
From IndieWeb

webmention.herokuapp.com is Pelle Wessman's Webmention endpoint as a service, for both receiving and displaying (via JS embed) webmentions.


Make it easy for people with either no backend, such as the ones on Jekyll-style sites, or who can't easily add Webmention support to their backend to still receive and show webmentions.

Feature highlights

  • Javascript embed that makes it as easy to show received webmentions as to eg. include a Disqus comment form
  • Realtime webmentions – new webmentions are pushed to the browser
  • Almost has full CRUD-support for received webmentions (full support tracked in #5)
  • Upcoming: Salmentions support, tracked in #21
  • Upcoming: Full SWAT0-support, tracked in SWAT0 milestone
  • + more

Used technologies

See Also