Fundraising Ideas for Sports Teams: Planning and Raising Money

Trusted by both organizers and donors, GoFundMe has become a safe and reliable place to give and receive help. Parents and coaches of sports teams of all shapes and sizes come to GoFundMe to raise money for their clubs. Our fundraising platform can be used as your main source of fundraising or as a way to accept donations to supplement your ongoing efforts. Whether you’re seeking ways to cover travel expenses or purchase new equipment and gear, here are some creative fundraising ideas for sports teams to help you get started.

Watch this video for a quick look into fundraising for your sports team

Tips for planning your team’s fundraising efforts

  • Decide your fundraising needs and goals: Determine what your sports team is raising funds for (travel fees, equipment costs, new jerseys, etc.), and then estimate how much money is needed to cover these expenses. Having an idea of a goal will help motivate donors to give. Keep in mind that your fundraising goal can always be changed later.
  • Gather the details for donor confidence: Be transparent and thoughtful in sharing information about your team as well as why your team is fundraising. In writing your fundraiser story, include additional details such as how the funds will be used and a request for people to share your fundraiser with their own networks.
  • Set up your team’s GoFundMe fundraiser: Now that you know what you’re fundraising for and have the details you need, set up a fundraiser to help your team reach your goals. Many sports teams use crowdfunding as a way to either as their primary fundraising method, or as supplementary to other fundraising programs (such as T-shirt sales, fast food nights, etc.) because it is an easy and trusted way for people to donate. Starting the fundraiser takes only a few minutes.
  • Leverage GoFundMe’s ‘teams’ feature and discuss roles: Work together with other parents, coaches, and teammates in managing your fundraiser to help accomplish your goal. While assigning teammates to the fundraiser is not required, it’s a great way to collaborate on posting updates, thanking donors, and sharing the fundraiser.
  • Save your fundraiser link and QR code for easy access: Keep the link to your fundraiser on hand so you can share it with others at any given moment. Additionally, consider making a QR code that links to your fundraiser so people can easily scan it with their phone or tablet. If you are planning a fundraising event, having a printed QR code that links to your GoFundMe fundraiser is an effortless way to collect donations.

Fundraising ideas for sports teams to hit your goal

1. Car wash

A simple yet effective way to raise money is to host a car wash. All your team needs to do to prepare is to pick a time and place, spread the word about your event, and gather the necessary car wash items. When you’re notifying people of your car wash and also during the event, tell people that you’ll be collecting donations to go towards your sports team. Make it fun by having the athletes interact with the guests and wash the cars.

2. Talent show

Does someone on your team play an instrument or have some magic tricks up their sleeve? Is your coach a secret magician? A talent show is the perfect opportunity to showcase those talents while raising money for your sports team. Throughout the event, share your fundraiser link with attendees and kindly ask them to make a donation to support your organization.

3. Karaoke night

Get your community involved with a karaoke night. If you have access to a gym or clubhouse, these can provide a big enough space for attendees to gather. Your sports team can even work with a local business to help host this event. Be sure there’s a karaoke machine available and let the fun begin. Don’t forget to remind people that the reason for karaoke night is to raise money for your sports team and have the link to your fundraiser ready to go so guests can donate to your program.

4. Spaghetti feed

What better way to bring people together than through food, particularly spaghetti. This tasty pasta dish mainly calls for a few simple ingredients so your team will be able to conveniently make a large batch to serve to hungry attendees. No matter if you decide to have a serving station or a plated dinner, have your fundraiser link or QR code visible on your setup tables so that people can quickly access it. Fun tip: Love breakfast? Rather than cooking spaghetti, whip up some fluffy pancakes for a morning version of this event.

5. Letter writing campaign

Put pen to paper by having your sports team write heartfelt, handwritten letters to family, friends, and other potential donors. The primary goal of these fundraising letters is to ask for a donation, but it’s also important to personalize each letter to make it more meaningful. For example, letters written by the athletes can include details about what position they play, their background of how they got into the sport or any other information that will show people how much this sport and team means to them. If people can emotionally connect to you and your story, this can help drive donations.

6. Fitness challenge

Make achieving fitness goals fun by creating an exercise challenge that players, parents, and coaches alike can join in on. There are many different challenges you can do ranging from running a 5k to completing a set number of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. If someone doesn’t want to take part in the friendly competition, let them know that they can still show their support by making a donation.

7. Concession stand

Use a home game to your advantage by running a concession stand. Offer a variety of food and beverages such as candy, chips, popcorn, water, soda, and any other snacks people can enjoy while they’re watching the game. When people are paying for their items, ask if they’d like to make an additional donation to your team’s fundraiser.

8. Local business collaborations

Local businesses are known for loving to give back to their community. Maximize your fundraising efforts by teaming up with a local business such as a sandwich shop, café, or an ice cream parlor and ask if they would be willing to support. One fun idea is to have them offer an “item of the month” in honor of your sports team with a portion of the proceeds donated to your cause. You can also ask if they’d be willing to put a stack of your fundraiser flyers at the cash register so customers can give their support.

9. Flyers around town

Speaking of fundraiser flyers, expand your reach wide and far by putting them up around your neighborhood. Consider posting the flyers on bulletin boards in community centers, tire shops, cafes, or other local stores as well. Instead of just listing your fundraiser link on your flyers, add a personal note asking the community to help, and be sure to include a QR code for faster digital access.

10. Nextdoor app

Utilize the power of community through the Nextdoor app. Sharing your fundraiser link and message on this platform can help increase awareness and boost donations. People are usually inclined to support their local sports teams so spreading the word about your fundraiser on Nextdoor can help connect you with potential donors.

Start raising money for your sports team today

Build camaraderie while having fun with these fundraising ideas for sports teams. The best part is that you don’t have to fundraise alone—parents, coaches, and athletes can all combine forces to reach your team’s fundraising goal. Start a fundraiser today and get your team on track for success.