Manuscript Update

I have finished the manuscript for the next Inspector Rutledge Mystery and my agent plans to send it to the publisher after Labor Day. Currently I am working on the next Bess Crawford Mystery. Please stay tuned for more news!

All the Best,
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Published on July 08, 2023 10:52
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message 1: by Barry (new)

Barry Lane Why such a long wait. labor Day is not next week. Send it and move on. Please explain, and thank you.

message 2: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl I appreciate your update, Charles, and look forward to the next Rutledge book, no matter how long it takes.

message 3: by Charles (new)

Charles Todd Barry wrote: "Why such a long wait. labor Day is not next week. Send it and move on. Please explain, and thank you."

Dear Barry:

I was working ot the publication of The Cliff's Edge which was released 2-14-23. I want to make sure the new Rutledge is the best I can write. The publishers are busy and on Vacation until after Labor Day. I would love to release it yesterday! Please stay tuned.

message 4: by Charles (last edited Jul 11, 2023 06:49AM) (new)

Charles Todd Cheryl wrote: "I appreciate your update, Charles, and look forward to the next Rutledge book, no matter how long it takes."

Dear Cheryl:

Thank you. I want to make sure this mystery lives up to our work. I hope to have more news soon.

All the Best,

message 5: by Barry (new)

Barry Lane Cheryl wrote: "I appreciate your update, Charles, and look forward to the next Rutledge book, no matter how long it takes."

Cheryl wrote: "I appreciate your update, Charles, and look forward to the next Rutledge book, no matter how long it takes."

Thank you, Charles. Instructive and appreciated.

message 6: by Lee (new)

Lee Very excited for the next story in Ian's saga and thankful for the many that have preceded it. Good writing takes time and is worth waiting for.

message 7: by Jim (new)

Jim Knowing that you have a new book in the pipeline always brightens my day. I plan out what I'll read and when, based on when an Ian Rutledge and Bess Crawford book will land.

message 8: by Charles (new)

Charles Todd Dear Les and Jim:

I am delighted to hear from you both! I will post updates so you will be able to know the progress.

All the Best,

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