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Ioannes Eysenck

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Ioannes Eysenck.

Ioannes Georgius (Theodisce Hans Jürgen) Eysenck (natus Berolini 4 Martii 1916; mortuus Londinii 4 Septembris 1997) fuit psychologus Anglicus natus in Germania, qui suum cursum academicum in Magna Britannia direxit. Explicatione intellegentiae et personalitatis innotuit, sed operam pervariis psychologiae provinciis dedit.[1][2] Ipse usque ad tempore mortis in litteris a paribus recensis et periodicis scientificis editis fuit psychologus saepissime citatus.[3][4]

  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1947. Dimensions of Personality.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1952. The Scientific Study of Personality.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1952. The Structure of Human Personality. Et editiones posteriores.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1953. Uses and Abuses of Psychology.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1954. The Psychology of Politics.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1955. Psychology and the Foundations of Psychiatry.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1956. Sense and Nonsense in Psychology.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1957. The Dynamics of Anxiety and Hysteria.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., C. Granger, et J. C. Brengelmann. 1957. Perceptual Processes and Mental Illnesses.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1959. Manual of the Maudsley Personality Inventory.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1962. Know Your Own I.Q.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1964. Crime and Personality. Editiones posteriores.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et S. B. G. Eysenck. 1964. Manual of the Eysenck Personality Inventory.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et S. Rachman. 1965. The Causes and Cures of Neuroses.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1965. Fact and Fiction in Psychology.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1965. Smoking, Health and Personality.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1966. Check Your Own I.Q.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1966. The Effects of Psychotherapy.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1967. The Biological Basis of Personality.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et S. B. G. Eysenck. 1969. Personality Structure and Measurement. Londinii: Routledge.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1971. Readings in Extraversion/Introversion. Tria volumina.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1971. Race, Intelligence and Education. Liber in Civitatibus Foederatis nomine The IQ Argument editus.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1972. Psychology Is about People.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., W. Arnold, et R. Meili. 1972. Lexicon de Psychologie. Tria volumina.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1973. The Inequality of Man. Theodisce: Die Ungleichheit der Menschen. Monaci: Goldman. 1978. Introductio ab Eysenck scripta.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et Glenn D. Wilson. 1973. The Experimental Study of Freudian Theories. Londinii: Methuen & Co Ltd. ISBN 416780105.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et Glenn D. Wilson. 1976. Know your own personality. Baltimorae et Harmondsworth Angliae: Penguin Books. ISBN 9780140219623.
  • Eysenck, Hans H., et S. B. G. Eysenck. 1975. Manual of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et Glenn D. Wilson. 1976. A Textbook of Human Psychology. Lancastriis: MTP Press.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1976. Sex and Personality.
  • Eysenck, H. J., et S. B. G. Eysenck. 1976. Psychoticism as a Dimension of Personality. Londinii: Hodder and Stoughton.
  • Eysenck, H. J., et C. D. Frith. 1977. Reminiscence, Motivation and Personality.*Eysenck, Hans J. 1977. You and Neurosis.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1977. Die Zukunft der Psychologie.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et David K. B. Nias. 1979. Sex, violence, and the media. Novi Eboraci: Harper Collins. ISBN 9780060906849.
  • Eysenck, Hans H. 1979. The Structure and Measurement of Intelligence.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et Glenn D. Wilson. 1979. The psychology of sex. Londinii: J. M. Dent. ISBN 9780460043328.
  • Eysenck, H. J. 1980. The Causes and Effects of Smoking.
  • Eysenck, H. J., et M. W. Eysenck. 1981. Mindwatching.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et L. J. Kamin. 1981. The Battle for the Mind. In Civitatibus Foederatis: The Intelligence Controversy.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1982. Personality, Genetics and Behaviour.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et Carl Sargent. (1982) 1993. Explaining the Unexplained. Ed. 2a.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et D. K. B. Nias. 1982. Astrology: Science or Superstition? Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-022397-5.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et Carl Sargent. 1983. Know Your Own Psi-Q.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et B. N. Kelly. 1983. …'I Do'. Your Happy Guide to Marriage.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et M. W. Eysenck. 1985. Personality and Individual Differences: A Natural Science Approach.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1985. Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire.
  • Eysenck, Hans H. 1987. Rauchen und Gesundheit.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et G. H. Gudjonsson. 1989. The Causes and Cures of Criminality.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., L. Eaves, et N. Martin. 1989. Genes, Culture and Personality: An Empirical Approach.
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et M. W. Eysenck. 1989. Mindwatching. Prion. ISBN 1-85375-194-4.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. 1995. Genius: The natural history of creativity. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-48014-0.*Eysenck, Hans J. 1998. Intelligence: A New Look.
  • Handbook of Abnormal Psychology (1960) editor
  • Experiments in Personality (1960) two volumes, editor
  • Behaviour Therapy and Neuroses (1960) editor
  • Experiments with Drugs (1963) editor
  • Experiments in Motivation (1964) editor
  • Eysenck on Extraversion (1973) editor
  • The Measurement of Intelligence (1973) editor
  • Case Histories in Behaviour Therapy (1974) editor
  • The Measurement of Personality (1976) editor
  • Eysenck, Hans J., et Glenn D. Wilson, eds. 1978. The Psychological basis of ideology. Baltimorae: University Park Press. ISBN 9780839112211.
  • A Model for Personality (1981) editor
  • A Model for Intelligence (1982) editor
  • Suggestion and Suggestibility (1989) editor, cum V. A. Gheorghiu, P. Netter, et R. Rosenthal
  • Personality Dimensions and Arousal (1987) editor, cum J. Strelau
  • Theoretical Foundations of Behaviour Therapy (1988) editor, cum I. Martin

Commentarii selecti

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  • Eysenck, H. J. 1952. The Effects of Psychotherapy: An Evaluation. Journal of Consulting Psychology 16(5): 319–24. pmid=13000035.
  • Eysenck, H. J. 1969. The Rise of the Mediocracy. In Black Paper Two: The Crisis in Education. Critical Quarterly Society).
  • Eysenck, H. J. 1987. Thomson's 'bonds' or Spearman's 'energy': Sixty years on. Mankind Quarterly 27(3): 259–74.
  • Eysenck, H. J. A Reply to Costa and McCrae. P or A and C—The Role of Theory. Personality and Individual Differences 13(8): 867–68. doi:10.1016/0191-8869(92)90003-8.
  • Eysenck, H. J. Four ways five factors are not basic. Personality and Individual Differences 13(6):667–73. doi:10.1016/0191-8869(92)90237-J.
  • Praefatio in Pierre Krebs, Das Unverganglich Erbe.

Nexus interni

  1. Boyle et Ortet 1997.
  2. Boyle 2000.
  3. Haggbloom 2002.
  4. Rushton 2001.


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  • Boyle, G. J. 2000. Obituaries: Raymond B. Cattell and Hans J. Eysenck. Multivariate Experimental Clinical Research 12:i-vi.
  • Boyle, G. J., et Ortet, G. 1997. Hans Jurgen Eysenck: Obituario. Ansiedad y Estrés 3:i-ii.
  • Buchanan, Roderick D. 2010. Playing with fire: the controversial career of Hans J. Eysenck. Oxoniae et Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198566885, ISBN 0198566883. Summarium in The Lancet, 23 Octobris.
  • Eysenck, Hans. 1990, 1997. Rebel with a cause. [Autobiographia.] Transaction Publishers. ISBN 1-56000-938-1.
  • Gibson, H. B. 1981. Hans Eysenck: The man and his work. Peter Owen Limited. ISBN 0-7206-0566-0.
  • Goldberg, L. R., et T. K. Rosalack. 1994. The big-five factor structure as an integrative framework: An empirical comparison with Eysenck’s P-E-N model. In The developing structure of temperament and personality from infancy to adulthood, ed. C. F. Halverson, G. A. Kohnstamm, et R. P. Martin, 7–35. Hilldale Novae Caesareae: Erlbaum.
  • Haggbloom, Steven J., Renee Warnick, Jason E. Warnick, Vinessa K. Jones, Gary L. Yarbrough, Tenea M. Russell, Chris M. Borecky, Reagan McGahhey, et John L. Powell III. 2002. The 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century.
  • Rushton, J. P. 2001. A scientometric appreciation of H. J. Eysenck's contributions to psychology. Personality and Individual Differences 31:17-39.

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