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Archimedes (Greek: Ἀρχιμήδης) (c. 287 BC – 212 BC) was a Greek mathematician, engineer and philosopher. He was born in the part of Ancient Greece that is Sicily now.

Unsourced quotes

A picture of Archimedes based on his quote
  • δος μοι που στω και κινω την γην (Dos moi pou sto kai kino taen gaen)
    • Doric Greek: δος μοι π' αν στω και τα γαν κινάσω
Translation: Give me the place to stand, and I can move the whole world. or Give me a place to put a lever, and I shall move the world.
About the quote: Some people believe this is what Archimedes said to show how useful and powerful levers are.
  • εύρηκα. (Eureka!)
Translation: I have found it! or I have got it!
About the quote: Some people believe this is what Archimedes said when he discovered the rule of buoyancy (when a thing is put in water, the level of the water goes up). He discovered it when taking a bath, because when he put his body in water, the level of the water went up. He was so happy to discover buoyancy that he jumped out of the bathtub and ran around shouting "εύρηκα"("I have found it!").

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