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Singularity #2

Broken Spell

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The sequel to award-winning Wicked Sense Be careful what you wish for. Skye wanted to find the Singularity. She got what she sought, but to protect the most powerful witch alive, Skye had to betray her coven. Now she regrets entangling her boyfriend Drake in her hidden world. Drake yearned for Skye, but now he finds out that getting the girl is just the keeping the girl is the hard part. When tragedy strikes, Drake faces an impossible choice that could destroy his family and his shot at love. The vicious Night covens seek retribution at all costs. Wicked Jane has returned, scarred from her last confrontation with Drake and Skye, and holding a baffling secret that may change everything. Dangerous alliances arise. The Veil is about to be broken. Falling in love has never been harder. YA Witch Romance Singularity – The Modern Witches series tells a sweet coming of age romantic story, from the first kiss to true love. Broken Spell, a witty romance with real magic, raises the stakes even higher. Skye and Drake share a dangerous secret that threaten their romance and the very existence of the covens. A wild contemporary fantasy ride with humor, suspense, and adventure along the way. Praise for Broken Spell “A brilliant sequel to the first singularity novel.” “I love this world of the witches the author created.” “A slew of twist and turns!” “What an outstanding sequel!” “Once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down.” “Just keeps on getting better!” “I'm hooked!!!!” Get your copy of Broken Spell now

258 pages, ebook

First published October 9, 2013

About the author

Fabio Bueno

5 books220 followers
Writer of Young Adult novels. Family Man. Kids' Driver. Pet-owned. Coffee Inhaler. "Runner." Book Hugger. Easily Amused. Gravity Compliant.

Fabio writes Young Adult/Urban Fantasy/Paranormal novels. He resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and kids. When not writing or reading, he geeks out with family and friends, solidifies his reputation as the world’s slowest runner, and quotes movies for no reason.

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Profile Image for Dana.
440 reviews299 followers
February 13, 2014

I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads in exchange for an honest review.

What an upgrade! I did enjoy the first book but this sequel just surpasses it in leaps and bounds. The dialogue, the character development, the general flow of the story is vastly improved upon. Fabio has really hit his stride in book two. There is a lot more action and a lot more magic, which I felt was lacking a bit in the first book. I loved the addition of the "weird sisters",who I felt really added to the story, as they infused the world of magic with their alluring and compelling signature.

Skye's character as well has gotten more interesting, although she really needs to work on her trust issues. I was also a little disappointment at how she sometimes treated other people. She was so faultless in the first novel and in this one you start to see some of her imperfections more, which gives her character more depth.

One character whose imperfections really grinded my gears though was Drake! Forget adding depth, he was a downright asshole! He started out in the novel as the knight in shining armor but by the later half he morphed into a man who was willing, hell eager, to put his friends before his family! Not to mention his complete disregard for the possible catastrophic consequences his selfish actions might reap. This did not sit well for me and unfortunately his behavior has severed my love for him. *Que tiny violin* Don't even get me started on the whole Yara situation...

Overall this book is a huge improvement from the first and was a joy to read. I thoroughly recommend it. This book has now been bumped up to my favourite book from the Goodreads Firstreads program. 4.5/5
Profile Image for Michelle Cornwell-Jordan.
Author 16 books161 followers
October 17, 2013
I loved the first book in the Singularity series, Wicked Sense…so I was excited to have the opportunity to read this new installation. I was not disappointed! It was good to see the gang back, I had really enjoyed and become attached to these characters. In Broken Spell, Drake and Skye beat the odds in Wicked Sense to be with one another and so now the pair must continue to beat those same odds to stay together!

Of course with the two teens dealing with maturing and overwhelming feelings; throw in the mix the formidable mission of protecting and shielding the Singularity until she has reach her fullest potential with her powers–plus the increasingly alarming dealings with the Coven– and there is never a dull moment.

When tragedy strikes the group comes together to face the challenge, endearing the group once again to me as a reader:)

A slew of twist and turns! Action abounds, the story is fast paced, laced with humor and simply a great read!

I looked forward to the next in the Singularity series and have become an avid fan of Author Fabio Bueno!

I Highly recommend Broken Spell for those who enjoy the Paranormal and Supernatural!
Profile Image for Julie.
Author 8 books185 followers
October 14, 2013
Simply Charming!
Fabio Bueno has written an outstanding sequel! Picking up where "Wicked Sense" left off, the reader is once again swept into a world of magic and charms that will keep you spell bound! Exciting new twists develop in the lives of these characters that grow into an intricate web of storytelling. As Skye and Drake become more deeply involved in their relationship and in the affairs of the covens you will find yourself gasping for air during their highly emotional ride. I’m excited to see what magic Mr. Bueno has up his sleeve for the final book.
Profile Image for Bookish Satty.
883 reviews29 followers
November 8, 2013
I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side.
Firstly I would like to thank Fabio Bueno, author of Broken Spell, for giving me this opportunity of reading and reviewing this fabulous book.
Wow! What a great sequel. I totally loved Wicked Sense but this sequel impressed me even more. It’s fast-paced and full of action scenes and the most hated part – nail chomping scenes as well! The author’s writing style is purely contemporary yet it’s highly enriched but it has a comfortable feeling in it which made me become a part of the whole plot. I loved the way the author took this story, it can’t be any better.
In this sequel we find Skye in yet another problematic situation where she has to keep the Singularity safe and sound till she discovers all her powers. On top of that she is having issues with her Coven and not to mention her boyfriend Drake is in danger because of her as she introduced him to her secret witch world. Moreover evil Jane is back with vengeance and she will confront Drake and Skye once again in this sequel. The Night Witches are present here to create more problems for Skye. Will she be able to keep the singularity safe? Will Drake be able to keep his girl? What will happen to their relationship?
There is action and mystery which entwined together to please the readers. The concept is fresh and the path the author adopted for the characters is great and adventurous which interested me. The old enemies are back with deadly vengeance which heated up the read. One thing that I loved about both the books is that the romance element doesn’t overpower the plot and make it a cliché romance novel instead the author brilliantly made it just an important part of the story which added new flavours to it.
The characters develop here even more and Drake was the star of this sequel, well according to me. The touch of suspense made me want more of it and the surprises that the author kept hidden within the pages of the book really stunned me and I was asking myself that did this really happen? I just couldn’t believe. A great read and I’m recommending it to ya all and hope that you guys will love it as well.
Profile Image for Jonel.
1,717 reviews311 followers
October 16, 2013
With this novel, Bueno is off and running. Picking up the pieces from the first novel in the series, and using the same inviting tone and brilliant storytelling he draws you in right from the get-go and doesn’t let go until the very end. He recaps just enough to jog the reader’s memory as to who’s who and who did what in the first novel, but doesn’t overdo it or bore his readers. By using the same great flow and easy to follow dialogue he ties the stories together quite nicely while taking off with a different part of this brilliant story. That said, this instalment is more intense than its predecessor, yet is still a mellow, light read that is very easy to immerse yourself in fully. This sequel is also a lot more brooding, but we really get to the heart of the story with that.

The characters in this novel continue to grow as individuals and as friends. They are each developed so individually that as a reader you get to see the minute differences in their reactions to a single event. It’s quite a trip. The new characters that Bueno introduces in this instalment are also quite well developed and add to the storyline as a whole. You’ll also note that the supporting cast from the first novel become much more fully developed as their roles in the story grow.

Overall, this was a brilliant sequel to the first singularity novel, drawing you deeper into this world of magic and secrecy. At the end, I was only left with a single question: with this twisted ending, how will it all work out in the end?

Please note that I received this novel free of charge from the author/publisher/blog tour company in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Michelle's Paranormal Vault of Books.
516 reviews145 followers
October 17, 2013
Check out the book tour at my blog, and read the first chapter too.

I just loved this book. I really loved the first book Wicked Sense and was so happy to be able to read this 2nd one. I really wanted to know what was going on with Skye and Drake. I loved the guessing that took place for us. I still love how it swaps between Drake and Skye point of views, makes it really interesting.

I love this world of the witches the author created, and it takes place not too far from where I live, Seattle, which is cool.

I won’t add spoilers, as I know some may not have read book one yet. But want to say how great this series is. Try is, it’s worth it.

I give 5 out of 5 stars, highly recommended.

I was provided a copy of this book from the author for my honest review.

16 reviews
December 19, 2013

Broken Spell (The Singularity Series, Book 2)
As Skye continues to struggle in her quest to find the Singularity she is quickly learning things may not always appear to be what they truly are. The one bright spot in all that is going on is Drake. She still can’t believe is she lucky enough to have such a wonderful boyfriend. When he learns the truth of what she is and why she is at his school her worst fears are laid to rest as he begins to help her find the Singularity and tries his best to protect her from Jane the Dark Witch at their school and the Night Coven’s.
As the pace of the book picks up it becomes evident that the Singularity is indeed at the school Skye was sent to and it becomes a race to identify her before the Night Covens do. Things begin to spiral out of control after she discovers the Singularity when she accidentally blows up their school. Then challenge then becomes how to hide the newly found Singularity from not only the Night Coven but her own sisterhood as she realizes all parties involved only want the Singularity to control her powers.
Betrayal and surprise allies make for great plot twists and another must read from Fabio Bueno
I am looking forward to number 3.
Profile Image for Martina Dalton.
Author 13 books24 followers
October 23, 2013
After reading Wicked Sense, the first book in the Singularity series, I anxiously counted the days until the second book would be released. What an outstanding sequel! Broken Spell picks up where Wicked Sense left off, and the story really captivated me—I couldn’t put it down. The characters became more defined, Drake and Skye’s relationship got a lot more intense, and some really fun new characters were introduced. (Think potions and gadgets—like “Q” from James Bond.)

Wicked witch, Jane, turned up once again, although it’s unclear if she is truly evil or if she maybe has good reason for her actions.

Broken Spell is a bit darker than the first book, and I have a feeling the third book will trend on the darker side as well. Overall, this is such a great read. I��m looking forward to the next one!
Profile Image for Elliot.
55 reviews
March 3, 2014
Keeping the Singularity a secret and safe are tasks Drake and Skye take seriously especially since it turns out to me Mona, Drake' s younger sister. Skye begins to teach her about the rules and ways of the Sisterhood and also reaches out to more Sisters that know more spells and charms to keep Mona safe. She also has to worry about Connor and the Elders who want to question her about "the Singularity" that is in a coma in the hospital. Drake also begins to question what he knows, or rather doesn't know about his mother, the witch. He also begins to question the distance that is growing in his relationship with Skye and what she may not be telling him.
So much more is revealed in this second installment of the Singularity series. I am looking g forward to the next awesome book from Author Fabio Bueno.
Profile Image for Zoey Derrick.
Author 35 books752 followers
October 16, 2013
I have to say, I’m not a big YA Fan, but I love fantasy, so it was a great combination of both. I really enjoyed Broken Spell. I love how Fabio kept me turning the page because I just had to know what was going to happen next. Fabio has a brilliant way of bringing out the personality of his characters, Skye and Drake, not to mention the ability for us to see who is speaking.
Fabio not only has amazing character development, but does a great job with suspense. Just when I thought I was going to put it down, something else would happen, and I’d keep on reading.
If you love a good YA, regardless of your age, I recommend checking out the Singularity Series. I give Broken Spell 4 Fab Stars!
***Note*** I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Brenda.
Author 4 books7 followers
October 15, 2013

"Wicked Sense, The Singularity Series, Book One" was amazing. The balance of snarky and dramatic was flawless.

"In Broken Spell, Book Two" the characters are even more vivid. Tragedy strikes and Skye and Drake search for a way to make things better. Unfortunately, the consequence of every solution brings disaster to one or the other of them, and their relationship as well.

The dialog is spot on teen. The characters tug at your heart and pull on your funny bone. Once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down.

Well done, Mr. Bueno. Your novels never disappoint.

Can't wait for book three.
Profile Image for Jenny Bates.
305 reviews14 followers
October 9, 2013
I asked for more magic and boy, did I get more magic! Bueno delivers in this sequel to Wicked Sense! I received an ARC copy of this book and now I am dying to get my hands on the next in the series. The group of friends from Wicked Sense are back to hide the real Singularity. Their high School has been torched so they are forced to go to another school temporarily. But Skye, drake and their friends have much more to worry about. How do they keep the Singularity a secret until she can completely control her own powers? Jam packed with action, suspense and a little romance, this book will be one you cannot put down!
Profile Image for Mindy.
643 reviews10 followers
October 19, 2013
Interesting new mythology on witches, at least to me. The Singularity, or most powerful witch alive, was a new idea for me. It was a very different take. Then the whole witch/mortal love interest is always a good one, especially when you know there are going to be problems. Any time two people live in very different worlds you are going to have conflict, problems, funny situations, and sorrow.

Unfortunately this story ended on a very sad note. I really hate that. I can’t help it; I’m a sucker for happy endings. But of course it’s left open for the nest sequel… which I can’t wait to read.

I give this story 4 out of 5 clouds
Profile Image for Suma Subramaniam.
31 reviews8 followers
October 14, 2013
I have enjoyed reading the Broken Spell - the second book in The Singularity series. This book is so full of action and suspense. I loved the growth in Skye and Drake. My favorite character in the book is Mona. She is dynamic and adventurous from the beginning to the end. The author has not wasted any words in the scenes so the pacing is really fast. I couldn't predict anything until the end. It seemed like a movie in my head.

Profile Image for A.O. Peart.
Author 15 books553 followers
November 3, 2013
I read Broken Spell in just a few days, because it was really hard to put down. The story picks up right where the book one in the series (Wicked Sense) left off. The pacing is excellent, and the conflict believable. I especially enjoyed the underlying emotional curve that the story took in this installment. Rooting for the characters has never been easier. I'm giving it five stars.
Profile Image for Sarah-Jayne Briggs.
Author 1 book47 followers
November 19, 2013
(I received this book for free as part of Goodreads First Reads giveaways).

(This review may contain spoilers).

I did enjoy this book, but I have to say, the switching between different first person perspectives chapter by chapter did make it harder to read the book. Since the chapters were so short, I didn't get a chance to get properly into one head before I was having to get into the other character's head.

I did like most of the characters, to a certain extent, but I did think they did stupid things at times. Skye's decision not to tell her coven about the Singularity made little sense, based on the assumption their enemies knew about her.

I didn't like Yara. At all. I have a distinct problem with girls who try to steal boyfriends of other girls. Greta was a better character... at least up until the whole drugging thing.

Although I didn't see much of Bouldur, I did like him as a character. I would have liked to see more of him in the book. And although I haven't read the first book, I did like the fact that Jane came across as a really well-rounded, interesting character. She's another one I would have liked to see more of.

I also really liked the hints of Pain's feelings towards Mona. It would be nice to see those explored further.

The writing, on the whole, was pretty good, though I did notice a few instances of awkward phrasing.

I'm not sure I understood everything about how the magic worked, but I liked the whole charms thing. And Yara's creativity with the potions. I thought it was really cool how she modified them into tattoos, lipstick, cigarettes... all sorts of things.

It was also good to see characters with realistic strengths and weaknesses - and I thought Skye showed a great strength of will in at least one scene.

I would probably read more books in this series at some point in the future.
Profile Image for Tina.
Author 6 books324 followers
December 29, 2013
I loved that this second book in this series started where the last book left off. The characters evolve in their relationships and the plot keeps me entertained with the many twist and turns. Why did Fabio Bueno leave me with such a cliffhanger? I need the next book now.
Profile Image for Erica.
Author 9 books68 followers
January 5, 2014
A grand sequel to Wicked Sense. Many complexities. Loved it. The only problem was it ended!

Fabio Bueno better be writing the third one!
886 reviews2 followers
December 28, 2021
Enjoyable read.

This second book in this trilogy was far better than the first. Plenty of dastardly acts, secrets, lies and heartache. Very interesting and entertaining!
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews

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