Heather Brewer's Blog

February 19, 2014


Greetings, Minions! Do you know what tomorrow brings? It brings the third (and final) book in The Slayer Chronicles, THIRD STRIKE. This is the last book in the Vlad Tod universe, though certainly not the last book by yours truly. Coming your way in early 2015 (through HarperTeen), in fact, is a little something AWESOME by the name of THE CEMETERY BOYS. And there will be many more after that. but as for Vlad and Joss…this is THE book to read. Who killed Cecile? You’re about to find out, Minions.

In honor of my special day, I’m hosting TWO launch parties. One at Left Bank Books (Downtown) and one at Spencer Road Branch Library – both in the St. Louis/St. Charles area of Missouri. (Details on my Appearances page and in the links above) Appearances in honor of these books will be very limited, so I hope those of you who aren’t in the area will make the drive!

It is also possible that I will have official Vlad Tod Snack Packs for sale at each event.

Regardless of where you are, go grab that book and enjoy the read. And pay special attention to the Acknowledgements, Minions. :)

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Published on February 19, 2014 15:01

November 5, 2013

September 26, 2013

September 21, 2013

Happy birthday to me!

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Published on September 21, 2013 08:02

September 12, 2013

Once Upon A Time, Auntie Heather Had A NEW BOOK TO ANNOUNCE!!!

You read that right, Minions! Auntie Heather has been sitting on this news for quite a while, but I’m finally able to share this bit of awesome with you: I’m reuniting with a favorite editor (Andrew Harwell, who worked with me on The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod and edited my short story, SHADOW CHILDREN, which appeared in the FEAR anthology alongside R.L. Stine, Meg Cabot and other amazing authors) to bring you a new book! It’s called THE CEMETERY BOYS, and it couldn’t get more Auntie Heather than this. This story is raw and edgy and scary and real. And I am madly in love with it. Here’s the official release from Publishers Weekly!

Andrew Harwell at HarperCollins has bought world English rights to two standalone YA books and one e-original story by Heather Brewer, author of the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod series. In book one, The Cemetery Boys, Stephen falls in with a mysterious girl and her troubled twin brother, only to learn that their dark allure masks an even darker secret. Publication is scheduled for winter 2015; Michael Bourret at Dystel and Goderich brokered the deal.

Sounds awesome, right?? JUST YOU WAIT!

Oh also…I kinda vlogged about it in my jammies. I was too excited to stop and put on pants. Check it:

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Published on September 12, 2013 16:00

August 1, 2013

July 24, 2013

A Million Ways to Win ARCs of THIRD STRIKE!

Okay, so maybe not a million, but still.

Greetings, Minions! First off, I can has a new vlog for you. Go watch it!

Secondly, if you watch that vlog, you’ll learn of a way to win an ARC of THIRD STRIKE – but if you’re not down with the whole YouTube thang, or you want to increase your chances of winning one of my last few ARCs, there’s now a contest on Goodreads! So check both out, and good luck!

I wanted to give you all a little heads-up, in case you’ve been in your coffins for a while and haven’t heard. Auntie Heather is holding a YA Lit/anti-bullying conference called Less Than Three. Tickets are just ten bucks, and available on the Less Than Three website. You won’t believe the rock star line-up we have: A.S. King, Rachel Caine, Andrew Smith, Ellen Hopkins, Mari Mancusi, Susane Colasanti, David Levithan, Jennifer Brown, Cheryl Rainfield, Dale E. Basye, Lisa McMann, T.M. Goeglein, Carrie Jones, Alethea Kontis, Carrie Ryan, Shannon Messenger, and of course, yours truly will be there. It’s going to be FANGtastic!

Our volunteer list is now full, but check out what’s on the schedule:

8am: Badge pick-up opens

9:30am – 10:30am: Panels 1 & 2

10:40am – 11:40am: Panels 3 & 4

11:50am – 12:50pm: Break for lunch (boxed lunch available for purchase in advance on the site)

1pm – 2pm: Keynote address (Heather Brewer, with special guest)

2:10pm – 3:10pm: Panels 1 & 2

3:20pm – 4:20pm: Panels 3 & 4

4:30pm – 6:30pm: Social Hour (aka Less Than Three Mix-and-Mingle-with-the-Authors Party Time!)

And here are some more details on the panels:

Panel #1 -

BULLYING IN SCHOOL: When a safe haven turns into a waking nightmare.

Jody Feldman – moderator

Panelists: Susane Colasanti, Jennifer Brown, Alethea Kontis, Dale E. Basye

Panel #2 -


What to do when the voices in your head are out of control.

Cole Gibsen – moderator

Panelists: Cheryl Rainfield, T.M. Goeglein, Ellen Hopkins, Rachel Caine

Panel #3 -

CYBER-BULLYING: What to do when bullying follows you home.

Sarah Bromley – moderator

Panelists: Carrie Jones, Mari Mancusi, Lisa McMann, Shannon Messenger

Panel #4 -

BULLIES & LGBTQ: Walking tall in the face of adversity.

Antony John – moderator

Panelists: David Levithan, A.S King, Carrie Ryan, Andrew Smith

In short, we are gonna ROCK THIS THING, MINIONS!!!

So come out, if you can, and join us in an amazing day. Who knows? This might be your only chance!

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Published on July 24, 2013 10:49

July 16, 2013

And She Sparkled…

Side Note: read THIS if you’re interested in publishing.

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Published on July 16, 2013 15:53

July 8, 2013

July 4, 2013