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"My real name is Mar-Vell, and I come from a planet called Hala."
―Mar-Vell to Carol Danvers[src]

Hala is the homeworld of the Kree and the capital planet of the Kree Empire.


Carol Danvers' Abduction[]

"On Hala, you were reborn. Vers."
"My name is Carol."
―Supreme Intelligence and Captain Marvel[src]
Captain Marvel (film) 17

Vers on Hala

Hala is an advanced planet that is the homeworld of the Kree. In 1989, Carol Danvers was abducted from Earth and brought to Hala by Yon-Rogg, where her memories were suppressed.[1] She got accustomed to life on Hala quickly and started jogging everyday, confusing the rest of Starforce. She trained with Yon-Rogg and received missions on Hala with the rest of Starforce.[2] She lived on Hala for six years and was tricked into serving in the Kree's elite group of warriors, Starforce, until she discovered the truth about herself and the Kree during the Kree-Skrull War and left the Kree.[1] Sometime afterwards Danvers decided to exact revenge on the Kree by heading into Hala and destroying the Supreme Intelligence, feeling that without the computer the Kree would handle themselves better. However, this act started a civil war amongst the Kree.[3]

Kree-Nova War[]

Hala was for some time at war with Xandar, the base planet of the Nova Corps. As a peace agreement was reached and rioting broke out throughout the Kree Empire who still believed they should fight. Eventually, Ronan decided to ally himself with Thanos so that his world could win the war. To that end, Ronan promised Thanos the Orb in exchange for victory. However, Ronan was defeated by the Guardians of the Galaxy when he double-crossed Thanos and took the Orb to Xandar to attempt to destroy the planet himself.[4]

Ego's Expansion[]

In 2014, Hala was one of the planets nearly assimilated by Ego, but luckily, the plan was stopped by the Guardians of the Galaxy, ironically the same group of individuals who stopped Ronan from obliterating Xandar.[5]

Vin-Tak's Journey[]

"I'll return him to his home planet, Hala."
―Sif to Phil Coulson[src]

When a Diviner was activated by Raina, Vin-Tak ventured to Earth from Hala in disguise so he could put an end to the Terrigenesis experiments used by the ancient Kree. He was eventually returned to Hala by Lady Sif.[6]

Dar-Benn's Campaign[]

By 2026, after decades of warfare, Hala was devastated, with its air polluted, its water exhausted and even the star that it orbited was weakened. Accuser Dar-Benn eventually took upon herself to save the Kree homeworld. She found one of the Quantum Bands and decided to use its powers in conjunction with the Universal Neural Teleportation Network to open portals that would drain resources and send them to Hala. Dar-Benn sucked the atmosphere from the planet Tarnax IV and the oceans from Aladna, but her attempts at taking Earth's Sun were stopped by Danvers, Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan. Danvers eventually used her powers on Hala's star to reignite it.[3]

Alternate Universes[]

Kasius' Banishment[]

In an alternate timeline, Taryan banished his son from Hala after failing to prove himself a worthy heir to the family empire.[7]

Nexus Event Formed[]

During her quest to gain vengeance, Sylvie Laufeydottir sent a Reset Charge through a Timedoor to Hala during 51 AD. The detonation of the Reset Charge resulted in a Nexus event, triggering the creation of a branched timeline. However, the Time Variance Authority traveled to this alternate 51 AD and pruned it from existence.[8]


Appearances for Hala
In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Hala is the homeworld of the Kree and the Cotati, known for both its architectural marvels and scientific prowess than for its civil wars and social unrest.[9]
  • The planet's coordinates are: 8K1M.YY67A47+58E698L.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Hala.

External Links[]
