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"Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying."
―Darth Sidious[3]

Darth Plagueis, publicly known as Hego Damask II, and remembered as Darth Plagueis the Wise, was a powerful male Muun Dark Lord of the Sith hailing from the planet Mygeeto. Damask was born between 147 and 120 BBY to a female Muun and a male Muun. His mother discovered his sensitivity to the Force, and she gave him away to the Bith Sith Lord Darth Tenebrous, who trained Damask—now Plagueis—in the ways of the Sith. The apprentice murdered Tenebrous in 67 BBY.

Rising to become a Sith Lord, Plagueis, as Damask, led Damask Holdings, a financial corporation, manipulated galactic affairs and corporations to advance the Sith agenda and the Galactic Republic's intended fall. While manipulating the Naboo on the planet Naboo, he discovered Palpatine, a man with the desire to rule. Plagueis manipulated the boy to kill his family, which led the young man to accept Plagueis's training as Darth Sidious.

The master and apprentice continued the Sith agenda together, with Sidious saving his master from many assassination attempts, however, Sidious, now teaching the Dathomirian Zabrak Sith apprentice Darth Maul, wished to kill his master and rule the Republic alone. Celebrating that the manipulated senators and bureaucrats of the Republic had voted Sidious, publicly Palpatine as the new Supreme Chancellor, Plagueis was killed by his apprentice in 32 BBY while the Muun slept.




Darth Tenebrous, the Sith Lord behind the birth of Darth Plagueis

Several years before Hego Damask II's birth, his father, a Force-sensitive Muun named Caar Damask, who worked as a middle-ranking Banking Clan agent, met renowned starship designer Rugess Nome—or Darth Tenebrous—by chance on High Port Space Center.[1] Tenebrous, in his capacity as reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, had been searching for the right apprentice to train for the sole purpose of eventually possessing through the virulent midi-chlorians he had dubbed "maxi-chlorians" in order for his consciousness to survive until the creation of the Chosen One, who would be seized by the Sith.[4]

Years after his meeting with Damask, Tenebrous discovered another Force-sensitive Muun—a lower-caste female—and conscripted her as a disciple, for she was not strong enough in the Force to be considered for apprenticeship. Tenebrous, using Bith scientific methods, had predicted that the offspring of Damask and his disciple would be strong in the Force. For this purpose, he tasked his Muun disciple to seduce Caar Damask and bear him a child.[1]

Birth and early life[]

"In truth, and in ways that you will eventually come to understand, you belong to him."
―Caar Damask to his son, referring to Darth Tenebrous[1]

Born on Mygeeto sometime between 200 and 100 BBY,[2] the son of Caar Damask, who had become the planet's administrator more than ten years earlier, and his codicil wife, Hego Damask II was named after his grandfather. Growing up in a domed city on a perpetually frozen and sparsely populated planet under the overly attentive gaze of his mother, Hego had a very atypical childhood for a Muun. She recorded every detail of his upbringing, encouraged him to talk with her about even the most furtive of his thoughts, and provided playmates for him, observing his interactions with them and interrogating him about his feelings regarding each specific youngling. Before his fifth birthday, Hego discovered that he could manipulate the Force by using it to ply the feelings of his playmates. He eventually tested the limits of this power by using a very potent mind trick on a Muun youngling he had grown to dislike, convincing the boy to commit suicide by jumping into a courtyard from a high window. Damask's mother instructed her son to keep his powers secret, and confided in him that they shared the gift.[1]

Damask's parents handed him over to Nome as a youngling in return for a career advancement for Caar, presumably arranged through the Dark Lord's shadowy intelligence network. Tenebrous took the child as his apprentice,[1] the one he intended to eventually possess,[4] naming him—at some unknown point—Darth Plagueis. Plagueis left Mygeeto for the first time in his life, and began his life as a Sith.[1]

Five years after handing his son to the Dark Lord, Caar Damask was appointed director of the treasury branch of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, realizing his lifelong dream of wielding real power within the IBC. His codicil wife disappeared without a trace. Five years after that, Plagueis learned the truth of Tenebrous's machinations that led to his birth. Caar Damask eventually rose to the top of the IBC as Chairman.[1]

Darth Tenebrous and Darth Plagueis[]

"We Sith are an unseen opposition. A phantom menace. Where the Sith once wore armor, we now wear cloaks. But the Force works through us all the more powerfully in our invisibility."
―Darth Tenebrous to a young Darth Plagueis[1]

One Order, two Sith Lords: a Master and an apprentice

Darth Plagueis traveled the galaxy with his master, masquerading as Rugess Nome's young accountant while the two carried out the Sith plan of spreading discontent to ripen the galaxy for their rule. During his travels, Plagueis became acquainted with the backwater of the galaxy; in the years to come, he would feel at home in the run-down spaceports, seedy tapcafs and rough cantinas common in the Rim.[1] Around the year 104 BBY, Plagueis undertook the trial of visiting Kursid and fighting its natives with Darth Tenebrous for the first time.[1]

Plagueis later told his own apprentice that his first mission under the tutelage of Lord Tenebrous was undertaken in the twenty-fifth year of his apprenticeship, at some point after 99 BBY:[5] Tenebrous tasked his apprentice to murder Kerred Santhe the Elder. The assassination was accomplished by means of telekinetic strangulation during a banquet on Corulag; the Sith Lords took advantage of the fact that bloat eel was served in order to blame Santhe's death on the chefs. Following this trial, Plagueis veered from the Sith path, as often happened with apprentices when they first discovered the potency of the dark side.[1]

Plagueis later claimed to Palpatine that he had returned to Muunilinst to meet the rest of his clan. As the son of Caar Damask's codicil wife, however, he was never accepted by his half-brothers and sisters, who saw him as an interloper and sought to have him disinherited. Soon afterwards, Caar Damask fell gravely ill at a relatively young age for a Muun, and it was discovered that he had a rare congenital defect in his tertiary heart that he had passed on to his children with his first wife. Plagueis, having been born to a different mother, did not carry the gene, and he watched as his siblings and clan mother spent millions of credits on a geneticist to help cure the condition. Plagueis claimed that he had hired the geneticist to conduct phony treatments, and that he took pleasure in his siblings' early deaths, inheriting the wealth they had tried to deny him. Palpatine suspected that the story was embellished to goad him into killing his family. Plagueis later admitted that only "some of it" was true.[1]

Regardless to the circumstances, at some point Darth Plagueis inherited the Damask fortune and took over the Sojourn Gatherings from his father. Gatherings were clandestine annual meetings of politicians, the leaders of various trade organizations and cartels, and even gangsters, hosted by Damask Holdings on the moon of Sojourn. Hego Damask II transformed the Gatherings from the elite secret club it had been under his father into a Sith tool to influence the most influential beings of the galaxy in order to prepare the Republic for the submission to an enlightened elite promised by Darth Tenebrous.[1]


Tenebrous would die at Bal'demnic (pictured)

During their long years together, Tenebrous did not invest in properly training Plagueis as a Sith. Instead, he sent him on various missions he judged pointless as a distraction, and cultivated his apprentice's unprecedented talent for midi-chlorian manipulation, all the while making sure that the Muun would only apply it to the preservation and extension of his own life, thus ensuring that he would live long enough for Tenebrous to possess the body of the Chosen One. Plagueis developed his powers in the Force and in the mundane world largely on his own, and indeed took them further than his Master believed.[4] Tenebrous also took on a second apprentice, a Bith to whom he bestowed the name "Darth Venamis." Although Venamis was apprised of Plagueis's existence, Plagueis was kept in the dark—he believed he was his master's sole apprentice, in accordance with the Rule of Two, a rule he had come to resent.[1]

In 67 BBY, Plagueis in his role as Hego Damask secretly negotiated for the Trade Federation to accept the expansion of Free Trade Zones in the Outer Rim Territories, even though this would cost it some of its shipping monopoly and expose it to competition from start-up companies. In exchange, the Trade Federation received full voting privileges as a functional constituency in the Galactic Senate, though the leadership remained disgruntled at the loss of some of its monopoly. Meanwhile, Plagueis advised the InterGalactic Banking Clan to invest in Outer Rim and trans-Perlemian shipping to take advantage of the new arrangement.[1]

Darth Plagueis and Tenebrous out[]

"Foolish, pathetic Plagueis…"
―Darth Tenebrous's thoughts on his apprentice[4]
Darth Plagueis

Darth Plagueis in 67 BBY, after killing his master in the Bal'demnic grotto

67 years before the Battle of Yavin, Darth Tenebrous learned of a cortosis deposit on the planet Bal'demnic, and personally went there to survey it with his apprentice, a treddroid, and an M-2 mining probe provided by Subtext Mining. What neither Tenebrous—apparently—nor Plagueis knew was that the probe had been sabotaged by an unknown party, with Subtext's complicity. Inside a cave on the side of a steep escarpment on the shore of the Northern Sea, the two Sith Lords landed their craft, a ship designed by Tenebrous himself, and set out to survey the cortosis vein, using enviro-suits to protect them from the deadly heat.[1]

Tenebrous ascribed special significance to the mission as he believed that two Sith Lords mining cortosis at the apex of the Rule of Two era amounted to the "closing of a circle," a circle that had began with Darth Bane, the Sith'ari of legend, starting on the path toward darkness in the Apatros cortosis mines. The enterprise soon came to an unexpected end, however, when the droid reported that the mining probe had discovered a pocket of a highly combustible variant of lethane directly beneath the borehole. Tenebrous ordered the droid to have the probe deactivated, but it failed; the probe overrode the droid's commands. After the two Sith unsuccessfully tried to damage the probe using Force lightning, they hastened to return to the grotto where they had landed the ship, leaving the treddroid behind. Plagueis made sure to let it know that it had been useful before running away.[1]

As the two Sith ran through the superheated caverns, Plagueis noticed that his Master was uncharacteristically distressed, as if he sensed something alarming in the Force. They had just made it to the grotto near the surface when the gas explosion caught them—Tenebrous conjured a barrier to shield them from the fireball, and when the ceiling began to collapse, he used the Force to protect the ship. It was then that Plagueis had the impression of hearing the Force whisper to him that his moment had come to claim his stake to the dark side, and lost no time in contemplation—he betrayed his master by bringing the huge slabs of stone down on him using the Force. The rockfall, however, also buried their ship, trapping them both. Racing to Tenebrous's side, Plagueis tried to comfort his Master. The Bith went along with his apprentice's charade, and conferred the mantle of Sith Master to him. Plagueis, accepting responsibility for his action, informed Tenebrous that his death would mark the end of the Rule of Two, and that he would escape the grotto even without the ship; he then broke the Bith's neck, killing him.[1]

Both Plagueis and Tenebrous had waited a long time for that moment—the latter had hoped that his apprentice would have made his move years earlier, and was happy to finally be allowed the chance to implement his secret scheme, while the former had wanted to carry the Grand Plan to completion alone, without being burdened with the formalities of the Banite system. As Plagueis reached out in the Force to study Tenebrous's dying midi-chlorians, the maxi-chlorians carrying the Bith's intelligence slipped out of his body undetected and infected a wound on the Muun's lower back, caused by a rock or some other projectile. As the maxi-chlorian virus propagated inside Plagueis's cells, Tenebrous accessed his apprentice's powers of foresight, the powers he had had to give up himself in order to code his intelligence into the retrovirus. What he witnessed horrified him: instead of providing access to the Chosen One, Darth Plagueis died at the hands of his own apprentice, "the shadow." After the retrovirus completed the task it had been engineered for, the infection of all the cells in Plagueis's body, the Muun Dark Lord lost his powers of foresight. Tenebrous, after slipping out of his apprentice's body in panic, remained trapped as a disembodied essence in the cave.[4]

Aftermath of Tenebrous's death[]


Plagueis avoided the Kon'me (pictured)

Plagueis lost track of time after the murder, immersed as he was in the Force in order to study his Master's dying midi-chlorians. When he regained his composure, he discovered that he had been injured. After accessing the damaged ship, he realized that he could not repair it, nor could he use the Force to reach the oculus that led to the surface. So he set to work on removing the rubble from the ship using telekinesis and adding the rocks to a rubble pile he could climb to reach the surface. After he had completed his task, he entered the cockpit and retrieved his travel bag, which contained, among other effects, his lightsaber, a change of clothes, and a comlink, and also took Tenebrous's lightsaber and comlink. He changed, and after reassuring himself that the scene of the crime actually showed no evidence of a crime but rather of a simple starship crash, Plagueis left the cave. Relying on a map in Tenebrous's comlink, the Sith Lord set out in search of the nearest city with a starport, located a few hundred kilometers to the south of the grotto, taking care to avoid contact with the Kon'me, the planet's indigenous inhabitants. When night fell, the Dark Lord took shelter in a shallow cave, and as he replayed the events of the previous day in his mind in an effort to fall asleep, he sensed the presence of a being of near-equal power to his. He considered that it might be Tenebrous's spirit come to hound him, as legend claimed had happened to Darth Bane after he desecrated the tombs of the Dark Lords. Yet Plagueis, confident that he would outlive any usurpers to his rule of the Sith, did not allow this premonition to worry him, and fell asleep.[1]

He awoke and resumed his course before sunrise. Famished, having caught little sleep, with an infected wound and tormented by biting insects, Plagueis was in bad shape, but he immersed himself in the dark side and ran. Resisting the urge to attack the lower-caste Kon'me of the nearby dwellings for sustenance, he sated his hunger on bats and dead fish washed ashore. As he reached the city, Plagueis had a vision of the future: a future of war for Bal'demnic. In the starport, the Muun looked around for an appropriate ship to stow away in. After finding one to his liking and recording its registry number—LS-447-3—in his comlink, he sneaked into the spaceport authority building, escaping the notice of the sleeping Kon'me night shift guards, and found the registrar's office. He sliced into an office computer's control network, and called up information on the ship he had selected: the Woebegone out of Ord Mantell, captained by a Togruta woman by the name of Ellin Lah. The starship was scheduled to launch in the morning, bound for several Auril sector planets, with a cargo of fresh sea life kept within refrigerated containers that had cleared customs. It was within such a container that Plagueis sneaked inside the Woebegone, taking advantage of the Muun ability to regulate blood flow to the hearts in order to survive the freezing temperatures.[1]

Once the crew discovered the stowaway, Plagueis promised to Captain Lah that he was prepared not only to offer full recompense for the cargo he had spoiled, but moreover to reward them handsomely in exchange for passage to Muunilinst. He chose not to divulge his identity, however, and most crewmembers treated him with distrust. The deal eventually went sour, and Plagueis killed everyone—Captain Lah, first mate Maa Kaap, the pilot Blir', the navigator Semasalli, and the crewmen Doo Zuto, Wandau and PePe Rossh, all fell to Plagueis's lightsaber; he only spared Lah's droid, 11-4D. Much to Plagueis's displeasure, he was unable to sustain the midi-chlorians of the crewmembers he butchered. Plagueis ordered 11-4D to set a course for the coordinates he provided, and retreated to the captain's quarters. The droid then tended to the festering wound the Dark Lord had received in the cave-in, and served him food and drink.[1]

Discovering Venamis[]

"I am Darth Venamis."
"Darth? We'll see about that."
"Your death will legitimize the title, Plagueis."
― Darth Venamis and Darth Plagueis[1]

Venamis was a Bith (a Bith pictured)

The Wobegone arrived at Deep Space Demolition and Removal, owned by Damask's ally Boss Cabra of Black Sun. There, he ordered that the Wobegone be sealed and slagged, and requested a change of wardrobe and a fueled, piloted ship to Muunilinst. He arrived on High Port Space Station with 11-4D several days after he had been expected, and was welcomed by Larsh Hill and a retinue of Damask Holdings members accompanied by Echani Sun Guards. He also had a chance encounter with Chairman Tonith of the IBC.[1]

During the Gathering on Sojourn, Plagueis met with Gardulla the Hutt, Senator Pax Teem of the Gran Protectorate, and Qayhuk of the Yinchorri Council of Elders. Gardulla requested financial aid to restore the Boonta Eve Classic podrace circuit on Tatooine, and Plagueis agreed to put her in contact with agents of the Bank of Aargau. Qayhuk wanted Damask Holdings' support to lobby for Yinchorr's representation in the Galactic Senate, though Plagueis was more interested in taking the measure of the Yinchorri's rumored resistance to Force suggestion. Plagueis then clashed with Pax Teem over his support for Gardulla: Teem feared a new podrace course would undercut Malastare's revenues, and while Plagueis indicated that he would support an increase in rates for Malastare's fuel exports to offset the loss, Teem angrily retorted that a rates hike would benefit Damask Holdings and the Trade Federation far more than it would him.[1]

Finally, Plagueis met with Gossam representatives of Subtext Mining. After threatening them for causing the death of Darth Tenebrous, the Gossams revealed the presence of a massive plasma reserve recently discovered under the city of Theed on the Mid Rim world of Naboo that could be highly profitable for Damask Holdings. Plagueis chose to spare their lives, ordering his Sun Guards to transport them to the most remote world they could find in the Tingel Arm in case he needed them again.[1]

After the Gathering, Plagueis was informed by his Sun Guards that an intruder had breached the retreat's security. The Dark Lord sensed this was the work of a Force-sensitive being and set out to challenge the trespasser in the forests of Sojourn. Originally, he thought it was a Jedi, but was proved wrong when attacked by a Bith wielding a crimson-bladed lightsaber. Caught by surprise, Plagueis momentarily believed this to be his deceased Master Tenebrous, and then mused that he might be an artificially created offspring, but the Bith claimed to have been selected by Tenebrous as his Sith apprentice under the moniker of Darth Venamis. Venamis told Plagueis that he planned to execute his Master's last command—to kill Plagueis, and legitimize the title as Darth. There was a short but fierce duel; so as to better prepare his apprentice for the fight against Plagueis, Tenebrous had taught Venamis the same fighting style the Muun was proficient in so that he would have an advantage when they faced each other. Damask originally had trouble fighting this new foe, but eventually gained the upper hand and disarmed Venamis, using both his and the Bith's weapon to force him to his knees. Darth Venamis then offered to apprentice himself to Plagueis, but the Muun had other plans for him: he forced Venamis to poison himself by ingesting a coma-bloom. He then ordered his Sun Guards to locate the infiltrator's ship and move his body to Aborah, with the intention of using the Bith as a test subject in his midi-chlorian experiments.[1]

An investigation of Venamis's ship revealed that he had kept his eye on several Force-sensitive users as potential apprentices. With the comatose Bith safely inside a bacta tank in Aborah, Plagueis set out to eliminate them and secure his position as the reigning Dark Lord. Accompanied by 11-4D, he travelled to Lianna and Colliders Casino in Lianna City, with the help of the Casino's security, Plagueis and 11-4D discovered the subject was a Shi'ido skinshifter, which they followed across the city after they parted ways with the security of the casino, when the Shi'ido was changing from an Askajian to an Ongree or a Gotal, 11-4D shot the Shi'ido in the base of the brain, and brought him to a dark corner. Plagueis inquired the Shi'ido in the reasoning for the Shi'ido transferring the winnings he gained from the casino to Kerred Santhe, upon which the Shi'ido told the Muun that Santhe was in debt to some Black Sun Vigos. Plagueis let him go with his damaged cranium, after recommending him to gain some last winnings and make himself a new life.[1]

Plagueis and FourDee visited Saleucami where they found an Iktotchi prophet that was sharing her insight on the Republic's fall and the Jedi Order's fall into turmoil. Plagueis ascended to the prophet's event's stage and interrupted her speech; after the Iktotchi recognized and greeted him, he informed her that she had been chosen without her knowledge—by Venamis—and that her message was disturbing the Muun's cause. Although she attempted to convince the Muun that she would undo her speech, Plagueis instead fatally electrocuted the prophet before utilising a mind trick on her followers to make good his escape. Soon after, Plagueis visited Bedlam and its sanatorium, where he learnt that one of the force-users selected by Venamis (the Nautolan Naat Lare) had recently escaped with the aid of a psychologist (actually Venamis in disguise).[1] Plagueis flew to Abraxin after his droid informed him of a force-user who had killed dozens of beings there. At Abraxin, Plagueis met Jedi Master Ni-Cada and his Padawan, Lo Bukk, who were investigating the mysterious murders. While hiding his force abilities to avoid detection by the Jedi, Plagueis confronted Lare. Identifying himself as a Sith Master, Plagueis informed Lare that the Muun would take him as a Sith apprentice if he could eliminating the investigating Jedi. Plagueis then watched from concealment as the Jedi struck Lare down in a brief duel.[1]

Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious[]


"How do you know my name?"
"I know more about you than just your name."
―Darth Plagueis and Palpatine[1]

Darth Plagueis and his new apprentice, Palpatine

In 65 BBY, Plagueis, under his public name of Hego Damask II, traveled to Naboo to inspect the situation for himself. During this time, Naboo was at the peak of election season, and the candidates for the throne were divided between a conservative faction which wanted Naboo to remain an isolationist Republic member world, its resources exploited only internally and not by external megacorporations, and a liberal faction which wanted to fully integrate Naboo into the Galactic Republic. The candidate of the latter faction, Bon Tapalo, secured the endorsement of both Damask Holdings and the Trade Federation by promising to open Naboo to trade, which would allow them to profit from the plasma resources: Plagueis explicitly involved the Trade Federation in the construction of a new spaceport for Theed to export the plasma to reconcile them to the earlier Free Trade Zone Deal. He also sought to use the planet as a future base of operations. Bon Tapalo's opponent was supported by staunch royalists and traditionalists such as Cosinga Palpatine, patriarch of House Palpatine, and Naboo representative Vidar Kim, influential figures in Naboo politics both.[1]

Plagueis eventually learned that Tapalo had an informant in the rival campaign who provided him with vital information. His agents discovered that the informant was a seventeen-year-old student in the Legislative Youth Program called Palpatine, the son of the man who stood most fervently against Tapalo and his ilk, Cosinga Palpatine. Eager to know more about the young man, Plagueis convinced him when they met at the Legislative Program's Theed headquarters to give him a tour of the town in his prized speeder.[1]

From this first encounter, Plagueis learned much about the young aristocrat: he was interested in politics but was shy to admit it; had a modest fondness for art and desired for his homeworld to be opened to the wider galaxy. Most notably, Plagueis learned of the young man's severe estrangement with his father which had been going on for years and years. Impressed by the young man's ambition, intelligence and motivations, Plagueis offered to use him as a spy to secure Tapalo's election and Damask Holdings' interests on Naboo. Palpatine accepted the offer on one condition: he would report to Plagueis alone and directly. This led Plagueis to consider that Palpatine saw him as the father figure he never had. But he too was intrigued by the young man. For two standard days after leaving Naboo, Palpatine was constantly in Damask's mind. After a falling out with Senator Pax Teem of the Gran Protectorate over Damask's support of Gardulla during the Phoebos Memorial Run on Malastare, Plagueis began to consider Palpatine for the role of figurehead Supreme Chancellor that would bring the galaxy under the rule of the Sith.[1]


"Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
―Darth Plagueis to a young Darth Sidious[6]

Immediately after landing on Naboo a standard month after his first visit, Plagueis and his retinue of Damask Holdings and IBC members were detained by a group of security guards. The Muuns were forced to remain in one of the spaceport's holding areas for about an hour, after which time two Palace Guards arrived to escort the Magister to a waiting Gian speeder. Damask was taken to Convergence in the Lake Country, where he met Cosinga Palpatine. Cosinga, who had noticed the friendship between the Magister and his eldest son, demanded that the Muuns stay away from Naboo, and that Damask specifically stay away from his son.[1]

Plagueis, undeterred, traveled to Hanna City on Chandrila to meet with Palpatine, who was on the planet participating in a month long retreat sponsored by the Legislative Youth Program at the time, and updated him on the situation. The young man was furious at his father's attempt to meddle in his affairs, and his fury buffeted Plagueis as he felt it in the Force. Palpatine demanded help and advice, to which Plagueis replied that the young Human could use this incident as a means of emancipating himself. After some back-and-forth palaver, Palpatine revealed to the Magister that he sought ultimate power, and Plagueis told him that he was willing to be his ally in this quest provided that he free himself of all restrictions, chief among them his family. The Muun then related the story—a carefully put together amalgam of fact and fiction—of his own emancipation: he told Palpatine that, following his father's deathbed advice to use whatever means were necessary to protect his interests from less enlightened beings, he had orchestrated an elaborate ruse to poison his family and inherit the Damask fortune in its entirety. In reality, Plagueis was coaxing the young Human to confront his father and break the barriers he had built to hide his true nature. In fact, he had approached him on Chandrila so that Cosinga's spies would spot them together, making the confrontation between father and son inevitable.[1]

All went according to Plagueis's plan, and as Palpatine was preparing to leave for Naboo aboard the Jafan III, one of his father's security guards came to escort him to the family starship. Palpatine murdered his family soon after the starship entered hyperspace, and contacted Damask, who promised him that all evidence would be destroyed, leaving nothing to link Palpatine to his family's disappearance. Plagueis now saw the young man as insidious, ambitious and arrogant by nature, as well as completely lacking in empathy, ready to join the Sith as his apprentice. In a cabin aboard the starship Quantum Collosus, Palpatine knelt before his new Master and swore his loyalty to the Sith Order, and Plagueis bestowed upon him a new name: Darth Sidious.[1]

Training Darth Sidious[]

"You have the Force, apprentice, and the talent to lead. More, you have the bloodlust of a serial killer, though we need to hold that in reserve unless violence serves some extraordinary purpose. We are not butchers, Sidious, like some past Sith Lords. We are architects of the future."
"How long?"
"Not a standard day sooner than a decade."
―Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious during one of their first training sessions on Mygeeto[1]

A young Darth Sidious trains under Darth Plagueis.

Soon after the murder of his family, Sidious began the first stages of his training, designed to "break" him as an individual in order to remake him as a Sith, under Darth Plagueis.[1] The Master promised to the apprentice that, although his training would be severe, they would be free of the Rule of Two. Breaking the cycle enacted by Darth Bane, they would neither harbor any secrets from each other, nor experience any jealousy or mistrust in their relationship, thus serving the dark side in concert.[7] After Sidious began his training, he inherited the Sith Archives, a knowledge bank containing a thousand years' knowledge passed by master to apprentice. When Sidious read the Archives, he noted that Mother Talzin, Sorzus Syn, Malgus, Bane and Plagueis would find little common ground if they shared their knowledge, as they focused on their own dogmas.[8]

Sidious learned from Plagueis over the course of decades,[7] during which Plagueis taught his apprentice everything he knew to prevent the power he had amassed from being lost forever.[3] His training included hunting on Buoyant, combat with battle droids on Hypori, and the ritual killing of native warriors on Kursid.[1] During Sidious' training, Plagueis gave his apprentice access to his Sith holocrons. Plagueis's lessons involved forcing Sidious to face his fears, denying him pleasures, and taking from him the things he loved. He taught Sidious that emotions such as envy and hatred, though necessary to master the dark side, were simply means to the end of casting aside usual notions of morality for a greater goal. Plagueis also lectured his apprentice on the means of taking power, with the eventual goal of control over the galaxy.[9]

The assassination of Vidar Kim[]

"His sentiments have made him a liability. More important, his death will allow us to position where you've long to be."
―Plagueis plots to have Sidious replace Senator Kim[1]
Vidar Kim

A dead Vidar Kim after Palpatine's assassin killed him

By 54 BBY, Plagueis and Palpatine were maneuvering to raise Ars Veruna to the throne of Naboo, encouraging his plans to establish a space fighter corps to allow Naboo to deal with the Trade Federation from a position of strength. When Veruna became king, Plagueis planned to lead him into a destabilizing confrontation that appeared to be of his own making. However, Veruna and Bon Tapalo's policies were still fiercely opposed by Senator Vidar Kim, who planned to vote against a bill to seat numerous Trade Federation-controlled star systems in the Senate. Kim's behavior became more intense and erratic after the death of his entire family in an airspeeder accident on Kaadara. Kim became convinced that his opponents Tapalo and Veruna had been behind the deaths of his family to force his early retirement. He devised a far-fetched plot to lead his only living son, the Jedi Knight Ronhar Kim, away from the Order and to carry on the family lineage. Returning to Coruscant within a month of his family's accident, Kim was angered when his only remaining son refused him, reaffirming his oath to the Jedi Order.[1]

In 52 BBY, convinced of a conspiracy, Kim outlined to Palpatine his plan to reveal Tapalo and Veruna's corruption to the Jedi High Council. While on Coruscant, Kim had arranged a meeting with his son with the intention of swaying him to his cause and getting him to investigate on Naboo. Plagueis and Sidious came to the conclusion that the Senator had become too much of a liability: Plagueis saw Kim's death as an opportunity to send a message to the Galactic Senate of the growing disenchantment in the outer systems. Sidious arranged with Sate Pestage to have Kim killed on Coruscant by a Maladian assassin. A week later, Kim was riding in an open-air speeder with his last remaining heir when the hired assassin fired a round at the car, killing Kim before committing suicide to evade capture and interrogation by the Jedi.[10]

Meeting Dooku and Sifo-Dyas[]

"I didn't mean to suggest that the Republic is purposely depriving the outlying systems of the right to self-determination. I'm merely speculating, because I see a growing threat."
"You are not alone in seeing it, Magister.
―Magister Damask and Jedi Master Dooku discuss the possibility of a coming war[1]
Count Dooku NEC

Dooku, a being that concerned Plagueis

In 52 BBY, Plagueis was involved in discussions with the Kaminoans about the possibility of creating a clone army to one day eradicate the Jedi Order. Plagueis had initially hoped to produce Yinchorri soldiers, believing that their immunity to many Force powers would give them an advantage over the Jedi. However, the Kaminoan geneticist Ko Sai pointed out that the Yinchorri's natural aggression would be extremely difficult to control in a military environment and interfere with their ability to obey orders.[1]

Later that year, Plagueis attended a meeting on the Outer Rim world of Serenno hosted by Count Vemec. Also present at that meeting was a small group of Jedi: Jocasta Nu, Sifo-Dyas, Qui-Gon Jinn and Dooku. Celanon and Serenno were in a dispute over the placement of a new hyperwave transceiver in Celanon space that would expand the reach of the HoloNet into the Corporate Sector. In compensation for the fact that placement of the repeater would necessitate changes in hyperspace trade routes, Celanon had announced that ships entering Celanon space from the systems of the upper Hydian Way (including Serenno) would be required to pay substantial transit taxes.[1]

Plagueis privately hoped that the mediation would fail: citing controversy, Damask Holdings would then withdraw from funding the transceiver and the project would collapse, leaving systems in the Tingel Arm feeling victimized by a disagreement between two wealthy Republic worlds and intensifying disenchantment in the Outer Rim. Plagueis was more interested in taking the measure of Master Dooku, who was an increasingly dissatisfied critic of the corruption of the Galactic Senate. Plagueis felt he could recruit Dooku as an insurance policy against the possibility of losing Sidious.[1]

After hours of talk, a brief recess was called for. Plagueis took the opportunity to speak with the Jedi, engaging in a heated debate with Qui-Gon Jinn, who accused Damask Holdings of fomenting discontent in the Outer Rim in the name of profit. To Sifo-Dyas and Dooku, he spoke of impending conflict for the Republic in the future, discussing the possibility of a split in the Republic between the Core and the outer systems. Dooku admitted to the Senate's corruption and despaired for the possibility of correcting it. Sifo-Dyas was circumspect, not wanting to admit to the possibility of war out of his loyalty to the Republic. Plagueis realized then that to destroy the Jedi the Sith must exploit their sense of righteousness and obedience to the Republic, making them appear to be the enemies of peace and justice rather than the guardians. He then considered that rather than create an army to fight the Jedi, he might instead have the Kaminoans create an army that would fight alongside the Jedi before betraying them. Preparing to exploit Sifo-Dyas' fears about the future of the Republic, Plagueis was about to tell him about the cloners on Kamino that could rapidly raise an army for the Republic. However, upon seeing Jocasta Nu approach, Plagueis felt the dark side warn him not to speak of it, and he quickly ended the discussion.[1]

A short while later on Coruscant, Plagueis introduced Dooku and Sifo-Dyas to his apprentice, Sidious, prior to the latter's address to the Senate in his public persona of Palpatine during a vote on sitting several client systems of the Trade Federation. During their discussion, they were spotted by Senator Pax Teem, who realized that Palpatine and Damask were working together. Teem had just expected Palpatine to vote against the Trade Federation, but on orders from both King Bon Tapalo and Plagueis (the former wishing to placate domestic critics of Naboo's deal with the Trade Federation, the latter planning for the new member-worlds to be caught in between a Republic that heavily taxed them and a Federation that exploited them to foment discontent and pave the way for a future secession crisis that would destroy the Republic), Palpatine declared that Naboo would abstain from the vote, tipping the Trade Federation towards victory.[1]

Facing death[]

"Master, we need to leave at once. What I felt, the Jedi may have felt, and they may come."
"Let them. Let them inhale the aroma of the dark side."
"This carnage is beyond explanation. We can't be here."
"Recall the Sun Guard. When they're done here—"
"No. I know where the Gran are. It won't be business as usual this time, Master."
―Sidious and Plagueis[1]
Attack on Plagueis

Plagueis defends himself during the Maladian attack

In 52 BBY, Plagueis attended Larsh Hill's Order of the Canted Circle. Many influential beings attended the event—which also attended the Gathering—including many Muuns, from Damask Holdings and the IGBC, Larsh Hill—which was standing at the end of the circle—wore black robes, which ten other Muuns also did. The initiation ceremony would begin with the high official joining Hill on the circle him, and placing around his neck the order's signature pendant. That ceremony was offered to Plagueis twenty years prior, but Damask rejected it. The event's aims were narrow and the rituals were allegorical, filled with secret phrases and handshakes, although Plagueis understood the need to instill members with some furtive fraternity, he did not risk having the high officials know much about his past as it could unravel his secret identity and plans. Larsh Hill's past had been exhaustively shared, even the decades he had worked with Caar Damask. As Plagueis had just returned from the short holotransmission with Sidious, Plagueis was filled with triumph. The Sun Guards in the event were leaving to kill the Gran Protectorate. As members of the Canted Circle entered the building chatting with others, 11-4D rotated its head towards Plagueis to alarm him of danger. Without warning, the high official presiding over the ceremony gave a downward tug to Hill's pendant, severing his head and throat; as Hill died, several other officials and members threw off their cloaks, revealing their true identities as Maladian assassins.[1]

These assassins began to throw dozens of decapitator disks, cutting down numerous Muuns within moments. 11-4D and Plagueis were both badly wounded by this abrupt attack, with one disk severing Plagueis' trachea and blood vessels on the side of his throat. He used the Force to clamp shut his wounds and prevent unconsciousness, before beginning to attack the Maladians with the Force. Simultaneously, Sate Pestage informed Palpatine that a Maladian faction had accepted a contract by the Gran Protectorate to carry out a major contract on Coruscant involving someone of Damask Holdings. Realising their target, Palpatine and Pestage swiftly made his way to the Order of the Canted Circle's location, where a heavily-wounded Plagueis was lashing out with the dark side against his attackers. The two managed to defeat the assassins and save Plagueis' life; when Plagueis ordered Palpatine to call the Sun Guard, Palpatine denied this request and told him he knew who had ordered this attack, and that he would deal with it personally.[1]

Darth Plagueis had survived the Maladian attack with grievous injuries—a considerable part of his lower face had been taken off by a decapitator disk that had also severed his trachea and several blood vessels. In order to survive, the Dark Lord had been forced to wear a type of transpirator which covered his face below the nose. One standard month after the attack, Plagueis summoned Sidious to Aborah to reveal the true nature of his studies and experiments to his apprentice. For the next twenty years, Damask lived an eremitic life in his laboratory, devoting all of his energy to the study of the midi-chlorians, while Palpatine devoted himself to the political machinations that the last stages of the Grand Plan entailed. Additionally, Sidious began training his own apprentice, Darth Maul, under Plagueis's watchful eye. The Muun found the Dathomirian Zabrak to be useful to the Sith since he had been brought into Sidious' hands by his mother as a baby.[1]

Darth Plagueis's manuscript[]

"My Master, Darth Plagueis, recorded his own musings on what he believed to be the true nature of the dark side. Although he had a fatal blind spot, he revolutionized Sith understanding of the relationship between biology and the Force."
―Excerpt from Darth Sidious's introduction to the Book of Sith[8]

At some point after Plagueis exclusively devoted himself to his studies, writing everything he learnt of in a book that Sidious would call the Book of Sith: Darth Plagueis sought to understand the Force in a purely scientific context, doing away with the trappings of mysticism he believed the Jedi had corseted it with. He accepted the classification of the Force's aspects into three categories: the aperion (equivalent to the Unifying Force), the anima (equivalent to the Living Force), and the pneuma (conscious thought as expressed in the Force). His focus was midi-chlorians, which he believed benefited from a uniquely strong connection to all three aspects and could be used to master life and death, however, the three aspects could exist entirely without midi-chlorians. Apart from the extension and creation of life through midi-chlorians, Plagueis sought to explore such extreme and unusual applications as the direct manipulation of space-time and continuity of consciousness after death (going as far as to discuss the essence transference technique). He traveled to the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, seeking contact with long-dead Sith, but found none in the tomb of Hakagram Graush or on the throne of Sorzus Syn. As he boarded his ship to leave the planet, however, he had a vision of the admonishing spirit of Marka Ragnos. The long-dead Dark Lord challenged Plagueis's claim to the title, and railed against his plan to dismantle the traditions of Korriban, but offered no answers to any of the Muun's questions and inquiries. After this experience, Plagueis remained unconvinced about the reality of life after death of the body.[8]

The manuscript also included his thoughts on the Mortis legend, in which section Plagueis claimed that creating the Chosen One—not to save the Jedi but to be an extension of his will—would be a trivial matter once he had mastered the art of manipulating the midi-chlorians. The surviving manuscript concluded with Plagueis's interpretation of the Sith'ari prophecy as a description of his achievements, even though he rejected the concept of prophecy.[8]

Tipping the scales[]

"To say that the Force works in mysterious ways is to admit one's ignorance, for any mystery can be solved through the application of knowledge and unrelenting effort. As we had our way with the Senate, and as we will soon have our way with the Republic and the Jedi, we will have our way with the Force."
―Darth Plagueis[1]

Around the year 42 BBY, Darth Plagueis finally took Venamis's life. He then resurrected him and killed him again, repeating the process until the Bith's organs gave out, and he finally died. Both Sidious and 11-4D were present. Sidious and Plagueis then entered a meditative trance and managed to tip the scales of balance in the favor of darkness. Plagueis attempted to go one step further and attempted to create life by mentally reaching out to the inhabitants of the galaxy. An act in direct violation of the nature of the Force, Plagueis and Sidious attempted to will a being of their own design into creation, pouring their malicious intent into waves through the Force to the countless midi-chlorians spread across the galaxy. The experiment did not yield fruit, however, as Plagueis perceived the Force growing silent to his probing. Immediately afterwards, Plagueis's test subjects began to succumb to various diseases, and he set most of the survivors free; some of the animals he had experimented on adapted to the forests of Sojourn. Plagueis had developed a theory that the Force was actively opposed to the Sith's efforts, and he saw each setback in this light.[1]

Yinchorr Uprising[]

"It's well and good that Jedi died, but we must guard against revealing our hand too soon. Was it wise to have the corpses shipped to Coruscant?"
"They had the intended effect on Valorum."
"Nevertheless, we may have misjudged him."
―Plagueis and Sidious discussing their near-disastrous move against Chancellor Valorum[1]

Darth Plagueis at some point after the assassination attempt, wearing his transpirator mask

In 33 BBY, Plagueis and Sidious provoked a key conflict in order to advance their goals. They urged the Yinchorri, themselves new admissions to the Republic, into an aggressive war which concluded with multiple victories for the Sith plan. The Yinchorri, a race immune to mind tricks, were thought by Plagueis to be good potential hosts and trainers of a secret cloned army, which he planned to use to destroy the Jedi. Though this would not ultimately be the case, the resolution of the Yinchorri Uprising still proved to be of great benefit.[1]

In terms of simple bloodshed, the conflict saw the deaths of seven Jedi; one of whom was a member of the Jedi Council. But of greater long-term value, the telepathic manipulative-immune Yinchorri were eliminated as a threat to the rise of the Sith by seeing them defeated and isolated to their own world. But perhaps most significantly, the Yinchorri incident critically undermined the Chancellorship of Finis Valorum. This created the circumstances necessary for Palpatine to ascend to political supremacy in the Republic.[11]

Cog Hive Seven[]

By 33 BBY, Sidious was busy fomenting dissent in the Outer Rim as part of the Grand Plan's goal to pit the Republic against disgruntled star systems in the outlying regions. Plagueis was kept appraised of his apprentice's efforts but seldom took part in the attempts, preferring to continue his experiments on midi-chlorians. However, when Sidious sent his own apprentice, Darth Maul, to the prison Cog Hive Seven to track down influential arms dealer Iram Radique to covertly manipulate a rogue Force-worshiping cult—the Bando Gora—in order to acquire a weapon with which to kill Darth Plagueis, Plagueis took an interest in the mission. He sent an IBC agent named Vesto Slipher to monitor Maul's progress.[12]

Veruna's revenge[]

"Don't concern yourself unduly, Palpatine. You won't be seeing him again."
―Veruna to Palpatine on the incoming death of Plagueis[1]

The Scimitar, aboard which Plagueis and 11-4D escaped

Ars Veruna requested Palpatine's presence on Theed, which interrupted his journey to the Eriadu summit, Palpatine arrived at Theed, and went directly to Veruna's palace. When he arrived, he sat in a table directly in front of the King, which welcomed him. Veruna offered Palpatine many beverages, which Palpatine enjoyed and consumed. Most of the most corrupt of Veruna's supporters in the electorate were present at the meeting. Everyone—but Palpatine—laughed maliciously, at Veruna's right, sat Alexi Garyn, head of the Black Sun crime dyndicate, and to Veruna's left, Gardulla. There were many Bando Gora terrorists in the room. Veruna and Palpatine engaged in a conversation regarding the latter's goals at the summit on Eriadu, although Palpatine attempted to cloud his motives, by saying it was for the good of Naboo, Veruna told Palpatine that he was aware of his plans with the Trade Federation. Again, clouding his motives, Veruna attempted to draw him out, he told Palpatine that he had some of his men present when Palpatine offered the Naberries to present her daughter to the coming election. Veruna told Palpatine that a little girl would not dethrone him, however Palpatine continued to deny it—Veruna informed Palpatine that he would no longer be the Senator of the Chrommel sector, instead, Lago Kun. Palpatine attempted to suggest Janus Greetajus, but Veruna dismissed his suggestion and told Palpatine that he had information to ruin him, as well as to ruin Damask. Veruna finally informed Palpatine that he would not be seeing Damask again.[1]

Plagueis and 11-4D began to kill every test subject in Sojourn, as Plagueis and 11-4D killed beings, they erased data from all computers and devices and turned them to scrap. After every subject was killed, and every computer was erased, they prepared the Scimitar and contacted the Sun Guard to go to Thyrsus, when they were leaving the moon, a flotilla began to bombard Sojourn, although the Scimitar could not be detected by the flotilla's sensors, various volleys of laserfire almost hit the ship. One of the flotilla's attack ship was racing to the surface, however, the Scimitar was able to evade it, the forests, fortress and everything on the Muun's private moon burned and was destroyed. Plagueis and 11-4D raced to real space and witnessed the Black Sun, Bando Gora and Gardulla's forces using a nuclear device to destroy Sojourn. The Sith Lord and his assistant escaped the doomed moon. The Scimitar docked on one of Jabba's ships and they were safe, protected by Jabba.[1]


The Muun Sith Lord was saved by Jabba (pictured)

Plagueis and 11-4D narrowly survived the nuclear bombardment of Sojourn after King Ars Veruna attempted to have him eliminated with the aid of Alexi Garyn's Black Sun, Gardulla the Hutt, and Komari Vosa's Bando Gora terrorist cult. Fortunately, Plagueis was intercepted by Jabba the Hutt in his personal ship, Star Jewel. Plagueis then revealed his miraculous survival, through a communication by Jabba, to a terrified Veruna, who promptly abdicated his throne and fled Theed in attempt to escape from the Sith Lord. When Veruna went into hiding in the Western Reaches of Naboo, he was discovered by Darth Plagueis and Sidious, who enacted a plan to kill him in retribution for the failed assassination attempt. Sidious suggested that they send Darth Maul to kill him, but Plagueis wished to attend to Veruna personally. Plagueis secretly traveled to the ancient Nabooian manse of the Count of Vis (Veruna's forebear) with his droid 11-4D and silently broke into Veruna's bedroom, waking the old man. Sitting across from him, Plagueis held Veruna in a Force choke, preventing him from calling his security chief, Maris Magneta, for help. The Sith Lord confessed to having been behind Tapalo and Veruna's ascension to the throne and divulged his allegiance to the Sith, striking terror into Veruna.[1]

At the same time, he manipulated the limited amount of midi-chlorians in Veruna, slowly killing him. The former King pleaded for Plagueis to spare him, so that he could be of further use to the Muun. But Plagueis insisted that Veruna already was helpful by dying, which would increase the Sith Lord's power. Beyond satisfying revenge for the second assassination attempt on Plagueis's life, Veruna's death also served as further fuel to inflame the Neimoidians enough to agree to invade Naboo, as per the Grand Plan.[1]

Invasion of Naboo[]

"Is it not a measure of our success that we can award worlds as if they were mere business contracts?"
―Darth Plagueis to Darth Sidious[1]
Naboo planet

Naboo (pictured) was invaded by the Trade Federation

Livid about the Galactic Senate's recent shipping-taxation legislation that promised to impact not only the galaxy's free-trade zones but also the Trade Federation, Viceroy Nute Gunray—somewhat reassured by Darth Sidious' confidence that Naboo was significant enough to ensure galactic interest in their planned blockade of the planet—was now sufficiently prepared to execute the Sith Lord's directive to seal off all trade with Naboo. But because of recent threats and information breaches that included the Monchar-Pavan holocron incident, but also the Neimoidians' bungled compromising of their secret droid-army foundries on Eos and Alaris Prime, Darth Plagueis ordered Sidious to postpone the blockade until after Coruscant's political rally for Supreme Chancellor candidates at the Perlemian Orbital Facility. In preparation for the coming conflict that would be called the Clone Wars, Darth Plagueis (who was the planned conflict's guiding engineer) ordered that these recent breaches be partially dealt with by relocating Baktoid Armor to the planet Geonosis.[1]

Once Darth Maul was finished dealing with the loose cannon that was the Monchar-Pavan incident, the Zabrak assassin was recalled by his master to the offworld Perlemian facility, where he was to deliver the recovered Sith holocron to Sidious himself but where, quite by accident, the Sith crystal was instead delivered by Lorn Pavan himself to Sidious' public persona, Palpatine. Maul—from whom the holocron had been re-acquired by a pursuing Pavan in the orbital facility's docking bay concurrent with the political rally's proceedings—had nearly failed Sidious in catastrophic fashion. But Pavan, in flight from the enraged Zabrak, had delivered the dangerous article containing incriminating information about the Trade Federation's imminent blockade into the trusted hand of the Senator from Naboo himself (what Plagueis later saw, in private converse with Palpatine, as a delivery by "the dark side"). With this potentially devastating political mine now safely defused, Sidious issued the blockade order to Nute Gunray, who, in prompt fashion after setting his freighters in place, warned the Republic that any attempt to break the embargo would be met with "deadly force" and that if the new regulations were not rescinded the Naboo populace would starve.[1]

Brazilian Darth Plagueis Art

Plagueis and Sidious, master and apprentice

Sensing the extremely delicate and volatile nature of the situation, Supreme Chancellor Valorum consulted with the Jedi High Council that continued to faithfully support him, and clandestinely arranged (unbeknownst to the Galactic Senate) for two Jedi "ambassadors" to enter into negotiations with the Trade Federation that had, in utter defiance of Republic law, launched the blockade. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi were the Jedi selected to attempt to appease the Neimoidian anarchists. Valorum knew that any other kind of Republic response to the matter would be bogged down or stalled in legislative procedure and red tape by the Senate. This secretive collusion of the Chancellor with the High Council blindsided Plagueis and Palpatine, who had been confident, because of the unsavory events of Galidraan, Yinchorr, and Baltizaar—but more especially on Asmeru and Eriadu—and the resultant restrictions placed by the Senate on the Chancellor's use of the Jedi Order, that neither the High Council nor Valorum would ever be so foolish to again risk a measure so bold. Both Sith Lords were also very much aware of the "pesky" Jinn-Kenobi duo that had become "the nemesis of the Nebula Front at Dorvalla, Asmeru, and on Eriadu."[1]

Thus—in retaliation for the Jedi Order's most recent intrusive gesture that sought to circumvent, but which, in any case, dramatically diluted the hoped-for impact of the Sith-forced embargo, and which also now threatened to uncover (via loose-tongued Neimoidians) the existence and political ambitions of both these powerful figures—the Dark Lords accelerated their plans, ordering the Trade Federation to immediately kill the Jedi envoys and to invade Naboo ahead of schedule. They tempered their new mandate by reassuring Viceroy Gunray that henceforth the Republic would not intervene; indeed, the Sith would take measures now to make their actions legal (Queen Amidala, who, it was certain, would not permit her people to suffer, would in short order sign a treaty that would at once legitimize the Neimoidian occupation and make Naboo and its plasma reserves property of the Federation). The Grand Plan now required that Naboo be secured in preparation for the planet being annexed by the shipping cartel.[13] All of these converging power plays and reversals combined to prompt Plagueis's solemn resolve that "It is the will of the dark side that we finally reveal ourselves," to which Sidious concurred: "I will see to it that Maul is ready."[1]

Second meeting with Sifo-Dyas[]

"No. I have been assured that such a thing is impossible, in any case. But I have also been assured that a human army a million strong could be ready for deployment in as few as ten years."
"You're suggesting that I circumvent the High Council."
"I suppose I am. The Kaminoans need only a modest down payment, which I could provide to you through untraceable accounts I maintain in Outer Rim banks."
―Darth Plagueis and Sifo-Dyas[1]


It had been at the political gathering at the Perlemian Orbital Facility hosted by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, above Coruscant, that Plagueis had approached Sifo-Dyas, who was in attendance alongside Jedi Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, and Jorus C'baoth. With the galaxy seemingly on the brink of civil war, Sifo-Dyas's concerns had become all the more urgent, and the Jedi Council was apparently no more willing to listen to their Jedi colleague's warnings of doom than it had been in the past. As such, Plagueis preyed on the Jedi's fears, convincing him that a military capable of defending the Republic needed to be created now, while there was still time, to afford the Republic a fighting chance. Plagueis, in his alter-ego persona, approached Sifo-Dyas, just as he would done twenty years before on Serenno, and openly professed once again that a growing darkness was approaching. Once a harborer of skepticism, Sifo-Dyas now agreed fully with Damask's claims, and the cloaked Sith Lord advanced a step further: he informed Sifo-Dyas of cloners on Kamino that could grow an army, one that Damask himself was prepared to fully finance, and hold it in reserve until it was needed. The Jedi Master, still hesitant to take bold action, was, at the very least, persuaded to accept Damask's argument and would seriously ponder the matter.[1]

Following the Battle of Theed, with the death of his former apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn, Dooku resigned from the Jedi Order and later fell to the dark side of the Force, becoming the new apprentice of Darth Sidious. It was at this time that Sifo-Dyas, having settled his mind, approached the Kaminoans and requested a clone army for the Republic. With the funds provided by Damask Holdings, Sifo-Dyas paid the Kaminoans, and Dooku recruited the storied bounty hunter Jango Fett, with his recent successful bounty of apprehending Bando Gora leader Komari Vosa, to serve as the clone army prototype.[14] Little did the Jedi Master know, however, that Sidious and Dooku had learned of this clandestine measure taken under Damask's counsel, and together they plotted the steps to ensure Sifo-Dyas' demise.[1]

The boy from Tatooine[]

"Qui-Gon is the key to everything."
―Plagueis on Qui-Gon[1]

As Palpatine's star rose in the Coruscant political scene, Plagueis carried on his life-extension research—by 34 BBY, he believed he was close to a breakthrough that would save himself and his apprentice from death. During the Naboo crisis of 32 BBY, Plagueis and Palpatine became aware of the powerfully Force-sensitive Anakin Skywalker, a human slaveboy from Tatooine who stood at a vergence in the Force and who had been born around the same time that they had saturated the galaxy with the dark side a decade earlier. Plagueis became convinced that the midi-chlorians, unwilling to comply to his and Sidious's "unnatural" usurpation of the power of the Force, had struck back in retaliation, conceiving a savior to ultimately destroy the Sith: the prophesied Chosen One,[1] whom Plagueis had blasphemously endeavored to create, or "father," in the past.[8]

Palpatine informed his Master of the boy's arrival on Coruscant, and Plagueis felt compelled to meet Anakin for himself. He was able to gain access to Palpatine's suite, where Anakin was staying, by using a mind trick on one of the Queen's handmaidens, who nevertheless informed Damask that he had just missed the boy. For the first time, Plagueis began to fear that the Sith were in danger of being undone, and indeed held himself responsible, as he interpreted Skywalker's creation as the Force striking back at him and Sidious.[1] He had previously boasted about being able to create the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy,[8] as his Master had expected of him.[4] Now, he made it his priority to stop the boy from falling into the hands of the Jedi.[1]

As Plagueis spied on the departure of the Jedi and the Queen from Coruscant, wherein he caught his first glimpse of the boy prodigy, he received a vision of a cyborg clad in dark armor and a dark helmet;confirming his fears, that this boy would change the course of history in the galaxy. Not wanting the Jedi therefore to train the boy, he ordered Sidious to have Darth Maul kill Qui-Gon, in order to prevent his catastrophic Force vision from becoming a reality; Sidious, as added insurance—for he knew well Kenobi's reputation and status, that he stood on the brink of Jedi Knighthood and might perchance take the boy as his own apprentice—ordered that Master and Padawan both be killed.[1]

The tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise[]

"Let's go over the second part of the speech, shall we. You useless old fool. It was Hego Damask as Darth Plagueis who came to Naboo, determined to suck the planet dry of plasma and set the Trade Federation up as its overseers. It was Hego Damask as Plagueis who then set his sights on a seemingly confused young man and, with meticulous skill, manipulated him into committing patricide, matricide, fratricide. Darth Plagueis who took him as an apprentice, sharing some of his knowledge but withholding his most powerful secrets, denying the apprentice his wishes as a means of controlling him, instilling in him a sense of murderous rage, and turning him to the dark side. It was Plagueis who criticized the early efforts of his apprentice, and who once choked him in a demonstration of his superiority. Plagueis, who denigrated him in private for hiring an inept assassin to carry out the murder of Senator Kim—and yet who allowed himself to be tricked by the Gran and nearly killed by mercenaries. Plagueis, who turned away from the Grand Plan to focus entirely on himself, in an egotistical quest for immortality."
―Sidious on Plagueis' career[1]

Darth Sidious, immediately after slaying his master

Giving the Sun Guard the night off, Plagueis retired with Palpatine and 11-4D to his penthouse suite, where in celebration, Plagueis and his apprentice drank Sullustan wine. Sidious complimented Plagueis on his part of the plan and told him he would endeavor to live up to Plagueis' expectations and fulfill his responsibility. Sidious rehearsed the speech he would give the next day to the senate after he was elected chancellor at Damask's request several times, saying that the Republic had been intact for a millennia thanks to largely invisible beings whose accomplishments needed to be brought to the light of day, such as Hego Damask II. As the night wore on, Palpatine amended and corrected his speech with Plagueis' critique while drinking more and more wine, intoxicating Plagueis with the Sullustan foodstuff.[1]

Although Plagueis attempted to stop drinking, his apprentice did not let him, forcing the Muun to intoxicate himself to a point at which he started to sleep. As Plagueis fell asleep, Sidious attempted to leave but stopped when the Dark Side called out to him to kill his master. The Human from Naboo then betrayed Plagueis by throwing Force Lightning at his master, which woke up the Muun. While mocking Damask, Sidious threw more and more lightning at the Sith Lord, destroying his breathing device and making Plagueis suffocate. Although Plagueis had denied his death, he feared it could happen, and attempted to stand up and fight. However, he fell onto the couch thanks to his intoxication. He was slowly killed by Sidious's tangle of Force lightning, eventually suffocating and losing his life, one that he believed he would never lose with his midi-chlorian studies. Darth Plagueis's body released an explosion of Dark Side energy that could be heard as a ripple throughout Coruscant, and knocked out Sidious. Plagueis's body did not dissolve, however, and was left behind.[1]


"Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"
―Palpatine to Anakin Skywalker[3]

With the attention of the galaxy focused on the new Chancellor, the death of Hego Damask II went barely noticed by the galaxy at large—a galaxy from which he had completely removed himself in his last twenty years. A few hastily prepared obituaries mentioned only the scant information about his life that was available publicly. Members of the InterGalactic Banking Clan refused to release any information about Damask's funeral or about the disposition of his holdings.[1] Darth Sidious cremated his master`s body and kept his master's ashes in one of the two spirit urns he kept at the entrance of his private office on Coruscant.[15]

Though Plagueis purportedly taught Palpatine all he knew,[3] and Palpatine himself had also participated in the earlier failed attempt at manipulating midi-chlorians that resulted in Anakin's birth,[1] Palpatine himself was unable to fully master Plagueis's teachings to cheat death through the Force via midi-chlorians, and was forced to rely on clone bodies to hold his spirit instead.[16]

Twin spirit urns

The Sith spirit urns in Darth Sidious's collection, one of which contained Darth Plagueis's remains.

Sidious spoke little of Plagueis to his apprentice Darth Tyranus,[17] who himself knew the Muun as Hego Damask II.[1] Sidious used Plagueis's story to seduce Anakin Skywalker into becoming Vader. The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, Chancellor Palpatine's Sith legend, told of Plagueis's abilities to create and preserve life; according to Palpatine, the tragic irony was that though he could keep others from dying, he could not save himself. Skywalker, seeking Plagueis's power to save his own wife, Padmé, later apprenticed himself to Sidious.[3] In the following decades, Sidious only gave Vader brief hints about Plagueis.[18]

At some point after Palpatine brought the galaxy under his heel by reorganizing the Republic into the First Galactic Empire, probably between 19 and 18 BBY, the Dark Lord included a manuscript fragment from Plagueis's scientific journal on the nature of the dark side and the progress of the Aborah experiments written by Plagueis's hand around 45 BBY (both dates were Master Luke Skywalker's non-scholarly estimates) into his Book of Sith, showing respect for his master by including him among the handful of Sith who advanced the cause and left behind documents detailing their approach to the dark side. Sidious later archived the Book of Sith in his secret storehouse at Mount Tantiss on Wayland.[8]

At some point after Plagueis's death, some of the members of a Sith cult known as the Apex Society believed that Collan Eislo, the leader of the cult, was being guided by the spirits of deceased Sith Lords, such as Plagueis.[19] Sidious eventually achieved "immortality" through cloning, although he was ultimately defeated by Luke Skywalker.[20]


Palpatine eventually achieved "immortality", unlike Plagueis.

When historians in later years were unable to find much information on Plagueis, they suspected that Sidious had destroyed everything about his master. The Wavlud Manuscript, one of the few sources of knowledge for the Jedi on the Sith and Sidious, revealed information on Plagueis to the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order.[7] It is not known whether the information revealed about Plagueis identified him as the same individual as Hego Damask II. Another was his scientific journal included in the Book of Sith, which was kept intact by Sidious and even jotted down his own personal notes on the subject. In 24 ABY, the Book of Sith and Plagueis's journal were recovered from the Mount Tantiss storehouse and were passed to Grand Master of the New Jedi Order Luke Skywalker. Skywalker proceeded to scribble his own notes onto it before passing it on to the New Republic Intelligence Service.[8] Even by 36 ABY, however, public knowledge of many details of Plagueis's life was still uncertain: the writers of a Galactic Alliance official history could chart only the broad strokes of his life, and were even uncertain as to the exact date of his murder by Sidious.[16]

Personality and traits[]

"Billions of beings come into existence everyday, and billions more die. We should preserve only those who advance our goals or whose work is complementary to our own."
―Darth Plagueis[8]

Darth Plagueis was considered a mystic,[16] despite the fact that he sought to develop an entirely rationalistic system of Force study, was among the few Sith Lords to have serious doubts about the existence of Force ghosts—even after confronting the purported ghost of Marka Ragnos—and was similarly weary of supposed prophecies.[8] Plagueis was a devotee of the dark side, and a lover of things otherworldly and arcane.[21] Obsessed with the prospect of eternal life[16] and ideas of spontaneous generation,[22] he remained focused on matters of the material world,[21] though in later years Darth Vader mused that Plagueis had also desired a way to preserve the immaterial self after the death of the body.[18] Although Plagueis, as a Sith Lord, rejected common morality and interpersonal ties as artificial restrictions fabricated by the weak to control the strong, he did develop a genuine bond with his apprentice, Darth Sidious, in an attempt to break the cycle of death started by Bane and thus further their own goals. Plagueis's effort was not reciprocated, however, and Sidious ultimately betrayed and murdered his Master in cold blood.[1]

Plagueis was wise and possessed a logical mind,[23] and his apprentice Sidious believed that the extent to which he turned his sight inward was the source of his power and knowledge.[24] When he wrote his journals on the nature of the Force, he wrote them primarily in Basic, although, in a chart he drew which demonstrated a triangular relationship between the aperion, anima, and pneuma, he curiously wrote his words backwards, with backwards Aurebesh characters.[8] He believed that power was to be gained incrementally, beginning with the self and culminating with control of the entire galaxy.[9] As his own powers grew, he became afraid of nothing but losing that power.[3] Plagueis was pathologically afraid of death, and this was the main reason he was chosen by Darth Tenebrous as an apprentice, Tenebrous would provide him immortality while Plagueis provided Tenebrous access to the Chosen One—or so Tenebrous thought—.[4]

He elected to change the usual means of Sith succession, death of the master by the hand of the apprentice,[7] by becoming immortal together with his own apprentice and forgoing the need for succession. Eventually, he achieved a level of midi-chlorian control that allowed him to kill and resurrect sentient beings, as well as regenerate damaged or aged portions of his body through direct mental contact with the organelles,[1] and came to see himself as the Sith'ari, the being free from all restrictions.[8] However, because of his arrogance[1] and his lack of precognitive abilities resulting from his maxi-chlorian infection, as well as inability to realize he was being manipulated and deceived by Sidious, he never saw his own death coming.[4]

Plagueis thought that the secrets of immortality were not meant for common beings, as he believed that if they all knew about them, civilization's structure would be destabilized. He especially did not want "common" beings to know the secrets as any "fool" could perpetuate their ignorance. Plagueis considered that life was not "mystical", like Tibanna gas or nova crystals, he believed life was a resource to be exploited, which is unique in that those who possess it to find it priceless, yet, he believed it is so common that it's functionally worthless. As billions of beings come into existence, and billions more die, Plagueis believed that the ones who advance his goals or whose work was complementary to his, were to be preserved.[8]

Powers and abilities[]

"It's ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself."
"Is it possible to learn this power?"
"Not from a Jedi."
―Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker[3]

Darth Plagueis wielding his lightsaber

With the Force, Plagueis was able to manipulate the essence of life,[25][23] a power Palpatine believed was directly tied to his inward sight.[24] Plagueis could at a distance hold death at bay from his victims,[1] save others from death and, when his power was applied to the extreme, he could create new life from the midi-chlorians found in all lifeforms.[22] Through his research of midi-chlorian manipulation Plagueis was eventually able to bypass the defense an inherent immunity to telepathic defenses of a Yinchorri to mentally manipulate him. Another extreme example of this technique's applications is how it could be used to raise the dead back to life, as shown when it was used against Darth Venamis in 42 BBY to resurrect him many times.[1] Plagueis also discovered the ability to retain one's identity in the Force while becoming one with it, but this manner of surviving death did not appeal to him, as he was not concerned with the non-material world.[21]

Plagueis was also skilled in lightsaber combat, and although he disdained using his blade in combat, regarding lightsaber duels as tedious affairs; Tenebrous viewed his apprentice as a master of the art. He was able to run so fast during his duel with Venamis that an onlooker would have thought him a thunderbolt racing through the trees.[1] Skilled in the more unorthodox applications of the Force, he was skilled in conjuring Force illusions, convincing enough to fool Sidious (albeit at the start of his Sith training).[1]

Plagueis was a very capable combatant, absorbing blaster bolts and then channeling it into Force lightning, an ability that he was also very skilled in. He could also make his body too tough for blunt attacks to harm him. While fighting his assassins, Plagueis was able to use a heart stunning technique to keep two of his three hearts from failing, and conjured up a Force Wave so powerful, that he was able to atomize six of his assailants, and bring it around to atomize a few more. His Force bellow was as powerful as any sonic weapon and he was able to turn any object into a deadly projectile with just a clap of his hands. He apparently was also capable of Convection and/or Pyrokinesis as he was able to melt snowflakes before they reached his person on Mygeeto.[1]

Although Plagueis lost foresight after Tenebrous died at his hands, that power seemed to reappear a day after Tenebrous' murder, as demonstrated when he had received a vision of the Battle of Bal'demnic. Later, days before his own death, he glimpsed events surrounding Darth Maul and Anakin Skywalker, respectively.[1] Plagueis was also believed to have perfected Sith alchemy.[26] Additionally, he was aware of some of the more obscure techniques of the Jedi Order, such as Emerald Lightning and Sever Force, though he was not known to use these powers himself.[1][8] Beyond his Force Powers, he also was a canny manipulator of others and was skilled at the management of his business and the other responsibilities of the life he lead apart from his role as a Sith.[1][12]


Darth Plagueis used a red-bladed lightsaber that was crafted sometime in his years as an apprentice under his master, Darth Tenebrous. After Plagueis murdered his master on Bal'demnic in 67 BBY, his lightsaber continued to be in his possession, even at the time he trained Palpatine as his apprentice. When his own apprentice Palpatine executed Pax Teem as retribution for outwitting him and his master he used Plagueis's lightsaber. He noted that it had been built for a larger grip and had to use two hands to effectively wield it. He also had a transpirator mask from 52 BBY to 32 BBY, the time of his death.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

"In some respects, Plagueis is a different breed of Sith, he's passionate and arrogant, but loyal to the Sith imperative to topple the Republic and eradicate the Jedi Order. But he is not infallible, and his sense of commitment could be interpreted as a fatal flaw."
James Luceno[27]

A non-canonical image of Darth Plagueis from Tag & Bink: Revenge of the Clone Menace

Darth Plagueis was named as early as the first draft of Revenge of the Sith (April 2003), and possibly earlier.[28] His name is clearly derived from the English word "plague," a connection later made in-universe in the Wizards of the Coast article Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 2: The Becoming.[29] Plagueis's first appearance of any sort was in the non-canon Tag & Bink: Revenge of the Clone Menace. This comic stated that Plagueis's manipulation of the midi-chlorians produced Force-sensitivity in Tag Greenley and Bink Otauna who would later become heroes.[30]

Early expanded universe materials, such as Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader relating to Palpatine's relationship to Plagueis, particularly the murder of the latter, implied that Palpatine killed Plagueis out of the suspicion that Plagueis was secretly crafting a new apprentice to take over when doing the Grand Experiment.[6] These, however, where deemed incorrect in Darth Plagueis.[1] In the 2011 short story "The Tenebrous Way," an illustration by Brian Rood depicts Plagueis with a large, Human-like nose,[4] in keeping with the Muun characters shown in both Star Wars: Clone Wars[31] and Star Wars: The Clone Wars.[32] However, this contradicts the depiction of the Muuns with noses that were nearly flush with the rest of their faces in most other sources, including their appearance in films like Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones[33] and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.[3]

In order to explore the character's appearance following Revenge of the Sith, Darth Plagueis was originally intended to appear in the Wii version of the non-canonical LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, but was removed from the game. His name, however, was listed in the game's text files.[34]

The Darth Plagueis novel[]

James Luceno was scheduled to write a novel about Plagueis. The book's announcement on StarWars.com was the first source to identify Plagueis as a Muun.[35] However, in March 2007 it was announced that the novel had been removed from the publishing schedule. Sue Rostoni's official explanation for the cancellation was that "this was not the right time to delve into Palpatine's backstory and Plagueis's beginnings."[36] The novel was replaced with Darth Bane: Rule of Two.[37] Though Plagueis's species had been revealed in the novel's announcement, Leland Chee stated that its cancellation did not affect that decision, as it had not originated in the novel.[38] A panel on continuity at the Celebration IV convention revealed that his identity as a Muun had originally come from George Lucas.[39] Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force confirmed his species as a Muun and was the first source to give him a canonical image. On July 27, 2010, information from a sales database leaked indicating that the novel was once more on the publishing schedule. Sue Rostoni subsequently confirmed the announcement.[40] The novel was finally released on January 10, 2012 in hardcover, e-book, and audiobook format.[41]

The Force Unleashed[]

Plagueis concepts

Plagueis concepts for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

When creating the multimedia project Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the development team looked to a number of unexplored characters and events for inspiration, amongst them Plagueis. The initial plan was to use Plagueis as a Sith spirit who would give the player of The Force Unleashed game new dark-side powers and information. Another idea involved the Secret Apprentice, the main character, sent to find Plagueis as part of a plot by Darth Vader to resurrect Padmé Amidala. Still other ideas included revealing that the Apprentice was Plagueis reborn, or using a reformed Plagueis as the Apprentice's mentor.[42]

As the team did not know much about Plagueis at first, they started with human designs, including famous actor Michael Gambon. Concept artist Greg Knight explored a number of directions, including the undead, a character from a different time, someone using machines to stay alive, eerie youthfulness, the occult, and a number of "freaky and exotic" ideas.[42]


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Non-canon appearances[]


Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to Darth Plagueis.

Non-canon sources[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.000 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.005 1.006 1.007 1.008 1.009 1.010 1.011 1.012 1.013 1.014 1.015 1.016 1.017 1.018 1.019 1.020 1.021 1.022 1.023 1.024 1.025 1.026 1.027 1.028 1.029 1.030 1.031 1.032 1.033 1.034 1.035 1.036 1.037 1.038 1.039 1.040 1.041 1.042 1.043 1.044 1.045 1.046 1.047 1.048 1.049 1.050 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.055 1.056 1.057 1.058 1.059 1.060 1.061 1.062 1.063 1.064 1.065 1.066 1.067 1.068 1.069 1.070 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.074 1.075 1.076 1.077 1.078 1.079 1.080 1.081 1.082 1.083 1.084 1.085 1.086 1.087 1.088 1.089 1.090 1.091 1.092 1.093 1.094 1.095 1.096 1.097 1.098 1.099 1.100 1.101 1.102 1.103 1.104 1.105 1.106 1.107 1.108 1.109 1.110 1.111 1.112 1.113 1.114 1.115 Darth Plagueis
  2. 2.0 2.1 According to Darth Plagueis (p. 117), Damask told Palpatine, in 65 BBY, that he would be "well over one hundred" in human years, suggesting a birthdate of c. 170 BBY or earlier. However, this is contradicted by The Tenebrous Way, which states that, after killing his master, Tenebrous embarked on a "decades-spanning quest" for a new apprentice (Star Wars Insider 130, p. 26). Considering that, according to Star Wars: Darth Plagueis, Tenebrous killed his master c. 167 BBY (p. 60) and arranged for Plagueis's birth (p. 83), the earliest date for Plagueis's birth would have to be c. 147 BBY. Elsewhere in Star Wars: Darth Plagueis (p. 189), Damask mentions that he undertook his first mission as a Sith, the assassination of Kerred Santhe the Elder, approximately twenty-five years into his apprenticeship. Per Mission to Lianna (p. 3), this cannot be earlier than 99 BBY, suggesting a birthdate of c. 130 BBY.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 SWInsider "The Tenebrous Way" — Star Wars Insider 130
  5. Mission to Lianna, p. 3: "Less than one century ago, the planet was turned over to the control of Sienar Technologies, one of the most powerful and wealthy starship manufacturing corporations in the galaxy. […] However, just as Sienar assumed control of Lianna, Kerred Santhe, a shrewd and very wealthy industrialist native to the planet, made his move, purchasing a controlling interest in Sienar. He forced Sienar to relocate its headquarters to Lianna, renaming the company Santhe/Sienar Technologies."
  6. 6.0 6.1 Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side
  9. 9.0 9.1 Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
  10. Republic 64
  11. Star Wars: Jedi Council: Acts of War
  12. 12.0 12.1 Maul: Lockdown
  13. "End Game" — Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace novelization, 2012 edition
  14. Star Wars: Jango Fett: Open Seasons
  15. Star Wars: Beware the Sith
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 The New Essential Chronology
  17. Labyrinth of Evil
  18. 18.0 18.1 Death Star
  19. WizardsoftheCoast "The Mask of Darth Nihilus" — The Unknown Regions
  20. Star Wars: Dark Empire
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide
  22. 22.0 22.1 Vader: The Ultimate Guide
  23. 23.0 23.1 WizardsoftheCoast "Jedi Academy Miniatures Preview 4" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  24. 24.0 24.1 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith novelization
  25. Databank title Sith in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  26. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  27. Star Wars Insider 130
  28. The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
  29. WizardsoftheCoast "Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 2: The Becoming" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  30. Tag & Bink: Revenge of the Clone Menace
  31. CloneWarsLogoMini Star Wars: Clone Wars — "Chapter 9"
  32. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Pursuit of Peace"
  33. Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  34. Unused Features of LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga at The Cutting Room Floor
  35. StarWars Luceno to Pen Plagueis Page-turner on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  36. StarWarsDotComBlogsLogoStacked "Ballantine/Del Rey Fiction Schedule" — Had a slight weapons malfunction. But everything's perfectly all right nowSue Rostoni's StarWars.com Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
  37. StarWars Books, Comics, & Television VIPs on StarWars.com Message Boards. Posted by Eeusu Estornii on June 18, 2007 at 9:57 AM. (content now obsolete; backup link)
  38. StarWars Holocron continuity database questions on StarWars.com Message Boards. Posted by Tasty Taste on March 30, 2007 at 11:52 AM. (content now obsolete; backup link) "That info did not originate from the novel, so yes, we still consider it canon."
  39. Celebration IV continuity Q&A
  40. StarWars Darth Plagueis Novel by James Luceno *Speculation* on StarWars.com Message Boards. Posted by Eeusu Estornii on July 27, 2010 at 12:01 PM. (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  41. Facebook icon Star Wars Books (@starwarsbooks) on Facebook: Date change for Darth Plagueis (September 30, 2011) (backup link)
  42. 42.0 42.1 The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed