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Singularity #1

Wicked Sense

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Witches inhabit our world, organized in covens and hiding behind a shroud of secrecy—the Veil.

Skye’s London coven sends her to Seattle’s Greenwood High to find the Singularity, an unusually gifted witch who may break the Veil and trigger a dangerous new era of witch-hunting. Things get complicated when Skye meets a charming new classmate, Drake. Skye’s job becomes even trickier when she clashes with Jane, an intimidating rival witch.

Drake falls for the mysterious Skye, but odd accidents, potion mix-ups, and the occasional brush with death kind of get in the way of romance. Once he discovers Skye is a witch, he goes to war for her, even though his only weapons are a nice set of abs and a sharp sense of humor.

Fighting off wicked Jane and the other dark forces hell-bent on seizing the Singularity's immense power, Skye and Drake will risk everything to save the covens.

Going on a date has never been harder.

308 pages, Paperback

First published August 9, 2012

About the author

Fabio Bueno

5 books220 followers
Writer of Young Adult novels. Family Man. Kids' Driver. Pet-owned. Coffee Inhaler. "Runner." Book Hugger. Easily Amused. Gravity Compliant.

Fabio writes Young Adult/Urban Fantasy/Paranormal novels. He resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and kids. When not writing or reading, he geeks out with family and friends, solidifies his reputation as the world’s slowest runner, and quotes movies for no reason.

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Profile Image for Fabio.
Author 5 books220 followers
May 10, 2016

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Check out BROKEN SPELL , Broken Spell (Singularity, #2) by Fabio Bueno the second book in the Singularity Series! Available now on:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/brok...
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Amazon: http://bit.ly/BrokenSpell
Profile Image for Michelle's Paranormal Vault of Books.
516 reviews145 followers
September 10, 2012
Be sure to visit my blog for an extended look at this book, I have a nice expert there, and other info. Michelle's Paranormal Vault of Books

I will say one thing; this book hooked me on the first few
pages. It just draws you in, and is so well written, I was very impressed. I also love how it takes place in Seattle, so close to where I live, that it just felt more real. I love books that are written well about witches, and this is one of those.

I loved Skye, she is a very strong and fun character, she is from London, and had to transfer to Seattle to look for the Singularity, who is a very powerful witch who has just started to come into her powers. Skye and her “Sisters” need to find her before the Night Witches do, as you can guess, they are bad news, and that much power in their control, can mean destruction. Skye is there best hope to find her, as one of her powers – that they call Charms- is True Sight, which means she can sense a witch’s energy from far away, unlike most witches only can sense each other in close range.

I really love how this book was written in first person, from 2 points of view, and each chapter has the name of whose POV it is, brilliant, love it, it only goes back and forth from Skye and Drake. This is somewhat of a paranormal romance, but its light on the romance, it’s not like it’s the whole bases of the story, its only a small part, which I like. I really enjoyed how these characters were not immature and whinny at all. One thing that I get tired of in most YA is that.

Drake is a great character too, it’s the first time I have read a males point of view, and really felt like I was in his head, how the young male has their insecurities just like the young women do at that age, I guess it helps that our brilliant author is a guy. Drake is supportive of Skye, and good for her.

Conner is a typical conceited guy that thinks he is better than everyone. I didn’t like him too much. I won’t say too much on him so to let you find out. I won’t be writing any spoilers. Jane, what can I say, she is a badass for sure. She was a mystery to me from the start. As you will find out when you read it. I was weary of her from the time she meets Skye, and wondered what she was about.

Overall, this book is written very well, the characters are very well developed, and you want to get to know them, and you care what happens to them. I also like that Drake’s dad is present in this and Skye’s mom and her aunt. I like that, as some YA leave them out, like they do not exist, which is wrong to me.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal and even people who do not usually read anything paranormal, as this is only with witches, and really is a good story I think most anyone can enjoy.

Here is a teaser for you, from Drake's POV

“Fate? Do you believe in fate?” she asks.
“I do now.”
She blinks a few times, seemingly amused. Her glasses are gone, and I notice her eyes are a bright shade of blue I’ve never seen before. It’s hard not to stare. For a moment, those deep pools suck me in, play with me, own me, and spit me out. She looks away, reaches into her backpack, fishes the strange rainbow glasses out, and puts them back on.
I wonder if that eye color has a name.
“So, Drake, huh?” She offers her hand.
“So, Skye, huh?” I shake it, gently, lingering for a nanosecond too long. “Nice to meet you too.”

One more teaser for you from Skye's POV:

It wasn’t a good idea. Streams of thick mud cross our path and flow down to our left. We’re caught in the middle.
We hear a roar at the same time. I glance at him. He looks to his right, and then he shoves me away without warning. Before I know it, I’m sliding down the slope, grasping for plants to stop my descent, and a tree is falling over him. He tries to get out of its way. The trunk misses him, but one of the main branches hits him in the head. He tumbles over, and I scream.

Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,781 reviews1,589 followers
March 11, 2013
3.75 stars
As if high school isn’t treacherous enough on its own, it is even more difficult if you are trying to date a witch. Drake met a girl, not just any girl Skye just happens to be a witch. Now Drake is hurtled into danger around every corner. Someone is trying to get to him and Skye and they need to figure it out fast before one or both of them end up dead. If that isn’t enough pressure they also need to find the ‘Singularity’ an extremely powerful girl/boy that has more magic than anyone and threatens to destroy the balance. Oh and in between all of that Drake and Skye are trying to go on an actual date. You thought you had problems in high school.
I like the two main characters Drake and Skye. The book alternates from both perspectives and I had no trouble remembering which character was giving the PoV (that has happened in a few other books I’ve read). I loved that you were able to see into each of their different personalities and get a true feel for their thoughts and actions.
The main side characters are Conner (Skye’s ex), Jane (badass competing witch), Party girl named Pricilla, Drake’s sister and two best friends. They add some great comic banter and b.f.f.ness to the story. It’s great to see a YA book where the romantic interest are not so caught up in themselves that they forget about their friends and family. Drake and Skye still have a chance to hang out with the side characters for some much needed fun after dodging death.
This was a fun easy book to read. Fabio Bueno tells a compelling story in a very direct and straightforward way. It starts out fast and just keeps going. There is something happening in every chapter with no long lulls all hurtling us to the conclusion of the story. I was surprised how fast I read this book and recommend it as a great fun read.
Profile Image for Nicole Peterson.
204 reviews41 followers
September 9, 2012
The book starts out good from the beginning. All the characters are believable and someone that you could have gone to school with. Skye starts out a bit weak but slowly empowers herself with Drake and Priscilla's help. She is sent to a high school in Seattle to find a very powerful witch, the Singularity, that has been born in her generation. She has the rare power of true sight, which should help her find the individual, where others have failed so far. She is able to overcome her attachment to Connor and gets a little revenge in the UW library.

Drake seems like a sweetie, but is a realistic character with his own flaws. Not just some perfect individual. He is the quiet hottie, that for some reason gets overlooked. Maybe, because he isn't a player. His friends Boulder and Chase provide some good comic relief as well. Typical teen male shenanigans, gotta love those!

Jane is a free agent of the sisterhood and had a brief fling with Connor...Connor apparently gets around. From the first day Skye shows up at the high school, Jane is trying to get rid of her. She even goes so far as trying to mess around with Drake to get at Skye and find out what Drake has found out from Skye. When that doesn't work she starts taking more drastic measures.
Profile Image for Jillian Dodd.
Author 121 books6,576 followers
September 10, 2012
I LOVED this book. LOVED the romance. Loved the story. The main character is on a mission looking for THE MOST powerful witch EVER! This witch just "got her powers" and could cause all sorts of problems in not only the world, but can you image what would happen if the dark witches ever got control of her great power? Add to that a hot crush, an arrogant ex-boyfriend warlock, and high school, and you've got a great book. I loved the ending and am hoping there will be a sequel.
Profile Image for A.O. Peart.
Author 15 books553 followers
September 13, 2012
Witty, smart, and addictive! A brilliant debut novel: original voice, well-developed plot, and believable characters, with flaws that made them likable and real. The romance is sweet and innocent, although satisfying. I rooted for Drake and Sky all the way throughout the novel. But my favorite character was the antagonist - Jane, with her mean, strong personality and a goal-oriented (or rather obsessed) actions.

I can't wait for the sequel.

Profile Image for Jess Witkins.
506 reviews110 followers
October 30, 2012
Wicked Sense is a phenomenal book! Fabio has done a great job of mixing teenage awkwardness and humor into the characters of Drake and Skye. The blurb line of "dating has never been this hard" is spot on for these two. And yet, Drake and Skye have bigger problems than their relationship status!

Wicked Sense is a great paranormal read filled with mystery, magic, and memorable moments! I loved the revealing of the magic world through Skye's eyes. And she was a great main character. I felt even though she had powers, she was not the know it all, perfect protagonist that readers dread. She was relatable, and self conscious, and yes, even naive at times. But she believes in her convictions and in the good of her magic.

All these traits lead to what I thought was the perfect ending. Being a series, I think readers can be very critical of what we're looking for: we don't want it all wrapped up, the story should go on, but if you're like me, you hate cliffhangers because you know you'll have to wait for what feels like forever to learn what happens. The ending was just right if you ask me!
Profile Image for A.O. Peart.
Author 15 books553 followers
September 21, 2012
Witty, smart, and addictive! A brilliant debut novel: original voice, well-developed plot, and believable characters, with flaws that made them likable and real. The romance is sweet and innocent, although satisfying. I rooted for Drake and Sky all the way throughout the novel. But my favorite character was the antagonist - Jane, with her mean, strong personality and a goal-oriented (or rather obsessed) actions.

I can't wait for the sequel.
Profile Image for Diana Murdock.
Author 18 books116 followers
October 4, 2012

I like the unusual, I like out-of-the-box thinking. With Wicked Sense, Fabio Bueno delivers. (Gotta love his name, right?) The characters were well fleshed out and strong. I enjoy characters who are firmly rooted and make decisions that keep the flow of the story moving at a steady pace. He has created a world that was plausible and very interesting. I loved the way he set the novel in Seattle, a city I could identify with. The bottom line – I was caught up in the author’s writing style and story telling. I just lost myself. I looked forward to my reading time everyday and was entirely bummed when I turned the last page. To say I’m waiting for the sequel with anticipation would be an understatement. Bravo to this newly published author.
Profile Image for  Patches Braz.
160 reviews
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November 8, 2012
I was blown away with this book. It is YA but wowowwowow nothing like a YA book I have ever read. I didn't want it to end , then when it did i wanted the next , I am now having to wait for the next in this series. Please let there be a next!!!!!

I Highly Recommend this Paranormal Book. I want to reread and reread and reread this book!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Janie.
235 reviews5 followers
January 3, 2013
I was given this book by the author in return for an honest review

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I loved following Skye in her search for the "Singularity" and with the help of her new boyfriend "Drake", she manages to do it. This was a really fantastic read and is a definite must for anyone who loves witches.
I can't wait to see what the author writes next
Profile Image for Myndi Shafer.
Author 6 books50 followers
September 6, 2012
Fabio's writing is smooth - easy to read and engaging. His characters are vivid - easy to like and easy to hate. And the mysterious Singularity, the thing the whole story hinges on, kept me guessing right up until the end. Definitely a fun read!
Profile Image for Christina (A Reader of Fictions).
4,460 reviews1,762 followers
September 14, 2012
Originally posted on A Reader of Fictions.

As is probably pretty obvious, I do not review too many indies here on A Reader of Fictions. With all of the drama with authors recently and the fact that I can't pick the up from the library, I just gravitate towards more traditionally published books. I decided to read this one, however, after I included the cover in one of my Cover Snark posts. In traditional Cover Snark fashion, I proceeded to make fun of Fabio's name, all in good fun of course, but still. Well, he found this post and commented, taking everything in good humor and letting inquiring minds know that Fabio Bueno is in fact his real name. Since he's such a nice guy and a good sport, when I had the option of joining the blog tour, I decided to take a chance on him.

First things first, I need to make the typical indie disclosure: though I found a couple of errors (no more than can be found in many Big 6 published books), Wicked Sense has definitely been edited and is not a hot mess.

I've got to be honest with you, dear readers, at first I was seriously concerned. I didn't want to dislike this book, but the opening was rough and uneven. I feared I might have to back out of the tour or something because I would want to rate it too low. The characters were uninspired, the dialogue stilted, and some of the circumstances laughably strange. Before you write the book off, I want to say that it definitely improved, but I do want to discuss some of these factors in a bit more detail.

Drake starts out as a pathetically awkward figure, desperate for affection from everyone to the degree that he only appears more foolish. In and of itself, I have no issue with that, because, heck, that's high school. However, some of the things he said were so weird, like when he's trying to ask out the mysterious, hot new girl Skye and ends up saying this in their first conversation: "Awkwardness is one of the biggest threats to our society. We should do something about it, create an organization, mobilize people. Raise awareness, you know? I'm all for social issues. Maybe we should hang out and discuss our plan of attack?" This does not strike me as a method anyone would use to ask someone out. I also rolled my eyes when he asserted that "Awkwardness awareness" would be a catchy name for said organization. Calling something catchy does not make it so, dear heart.

As such, I was a bit bemused by Skye's interest in him, given her otherwise level-headed nature. Drake's character goes from an awkward loser to a guy all of the girls wouldn't mind getting their hands on. Under that shield of awkwardness, it turns out he's hiding a hot bod. Of course. I really just had issues with Skye's attraction to Drake early on. They have little in common and he generally just makes himself look like a fool in front of her in a thousand different ways. Whatever, she is on the rebound, I guess.

To be fair, though, Drake's character does improve as the novel continues. Much of his odd personality stems from a lack of self-confidence, and, as he gains that, he becomes more sure of himself, meaning that he spends less time tripping such that his foot winds up in his mouth. His self-esteem comes from a girl friend, not from himself, but oh well.

Another factor that bothered me initially is the way that Drake and his friends, Seth and Boulder, talk about girls. They're all about objectification and the like. Most objectionable is their treatment of Priscilla, also known as Predator because of the way she worked her way through almost every single guy in the high school. Drake is one of the few guys she apparently has not had a sexual relationship with. Their judgment of her set my nerves on edge. However, the tone shifts, and I feel like the ultimate message is one of acceptance of how people choose to live their lives; see my favorite quote for more on that. Priscilla actually ended up being my favorite character; I think she's the deepest, kindest person in the book, and I hope Fabio gives her a larger role in the future.

The witch mythology depicted in Wicked Sense differs from anything I've ever read in the way the magic functions. Each witch has two major powers, referred to as charms, but they also have some basic other magical talents. The idea of the Charms really appealed to me. The crux of the book revolves around Skye's search for the Singularity, a witch who has more power than pretty much any witch ever, whose magic apparently functions differently. The fantasy elements were fun and entertaining.

If you pick up Fabio Bueno's Wicked Sense, I highly recommend sticking with it through the clunky initial chapters. I ended up enjoying this one, and wouldn't be opposed to reading on in the series at some point.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
November 27, 2013
Thanks to NetGalley for a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

There are some things about Wicked Sense that I thought were really good, and some things that I thought were just sort of meh. A lot of people really loved this one, but it just didn't do it for me. I'm not saying it was bad, but I couldn't connect with the characters enough to really get into the story.

I thought the Veil was a plausible way to explain why the witches didn't run around announcing that they had magical abilities. The whole thing boils down to none of them wanting a repeat of the Salem witch trials, so the vast majority of witches belong to covens that fiercely protect their secrets. Ok. So far so good.
Skye has been sent to Seattle on a mission from her coven to try and discover the identity of a crazy-powerful witch, which they all refer to as the Singularity. When she came into her power, witches around the world felt the aftershocks. Then she totally dropped off the radar. This should be impossible, since no witch has ever been powerful enough to mask her presence from another witch before now. The covens are running out of time to find her, because if she does something crazy she could expose them all.
Skye is very important to finding the Singularity, because she has a magnified ability to sense other witches. Even though Skye wants to do her part in finding the girl, it isn't exactly an easy task for her. It means having to work with her arrogant ex-boyfriend, and possibly confronting her feelings about their past relationship.
I thought the storyline with the ex was really interesting and well-written, by the way.

Then there's Drake. He falls for Skye right away, then gets taken on an emotional roller coaster ride for the majority of the book. I felt bad for the poor kid! I get that she had things to work out to get some closure with her ex, but for most of the book Drake seemed to have Rebound Guy stamped on his forehead. It wasn't an attractive look, either.

As for who the Singularity turned out to be?
It was so obvious that I just assumed it was a red herring. When it was finally revealed, I wasn't sure whether or not to be impressed that the author basically kept pointing giant neon signs at the person.
Singularity Here! Right Here! Look At This Person! No, Seriously! Right. Here.
Because maybe it was done on purpose? Hidden in plain sight?
Or were we really expected to not pick up on the obvious clues?
I just...whatever.

This isn't a crap book, so I feel kinda bad not giving it a higher rating. It won an award and lots of other people really loved it, but it just didn't turn my crank all that much.
Honestly, I've never had much luck when it comes to books about witches. But I really want to! So if any of you out there know of an awesome story that revolves around witchy women, please send me some recommendations.
Profile Image for Michelle Cornwell-Jordan.
Author 16 books161 followers
September 10, 2012
Wicked Sense is the story of Drake and Skye who meet when Skye arrives as a transfer student at Greenwood High School; Skye is a witch, and she has the powers(charms) of Allure and True Sight, she was the best fit to come to Greenwood to search for the Singularity, a witch who has powers greater than any witch known; but there are other forces that also search for the Singularity and they will do what is necessary to possess this great power. In the midst of difficult circumstances such as attempts against Skye’s life, old flames, betrayals and misunderstanding, Drake and Skye come together and find love and through their relationship with each other and those of their good friends, they soon evolve as a couple; becoming happier and more confident young adults.

I was drawn into this story from page 1, the writing was clear, well written and flowed; I found the characters likable and engaging; This was also a fresh take on YA paranormal, and I enjoyed becoming immersed in the world the author created. Drake stood out to me because although, he was all guy; Drake also showed a sensitivity and caring towards Skye that had me smiling; the fact that he was a hot guy did not realize it; He really cared for Skye, showed loyalty and devotion, it was simply the perfect package; I enjoyed watching Skye go from being a little nervous and uptight, into a strong, confident young woman, I laughed out loud at the antics of Skye and Priscilla’s “girls night out”. The secondary characters were very well fleshed out, and as entertaining as the main characters; Sean was funny, Boulder was one of my favorites, I loved seeing this tough, egotistical (on the surface) guy; when under the truth potion admit that his best friend was “hot”… that was funny to me. I also loved Priscilla, because all though she had been shown no respect, being called Predator; she only gave respect, and had confidence in who she was regardless of what others thought of her.

I enjoyed this book, there were very funny moment…, action(I was surprised at some of the events that happened) ,and I enjoyed the evolution of new-found love between Drake and Skye; I look forward to this series, I would like to see Drake, Skye, Sean, Boulder and Priscilla again; I want to know if Priscilla and Boulder will become an item:)

Great, fun, look forward to more works from Author Fabio Bueno!
Profile Image for Tracey.
684 reviews446 followers
September 25, 2012
There is no other way to start this review than saying what an incredibly awesome book this is!!! I loved every minute I spent reading Wicked Sense!! And it's a given that I will be reading anything else that Fabio Bueno writes!!

Skye who hails from London is a witch with a unique gift and has been sent to Seattle’s Greenwood High to find the Singularity who is a witch whose powers will be like nothing seen before. She will be the most powerful witch to date. While at school Skye meets Drake and whilst he's pretty smitten it takes Skye a little bit longer to fall for Drake's charms. But things sure don't go smoothly for the two of them. There is an ex boyfriend, an ex girlfriend, rogue witches and a number of other hurdles for them to overcome. But I loved the way their romance built. Drake is just one big ball of sweetness. But as the romance progresses we really get to see his swoonworthy side. And I can pretty well picture those abs very clearly in my head!! Thank you Fabio for that scene!!.... Skye starts out as fairly tough, but with a bit of vulnerability thrown in but by the end of the book she becomes a fantastically strong character. Another one of the characters that I really loved was Priscilla. Her tell it like it is attitude was so refreshing. And she proved to be fantastic friend material.

Wicked Sense is written and told from both Skye and Drake's point of view. And as you all know, the male point of view is my absolute all time favourite, so the author gets huge bonus points for that!! I love to get that insight into what the male is thinking, what appeals to them and makes them tick. Heck, I can't figure them out in real life so I at least like to have some idea in the books that I read!!

I loved how the author took the time to describe the magic and spells to us. It really made that whole witchy side of things come to life. And one particular scene that I have to mention is when Drake's friend Boulder drinks the truth potion. That was hilarious!!

All in all Wicked Sense is a fantastically written paranormal romance!! And I'm definitely impatient to read more!!

Review first posted at YA Book Addict.... http://youngadultbookaddict.blogspot....
Profile Image for Amanda.
204 reviews66 followers
August 6, 2013
Firstly thanks to the author for Gifting me this book for an honest review. You can also find my reviews at Always A Book Geek (my blog)

Brief Opening:
Bueno's, Wicked Sense was gifted to me by the author for an honest review. I would like to thank him for this opportunity. Now down to how I feel about this book. Well in simple terms, It was Incredible! Mostly.

What I liked:
The realistic magic. The whole science about magic. I loved how Bueno made witches, believable. It wasn't just about supernatural it was about science and energy and it was incredible. I really loved that aspect of this book. I also loved the character's and dialouge. I found myself laughing out loud, which is always a great aspect of a book. Skye and Drake's relationship also was another realistic feeling in this book. It wasn't insta love(hell they haven't even said "i love you" yet), it was instant attraction which is real and it was a nice change on a paranormal romance book. Skye's also the supernatural one and Drake's just human, well with very close connections ;). That was a different twist on my normal paranormal romance reads too. This book was different in many ways and very enjoyable. I can't wait to get my hands on the sequeal!

What I didn't like:
This book was not without flaws. The writing did have a few errors at times that were noticable and found myself fixing them but they weren't to big of a deal. The chapter's and story aswell felt short to me too. It was a really great story with awsome character's but lack length. Maybe more desripction and longer scenes. I just felt it ended to soon. Thank goodness it's a series or I'd be bummed, lol. Those were the only flaws for me though.

Overall thought's:
This was one of the best wiccan based books I have ever read! It's one of those books you'd just love to own to have it available. I am really glad for the opportunity to enjoy this and I defiantly recommend it. It was a quick incredibly realistic paranormal romance that I fell in love with from the instant I started it.
Profile Image for Jill Swanson-Diaz.
160 reviews56 followers
January 12, 2015
This was an awesome book from start to finish! Wicked Sense was another one where I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I love books of this genre but sometimes they tend to blend together. Fabio has an intriguing and fun take on the constructs of magic and life as a witch. He was able to produce an excitingly original story with a great cast of characters. You are thrown right into the plot and the explanation comes later. This is something I really enjoyed about his writing style. I also liked the fact that although the story is narrated from both Drake and Skye's point of view, it enhances the story instead of creating confusion. You get to experience the thoughts and feelings of both characters which made me feel more apart of the story. I was quickly immersed in the plot and didn't put this book down once. The characters come to life and I found them to be incredibly real and relatable. Magic and real life are mixed well throughout the story. Skye may be a witch but she is also a girl and deals with real life issues as well. Her romance with Drake has a bumpy start but comes together nicely. The sparks that fly between them are so sweet! Skye's character really comes into her own and the strength she gains is commendable. I thought she was a perfect female lead. I was thrilled with how she stood up to Connor! The secondary characters really added to the story as well. Pricilla's character is misunderstood and I am so glad she becomes Skye's best friend. I can picture her becoming a Knowing. (Am I on to something her Fabio??) I can not wait for the next book in this series! I hope I don't have to wait too long! I'm excited to see how this story unfolds. So many things happened in this book and the twist at the end was unexpected. I definitely recommend Wicked Sense if you are a fan of paranormal romance. (And for those of you that aren't , this book is light on the romance! Which fits it perfectly. Believe me you will enjoy reading this book!)
Profile Image for Zoe.
173 reviews
August 26, 2012
4.5 stars.

I didn't really know what to expect when I started this novel, but I was intrigued by the synopsis. I have read witch-related books but they haven't really screamed 'I'M AMAZING' at me. However, I really enjoyed Wicked Sense! I loved the characters and was hooked to the plot.

This book is told through two different POVs, which I think worked really nicely. We could see different ways of interpreting things from both ways; a female, Skye, and a male, Drake. I think the author did this quite well. I particularly found it interesting that the way Skye saw a certain scene, Drake took it differently. I also liked feeling the emotions of both the main characters, without revealing any main secrets or predicting the ending.
Set in London, we start with Drake and Skye meeting each other for the first time, both intrigued by the other. Skye is a Sister, and can quirk up potions and do witch-like spells. Her coven is in trouble, and soon Drake is sucked into the world too.

I love books where many genres are pulled together into one story - romance, action, humour and thrilling moments. It had a perfect balance of everything so I think that means lots of people would enjoy this book.

Moreover, the characters in this book are great. Skye is a kind, funny and a lovely person to be around - I'd love her as a friend, minus the I-could-die-any-minute flair. ;) Drake is also good-hearted and is easy to trust, I really liked their relationship.
I don't really have any major problems with this book, but it didn't really make my favourites. I don't think the plot is that unique (of course, it is still a great story) and some of the dialogue didn't seem that realistic. However, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next books in the series!
Profile Image for Amphitrite.
243 reviews21 followers
May 3, 2015
What I liked: The story was laid out in a way that made sense and paced fast, but it wasn't rushed (something I usually find in books that feel fast paced). The characters felt relatable because of how they acted, like normal high school kids for the most part. They had drama and problems which didn't seem over dramatic or unbelievable. You know, except for the the whole part where they do magic too. I think Boulder was one who surprised me quite a bit, especially when he stuck up for Drake. The story was also engaging enough to keep me coming back to it even after just a few chapters in to find out what else there was that I didn't know that was happening with the Witches Coven, because there were certainly some things I wanted to know. The dual POV was always labeled and worked really well for the story, and even though this story is labeled as a paranormal romance the romance part isn't a really big part, it serves as a small portion of the overall story.

What I didn't like: Sometimes I felt the writing was a bit choppy and I wish the chapters had been longer because as soon as I seemed to be settling into either Skye or Drake's POV it would switch so it never felt like I got truly comfortable with either character narrating the story. I feel like the story could have been stronger had that been the case.

Overall Review: With well developed characters and a really good plot that kept my attention for most of the book and had some really interesting scenes that had a touch of humor. I really liked the characters and I can't wait to see what else they go through in the next book!

Recommend?: Yeah, it's a good read that I enjoyed, I look forward to eventually reading the second one if I ever get the chance!
Profile Image for KyBunnies.
1,207 reviews9 followers
September 10, 2012
This book was hard for me to read. It was very interesting however I just did not like having to jump back and forth with the POV’s. To me when I am reading I prefer to read from one POV not from two separate POV’s. However, please be aware that this is my opinion, to form you own opinion please support the author and acquire your own copy.

Growing up I was fascinated with witches. I would read anything about them that I could get my hands on. Every year I would read about The Bell Witch in Adams, Tennessee. The night witch coven makes me think about the bell witch and how she was always tormenting the family. No there is not any reference to The Bell Witch in this book.

The mother witches have moved Skye to Seattle from the coven. She is in Seattle to help find the Singularity to help keep The Veil from breaking. She has lots of problems and challenges during her stay.

Drake is a student in Greenwood High. He is not into sports but hangs out with a couple of jocks. He is carrying around a lot of guilt from something that happened in his past.

This is a great YA novel and I know many teens will connect with the characters. This is the first book in the series. Therefore, expect more to come about this story line and characters. I would of gave this book 4 stars, however I found some editing/grammar errors while reading.

Thanks for a great read Fabio.

The bunnies and I give this book 4 carrots.

I was gifted a copy of this book for review for a book tour.
Profile Image for Louise.
86 reviews8 followers
March 21, 2013
I received this book free as a read4review.

The book is based around 2 main characters; Skye, a ‘Sister’ (Witch) and Drake, a regular guy. Skye has been sent to Greenwood high school to search for the Singularity (a very powerful Witch) and meets Drake. The closer they get to each other the more involved he gets in her search, and the closer they get to the singularity, the more their relationship blossoms.

I absolutely loved it. The story is fast paced, full of magic, romance and represents the age group of the main characters (teenagers) well. I found all of the characters likeable and the level of description was just right for this type of book. But above all, this book was original, a lot of YA books can be very similar and I genuinely didn't feel that it was like anything I've read before.

I genuinely didn't guess who the singularity was until about 80% into the book. I thought I knew early on but my guess changed with each event that took place. I see this as a reflection of how well written the book was.

There was nothing I disliked about the book but I did have one bug bear; the cliché, stereotypical British slang. I'm British and it just didn't sit well with me, I have never known anyone who actually talks like that.

There aren't many books I would read again but this is one of them. I look forward to reading more by this author in the future.
Profile Image for Dana.
440 reviews299 followers
February 13, 2014

I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads in exchange for an honest review.

What a wild ride! I love paranormal books and witch ones especially are extra interesting because every author portrays them so differently. I really liked the main character, she was funny and sweet and intelligent. In one of the rare scenes when she told someone off it was very amusing.

Her relationship with Drake works well with the novel, it feels like a very natural and typical teenage relationship. I thought that Drakes back story was very interesting. I fell in love with his friends, and his family was interesting. I cant wait to find out more about his mysterious absent mom.

As I mentioned I have read a lot of paranormal young adult books and I feel like this may have spoiled me a bit in terms of the main character always being "the one". What I mean by that is, the main character is always the most special, most interesting character in the book. While Skye being a witch is certainly far from dull I must admit that I was disappointed that the most important character in the book turned out to be such a cliched parody of a witch. However I am confident that once this character finds their stride they will grow on me.

Overall I did enjoy this book and I can say with confidence that it is the best book that I have received through the Goodreads Firstreads program.
Profile Image for Laurin.
53 reviews6 followers
September 26, 2012
I really enjoyed this book, which was surprising to me. I am usually not a fan of anything that falls within the paranormal genre. This book was definitely a paranormal book that I can enjoy. It is a cute story about two kids, Skye and Drake. Skye is a witch, sent to Seattle to track down the “Singularity”, a super witch. Drake falls for her, and together they try to save Skye’s coven from untold harm. I really appreciated the fact that the book wasn’t 100% supernatural stuff, and what was there was written very well. It was easy for someone like me to really enjoy this book. I liked the story, which I thought was very cute, but not the typical annoying sweetness of most YA books. It took me no time at all to get into this book, and it was a quick read. What helped me to be able to enjoy this book was its setting. It is set in Seattle, not some mystical world. The characters act like everyday people with the exception of a few having magical powers. It wasn’t so far out there that I couldn’t get into it. I also enjoyed that it was written from both Drake and Skye���s perspectives. This is a great YA book – easy to read, and easy to enjoy.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Sara.
1,492 reviews123 followers
March 11, 2013
Mmmm... I don't know how I feel about this book. It started out not so good. I didn't like much the characters, I couldn't get emotions out of them most of the time, and the story bored me a little sometimes, for the lack of dialog and connection with the characters. At least for about the first half of the book. Skye and Drake got on my nerves sometimes, and they were even a little cold, emotionless. I wasn't impressed with their kind of relationship. They didn't touch me emotionally when together, until I was through 3/4 of the story. And I didn't like either their behaviours sometimes.
I kind of liked Priscilla a little, at least when I realized she was trust-worthy.
I didn't like Connor at all.
Jane was so evil there was nothing to like about her. Same about Brianna.
I even liked a little Mona.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes and grimace at Drake's best friends. They were weird and kind of stupid.
The story was undeniably original and if I felt more connected to the characters' emotions and feelings I would have liked it much better.
I'd still like to thank the author Fabio Bueno, and the Never Too Old For Y.A. Books group, for this free copy in exchange of a honest review.
Profile Image for Reetta.
28 reviews10 followers
September 11, 2012

The beautiful cover and the blurb hooked me from the start.

Wicked Sense's cast is as vivid as the characters in a good TV show. I was delighted with Skye’s and Drake’s friendships and relationships with their families. Since I’m a female, it was especially fascinating to get a peek of the male dynamics.

The villain of the story, Jane, intimidates everyone with her biker attitude. We see only a tiny glimpse of her human side but she works great as a menace.

No punches are pulled for the characters. They make wrong choices, hurt each others and get into harm’s way. Without spoiling too much, I’ll say that a nasty school “prank” poor Skye was caught in would have made me hide in my house for the rest of the school year.

I was really satisfied with the ending. Some threads were left open so the sequel can’t come out fast enough.

If you like YA urban fantasy with witches, strong characters and great conflict, Wicked Sense is a book for you.
Profile Image for Julie.
Author 15 books25 followers
December 16, 2012
I haven't posted a review in some time, but I wanted to give YA readers a heads-up on this great debut book from author Fabio Bueno. It's the first in a series (which I'll be looking forward to).

This young adult paranormal features a teenage witch, Skye, who is given the mission to find a new particularly powerful witch before things go amiss. She runs up against Drake, a non-witch teenage boy who nonetheless can help her figure things out.

I genuinely liked this book and was impressed with both the story and the writing. It kept a good pace and gave enough clues to keep you guessing about the ongoing plot but not so many that you figured it out yourself.

When I finished, I passed off the book to my teenage son, and he (against his mom's wishes) stayed up until almost midnight getting through 1/4 of the book.

It's a pleasure to recommend a fellow author, and this novel I will be pleased to suggest to others looking for a good YA paranormal read.
Profile Image for Martina Dalton.
Author 13 books24 followers
November 4, 2012
Wicked Sense is so much more than just a book about witches. It's about courage, trust,and the ability to know when to let go and rely on your instincts.

The book is told from the perspective of the two main characters, Skye (the witch), and Drake (the unassuming cute boy who falls in love with her.) The characters are fresh, endearing, and funny, but the plot line steals the show.

The book opens with Skye arriving in the U.S. from England, and attending a high school in Seattle. Unbeknownst by the student population, she is on a mission to find a powerful witch (the Singularity) before the Night Witch (Jane) can get to her. She meets a cute boy, who falls for Skye, and eventually helps her in her hunt for the Singularity.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Wicked Sense and am looking forward to the next one.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 161 reviews

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