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For alternate versions of Cooper Barton, see Cooper Barton's Character Hub

"I may be an idiot, but I've got seniority."
―Cooper Barton to Lila Barton[src]

Cooper Barton is the first son of Laura and Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye. He was killed by Thanos in 2018 as a result of the Snap, although he was resurrected by Hulk in 2023.


Son of an Avenger[]

Raised by Clint Barton[]

Cooper Barton was born to Clint and Laura Barton in Iowa, where he lived in a farmhouse with his mother and younger sister, Lila. Natasha Romanoff was the only other person to be aware of Clint having a family and became a close friend to them, even developing an aunt-like relationship with Barton and Lila.[6]

Ultron Offensive[]


Barton and his sister reading

When his father arrived home with the Avengers, Barton and Lila happily greeted him with hugs. The two were formally introduced to the Avengers and were happy to see Natasha Romanoff again.

Later when his father returned home after retiring from the Avengers, Barton and Lila were reading books on the couch. Shortly afterwards, his mother gave birth to Nathaniel Barton[6] and the family relocated to a new farmhouse.[7]

Snap and Blip[]

Cooper Barton 2023

Barton moments before the Snap

In 2018, Barton and his family had a picnic, during which he and his younger brother, Nathaniel played catch. Suddenly, Barton disintegrated from the Snap.

Barton Family Reunion

Barton is reunited with his father

Five years later, Barton and his family were restored to life in the Blip. Shortly afterwards, Barton was reunited with his father.

Barton Family

Barton attends Tony Stark's funeral

A few days later, Barton and his family attended Tony Stark's funeral at Stark's home.[7]

Christmas Holidays[]

Vacation in New York City[]

"You were right about the tree, Dad. It was amazing."
"I want one that big."
"It wouldn't fit in our house, dummy."
Lila Barton, Nathaniel Barton, and Cooper Barton[src]
Cooper & Nathaniel watch Rogers The Musical

Barton and his brother watch the musical

In December 2024, Cooper Barton traveled to New York City with his father, brother, and sister. While in New York, the Bartons attended a production of Rogers: The Musical at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre. Midway through the play, Clint excused himself to the bathroom and never came back. Lila went to check on him, and Barton and his brother decided shortly after to leave the play as well. The family all agreed to abandon the show to explore other attractions in the city.

Hawkeye teaser 1

The Barton family has dinner

The Barton family went to eat dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant. While their, Barton's mother called Clint, and the family explained that they had left the musical early, and expressed that they wished Laura was there with them. Afterwards, the Bartons discussed their plans leading up to Christmas Day. Clint took suggestions from each of his kids for activities, to which Barton chose wearing ugly Christmas sweaters. Their waiter soon approached the table and told the family that the restaurant would cover their bill, as thanks for Clint's heroics during the Battle of New York, so Barton thanked the waiter for his generosity.

Bartons & Pat Kiernan

Barton and Lila watch the news

After dinner, the family went to see the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. Afterwards, the family returned to their hotel room, where Barton and Lila sat down to watch the television. They turned on the TV to a news report about the reappearance of Ronin in New York, although all that the siblings took from the news was that it was cool that the ninja saved a dog.[8]

Cooper Barton (New York City)

Barton waits for his family

The next morning, the family packed their luggage and loaded it in a car. Clint had to stay in New York to find the Ronin Suit, although he denied Ronin being the reason he needed to stay. Clint left Barton in charge of his siblings in his absence, although afterwards he told Lila that she was actually the one in charge. The siblings were then driven to the airport, where they boarded a plane and flew home to Iowa.[1]

Missing His Father[]

"Uh, guys, looks like Dad's gonna be stuck at work a little longer."
Laura Barton to Cooper Barton, Lila Barton, and Nathaniel Barton[src]
Barton Residence (December 2024)

The Bartons make gingerbread houses

Barton and his siblings were picked up at the airport by their mother and returned to their home. That night, Barton, his siblings, and his mother constructed gingerbread houses. During this time, Laura stepped away to briefly talk to Clint on the phone, who informed her he would be stuck in New York for another day.[1]

Cooper Barton (2024)

Barton listens as his parents talk on the phone

Two days later, Barton sat nearby, playing on his phone, as his parents spoke over the phone again. After she ended the call, she informed Barton and his siblings that their father was going to be in New York for yet another day, much to the disappointment of Barton and the others.[2]

Christmas Day[]

"Here, take something. Thank you. Merry Christmas."
Clint Barton to Cooper Barton[src]

On Christmas Day, Barton and his siblings greeted their father at the door as they finally returned home from New York City. Barton helped his father carry in the presents he brought, met Kate Bishop, and then began to pet Lucky, who his father had brought home. With the Barton family now reunited, Barton and his siblings began opening their presents.[9]


Despite being the older sibling, Barton tends to be more laid-back than his responsible sister and his baby brother. Barton does care for his family and tried to look out for his siblings when their father sent them home without him so he could deal with the Tracksuit Mafia.


  • Clint Barton's Homestead: Barton lives in a home in Iowa with his parents and siblings. The homestead is in a remote location, unknown to the public, and previously unknown to the government until the Avengers Civil War, to protect Barton and his family against potential threats relating to his father's work as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent or Avenger.






Appearances for Cooper Barton


  • In the comics, Callum Barton is the first son of Clint and Laura Barton. His mother, siblings, and himself were murdered by a black ops team that was led in Barton's home by a traitor within the Ultimates.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Cooper Barton.

External Links[]
