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{{podatki države {{{1}}}|zastavadržave/core|variant=|size=|name=}}

Dokumentacija za predlogo[poglej] [uredi] [zgodovina] [osveži]

This template family is used to display a small flag and name of a country, with a wikilink to the country's page for the specified multi-sport event and the country code.

Use {{FlagIOCteam}} for the Olympic Games.


[uredi kodo]


  • koda is the three-letter country code used by the IOC, CGF, or FINA.
  • igre is a string with slightly different forms depending on the template used:
    • {{flagIOC2team}} takes values in the form <year> <Igre, or just <igre>
    • {{flagIOCteam}} and {{flagIPCteam}} use <year> Poletne, <Leto> Zimske, or just Poletne or Zimske
    • Games-specific templates such as {{flagCGFteam}}, {{flagPASOteam}}, etc, simply take the <leto>. See below for a full list of supported "shortcut" templates
The intent is that this template can be used from medal tables and event result tables to point to the right country page. Also, the correct historical flag is chosen based on this string, for countries that had different flags in the past.


[uredi kodo]

In addition to using historical flags when appropriate, the specific name of the games will be selected when appropriate.


[uredi kodo]
  • {{flagIOC2team|CHN|Azijskih igrah}} Kitajska (CHN)
  • {{flagIOC2team|CHN|2008 Asian Beach Games}} Kitajska (CHN)
  • {{flagIOC2team|HKG|Azijskih igrah 1954}} Hong Kong (HKG) (Uses historical flag)
  • {{flagIOC2team|JPN|2009 Asian Indoor Games|100}} Japonska (JPN)

flagIOCteam / flagIPCteam

[uredi kodo]
  • {{flagIOCteam/peskovnik|USA}} ZDA (USA)
  • {{flagIOCteam/peskovnik|GER|Zimske}} Nemčija (GER)
  • {{flagIOCteam/peskovnik|ESP|Poletnih olimpijskih igrah 2004}} Španija (ESP)
  • {{flagIOCteam/peskovnik|CAN|Zimskih olimpijskih igrah 2006}} Kanada (CAN)
  • {{flagIOCteam/peskovnik|CAN|1924 Zimske}} Kanada (CAN) (Uses historical flag)
  • {{flagIPCteam|GRE|Zimskih olimpijskih igrah 2004}}Predloga:FlagIPCteam


[uredi kodo]


[uredi kodo]

Supporting templates

[uredi kodo]

See also

[uredi kodo]

Predloga:Flag templates