Maria Luis's Blog

April 16, 2019

Kiss Me Tonight Sneak Peek

I am soooo incredibly excited to bring Dominic & Aspen's story to you!! Below is one of my favorite snippets from KISS ME TONIGHT! Let the countdown begin and don't forget to mark your calendars. May 2nd is release day!!
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Published on April 16, 2019 09:53

January 11, 2019

Hold Me Today | Chapter One

Chapter OneNickOn a beach somewhere in BaliBreaking hearts isn’t in my DNA.Call me a pussy, a romantic, a believer in the unicorn of all emotions—true love—but I want the real deal. I crave what my parents have shared for thirty-something years; what my younger sister Effie has with her wife; what I almost had six years ago before my ex-fiancée dumped me at the altar with a half-hiccupped, “I’m in love with someone else.” That someone else turned out to be her I-wear-pocket-protectors-like-a-...
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Published on January 11, 2019 13:39

January 2, 2019

Hold Me Today Sneak Peek

I am so incredibly excited about Nick & Mina! To celebrate, I wanted to share a sneak peek from one of my favorite scenes in the book! Check it out below, and remember - mark your calendars for January 17th! - Mina -“You do realize that you don’t know everything about me, right?”My breath constricts in my chest. “I think I know enough.”One shift of his large frame and then the toes of his work boots are kissing the tips of my flats. I catch his scent, that musky combo of male and sawdust and...
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Published on January 02, 2019 20:56

April 5, 2018

Undeniable: a Love Serial--Chapter Twelve + Epilogue

It's here! It's here! I'm so excited to bring to you the final installments of UNDENIABLE. Below, you will find Chapter Twelve & our epilogue, and let's just say...I laughed SO hard while writing these. So. Hard. And I hope they'll do the same for you as well ((I do want to apologize for the delay in bringing this out to you all. While I could detail the reasons behind it, I want to keep Darci & Devin's story at the forefront. They deserve all that and more)). Happy Reading, and I'll see you...
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Published on April 05, 2018 22:57

March 12, 2018

Undeniable: a Love Serial--Chapter Eleven

Hi everyone!Confession: Wondering for the delay? Welcome into the world of one of my writing pitfalls!! What do I mean by that? With my published books, the behind-the-scenes never get revealed. No one has the opportunity (or annoyance, LOL) to watch me struggle to "let go" at the end of a book. From a reader's perspective, a book releases into the world and it's ready to rock n'roll! My close friends and family, on the other hand, get the luxury of watching me drag my feet at the end of ever...
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Published on March 12, 2018 23:37

March 1, 2018

Undeniable: a Love Serial--Chapter Ten

Hi y'all! I'm so excited to be back with our next chapter of Undeniable! From here on out, we'll be back to our regular updates - the last few weeks have been just a little on the rough side. I caught the flu (my voice is just returning!) and then Mr Luis and I moved into a new house over this past weekend. We are loving it, but let's just say that everything is still tucked away in boxes. We'll be tackling it all this weekend.Enough about me! Let's get to Devin & Darci, who I know you've mis...
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Published on March 01, 2018 22:10

February 18, 2018

Undeniable: a Love Serial--Chapter Nine

Hi everyone!Phew, it has been a crazy two weeks. Long story short: HAT TRICK released (yay!!), I had my first book signing (double yay!), Mr Luis and I closed on the house of dreams (triple yay!), and then I've been sick with the flu for the last week - booooo. I may have then given it to Mr Luis (oops), which resulted in us both being sick and irritable. We're supposed to be moving into the new house this weekend, but the process is slow moving, especially since I can't go two minutes withou...
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Published on February 18, 2018 12:10

February 2, 2018

Undeniable: a Love Serial--Chapter Eight

Hi y'all!If it's not a tie, it's a blindside. Y'all love to throw me for a loop, that's for sure! I am so excited for you to read this chapter, though, and get a little more background information on Darci. I think we need it, don't you? Plus...who were those people? You're about to find out!As a quick aside, we will be returning to Undeniable two weeks from now - next week, on the 8th, is the release day for Hat Trick. I want to bring my best to Darci & Devin each week, and I know that the n...
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Published on February 02, 2018 14:10

January 26, 2018

Undeniable: a Love Serial -- Chapter Seven

Hello there!I'm so sorry that UNDENIABLE is going up a day late - this week I had the excerpt reveal for HAT TRICK, including wrapping up HAT TRICK edits/proofreads, and then I opened the poll from last week and y'all threw me for another loop.Another tie - 38% for the top two choices.The third tie this season.I'm now convinced that y'all are training me to think on my feet and prepare for nothing because there's a good chance I will scrap my first draft (as I did this week) and start anew. Q...
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Published on January 26, 2018 20:40

January 25, 2018

HAT TRICK Excerpt Reveal!

Are you ready to meet Marshall & Gwen on February 8th? **Marshall**What the hell is Gwen doing here?My stride slows, and she must hear the tread of my heavy boots because she glances up from her phone with a strained expression. The loose curl of her hair is frizzier than normal. Even her clothes, which are usually perfectly tailored, look disheveled today.Her slim, knee-length skirt is off-center, the row of buttons not aligning with her belly-button. Her flouncy shirt is half-tucked into th...
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Published on January 25, 2018 16:26