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"Why would you go to the trouble of going all the way to Earth to abduct Kevin Bacon?"
"Kraglin told us the story about how Yondu ruined Christmas. So we wanted to save it for you."
Star-Lord and Mantis[src]

The Kidnapping of Kevin Bacon was an abduction carried out by Drax the Destroyer and Mantis on prolific American actor Kevin Bacon, with the intent to deliver him to Star-Lord as a Christmas present.

Arriving on Earth, Drax and Mantis trespassed and broke into Bacon's home, chasing him out of his home and into the street. Several Beverly Hills Police Department officers attempted to use lethal force on the intruders, but Drax and Mantis incapacitated most of them, mind-controlling Bacon so he wouldn't run away. They abducted him from Earth after robbing a local holiday store, and delivered him to Knowhere.


GOTG Holiday Special (19)

Drax hatches a plan to kidnap Kevin Bacon

"Over the years, Quill has talked about one person more than any other. A legendary hero who has saved countless lives. We could give him to Quill as a present."
Drax the Destroyer to Mantis[src]

Inspired by a story told by Kraglin Obfonteri about how Yondu Udonta ruined Christmas for him and Peter Quill, Mantis, feeling a moral obligation to make him happy because of Quill still mourning Gamora, wanted to get him a "really wonderful" Christmas present. Drax the Destroyer suggested they give him Kevin Bacon, a purported legendary hero of Earth who "saved countless lives", including one instance where he "saved a small town by dancing like an idiot."

Mantis enthralls Earth woman

Mantis robs Sara of all her money

Mantis and Drax arrived in Beverly Hills, California, and spent the day randomly searching for Bacon's house, without getting any luck. They ended up partying at a gay bar, and eventually a woman offered to sell them a StarMap for forty dollars. Mantis and Drax, who blew all their money from photo shoots at the TCL Chinese Theatre on liquor, robbed this woman blind by using Mantis's mind-control powers to convince her into giving them all her money. Using this map, they found Kevin Bacon's address.[1]


Mantis and Drax at KB's house

Mantis and Drax trespass on Kevin Bacon's property

"We are not doing anything wrong. We are just taking the legendary hero Kevin Bacon, to give him as a present to a friend who is sad about Christmas."
Mantis to Beverly Hills Police Department[src]

Mantis and Drax arrived at Kevin Bacon's home and rang his doorbell while he was preparing the house for his family. Believing them to be fans, Bacon turned them away. Mantis and Drax did not give up, so Drax threw Mantis over the gates of the property, then jumped over them himself. They pestered at his front door, knocking repeatedly. Bacon grew annoyed and asked them to leave, before dialing 9-1-1.


Mantis and Drax chase Kevin Bacon

Drax then smashed through a window panel, breaking into Bacon's home. When Drax said in a gleeful but threatening aura that they were going to make him come with them as a Christmas gift, Bacon grew horrified and attempted to run away. The two chased him around the house, forcing Bacon to run upstairs and jump off his own balcony to escape. While Drax and Mantis argued, Bacon ran down the street and signaled incoming police reinforcements.

Kevin Bacon enthralled by Mantis

Mantis puts Kevin Bacon under a trance

While Bacon hid behind the policemen, all of them began shooting at Drax, which dealt him no harm aside from a tickling sensation. While they were distracted by Drax, Mantis used her powers and a prop candy cane to incapacitate the police officers, while Drax caused more trouble by flipping a police car on its side. Bacon attempted to run again, but Drax and Mantis cornered him. Mantis used her abilities to put Bacon in a trance so he would be submissive. Together, they proceeded to rob Christmas Castle, a local Christmas decorations store. Bringing all the decorations back to the Bowie, they returned to space, successfully kidnapping Kevin Bacon.[1]


Batman mentioned by Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon acting like a hero

"You taught him how to be a hero, and now he might just be the greatest hero alive. Mant and these dopes, they was just hoping you'd bring the joy of Christmas back into his heart, is all."
Kraglin Obfonteri to Kevin Bacon[src]

En route back to Knowhere, Drax and Mantis were shocked and repulsed to realize that Kevin Bacon was not the perceived hero they believed he was, but instead an actor, with all his feats of heroism being merely roles of other characters he played in various movies. To prevent him from running away, Mantis kept him in a trance so Bacon would appear happy and content to move forward with their plan to deliver him to Peter Quill.

Mantis restores Kevin Bacon's mind

Mantis releasing Kevin Bacon from his trance

Using the Christmas decorations they got from Christmas Castle, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the local residents of Knowhere surprised Quill. He was initially in awe, but when Groot delivered him his present - Kevin Bacon, who was beginning to suffocate inside the box they wrapped him in, Quill freaked out. Horrified that they were all complicit in kidnapping a human being against his will, Quill demanded Mantis to place him out of his trance, reverting Bacon to normal.

Kevin Bacon performs on Knowhere

Kevin Bacon sings about Christmas

Bacon was initially horrified and tried to run away, but he was convinced by Kraglin Obfonteri's retelling of Quill's heroism, learning in the process that Quill was inspired by him to perform a dance-off in order to save the universe. In turn, Bacon sang a song with a group of Knowhere citizens in order to properly teach them the meaning of Christmas. Kraglin returned Kevin Bacon home to his family on Earth and Mantis revealed to Quill that she is his half-sister, a fact that filled Quill with joy as they embraced.[1]

The St

The St. Charles Post reports on Kevin Bacon's alien abduction

By 2026, Bacon's kidnapping was reported in newspapers such as The St. Charles Post, with Bacon revealing information regarding his abduction by aliens with the press.[3]

