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The Zehoberei,[1] also known as Zehobereians or Zen-Whoberians, are a green-skinned humanoid race from the planet Zen-Whoberi.


The Zehoberei are the inhabitants of the planet Zen-Whoberi. Due to overpopulation, poverty and starvation was a commonplace issue across the planet, so much so that the planet became an early target of Thanos. The warlord and the Black Order obliterated half of the Zehoberei species and Gamora was taken in during Thanos' attack as his adoptive daughter and to become an assassin.[1]

In the years following the massacre, its remainder, according to Thanos himself, has lived in prosperity due to issues like poverty and wasting of resources becoming non-existent with a smaller population.[2] This claim was disputed by the Nova Corps' database, which stated that the race was extinct with Gamora as the last survivor.[1]

The species were briefly rendered without representatives after Gamora was killed by Thanos.[2] However, it was revived after a Variant of Gamora migrated to the main timeline.[3]

Characteristic Traits[]

The Zehoberei are a humanoid race distinguishable from Humans by numerous biological traits of note. Zehoberei skin is pigmented in pale green shades; their facial bone structure is differing from humans providing them with heightened cheek bones and angular features; their hair is typically dark and fades into a red gradient at the tips. In addition, the presence of a second liver allows Zehoberei to enjoy a larger number of alcoholic beverages than other races[4], and their skin tissue is substantially more resistant to physical harm.

While weaker than certain humanoid species, such as Asgardians, the Zehoberei's skin allows them to take far less damage from attacks and increases their durability. The increased tissue density also contributes somewhat to their physical strength. When Gamora was killed by Thanos, she appeared to have green blood, which is likely a shared trait with the rest of her species.

Notable Zehoberei[]


Appearances for Zehoberei

In chronological order:


  • In the comics, the Zen-Whoberi is a race that was completely wiped out by the Magus, the future-self of Adam Warlock. Warlock is one of Thanos's greatest enemies, and sometimes ally, and one of Gamora's recurring love interests.
  • Gamora has distinctive markings on her forehead and cheeks. This may be a result of her cybernetic augmentation, or it may be a trait shared by other members of her race.
  • In Guardians of the Galaxy, Gamora's rap sheet says, "Last survivor of the Zehoberei people." However, in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos is shown to have massacred only half of the Zehoberei people. In a Q&A the Russo Brothers were asked about that, they only answered in return whether you believe Gamora or Thanos, implying one of them is not telling the truth.


External Links[]
