
New Releases Tagged "Language"

The Swifts: A Gallery of Rogues (Swifts, #2)
Et Cetera: An Illustrated Guide to Latin Phrases
Toward Eternity
Dämon Rausch by R.H. LaarssAlmas Delirantes by Luiz CebolaScience-Fiction-Pop-Art by Kai StellmannNudité by Louis de GraeveUne calligraphie des ombres - Les manuscrits d'Alejandra Piza... by Mariana Di Ció
Wrong Language Books
100 books — 1 voter
Los Sangurimas by José de la CuadraHuasipungo by Jorge IcazaLas cruces sobre el agua by Joaquín Gallegos LaraNefando by Mónica OjedaPelea de gallos by María Fernanda Ampuero
Ecuadorian Literature
311 books — 49 voters

Course in General Linguistics by Ferdinand de SaussureThe Language Instinct by Steven PinkerThe Study of Language by George YuleAn Introduction to Language by Victoria A. FromkinMetaphors We Live By by George Lakoff
Best Books about Linguistics
246 books — 221 voters
Language Disorders from Infancy Through Adolescence by Rhea PaulMotor Speech Disorders by Joseph R. DuffyCleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies by Ann W. KummerAnatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing by J. Anthony SeikelManagement of Motor Speech Disorders in Children and Adults by Kathryn M. Yorkston
The Best Speech Pathology Textbooks
10 books — 6 voters

The Power of the Socratic Classroom by Charles Ames FischerPedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo FreireTo the Survivors by Robert UttaroDecolonizing Methodologies by Linda Tuhiwai SmithLanguage by Edward Sapir
The books that made me teach
19 books — 4 voters
Sublime Spaces and Visionary Worlds by Leslie UmbergerTorching the Fink Books and Other Essays on Vernacular Culture by Archie GreenSouls Grown Deep, Vol. 1 by William Arnett...i listen to the wind that obliterates my traces by Steve RodenHarry Smith by Andrew Perchuk
79 books — 2 voters

Slavoj Žižek
We feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom.
Slavoj Žižek, Welcome to the Desert of the Real: Five Essays on September 11 and Related Dates

Matt Groening
I know all those words, but that sentence makes no sense to me.
Matt Groening

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107 members, last active 8 years ago
De Boekendoos Voor alle mensen die in Nederland of België wonen of de taal spreken en hun lees-ervaringen will…more
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Alberta Senior High ELA Teachers A sharing site for English Language Arts teachers from across Alberta hosted by the Edmonton Reg…more
4 members, last active 6 years ago
Just a french Hello, My name is Justine, i'm 18yo and i'm french. I'm here because I want to progress in engl…more
1 member, last active 8 years ago