Sarah Palin's Blog

October 8, 2012

SarahPalinUSA: Backstage in Bristol's trailer at #DWTS. You can call 800-868-3409 to vote for Bristol & Mark. Here are...

SarahPalinUSA: Backstage in Bristol's trailer at #DWTS. You can call 800-868-3409 to vote for Bristol & Mark. Here are...
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Published on October 08, 2012 17:06

SarahPalinUSA: Happy Columbus Day. Thank goodness for the determination of all bold explorers and innovators—yesterday and...

SarahPalinUSA: Happy Columbus Day. Thank goodness for the determination of all bold explorers and innovators—yesterday and...
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Published on October 08, 2012 10:48

October 6, 2012

SarahPalinUSA: Thank you to everyone who has supported my dad and my brother on their book tour!

SarahPalinUSA: Thank you to everyone who has supported my dad and my brother on their book tour!
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Published on October 06, 2012 22:28

October 5, 2012

SarahPalinUSA: Here's my brother Chuck talking to the Great One...

SarahPalinUSA: Here's my brother Chuck talking to the Great One...
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Published on October 05, 2012 19:56

SarahPalinUSA: Looking forward to watching my brother and dad on Greta tonight talking about their new book. #OnTheRecord #FNC

SarahPalinUSA: Looking forward to watching my brother and dad on Greta tonight talking about their new book. #OnTheRecord #FNC
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Published on October 05, 2012 19:21

October 4, 2012

SarahPalinUSA: A major Obama scandal is about to break, which may partially explain his terrible debate performance. Looks like...

SarahPalinUSA: A major Obama scandal is about to break, which may partially explain his terrible debate performance. Looks like...
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Published on October 04, 2012 20:57

October 3, 2012

SarahPalinUSA: Many of you have seen the 2007 speech in which then-Senator Obama suggested that because of racism the federal...

SarahPalinUSA: Many of you have seen the 2007 speech in which then-Senator Obama suggested that because of racism the federal...
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Published on October 03, 2012 17:41

SarahPalinUSA: Bristol and Mark thank all you awesome supporters for voting again Monday night to keep them in the competition!...

SarahPalinUSA: Bristol and Mark thank all you awesome supporters for voting again Monday night to keep them in the competition!...
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Published on October 03, 2012 09:49

October 1, 2012

SarahPalinUSA: RT @BristolsBlog 800-868-3409 is the number to use to vote for @MarkBallas and @BristolsBlog tonight! #ThankYou! @DancingABC #DWTS

SarahPalinUSA: RT @BristolsBlog 800-868-3409 is the number to use to vote for @MarkBallas and @BristolsBlog tonight! #ThankYou! @DancingABC #DWTS
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Published on October 01, 2012 16:03

Sarah Palin's Blog

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin isn't a Goodreads Author (yet), but they do have a blog, so here are some recent posts imported from their feed.
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