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Cinderella Sisterhood #3

Abducted by a Prince

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She’s not waiting for her prince. He’s not looking for a bride. But sometimes the most unlikely love stories end in “happily ever after”…

She Was Stolen Away...

Ellie Stratham gave up her childhood dreams of a fairy tale romance long ago. To repay her late father’s debts, she’s forced to serve her spoiled cousin, Lady Beatrice. But Ellie has devised a secret plan to escape her life as a drudge. A plan that is thrown into jeopardy when she’s abducted by a mysterious stranger.

But Can He Steal Her Heart?

A notorious seducer of women—and a scoundrel to boot—Damien Burke has earned his nickname as the Demon Prince. But his plot to kidnap Lady Beatrice to make her brother return a priceless heirloom backfires—and he ends up with their penniless cousin, Ellie, as his hostage. By the time Damien realizes his mistake, he and his fiery-willed captive are trapped in a remote castle during a wild winter storm. And he soon finds that the true hostage may be his own heart.

352 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published April 29, 2014

About the author

Olivia Drake

30 books422 followers
Shortly after graduating from Michigan State University with a degree in journalism, Olivia Drake sold her first novel two weeks after sending it to a publisher. She now lives in Texas in a cozy cottage with two feisty cats and a photographer husband. Her two daughters have flown the nest, but still come back whenever they want a home-cooked meal!

Olivia Drake is the author of 35 romance novels. Her most recent series is called 'Unlikely Duchesses' and began with THE DUKE I ONCE KNEW, followed by FOREVER MY DUKE. The third stand-alone book is WHEN A DUKE LOVES A GOVERNESS.


Many of you also knew Olivia as Barbara Dawson Smith. She is a New York Times bestseller and winner of numerous honors, including the Golden Heart Award and the coveted Rita Award for excellence in the historical romance genre.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,443 followers
March 26, 2014
I wanted to like this a little more than I did, but I did find it a pleasant and enjoyable read. Readers who enjoy spinster/rogue romance, tortured heroes with a bad reputation, and heroines who finally get their day in the sun, along with the fairy tale theme, will probably like this book.

Overall rating: 3.5/5.0 stars.

Reviewed for Affaire de Coeur Magazine in the May 2014 issue. http://affairedecoeur.com.

Profile Image for Caz.
2,983 reviews1,114 followers
August 11, 2016
I've given this a C- at AAR, so that's 2.5 stars.

I admit to a sneaking fondness for Cinderella-type stories. There’s something about the dowdy underdog who comes out on top that is perennially appealing – the number of nobleman-marries-governess stories around is undoubtedly testament to that. But in order to carry off that sort of story in a market that is stuffed to the gills with the “retellings” and “re-imaginings” of such tales, there has to be something to raise it above the ordinary in terms of the storytelling or characterisation. Sadly, Abducted by a Prince is little more than run-of-the mill, suffering from a lack of depth in the characterisation and such repeatedly stupid behaviour on the part of the heroine that it made me want to stomp on the pair of bejewelled dancing slippers she is given near the beginning of the book.

This is the third in Ms Drake’s Cinderella Sisterhood novels, which are linked by the presence of a Fairy Godmother-type figure in the person of Lady Milford. She was, we learn, a Cinders herself, ill-treated by her step-mother and two foul-tempered step-sisters, who got her HEA – although not in quite the manner one might have expected. Now, she spends her time helping other young women in less than auspicious circumstances to attain theirs.

Ellie Statham’s ambition is to become an author/illustrator of children’s books. She lives with her uncle, the tight-fisted Earl of Pennington whose family treats her as an unpaid governess, companion, and servant, and she longs for her independence. A talented artist, she works on her drawings in secret in the little spare time afforded her, and dreams of one day making enough money from her books to enable her to live comfortably in a little cottage somewhere.

The eponymous Prince is actually Mr Damien Burke, the owner of a luxurious London gaming establishment. He was given the nickname “The Demon Prince” by Ellie’s obnoxious cousin Walt whilst they were at Eton, and at the beginning of the story demands that Walt return a key that he stole from him when they were at school. Walt refuses – but Damien is determined. That key could lead him to valuable information about his parentage, and he’s not going to accept Walt’s whining evasions as to its whereabouts. If the key isn’t returned forthwith, Damien threatens to abduct Walt’s sister, Lady Beatrice, and will demand the key as ransom.

Damien is sure that the Penningtons will do anything to protect Lady Beatrice – but when the deadline passes and the key is not returned, he has no choice but to go through with his plan.

The problem, though, is that he inadvertently kidnaps the wrong woman, and snatches Ellie instead of her cousin.

Ellie is – naturally- furious when she discovers she has been drugged and then transported to a castle on a remote Scottish island. But it takes all of about two days for her to go from “how dare you kidnap me, you beast!” to “I want a night of true passion before I settle down to my lonely, spinsterish existence.”

Not only that, but she absolves Damien of any responsibility should she become pregnant as a result of their night of true passion.

My eyes rolled so hard, it’s amazing they’re not permanently deformed by now.

I never fail to be amazed at the number of well-brought up young heroines who are prepared not only to throw themselves into the hero’s bed with gusto, but who then refuse to marry him because they were only in it for the sex. Ellie doesn’t want to give up her idea of independence and supporting herself by writing and publishing her books.

Clearly, she’s never heard of rejection letters because she hasn’t even paused to consider what her options will be if Plan A doesn’t work out.

And as for Damien… well, he’s your typical tall, dark and handsome, but is otherwise a bit nondescript. The blurb spouts:

A notorious seducer of women – and a scoundrel to boot – Damien Burke has earned his nickname as The Demon Prince.

Er. Really? How? We’re told that he’s an orphan, there’s some mystery surrounding the identity of his parents, that he’s made his own fortune and now owns a club and has various other business interests. There was a scandal about his first marriage, it’s true, but there’s nothing in the book to suggest he’s a “notorious seducer”. We’re never told how he got his start or made his money and for a man who is supposedly a shrewd businessman, his failure to plan for every possible contingency when it came to carrying out his kidnap threat is rather laughable.

There’s no real sense of period about the book, although from the vague mentions of certain conventions I’m guessing it’s set in the early part of the nineteenth century. The cover doesn’t help pinpoint it either; to my mind it looks more like a contemporary/paranormal than an historical romance. The reason Abducted by a Prince isn’t getting a D grade is because, despite the issues I had with the characterisation and storytelling, the principals are basically likeable, the writing itself flows well, and those parts of the book that work – the first twenty-five percent or so – work well. But the romance is not properly developed; Ellie goes from being a young woman with the determination to get herself out of drudgery to one who is verging on the TSTL, and the ending is almost farcical.

Sorry, Cinders. You won’t make it to the ball in this pumpkin.
Profile Image for Mary - Buried Under Romance .
369 reviews174 followers
April 30, 2014
3.5 Stars rounded up to a 4

Once upon a time, a small boy was raised by a kind grandmother figure, who told him that he was a prince. Damien Burke did not know his past, and when he was sent to Eton at the behest of an unknown benefactor, he was given a key and the promise that it will lead him to his parents and birthright. Unfortunately, it was stolen by a young Viscount Greaves, an act for which Damien vowed revenge henceforth. Years later, Damien has succeeded as the owner of a profitable gambling hell, "Demon's Den," and ready to exact his demand from Viscount Greaves - give up the key, or to have Greave's sister Lady Beatrice kidnapped.

What Damien didn't know is that he kidnapped Ellie Stratham, the impoverished cousin and companion of Bratty Beatrice. Ellie was so close to actualizing her dreams of becoming a children's novelist and escaping from her uncle and cousin's tyranny, before she was taken by a handsome, mysterious stranger. But when the Demon Prince realizes his mistake, the two are already trapped on an island, in a castle that lends a creative space for imagination and desire. How long would be it until the two succumbed to their mutual passion?

This entry in Olivia Drake's Cinderella Sisterhoods series utilizes one Fairy Godmother - Lady Milford - who may be connected to Damien's past; a frame story within which Ellie writes her own fairy tale based upon her and Damien's story, with him as a Rat Prince; and one magical slipper that lead its wearers to true love. However, while lively, these fairy tale elements did little to salvage the rather stilted characterization that is Ellie and Damien.

Damien had a disastrous first marriage, which albeit giving him a daughter, whom he adored, had left him with a distaste for marriage - and a disbelief in love. He was the disillusioned Demon Prince, a moniker that he later relished because it gave him power and a sense of prestige, which he used to metaphorically smite his enemies. Despite the painting of his characters as a combination of a confused, albeit loving father, and a dark man wronged by people, his dealings with Ellie reveals him as a rather incompetent fellow, not quite to the standards of a determined, wicked scoundrel hero.

Ellie was a more contradictory character, who first betrayed childishly when Damien apologized over his mistake, then suddenly she was willing to give herself to him out of curiosity and desire. This rather aggressive change in behavior occurred again when a marriage of convenience was made between them, during which she exhibited more confused, conflicting behaviors and actions. Her initial setup as a sensible, gentle miss turned into a repressed woman, and then to a shrew, after which her uneven characterization is apparent.

In a manner not unlike a fairy tale gone wrong, the carefully laid out plans of our main characters were foiled again and again, until they themselves became confused to what they really want, to then lead the reader on a merry chase to a rushed happily-ever-after.

I delighted in the premise of this book, yet felt the characterizations were too uneven to balance out the fairy-tale-esque plot, and to do justice to its foreshadowed ending. Olivia Drake writes with a quirky humor and careful setup, but her execution missed a bit here, just as Damien's plan ended in an unpredictable manner. Ultimately, I do recommend this book for those in want of lighter fare and a twist on the classic Cinderella story, though it is certainly not without flaws.

*Review copy courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,363 reviews1,025 followers
February 1, 2023
This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance My Review Updated
Ellie Stratham, has known that she can never have the opportunity to marry. Because of her cousin Beatrice, who is spoiled and vain, she is having to serve as her companion and servant but with no pay. Ellie is having no choice but to work for free. Then she is given a beautiful pair of glass slippers but knows she will never use them. While out running an errand for her  cousin, she is kidnapped and taken to Scotland on a remote island, with only two servants and the mysterious Damien Burke aka "The Demon Prince" is responsible because he believes her to be Lady Beatrice. She must convince him to return her back to London as soon as possible or her plans for the future and her life will be ruined and she could be left on the streets. Damien Burke is after a "key" its the only link he has to his past, but was stolen from him by Ellie's cousin when he was at school as a boy. So he kidnaps a woman he thought was his sister but got the cousin whose family doesn't care about much. Now he realizes how Ellie has wormed her way into his body and heart.

Plot and Story Line 
Now this story made me realize how much I have been missing out on with this one!! I think I have had it on my NOOK for at least a year, and I have no idea why I waited so long to pick this one up. I love fairy tale themes, but boy Olivia Drake has done a wonderful job with this one. I love Cinderella themes, and even though it breaks my heart how the "cinderella" heroine is treated, it is oh so satisfying to see her get the happy ending she deserves. In this story I truly had a disliking for her family very strongly. Her aunt and uncle just expect her to slave away for them. Her two cousins, a brother and sister are selfish to the extreme. Beatrice is such a "Blonde", very flirty and vain, but doesn't understand certain "things". Very empty headed at times. Now for our heroine. She was fabulous at many moments. I did feel she was a good match for Damien who was very high handed especially at first. I love a good kidnapping story. I love how these two have a great connection despite the rough start to their relationship. Its when Ellie realizes how important this "key" is to Damien, that she agrees to help him. But the road they travel together in this book, takes them to certain truths and deceptions---that I never saw coming. Especially the second half of the book, became so unpredictable I was just on the edge of my seat in anticipation curious to see how this story would play out especially for Damien and Ellie. Their romance is sweet and witty and I was smiling all the way through this one.
The Cover 
A cover that relates with the story so perfectly!! I think the cover is gorgeous, I like the night theme, The only drawback is the expression of the male models face---a little creepy. But overall a nice one.
Overall View 
Abduction By A Prince is a sensation romance that will have you engaged from the beginning....a story that takes after a sweet and fun fairy tale with a few hiccups along the way to keep things interesting!! SIMPLY WONDERFUL!!

Series Order (2)

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About The Author Updated

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Profile Image for Lily (Night Owl Book Cafe).
624 reviews491 followers
April 30, 2014
Ellie Stratham has spent most of her life trying to repay her late father's debt by serving under her uncle by taking cause of her spoiled cousin Lady Beatrice. She is treated as a poor relative, with no pay and lives in a small isolated room. She has a plan that should help her get out from her uncles roof on her own, but that dream is soon threatened when she get's accidentally kidnapped by a stranger.

Damien Burke a.k.a Demon Prince has had a rough life. Now he owns a gambling establishment and only wants one thing - to get back a key that was taken from him as a boy that might hold a clue to his past. When the man who has taken the key falls in to debt, he threatens him with the abduction of his sister unless he returns the key to him soon. Unfortunate, Damien Burke ends up abducting the wrong woman in a simple case of a mistaken identity.

I love Olivia Drake Cinderella Sisterhood stories ever since I read Stroke of Midnight last year. I been kind of looking forward to the next book all year. This one was just as a pleasant surprise as the first book I read. Drake brings to the table a lot of charm, memorable characters and a swoon worthy romance that left me wanting so much more.

The story of course has a Cinderella like feel. Ellie is poor and is mistreated by her relatives, but when she get's kidnapped and her cousin spreads rumors that she ran off with the Demon Prince - Ellie is left with only one choice to preserve her dreams. I really enjoyed the slow build romance between Damien and Ellie, even when the attraction between the two was there from the very start. I liked seeing the different parts of Damien as well, in the case of his daughter Lily - those scenes where downright heart melting!

Romantic and enchanting. Olivia Drake delivers another engaging read with a surprising secret throwing in the end of the book that ties the book nicely together. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!

I got a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange of an honest review.
Profile Image for Farrah.
1,247 reviews210 followers
April 26, 2014
A sweet and truly enjoyable historical romance, Abducted by a Prince was a fantastic read. I really loved this wonderful book. From the sweet romance, to the surprising secrets, this book was lovely.

Ellie was a lovely heroine. After years of serving her uncle's house in return for him paying off her father's debt, she'd had enough and was determined to gain her independence. But, then she was kidnapped and her plans went awry. I really liked her character. She was quietly strong and very clever. My only issue was that I got frustrated when she almost chose independence to a newly happy life. But, otherwise, I thought she was great.

Damien was wonderful. He was so sweet and, underneath the formidable mask of the gambling den owner, a truly kind man. I loved how he acted with his daughter and how sweet he was with Ellie. I thought he was perfect and I adored him.

The romance was both sweet and sensuous. Ellie and Damien were so adorable together. Even when they couldn't admit to them, their feelings for each other were always clear. The chemistry between them was sizzling from the moment they met and there was definitely some steaminess with these two. I thought they were a lovely couple.

The plot was fast paced and I was hooked the entire way through. The secrets of Damien's parentage were quite a shock. I never saw the truth of it coming. I really enjoyed the story and I thought the ending was perfect.

Abducted by a Prince was a brilliant historical romance. I really liked this book and I really enjoyed reading it. The romance was sweet, the secrets were shocking, and the story was lovely. Romance lovers, this is a book you won't want to miss.

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Ionia.
1,471 reviews69 followers
June 19, 2014
I've seen and read quite a few of these Cinderella spinster meets the mysterious and dangerous man type books this year and this one is one of my favourites. This is a well paced and inviting read.

Right away I took to Ellie and her gentle nature. She puts up with a tremendous amount of misbehaviour from her family and most especially her spoiled brat of a cousin, but she is still giving, loving and kind. Very much like the original Cinderella.

Damien is a sexy character right from the start. He has the tall, dark and handsome going for him as well as the mysterious personality. I liked that the author made him more mysterious to his love interest than she did to the reader. We can see a side of him in the beginning that is not revealed until much later on in the book to Ellie.

The tension and romance between the two main characters was great and the author handled her love scenes with dignity. I was often annoyed with Beatrice, but this was intentional on the part of the author, I am sure. She was great at contrasting personalities.

In the end, this was a great afternoon read and fans of historical romance are sure to enjoy it. I'm looking forward to another book from this author.

This review is based on a complimentary copy from the publisher and provided through Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
171 reviews7 followers
April 12, 2014
When Ellie is accidentally mistaken for her cousin and kidnapped she finds herself falling for her enigmatic captor.

I loved that Ellie was a storybook illustrator and author and that she wanted to be so independent. Despite her family taking advantage of her she kept her chin up and wove adventure stories with beautiful illustrations with dreams to sell to a publisher and gain her own income. I really liked how her perception of the Damien Burke, Demon Prince, changed through her characterization of the rat prince in her storybook. I loved Olivia Drake's writing and didn't see the twist about Damien's parentage coming. I wonder who the cinderella shoes from Lady Milford will go to next!

Profile Image for Laura.
Author 14 books605 followers
July 23, 2016


So much more could have been done with this.

We have a hero with no past, a Cinderella-like heroine, an abduction, blackmail, a forced marriage, and a godmother who gives our Cinderella some magical shoes.

And yet, meh.

And I know the author has very little to do with the cover, but that does not say Regency. It looks very Romantic Suspense to me.
Profile Image for Sharon.
2,738 reviews6 followers
March 30, 2020
Ellie and Damien-
An enjoyable read with a wonderful HEA
Profile Image for Megan.
607 reviews8 followers
August 4, 2017
Okay, when your premise involves the hero kidnapping the heroine, you are going to have to work REALLY hard to convince the reader that he is actually a good guy and that a relationship between them can be healthy. It can be done, for sure, but throwing in a few tender moments and a morality moppet is just not going to cut it.

The initial set up with Lady Milford and Ellie was well done, and I even liked the first glimpses of Damien. However, once the actual abduction happened, everything went downhill SO fast. The reasons Damien had for kidnapping her just weren't good enough, his remorse over having done so was lukewarm at best, and his treatment of Ellie was pretty highhanded and insulting. The scene where he discovers her artistic talent is supposed to be a bounding moment between them, but I was just flabbergasted at his perusal of her sketchbook WHILE she's angrily telling him that it's private and she doesn't want to share it with him. He disrespected her boundaries, repeatedly tried to make important decisions for her, and failed to actually emotionally support her when she needed it. I never once bought that they were actually in love, and while I understood why Damien decided to make her a part of his life, I was vastly disappointed in Ellie for falling for him.

Overall, an intriguing premise (and decently executed twist) ruined by sloppy, trite relationship writing and an unlikable male lead.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,087 reviews10 followers
July 30, 2017
Lady Clarissa bestows her magic slippers on Ellie, an impoverished relative living as a servant with family. This time Lady Clarissa has the lady choose her instead of the other way but things revert to Lady Clarissa's usual mode of operation later in the book.

Damien who came from nothing but was told he held royal blood has made a fortune running a gambling den and owning a Fleet. But he wants something back taken from him when he was a bullied student. The tormentor is now a relative of Ellie and this leads to her being taken so he can ransom back his property. Trouble is Ellie is the wrong target and isn't worth the ransom.

When he realizes his mistake Damien is already caught in Ellie's spell. They spark and then Lady Clarissa arrives with clergyman in tow. They marry and solve the mystery of Damien's past with a nice twist that's another part of Ellie's life.

Not as strong as the first two book but Damien has a charming daughter from a disastrous first marriage who steals the pages she appears on.
397 reviews10 followers
September 19, 2021
No chemistry. Damien planned to abducts Beatrice to force her brother Walt to return the key he stole from him when he was a teenager. The key is his only link to his unknown past and his parents, so he wants it back. But he mistakenly abducts Ellie instead of her cousin! He soon discovers her true identity and he comes clean, and they decide to return to London, but bad weather prevents them to leave. While waiting for the storm to pass, they suddenly share their secrets, are lusting after one another and she even barters a compensation for him ‘ruining her reputation’; they agree on him buying her a cottage and giving her a stipend. But she wants more:

As if the matter were settled, Ellie began to undo the buttons of his greatcoat. “Besides, in the eyes of society, I’m already ruined. Since people will whisper that I’ve lain with you, why not do so in fact? At least then I will have gained the benefit of experiencing the sin that I am believed to have committed.”

The chemistry is lacking, the story is shallow and lacks depth. Sad..
Profile Image for Connie N..
2,587 reviews
April 8, 2023
#3 in the Cinderella Sisterhood Regency romance series

This was one of my favorites from this series so far. The "Demon Prince" abducts Ellie by mistake, thinking he is kidnapping his enemy's sister Beatrice. But Ellie is a poor relation who isn't sought after, so nothing comes of his scheme except problems. Well, and of course they become attracted to each other because of their enforced stay (because of a storm) and eventually fall in love. That's basically the whole book in a nutshell, although there was plenty to keep me interested. We learn more about Ellie's writing and artistic skills as she writes a children's book. And Damien reveals more about his mysterious past and the secrets he's searching to answer. And we meet Lady Milford, who gives Ellie the magical red shoes to use for a while. Again, there's not a lot about the shoes, but they do play a small part in the story. All in all, this was an enjoyable read, and I look forward to reading the next in the series sooner rather than later.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
276 reviews8 followers
July 29, 2018
3.5 stars.

I liked the characters, but can admit the plot was pretty contrived. I'm not a fan of the magical element, as it was barely mentioned and didn't quite add anything. I enjoyed how "round" the supporting characters were. The main character had a unique passion, and while the destitution of situation was over-exaggerated her ambitions fit in well.

I'd recommend this book if someone finds the summary playful and isn't going to take it too seriously.
Profile Image for Chrissy.
1,367 reviews60 followers
February 21, 2019
I’m kind of a sucker for stories where the hero/heroine’s awful family gets their comeuppance in the end. And it was a delight to see such a result here. Even the whole “abduction” part was kind of fun, because it ended up all being a mistake. Ellie and Damien are brilliant together, but they’re also interesting as individual characters. That makes a good romance even more enjoyable. This series is still fun and I’m eager to read the next one!
Profile Image for Susan.
872 reviews8 followers
June 24, 2024
3.5 stars

I would have given the full four stars but, once again, found the ending to be a little... convenient - which has been an issue for a few of the books in this series, probably because they're conceptualized as Cinderella retellings and fairy tales aren't supposed to be realistic. But while we obviously needed resolution regarding the mystery of the key, I wasn't expecting the author to go there.

Loved Ellie.
Profile Image for Traci.
991 reviews43 followers
December 26, 2017
I can tell this is an earlier entry in the series. Enjoyed this much more than the last book I read, which I believe was the 5th installment - and it showed. Really enjoyed the main characters in this book, did feel the secondary characters were a bit one-dimensional, but not so much that I found them detracting from the story.
198 reviews
October 5, 2018
I read this really fast. Like the other book, I had to suspend my disbelief and pretend like this was a good thing. Once I could do that it became a fun light read.
Profile Image for Dora.
506 reviews36 followers
February 20, 2022
dnf at 31% 🙃

The characters lack any depth, I'm literally yawning from boredom... So yeah, I'm dnf-ing this because there are too many books on my tbr to waste my time on this 🤷🏻‍♀️
775 reviews8 followers
November 26, 2016
Just a nice quick read over the Thanksgiving break to relax and enjoy a little pampering time!
Profile Image for Liz F.
719 reviews
July 27, 2016
Reviewed for Evie at www.Evie-Knight.com

Review copy courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley

Ahhh, I always love a good historical romance as a palate cleanser! When I've been reading the same genre over and over, it can start to feel a little stale, no matter how great the books are. So it's nice to read a historical romance for a change of pace and a completely different feel. Abducted by a Prince isn't the best historical romance I've ever read but it was a really great read!

I liked Ellie, the heroine, well enough. Her story had a bit of a Cinderella feel to it but I was into it so I didn't mind. Her father had racked up quite a few gaming debts before his demise so she was forced to go and live with her uncle. There, she ended up being something of a governess to her two younger cousins. Although her cousins didn't seem so bad, Ellie's uncle and grandmother were pretty awful to her. But not actively awful - just neglectful of her feelings, etc. After she's abducted, there were times that I liked her more and then liked her less. I thought she was a teensy bit fickle about her feelings regarding the hero. But then again, she's got no real experience with men, other than family, so I guess her confusion makes sense. I love, love, loved the fact that she was an artist and a talented illustrator. Even more, I loved her secret plan to someday escape her dreary life in her uncle's home.

I thought Damien was pretty great. I love the stories where the bad guy turns into the hero. And Damien is an excellent bad guy...even though we know he isn't a bad guy right from the start! His story was even MORE intriguing with his murky bloodline and everything he goes through to try and figure it out. It was a lot of fun to watch him be so cold and dismissive of Ellie at first, and then, after speaking to her, he finds that she's kind of fun to talk to and to spend time with. I don't want to give away too much of what Damien reveals in his own sweet time in the book but I just loved some of his secrets! I didn't really understand why he didn't want to tell Ellie the reason he was given the moniker of The Demon Prince. It seems a harmless enough story to tell her, especially someone with such a fanciful imagination like Ellie. But I guess Damien had to keep some details to himself so that later on, when he revealed these details, it would be a great way to bring Damien and Ellie closer together.

I loved the scenes with Damien and Ellie. I really feel that they were pretty perfect for each other. I really, really enjoyed the addition of other characters to the mix. Damien's servants who also feel like elderly family members were a wonderful addition and made me laugh out loud a couple of times. One of Damien's secrets is also a person and this person was a lot of fun and I actually wished that this character had much, much more time on the page.

There were a couple of things that I didn't really love though. I feel like Ellie held on to her dream of living alone a bit too long. I can understand why, living with her uncle and grandmother, being at their beck and call all the time, that she would long for freedom and solitude. But once she starts to like Damien and enjoy spending time with him, I though that she was being a little TOO stubborn. Not a lot, just a little. I also felt like the book ended rather abruptly. Sure, the story may feel like it drags in the middle a bit but I didn't mind it since I was having fun with the characters. But the last few pages were a whirlwind of wrapping up story lines and happily ever afters that I felt a bit confused. I would have like to have been around the characters, especially Ellie and Damien for a little while longer. Maybe an epilogue would have helped?

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. This is the first book I've read by this author but it definitely won't be the last! I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of historical romance with a fun little mystery added in.
Profile Image for Patty McKenna Van Hulle.
742 reviews10 followers
January 8, 2015

In every romance story there a man and a woman, but this one is special because it has a very important third character that makes the story complete. A Fairy Godmother named Lady Clarissa Milford, who makes exceptional woman dreams come true. Lady Clarissa was blessed with a special pair of shoes that will lead the wearer to their true love when she was younger. Now she makes others' dreams come true.

Damien Burke was orphaned and raised by a kind and gentle woman named Mrs. Mims. His Mimsy always told him stories that he was son of royalty and she raised and taught him to always be a gentleman. When he was old enough, she brings him to Eton so he could get a princely education. She gives him a special key and tells him not to show it to anyone and he can use it to find his parents. On the day of her death, Damien flees Eton to grieve the only mother he ever had. He is discovered and beaten by the creul Walt Stratham and his friends. He fights back and says, "My dad's a king and he will chop off your heads!" Walt laughs, steals his key and calls him The Demon Prince! For 15 years, Damien has gambled, invested well and now owns "Demons Den", a gambling hell, and has Walt, Viscount Greaves, right where is WANTS him!

Eloise Stratham is also an orphan and unwanted. Ellie's father die in debt from gambling and her Uncle Basil Stratham, the Earl of Pennington, pays his debts and takes Ellie in. She has been a UNPAID governess, maid, errand runner and now a chaperone for his spoiled daughter, Lady Beatrice. All she wants is to write and draw her children book, so she can support herself and not be anyone servant. All she has to do is keep her handsy Cousin Walt away from her and help make Beatrice into a successful debutante and then she is FREE!

Now Damien wants his key or he threatens to abducted Walt's sister, Lady Beatrice. All Ellie wants is a simple cottage and peace and quiet. Lady Clarissa and her magic shoes enters and shakes up their world, with her trusted butler, Hargrove, because every Fairy Godmother needs a little help. Damien kidnaps Ellie by mistake and when Ellie wakes up, she is in a castle in SCOTLAND! With only his most trusted friends/servants Finn MacNab and his wife, Damien is shocked to find out he abduct the wrong Stratham female! Ellie does what every kidnapped girl does she tries to escape, but learns that she is on an island and no place to go. So now we have a Rat Prince, his captive, a castle, sword fights, steamy scenes, the Forbidden Forest, fist fights, a witch, a vicar and little blonde imp. Then add Lady Clarissa and her shoes to the mix and stir and your get this crazy, funny, sexy and heart melting journey that Damien and Ellie take together. Will Damien ever find his parents? Will Ellie and Damien embrace their love and have a happy ending?

I felt such a part of this story and all the loveable and not so loveable characters. Ellie is like me, she lives in the world of stories because her life would be nothing without them. Damien goes to such lengths to hide his tender and lonely heart from the world. This book would not be complete without Lady Clarissa, our slight kooky and sneaky Fairy Godmother. I am so glad Ms. Drake finally shared her story with us. She writes with humor, snappy dialogue, steamy and hot scenes, quirky and crazy characters but mostly with love! Ms. Drake gets my top score of 5 fingers up and 10 toes. I would also like to THANK Ms. Drake for making MY world brighter and happier!

Reviewed from a NetGalley ARC.
Profile Image for Sonya Heaney.
Author 6 books39 followers
May 31, 2014
4 stars for the first half. 1.5 for the second.

Originally posted HERE .

Yes, I know. The title is silly and the cover makes the setting look like the 1980s, not the 1810s!

This book confused me a bit, as it felt like the first and second halves were written by different people. That’s not to say it didn’t have a lot of good points, just that I found the first half ten times more engrossing than the second.

Generally, historical romances based on fairy tales aren’t my thing, as they’re practically screaming out for the use of anachronisms (and magic). Apparently Abducted by a Prince is the third in a trilogy of books based on Cinderella stories, but I thought the author did an excellent job of making it work as a standalone.

Of course, being Cinderella-ish, there are some downright nasty characters in our heroine’s family. However, it didn’t particularly bother me, and I liked that while Ellie was downtrodden, she had a plan to get out. The Cinderella trope works much better in historical settings, because a woman like Ellie literally had no option but to stay with the family who treated her like a servant.

The first part of the book really brought Regency London to life (I’m taking a guess at the time period, as we weren’t given a date – a pet annoyance of mine). In a way, I was reminded of the excellent beginning to Anne Gracie’s The Autumn Bride. I was completely on board with the book, even though there were some magical shoes introduced.

I was also really pleased with how non-American the author’s language was. No complaints from my end about messing up British English!

Then Damien abducted Ellie and took her to Scotland. From here I thought the story lost some of its heart. Isolated in a castle on an island, with only two much older servants as company, the strong feel of the era got lost.

On her first night there, the heroine made an attempt to escape, followed closely by her being caught by Damien. Out on an island in the Scottish elements, in winter, pinned against a rock in the dark, Ellie – who should have been terrified – decided she was aroused by her captor. I didn’t think that was necessary. It’s a romance; we know they’ll get there in the end!

Sure, Ellie was considered ‘ruined’ by the mere fact she was abducted, but the speed at which the two leads forgot about all propriety – and fell in love – wasn’t easy to believe. From the outset they were addressing each other by their first names, and Damien was in and out of Ellie’s bedroom for all kinds of reasons – this would never have happened.

Within a week, Ellie was throwing away her virginity and announcing she wouldn’t worry about getting pregnant. And she did this even though she no longer had a home to go to, or any money.

So… I don’t know. I was struggling with how blasé Ellie was about her literally horrific future prospects, and couldn’t buy the two of them being in love so fast, considering everything between them.

I don’t know how I’d rate this book. I’d have loved it if the second half was more like the first. I do know I’d be willing to try another book by this author.

Review copy provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for My Book Addiction and More MBA.
1,958 reviews68 followers
July 8, 2014
Captivating from start to finish! Olivia Drake continues her Cinderella Sisterhood Series with another masterpiece!

Damien Burke, owner of a notorious gambling club, has almost everything he’s ever wanted. He’s amassed enough money to buy the best that money can buy, however; there is one thing he can’t buy. It’s the one thing he desires more than anything in the world, the answers to his past. A key, stolen from him while he was at Eton, may hold the answer to the mystery behind his birth. Knowing that the owner of the key, one villainous Viscount Greaves, won’t just hand it over after all these years, Damien decides to kidnap his sister, Lady Beatrice, and demand the key as ransom. So he carefully devises a plan and sets it in motion. Only he kidnaps the wrong lady…

Eloise Stratham is a penniless, orphaned cousin to Viscount Greaves, and must rely on her uncle, Lord Pennington, for everything. Being set to live with her uncle when she was only fourteen, Ellie is used to hard work. Having to work off her father’s gambling debt and earn her keep, Ellie has played maid and governess to her cousins. Her youngest cousin, Beatrice is set to make her come-out this year, and Ellie longs for the freedom she hopes to have after finally launching her last pupil into society. But when she notices a black carriage that appears to be following Beatrice and herself, she gets quite the uneasy feeling. Little does she know, her life is getting ready to change in the biggest way possible.

After abducting the wrong lady and transporting her to an island fortress, Damien can’t believe his bad luck. But when he realizes that the chaperone he mistakenly took is actually beautiful and feisty underneath all that drab clothing, he soon realizes that his biggest mistake may actually be a blessing in disguise. Even though he won’t be getting the key as random, Ellie agrees to help him find it just as soon as they can return to London. As Ellie and Damien spend time together while waiting out a bitter winter storm, they begin to develop a relationship built on trust and friendship, and each shares secrets that they’ve never told before. When the legendary Lady Milford shows up for an unexpected visit, neither Damien nor Ellie will be ready for the even bigger storm they’re about to face. Will Damien and Ellie’s relationship survive and will they ever retrieve the key that will help him unlock the secrets of his past?

I absolutely adore the Cinderella Sisterhood Series by Olivia Drake! The premise behind the garnet shoes helping the young ladies who are in need is genius! And I am a huge fan of Lady Milford! She’s everything you’d want a real life “fairy godmother” to be! Ellie and Damien’s characters are well written and utterly enjoyable. I found myself routing for their happily-ever-after almost from the very beginning! I thoroughly enjoyed how Ellie was finally treated like the lady she was instead of some poor relation. Damien’s vulnerability with regards to his unknown heritage was heartbreaking, since he only wanted to know for the sake of his daughter, Lily. The ending was definitely unexpected but fitting for such a wonderfully written novel. This is one I will be reading again and again. If you’re a fan of historical fiction based in the Regency Era, then don’t miss this one! Received for an honest review.

Rating: 5

Heat Rating: MILD

Reviewed by: AprilP

Courtesy of My Book Addiction and More

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