Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the native Milky Way counterpart, see Gornar Hegemony.
Gorn Armada galaxy

The Gorn Armada's galaxy.

In the Kelvin timeline, the Gorn Armada was an extragalactic nation-state, an aggressively expansionist empire of the Gorn in the 23rd century. (TOS video game: Star Trek)

History and culture[]

Gorn Commander

The Gorn Commander.

Like the Gorn of the prime universe[1], these Gorn consisted of different, related species or castes. Each type of Gorn performed a particular role in the Armada.

Over eons[2], fleets of Gorn ships, consisting of Gorn motherships and smaller escorts, would travel to every star system and planet within reach to exterminate native species when they resisted, and subjugate them as slaves when they didn't. When motherships operated in pairs, one would pummel a planet with concussive energy blasts that subjected the targeted hemisphere to an infernal conflagration. Next, the Gorn deployed shock troops.

Shockwaves emanated from conquered star systems, displaying on an interstellar level the expansion of the Gorn Armada.

Conquered species included the Lymax. Unable to cross intergalactic space, the Armada was confined to its galaxy.

Gorn nightmare

A Gorn lieutenant.

In the year 2259, the Vulcan Helios Device opened a rift between the Helios-1 space station in the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Gorn Planet in the Armada's galaxy. The Commander's mothership passed through and emerged at New Vulcan, in the Beta Quadrant.[3] The Gorn Commander's forces raided New Vulcan Colony and stole the Helios Device.

The Federation starship USS Enterprise rescued Vulcans from Helios-1 and defended New Vulcan before being boarded by the Commander's forces. Commander Spock learned about the Armada's nature by mind-melding with a Gorn lieutenant.

Enterprise pursued the Commander's mothership and traversed the Rip on stardate 22259.33. A landing party tried to recover the Helios Device from the Gorn Planet, which Spock had seen in the mind meld. The Rip would close within six hours. Captain, James T. Kirk and Spock boarded the mothership, rescued the abducted Vulcan scientist T'Mar, and destroyed the Helios device. The Gorn command was killed in the process, and his mothership exploded. The Enterprise escaped the Armada galaxy before the Rip closed for good. (TOS video game: Star Trek)

The Beta Quadrant was also home to a Gorn culture native to the Milky Way galaxy, and organised in the Gornar Hegemony. (TOS - The Spectrum War comic: "Issue 2")

Gorn clan leader

Gorn rebel leader.

Not all extragalactic Gorn left. In 2260, a peaceful clan of Gorn Armada rebels who had hitchhiked on the Commander's mothership, settled on the Federation jungle moon Parthenon 559. Henderson, local representative of a mining company, attacked the Gorn campsite, killing nearly half their number. The Gorn rebels countered with a massacre of the mining settlement. The Enterprise rushed to the planet. Commander Spock estimated that Starfleet would be unable to withstand a full-scale invasion by the Armada. Investigating Parthenon 559, Spock and his captain figured out the chain of events and made peace with the Gorn rebels. The planet was declared off-limits for now, and granted protectorate status within the Federation. Spock concluded that the mining company's interest in the planet would have to be answered with coexistence to avoid further bloodshed. (TOS - Star Trek, Volume 6 comic: "IDW Star Trek, Issue 24")


Gorn Armada expansion

Conquered stars.

The Gorn Armada was confined to its own galaxy, which existed at an unknown distance from the Milky Way Galaxy. This galaxy was suffused with red light, and appeared red when perceived from outside.

Planets and systems[]

Armada races and cultures[]

Ships and technology[]

Gorn mothership


  • arc drivers: carried by sentinels and warriors
  • energy axe: carried by guardians
  • mothership
  • shuttle
  • pillager: carried by henchmen and warriors
  • ravager: automatic rifle, carried by initiates



Gorn states
primary universe Gorn Hegemony (Gorn Alliance • Gorn Confederation • Gorn Empire)Gorn rebelsKlingon Empire member state
states in the Kelvin timeline Gorn ArmadaGorn rebelsGornar HegemonyParthenon 559 (Federation protectorate)
mirror universe Gorn Hegemony
international alliances Federation Alliance (2374-76)Galactic Union (as Federation member; by 2769)Khitomer Alliance (from 2409)Taurus Pact (mirror universe, from 2377)Typhon Pact (from 2381)
Interstellar nations in the Kelvin timeline
major powers Klingon EmpireRomulan Star EmpireUnited Federation of Planets
Alpha Quadrant states Borg Collective (Unimatrix 12) • Breen ConfederacyUnited Federation of Planets
Beta Quadrant states Augments factionFibonan RepublicGorn ArmadaGornar HegemonyKlingon EmpireMetron ConsortiumOrion SyndicateRomulan Star EmpireTeenaxi DelegationTholian AssemblyUnited Federation of Planets
Alpha or Beta Quadrant states Varkolak Assembly
Gamma Quadrant states Dominion
Delta Quadrant states Borg CollectiveDark Market Syndicate
mirror universes Klingon EmpireTerran Empire

