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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"You're from Earth."
"I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri."
"Yeah, that's on Earth, dipshit."
―Iron Man and Star-Lord[src]

Missouri is a state located on the midwestern region of the United States.


Captain America Comic[]

Gary Hendricks, a young fan of the war hero Captain America, received a copy of a comic book edited to help boost morale during World War II, that told an action-packed story about his favorite Star-Spangled Hero.

Hendricks avidly read the story Captain America stopped a group of military traitors from stealing a newly-created bulletproof Electro Suit. Captain America, triumphant, swore that he would ever be vigilant and protective of the nation's freedom. Hendricks finished reading the comic, and entered his home in Missouri to have dinner. The mailman left Hendrick's mail near the comic, as he knew that he would be back to retrieve it.[1]

Ego's Visit[]

"My mother is from Earth."
"And your father?"
"He ain't from Missouri. That's all I know."
―Star-Lord and Ayesha[src]
Meredith Quill & Ego (King Cobra - 1980)

Meredith Quill and Ego

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Ego took on a human form and visited Missouri a total of 3 times, in order to plant one of his seeds to include Earth in his "expansion" plan. During this period, he fell in love with Meredith Quill and impregnated her. However, because of the fact that his planet would perish if he leaves it too long, and because he felt Quill was becoming a major distraction to his plan, he planted a tumor in the back of her head and permanently left. Quill would eventually give birth to Peter Quill following this.[2]

Kidnapping of Peter Quill[]

GotG Grandpa Quill 9

Meredith Quill before her death

"In the 1980s, EGO THE LIVING PLANET dispatched a crew of RAVAGERS to Earth in search of his son. Led by Yondu, the Ravagers abducted a child from Missouri."
―Watchers Report[src]

In 1988, Peter Quill went to the hospital where his mother had been admitted suffering from terminal cancer caused by the tumor Ego planted in the back of her head. He sat in the waiting room of the hospital, while his grandfather Jason Quill and the rest of his family spent their last moments with Meredith. Peter listened to his "Awesome Mix" tape on his Walkman until his grandfather came over to him, telling him that his mother wanted to speak with him. He took Peter's headphones off of his head and put the Walkman inside his backpack. Peter entered the room, where Meredith was lying sick in a bed. Meredith noticed that Peter's eye was bruised and asked him why had he been fighting with other boys. Peter shrugged his shoulders, but then admitted that he confronted the other boys for killing an innocent frog.[3]

Meredith compared Peter to his father, whom she described as an angel composed of pure light. Meredith's eyes closed for a moment, so Jason called her out loud to avoid that she lost consciousness, and reminded her that she had a present for Peter. Meredith handed her son the gift and a letter, and Jason put them in the backpack. Meredith told Peter to open the letter and the gift when she was gone, and Peter started to cry. Meredith promised his son that his grandfather would take care of him until his father came back to retrieve him, and asked Peter to take her hand.[3]

Young Peter Quill

Peter Quill abducted

Peter looked away crying, and despite Jason prompted him to take Meredith's hand, Meredith's heart stopped before he took her hand. Peter called to his mother, and as Doctor Fitzgibbon rushed into the room, Jason carried Peter out and asked him to stay outside. Peter watched how his grandfather walked back into the room, and then he ran outside the hospital, falling to his knees as he continued crying. Suddenly, a spaceship appeared in the sky above Quill, and its occupants, consisting of the Ravagers, abducted him, taking him off of Earth upon his father's request.[3]

Investigation of the Mandarin Attacks[]

In 2012, Springfield was the location of an unusual thermogenic occurrence, in which the thermogenic signature rose to 870 degrees Celsius. Tony Stark started investigating the Mandarin. As usual, the explosive device was not found, but the heat from the blast was particularly high, more than 3000 degrees Celsius. Stark studied the different thermogenic occurrences to study other cases based on the particular temperature of the explosion, discarding the thermogenic signature at Springfield for not being as high as that of the explosion.[4]

Ego's Expansion[]

Ego's Expansion

The seed begins to devour Missouri

In 2014, the seed previously planted by Ego erupted into a blue blob and began to devour Missouri, with the intention of eventually eating up all of Earth. Many civilians, despite attempts to flee, were swallowed up and killed. Eventually, the seed stopped devouring the area and eventually perished.[2]

A Trap for S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

"Guess we're going to St. Louis, Missouri."
―Phil Coulson[src]

In 2017, S.H.I.E.L.D. infiltrated the St. Louis Aerospace Facility after receiving an unidentified signal from the area. There they found Agent Piper, who told them that she had struck a deal with General Hale for the Kree Beacon following the disappearance of her colleagues and the listing of S.H.I.E.L.D. as a terrorist organization. Piper would activate the Kree Beacon from time to time, knowing that if her colleagues saw the beam of light emitted from it, they would likely investigate. The beams of light were then spotted by the Chronicom Noah, who had been monitoring the St. Louis Aerospace Facility from the Lighthouse. However, it turned out to be a trap for S.H.I.E.L.D..[5]

Piper revealed that she had been arrested and had to agreed to bring her colleagues to Hale, but she was told that no harm would come to them. At this moment, a team of Sleeper Mechs led by Ruby Hale arrived at the facility. A fight between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Sleeper Mechs broke out, which resulted in Ruby slicing off Yo-Yo Rodriguez' arms. This forced S.H.I.E.L.D. to flee the St. Louis Aerospace Facility with Piper and the Kree Beacon.[5]

Peter Quill's Return[]

Following his leave of the Guardians of the Galaxy and subsequent return to Earth, Peter Quill traveled to Missouri, where he reunited with his grandfather.[6]

Alternate Universes[]

Filmed USO Show[]

In an alternate universe, Steve Rogers performed his USO show in St. Louis, Missouri, where the show was filmed. He watched himself and started to believe in the importance of the USO shows.[7]

Ego's Expansion[]

Ego drains Peter

Ego finally meets Peter Quill

In an alternate 2008, Peter Quill was working at a Dairy Queen in St. Charles when his father, Ego arrived and approached him.[8] Ego used his powers to begin his expansion using Quill as a battery force, until T'Challa arrived, leading the Ravagers to stop him. T'Challa broke inside the Dairy Queen, grabbed Quill, and placed a bomb on Ego, killing him. As the Dairy Queen and Ego exploded, T'Challa placed Quill in a clearing away from it and was about to recruit him, until Quill told him to turn around. T'Challa turned and saw The Watcher in the sky above them and was then transported out of his universe. Later, T'Challa was transported back to and befriended Quill, recruiting him into the Ravagers.[9]

Thor's Party[]

"My bro's trying this thing in St. Louis. Saint... Is it 'Louie'? Anyway, we're about to make this universe's greatest slingshot."
―Loki to Thor[src]

In an alternate universe, the Gateway Arch was taken out of St. Louis by Frost Giants and was going to be used as a slingshot but Thor ended his party, thus the Arch was placed back where it came from.[10]


Appearances for Missouri

In chronological order:


External Links[]
