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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"With my helmet on, with the big bendy horns!"
―Loki Actor[src]

The Horned Helmet was the helmet Loki wore during his time as Asgardian royalty and his crusades. Its horns are an Asgardian symbol for the sorcery he wields.[1] Other Variants of Loki also have their own helmets with different shape.


Worn by Loki[]

Asgardian Royalty[]

As a member of Asgard royalty, Loki came to wear a horned helmet, similar to the likes of the helmets worn by his brother Thor, and father Odin.[2]

Chitauri Invasion[]

"Make your move, Reindeer Games."
―Iron Man to Loki[src]

In 2012, Loki wore his helmet outside in Stuttgart, Germany when he used the Scepter and began talk down to the civilians. The helmet remained donned for much of the Battle of New York but came off during his conflict against Thor. Following his beatdown at the hands of Hulk, and the Avengers' victory against the Chitauri, Loki was captured, and his horned helmet was lost.[3]

Battle for Asgard[]

In 2017, Loki came to aid the Asgardians aboard the Statesman. He was adorned in a new, smaller horned helmet. Loki wore the helmet during the battle against the forces of his adoptive sister Hela. During the clash against the Berserkers, Loki removed his helmet to use as a melee weapon, striking down foes with it. During the battle, he was disarmed of the helmet. It was left behind and was destroyed when Surtur caused Ragnarök.[4]

Alternate Universe Versions[]

Worn by Variants[]

"Why do you wear the horns? You let a child command you."
―Loki to Classic Loki[src]

Variants of Loki wore their own versions of the horned helmet. Sylvie Laufeydottir wore a smaller version, more akin to a tiara, which she obtained sometime after her escape from the Time Variance Authority, and wore during her life among apocalyptic events, at one point losing a horn. Sylvie wore the helmet during her initial encounters with Loki at Roxxcart and on Lamentis. Much like her original timeline self had done on the Rainbow Bridge, Sylvie removed her helmet during a fight on a train on Lamentis, using it as a weapon to still guards. However, during the fight she lost it, and it was presumably destroyed with the rest of the planet.[5]

The Loki Variants of the Void also had their own helmets. Classic Loki, Kid Loki, Alligator Loki, President Loki and several of his henchmen all had varying versions of the helmet. As well as them, other Loki Variants in the TVA logs were shown to have helmets, such as Brute Loki, Glamshades Loki, and Viking Loki.[6]


Worn by Loki[]

Worn by Loki Variants[]

Alternate Versions[]

Origin Status Creators Owners Users
New York Time Heist Active Loki Loki Loki
Goddess of Mischief Inactive - Sylvie Laufeydottir Sylvie Laufeydottir
Variant L6792's Reality Active - Brute Loki Brute Loki
Variant L7803's Reality Active - Viking Loki Viking Loki
Statesman Survivor Loki Inactive - Classic Loki † Classic Loki †
Kid Thor Killed Active - Kid Loki Kid Loki
Alligator Loki's Reality Active - Alligator Loki Alligator Loki
President Loki's Reality Active - President Loki President Loki
Bicycle Loki's Reality Active Bicycle Loki Bicycle Loki Bicycle Loki
Ninja Loki's Reality Active - Ninja Loki Ninja Loki
Super Soldier Peggy Carter Active - Loki Loki
Avengers Assassinated Active - Loki Loki
Party Prince Thor Active - Loki Loki
Worldkiller Attack Active - Loki Loki
Rock Troll Invasion Active - Loki Loki
Midgard Serpent Ragnarök Active - Loki Loki
Thor Active - Loki Loki
Thor: Movie Storybook Active - Loki Loki
Chitauri Helicarrier Attack Active - Loki Loki
Lego Iron Man Active - Loki Loki
Lego Thor Active - Loki Loki
Lego Hulk Active - Loki Loki
The Avengers: Battle Against Loki Active - Loki Loki
The Avengers: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Files Active - Loki Loki
Avengers: Assemble! Active - Loki Loki
The Avengers: The Return of the First Avenger Active - Loki Loki
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Book Boxed Set Active - Loki Loki


Appearances for the Horned Helmet

In chronological order:



Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Horned Helmet.