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Avy amin'i Wikibolana — Rakibolana malagasy malalaka



Anarana iombonana


  1. endrika voajanahary mitovy endrika, izay misy tendrombohitra na hantsana miolakolaka na vatolampy manokana mamorona lovia ampahany na mifaninana, indrindra ny iray ampiasaina ho toerana fampisehoana (ary mety novaina tamin'ny alàlan'ny fanoratana seza, sns) satria ny hantsana dia manamafy na manamafy ny feo voajanahary



  1. Endrika:R:MWO
  2. Paul Brians, Common Errors in English Usage (2008): "AMPITHEATER/AMPHITHEATER The classy way to pronounce the first syllable of this word is "amf," but if you choose the more popular "amp" remember that you still have to include the H after the P when spelling it."