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Dans ce 4ème épisode de Long John Silver, les membres rescapés du Neptune découvrent enfin la mystérieuse cité de Guyanacapac. C'est ici qu'un trésor serait enfoui ; c'est ici aussi qu'un piège infernal va se refermer sur eux. Chacun va découvrir l'horrible secret de cette cité et la véritable personnalité de l'Indien Moxtechica. Quant à Vivian, enceinte, elle ne peut plus reculer ; elle va devoir surmonter cette ultime épreuve...

56 pages, Hardcover

First published April 25, 2013

About the author

Xavier Dorison

173 books99 followers
Xavier Dorison est né en 1972 à Paris et passe trois années en école de commerce, où il organise le festival BD des Grandes Écoles, puis travaille chez Barclays Corp. Dès 1997, il écrit le premier tome du Troisième Testament, série co-scénarisé et dessiné par Alex Alice qui remporte un succès immédiat. Il publie ensuite deux séries aux Humanoïdes Associés : Prophet avec Matthieu Lauffray et Sanctuaire avec Christophe Bec. Il co-scénarise, avec Fabien Nury, le film Brigades du Tigre, qui sera également adapté en bande dessinée aux éditions Glénat avec Jean-Yves Delitte au dessin. Il co-scénarise, toujours avec Fabien Nury, le western fantastique W.E.S.T. mis en image par Christian Rossi. Et lance début 2007 une fresque pirate : Long John Silver. En 2008, il crée la série Les Sentinelles et participe au projet XIII Mystery, en scénarisant l'album sur La Mangouste. En 2008 également, il écrit Le Syndrome d'Abel pour son comparse Marazano, de retour au dessin. En septembre 2010, il s’associe à nouveau avec Alex Alice et commence la publication de l’antésuite du Troisième Testament, intitulée Julius, toujours chez Glénat. En mars 2012, paraît chez Dargaud le premier tome d’Asgard, série dans l’univers des vikings, dessinée par Ralph Meyer. En 2013 paraîtra chez Glénat une série coécrite avec son frère Guillaume Dorison.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
Profile Image for Diz.
1,747 reviews115 followers
May 20, 2022
This series ends with a bang by taking this pirate adventure in an unexpected direction. The story is filled with action, adventure, and a fight for the lives of the characters. It wasn't until I read this volume that I realized that I had grown attached to these characters.
Profile Image for Simon Chadwick.
Author 39 books8 followers
January 14, 2014
I read this final volume to the series the same evening I watched the movie Wrath Of The Titans. The film is a plethora of storytelling no-nos, lacking in the fundamental basics of character development, setting, and motivation to create an utterly uninvolving and detached experience for the viewer regardless of the millions spent on it. Every confused moment left you wondering why you were bothering.

And then I read Long John Silver. The comics medium certainly causes some people to get a little sniffy, but when a two-man creative team can pull you so deeply into an imagined world that the experience feels cinematic, that you care enough about what happens to the characters that you're finger's already sitting between the next two pages to hasten their turning before you realise it, well, then that's when you know you've got a good read on your hands.

There are some wonderful moments in here, orchestrated to set the tone and place the reader firmly within the action and the moment. The oppressing, dark and fetid rainforest feels close and dank and the danger very real, and all because Lauffray has taken the care to build that atmosphere into his art. The ominous double-page landscape of the temple towering above the jungle canopy against a cruel and foreboding sky does far more to place the reader in the moment than any frame from Wrath Of The Titans.

Dorison's script pulls the characters closer to their fate and, while few of them remain standing, still the draw of potential unimaginable treasure outweighs the fear for their own lives. Silver himself remains an enigma as to whether or not his heart his set on gold or the rescue of Lady Hastings, and the ultimate conclusion is a surprising one, albeit a fitting one that honours the character's literary history.

A first-class series from beginning to end, and one I'll certainly be enjoying all over again.
Profile Image for Sergio.
132 reviews3 followers
February 15, 2018
Repasando mis puntuaciones de la serie está claro que el haber trasladado marco y estilo de una pura aventura de piratas en el mar hacia una odisea de exploración en la selva con insinuación de elementos fantásticos no es lo que hubiera preferido. Ese y no otro es el detalle que me obliga a no darle las cinco estrellas ni a este ni al anterior tomo. Lo demás sigue estando a muy alto nivel, el dibujo es una gozada en todos los aspectos, mención especial para las expresiones de los personajes, y la narración de este tomo no podía ser más trepidante, amén de un final adecuamente poético y evocador.
Profile Image for Highland G.
489 reviews31 followers
February 18, 2024
It ended a lot better than it started but I feel like this last book could have been explored a lot more and was kinda rushed to its end. Overall a fun series but not something I would hold onto long term.
Profile Image for Joana.
735 reviews13 followers
February 23, 2023
This ending brings it so well!!! It's very much John Silver to his core, and this road to survival and also the importance of story and legend, and how the myth survives!!! And the action and supernatural elements being brought forward in this one were so well done!! I really like this, but I'm not really sure who to recommend it too... John Silver is someone I'm currently very invested in, so you know star public for this, for others may not do as much...
Profile Image for Andy.
323 reviews29 followers
October 7, 2018
The concluding part to what has been an outstanding series.

Instead of the riches they had imagined of at the beginning, the remaining members of the expedition are now stranded in the ruins of the lost city, but as they venture inside, all is not what it seems.

Wow! What a finale. The three previous volumes in this four book series have all been leading to this, and it did not disappoint. The story by Dorison once again immerses you into the fates of Long John Silver, Lady Hastings, Livesey, Dantzig and the rest of the crew, making you care just enough about the characters that you want them to see this adventure through to the end, with the continued character development and building on their motivations and the setting of Guiana-Capac. But it's not all plain sailing for our characters as Dorison pours in a heavy dose of the fantastical to mix things up a bit, bringing a sense of mysticism as well as danger to the story (as if the characters haven't already encountered enough danger on this expedition! ). It worked very well, and considering the previous books didn't have any, didn't take me out of the story because of the fantasy elements.

The engrossing story by Dorison is once more complemented by the atmospheric art of Lauffray. His art comes across as very cinematic, setting the tone of the action or drama that is playing out on the pages, especially when they're over a double page spread. The art is just so good!

I initially picked up this series on a whim, but I'm so glad that I did. 'Long John Silver' is a great read from start to finish. A joy to read through.
Profile Image for Ghostcat.
372 reviews34 followers
August 4, 2016
The 4 volumes of Log John Silver story are such on a high quality level that I entend to re-read these from time to time.
Fascinating story, deep characters with so many subtleness in their flaws, gorgeous drawings and so much respect for the original legend that is Long John Silver. And last but not least, one hell of a badass woman character whom broken life and power to fight back and stand up are praised in the end. Really a must read.
Profile Image for Aildiin.
1,375 reviews33 followers
June 21, 2013
This 4th book concludes the serie and is in my view the best of the lot with the first one.
The art remains of very high quality.
I was skeptic at the beginning but this serie is really a fitting homage to Stevenson's treasure island.
Profile Image for Nuno Ferreira.
Author 33 books84 followers
March 13, 2022
Estive a ler uma recente edição em quatro volumes de capa dura, resultado da parceria entre as Edições ASA e o jornal Público. Trata-se da adaptação em português da BD Long John Silver, com argumento de Xavier Dorison e ilustrações de Mathieu Lauffray. Através destes quatro álbuns ricos tanto em argumento como em desenho, que recomendo a quem goste de caças ao tesouro, descobertas arqueológicas, histórias de piratas e também de intrigas densas, descobrimos mais sobre a personagem título.

Long John Silver é o famoso pirata do livro de Robert L. Stevenson, A Ilha do Tesouro, que aqui conhecemos mais amiúde na óptica destes autores contemporâneos; não obstante, a personagem que mais me saltou à vista e que de certa forma protagoniza toda a trama é Vivian Hastings, que certamente terão muito gosto em conhecer.

Profile Image for Christian.
216 reviews
June 9, 2024
That this epic story managed to wrap up in a great way, I didn’t see coming. I expected it to fizzle out in predictable and good enough ways. Instead, it ended up having everything you could ask for in a good story.

There’s adventure, intrigue, love, test of character, multiple fairly well thought through personalities interacting in interesting ways, beauty, suspense, melancholy, mystique and even a great ending.

Also, this is a story interested in the fates of the characters in it, and told by people passionate about telling it. It is not focused on in what way the characters and their story serve a purpose for shallow political points in todays society, like so much of pop culture these days.
I sure hope this isn’t the last piratey themed book these creators have done or will do in the future. I’ll follow for more. Give me more!
Profile Image for Mark.
3 reviews
April 11, 2020
This is now one of my favorite graphic novels of all time.

I grew up a huge fan of the book ‘Treasure Island’. This story both expands on Robert Louis Stevenson’s work and stands alone as a triumph of storytelling. The art and the writing are superb. This was a true delight to read.
Profile Image for Alessandro.
1,084 reviews
August 18, 2019
Epocale. Straordinario. “L’Isola del Tesoro” all’ennesima potenza. Le storie nascono, si narrano e muoiono, ma le leggende vivono per sempre, come questa. Avventura allo stato puro, come non se ne leggono più. 6 stelle all’intera tetralogia, se ci fossero, sia per i testi che per i disegni.
Profile Image for Luis Bernardino.
166 reviews4 followers
December 13, 2021
A conclusão de um arco de aventuras interessante mas que realmente não tem nada a ver com a Ilha do Tesouro.
Este último volume tem bastante ritmo e uma arte bem eficaz a acompanhar esse ritmo.
Apenas interessante.
Profile Image for Misa.
1,403 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2024
Une fin idéal et très réaliste pour un tel pirate. J'ai adoré cette BD, il faut dire que c'était magnifique et j'avais l'impression d'être entrain de regarder un vrai film de piraterie et d'aventure. C'est un grand chef-d'œuvre de la bande dessiné. Bravo!
Profile Image for Anne Mey.
538 reviews7 followers
March 17, 2020
Le final est surprenant et toujours aussi bien dessiné, c'est rafraichissant comme changement après les trois quart de l'oeuvre assez classique même si très sympathique.
April 13, 2020
Brilliant artwork and Lady Vivian's interesting character arc brought me to the end. Never felt this as a translated version of French comic.
Profile Image for Andrés Felipe.
1 review16 followers
December 8, 2020
En la Isla del Tesoro, sabemos que el viejo capitán John Silver escapa, pero todos reconocemos su habilidad, por eso, estábamos seguros que no sería la última vez que tendríamos noticias suyas. He aquí las últimas aventuras del legendario pirata de la pata de palo.
Profile Image for Sarah.
31 reviews
August 20, 2022
J’ai commencé cette série sans avoir d’attentes particulières. J’ai été surprise par la qualité des dessins et du récit. La conclusion est incroyable et bien menée
Profile Image for Urbon Adamsson.
1,192 reviews25 followers
February 6, 2024
An epic ending worthy of an Indiana Jones movie.

The constant switch between events created a really awesome dynamic and a fantastic sense of action.
2 reviews
July 4, 2024
Recupera muy bien, la atmósfera de las películas, y los libros de piratas. La verdad, es que me cuesta ser imparcial, siempre me han flipado los piratas y su mundo. Muy recomendable
Profile Image for David.
1,252 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2020
This was a great series and I really enjoyed all four books. It feels like it was just the right length. I do think it went a little sideways at the end and that the cultists and slightly Cthonic Inca god were a bit much, but ti was still a really fun read and that artwork was gorgeous throughout.
Profile Image for Pascal.
865 reviews1 follower
December 29, 2020
J'ai vraiment bien accroché sur cette BD, très bonne histoire et dessins magnifiques, des personnages passionnants. Une fin superbe, même si malheureusement c'est la fin de l'histoire...
Profile Image for Jess Swann.
Author 11 books21 followers
September 15, 2015
Une fin en apothéose, très mystique comme je les aime. La cité perdue de Guyanacapac est très réussie, dans les couleurs, dans l'ambiance, qui évoquent réellement les fameuses cités d'or ( je fais partie de la génération du dessin animé). L'aspect mystique/mythologique est parfaitement mis en scène avec la notion du sacrifice et des fanatiques d'un dieu inca assez pervers. Idem pour les grands idéaux de la piraterie avec une mention spéciale pour la relation entre Long John et Vivian (qui m'a surprise !), j'aime le parallèle fait entre les personnages et la fin , même si elle n'est pas un happy ending bisounours pour tout le monde est parfaite : exactement celle qu'on a envie de lire !

Ce que j'aime : les planches sur la cité perdue, la relation Long John/Vivian, la mystique

Ce que j'aime moins : bah zut c'est fini...

En bref : Une belle conclusion douce-amère pour cette saga, la fin est parfaite et les représentations de la cité et de la mystique très réussies !

Ma note

Profile Image for Nicolas Ronvel.
476 reviews6 followers
November 20, 2013
Conclusion de la série Long John Silver, je redécouvre les personnages sous un nouvel angle, depuis que j'ai lu l'île au trésor.

On assiste à un final apocalyptique, dans Guyanacapac donc. Peu d'explications, mais de l'horreur, de l'héroïsme, du mystère. Tout ça fonctionne très bien, mais il manque un peu d'enjeu. Le mode de narration nous renseigne sur (au moins) un survivant, et la ville ne fait pas assez tentaculaire ni dangereuse, malgré ses occupants et ses "pièges".

Reste une ambiance très oppressante, maladive, très réussie. Une belle fin pour une belle série, mais pas un must-read pour ma part.
Profile Image for The_Mad_Swede.
1,373 reviews
May 21, 2016
This is the concluding fourth volume of Dorison and Lauffray's really enjoyable, Stevenson-inspired series Long John Silver, and it picks up right where the third volume, The Emerald Maze left off. Guiana-Capac appears to be at hand, but all is not how it has seemed and our protagonists must now deal with the reality behind the promise of the legendary city.

This volume provides a satisfying ending to a really enjoyable series, which I would heartily recommend. For my own part, I realise that I need to squeeze Stevenson's original novel into my reading schedule somewhere in the not-to-distant future.
Profile Image for Koen Claeys.
1,321 reviews22 followers
June 29, 2013
Lauffray en Dorison hebben van in het begin van dit project uitdrukkelijk gezegd dat deze strip niet pretendeert het vervolg te zijn op de klassieker 'Schatteneiland', dat het moet gezien worden als een bescheiden eerbetoon aan Stevensons meesterwerk. Hun vierluik rond 'Long John Silver' is echter zóóó goed dat het wat mij betreft een passend vervolg is.
Dit vierde en laatste deel slingert ons in een hallucinante nachtmerrie. Ik leefde intens mee met de armzaligen die dit helse avontuur mee maakten. Wat een topprestatie ! Beter kan een avonturenstrip niet zijn...
Profile Image for Giuseppe.
224 reviews
November 30, 2013
Capitolo finale della graphic novel dedicata al personaggio di Long John Silver da questo duo francese. Un prodotto di sicura qualitá, anche se la rielaborazione del personaggio di Stevenson mi ha fatto un po' storcere il naso. Gli autori, infatti, descrivono un Long John Silver piuttosto sanguigno e, soprattutto in quest'ultimo volume, epico. Insomma vengono tralasciati quegli aspetti di doppiezza e cinismo che rendono tanto affascinante il personaggio originale. Detto ció, il prodotto rimane godibilissimo e ben confezionato.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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