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In Another Life

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At age eighteen, Shiloh Raben is tired. He no longer has the energy to deal with mean classmates, inner doubt, and fear of familial rejection, so he takes a razor to his wrist. When he wakes up in the hospital, Shiloh meets Travis Kahn, the EMT who saved him and didn’t leave his side.

Travis is handsome, smart, and funny—the type of guy Shiloh would never be brave enough to approach. But his near-death experience has an unusual side effect: the life that flashed before his eyes wasn’t the one he had already lived, but rather the one he could live. With visions of a future by Travis’s side, Shiloh will find the strength to confront his fears and build a life worth fighting for.

Word Count: 18,388
Edition: 2nd
A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar collection Heartwarming.

84 pages, ebook

First published November 30, 2012

About the author

Cardeno C.

62 books2,351 followers
Cardeno C. - CC to friends - is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few "awwws" into a reader's day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno's stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever-after sunset.

Heartwarming Stories. Strong Relationships. Forever Love.

Website: www.cardenoc.com

Blog: (Shared Blog) https://gayromanceauthors.blogspot.com/

Twitter: @CardenoC

FB Profile: http://www.facebook.com/CardenoC

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863 reviews230 followers
November 26, 2013

4.5 stars

Yup. LOVED it.

I typically like Cardeno C books. They're a "safe place" for me...sweet, minimal angst, some hot lovin', and likable characters. And I don't put pressure on them to over-deliver...thus I can look past some of the unbelievable elements usually thrown in them. This, in my opinion, is the best thing the author's written. This one I loved.

It's a really powerful storyline: a gay kid having a hard time coping decides to slit his wrists to take his life. As he's dying, he sees the future and in it, the paramedic who saves him from his suicide attempt. The blurb probably has already sucked a few of you in. But if it hadn't, the 2 paragraph prologue will...trust me.

I love older Shiloh. I love older Travis. I love younger Shiloh. I love younger Travis. Their connection and feelings for each other are so sweet and fun and adorable and sexy and there is deep deep desire and commitment there. I eat that shit up.

So some warnings:

There's insta-love and some of you hate that.
There are flashbacks and some of you hate that.
It's Cardeno C and some of you may even hate that.

You won't hate this though. I really don't think so. Because all of those things work in this book. They have a purpose, a reason, and a place in it.

My heart felt full to overflowing when I finished this short book and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to, erm, most of you... :) I'm adding it to the favorites shelf and going back to reread it...now...

 photo 78a31e15-a8d3-46a9-9088-cbb9656dff10_zpsd43ac4b1.jpg
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
December 4, 2013

5 Stars! Thought provoking, beautiful, touching short!

Loved the two timelines, I had no idea where the story was going. If we could only see what the future holds for us and those whose path we might cross. I read a book a while back called The Butterfly Effect, and this book reminded me of the message in that book.

“The decisions you make and the way you treat others have more impact than you may ever realize.”

Cardeno C. brings that message home in a big way in Shiloh and Travis’ short. This is a well-crafted, rich, delicate story, which is told in a matter of pages. This author knows how to make good use of his words. I loved it!

A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews438 followers
July 19, 2020
Re-read July 2020
Happy sigh. I love this story. I don't care that it's short.


This was a sweet story about getting a second chance at life.

In the first half of this book we meet 36 year old Shiloh.
Shiloh was just adorable.

My robe was bright yellow with a huge picture of SpongeBob on the back and my slippers were each adorned with a stuffed Scooby-Doo on top. In other words, I looked crazy sexy. Or just crazy.

He meets the man of his dreams, Travis, a doctor, and they both feel an instant connection.

“We click, Shiloh. Have from the first time we talked. But now?” He sighed and pressed our joined hands over his chest. “It’s like the click locked in place.”

But then a tragedy happens and it could be their time together is up..

Suddenly Shiloh finds himself in the hospital and he is 18 years old again. He has just tried to kill himself, but he remembers everything from his future life. Especially Travis. So when he sees who the EMT is who saved him, he knows they are both getting a second chance.

This was such a lovely short story. I absolutely love these type of stories about people getting a second chance to make the past right.
Profile Image for Mark.
357 reviews165 followers
December 12, 2013
A suicide attempt, cancer, not the thing that anyone would immediately like to associate with Christmas, but Cardeno C. manages to turn these two situations into a holiday novella that warms the heart and makes you go all gooey on the inside. Cleverly written and wonderfully portrayed another all round happy feeling story for the holiday period.

This book is really about second chances and realising your opportunities when they present themselves and grasping on to them. Shiloh is gay, 18 and so afraid to come out decides to try and take the other way out. Until he wakes up again in hospital he has a vision of himself at 36 in the future where he finds the love of his life in the form of Travis. He is a counsellor for teenagers with problems and at a meeting meets Travis who is accompanying his niece. Needless to say it’s love at first sight, but hey, I believe does happen. Worked for me and only the most cynical, bitter and twisted among us would deny otherwise. Even if it has never happened to someone personally doesn’t mean to say we’re all looking for it. Things develop into a loving relationship until Travis receives some bad news.

At this point Shiloh wakes up in hospital and everything comes flooding back. The strange things one of the members of ER that brought Shiloh in is Travis. Travis doesn’t realise this and Shiloh’s tales are spook him a little, but the truth in his words convinces Travis and once again they both fall for each other big time and so Shiloh gets his second chance and is determined not to let go.
I loved the conversation Shiloh had with his father as he was trying to come to terms with his son being gay.....

“You know the rule Shiloh.” He looked at his shoes instead of me. “The rule is that all penis-related questions go to me.”I wanted to crawl under the blanket.

“I think that was just Mom’s rule for puberty stuff. we don’t have to -“
“Yes, we do. You’re my son and I love you. I talked to your brothers about the birds and the bees, and I’m not a grandfather yet, so I figure it worked out well.”

“I’m not going to get anybody pregnant,” I said, hoping that would put an end to the uncomfortable man-to-man talk.

My Father’s cheeks reddened, but he trufged forward. “Right, I know. this will be a bees and bees talk, or maybe a birds and birds. I don’t know which one fits, but either way –“

Oh, the embarrassing joy of the father to son talk. Yes, I had one too. Although mine was most definitely the birds and the bees!

I enjoyed this story a lot. It has a strong message that life is too precious to throw away and you should enjoy every day and take joy in the things you have.

October 26, 2014
This book was a mindfuck, which probably means I was overthinking (again).

In the story we see Shiloh meeting Travis at age 18 and again at age 36. At 18, Shiloh is depressed and tired of being bullied; he tries to take his life, and Travis (who's five years older), a paramedic, is the first responder. Travis saves Shiloh's life, and Shiloh notices Travis but doesn't have the courage to ask him to stay.

When Shiloh is 36, he sees Travis smoking outside a school, and the two click instantly. They begin dating; they fall in love. But Travis falls ill. Will this be the end of their story?

Which of the stories is the "real" one? Or is it simply two possibilities, two roads, always leading to the same person but perhaps a different ending?


The book was well written and well developed, especially considering the short length. It was also a Hanukkah story; three cheers for that!
Profile Image for Alona.
674 reviews12 followers
December 19, 2014
4.5 stars.
Wow!! I loved it so so much!!
I only read In Another Life, and it was absolutely beautiful!
Tiny bit melancholic, but not overly so.
Profile Image for Eli Easton.
Author 70 books2,754 followers
December 4, 2013
I loved the concept of this novella--an eighteen-year-old tries to commit suicide because he's depressed that he is gay and has been bullied. As he's close to death he gets a vision of his potential life in the future with his soul mate. It's sort of "It's a Wonderful Life" meets the "It Gets Better" campaign. It was a good concept, good writing, and fun characters. An excellent start to Dreamspinner's 2013 advent.
Profile Image for Heller.
973 reviews119 followers
December 2, 2013
I wasn't sure about the premise of this going in because there seemed like a lot of issues here but it worked for me. I don't remember reading this author before but I'll check out more, this had an angsty outline with a sweet filling. Great little holiday spin on It's a Wonderful Life.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,192 reviews332 followers
December 1, 2013
I am a fan of Cardeno C.. The stories are generally sweet and sexy and even when they deal with serious issues there is still a lightness and fun about them.

This book switches between 18yr old Shiloh's life and 36yr old Shiloh's life.
He is at the end of his rope, he feel like there is no hope for him, no one would miss him so he's just going to end it.
While he is in the tub and his life is leaving him he sees what his future would have held.
Travis. Travis was his future.
Of course this is a Cardeno C book, so it's going to have a happy end, it's going to be sweet, it's going to be happy and perfect and instant everything.
I loved it! Perfect for me and a great start to the DSP Adventscalendar.
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
December 22, 2013
To say there was a lot going on in this little Christmas story is putting it mildly. Suicide attempt, future life visions, cancer, throw second chances and destined to love theme into 84 wee pages and It doesn’t sound like it would be successful. But, I am happy to say for me this little story touched my heart. It was heartwarming indeed. It was sweet, romantic and I found warmth seeping into my heart as I read this.

I typically don’t care for short stories, I am always left a little unsatisfied. About the time I get into the book, it’s over. This little story didn’t leave me feeling this way, it was a little bite of sweetness and warmth that I desperately needed the day I started it.

I am new to Cardeno C, just having finished the “Family Series”. I loved that series and this little Christmas story was another hit for me.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,949 reviews230 followers
December 4, 2013
Suicide attempts... Possible future lives... Serious Illness! OMG! How do you make all that into a satisfying Xmas story?

You ask Cardeno C to write it, that's what you do and amazingly watch and read as he pulls all that could be classed as doom and gloom into a lovely, heartwarming, surprisingly up beat despite the premise, sexy little tale with a touch of fantasy that I just loved. Okay I'm biased because there's not really much that he has written, that I haven't had a gush over but I can't help but think that this one will be enjoyed by most readers who have a penchant for a great seasonal tale that actually isn't too mushy or full of elves and reindeers ( not there's anything wrong with that if that floats your boat! )

Its short like all these Xmas novellas but I don't think anyone will feel short changed. I love how the time phasing was handled and the ending was exactly how it should have been. Shiloh and Travis in both sections of the story are engaging and endearing together and even though its emotional and poignant, its never depressing ... but neither is it over sweet or sickly. I heart this one a lot and that's why its another one that's going into my top Xmas stories of 2013.

5 satisfied * SIGH! * worthy Xmas stars!

Profile Image for Ula'ndi Hart.
929 reviews15 followers
August 31, 2016
Overall book rating: 4 Stars
Audio Book:N/A
Book Cover: 2

Wow...okay so it was short but man did it have a hell of a spin there. I thought I was settling in for a nice little short read. But it pleasantly surprised me. So much so that I’m actually sad this wasn’t a full length novel. It could get very interesting there.

LOVED the characters and the feel of the story. Loved the whole mystery behind everything. It made me feel all warm inside.
Profile Image for Valerie ❈M/M Romance Junkie❈.
1,700 reviews428 followers
April 14, 2014
That was a very pleasant book. Very fast. Really no angst. I really liked both MC. It was insta-love, but it was done in a way that didn't leave me feeling off about their feelings for each other. The story was definitely different. I don't think I have ever read a book with a similar premise which made it unique.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
August 13, 2016
This is an amazing story! The title is very accurate: Shiloh has an opportunity to see an alternative life flash before his eyes during his near-death experience, and it changes everything for him. The power of his emotions, the depth of his despair and why he attempts suicide, and the beauty of what happens after this monumental event had me spellbound and glued to the pages.

Shiloh has never felt he "belonged" anywhere and is too afraid of the consequences of coming out. Like too many young people, he is so overwhelmed that he sees no other way out of the suffering than to kill himself. And that is where this story turns magical. The alternative life he lives through during the few seconds before he is saved makes him reconsider everything.

Travis is the young EMT who is first on the scene after Shiloh's mother calls an ambulance. He is fascinated by Shiloh and doesn't quite know why. When Shiloh begins talking to him and opening up, he doesn't quite now what to do.The age difference of five years seems too big, but then again, when its right, it's right...

I totally adored this story about soul mates and two men finding each other against all the odds. It's beautifully written, very emotional, and has a perfect happy ending. If you like sweet romances with a touch of angst that makes the ending that much sweeter, if you enjoy reading about two men who just seem to belong together, never mind their differences, and if you're looking for a read with pure essence of miracle liberally infused, the you will probably like this novella. I'll definitely reread it!

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
Profile Image for Ro.
3,072 reviews16 followers
November 17, 2013
Shiloh Raben is 18, gay and Jewish. He is also at the end of his rope and he can’t find the strength to deal with the trauma and bullying he faces while he is terrified of losing his family when they found out he’s gay. He decides the only way to deal with it is to end it. As he begins to die, he realizes there was someone worth living for. Himself.

The story is told with Shiloh at 18 and Shiloh at 36 as the life he could have had. Shiloh at 18 is without hope and can’t see that it gets better. Shiloh at 36 is helping other kids deal with issues and he’s funny, wears Scooby-Doo slippers and Simpsons underpants and puts his foot in his mouth when he’s nervous. It is a tragedy to lose someone to desperation, especially someone with the possibility of such joy. That's how Shiloh struck me.

Shiloh meets the very attractive doctor Travis at the school where he is a guidance counselor. Travis and Shiloh get to know each other and realize how much they have in common and they just feel the click. As the story goes between Shiloh at 18 meeting Travis and Shiloh at 36 with Travis, you see how things can be affected. Hard to describe, but such things are the cigarettes are a big one.

This story shows how things can be at their bleakest and that getting through that time can make all the difference. Yes, Shiloh had a bit of holiday magic to make things happen, but I wish all those in such despair would have that moment of “it will get better).
September 8, 2016
Overall book rating: 4 Stars
Audio book: n/a
Book cover: 2 Stars
MC1: Travis
MC2: Shiloh

I really loved this book. Yes it was way to short, but it touched me in a way. It was a love story but also a life lesson of sorts. The story and the characters mad me feel all warm and fuzzy.

" My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone upturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride"
( Just a little Quote form Nickelback - If today was your last day)

This was an interesting plot, good writing and amazing characters.
Profile Image for Leaundra.
1,187 reviews47 followers
December 23, 2021
Noooo it ended too soon. I loved this book. So sweet and made you think that what you do when you're young can affect you when you get older.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,000 reviews119 followers
January 3, 2023
Only Cardeno C. can have my eyes welling up with tears at the prologue. The freaking prologue! What would my choices have been if I'd gotten the opportunity to see my future flash before my eyes? It's an interesting question and not really one I can answer, mainly because it didn't happen, so the option wasn't there, and I'm a firm believer in never regretting any of my decisions. But, still. It's a very fascinating concept.

Shiloh is a high school guidance counselor and meets Travis outside the Halloween dance one evening. Turns out Travis offered to chaperone to keep his eye on his niece who is a freshman dating seniors. Next thing Shiloh knows, the hot guy he's been waiting to get a call from is his new neighbor renting the townhouse next to his. Travis is an ER doctor and he hasn't been able to keep the adorable guy he met last week out of his head. Shiloh and Travis hit it off in every possible way that makes a truly great romance. Hands down I think Shiloh and Travis have some of the best chemistry I've ever seen. And not just sexual chemistry. They banter back and forth, the teasing and verbal wit is wonderful. Of course, their sexual chemistry is off the charts, too.

Here's where I can't go into detail because I'd be ruining this incredible short story by revealing too much. All I can say is that Shiloh and Travis both get the chance to take their combined future together and make it last a lifetime. Whether this would have happened regardless of what Shiloh envisioned or not, I can't say. I just know that I completely fell in love with both these characters and their story. Thank you, Cardeno, for giving me another beautiful story to read and cherish.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Riayl.
1,090 reviews40 followers
December 4, 2013
Urk. Everyone is giving this really high stars. I feel sort of guilty for only giving it three. But I had a big problem with it that I'm too stubborn to get over. Most of the book is set during the dream/alternate future/what-could-have-been. We don't get a whole lot of time with the two when they are back in current time. Maybe if the book had been longer and there had been more time to focus on the time after his suicide attempt it would have helped. But the biggest problem is that after Shiloh attempts suicide and has this dream then suddenly everything is fixed. I've struggled with suicidal thoughts/urges for years. I lost my stepmother and a cousin to suicide. His depression and feelings of not fitting in just disappearing was completely...words fail me, because I don't want to sound insulting. I guess it kind of bothered me because I feel like it really (unintentionally) slammed people who are struggling with this issue, it made it seem like you should just be able to "smile and it will be better"...which it won't. I've had enough people tell me crap like that and it doesn't work. Which is not a rant at the author or the book. I enjoyed it, I just felt like this was a major point that got sort of shuffled to the back and for me at least, the book loses something because of it.

edited for extra clarity - My problems with this book stem from personal perceptions and reactions and influences outside of this book. I, in no way, believe that the author intended to belittle people struggling with suicide, in fact I think it is just the opposite. This is a subject I am a little too close to and for some reason it just set me off tonight. The book is good and I do enjoy this author, so the blame lies totally with me. :)
Profile Image for Trix.
1,324 reviews114 followers
December 18, 2013
Such a nice story! Quite enjoyed it.

Even with all said and done, I'm not quite ready to let them go. It would be nice to read more of them.
Profile Image for Shelley.
395 reviews534 followers
August 11, 2016
I got a bit lost and confused with this one. It was a bit ...wait, what just happened? Oh, like the Sliding Doors effect? No, yes? Oh right then - whatever...

It's a nice soul mates forever type story. Deeply romantic and really quite touching. No regrets, it just didn't blow me away.
Profile Image for GayListBookReviews.
472 reviews53 followers
December 1, 2013
Beans:  This novella is spectacular.

Shiloh is a beautiful combination of shy and quirky. He struggles to find his way but Travis’s calm demeanor and strength are a balm to Shiloh. They are both incredible men and there is passion, humor, love, and and a faith in something amazing. The way this novella is written in two parts, two stories, makes it truly unique. Shiloh and Travis fall for each other quickly. I loved that they recognized that this was something different, something special, something to fight for. I enjoyed it from the first word to the last.

Novellas are fickle beasts. Most of the time you wish the author had cut half of it out and made it a true short or spent a few months and made the story into a full novel. But, In Another Life, felt complete. It was the total story for these two men. No more, no less. Perfect.

Brilliantly written and executed, this is my favorite of Cardeno C's novellas.

Nina:  I’ve read this a couple times now. It keeps getting better. There were so many beautiful, touching moments. I laughed, cried and smiled throughout. There were moments where I had to keep reminding myself that this is a Cardeno C book, that CC won’t leave me without my happy ending. It touched my heart and as always I ended up wanting to know these people outside of the pages of this book.

I was impressed by the smooth and adept writing of the movement through time and the recall of what had happened in the “dream”.

I loved the messages that are clear and resonant throughout. The sweet, tender and sensitive handling of serious and painful issues.

A story of hope, second chances, new beginnings, faith, family, trust and love, so much love. A lot of that love will be yours.

This is a holiday story that you will read again every year. I know I will.

To see more of this review and others like it please visit us at Gay List Book Reviews at www.gaylistbookreviews.wordpress.com
Profile Image for BWT.
2,214 reviews240 followers
January 2, 2016
3.5 Stars

Read 07/09/2014, 05/16/2015

There's a lot packed into this short novella. The feelings are intense, and the sex hot.

Cardeno is one of the very few authors who can get away with an "insta-love" plot. She just writes about love so beautifully that I want to believe in it all so badly.
Profile Image for Crissy Morris.
147 reviews25 followers
December 1, 2013
I just...I can't...*sigh*

We all know I'm a huge fan of Cardeno C. I've made the comment before that I love CC's ability to think and write outside of the box. And this story...this masterpiece...is just that. It's new and different. It's emotional and heart-wrenching. It's also perfect and heart-warming. I fell in love with this story, fell in love with Shiloh through tears of pain and sadness and through tears of joy and love. In Another Life is perfection.

This is not just a feel good book. It is a story with meaning. It's a story that brings hope and courage. It's a story to show that it does get better. In Another Life contains a tough lesson with difficult subject matter, but brings it to a conclusion in such a positive life-affirming way. It's perfect.

I adore Shiloh. His struggle and fear. His strength and determination. He is a play of beautiful contradictions. He's a beautiful mess. I adore him and his relationship (both of them) with Travis. And speaking of Travis, I love his heart. His caring and accepting nature. He is another beautiful character to add to my list of favorites.

In Another Life is an Advent story that will long remain one of my favorite stories. In a short span of time Cardeno C. gives readers love and heartbreak, fear and hope. The emotions that span this novella are powerful. The story is perfect. And the characters are amazing. This is a beautiful story that I will read over and over again.

You should definitely read In Another Life. You can thank me later.
Profile Image for Relly.
1,459 reviews25 followers
December 10, 2018

Re read

3.75 ⭐️

I actually really like this one and enjoy rereading. I love the idea of second chances and the whole what if. What if this happened then this is what your life would be. The hardest part was explaining how Shiloh knew about Travis and it wasn’t done to perfection but it was done well enough that it works for me.
Quick read and I’d love to revisit the guys and see how they turned out
Profile Image for Rachel Emily.
4,268 reviews351 followers
December 4, 2013
I love, love, LOVED this! It was a wonderful idea and so sweet and clever. I really loved Shiloh and Travis and their connection to each other right from the get go. I only wish there was MORE! Bit on insta-love, but it worked so well in this story that it flowed seamlessly for me. A great start to the holiday stories from DSP!
Profile Image for Trisha Harrington.
Author 3 books138 followers
January 6, 2014
Thanks for the recommendation, Trix!

This was a really nice, different short story. It's not what I was expecting but it was really enjoyable. Travis and Shiloh were really nice together, sweet even. I agree the the ending could have been a bit better, but overall I am really happy with this one.
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