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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Xechas-class was a Klingon Empire starship type, a Lethean tier 6-rated pilot escort in Kingon Defense Force service from the 2410s decade. The prototype IKS Xechas was developed in conjunction with eight other Alpha Quadrant Alliance pilot escort classes. (STO - Emergence mission: "The Hunt is On", STO websites: The Allied Pilot Escort Mega Bundle!, Stats of the Allied Pilot Escort Bundle!)

History and specifications[]

In 2411, the Alpha Quadrant Alliance cooperated to launch nine more pilot escort starship classes. The original set had been based on Starfleet, Klingon and Romulan designs. The AQA called on its members to contribute the new pilot escorts. The Letheans launched three prototypes.

The standard weapon equipment was disruptor-based. The standard complement included dual beam banks, cannon and turrets. In addition, starships were outfitted with quantum torpedo launchers. The hull was defended with deflector shields and deflector arrays. The standard equipment carried a Mark X rating. The equipment was customizable, however.

These escorts were tier 6 starships and a match for most opponents, including some dreadnoughts. They had a standardized KDF interior. The new pilot escorts could carry any Imperial shuttlecraft and were equipped with escape pods. (STO websites: The Allied Pilot Escort Mega Bundle!, Stats of the Allied Pilot Escort Bundle!)

Due to the technological advancement of the early 25th century, high warp velocities and transwarp speeds were attainable. The KDF installed quantum slipstream drives on all vessels commanded by an officer ranked Lieutenant General or higher. Like any tier 6 vessel, the commanding officer had to carry a minimum rank of lieutenant general. (STO - Tour of Duty mission: "Promotion Lieutenant General")

Compared to the other Lethean pilot escorts, the Xechas class was tactical-centric. The class shared its capabilities with the Thozyn- and Vandros-classes of Starfleet and the Romulan Republican Force, repsectively.

This variant reflected the Andorian military heritage and philosophies of overwhelming firepower and strategic superiority, and allowed for additional tactical bridge officer seating and consoles as a result.

Such a pilot escort carried five weapons in the bow and two in the aft. With an additional console, it could be fitted with wing torpedo platforms. Its experimental weapon slot was pre-equipped with the purposely made Alliance hypercannon. The pilot maneuvers mechanic allowed it to use thrusters for tactical purposed in combat. With combat experience gained, a ship of the class, and its crew, benefitted from precise weapon systems which improved accuracy, tactical maneuvering improving defense, enhanced weapon systems increasing damage dealt, and devastating weaponry to improve critical chance. The tier-6 starship trait of the tactical-centric pilot escort was 'promise of ferocity'. (STO websites: The Allied Pilot Escort Mega Bundle!, Stats of the Allied Pilot Escort Bundle!)

Class variations[]

The design of the Xechas-class pilot escort allowed its commanding officer to choose from different hull liveries, which could be modified further. Due to the ship's modular design, hull components were easily exchangebale with those of other Lethean pilot escorts and pilot escorts. (STO - Empire mission: "The Hunt is On")

Furthermore, the installation of deflector shields from specific factions modified the hull appearance, including shields from the Reman Resistance, the Breen Confederacy and the Dominion. (STO missions: "Coliseum", "Cold Storage", "Boldly They Rode")

Known vessels[]



Lethean starship classes
By name Nemosin • Oniros • Xechas Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
By type pilot escort (engineering variant) • pilot escort (science variant) • pilot escort (tactical variant)
Klingon starship classes
Klingonese names Akif • An'quat • BaSro' • Batlh • Bre'el • B'rel • B'Rotlh • Baka Re' • Ber'taa • Besz Ra'te' • Birok • Bortas • BortaS bIr • Bortasqu' • Ch'Tang • Chargh • CharghwI' • Chava'Kal • Chontay • ChunDab • Chuq'Beh • Chutok • DaSpu • D'aka • D'ama • Dath D'lan • D'esta Kar • D'Gavama • DujHod • Eakin K'nall • Fek'lhr • Fer'Jai • H'ban Pav • Haqtaj • Hegh'ta • HoH'SuS • Jach • Jach'Eng • Jfolokh • K'mirra • K'nall • K'nel • K't'agga • K't'alla • K't'inga • K't'kara • K't'mara • K't'rika • K'Tanco • K'vort • K'vort Cha • Kalath • Kamarag • Karas • Kas Maal • K'el Ri'anda • Keth Ke Se • Kh'exrilin • K'hanakh • Khitomer (bird-of-prey) • Kl'ar • Klinzhai • Klolode • Kl'sarza • Kl'xenova • Koloth • Kom Ka'des • Komo Val • Korath • Koreba • Koro't'inga • Kronos • K'toch • L'rexa • Lar'hal • Lara'atan • LI'wI' • Mas To Gal • Mat'Ha • May'Duj • M'Chla • Mogh • MoQ • Mortum Hesta • Na Ra'den • Negh'Var • Nemosin • Ning'tao • Norgh • Nov • NuQ'Duj • Oniros • Pach • Peghqu' • PIH • Plen Zha • PumwI' • Puyjaq • qa'HoS • Qang • Qaw'Dun • Qeh'Ral • Qexa • QeylIS BetleH • Qib • Qin • Qoj • Qorgh • QuD • Qugh • Riskadh • Sech • Sivista • Somraw • SuQ'jagh • SuQob • SuvwI'Qeh • T'h'lar • Ta'Sub • Tajtiq • Talat Kh'exesta • Tas'esta • Tor'Kaht • Ty'Gokor • V'al'kon • V'kar Zadan • V's'talo • Vakk • Vo'Quv • VoDleH • Voodieh • Vor'cha • Vor'Kang • Xechas • Z'gal • Z'gavasta • Z'gavva • Z'mortama Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Translated names Accuser • Administrator • Alliance • Battle Cruiser • Bird of Prey • Bringer of Agony • Bringer of Destiny • Bringer of Destruction • Bringer of Justice • Carrier of Doom • Catapult • Chancellor • Death Boot • Death Rite • Death Stalker • Defender • Devil • Emperor • Enforcer • Ever Victorious • Fat Man • Fierce Revenge • Great Bird • Grim Reaper • (Gull) • Healer • Insurrection • Little Killer • Luckless • Mender • Mover • (Murph) • One Wing • Painbringer • Pathmaker • Predator • (Raptor) • Ravenous • Relentless • Revenge • Saber • Seeker • Shadow • Speedstar • Stalker • Star • Stinger • Stingtongue • Strong Victor • Stronger Bird • Suspicious • Swiftwind • Sword of Kahless • Throne Seeker • Trader's Game • Truthbringer • Tugboat • Unseen Creeper • Warrior's Anger • Watcher • Winner
Alphanumeric names B5 • D2 • D3 • D4 • D4x • D5 • D6 • D7 • (D7/D5 Klolode • D7 Akif • D7A • D7C • D7G • D7M • D7R • D7S • D7 Koloth) • D9 • D10 (bird of prey) • D10 (cruiser) • D11 • D12 (bird of prey) • D12 (cruiser) • D14 • D16 • D18 • D20 • D21A • D32 • E4 • E6 • F5 • F5B • F5C • F5G • F5GB • F5K • F5L • F5W • F5Y • F6 • FWC • FWK • FWL • G2 • G3 • G4 • G5 • G6 • G8 • K3 • K4 • K5 • K6 • K14 • K15 • K17 • K18 • K22 • (K22B) • K23 • K24 • K26 • K27 • K30 • K32 • L6 • L9 • L13 • L20 • L24 • L42 • S4 • S5 • S8 • T3 • T5 • T12 • W2 • W4
By time period or type Birds-of-prey (22nd century bird of prey • 2260s bird of prey) • 23rd century scout vessel • mobile battle base • battleship • cargo ship • colony ship • construction ship • dropship • mining freighter • prison barge • repair ship • scout ship • strike raider • transit-hopper

External links[]
