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The Veil Episode 5 Elisabeth Moss Yumna Marwan
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THE PERFORMERS | Elisabeth Moss and Yumna Marwan

THE SHOW | The Veil

THE EPISODE | “Grandfather’s House” (May 21, 2024)

THE PERFORMANCES | The Veil’s two main characters had their most honest — and therefore, most devastating — argument in this week’s episode. Accordingly, Moss and Marwan did some of their most gripping work in the series so far. (Seriously: These two put on one heck of a can’t-turn-away fight!)

Let’s start with Moss. Throughout the season, the Emmy winner has played MI6 agent Imogen with a slick, breezy air. Sure, she’s tasked with figuring out whether Marwan’s Adilah is a terrorist plotting a major attack on the United States, but she’s also made it clear that there are very few situations that truly make her sweat. In Episode 5’s closing scene, though, Moss had Imogen’s usual aplomb crumble as her frustration with Adilah grew. Imogen shed some uncharacteristic tears as she admitted that she did know what it was like to fear for a child’s safety, Moss’ face showing us exactly how much it pained the character to admit any truth about her past, much less such a huge one. But she also made sure to communicate that Imogen’s anger at Adilah was causing any and all artifice to slip — and the fact that none of it was working was driving Imogen insane.

Meanwhile, Marwan’s fury at Imogen’s withholding of her daughter’s location exploded in a way that was perversely satisfying. The reserved character has held back in so many ways all season, with Marwan making Adilah a quiet presence who observes all but shares little. So to watch Adilah yell at Imogen about judging her choices, Marwan’s voice raised as bitter tears pooled in her eyes, felt cathartic. Her mocking tone when she talked about Imogen’s privileged life felt kinda deserved. And when she drew in close to Moss and pointed out how similar the two women were, Marwan made the moment feel like a victory (albeit a pyrrhic one).

Both actresses told TVLine that the scene felt like the first time their alter egos were being straight with each other. If these performances are the result, here’s hoping for even more truth-telling in next week’s season finale.