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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Mogh-class battlecruiser was a type of starship developed by the Klingon Empire in the early 25th century. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)

History and specifications[]

The Mogh-class came out of a minor arms race between Klingon and Starfleet ship designers and was meant to be the Klingon Defense Force answer to the new Avenger-class battlecruiser. (STO website: "Designing the Mogh Battle Cruiser")

Ambassador Worf was given the honor of naming the class, and chose to name it after his father Mogh, son of Worf, a warrior who died in the Khitomer Massacre of 2346. (STO website: "Mogh Battle Cruiser"; ST video game: Star Trek Online)

Technical data[]

Like most Klingon starships the Mogh-class featured an integrated cloaking device.

It featured similar performance characteristics to the preexisting Tor'Kaht-class and was virtually identical in nearly every respect to Starfleet's Avenger-class.

It was armed with a unique weapon called the dynamic defense deployment system. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)



Klingon starship classes
Klingonese names Akif • An'quat • BaSro' • Batlh • Bre'el • B'rel • B'Rotlh • Baka Re' • Ber'taa • Besz Ra'te' • Birok • Bortas • BortaS bIr • Bortasqu' • Ch'Tang • Chargh • CharghwI' • Chava'Kal • Chontay • ChunDab • Chuq'Beh • Chutok • DaSpu • D'aka • D'ama • Dath D'lan • D'esta Kar • D'Gavama • DujHod • Eakin K'nall • Fek'lhr • Fer'Jai • H'ban Pav • Haqtaj • Hegh'ta • HoH'SuS • Jach • Jach'Eng • Jfolokh • K'mirra • K'nall • K'nel • K't'agga • K't'alla • K't'inga • K't'kara • K't'mara • K't'rika • K'Tanco • K'vort • K'vort Cha • Kalath • Kamarag • Karas • Kas Maal • K'el Ri'anda • Keth Ke Se • Kh'exrilin • K'hanakh • Khitomer (bird-of-prey) • Kl'ar • Klinzhai • Klolode • Kl'sarza • Kl'xenova • Koloth • Kom Ka'des • Komo Val • Korath • Koreba • Koro't'inga • Kronos • K'toch • L'rexa • Lar'hal • Lara'atan • LI'wI' • Mas To Gal • Mat'Ha • May'Duj • M'Chla • Mogh • MoQ • Mortum Hesta • Na Ra'den • Negh'Var • Nemosin • Ning'tao • Norgh • Nov • NuQ'Duj • Oniros • Pach • Peghqu' • PIH • Plen Zha • PumwI' • Puyjaq • qa'HoS • Qang • Qaw'Dun • Qeh'Ral • Qexa • QeylIS BetleH • Qib • Qin • Qoj • Qorgh • QuD • Qugh • Riskadh • Sech • Sivista • Somraw • SuQ'jagh • SuQob • SuvwI'Qeh • T'h'lar • Ta'Sub • Tajtiq • Talat Kh'exesta • Tas'esta • Tor'Kaht • Ty'Gokor • V'al'kon • V'kar Zadan • V's'talo • Vakk • Vo'Quv • VoDleH • Voodieh • Vor'cha • Vor'Kang • Xechas • Z'gal • Z'gavasta • Z'gavva • Z'mortama Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Translated names Accuser • Administrator • Alliance • Battle Cruiser • Bird of Prey • Bringer of Agony • Bringer of Destiny • Bringer of Destruction • Bringer of Justice • Carrier of Doom • Catapult • Chancellor • Death Boot • Death Rite • Death Stalker • Defender • Devil • Emperor • Enforcer • Ever Victorious • Fat Man • Fierce Revenge • Great Bird • Grim Reaper • (Gull) • Healer • Insurrection • Little Killer • Luckless • Mender • Mover • (Murph) • One Wing • Painbringer • Pathmaker • Predator • (Raptor) • Ravenous • Relentless • Revenge • Saber • Seeker • Shadow • Speedstar • Stalker • Star • Stinger • Stingtongue • Strong Victor • Stronger Bird • Suspicious • Swiftwind • Sword of Kahless • Throne Seeker • Trader's Game • Truthbringer • Tugboat • Unseen Creeper • Warrior's Anger • Watcher • Winner
Alphanumeric names B5 • D2 • D3 • D4 • D4x • D5 • D6 • D7 • (D7/D5 Klolode • D7 Akif • D7A • D7C • D7G • D7M • D7R • D7S • D7 Koloth) • D9 • D10 (bird of prey) • D10 (cruiser) • D11 • D12 (bird of prey) • D12 (cruiser) • D14 • D16 • D18 • D20 • D21A • D32 • E4 • E6 • F5 • F5B • F5C • F5G • F5GB • F5K • F5L • F5W • F5Y • F6 • FWC • FWK • FWL • G2 • G3 • G4 • G5 • G6 • G8 • K3 • K4 • K5 • K6 • K14 • K15 • K17 • K18 • K22 • (K22B) • K23 • K24 • K26 • K27 • K30 • K32 • L6 • L9 • L13 • L20 • L24 • L42 • S4 • S5 • S8 • T3 • T5 • T12 • W2 • W4
By time period or type Birds-of-prey (22nd century bird of prey • 2260s bird of prey) • 23rd century scout vessel • mobile battle base • battleship • cargo ship • colony ship • construction ship • dropship • mining freighter • prison barge • repair ship • scout ship • strike raider • transit-hopper

External links[]
