Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Eminiar is a star[2] with an associated star system[3], located somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, in Federation space, at coordinates 2.15S 5.77E[1], in Quadrant 2[4].

History and specifics[]

Eminiar is part of the NGC 321 star cluster[3] visible from Earth in the constellation of Cetus. The Eminiar system's orbit was the location of 11 planets[2], including third planet Vendikar and seventh planet Eminiar VII, homeworld of the Eminian civilization[3].

Explored Galaxy

Explored galaxy map showing Eminiar.

On star charts of the explored galaxy, this system could be seen to be in the general vicinity of Talos, Beta Aurigae and Alfa 177. (TNG episode: "Conspiracy", TNG reference: The Continuing Mission)

Eminiar's star, located at coordinates -37.0, 222.3, 25.1, was a large yellow star with 11 planets total. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)

Another star chart showed this system in the vicinity of Tsugh Khaidnn, Theta Mees, Denkir system and Memory Delta. (TNG episodes: "The Wounded", "Yesterday's Enterprise", TNG reference: The Continuing Mission)

Maxwell's chart

Eminiar shown on a deployment star chart image.

In the 2360s decade, this location was noted on a star chart showing deployment of Federation and Cardassian Union ships displayed in Captain Benjamin Maxwell's ready room aboard the starship USS Phoenix. (TNG episode: "The Wounded")

Alternate realities[]

Tactical situation monitor

Eminiar shown on a tactical situation monitor image.

On a 24th century viewscreen display of a tactical situation monitor in an alternate timeline where the Klingon Empire was at war with the United Federation of Planets in the year 2366, Eminiar was listed on a star chart showing Klingon allied forces in relation to Federation positions. (TNG episode: "Yesterday's Enterprise", TNG reference: The Continuing Mission)

System makeup[]

Eminiar system primary star



Eminiar star system
Eminiar primary star: Eminiar I • Eminiar II • Vendikar • Eminiar IV • Eminiar V • Eminiar VI • Eminiar VII • Eminiar VIII • Eminiar IX • Eminiar X • Eminiar XI Locator logo showing the Great Seal of the United Federation of Planets. Locator logo showing the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant.
Stars, systems and objects of the Cetus constellation
13 Ceti • Ceti Alpha (Menkar) • Cetus system • Chi Ceti A • Deneb Kaitos (Beta-16 Ceti) • Gamma Ceti (Kaffaljidhma: Gamma Ceti I, Gamma Ceti I-A, Gamma Ceti I-B) • Epsilon Ceti (Risa) • Mu Ceti (Niburon) • NGC 321 (Eminiar: Eminiar VII • Vendikar) • NGC 994 (Aleriad • Azheril • Eruna) • Nimori Ceti • Omicron Ceti (Mira) • Sigma Ceti • Tau Ceti (Kaferia)
explored galaxy map
states and organizations First Federation • Tholian Assembly Explored galaxy map.
regions Kling • Romulan Neutral Zone • Sarpeid
stars and systems Aldeberan • Alpha Carinae • Alpha Centuri • Alpha Majoris • Beta Aurigae • Beta Geminorum • Beta Lyrae • Beta Niobe • Beta Portalan • Capella • Deneb • Eminiar • Fabrina • Gamma Trianguli • Ingraham B • Omega Cygni • Orion • Pallas 14 • Phylos • Regulus • Rigel • Sirius • Sol • Talos • Tau Ceti
planets and planetoids Alfa 177 • Altair VI • Andor • Arret • Ariannus • Babel • Benecia • Berengaria VII • Camus II • Canopus III • Daran V • Gamma Canaris N • Holberg 917G • Janus VI • Kzin • Lactra VII • Makus III • Marcos XII • Marnak IV • Memory Alpha • Mudd • Omega IV • Organia • Pollux IV • Psi 2000 • Pyrix VII • Remus • Romulus • Theta III • Vulcan
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (E)
Ebion • Ebor Tor • Eclosionatu's Depths • Edara • Edela • Ederlyn's End • Edjara • Edmora • Edora • Edrin • Edris • Edvaran • Egara 172 • Eisenhower • Eivox • Eizeb • Ekinus • Ekkoran • El Adrel • Elamin • Elamra • Elba • Eldara • Electri • Elex • Elgard • Elkauron • Ellion • Ellison's Star • Elnon • Elohim • Elona • Elsk'veth • Elthan • Elvada • Elven • Elvros • Elysia Incendae • Elzan • Elzbar • Elzibar • Emben • Emila • Eminiar • Emkaid • Emmeline's Gate • Emrana • Em'vara • Emvatra • Endicor • Endless Maw • Endra • Enkoth • Enoch • Enori • Enra • Entera • Entrunar • Eofaran • Eojur • Ephrata • Epsilon 119 • Epsilon Anubis (Epsilon Anubis A • Epsilon Anubis B) • Epsilon Ballara • Epsilon Beta • Epsilon Ceti • Epsilon Delta • Epsilon Fornacis • Epsilon Ionis • Epsilon Kitaj • Epsilon Lyra • Epsilon Minora • Epsilon Miranda • Epsilon Sierra • Epsilon Sorona • Epsilon Tauri • Epsilon Theta • Epsilon Ursae Majoris • Epsion • Equess • Eramor • Ercola • Erdor • Ereb • Erela Daraan • Eremar • Ergol • Erivek • Erkia • Er'vadi • Ervik • Esabl • Escor • Esinda • Eskiis • Essai • Ess'vara • Estasi • Esto • Estrada • Estron • Estrona Daraan • Eta Seratorn • Eta Tauri • Eta Trianguli • Eth'bernek • Eth'daja • Eth'fera • Eth'kaba • Eth'kina • Eth'mola • Eth'silva • Eth'teo • Eth'vara • Etla • Evadex • Evara • Evek • Excalbia • Exona Daraan • Exor • Eye of Gabriel • Eye of Helia • Ezani Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (E) Edasich • El Nath • Elasi Prime • Eltanin • Ennar • Entelior • Epsilon Aurigae • Epsilon Boötis • Epsilon Cygni • Epsilon Draconis • Epsilon Ophiuchi • Epsilon Serpentis • Eta Cassiopeiae • Eta Coronae Borealis • Eta Draconis • Eta Lyrae • Eta Ophiuchi • Eta Serpentis • Eta Ursae Majoris • Exo • Eye of Ket-Cheleb Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (E) Eden • Edinov • Eisn • Ejul Thelni • Epsilon • Epsilon Canaris • Epsilon Canis Majoris • Edren • Epsilon Carinae • Epsilon Corvi • Epsilon Eridani • Epsilon Geminorum • Epsilon Gruis • Epsilon Hydrae • Epsilon Indi (Andoria) • Epsilon Librae • Epsilon Monocerotis • Epsilon Orionis • Epsilon Pavonis • Epsilon Phoenicis • Epsilon Scorpii • Epsilon Virginis • Eta Antliae • Eta Canaris / Eta Canis Majoris • Eta Corvi • Eta Crucis • Eta Eridani • Eta Horologii • Eta Indi • Eta Lupi • Eta Scorpii • Eta Virginis • Eye of Grun Beta Quadrant icon image.


The Eminiar system was not mentioned in canon after TOS, but as a homage was listed on the "Conspiracy" explored galaxy map and the "Yesterday's Enterprise" alternate timeline tactical situation monitor showing progress of the Klingon war with the Federation, and a later re-use of this chart in "The Wounded".

In TNG video game: Birth of the Federation, the orbital configuration of the game map star systems was randomly generated each time a new game started. In particular, this was listed only as the "Vendikar system".

References and notes[]

External link[]
