Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Exo was a star system located along the border of quadrant 0 and treaty boundary quadrant 4 North[2] in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant[3] [4].

History and specifics[]

The Exo system consisted of a dimming star with 11 planets within Federation space in the Alpha Quadrant, far from other inhabited systems. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

The star itself was a small type M red dwarf star, with an associated system of planets, that had begun to burn helium after exhausting its supply of hydrogen thousands of years ago. Star charts of treaty boundary quadrant 4 North indicated Exo to be in the general vicinity of Starbase 21. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)

The star's energy was actually being drained by the One during his battle with Q 500,000 years ago. (TNG novel: Q-Strike)

In the late 22nd century, Exo was first charted by the Federation. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

By 2374, Jean-Luc Picard recalled having seen the Exo system on a star chart. (TNG novel: Immortal Coil)

System makeup[]

Exo system primary star
  • Exo I
  • Exo II
  • Exo III
  • Exo IV
  • Exo V
  • Exo VI
  • Exo VII
  • Exo VIII
  • Exo IX
  • Exo X
  • Exo XI



In all references, Exo is cited as the system's name rather than the star's name.


Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (E)
Ebion • Ebor Tor • Eclosionatu's Depths • Edara • Edela • Ederlyn's End • Edjara • Edmora • Edora • Edrin • Edris • Edvaran • Egara 172 • Eisenhower • Eivox • Eizeb • Ekinus • Ekkoran • El Adrel • Elamin • Elamra • Elba • Eldara • Electri • Elex • Elgard • Elkauron • Ellion • Ellison's Star • Elnon • Elohim • Elona • Elsk'veth • Elthan • Elvada • Elven • Elvros • Elysia Incendae • Elzan • Elzbar • Elzibar • Emben • Emila • Eminiar • Emkaid • Emmeline's Gate • Emrana • Em'vara • Emvatra • Endicor • Endless Maw • Endra • Enkoth • Enoch • Enori • Enra • Entera • Entrunar • Eofaran • Eojur • Ephrata • Epsilon 119 • Epsilon Anubis (Epsilon Anubis A • Epsilon Anubis B) • Epsilon Ballara • Epsilon Beta • Epsilon Ceti • Epsilon Delta • Epsilon Fornacis • Epsilon Ionis • Epsilon Kitaj • Epsilon Lyra • Epsilon Minora • Epsilon Miranda • Epsilon Sierra • Epsilon Sorona • Epsilon Tauri • Epsilon Theta • Epsilon Ursae Majoris • Epsion • Equess • Eramor • Ercola • Erdor • Ereb • Erela Daraan • Eremar • Ergol • Erivek • Erkia • Er'vadi • Ervik • Esabl • Escor • Esinda • Eskiis • Essai • Ess'vara • Estasi • Esto • Estrada • Estron • Estrona Daraan • Eta Seratorn • Eta Tauri • Eta Trianguli • Eth'bernek • Eth'daja • Eth'fera • Eth'kaba • Eth'kina • Eth'mola • Eth'silva • Eth'teo • Eth'vara • Etla • Evadex • Evara • Evek • Excalbia • Exona Daraan • Exor • Eye of Gabriel • Eye of Helia • Ezani Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (E) Edasich • El Nath • Elasi Prime • Eltanin • Ennar • Entelior • Epsilon Aurigae • Epsilon Boötis • Epsilon Cygni • Epsilon Draconis • Epsilon Ophiuchi • Epsilon Serpentis • Eta Cassiopeiae • Eta Coronae Borealis • Eta Draconis • Eta Lyrae • Eta Ophiuchi • Eta Serpentis • Eta Ursae Majoris • Exo • Eye of Ket-Cheleb Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (E) Eden • Edinov • Eisn • Ejul Thelni • Epsilon • Epsilon Canaris • Epsilon Canis Majoris • Edren • Epsilon Carinae • Epsilon Corvi • Epsilon Eridani • Epsilon Geminorum • Epsilon Gruis • Epsilon Hydrae • Epsilon Indi (Andoria) • Epsilon Librae • Epsilon Monocerotis • Epsilon Orionis • Epsilon Pavonis • Epsilon Phoenicis • Epsilon Scorpii • Epsilon Virginis • Eta Antliae • Eta Canaris / Eta Canis Majoris • Eta Corvi • Eta Crucis • Eta Eridani • Eta Horologii • Eta Indi • Eta Lupi • Eta Scorpii • Eta Virginis • Eye of Grun Beta Quadrant icon image.


External link[]
