E.M. Foner's Blog: E. M. Foner's Blog

March 17, 2020

Audiobook Podcast of Turing Test for sheltering at home

Rather than obsessing over virus news the last month, I've been recording an audiobook of Turing Test, Book #1 of my AI Diaries Trilogy, to give away as a free podcast. I already have sixteen of twenty chapters finished, so I've started posting them, one a day, and should have the final four finished in time.

My podcast page is at


Which included links for iTunes or Google Play
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Published on March 17, 2020 15:03 Tags: audiobook, e-m-foner, podcast

November 26, 2019


A couple of weekends ago I made it to PhilCon, my first outing since ReaderCon a few years back. I entered my E. M. Foner book-cover T-shirts in the art show, not surprisingly, I was the only person there showing T-shirts.

If you're looking to sign up for my four times a year announcement list (or T-shirts:-), visit my author site:

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Published on November 26, 2019 13:05 Tags: e-m-foner

E. M. Foner's Blog

E.M. Foner
Every time I visit Goodreads and see the invitation to start a blog I feel guilty, so I guess I'll give it a try. If you're looking for my author site to sign up for the new announcements list, it's w ...more
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