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Ένα μικρό βιβλίο για τη γλώσσα

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Σε έναν κόσμο όπου κάθε δύο εβδομάδες εξαφανίζεται μία γλώσσα και καθημερινά εμφανίζονται νεολογισμοί, η κατανόηση της προέλευσης και της τρέχουσας αξίας της γλώσσας δεν είχε ποτέ άλλοτε τόσο μεγάλη σημασία. Σε αυτό το θελκτικό βιβλίο, ο ειδικός γλωσσολόγος Ντέιβιντ Κρύσταλ αποδεικνύει ότι η ιστορία της γλώσσας πρέπει να ξαναειπωθεί.

Το Ένα μικρό βιβλίο για τη γλώσσα εκτείνεται σε ευρέα πεδία, από τις πρώτες λέξεις ενός παιδιού μέχρι την ιδιόμορφη διάλεκτο των γραπτών κειμένων στο διαδίκτυο, αποκαλύπτοντας τις μυριάδες περιπλοκότητες και ιδιοτροπίες. Ο Κρύσταλ εξετάζει επισταμένως την ανάπτυξη μοναδικών γλωσσικών υφών, τις καταγωγές ασαφών προφορών και την αναζήτηση για την πρώτη γραπτή λέξη. Συζητάει την κακή κατάσταση των απειλούμενων γλωσσών, όπως και τις επιτυχείς περιπτώσεις της γλωσσικής αναζωογόνησης. Επειδή είναι περισσότερο από μια εξιστόρηση, το βιβλίο αυτό στρέφεται επίσης στο μέλλον της γλώσσας, ερευνώντας την επίδραση της τεχνολογίας στην καθημερινή μας ανάγνωση, γραφή και ομιλία. Μέσα από διαφωτιστικά διαγράμματα και παιχνίδια γνώσεων, όπως και μέσα από το καλόκαρδο και διασκεδαστικό ύφος του Κρύσταλ, το Ένα μικρό βιβλίο για τη γλώσσα αποκαλύπτει ότι η ιστορία της γλώσσας είναι ένα συναρπαστικό παραμύθι για όλες τις ηλικίες.

368 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2012

About the author

David Crystal

215 books738 followers
David Crystal works from his home in Holyhead, North Wales, as a writer, editor, lecturer, and broadcaster. Born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland in 1941, he spent his early years in Holyhead. His family moved to Liverpool in 1951, and he received his secondary schooling at St Mary's College. He read English at University College London (1959-62), specialised in English language studies, did some research there at the Survey of English Usage under Randolph Quirk (1962-3), then joined academic life as a lecturer in linguistics, first at Bangor, then at Reading. He published the first of his 100 or so books in 1964, and became known chiefly for his research work in English language studies, in such fields as intonation and stylistics, and in the application of linguistics to religious, educational and clinical contexts, notably in the development of a range of linguistic profiling techniques for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. He held a chair at the University of Reading for 10 years, and is now Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of Wales, Bangor. These days he divides his time between work on language and work on internet applications.

source: http://www.davidcrystal.com/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 311 reviews
Profile Image for Cheryl Gatling.
1,161 reviews17 followers
May 8, 2011
This book has one problem with it-- the writing style, which is called breezy or chatty by the people who like it, condescending or patronizing by the people who didn't. I became impatient at being spoken to like a child, but apparently the author is addressing himself to young people. That breeziness, while potentially irritating, is also the book's greatest strength. Crystal's boundless enthusiasm for his subject makes the study of language, which is, in practice, one of the driest and most technical of fields, seem exciting, fun, and of utmost importance. Nice short chapters, cute woodcut illustrations, and sidebars full of amusing examples make the read easy. Crystal begins at the beginning, with how a baby learns to make sounds. Topics increase in sophistication until he is asking the "ultimate questions" of what is the relationship between language and the wiring of the human brain. Along the way he touches on every subject pertaining to linguistics-- grammar, accents and dialects, sign language, slang, styles, the various uses of language, and more. Two of Crystal's personal enthusiasms are for the changes brought by electronic media, which he celebrates, and does not view as a decline, and the loss of world languages, which he views as a tragedy, and calls upon the reader to help reverse. Crystal is convincing enough to make a young person decide to pursue further study in linguistics, which is exactly what he is hoping for.
Profile Image for Hussein H. Adnan.
16 reviews9 followers
August 24, 2019
اذا كنت تتوقع انك في هذا الكتاب ستجد اصل وسبب الحاجة البشرية للغة فهذا الكتاب ليس بالعمق الكافي للاجابة على هذا التساؤل الكبير الذي يجب ان يغوص في علم النفس البشري قبل كل شيء، وربما ولسوء الحظ، يحمل هذا الكتاب عنوانًا اكبر من حجمه، مختصر تاريخ اللغة كما وصفته الواشنطن بوست هو كتاب للاطفال من جميع الاعمار، تقرأه للمتعة لا غير، كتاب تغلب عليه السطحية الخفيفة على ذهن القارئ كأنك تتصفح في مجلة شهرية بموضوعات عادية جدا تخص اللغة.

مع هذا لا يتناول الكتاب اللغة بمفهومها العام، اذ انه يركز في الدرجة الاساس على الاستخدامات اللغوية في الانگليزية، ويستدل في اكثر من موضع بأمثلة من الواقع المعاش للغة الانگليزية مما جعل ترجمتها مهمة سهلة لكنها تقع في شراك الافتقار الى الدقة اللازمة والبعذ عن المقصود، لذلك فأنا انصح المهتمين بهذا الموضوع ان يتناولوا النسخة الانگليزية لمتعة اكبر.

شخصيا، استمتعت بقراءة هذا الكتاب. :)
Profile Image for Jessica.
18 reviews
August 11, 2016
I think the low ratings are unfair as I believe many of the reviewers do not realize this book is for young people. As a speech/language pathologist, the content was a review for me...but I also really enjoy David Crystal's books, so I picked it up to see what he would say. I found the style to be easy-breezy enough, but packed full of the "need to know" conceptual information vital to briefly understanding how language develops given real-life examples. I was seized with the wish that all teacher preparation programs would make this required reading. In this book are concepts that are so integral to learning, but those I truly believe many teachers don't realize are foundational for a student's understanding of their instruction. It is a conversational enough book to be non-threatening to one's time and effort (I finished it in an afternoon) and would increase the understanding and empathy among educators of the many variables (and potential road-blocks) to children's communication which is so relied upon for participating in today's learning environments.
Profile Image for Faisal s.
115 reviews61 followers
September 7, 2022
س/ ماهو موضوع الكتاب ؟
اللغة بشكل عام جدًا
س/ من المؤلف؟
ديفيد كريستال أحد اللغوين الرواد، له مؤلفات أخرى وشارك في موسوعات لغوية وكذلك كتب دراسية. ذا مان نوز وت هيز توكنق اباوت.
س/ كم عدد الصفحات؟
الكتاب 399 صفحة مقسم على 40 فصل
س/ ماهي الفكرة الرئيسية في الكتاب؟
هي اللغة ولكن ذكر العناوين الرئيسية التي تتعلق باللغة بطريقة مباشرة مثل مصدر اللغة وطرق النطق وتعلم الأطفال للغة وعناوين أخرى جميلة حقيقة.
س/ ماذا يقدم لي الكتاب؟
يقدم لك نظرة شاملة عن اللغة، بالمعنى الذي ينطبق على جميع لغات العالم ولا تنفرد فيه لغة دون أخرى.
س/ رأيي الشخصي بالكتاب؟
أعجبني الكتاب ويشكل كتاب جيد لمن يرغب بفكرة عامة عن اللغة، اذكر رأيت تقييمًا للكتاب سلبي ويذكر فيه المقيم ان الكتاب سطحي، والحقيقة أنه كتب ليكون سطحيًا، ويندرج باعتقادي تحت ( البوب ساينس) أي عرض معلومات بطريقة ممتعة، إن أرد كتاب في فلسفة اللغة فهذا ليس الكتاب المناسب.
Profile Image for hương quỳnh⛅.
290 reviews495 followers
January 17, 2022
Tác giả quá là tâm huyết, đây đọc giống như lời của giảng viên vậy. Nhưng mà có điều đơn giản quá giống như tập hợp lại những điều chung chung về ngôn ngữ mà ai cũng biết rồi, nói chung giống mang tính khái quát hoặc giới thiệu sơ thui 🤷‍♀️ chắc vì viết cho người bình thường đọc nên ko sâu lắm. Trẻ em đọc cũng dc
Có nhiều chương khá thú vị (cũng ko nhiều), ví dụ như
- Quy tắc ngữ pháp và các biến thể
- Giọng và phương ngữ
- Tiếng lóng
- Nguồn gốc tên địa danh và tên người
Giới thiệu sương sương một vài khác biệt trong cách phát âm và ngữ pháp vùng miền. Rồi giọng chuẩn RP thường dc dạy khi học tiếng Anh nhưng thiệt ra chỉ có khoảng X% dân số xài cái accent này 🤷‍♀️ rồi hùi xưa ngta chỉ có tên thánh chứ ko có họ. Để phân biệt ng này ng kia ngta thường gọi thêm cái nghề nghiệp đằng sau, sau đó thành cái họ lun. Ví dụ như Potter, Baker, Shakespeare, Smith, Cook... Nói chung sách viết năm 2009 nên mấy cái thông tin này ko còn mới lạ nữa, coi video trên youtube hoặc coi phim thừn xuyên là bik dc thui.

Đánh giá là ko hữu ích lắm 🤣 bởi vì sách viết lâu quá rùi, hồi 2009 thì MXH chưa có dc như bây giờ nên muốn hiểu biết này nọ phải dựa vào sách là chủ yếu, còn giờ lên youtube quá trời content nên mụi ngừi có thể lụm lặt dc trên đó rất nhiều kiến thức free về ngôn ngữ, văn hóa còn nhiều hơn cả trong đây nữa, mà lại trực quang và sinh động 🤷‍♀️

Túm lại mình mua quyển này vì thích tiếng Anh và cũng hay đọc mấy cái truyện kinh điển nên muốn bik thêm về cách ngta nói chuyện hùi xưa. Thấy trên page Nhã thỉnh thoảng đăng lên những trích đoạn khá hay nên mới mua nhưng tất cả chỉ có thế, cái gì dc trích lên đó là những cái hay nhất r chứ ko còn j khác thú vị lắm đâu 👉👈 giống kiểu 1 cái trailer đã quảng cáo hết mấy cảnh hay của 1 bộ phim í 🤷‍♀️ nói chung thấy khá là tiếc tiền

Điểm cộng quyển sách là tác giả tâm huyết vs nghề nên mình cũng ráng đọc và đọc xong mình càng có thêm động lực để lên youtube lụm lặt kiến thức free :v
Profile Image for حياة الياقوت.
Author 22 books1,771 followers
January 21, 2020
كتاب ممتاز لعالم اللغويات المعروف ديفيد كريستل. أنصح به لمن يريد نظرة أفقية وغير مغرقة في التخصص عن اللغة واللغويات. كان يمكن للترجمة أن تكون أفضل.
Profile Image for Hung Nguyen.
388 reviews29 followers
February 15, 2024
Cuốn Audio đầu tiên trên Fonos cho trải nghiệm không tệ. Có điều đúng là không nên chọn sách ngôn ngữ dịch từ tiếng Anh làm cuốn audio tiếng Việt đầu tiên, một số đoạn nghe hơi kỳ cục, dù nhìn chung bản dịch và người đọc khá là tốt. Về nội dung thì không có nhiều cái để nói, nó điểm qua mọi khía cạnh của ngôn ngữ học, đủ để khơi gợi sự tò mò và hứng thú tìm hieue mà không đi quá sâu vào những nội dung chuyên ngành. 4⭐️
Profile Image for عمر الحمادي.
Author 7 books684 followers
May 30, 2019
كتاب مبسط جداً في علم اللغة لدرجة أن أغلب ما فيه يخبرك بما تعرفه أصلاً... قد لا يَسر من يبغون التوسع والتعمق والمقارنة.
Profile Image for Công Thắng.
153 reviews15 followers
December 7, 2021
Học ngành ngôn ngữ nên những khái niệm trong sách đối với mình phần lớn không lạ. Đọc cuốn này mong muốn ôn lại kiến thức ngành một tí, cũng như mong đợi những cách tiếp cận mới mẻ. Và đúng là cuốn này không làm mình thất vọng.
Sách viết theo kiểu "gần gũi", "trò chuyện", ngôn ngữ đơn giản, đời thường, nên ai cũng có thể đọc và hiểu trọn vẹn nội dung sách. Tác giả lấy nhiều ví dụ minh họa (chủ yếu là trong tiếng Anh), dùng nhiều phép liên tưởng, so sánh, khiến cho các khái niệm khô khan của ngành ngôn ngữ trở nên rất dễ hiểu. Mình rất thích những chương đầu sách, nói về hành trình học ngôn ngữ của trẻ con, từ khi còn trong bụng mẹ.
Lối viết này vừa là điểm mạnh, nhưng cũng chính là điểm yếu của sách, vì dễ khiến nhiều đối tượng độc giả - những người hy vọng tìm một cuốn sách hàn lâm hơn, khoa học hơn - cảm thấy chán. Nhiều chương đọc chán chết đi được. Cho nên nói chung cuốn này phù hợp cho những người mới hoàn toàn trong ngành ngôn ngữ hơn.
Profile Image for Kyriakos Sorokkou.
Author 6 books210 followers
May 17, 2020

Δείτε την κριτική στα Ελληνικά στις βιβλιοαλχημείες

And with this book I finally begin reviewing my June books.

So after a disappointing read that ended my May I began my June with a very interesting one.

This is the third language/linguistics related book I read last year. The other two were Word Wise and Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words.

This is an ideal book for a language nerd, even though it's more ideal for a total beginner in linguistic subjects.

Subjects like baby talk, writing systems, slang and idioms, language families, sign languages, endangered languages, etymology, language and literature, and many more.

And since it was written by David Crystal a witty leading British linguist and since it has beautiful woodcut illustrations it was obvious I was going to gobble it down in 3 days.

I also read another book from this series; A Little History of Literature. To be reviewed next month.

Profile Image for Kirstin Brie.
43 reviews1 follower
July 5, 2010

I was really excited when I won this book from Yale University Press; I love reading modern books about language development, research, and usage. This book did not disappoint, although I do have three main complaints about it.

First though, lets look at the things I enjoyed. I loved how well researched this book was and how David Crystal concerned himself with the study of language development, use, and adaptation from a general point of view. Most of the examples in the book were, necessarily, about English, but he also heavily relied on French, Chinese (in a general way) and he even used some Latin. This keeps readers from any language background intrigued and feeling included. I really liked David Crystal’s accessibility and inclusivity. Following these goals, the language is also very accessible and inclusive. People of all reading levels, strengths and abilities will not have any trouble reading and enjoying this book. I will have more to say on this aspect later on, but the one thing that made the language bearable was that it allowed David Crystal to keep his inclusive book about language accessible to everyone and anyone.

I became even more excited once I actually received the book and looked at his chapter headings. Chapters such as ‘Discovering Grammar,’ ‘Accents and Dialects,’ ‘Dying Languages,’ and ‘The Electronic Revolution’ had me jumping and clapping in my living room. I was dying to start it and see what treasures these chapter headings promised. Like the book as a whole, they did not disappoint, although he could have elaborated on the ideas and research in the chapters more fully. I would be first in line for a longer, more academic volume that would flesh out this fun summer read further.

Now for the things that I found disappointing. I was almost insulted by the level that David Crystal chose to write at. I felt that I was in a Grade 5 English classroom sitting in on a guest lecture by a University Professor but I was looking for the University Professor’s actual class! I believe that David Crystal could have maintained the accessibility, humour, and fun in the text and not talked to us like we were in Elementary School. This fine-line is beautifully illustrated, in my opinion, by the two Jared Diamond books I’ve read; Collapse and Guns, Germs and Steel. Unlike David Crystal, Jared Diamond did not talk to his audience as though they were young children, but still managed to keep his books flowing along, fun to read, and accessible. For me, this was A Little Book of Language’s greatest flaw.

I believe that his younger reading level detracted from the obviously meticulous research that went into his book. He glossed over the really interesting material but chose to define words such as linguist, and politically correct. I would have preferred more time spent on the meat and potatoes of his research, and less time spent defining and helping his reader to pronounce key words. A glossary at the end of his book would have served the same purpose, maintained the books accessibility, and not insulted his audience.

Despite the book’s few annoying flaws, it was a really fun and enjoyable read. I would recommend it for the layman of any age interested in languages, their development, and why and how they change. It made me hungry for more linguistic books and David Crystal graciously lays out other directions where you can take your reading in Chapter 39. A Little Book of Language is a great pool- or beach-side read for the summer.

Profile Image for Duong.
996 reviews113 followers
January 1, 2022
Mịn đánh giá rất cao dịch giả và ban biên tập của cuốn sách này. Phải biết là tác giả viết chủ yếu về ngôn ngữ Anh, vậy mà dịch ra vẫn mượt và đọc vẫn thú vị dễ sợ bằng tiếng Việt, đọc mà sướng ghê luôn ấy.

Thú thật thì phần lớn lượng kiến thức trong này mình đều đã biết, phần về nhi ngữ mình đã đọc những cuốn nuôi dạy con và phát triển ngôn ngữ cho trẻ, phần về phương ngữ của các vùng nước Anh mình đã xem thông qua youtube SmashingEnglish, và phần về RP, khác biệt giữ Anh-Anh và Anh-Mỹ, Anh-Úc,..; khác biệt về 1 số chi tiết nhưng đồng nhất về gốc Latin của nhóm Roman…cũng vậy. Nhưng cách tác giả khéo léo dẫn vào từng phần từng phần rất hay luôn. Bạn sẽ như 1 đứa trẻ từ trong bụng mẹ, ra đời và dần dần học được cách nói chuyện, có ý thức về thế giới ngôn ngữ xung quanh và học cách chung sống với những bất đồng ngôn ngữ xung quanh mình.

Thông tin khá là basic, hệ thống rõ ràng, cách viết thông minh, thật sự đọc rất cuốn hút.
27 reviews6 followers
January 5, 2022
Meh. Kinda my fault for not remembering that it's for a younger audience so it was a super easy fundamental read. At the same time it was nice to get a break from reading a fiction book that makes me cry every time I sit down (ahem a little life) so it was a nice "palate cleanser" as Jade says. Definitely reminded me tho that I love languages so much 🥰🥰🥰
Author 1 book87 followers
February 14, 2021
ترجمة العنوان خاطئة

الكتاب اسمه : " كتاب صغير عن اللغة " وليس تاريخ اللغة !

الكتاب نفسه جيد ولكن كان الأجدر ان يكون اسمه
كتاب صغير عن اللغة الانجليزية

الترجمة بشعة
Profile Image for Nakwan sriaru.
71 reviews20 followers
May 16, 2020
a little book of language

หนังสือเล่มนี้เหมือนการพาทัวร์รอบๆ สิ่งที่เราเรียกว่า ภาษา ตั้งแตการวิวัฒน์อวัยวะส่งเสียงของเรา การประกอบสร้างคอนเซปท์ของภาษาในทารก การประดิษฐ์สิ่งที่เรียกว่าภาษา ภาษาพูด ภาษาเขียน ภาษามือ ฯลฯ แน่นอนว่าการพาทัวร์นั้นไม่ได้ลงลึกเท่าไหร่ แต่พยายามชี้ให้เห็นถึงความหลากหลายต่างๆ เช่น การฟื้นคืนชีวิตแก่ภาษาของชนเผ่า และส่วนที่มีเสน่ห์มากๆ คือการเล่าถึงภาษาถิ่น


แน่นอนว่าหนังสือเล่มนี้เขียนโดยนักภาษาศาสตร์ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ แต่เขาเป็นชาวอังกฤษน่ะ และเขียนเล่มนี้ด้วยภาษาอังกฤษ เพราะฉะนั้น เนื้อหาส่วนที่น่าสนใจและน่าจะสนุกมากๆ เช่น การเปรียบเทียบข้ามไปมาระหว่างภาษาในเรื่องเล่าของผู้เขียน เลยไม่ทำให้เราสนุกขนาดนั้น

เราเองในฐานะนักอ่านชาวไทย ที่รู้ซึ้งดีถึงความแตกต่างอันมหาศาลของภาษา เทียบเคียงในสมองหลายประโยคบ่อยๆ โดยอัตโนมัติ และเวลาเจอคำที่สงสัย เราอยากรู้เสมอว่าต้นฉบับใช้คำว่าอะไรหนอ อรรถรสที่ได้รับเลยถูกทอน ไม่ว้าวเหมือนผู้อ่านที่เป็นคนใช้ภาษาอังกฤษเป็นภาษาหลัก

ตัวอย่างที่ผู้เขียนชอบยกคือ เทียบกับฝรั่งเศส (ภาษาเพื่อนบ้าน) และจีน (ภาษาเอเลี่ยน) ซึ่งผู้อ่านชาวไทยทั่วๆ ไป ย่อมรู้สึกว่าภาษาฝร���่งเศสนั้นแปลกหน้ากว่า และภาษาจีนไม่เห็นจะแปลก (แม้เราอาจฟังไม่ออก)

เรื่องของภาษาถิ่นเป็นสิ่งที่น่าสนุก แต่คนที่สนุกที่สุดเมื่ออ่านคงเป็นคนสกอต ลิเวอร์พูล เท็กซัส หรือออสเตรเลีย (ทุกที่ที่ใช้อังกฤษเป็นภาษาหลักน่ะแหละ) ถ้าหนังสือเล่มนี้ไม่ใช่หนังสือแปล เราคงสนุกสนานกับคำลาวหนองคาย เขมรสุรินทร์ ลาวกาฬสินธุ์ ลาวขอนแก่น เหน่อเพชรบุรี เหน่อราชรี เหน่อเมืองกาญจน์ คำเมือง พม่า ยาวี ฯลฯ

นอกจากบริบทในการอ่านที่ต่างไป ส่วนอื่นๆ ที่สากลกว่าก็ยังน่าสนใจอยู่มาก เช่น ภาษาการเมือง บทที่ว่าด้วย political correctness เป็นบทที่ชวนหัวใช้ได้ และสูตรสำเร็จของการกล่าวสุนทรพจน์ (กฎสามคำ) ที่ยกตัวอย่างมาก็แสนเหมาะเหม็ง ภาษาในวรรณกรรม ภาษาในวิทยาศาสตร์ ภาษาในแชท ฯลฯ

และสำคัญที่สุด ที่ทำให้ซื้อเล่มนี้มาอ่าน คือ ภาษาในบทบาทของการเป็นเครื่องมือในการคิด

แต่หนังสือแค่พาทัวร์น่ะแหละ ผู้เขียนเก็บสิ่งนี้ไว้เป็นลูกชิ้น แต่ก๋วยเตี๋ยวชามนี้ดันมีลูกชิ้นไม่กี่ลูก แถมเล็กไปหน่อย
Profile Image for Reihane Hosseini.
7 reviews4 followers
February 12, 2021
این کتاب برای کسی که بار اول میخواهد درمورد زبان مطالبی بداند مناسب است. ولی کسی که حتی فقط کتاب جرج یول‌ را خوانده باشد و یا اطلاعات کمی درمورد زبان‌شناسی بداند این کتاب مناسب نیست چون بدیهی‌ترین اطلاعات و مفاهیم را مثل یک رمان و داستان بازگو می‌کند. من به کسی توصیه نمی‌کنم. کتاب های دیگر دیوید کریستال ارزش وقت گذاشتن دارند غیر از این یکی.
33 reviews5 followers
March 1, 2019
كتاب رائع للدكتور المتخصص في علم اللغة ديڤيد كريستال، وهو أستاذ لغوي عالمي معروف، له عدة مؤلفات ويستشهد بكلامه المتخصصون في حقل اللغويات وتطور اللغات، لغة الكتاب سهلة للغاية لكن الترجمة سيئة ومليئة بالأخطاء وكأنها مسودة ترجمة، إلا أنها تؤدي الغرض. قد يحتاج القارئ إلى معرفة بالإنجليزية لأن الكتاب يدرس بالأساس هذه اللغة ويقارنها بغيرها، لكنه لم يتطرق إلى العربية في أمثلته، ويُعَد هذا غريبًا لكل متخصص في اللغويات أن يتجاهل العربية وهي لغة غنية بالمفردات والتراكيب، ويعد الناطقون بها عددًا كبيرًا وفي منطقة استراتيجية من العالم.

لكنه يفتح النظر على مناطق من اللغات بكل أنواعها ويعدد المجالات التي يهتم بها اللغويون، وهو مدخل جيد للتوسع بعد ذلك لمن يريد القراءة في هذا العلم.
Profile Image for Khaled mo'men.
33 reviews13 followers
April 22, 2021
كتاب متوسط في أهمية معلوماته
العنوان مختلف تماما عن المواضيع التي طرحها
كنت اعتقد انه جمع تاريخ نشأة اللغات على الاقل الرئيسية وكيفية تفرعها وتطورها لكن للاسف لم يتكلم عن ما يمت لتاريخ اللغات بصلة
بدأ الكاتب بكيفية تعلم الطفل للغة ثم تدرج لعم الصوتيات ثم ذهب الى اللغة الانجليزية واختلاف لهجاتها واصول بعض الكلمات بها من الفرنسية والجرمانية
ثم تناول مواضيع اختلاف اساليب الكتابة في الانجليزية من الرسمية القياسية حتى اسلوب الكاتبة في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
ثم انتهى بمواضيع الصحافة والسياسة
وهكذا فان الكاتب لم يتعمق في تارخ اللغة حتى الانجليزية التي كانت محط اهتمامه
فكان من الاولى ان يكون الكتاب مواضيع مختلفة في اللغة الانجليزية او اللغة عن الانسان ومثال على ذلك الانجليزية
Profile Image for David.
387 reviews
June 22, 2010
The bookjacket blurb describes Mr. Crystal's style as "avuncular and entertaining". I should have paid more attention to the "avuncular', since his approach to language (my favorite topic) seems to aimed at the average American middle-schooler.

Problem is, this book is being marketed to grown-ups. If you buy it, pass it along to a tweener who would probably benefit from this very fundamental little book.
Profile Image for Aija.
565 reviews65 followers
July 29, 2020
Labs ceļvedis valodas funkcijās un attīstībā. Daudz labu piemēru, stāstu par valodu, interesantu faktu. Šo noteikti var ņemt kā materiālu skolā.
Profile Image for Little Beyza.
48 reviews3 followers
November 21, 2020
Crystal is such a humble and clear writer. As always, his aim is to simply help people learn about how languages work and to explain why we should learn their way of working. Linguistics, on its own, kinda a pain in the neck due to its hardness. But Crystal in his book takes aim at general public. I really respect this because I believe the more people learn, the more funds linguistics can find (in general it is in need)
Since I study linguistics, this book was just a quick review for me. Also I read it to see if it is suitable for advising people who ask me for a beginner level book on linguistics. I will definitely suggest this one.
Profile Image for Gebanuzo.
398 reviews35 followers
March 14, 2024
No soy un especialista en lingüística, así que me fue satisfecha la manera "simple" en que David explica los temas. Como un primer acercamiento al mundo de la lingüística me voy con mucha información nueva 👍🏾
Profile Image for Mai  Hamed.
317 reviews33 followers
May 14, 2024
الكتاب لم يكن بحجم تطلعاتي ، لكن ما زال جيدًا
Profile Image for NDLSSSMMR.
8 reviews4 followers
July 18, 2024
Đơn giản, dễ hiểu. Không phải một cuốn sách chuyên ngành mà dân chuyên ngữ cần lấy tài liệu để thi qua môn kiểu ngữ nghĩa hay ngữ âm âm vị học nhưng vẫn cung cấp đủ kiến thức nhập môn cho người thích tìm hiểu về ngôn ngữ nói chung.
Profile Image for Tanya Hill.
104 reviews1 follower
May 29, 2022
Some fascinating chapters and others that were too simplistic and didn’t teach me anything. Would have loved for it to have been more complex and to go into more detail
Profile Image for Akbar Madan.
171 reviews32 followers
January 23, 2020
اللغة التي يقال عنها بأنها كائن حي ، أو ملكة في دماغ الانسان ، يستطيع الانسان عبر التدريب والتعليم اكتسابها وإتقانها بفعالية كبيرة ، هي مجموعة مواد أولية من الحروف والكلمات والعبارات التي يستخدمها الانسان للتواصل مع الاخرين ولكنه حولها من لغة تواصل الى استخدامات أخرى كلغة جمال وتغني ومشاعر وشعر ، تفنن الانسان في اللغة كما تفنن في الطبيعة من خلال رسمها ونحتها ، وكما تفنن في جسده بإعادة تنسيقه فيكون بالشكل الذي عليه حاليا ، ولكن اللغة قد تكون كائن مثل بقية الكائنات عندما تندثر وتنقرض فقد اقرضت قرابة 2000 لغة العالم ومهددة اللغات الحالية والتي تبلغ 6000 لغة بالانقراض بعد 100 عام لتصل 3000 لغة فقط ، تحولات اللغة كبيرة وهي تتبع التحولات التكنولوجيا في المقام الاول والاجتماعية والاقتصادية وغيرها في المقام الثاني ، واحدى مقومات بقاء اللغة واستمرارها هو جعلها هوية قومية لشعوب معينة رغم التعارضات التي تنشأ من الاستخدامات الجديدة للتكنولوجيا ، الا ان الاعتزاز بالهوية عندما تكون اللغة احدى مصادرها يساعد اللغة في البقاء والاستمرار ، مع ان موضوع ربط الهوية باللغة اصبح في المقابل احدى اهم تهديد بقاء اللغة ، على اعتبار ان الهويات معرضة ايضا للتبدلات الاجتماعية وغيرها من عوامل .
Profile Image for Ivanka Voytsekhovych.
194 reviews11 followers
July 28, 2021
It felt sad to finish the book. I'm a linguist myself and the reading was rather a review. But it is written so tastefully and lightly that I didn't want to put it down. Also, it gives a peculiar view into the world of English which I've been studying for years now. I've read that the book was written for kids and teens, but I loved it nevertheless.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 311 reviews

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