these two characters are going to stick with me long after finishing this book.

Ps. Thank you, Anders!
428 reviews5 followers
November 16, 2023
Though I knew I would love this book as much as I do all of Kelly Fox’s stories, I did find that The Skeptic hit me a little bit differently than her usual murderous mayhem boys and I couldn’t be happier. I think this Lost Boys series will have a slightly different feel than her normal series and I am all here for it. This book definitely starts off with a Bang and shows us that sometimes what starts off as an escape can turn into so much more. Beckett is a man with a calling for helping people, but just not sure how to fulfill that need in his daily life so he provides service in his own way and format to those around him. Holden has a turbulent past with his hometown of Seguin and comes back to recover from a major life event and to help his father recover from illness. There were so many things I loved about this book, one being the real approach of how serious illness not only affects the person who is ill but their friends and family around them. This book also provided more tears for me than any other Kelly Fox novel and I was so there for the ride. I don’t think I have ever been more heartbroken over a character I barely got to know in a book before and it was a beautiful thing. We also had a few nice cameo's and mentions of those lovely boys of mayhem as well for fun. Kelly Fox fan or not, this is a must read for any romance lover who just wants to “Feel” for a little while. Can’t wait to see how the other Lost Boys are “Found”.
Profile Image for Ana  Nimity.
1,159 reviews63 followers
November 12, 2023
It's been a while since I full-on cried while reading a book and I should have known that Kelly Fox would do it to me again. No spoilers, but if you're soft-hearted like I am, you'll want tissues to read The Skeptic.

There's a prequel novella, The Thief, that's a quick intro to many of the characters and while it's not 100% necessary to read it before this book, the short is a good way to get an idea of what's going on before going into this first full-length novel in a new series that features a character we met in the Wild Heart Ranch series. In fact, there are a few cameos from other books, but they are done well, enhancing rather than taking over the narrative.

As always, the steam level is pretty high and there's plenty of steam. But there's also a roller coaster ride of other emotions that's every bit as potent as Warwick was. Grief, along with questions of faith, self-worth, and life purpose are woven into the a story that's obviously setting the stage for the rest of the series, yet subtly, without overwhelming this story. My curiosity is piqued about all of the Lost Boys, and I'm not particular about which order the stories come.

Do heed the content warnings, though. No punches are pulled in the telling of the story, and it could be triggering for some people.
721 reviews6 followers
December 3, 2023
I was in. tears when I finished this book. I love Beckett and Holden and their friends and found family so much. Beckett was wonderful and I wish I had met a preacher like him when I was younger! Holden survived such a horrifying attack only to have his attacker getting away with it and no wonder he left and stayed away so long but glad he returned. I first cried when learning about Pops and his Lost Boys and thinking about all the kids who needed someone like him and how much he is needed now with all the kids under attack in so many states(even in my state of California). Then cried when he did. Loved the reading of the will and knowing that Beckett would be able to build an even better Meeting House though of course Chase tried to derail it but Carl was a star and stopped it. Of course Chase did try to burn down the new building and I was feeling vengeful enough to cheer Beckett on when he hit Chase with the crow bar just like Chase had done to Holden all those years ago. Glad friends from the Wild Ranch were able to get Beckett out of jail. Not surprise that a visit to the ranch introduced Beckett and Holden to the little boy they would foster and loved that he was the same age that Holden had been he was taken in by Pops and Dad. Really looking forward to reading about Walker next.
1,360 reviews6 followers
November 17, 2023
You get everything

I have read this book twice now. I have cried both times.

Now this book isn't meant to be a sad story, but it is story about love in all its forms. There is heartbreak and loss in this story that connects all of the main characters together. Our two main guys, Beckett and Holden have had a lot happen in their lives when they are younger. These two have found each other now and they click so well even if it wasn't their intention.

I love this story and while I might have ugly cried a bit it was definitely worth the splotchy face and sore eyes. The love that you feel within this small community is great. The Lost Boys and their group is extra special and we get hints about each of them in every chapter. Holden and Beckett and Holder's parents are ideal together. They have each other's backs and are their even before they knew they needed that connection. The heartbeat still allows laughter and being honest with their memories.

For those who might be worried please know that nothing bad happens between our main couple. They are solid from beginning.

I hope that you give this book a try and that you have tissues on hand. This story is worth so much more than I can put into words.
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,666 reviews20 followers
December 18, 2023
Audio: 4.5-5 stars, I really enjoy Declan Winters, that is how I get suckered into reading Kelly Fox's books haha
Book: 3 stars

It was an interesting start to a series, it kinda felt like there were things I was missing (like every Kelly Fox book I read something is always missing), I am not sure if reading the novella would have helped me connect with the characters more.

Also it's like the relationship between Beckett (skeptic Priest/Father..? lol I am not religious so I don't know the exact term) and Holden (tech guy who was Mr.Paige's son the leader of the Lost Boys) wasn't flushed out in a way that flowed well. It went from them hooking up to not really talking about being exclusive to then saying they were in love...idk it was very bizarre haha

Also I was more invested in Walter and Oz than in Beckett and Holden lol...

There was so much potential for this book, but to me it fell flat. I feel that way with every Kelly Fox book, I know I shouldn't read her books anymore, but like with any good reader, you will continue to read authors you don't 100% enjoy lol. So don't be surprised that if I read the other books in the series when they come out on audio lol.
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