Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This page details a counterpart of United Federation of Planets in the Kelvin timeline; for the United Federation of Planets in the primary universe see United Federation of Planets; for the United Federation of Planets in all other alternate universes see United Federation of Planets (alternates).

The United Federation of Planets was an interstellar state in the Kelvin timeline. The Federation represented numerous planets and cultures from across the Alpha Quadrant and Beta Quadrant, working together for mutual prosperity, equality and freedom. As of the mid-23rd century the Federation included 120 planets and 700 colonies. The Federation shared significant borders, and adversarial relations, with the neighbouring Klingon Empire and Romulan Star Empire. (TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek; TOS website: Dossiers; ST reference: Star Charts)


The history of the Federation prior to the divergence of the timelines in 2233 is identical to that of the prime reality; the Federation came into existence on August 12th, 2161 when United Earth, the Confederacy of Vulcan, the Andorian Empire, the United Planets of Tellar, and the Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets signed the Articles of the Federation. Federation membership steadily grew from that day to encompass many worlds, 120 member planets and 700 colonies by the mid-23rd century. (ENT episode: "Zero Hour"; ENT novel: Last Full Measure; TOS website: Dossiers)

For a more comprehensive history of the pre-divergence Federation see the relevant sections of the Federation history page.
Narada arrives in 2233

The arrival of the Narada

The Federation was an active component at the very beginnings of the Kelvin timeline, when the Federation Starfleet starship USS Kelvin investigated the black hole from which the Narada was emerging in 2233. The Narada fired upon the Kelvin as soon as it arrived, and in the ensuing battle the Kelvin was destroyed when George Samuel Kirk, Sr. piloted it on a collision course into the Narada in an attempt to disable the much larger Romulan vessel, to allow Kelvin survivors to escape.

This incident immediately set the Federation on a different path than that of the prime reality. Starfleet began to design ships differently from those of the original timeline, and the attack had individual effects, most notably that James T. Kirk (a major Federation historical figure in the prime reality) grew up without his father, sending his life on a new course, though ultimately he did attend Starfleet Academy and serve in Starfleet.

Vulcans end

The destruction of Vulcan

In 2258 the Narada returned to Federation space, launching an attack on Vulcan; while a significant portion of Starfleet was operating in the Laurentian system at the time a task force was mobilised from Earth to respond to the attack. The force was swiftly eliminated by the Narada upon its arrival. The USS Enterprise was spared as the Narada's commander, Nero, wished Spock to witness the destruction of Vulcan. Nero demanded the Enterprise's commander, Christopher Pike, shuttle aboard the Narada, and later extracted information from him allowing the Narada to attack Earth unhindered by its defense systems.

Nero's intent was to destroy every world in the Federation, and his second target was Earth. Fortunately the crew of the Enterprise, commanded by James T. Kirk, were able to determine this and work to halt the attack and destroy the Narada, saving Earth and the Federation, and securing Kirk a place in Federation history in this reality. (TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek)

At some point in the 2250s forces of the Romulan Star Empire engaged in battles with Federation Starfleet vessels.[1] (TOS video game: D-A-C)



  1. ↑ D-A-C gives no date, but as it features the USS Enterprise it is presumably set after the events of Star Trek, which featured the launch of the Enterprise in 2258. The reason for the Federation/Romulan confrontation at this time is not made clear.


Interstellar nations in the Kelvin timeline
major powers Klingon Empire • Romulan Star Empire • United Federation of Planets
Alpha Quadrant states Borg Collective (Unimatrix 12) • Breen Confederacy • United Federation of Planets
Beta Quadrant states Augments faction • Fibonan Republic • Gorn Armada • Gornar Hegemony • Klingon Empire • Metron Consortium • Orion Syndicate • Romulan Star Empire • Teenaxi Delegation • Tholian Assembly • United Federation of Planets
Alpha or Beta Quadrant states Varkolak Assembly
Gamma Quadrant states Dominion
Delta Quadrant states Borg Collective • Dark Market Syndicate
mirror universes Klingon Empire • Terran Empire